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The 555 Timer
• The 555 Timer is one of the most popular
and versatile integrated circuits ever produced!
• It is 30 years old and still being used!
• It is a combination of digital and analog circuits.
• It is known as the “time machine” as it performs a
wide variety of timing tasks.
• 555 timer operate in several modes:
1. Monostable mode
2. Astable mode
3. Bistable mode
4. Buffer – Schmitt trigger
555 Timer Pin Connection
555 Timer Pin Function
PIN 1: Ground – Connect this to ground. Remember to connect all grounds
in a circuit together.
PIN 2: Trigger – A short low (less than 1/3 Vcc) pulse on the trigger starts
the timer. By connecting this to ground we "turn on" the 555
PIN 3: Output – During a timing interval, the output stays at +VCC. Can
source up to 200ma.
PIN 4: Reset – Forces pin 3 low if pulled to ground.
PIN 5: Control – Can be used to adjust threshold trigger voltage. Not used
in our applications. Connect to ground with a .01uF cap to
eliminate supply noise from Vcc.
PIN 6: Threshold – When threshold crosses above 2/3 Vcc timing interval
PIN 7: Discharge – Connects to ground when output goes low. Controls
PIN 8: Vcc – Power supply. Typical range 4.5v to 16v.
Applications for the 555 Timer
• The 555 is a general purpose IC that can be
used for
Precision timing
Pulse generators
Sequential timing
Time delay generation
Linear ramp generation.
Cascaded timers
Frequency dividers
Voltage-controlled oscillators
LED flashers
Inside the 555 Timer
Inside the 555 Timer
– The voltage divider (blue) has three equal
5K resistors. It divides the input voltage
(Vcc) into three equal parts.
– The two comparators (red) are op-amps that
compare the voltages at their inputs and
saturate depending upon which is greater.
• The Threshold Comparator saturates when the
voltage at the Threshold pin (pin 6) is greater
than (2/3)Vcc.
• The Trigger Comparator saturates when the
voltage at the Trigger pin (pin 2) is less than
– The flip-flop (green) is a bi-stable device. It
generates two values, a “high” value equal to
Vcc and a “low” value equal to 0V.
• When the Threshold comparator saturates, the flip
flop is Reset (R) and it outputs a low signal at pin 3.
• When the Trigger comparator saturates, the flip flop
is Set (S) and it outputs a high signal at pin 3.
– The transistor (purple) is being used as a
switch, it connects pin 7 (discharge) to ground
when it is closed.
• When Q is low, Qbar is high. This closes the
transistor switch and attaches pin 7 to ground.
• When Q is high, Qbar is low. This open the switch
and pin 7 is no longer grounded
Monostable Multivibrators
• Monostable multivibrator – A switching circuit with
one stable output state.
– Also referred to as a one-shot.
– The one-shot produces a single output pulse when it
receives a valid input trigger signal.
Monostable Operation
Figure 5 – 555 Timer Set Up for Monostable Operation
Stable State:
1. The output Qbar of the SR flip-flop (also called a RS flip-flop) is
initially set HIGH which turns on the discharge transistor. The
discharge transistor then grounds the capacitor C1. The outputs of
both comparators 1 and 2 are LOW. See Figure 6.
Figure 6 – C1 Grounded
Initial Timing Chart
Unstable State (C1 Charging):
2. Comparator 2 serves as the input S (Set) and comparator 1 serves
as the R input (Reset) into the SR flip-flop. With the THRESHOLD
grounded in the initial stable state, the output of non-inverting
comparator 1 is LOW. When the switch S1 is closed driving the
TRIGGER input to LOW (more precisely, when it drops below 1/3
Vcc), the output of lower inverting comparator 2 is driven HIGH (See
Figure 7). From the SR flip-flop truth table below (Table 1), when the
S input is HIGH and R is LOW, the output Qbar of the SR flip-flop is
driven LOW and the 555 timer OUTPUT is HIGH due to the inverting
buffer stage.
