Download Sheep Brain Dissection Laboratories – PSY 348

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Sheep Brain Dissection Laboratories – PSY 348
W. Jeffrey Wilson
January 2011
Lab 1B: Mid-sagittal features
(find structures in Vanderwolf & Cooley, fill in page
numbers on blanks)
1. Ventricles
Lab 1A: External Features
(a) Fourth ventricle
(b) Cerebral aqueduct
1. spinal cord
(c) Third ventricle
2. myelencephalon
(d) Intraventricular foramen
(a) medulla
2. Cerebellum
(b) pyramidal tract
3. metencephalon
(a) arbor vitae
(a) cerebellum
3. Midbrain (mesencephalon)
i. cerebellar vermis
ii. cerebellar hemisphere
(a) Tectum
i. Superior colliculus
ii. Inferior colliculus
(b) pons
(c) trigeminal nerve
(b) Tegmentum
4. mesencephalon
4. Diencephalon
(a) cerebral peduncle
(b) oculomotor nerve
(a) Thalamus
(c) tectum
i. massa intermedia
ii. habenula
i. superior colliculus
ii. inferior colliculus
(b) Hypothalamus
5. diencephalon
i. mammillary body
(a) mammillary body
(c) Pineal body
(b) infundibulum
(d) Posterior commissure
(c) optic tract
(e) Optic chiasm
(d) pineal body
5. Telencephalon
6. telencephalon
(a) Corpus Callosum
(a) medial longitudinal fissure
i. splenium
ii. body
iii. genu
(b) sylvian fissure
(c) rhinal fissure
(d) olfactory bulb
(e) uncus
(b) Fornix
(f) lateral olfactory tract
(c) Septum pellucidum
(g) medial olfactory tract
(d) Cingulate gyrus
Lab 2:
Gross dissection (half
(h) External capsule
2. Second slice (Through front of optic chiasm):
(a) Optic chiasm
Gradually remove tissue from the dorsal surface to
reveal these structures:
(b) Anterior commisure (decussating)
1. Corpus callosum
(c) Septal nucleus
2. Lateral ventricle
(d) Fornix (column)
(e) Globus pallidus
3. Caudate nucleus
(f) Cingulum
4. Hippocampus
3. Third slice (through back of optic chiasm, and
(a) fimbria
(b) fornix
(a) Cingulum
(b) Corpus callosum
5. Septal nucleus
(c) Caudate nucleus (tail)
6. Lifting up hippocampal complex:
(d) Internal capsule
(a) fimbria
(e) External capsule
(b) dentate gyrus
(f) Amygdala
(c) hippocampal fissure
(g) Fimbria
7. Pineal body
(h) Fornix
8. Thalamus
(i) Third ventricle
(j) Thalamic nuclei
(a) lateral geniculate nucleus
i. anterior thalamus
(b) pulvinar
(k) Hypothalamus
(c) medial geniculate nucleus
4. Fourth slice (through posterior commissure and
pineal body):
9. Removing cerebellum
(a) superior colliculus
(a) Corpus callosum (splenium)
(b) inferior colliculus
(b) Hippocampus
(c) cerebellar peduncles
(c) Pineal body
(d) fourth ventricle
(d) Posterior commissure
(e) Thalamic nuclei
Lab 3:
Coronal Sections (half
i. lateral geniculate nucleus
ii. pulvinar
(f) Substantia nigra
Slicing from the front of the brain, reveal the following structures:
(g) Midbrain reticular formation
5. Fifth slice (through superior colliculus and cerebral aqueduct)
1. First slice (behind olfactory bulbs):
(a) Corpus callosum
(a) Optic radiations
(b) Corona radiata
(b) Superior colliculus
(c) Lateral ventricle
(c) Inferior colliculus
(d) Cingulum
(d) Central gray
(e) Caudate nucleus (head)
(e) Pons
(f) Putamen
i. transverse pontine fibers
(g) Internal capsule fibers (running between
caudate and putamen)
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