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Theme : Networking and Collaboration
The role of Triple Helix in Asean Economic Community(AEC)
By: Setyo Kuncoro,SS.M.A
University is the highest educational institution that produces graduates who expert in some
skills. In order to compete with other graduates, the university needs to evaluate the
curriculum and quality of graduates. Universitiy is demanded to be able to produce graduates
who are ready to work. To realize these goals, the university can not stand alone, but it needs
the contribution of government and industry. The Synergy among university, government and
industry was known as triple helix. The triple helix approach was introduced by Etzkowitz
and Leydesdorff. These models focus on the interaction among university, industry and
government. This collabaration has an important role to encourage the creation of advanced
economic climate especially in AEC. To realize the application of the triple helix, it needs
the awareness among governent, university and industry because the competition of AEC is
not only in goods and service but also human recourses . In the end of 2015, AEC had been
launched and the ASEAN community must prepare to face the real competition.
Key Words: Triple Helix, Competition, Colaboration
The college is the highest educational institution that produces graduates to be
prepared to work. Thus, it is required the presence of a quality curriculum from the scientific
as well as skill. The college should be able to produce graduates who are ready to work. To
realize these goals college can not stand alone but it needs the contribution of government
and industry. Government policies must contribute to encourage the creation of favorable
economic climate. While the industry contributes to inform the college needs workforce
qualifications, product development is needed.
The synergy among universities, government and industry known as the Triple Helix.
The Triple helix approach was introduced by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff. These models focus
on the interaction among universities, industry and government is the key to the improvement
of conditions conducive to innovation. Thus all three have an important role to encourage the
creation of advanced economic climate.
The scope of the industry is automotive industry, the drug industry, textile industry
software industry and other industrial forms
such as creative industries. The creative
industries can be defined as a collection of economic activities associated with the creation or
use of knowledge and information. The meaning of creative industries are focusing more on
cultural industries which derived from the creativity, skills and talents of individuals.
Creative industries are not mass produced but rather to form an exclusive production.
Asean Economic Community(AEC
Source :
The Asean Economic Community(AEC) as a moment to unify region market and
production base. The unity of the market and production will make flow of goods, services,
investments, large amounts of capital, and skilled labor becomes no barrier from one country
to another country in Southeast Asia. The AEC will establish an economic region with a high
level of competition, which requires a policy that includes competition policy, consumer
protection, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), taxation, and E-Commerce. Thus, it can create
a climate of fair competition; there is protection in the form of a network system of consumer
protection agencies; prevent copyright infringement; creating an efficient transport network,
secure, and integrated; eliminating the double taxation system, and; increase trade with
online-based electronic media.
Creative industries continue to ensure as a reliable contributor to the Indonesian
economy. Based on data from the Office of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia in
2014, creative industries accounted for 7.29 percent of the gross domestic product with a
value of Rp. 486.1 billion (Kompas, February 20, 2015). This amount large enough to
contribute to improve the economy of Indonesia. The Commerce Department registered 14
sectors included in the creative industries, namely: advertising services, architecture, market
art, crafts, design, fashion, film, video and photography, interactive games, music,
performing arts, publishing and printing, computer services and software , television and
As a strategy to develop creative industries among students need to be explored local
potential, considering the creative industries is not a product made in bulk, but exclusive. The
potential of the local culture through the excavation will display tens or even hundreds of
young entrepreneur who specializes in creative industries.
AEC also will serve as the region that has equitable economic development, with
priority on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Competitiveness and dynamism of SMEs
will be improved by facilitating their access to the latest information, market conditions, the
development of human resources in terms of capacity building, finance, and technology. AEC
will be fully integrated to the global economy. By building a system to improve coordination
of the member states in ASEAN. In addition, there will be increased participation of countries
in Southeast Asia in the global supply chain through the development of package of technical
assistance to countries less developed ASEAN members. It is done in order to improve the
capabilities and productivity of the industry so that not only enhancing their participation in a
regional scale, but also led the initiative to globally integrated.
Based on the ASEAN Economic Blueprint, AEC becomes very necessary to reduce
the gap among ASEAN countries in terms of economic growth. The AEC can develop the
concept of meta-national in the food supply chain, and produce a single trading bloc to deal
and negotiate with the exporters and importers of non-ASEAN. For Indonesia, AEC will be a
good opportunity for trade barriers. This will impact on increasing exports, which in turn will
increase the GDP of Indonesia. On the other hand, emerging new challenges for Indonesia in
the form of commodities traded homogeneity problems, for example for agricultural
commodities, rubber, wood products, textiles, and electronics (Santoso, 2008). In this case
the risk of competition will appear with the number of imported goods will flow in large
quantities to Indonesia, which will threaten the local industry in competing with foreign
products of much higher quality. This in turn will increase the trade deficit for the State
Indonesia alone.
On the investment side, this condition can create a climate that supports entry of
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), which can stimulate economic growth through technology
development, job creation, human resource development (human capital) and easier access to
the world market. Even so, the condition can raise risk exploitation. Indonesia still has a level
of regulation that is less binding that can cause large-scale act of exploitation in the
availability of natural resources by foreign companies into Indonesia as the country with the
abundant natural resources compared to other countries. There is a possibility also
exploitation of foreign companies could damage the ecosystem in Indonesia, while the
regulation of investment in Indonesia has not been strong enough to keep the natural
conditions, including the availability of natural resources contained.
