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Lecturer: Tak Wing Chan
Office: Department of Sociology, 3 George Street Mews
Office hours: Fridays, 9.00--10.30
Tel: 278835
Email: [email protected]
Social Stratification
Tutorial topics and readings:
What do sociologists mean by social class? How has the class structure of industrial
societies evolved? And how does the pattern of intergenerational class mobility vary
between countries and over time?
 Marshall, G. et al. (1997) Against the Odds?, Clarendon Press, (chap.3--4).
 Erikson, R. and J.H. Goldthorpe (1992) The Constant Flux, Clarendon Press,
(chap.1--6, 11).
 Ganzeboom, H.B.G. et al. (1991) `Intergenerational Class Mobility in
Comparative Perspective', Research in Social Stratification and Mobiltiy, 8:3--84.
 Ganzeboom, H.B.G. et al. (1991) `Comparative Intergenerational Stratification
Research', Annual Review of Sociology, 17:277--302.
 Grusky, D.B. and R.M. Hauser (1984) `Comparative Social Mobility Revisited',
American Sociological Review, 49:19--38.
 Breen, R. (2000) `Class inequality and social mobility in Northern Ireland',
American Sociological Review, 65:392--406.
 Sorensen, A.B. (1986) `Theory and Methodology in Social Stratification', pp.69-95, in Sociology: From Crisis to Science, edited by U. Himmelstrand, Sage.
Might Britain be a meritocracy?
 Marshall, G. and A. Swift (1993) `Social Class and Social Justice', British Journal
of Sociology, 44:187--211.
 Saunders, P. (1995) `Might Britain Be a Meritocracy?', Sociology, 29: 23--41.
 Marshall, G. and A. Swift (1996) `Merit and Mobility', Sociology, 30:375--386.
 Lampard, R. (1996) `Might Britain be a Meritocracy?', Sociology, 30:387--393.
 Saunders, P. (1996) Unequal But Fair?, Institute of Economic Affairs.
 Saunders, P. (1997) `Social Mobility in Britain', Sociology, 31:261--288.
 Savage, M. and M. Egerton (1997) `Social Mobility, Individual Ability and the
Inheritance of Class Inequality', Sociology, 31:645--672.
 Breen, R. and J.H. Goldthorpe (1999) `Class Inequality and Meritocracy', British
Journal of Sociology, 50:1--27.
 Breen, R. and J.H. Goldthorpe (2001) `Class, Mobility and Merit', European
Sociological Review, 17:81--101.
 Marshall, G. et al. (1997) Against The Odds?, Clarendon Press.
 Goldthorpe, J.H. (1996) `Problems of Meritocracy', pp.255--287, in Can
Education be Equalized?, edited by R. Erikson and J. Jonsson, Westview.
What do we know about intelligence and its heritability? And what is the role of
measured cognitive ability and schooling in determining socio-economic success in
modern industrial societies?
Nisser, U. et al. (1996) `Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns', American
Psychologist, 51:77-101.
 Dickens, W.T. and J.R. Flynn (2001) `Heritability Estimates Versus Large
Environmental Effects', Psychological Review, 108:346--369.
 Chapters by Flynn, Feldman et al., Ashenfelter and Rouse, Korenman and
Winship in Meritocracy and Economic Inequality, edited by K. Arrow, S. Bowles
and S. Daulauf, Princeton University Press, 2000.
 Chapters by Daniels et al., Cawley et al., Winship and Korenman, in Intelligence,
Genes and Success, edited by B. Devlin et al., Springer-Verlag 1997.
 Jencks, C. et al. (1972) Inequality, Penguin, esp. chapter 3.
What is the origin of the underclass?
 Wilson, W.J. (1987) The Truly Disadvantaged, University of Chicago Press.
 Wilson, W.J. (1996) When Work Disappears, Knopf.
 Jencks, C. (1992) Rethinking Social Policy, Harvard University Press.
 Jencks, C. and P.E. Peterson, eds. (1991) The Urban Underclass, The Brookings
 Murray, C.A. (1987) The Emerging British Underclass, IEA.
 Murray, C.A. (1994) The Underclass, IEA.
 Mouw, T. (2000) `Job relocation and the racial gap in unemployment in Detroit
and Chicago, 1980 to 1990', American Sociological Review, 65:730--753.
 Petterson, S.M. (1997) `Are young black men really less willing to work',
American Sociological Review, 62:605--613.
 Cancio. A.S., T.D. Evans and D.J. Maume, Jr. (1996) `Reconsidering the
declining significance of race', American Sociological Review, 61:541--556, (also
exchange wih G. Farkas and K. Vicknair in the same issue, pp.557--564).
 Marshall, G., S. Roberts and C. Burgoyne (1996) `Social class and underclass in
Britain and the USA', British Journal of Sociology, 47:22--44.
