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Ссылка 2
Учебные материалы по практике перевода для студентов уровня С
Лечебного факультета
Педиатрического факультета
Стоматологического факультета
Использованная литература:
1. Сборник текстов, упражнений и тестовых заданий для практики чтения и устной
речи на английском языке по медицинской тематике. М., 2009 (ПЧ)
Модуль 3
Занятия 13-14
Read the text and say which statements after it are true and which are
false. Correct the false ones.
Your urinary tract is actually a system made up of six main parts: your two
kidneys, two ureters, bladder, and urethra. All day long, the kidneys clean waste
products from your blood. Your kidneys are tucked under your lower ribs on either
side of your spine. Each one is about the size of your fist and shaped like a bean.
Each day your kidneys act like high-powered filters for about 200 quarts (189
liters) of fluid in your flowing blood. That’s enough fluid to fill 100 of those big
soda bottles that hold 2 liters each! Your kidneys remove waste and excess fluid
that naturally builds up in your body after your body breaks down food.
The waste becomes urine, which drips into the ureters – long, thin tubes, one
connected to each kidney. From there, the urine travels through the ureters down to
the bladder.
When it’s empty, your urinary bladder is about the same size as an empty
balloon. It looks like one, too! Then the bladder slowly fills up with the urine
coming from the kidneys. When you have about a cup (237 milliliters) of urine in
your bladder, your brain tells you it’s time to find a bathroom.
Besides taking out your body’s “trash”, your kidneys help balance your
body’s vitamin and mineral levels so your other organs and bones can do their best
work. They help in the production of red blood cells and produce a form of vitamin
D, which promotes healthy bones. They also help keep your blood pressure at a
healthy level.
The urinary system consists of four organs.
The main function of the kidneys is cleaning the blood.
The size of the kidney corresponds to the size of the fist of its owner.
The urinary bladder looks like a bean.
5. The body’s vitamin and mineral concentration does not depend on kidneys’
6. If patients suffer from elevated blood pressure, they need to check their
Scan the text and give a translation of each highlighted part in Russian
which you think fits the content best.
Skim through the text to answer the questions.
1. What parts does the urinary system consist of?
2. What does the kidney look like?
3. Where does the urine collect?
4. What products are removed by the kidneys?
5. What do the kidneys help to produce?
6. What balance do the kidneys help to maintain?
7. How may the kidneys influence blood pressure?
Discuss the questions.
1. What kidney diseases do you know?
2. Can a person live having only one kidney?
Do you know that
 Galenus Claudius [gæ‘li:nəs ‘klɔ:diəs] (129-201) – a Romanian
scientist and physician, the founder of Galenical theory; according to
which the main center of the human organism is liver
 Hippocrates [hi’pɔkrti:z] (460-377 BC – “before Christ” – до нашей
эры) – an ancient scientist, an outstanding surgeon and physician
 Empedocles [impə’dɔ:klis] (about 490-about 430 BC) – an ancient
physician and philosopher, the author of four elements doctrine
 Erasistratus [ireisist’ra:təs] (about 304 - about 250BC) – a Greek
scientist, physician and anatomist, the researcher of the human brain and
circulatory system
Read the text and give a translation of each the highlighted part in
Russian which fits the content best.
According to an Indian and Greek view, the human body is composed of
five primordial substances—metals, wood, fire, water, and earth. Health consists in
the presence of these substances in proper proportions while their imbalance
results in disease.
In the Greek medicine, the doctrine of elements — earth, air, fire, and
water—as the four-fold basis of all things was introduced in medicine by
Empedocles. According to him, the health of the human body, which is composed of
these four primordial substances, results from their balance. This doctrine of humours
was subsequently taken up by Hippocrates (400 ВС) who is known as the “father of
medicine”. He tried to practice medicine in a rational way, and his theory of
“pneuma” was later expressed more clearly by Galen. According to the Galenical
theory, the origin of all vital phenomena was a very fine substance known as
“pneuma” which existed in the air and was inhaled into the lungs. In the body, other
pneuma or “spirits” like “natural spirits”, “vital spirits”, and '”psychic” or “animal”
spirits were generated. He experimented on animals and recognized the
involuntary muscles, the essential nature of the antagonistic muscles, and muscle
tone. He showed by experiments that section or ligation of a motor nerve resulted in
paralysis of its muscles. According to his speculations, which were an extension of
those made some 500 years earlier by Erasistratus of the Alexandrian school, the
contraction of muscles was due to the passage of animal spirits (generated in the
brain) into them along the nerves.
Find in the English for the Russian word combinations.
- согласно точке зрения
- в соответствующих пропорциях (соотношении)
- была введена в медицину
- происходить в результате
- попытался
- жизненно важные явления
- проводил эксперименты на животных
- показал с помощью экспериментов
Skim through the text to answer the questions.
1. What elements constitute the human body according to the ancient
2. Who introduced in medicine the doctrine of elements –earth, air, fire,
and water – as the four-fold basis of all things?
3. What is the main idea of the Galenical theory?
Go back to the text and summarize its main points in 2-3 sentences.
Discuss the questions.
1. What famous scientists of the past do you know? What did they
2. How did the idea of the structure of the human body develop in medicine
in the past?