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World History I – SOL 5
1 Competition between the Greek city-states of Athens
and Sparta helped cause the —
A Peloponnesian War
B destruction of Carthage
C Persian Wars
D legalization of Christianity
5 Which two factors contributed to the colonization
shown on this map?
A Overpopulation and the search for fertile soil
B Religious persecution and Phoenician competition
C Political unrest and harsh climate
D Plague and the fear of Roman conquest
2 According to this map, which battle took place last?
A Granicus
B Issus
C Gaugamela
D Hydaspes
3 What is the best title for the list?
A Types of Incan Roads
B Types of Roman Arches
C Types of Greek Columns
D Types of Egyptian Pyramids
4 Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were ancient Greek —
A gods
B rulers
C sculptors
D philosophers
6 Which event is described in this list?
A The Gallic Wars
B The Peloponnesian War
C The Trojan War
D The Punic Wars
7 In this quotation, Pericles describes Athenian society
as valuing —
A military discipline
B civic responsibility
C religious freedom
D economic opportunity
8 Hippocrates made important contributions in the
area of —
A poetry
B sculpture
C philosophy
D medicine
9 Which accomplishment is associated with Alexander
the Great?
A The spread of Greek culture throughout the empire
B The introduction of Christianity to the Near East
C The defeat of the Chinese army in Asia
D The destruction of the Athenian navy in battle
13 Which number represents the location of ancient
10 Which civilization influenced the architecture in this
A Greek
B Russian
C Byzantine
D Islamic
11 Early Hellenic culture spread from Greece to Asia
Minor as a result of —
A dynastic decline
B climate changes
C sea trade
D democratic elections
12 This sequence describes the development of
government in ancient —
A Byzantium
B Sparta
C Rome
D Athens
14 Which statement describes the origin of these
A They are events from Roman history.
B They are found in Babylonian legends.
C They ate taken from Greek mythology.
D They are actions of Egyptian gods.
15 This is a quotation from –
A Pericles
B Homer
C Pythagoras
D Hippocrates
16 the lack of arable land in Greece contributed to an
economic system based on –
A Manufactured goods
B Shipping and trade
C Agricultural production
D Lumber and minerals
17 Which primary factor encouraged Greek city-states
to develop different identities?
A Language
B Religion
C Economy
D Geography
18 Ancient Athens was responsible for developing
which concept in government?
A Civil service
B Elected legislatures
C Direct democracy
D Written laws
World History I – SOL 5
1 Competition between the Greek city-states of Athens
and Sparta helped cause the —
A Peloponnesian War
B destruction of Carthage
C Persian Wars
D legalization of Christianity
5 Which two factors contributed to the colonization
shown on this map?
A Overpopulation and the search for fertile soil
B Religious persecution and Phoenician competition
C Political unrest and harsh climate
D Plague and the fear of Roman conquest
2 According to this map, which battle took place last?
A Granicus
B Issus
C Gaugamela
D Hydaspes
3 What is the best title for the list?
A Types of Incan Roads
B Types of Roman Arches
C Types of Greek Columns
D Types of Egyptian Pyramids
4 Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were ancient Greek —
A gods
B rulers
C sculptors
D philosophers
6 Which event is described in this list?
A The Gallic Wars
B The Peloponnesian War
C The Trojan War
D The Punic Wars
7 In this quotation, Pericles describes Athenian society
as valuing —
A military discipline
B civic responsibility
C religious freedom
D economic opportunity
8 Hippocrates made important contributions in the
area of —
A poetry
B sculpture
C philosophy
D medicine
9 Which accomplishment is associated with Alexander
the Great?
A The spread of Greek culture throughout the empire
B The introduction of Christianity to the Near East
C The defeat of the Chinese army in Asia
D The destruction of the Athenian navy in battle
13 Which number represents the location of ancient
10 Which civilization influenced the architecture in this
A Greek
B Russian
C Byzantine
D Islamic
11 Early Hellenic culture spread from Greece to Asia
Minor as a result of —
A dynastic decline
B climate changes
C sea trade
D democratic elections
12 This sequence describes the development of
government in ancient —
A Byzantium
B Sparta
C Rome
D Athens
14 Which statement describes the origin of these
A They are events from Roman history.
B They are found in Babylonian legends.
C They ate taken from Greek mythology.
D They are actions of Egyptian gods.
15 This is a quotation from –
A Pericles
B Homer
C Pythagoras
D Hippocrates
16 the lack of arable land in Greece contributed to an
economic system based on –
A Manufactured goods
B Shipping and trade
C Agricultural production
D Lumber and minerals
17 Which primary factor encouraged Greek city-states
to develop different identities?
A Language
B Religion
C Economy
D Geography
18 Ancient Athens was responsible for developing
which concept in government?
A Civil service
B Elected legislatures
C Direct democracy
D Written laws