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Angelica Brozyna
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Angelica Victoria Brozyna
2370 SW. Archer Rd. Apt. 87
Gainesville, FL 32608
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (847) 274-8430
University of Florida
August 2004-Present
Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Program
M.S., Counseling Psychology
December 2006
Ph.D. Degree Expected: May 2009
University of Illinois: Urbana-Champaign, IL
September 1999- May 2003
B.S., Psychology
May 2003
Multicultural issues and adjustment within a college student population, health
psychology and health promoting behaviors, coping skills, social justice, immigrant
issues, cultural sensitivity, counseling young adults, anxiety disorders, and couples and
group therapy.
-Certificate of Appreciation at the University of Florida
July 2007
Student Mental Health Center
-American Council for Polish Culture Pulaski Scholarship
May 2007
for Advanced Graduate Studies
-Recognition of Excellence at Shands Heath Care-
March 2007
-Recognition of Excellence at Shands Heath Care-
January 2007
-Recognition of Excellence at Shands Heath Care -
December 2006
-Grinter Fellowship-
August 2004-May 2008
-Appreciation of Service Award-
June 2004
-Dean’s List-
January 2001-May 2003
Angelica Brozyna
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-SEIU Union Scholarship
August 1999-May 2003
-Polish National Alliance Scholarship
August 2000-May 2001
-John & Gladys Anderson Scholarship
August 1999-May 2000
August 2006-Present
Graduate Research Associate
Behavioral Medicine Research Team
University of Florida
Supervisor: Carolyn Tucker, Ph.D.
Assisted in development and writing of a grant for $236,000 awarded from The Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation to obtain national data for evaluating the usefulness of Dr.
Tucker’s inventories for evaluating and promoting patient-centered culturally sensitive
health care. Working in positions as Research Director of a Writing SubTeam and
Research Director of an Inventory Management Subteam. Currently in process of
submitting several papers for publication. Assisting in writing and submission of
additional grants. Preparing presentations and workshops for national conferences.
Investigating relationships between cultural competence and cultural sensitivity within
the health care context. Assisting in the establishment of cultural sensitivity assessments
as a member of an interdisciplinary team of investigators.
August 2004-August 2006
Graduate Research Associate
University of Florida
Supervisor: Mark Fondacaro, Ph.D., J.D.
Investigated relationships between procedural and distributive justice and multicultural
competence within the health care context. Developed new measures to assess
multicultural competence within various contexts. Assisted in the establishment of
procedural and distributive justice measures.
September 2001-May 2002
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Couples Research Lab
University of Illinois, Champaign, IL
Supervisors: Rogina Scott-Franklin, Ph.D.
James Cordova, Ph.D.
Assisted in studying the relationship between adult attachment security and attributions
for romantic partners’ negative actions. Responsible for reviewing literature,
instruments, and organizing data from 609 college students. Participated in coding and
reviewing data collected. Gained experience working with SPSS computer software.
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September 2000-May 2002
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Berenbaum Research Lab,
University of Illinois, Champaign, IL
Supervisors: John Baker, M.S., J.D.
Howard Berenbaum, Ph.D.
Assisted in a study comparing problem-focused coping strategies to emotion-focused
coping methods. Reviewed literature and studied most effective coping procedures.
Responsible for collecting information from questionnaires and writing exercises from
100 students. Participated in coding the data collected from the lab. Acquired knowledge
of SPSS and data management procedures.
May 2007-Present
The Student Mental Health Center
University of Florida
Providing individual counseling to University of Florida students. Diagnosing and
developing individual treatment plans, interventions, case notes and summaries of clients.
August 2006-Present
Child and Adolescent Inpatient Program
Shands Health Care at Vista
University of Florida
Working within a treatment team to provide behavioral education and crisis stabilization.
Conduct individual and group counseling with children and adolescents, as well as family
counseling. Providing counseling to adolescents with eating disorders, mood disorders,
personality disorders, sexual and physical abuse, and problems with substance abuse.
Conducting psychological assessments, such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory-2 (MMPI-2), Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), as well as cognitive
assessments, such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III (WISC-III).
January 2005-May 2006
The Counseling Center
University of Florida
Provided individual and couples counseling to University of Florida students. Completed
individual treatment plans, interventions, case notes and summaries of clients.
Participated as Group Process Observer in a Marathon Encounter Group.
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September 2003-June 2004
Group Home Counselor
Jennings Group Home for abused children
Shelter, Inc.
Schaumburg, IL
Organized and facilitated group therapy sessions with adolescents on a variety of topics,
such as teen pregnancy, utilizing effective communication skills with peers and family,
anger management skills, and substance abuse addictions. Participated in family
counseling sessions regarding family discord and lack of communication skills between
family members. Provided individual counseling for children from abusive families.
August 2002-May 2003
Child Abuse Prevention Program
University of Illinois, Champaign, IL
Presented strategies and acted out plays to children in elementary schools on how to
handle a bully or a stranger, how to get out of a situation with an adult that may become
abusive and what they could do if they are being abused. Discussed prevention strategies
and coping skills with children who have experienced abuse in the past. Performed
literature searches and studied research on child abuse prevention methods and effects of
child abuse. Facilitated parent and teacher meetings to teach the signs of abuse and what
actions to take if one suspects abuse with a child.
Brozyna, A. & Fondacaro, M. (2007, August). Justice in the health care provider-patient
relationship: Appraisals of multicultural competence and procedural justice. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San
Francisco, CA.
Brozyna, A. (2007, April). The Patient-Centered Culturally Sensitive Health Care and
Health Promotion Project. Oral presentation, Presented to representatives of the
American Medical Association. University of Florida, Psychology Department,
Gainesville, Florida.