 Buckingham, A. (1999) `Is there an underclass in Britain?', British Journal of
Sociology, 50:49--75.
 Gallie, D. (1994) `Are the unemployed an underclass?', Sociology, 28:737--757.
Compare status and class as different dimensions of social stratification. Can social caste
in India be usefully seen as a form of status stratification?
 Chapters by Weber (pp.132--145), Lloyd Warner et al. (pp.240--246) and Shils
(pp.247--254) in Social Stratification, edited by D.B. Grusky, 2nd.ed., Westview
 Laumann, E.O. (1966) Prestige and Association in an Urban Community, BobbsMerrill.
 Mitchell, J.C. and F. Critchley (1985) `Configurational Similarity in Three Class
Contexts in British Society', Sociology, 19:72--92.
 Prandy, K. (1990) `The Revised Cambridge Scale of Occupations', Sociology,
 Kalmijn, M. (1993) `Trends in Black/White Intermarriage', Social Forces,
 Qian, Z. (1997) `Breaking the Racial Barriers', Demography, 34:263--276.
 Srinivas, M.N. (1962) Caste in Modern India, J.K. Publishers.
What explains occupational sex segregation, and how its variation between countries and
over time?
 Jacobs, J.A. (1989) Revolving Doors, Stanford University Press.
Chang, M.L. (2000) `The Evolution of Sex Segregation Regimes', American
Journal of Sociology, 105:1658--1701.
 Charles, M. and D.B. Grusky (1995) `Models for Describing the Underlying
Structure of Sex Segregation', American Journal of Sociology, 100:931--971.
 Bielby, W. and J. Baron (1986) `Men and Women at Work', American Journal of
Sociology, 91:759--799.
 Polachek, S. (1981) `Occupational Self-Selection', Review of Economics and
Statistics, 58:60--69.
 England, P. (1988) `Explaining Occupational Sex Segregation and Wages',
American Sociological Review, 53:544--558.
Is conventional class analysis sexist? And Does conventional mobility research
underestimate social fluidity by ignoring women's mobility experience?
 Baxter, J. (1994) `Is Husband's Class Enough?', American Sociological Review,
 Goldthorpe, J.H. (1983) `Women and Class Analysis', Sociology, 17:465--488,
(also the exchange between Goldthorpe, Stanworth, Heath and Britten in
Sociology vol.18, 1984).
 de Graaf, N. D. and A.F. Heath (1992) `Husbands' and Wives' Voting Behaviour
in Britain', Acta Sociologica, 35:311--322.
 Erikson, R. and J.H. Goldthorpe (1992) `Individual or Family?', Acta Sociologica,
 Erikson, R. and J.H. Goldthorpe (1992) The Constant Flux, Clarendon Press,
 Hayes, B.C. and F.L. Jones (1992) `Class Identification Among Australian
Couples?', British Journal of Sociology, 43:463--483.
 Marshall, G. et al. (1995) `Class, Gender and the Asymmetry Hypothesis',
European Sociological Review, 11:1--15.
 Sorensen, A. (1994) `Women, Family and Class', Annual Review of Sociology,
 Breen, R. and C.T. Whelan (1995) `Gender and Class Mobility', Sociology, 29:1-22.
 Lundberg, S. and R.A. Pollack (1996) `Bargaining and Distribution in Marriuage',
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 10:139--158.
What accounts for the recent trends in income inequality, and what are their implications
for social stratification?
 Atkinson, A.B. (1997) `Bringing Income Distribution In From the Cold', The
Economic Journal, 107:297--321.
 Atkinson, A.B. (1999) Is Rising Inequality Inevitable?, WIDER annual lectures 3.
 Atkinson, A.B. (1999) `Distribution of Income and Wealth in Britain Over the
Twentieth Century', pp.348--381 in Twentieth-Century British Social Trends,
edited by A.H. Halsey and Josephine Webb, Macmillan.
 Frank, R.H. (1995) The Winner-Take-All Society, Free Press.
 Danziger, S. and P. Gottschalk (1993) Uneven Tides, Russell Sage.
 Burtless, G. (1995) `International Trade and The Rise in Earnings Inequality',
Journal of Economic Literature, 33:800--816.
 Gottschalk, P., G.E. Johnson, R.H. Topel, and N.M. Fortin and T. Lemieux (1997)
`Symposium on wage inequality', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11:21--96.
 Stokey, N.L. (1998) `Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves', pp.210--241, in Frontiers of
Research in Economic Theory, edited by D.P. Jacobs, E. Kalai and M.I. Kamien,
Cambridge University Press.
Solon, G. (1992) `Intergenerational Income mobility in the United States',
American Economic Review, 82:393--408.
Freeman, R.B. (1996) `Solving the New Inequality', Boston Review, (with
Last updated: 2 March 2002.
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