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Treatment for Nonspecific Vaginitis
Eliminate refined and simple sugars:
Consuming 75 g (3oz.) of sugar in one sitting in any form (sucrose, honey, fruit juice)
depresses white (immune) cell activity by 50% for 1-5 hours.
Sugar is the chief nutrient for Candida albicans.
On labels, sugar may be listed as fructose, maltose, dextrose, polydextrose, corn syrup,
molasses, sorbitol, maltodextrin, honey, or maple syrup. Fruit juice, which concentrates
fruit sugars, should also be avoided.
Eliminate alcohol:
Alcohol damages the liver, raises blood sugar levels, and increases intestinal
permeability, allowing infectious agents access to the rest of the body
Eliminate milk and dairy products:
Milk’s high content of lactose (milk sugar) promotes candida overgrowth
Milk is one of the most common food allergens
Milk may contain trace levels of antibiotics
Eliminate mold and yeast-containing foods
and peanuts.
including alcohol, cheeses, dried fruits, melons,
Eliminate all known or suspected food allergens
Consume a health-promoting diet rich in whole, unprocessed, preferably organic foods,
especially plant foods (vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts especially walnuts, and seeds, and
cold-water fish.
High-potency multiple vitamin and mineral daily supplement
Garlic: garlic is antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal, and has even been shown to be effective
against some antibiotic-resistant organisms. Add to diet.
Garlic may be added to douching solutions or may be wrapped in gauze and placed as a
Goldenseal is a remarkably safe and effective natural antibiotic. Its most active alkaloid
constituent, berberine sulfate, exhibits a broad range of antibiotic action against a wide variety
of bacteria.
When taken internally, berberine enhances immune function, and when used in
douching solutions, it offers symptomatic relief by soothing inflamed mucous
Berberine is a more effective antimicrobial agent in an alkaline environment. Alkalinity
can be increased by consuming fewer animal products and more plant foods, especially
fruits. Although most fruits are acidic, digestion uses up their acid components leaving
behind an alkaline residue.
o Dosage: for internal use, choose one of the following forms and take the
recommended dosage three times a day
o Dried root or as tea:2-4g
Tincture (1:5): 6-12 ml (1.5-3tsp)
o Fluid extracts (1:1): 2-4ml (0.5-1tsp)
o Solid (dry powdered) extract (4:1 or 8-12% alkaloid content): 250-500mg.
Dosage: as a douche, mix 1 tbsp. of the solid (dry powder) extract noted above into one
cup of water and use as a douching solution, once per day for up to 1 week.
betadine douche, betadine is effective against a wide range of organisms linked to
vaginal infections. Prepare a douching solution diluted to one part betadine in 100 parts
water, and use twice a day for 14 days. (i.e. 1tsp betadine: 1 pint water)
Warm sitz baths with vinegar may provide quick relief for itching and burning.