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05/05/2015 – Documented Solution for the creation of Oracle Public Database Links:
Define the reference pattern that will detect the Public Oracle Database Links:
Regular Expression:
Other Reference pattern that was not used
Other Reference pattern that was not used
Creation of “Content Enrichment” jobs
Detect Database Link Usage via Search String
Create Links to Objects referenced by DB links
Creates links between a caller of a database link search string and an object matching the full name through a database
Image Continued…
/* Creates links between a caller of a database link search string and an object matching
the full name through a database link */
/* Creates links between a caller of a database link search string and an object matching
the full name through a database link */
insert into CI_LINKS
select distinct a.IdClr,
from (select kst.IdKey,
upper(substr(kst.KeyNam, 1, strpos(kst.KeyNam, '@') - 1)) as ObjectName,
/* either of the form <SchemaName>.<ObjectName>, or of the form <ObjectName> */
upper(substr(kst.KeyNam, strpos(kst.KeyNam, '@') + 1)) as DBLinkName
from Keys kst
where kst.ObjTyp = 676
) kst
/* 'Search String' object */
join (select kbdl.IdKey,
from Keys kbdl
where kbdl.ObjTyp = 138732) kbdl
/* 'Oracle database link' object */
on lower(kbdl.KeyNam) like lower(kst.DBLinkName || '\.%')
join (select od.IdObj,
from ObjDsc od
where od.InfTyp = 45014
and od.InfSubTyp = 4) od
/* 'connection string' property */
on od.IdObj = kbdl.IdKey
join ObjFulNam ofn
/* search string matching object */
on ofn.FullName like upper(od.InfVal || '\.%')
and ofn.FullName like upper(od.InfVal || '\.%' || kst.ObjectName)
join Acc a
/* search string caller object */
on a.IdCle = kst.IdKey
Update CAST System Views
01/12/2014 – AIP 7.3.0 at NYC SCA – workaround to see “Public” schema
Extraction results on PTS_ORA show that the “Public” schema is not seen in the DMT package view.
I re-did the extraction and delivery of the all schemas including the PTS_ORA schema and then copied the PTS_ORA
delivery output to a temp folder.
I then created a PTS_ORA package selecting as source the Oracle delivery files.
At this point, I see that the ‘Public’ schema appears as a possible selection in the DMT.