Table 1 – SR Flip-Flop Truth Table
Figure 7 – C1 Charging Through R1
3. Since the Qbar is LOW, the discharge transistor is turned off and C1
begins charging through R1. See Figure 7.
4. The switch S1 is opened driving the TRIGGER back to HIGH (Figure 8).
The output of the lower comparator 2 changes to LOW (Vcc > 1/3 Vcc);
comparator 1 remains unchanged at LOW. The trigger pulse must be
shorter than the output pulse width allowing time for the timing capacitor
to charge and then discharge fully.
Figure 8 – C1 Continues Charging Through R1
5. From the SR flip-flop truth table, the output Qbar of the SR flip-flop does
not change (S=0 & R=0), thus remaining in a LOW state.
Unstable State (C1 Discharging):
6. C1 continues to charge until the voltage across C1 exceeds 2/3 Vcc.
At this point, the upper comparator 1 is driven HIGH (Figure 9). From
Table 1, the SR flip-flop is driven to HIGH (S=0 & R=1) which turns on
the discharge transistor and grounds C1 again.
Figure 9 – When the Voltage across C1 > 2/3 VCC, C1 Is Grounded
Return to the Stable State:
7. The voltage across C1 is greater than 2/3 Vcc for only a moment
before dropping below 2/3 Vcc driving the upper comparator 1 to
LOW (Figure 10).
Figure 10 – 555 Timer Returns to Stable State
8. From the SR flip-flop truth table, the output Qbar of the SR flip-flop does
not change (S=0 & R=0), thus remaining in a HIGH state and discharge
transistor continues to ground C1. The 555 will remain in the stable state
until another LOW trigger pulse is detected.
Astable Multivibrators
• Astable multivibrator – A switching circuit that has no
stable output state.
– The astable multivibrator is a rectangular-wave oscillator.
– Also referred to as a free-running multivibrator.
Astable Operation
Figure 3 – 555 Timer Set Up for Astable Operation
1. When the power is turned on, capacitor C1 is not charged and pin 2
(TRIGGER) and pin 6 (THRESHOLD) voltage (Vin) is at 0 V.
2. The output of lower comparator 2 (inverting) is therefore HIGH (Vin <
1/3 Vcc) and the output of the upper comparator 1 (non-inverting) is
LOW (Vin < 2/3 Vcc).
3. Comparator 2 serves as input S (Set) and comparator 1 serves as the
R input (Reset) for the SR flip flop (also called a RS flip-flop). From
the truth table below for a SR flip-flop, S input is HIGH and R is LOW,
therefore the output Qbar of the SR flip-flop is LOW and the 555 timer
OUTPUT is HIGH due to the inverting buffer stage.
Table 1 – SR Flip-Flop Truth Table
4. Since Qbar is LOW, the discharge transistor is turned off and C1
begins charging through R1 and R2. While the capacitor C1 is
charging, the OUTPUT of the 555 timer is HIGH; while the capacitor
C1 is discharging, the OUTPUT of the 555 timer is LOW.
Figure 5 – C1 Charging Through R1 and R2
5. When the voltage across C1 (Vin) reaches 1/3 Vcc, the output of the
lower comparator 2 changes to LOW; comparator 1 remains
6. From the SR flip-flop truth table, the output Qbar of the SR flip-flop
does not change (S=0 & R=0), thus remaining in a LOW state.
7. C1 continues to charge until it reaches 2/3 Vcc. At this point, the
upper comparator 1 changes to a HIGH state.
8. Since the input R is HIGH and input S is LOW, the output Qbar of
the SR flip-flop goes to HIGH.
9. The HIGH output from the SR flip-flop turns on the discharge
transistor which creates a discharge path for C1 through R2.
Figure 8 – C1 Discharging Through R2
10. The discharge of C1 causes the output of the upper comparator 1
to change to LOW.
11. The output Qbar of the SR flip-flop does not change (S=0 & R=0),
thus remaining in a HIGH state.
12. When C1 discharges to 1/3 Vcc, the lower comparator 2 output
changes to HIGH causing the output Qbar of the RS flip-flop to go
LOW (S is HIGH and R is LOW). The LOW output Qbar from the SR
flip-flop turns off the discharge transistor and C1 begins to recharge.
