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Module "Pediatrics"
(Dentistry Faculty, 4th Year of Study)
1. Periods of childhood: characteristics and peculiarities.
2. Newborn baby. Taking care for neonates.
3. The concept of maturity of the newborn. Signs of prematurity.
4. Patterns of physical development of children in different age periods.
5. Psychomotor development of children, its peculiarities in different periods of childhood.
6. Physiological and transition states in the neonatal period.
7. Asphyxia of the newborn: etiopathogenesis, criteria for diagnosis. Apgar scale.
8. Morphological and functional features of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, musculoskeletal system in children.
9. The main anatomical and physiological characteristics of breathing in children and their clinical significance.
10. Anatomical and physiological features of the cardiovascular system of children.
11. Basic anatomical and physiological features of the digestive system in children and their clinical
12. Features of the urinary system in children, clinical significance.
13. The main features of the hematopoietic system in children and their clinical significance.
14. The benefits of the breast feeding.
15. Complementary feeding.
16. Mixed and artificial feeding: rules, equipment, milk formulas for feeding.
17. Semiotics of hypo-and hypervitaminosis in children.
18. Acute gastrointestinal disorders in infants. Toxicosis and dehydration.
19. Diet therapy, oral rehydration, and the principles of infusion therapy in case of dehydration.
20. Chronic disorders of digestion in young children. Prevention of nutritional problems in children.
Association of malnutrition and dental disease in children.
21. Rickets: etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestation, diagnostic.
22. Prevention of rickets. Association of rickets and dental disease in children.
23. Pathogenesis and clinical manifestation of vitamin D tetany.
24. Acute respiratory infections in children.
25. Epiglottitis. Spasmodic croup in children.
26. Bronchitis in children: clinical manifestation, diagnosis.
27. Pneumonia in children: classification, clinical manifestation, diagnostic.
28. Therapy of respiratory diseases in children: principles of antiviral and antibiotic therapy.
29. Etiopathogenesis and clinical manifestation of chronic gastritis, duodenitis and peptic ulcer disease in
30. Chronic hepatitis in children. Classification, clinical manifestation, diagnostic.
31. Principles of treatment and prevention of chronic gastroduodenal diseases in children.
32. Principles of treatment and prevention of chronic hepatitis in children.
33. Etiopathogenesis and clinical manifestation of pyelonephritis in children. Principles of treatment and
34. Glomerulonephritis in children. Etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestation, treatment and prevention.
35. Association of kidney diseases and dental diseases in children. The role of the dentist in the prevention of
kidney disease in children.
36. Congenital heart defects in children.
37. Clinical manifestation of congenital heart diseases and their complications.
38. Principles of the treatment of congenital heart diseases. Dental care for children with congenital heart
39. Acute rheumatic fever: classification, clinical manifestation
40. Infective endocarditis in children.
41. Principles of prevention and treatment of rheumatic fever, of carditis in children.
42. Vertigo, collapse, shock, left and right ventricular failure.
43. Hemophilia in children: clinical manifestation, diagnostic, principles of treatment.
44. Thrombocytopathy and thrombocytopenia in children: etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestation, principles
of treatment.
45. Etiopathogenesis and clinical manifestation of hemorrhagic vasctulitis in children. Diagnostic, principles of
treatment and prevention.
46. First Aid for Children in Hematologic Emergencies.
47. Clinical manifestation, diagnostic of the thrombocytopathy, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic vasculitis in
48. Infectious diseases in children. Principles of prevention. Schedule of vaccinations.
49. Measles in children: etiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic. Principles of
the treatment of measles. Prevention. Anti-epidemic measures in the focus of infection.
50. Rubella in children: etiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic, treatment, prevention.
51. Chickenpox in children: etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic, treatment,
52. Scarlet fever in children: etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic, complications.
Principles of the treatment and prevention.
53. Mumps infection in children; etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, classification, clinical manifestation,
diagnostic, treatment, prevention.
