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Modern World History—Ms. Galvin
Chapter 16, section 3
Answer the following questions on chapter 16, section 3 (pages 502-505). You do not need to write your
answers in complete sentences, but make sure that you provide complete answers for each question.
Also, make sure that you don’t simply copy the textbook word-for-word. Put answers in your own words!!!
Setting the Stage…
1. What ideas helped cause the Holocaust?
2. What was the Holocaust?
The Holocaust Begins
3. What were some of the reasons why anti-Semitism existed in Europe?
4. What were the Nuremberg Laws?
“Night of Broken Glass”
5. What happened on Kristallnacht?
6. What did Kristallnacht reflect about Nazi policy?
A Flood of Refugees
7. For a while Hitler tried to solve the “Jewish problem” by forcing Jews to leave Germany. Why didn’t
this policy succeed?
Isolating the Jews
8. What were the ghettoes? Where were they?
9. What were conditions like in the ghettoes?
The Final Solution
10. What was the “Final Solution”?
11. Define genocide.
12. What other groups (besides Jews) did Hitler hope to exterminate through the “Final Solution”?
The Killings Begin
13. What were conditions like in the concentration camps?
The Final Stage
14. When did the Nazis first use gas chambers for mass murder?
The Survivors
15. Approximately how many Jews survived the Holocaust?
History in Depth: Jewish Resistance
16. What were two ways that Jews fought back against the Nazis?
Modern World History —Ms. Galvin
Chapter 32, section 4
Answer the following questions on the first part of chapter 32, section 4 (pages 835-841). You do not
need to write your answers in complete sentences, but make sure that you provide complete answers for
each question. Also, make sure that you don’t simply copy the textbook word-for-word. Put answers in
your own words!!!
The Allies Plan for Victory
1. Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt met at the end of December 1941 to come up with a war
strategy. What did Stalin want them to do? Why?
The Tide Turns on Two Fronts
2. (a) Where did the US and Britain decide to open the second front?
(b) Why did this decision anger Stalin?
The North African Campaign
3. What happened at the Battle of El Alamein?
4. What was Operation Torch?
Turning Point at Stalingrad
5. In summer 1942 Hitler changed his strategy in the Soviet Union. What did he order his armies to do?
6. What happened at the Battle of Stalingrad?
7. What was significant about the Battle of Stalingrad?
The Invasion of Italy
8. When did Allied forces invade Sicily?
9. How did Mussolini lose power in Italy?
Life on the Allied Home Fronts
10. How did ordinary Americans help the Allied war effort?
Mobilizing for Total War
11. How did American industries help the war effort?
12. Since factories were producing war materials, there were shortages of consumer goods. How did the
government respond to these shortages?
Civil Rights Curtailed by the War
13. How were Japanese-Americans impacted by America’s entry into World War II?
Allied Victory in Europe
The D-Day Invasion
14. What was Operation Overlord?
15. When was D-Day?
16. What happened on D-Day?
17. Once D-Day was over, what did it allow the Allies to accomplish?
The Battle of the Bulge
18. What was Hitler’s strategy behind the Battle of the Bulge?
19. What were the results of the Battle of the Bulge?
Germany’s Unconditional Surrender
20. What events led to the unconditional surrender of the Germans?
21. When did the war in Europe end?
Victory in the Pacific
The Japanese Retreat
22. What happened at the Battle of Leyte Gulf (in the Philippines)?
23. (a) What were kamikaze?
(b) Why did the Japanese start using kamikaze?
24. What happened on Iwo Jima and Okinawa?
The Atomic Bomb Brings Japanese Surrender
25. What was the Manhattan Project?
26. Why did President Truman believe he had to use the A-bombs against Japan?
27. When and where were the A-bombs dropped?
28. What were the effects of the atomic bombs? (look at page 840)
29. When did the Japanese surrender?
Modern World History —Ms. Galvin
Chapter 32, section 5
Answer the following questions on the first part of chapter 32, section 5 (pages 842-845). You do not
need to write your answers in complete sentences, but make sure that you provide complete answers for
each question. Also, make sure that you don’t simply copy the textbook word-for-word. Put answers in
your own words!!!
Setting the Stage…
1. Approximately how many people died as a result of World War II?
Europe in Ruins
A Harvest of Destruction
2. How were the major European cities impacted by World War II?
3. What were the major problems faced by civilians at the end of the war?
Misery Continues After the War
4. Why was it difficult for Europe to rebuild after the war?
Postwar Governments and Politics
5. Why did the Communists gain power in many countries after the war?
An Attempt at Justice: The Nuremberg Trials
6. What crimes were Nazi leaders charged with at the Nuremberg Trials?
7. What were the results of the Nuremberg Trials?
The Effects of Defeat in Japan
The United States Occupies Japan
8. Why (on August 15, 1945) did Emperor Hirohito say that the Japanese should stop fighting the
9. Who was Douglas MacArthur?
Demilitarization of Japan
10. What is demilitarization?
11. What major changes were made in Japan after World War II?
12. What was done to help rebuild Japan’s economy after the war?
US Occupation Brings Deep Changes
13. After the Japanese surrendered, the emperor was allowed to stay in power. What changes were
there to the emperor’s power?
14. What were the main provisions of the new Japanese constitution?
15. When did the US occupation of Japan end?