13. The output of lower comparator 2 then changes to a LOW state, but
the RE flip-flop remains LOW continuing to charge the capacitor C1.
The capacitor continues the new recharge cycle.
14. The 555 timer repeats the charge/discharge cycle between 1/3 Vcc
and 2/3 Vcc producing an output periodic square wave (Figure 12).
Figure 12 – Relationship between Vin and the Output of the 555 Timer
Output Pulses and Formulas for Astable
555 Timer Output Pulses for Astable Operation
Figure 15: Astable Operation Circuit
Discharging time is given by (time of output in HIGH state):
T1 = TH = 0.693 (RA + RB) C
Discharge time is given by (time of output in LOW state):
T2 = TL = 0.693 RB C
Total period is:T = TH + TL
= 0.693(RA + 2RB)C
Output frequency :
% Duty cycle: D ( ratio of high state to period of pulse)
1. A 555 timer connected as a astable multivibrator, if given a RA =
2.2KΩ, RB = 3.9KΩ and C = C1 = 0.1μF. Draw the waveforms at pin
6 or pin 2 and pin 3. calculate the TH, TL output frequency, f, and %
duty cycle, %DT.
2. A 555 timer circuit is connected in astable mode with the values of
the following components: RA = 2kΩ, RB = 4kΩ and C = 0.1μF. Calculate:
TH, TL and T, frequency, f, Percentage of duty cycle, %DT.
Draw the output waveform.
3. A 555 timer connected in the unstable mode and given RA = 2.3kΩ,
RB = 4.6kΩ and C = 0.1μF. Calculate TH, TL, frequency, f and
percentage of duty cycle of output waveform.
Bistable Multivibrator
The circuit is called a bistable because it is
stable in two states: output high and output low.
It is also known as a 'flip-flop'.
It has two inputs:
– Trigger (555 pin 2) makes the output high.
Trigger is 'active low', it functions when
< 1/3 Vs.
– Reset (555 pin 4) makes the output low.
Reset is 'active low', it resets when < 0.7V.
Circuit diagram of 555 timer
bistable mode
555 bistable circuit
Circuit operation
The circuit is two basic inverters,
each taking its input from the other's
output. When power is first applied,
Q1 turns on, its output will be a logic
0. This will be applied to Q2's input
resistor, keeping Q2 turned off so
that its output will be a logic 1. This
logic 1 will be applied back to Q1's
input resistor, keeping Q1 turned on
and holding the entire circuit locked
into this stable state.
On the other hand, if Q1 stays off at power-up, it will apply a
logic 1 to Q2's input, thus turning Q2 on. The resulting logic 0
output from Q2 will in turn hold Q1 off. The circuit will then
remain in this stable state indefinitely.
Waveforms of bistable multivibrator
Notice that the circuit is symmetrical; that is, each
transistor amplifier has the same component values.
When power is first applied, the voltage divider
networks place a negative voltage at the bases of Q1
and Q2. Both transistors have forward bias and both
Buffer – Schmitt trigger
It is an inverting buffer or NOT gate because
the output logic state (low/high) is the inverse of
the input state:
– Input low (< 1/3 Vs) makes output high, +Vs
– Input high (> 2/3 Vs) makes output low, 0V
NOT gate symbol
Schmitt trigger symbol
555 inverting buffer circuit (a NOT gate)
• When the input voltage is between 1/3 and 2/3 Vs the output remains
in its present state. This intermediate input region is a deadspace
where there is no response, a property called hysteresis, it is like
backlash in a mechanical linkage. This type of circuit is called a
Schmitt trigger.
• If high sensitivity is required the hysteresis is a problem, but in many
circuits it is a helpful property. It gives the input a high immunity to
noise because once the circuit output has switched high or low the
input must change back by at least 1/3 Vs to make the output switch
The 556 consists of a pair of 555 timers in one
package. The two timers work independently
and only share common power supply
556 timer pin configuration