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How does online celebrities’ selfmarketing through social media at
the digital economy?
Yiheng Li (meadow)
Student ID: 28256786
digital economy bring social and technology transformation:
• After Financial crisis of 2008,the real economy marketing has affected
huge challenge.
• In the US, more than 3.6 million jobs are created because of the Internet
• A part of young people has online stores in websites to achieve
entrepreneurial dreams.
• IT makes many new ways of doing to become possible and reduce
dramatically cost
In digital economy, social media:
• Social media make many new ways of doing to become possible and
reduce dramatically cost
• Technological transformation pushing social media converge a great
number of functions
• Social transformation: social media are communication and gaining
information tool.
(Online celebrity culture)
“digital economy” & “creative industry”
Digital economy:
• The “digital economy” is a relatively new concept in policymaking replacing terms such as “e-economy" (1980s), "new
economy" (1990s), or "network economy" and “Internet
economy” (2000s). Although there is no single definition of
digital economy, there is general agreement on certain
fundamental principles.
• The basic idea of the digital economy is that the
manufacturing of products, services, lifelong learning and
innovation are made possible by modern technology
support transmission and processing in the context of
market globalization and sustainable development
(Ciocoiu, 2011)
creative industry:
• those industries that are based on individual creativity,
skill and talent with the potential to create wealth and
jobs through developing intellectual property’
(Department of Culture, Media and Sport, 1998 and 2001)
• The Unit’s original brief was for all industries based on
creativity that generated or dealt in intellectual property
(IP); but it quickly narrowed the range to those industries
that had an artistic or cultural bent, with a dash of
computer electronics, and limited the IP to copyright,
downplaying patents, trademarks and designs.
(Hartley, 2005).
Such as social media
Social media is one of representative
creative industries:
• Social media create new communication
patterns and social interaction
• Users have more rights to free creative
information in social media
• Companies and individual (online
celebrities’ self-marketing) develop new
business areas at social media
online celebrities’ self-marketing
• social transformation: Online celebrity marketing is a development trend
that is dependent on social medial.
• technological transformation: technology support to diminish distinctions
between consumers and producers
(Beer and Burrows,2007)
• they are consumers to use social medial, at same time they create content
in social media. The contents maybe are sharing their experiences or skills,
promotion goods, and just promotion themselves.
• In traditional marketing paradigm, customers are passive targets by
companies, while the digital economy allows consumers to share and
provide their consumption opinions and information
(Prahalad and Ramaswamy 2004 cited Chang et al. 2015)
Such as beauty
Beauty bloggers
• Beauty bloggers through words, pictures and video share their beauty
experiences in social media
• categorized four main parts: “1) makeup tutorial; 2) product review and
information; 3) updates and announcements; and 4) giveaways and
(Chang, Molesworth, and Grigore, 2015).
• In traditional beauty marketing : stars represent beauty products
• Digital marketing: consumers more willing believe beauty blogger
• ( bloggers are ordinary persons
2. share their experiences combination detail words and images )
There are two
Case1: Flower in Weibo
• A micro-celebrity in Weibo (active creator)
Image: one post in Weibo
Flower in Weibo
• 2.4 million follows
Weibo celebrity sign
Wechat official account and ins account
Blog link:
Image: Weibo homepage
Flower in Weibo
• More than 40
thousands sharing
• Nearly 2 thousands
Image: one post in Weibo
Flower in Weibo
• Early stage, Flower had shared
using beauty products
• uses one picture to show the
image of product and behind
some words to explain her
feeling (such as why it is good or
bed) and the price.
• multi-skilling creator in social
media. She makes all contents by
Image: one post in Weibo
Flower in Weibo
opens an online store to buy her
brand clothing
Image: one post in Weibo
Flower in Weibo
Draw activities:
some people gain gifts
who follow and share this
Image: one post in Weibo
Flower in Weibo
• Flower is an active and multi-skilling creator in
social media.
• Impact digital economy. fashion and beauty
blogs are a huge managerial interest, they will
influence consumer purchases and decisionmaking
(WARC, 2011)
• Publicity about her online store, It takes less
cost and gains better interest.
Case2: Temptalia
• own homepage of blog and own channel on YouTube.
Case2: Temptalia
Image: Youtube homepage
102978 subscribers
Image :About us
Case2: Temptalia
making videos to share beauty information on YouTube
Image: Youtube homepage
Case2: Temptalia
Using words and picture
to express information of
beauty in blog.
Image: blog homepage
Case2: Temptalia
companies’ discount
Promotion products’
shopping link
Image: blog homepage
Case2: Temptalia
• Companies send newest free products for her
and have business cooperate with her
• Themptalia and her team gain free beauty
products to make new blog content and
harvested rich rewards
Case2: Temptalia
• Cooperation companies do not need
Themptalia that promote their products
content as a whole content. While they need
their products within built video content
(Chang, Molesworth, and Grigore, 2015)
• Reason:
Themptalia has huge audiences to watch her
Case2: Temptalia
Themptalia compares with Flower:
• Have more forms to show content (video)
• Have more auidences
• Contents are more professional than Flowers
and have business with beauty brands
• Is not a person, is a team
• Online celebrity through social media creates
useful economic value in digital economy age.
• A social transformation to form a new industry,
creative industry.
• Technology supports right of production contents
from companies to users.
• Beauty bloggers’ individual marketing popularizes
themselves and even companies’ products.
• Online celebrities are creative labors to bring
influence of economic development
Thank you
Reference list
Management, 1st February, 33-43.
• Hartley, J. (2005). The mayor’s commission on the creative industries IN:
Hartley, J. Creative industries, 1st ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub. , 117125.
• Chang, S. Molesworth, M. and Grigore, G. (2015) YouTube Beauty Brands
and the Dynamic Processes of Prosumption IN: Clifford, J. Benton, B. and
Kravets, O. Marketing as Provisioning Technology: Integrating Perspectives
on Solutions for Sustainability, Prosperity, and Social Justice, The
Macromarketing Society, 489-507
• Gannon, V. and Prothero, A. (2016). Beauty blogger selfies as
authenticating practices. European Journal of Marketing, 50(9/10),
• Chang, S. (2014), In the Eye of the Beholder: Asian American YouTube
Beauty Bloggers, Available
from: [accessed Spring 2014].