From the aspect of employment, there is a tremendous opportunity for job seekers
because it can be a lot of jobs available with the various needs of a diverse membership. In
addition, access to go abroad in search of jobs easier and even could be without any particular
obstacles. The AEC is also be a good opportunity for entrepreneurs to find the best workers
in accordance with the desired criteria. In this case may bring the risk of employment for
Indonesia. In terms of education and productivity of Indonesia, it is still unable to compete
with workers coming from Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. It also occurs
Indonesian industrial foundation which makes Indonesia ranked fourth in the ASEAN.
on the
Economic Growth Projections Asia Pacific Countries (%)
Source: World Economic Outlook, April 2015
Base on the above data, In the last of three years, Indonesia has a good average of
economic growth among Asia Pacific Countries. It indicates that Indonesia still has an
opportunity to be developed country. However, Indonesia still has many challenges and risks
that would arise in AEC. Therefore, the professional risk is expected to be more sensitive to
the fluctuations which will occur in order to anticipate emerging risks appropriately. In
addition, a slick collaboration between the state authorities and businesses is needed, both
physical infrastructure and social (laws and policies) needs to be addressed, as well as the
need to increase the capability and competitiveness of the workforce and companies in
The role of Triple helix
The relationship that appears in the Triple Helix, generally stems from efforts to solve
the problem and produce a strategy when facing problems in innovation, not determined from
a certain pattern. Through this interaction process there will be changes in the actors and the
roles they are doing (Leydersdorff, 2000). Cooperation among the government, bussinessman
and intellectuals known as the Triple Helix concept was necessary to build the foundation of
a strong national creative industry.
In 2015, AEC strengthened with the signing of the ASEAN Trade in Goods
Agreement (ATIGA) in terms facilitate the flow of goods between countries, the ASEAN
Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) to strengthen liberalization in services, the
ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreemet (ACIA) to facilitate in the field of investment,
this shows that the system and the rules regarding this policy has been prepared, just waiting
for us to run in 2015. (Ministry of Home Affairs, 2013: 34) But keep in mind is how the
situation in our country? Based on data from research institutes International Relationship
Studies (CIRES) facts show that only 17% of the people and students with samples of
Jakarta, Makassar and Surabaya who understand AEC 2015. ( At the
national level, the competitiveness of Indonesia at this time was still lose with some ASEAN
countries. The results of The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014 released by the
World Economic Forum (WEF), Indonesia just ahead of the Philippines, Laos, Cambodia,
Vietnam and Myanmar. While the core of other Asean countries, such as Malaysia, Thailand,
Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia is still lagging. (Hamid, 2014)
Indonesian economy seems to slipped slightly because of pessimism to be able to
compete with other developed countries. But the hopes of bright future can make Indonesia
meaningless, by building a large force in which each element incorporated in the state should
must be synergistic and participatory. It can be started from the decision making process
regarding policy in which each element can be complementary, some have suggested, or
criticize, and nothing is decided. A person involved in the decision making process they
would prefer to implement the decision effectively. (Sukirno, 2013)
The concept of Triple Helix in which there are three components, each role is able to
move towards the major changes both positive and negative. The three components are made
up of academics with the ability of mastering of science and technology capable of producing
innovations applicable, and there is a government that has the highest power in terms of
policy and decision makers, as well as the role is no less important is the entrepreneurs who
were able to move the wheels of the economy of the country. This concept should be
implemented in our country that is growing, and lead to the real competetion of AEC, and
urged to free competition.
The application of the concept of Triple Helix in Indonesia today can be conducted
from the academics that in fact his own high intellectual power to be sensitive to the social
environment. The role of academics are quite effective in addressing the knowledge gap on
policies AEC community, can be done through research and disseminate to the public or
The conditions of Indonesia with highest number of inhabitants in ASEAN is a
challenge, we should be alert to deal with it lest population of it will only be a spectator of
this AEC policy implementation. By implementing the concept of Triple Helix, where
academics active in researching, understanding and criticizing government policies that are
less precise, and socialize to people who lack knowledge about the implementation of free
trade at the end of 2015. There is a good response to criticism of the government, providing
infrastructure to academics to disseminate existing policies to the parties concerned.
The entrepreneurs, especially SMEs which now becomes a weapon in Indonesia's
economy must not fail, increase competitiveness in order to survive amid competition free
competition by 2015, then the most important thing is opening knowledge and new insights.
If the concept of Triple Helix capable implemented thoroughly, it is expected that Indonesia
is able to seize opportunities amid challenges.
But the most important is the sense of belonging of this land, so that the duties and
responsibilities of each role feels light to run. For those who are in high places will not weigh
against lust for corruption. Then for the entrepreneur who has been the largest contributor
tehadap development in the country, no longer want to do Tax Evasion effort to avoid high
taxes. As well as no less important is academics, keep the spirit to criticize the government's
policy to improve. Hope just hope, efforts must continue to be done, let us together to learn
and self-correct, cultivate a sense of belonging to this country. With so earth earth will no
longer be upset.
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