54. Whooping cough in children: etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic, treatment,
55. Diphtheria in children: peculiarities of the epidemiology and manifestation in the modern conditions;
clinical manifestation, diagnostic, complications, treatment, prevention.
Module "Pediatrics"
(Dentistry Faculty, 4th Year of Study)
1. Ability to get up medical history in children.
2. Assessment of general condition of a child.
3. Evaluation of physical development. Anthropometric measurements.
4. Assessment of psychomotor development.
5. Control feeding of infant.
6. Ability to calculate the daily food amount for babies, to determine one-day diet.
7. Ability to compose one-day diet for the infant.
8. Ability to compose the diet for the infant with malnutrition.
9. Calculation of the vitamin D dose for treatment and prevention of rickets.
10. Determination of the signs and symptoms of the irritation of meningeas.
11. Determination of the signs and symptoms of the coordination disorders in children.
12. Peculiarities of examination of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, musculoskeletal system in children.
13. Assessment of the respiratory rate in children depending on age.
14. Comparative percussion of the lungs, evaluation of the findings.
15. Assessment of the lower borders of the lungs in children.
16. Auscultation of the lungs.
17. Assessment of the heart rate, blood pressure in children.
18. Assessment of the borders of the relative and absolute heart dullness in children.
19. Auscultation of the heart sounds.
20. Palpation of the liver, spleen and intestine segments in children.
21. Palpation of the kidneys, bladder. Pasternatskyi sign in children.
22. Evaluation of the CBC, urinalysis, Netchyporenko and Zimnitskyi tests, data of coprologic test, data of tests
for the activity of inflammatory process in case of somatic diseases in children.
23. Assessment of bleeding and clotting time in children.
24. Assessment of the X-ray films of the patients with pneumonia and its complications in children.
25. Plan of the oral rehydration of children with dehydration.
26. Taking care for neonates.
27. Assessment of severity of asphyxia according to the Apgar scale.
28. First Aid for asphyxiated neonates.
29. Emergency in case of vitamin D tetany.
30. Emergency in case of convulsions in children.
31. Emergency in case of hyperthermia in children.
32. Emergency in case of respiratory failure.
33. Emergency in case of asthmatic status.
34. Emergency in case of pulmonary edema.
35. Emergency in case of vertigo.
36. Emergency in case of paroxysmal tachycardia.
37. Emergency in case of gastro-intestinal bleeding.
38. Emergency in case of vomiting in children.
1. A Manual of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests / ed. by Frances Talaska Fischbach, RN, BSN, MSN. – J.B.
Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, New York, London, Hagerstown, 1992. – 1020 pp.
2. Comprehensive Pediatrics / ed. by Robert l. Summit, MD. - The C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, Toronto, 1990. – 1296 pp.
3. Dworkin P.H. Pediatrics/ - Baltimore: Williams, Wilkins, 1987. – 260 pp.
4. Fundamentals of Nursing (Concepts and Procedures) / ed. by Barbara Kozier, BA, BSN, RN, MN; Glenora
Erb, BSN, RN. – Addison – Wesley Publishing Company, Nursing Division, Menlo Park, California, 1983. – pp
5. Gill D., O’Brien N. Pediatric clinical examination. – Edinburg, 1988. - 197 pp.
6. Infections in Children / ed. by Richard D. Andersen, MD et al. – Aspen Publishers, Inc., Gaithersburg,
Maryland, 1994. – 270 pp.
7. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics / ed. by Richard E. Behrman, MD, Victor C. Vaughan, III, MD. – W. B.
Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1987. – 1640 pp.
8. Pediatric Case Studies. A Clinical Approach / ed. by Marcia A. Gellin, RN, MS, EdD, Dorie Geraci, RN, MS.
– The C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Toronto, Princeton, 1985. – 418 pp.
9. Willms J.L., Lewis J. Introduction to clinical medicine/ - Baltimore: Williams, Wilkins, 1991. – 260 pp.