Brozyna, A. (2007, March). Roles of psychologists in patient-centered culturally sensitive
health care. Oral presentation, Presented to representatives of the National Medical
Association. University of Florida, Psychology Department, Gainesville, Florida.
Brozyna, A. (2006, November). Eating Disorders. Oral presentation, University of
Florida, Psychology Department, Gainesville, Florida.
Brozyna, A, Perrin, P., Berlick, A., Huan Ye, J., Desmond, F., & Boycheva, E. (2006,
October). Post-Katrina recovery: Personal reflections and what's needed now? Oral
presentation, University of Florida Counseling Center, Gainesville, Florida.
Brozyna, A. (2006, October). Anxiety Disorders. Oral presentation, University of Florida,
Psychology Department, Gainesville, Florida.
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Brozyna, A. (2006, October). Childhood Psychological Disorders. Oral presentation,
University of Florida, Psychology Department, Gainesville, Florida.
Brozyna, A. (2005, October). Justice in the Health Care Provider and Patient
Relationship: Appraisals of Multicultural Competence, Procedural Justice, and
Distributive Justice. Poster presentation, Conference of the Social Sciences, Gainesville,
Brozyna, A. & Berlick, A. (2004, December). Family therapy from a multicultural
perspective. Workshop presentation, University of Florida, Psychology Department,
Gainesville, Florida.
Brozyna, A. (2004, November). Are doctors perceived as biased and unjust? A closer
look. Oral presentation, University of Florida, Psychology Department, Gainesville,
Brozyna, A. (2004, November). Social psychology and multiculturalism: Theories and
applications. Oral presentation, University of Florida, Psychology Department,
Gainesville, Florida.
August 2006-Present
Graduate Instructor
Psychology of Personality Course
Department of Psychology
University of Florida
Instructing and organizing all lectures. Preparing syllabus and organizing course content.
Developing appropriate exam questions. Grading and evaluating exams and other
assignments. Holding review sessions and helping students with questions regarding
textbook and lecture material. Preparing statistical analyses and grade distribution.
August 2004-May 2006
Teaching Assistant
Department of Psychology
University of Florida
Teaching and organizing two lectures per semester. Assisting in developing and
evaluating exams and other assignments. Holding review sessions and helping students
with questions regarding textbook and lecture material. Preparing statistical analyses and
grade distribution.
May 2003-August 2003
Teaching Assistant
Kazimierz Pulaski Polish School
Hardwood Heights, IL
Assisted in developing and implementing lesson plans for teenagers in high school.
Organized educational plans and activities weekly.
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August 2007
QPR (Question-Persuade-Refer) Institute
Acquired knowledge of the warning signs of suicide and effective communication with
individuals who are suicidal. Role-played communicating with someone who is suicidal.
October 2004
National Institute of Health (NIH)
Certificate of Completion given for successfully completing the Human Participants
Protection Education for Research Teams online course.
November 2004
Department of Psychology
University of Florida
Certificate of Recognition presented for presentation of an Outstanding Workshop
“Family Therapy From a Multicultural Perspective”
December 2004
University of Florida Graduate School
Office of Academic Technology
Certificate of Completion given for successful completion of the Graduate Assistant
Teaching with Technology Program workshop series.
December 2004
University of Florida Graduate School
Office of Academic Technology
Certificate of Completion given for successful completion of the Graduate Teaching
Assistant Development Program workshop series
November 2003
Medication Management Training
Shelter, Inc., Palatine, IL
Acquired knowledge of psychotropic medications and procedures for medical
emergencies. Received training in suicide assessment and procedures for hospitalization.
September 2003-October 2003
Counselor Training
Shelter, Inc., Palatine, IL
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Received 40 hours of training in mental health assessment and crisis intervention
techniques. Educated in Assault Response Training and developing therapeutic plans for
clients. Acquired knowledge of effective group and individual therapeutic techniques.
August 2002-November 2002
Child Abuse Prevention Program
University of Illinois, Champaign, IL
Received certification as Child Abuse Prevention Facilitator. Obtained 40 hours training
in early prevention of child abuse and neglect. Qualified in early crisis intervention
techniques for victims of child abuse. Educated in how to create effective presentations
for children of all ages and adults.
October 2001-January 2003
Psychological Services Center
University of Illinois, Champaign, IL
Organized patient data and finances using computer skills. Received experience working
in a psychological office setting. Arranged patient appointments, registered incoming
patients and answered phone calls.
March 2006
Hurricane Katrina Community Outreach
Common Grounds Collective Organization
New Orleans, LA
Assisted in facilitating support and crisis care for victims of Hurricane Katrina. Provided
social support to residents returning to their homes in the Ninth Ward. Performed
community outreach for Ninth-Ward residents and handed out water, food, as well as
information regarding the available resources within the community.
September 2002-January 2003
Crisis Nursery
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Provided support and crisis care for children from birth to age 5 whose families are in
crisis due to parental stress, illness, accidents, homelessness and substance abuse.
Organized educational and recreational activities for children to participate in and enjoy.
Assisted with Family Enhancement meetings, which taught strategies to parents on how
to deal with conflict between parent and child.
September 1999-May 2001
Habitat for Humanity
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
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Helped design and implement a new home for a family. Assisted in building homes for
families who have become homeless. Participated in fundraising activities.
-American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS)
-American Psychological Association, Division 17, Society of Counseling Psychology
-National Organization for Women (NOW)
-The Incoming Students Welcome and Support Program Committee at the University of
-Professional Development Committee at the University of Florida
-Diversity Awareness and Affirmation Committee at the University of Florida
-Zagloba, Polish Club at the University of Illinois
-Polish National Alliance (PNA)
-Polish Club at the University of Florida
-American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC)
Additional Languages: Polish