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be going to
present continuous
present simple
NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6
ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073
NÁZEV MATERIÁLU: VY_32_INOVACE_4B_07_Future.tenses
TÉMA SADY: Gramatická cvičení z angličtiny
ROČNÍK: tercie
DATUM VZNIKU: září 2013
AUTOR: Mgr. Lucie Kučerová
• tento výukový materiál slouží k procvičení gramatických
struktur sloužících k vyjádření budoucnosti v angličtině a je
určen pro interaktivní tabule
• snímky číslo pět až osm objasňují užití těchto struktur v
praxi; teoretické vysvětlení se objeví až po kliknutí, což
nabízí prostor pro interakci studentů
• snímek číslo devět je prvním cvičením; studenti mají za
úkol vyplnit si diář danými úkoly a poté ve skupinách
domluvit termín pro společnou akci
• druhé cvičení se nachází na snímku číslo deset; úkolem je
použít správný tvar budoucího času za použití slov v
závorkách; řešení se objeví při kliknutí na žluté obdélníky
• in English there is actually no future tense
• we use other structures to express future
• these structures include modal verb will, preset continuous,
present simple, the phrase of „be going to“ and others
• there also exist more difficult structures of future
perfect (will have done) and future continuous (will be
• decision at the moment of speaking, typically offers,
requests, promises, refusals
• The phone is ringing. I will answer it.
• Martin cannot understand the homework. Will you help him?
• unplanned, uncertain future events
• We will probably come a bit later.
• Maybe, I will not be able to go shopping tomorrow.
• personal predictions, usually along with verbs expressing
thoughts or belives, e.g. hope, believe, be sure, think etc.
• I hope she will like the book
• Tom is sure he will manage to finish the work in time.
• long-term plans, which we have already decided to do
• We are going to visit my parents on Saturday.
• I am not going to travel during the summer.
• predictions we cannot control, but are obvious; e.g. we
can see them
• The building is going to fall down. (We can see it is badly
• It is going to rain. (There are heavy clouds in the sky.)
• arranged, fully planned future events diary based
• we usually know all the details (time, place, etc.)
• My parents are vising us at the weekend.
• I am seeing my dentist on Wednesday.
• timetable events, regular schedule
• What does the train leave?
• The shop opens at 7.30.
• x The shop is opening at 7.30. (One time arranged occasion
vs regular one)
• to express the future in time/conditional clauses; after
if, when as soon as, until etc.
• We will text you as soon as we arrive.
• When the match starts, we will be there!
Make a few notes into your diary (Monday to Sunday).
Include the following:
• 2 arranged events
• 3 plans
• 3 activities you hope to join
Now try to arrange a meeting with two or more friends.
Discuss you diary notes and find the best time for it.
Fill in the gaps with the most siutable future form.
Why are you turning the TV on?
I am going to watch the football match. (I/watch)
Oh no! Ihave no money on me!
Don‘t worry. I will lend you some. (I/lend)
We have decidedto repaint this room.
Really? What colour are you going to paint it? (you/paint)
Have you arranged the party yet?
Yes, we have. We are having it next Saturday. (we/have)
What would you like to eat?
I will have a sandwich, please. (I/have)
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