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Rising Sun HAM Radio Wives Class
February 11th, 18th, & 25th - 7-9pm
@ Stevinson Toyota West
Sections to focus on
Here are the sections (in order) that we will be covering during the first and second class.
The class is normally set up to run from 10-14 hours total. We will be doing the classes in 6 hours
(3, 2-hour sessions). The material does not require as much time as is allocated, especially if we
can have all the folks attending read material ahead first. This is why Brian has been putting up
notes, and why I will give out the sections to read over and review way ahead of time.
Being able to do this will take participation and effort from everyone. Please read the section before
the class. Many questions that are asked during the class would normally be clear if preparatory
reading was done ahead of time. This is not to in any way indicate that any question asked will be
So here we go.
For the first class we will cover (Sections are from the ARRL Licensing manual):
Equipment definitions and electricity -- Sections 2.1 and 2.2
Components and units -- Section 2.3
Signals and waves -- Section 2.4
Antennas and feedlines -- Sections 2.5 and 3.2
Propagation -- Section 2.6
Transmitters and receivers -- Sections 3.1 and 3.5
Station fundamentals -- Sections 3.1, 3.3 and 3.4
RF interference -- Section 3.5
For the second class we will cover:
Contact basics, Band plans, making a contact -- Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3
Nets and emergency operating -- Sections 4.4 and 4.5
Special modes and techniques -- Section 4.6
Licensing terms, working with the FCC, Bands and Privelages, Rules, Call signs
International -- Section 5 (the whole thing)
Control operators, identification, interference, third paty communications, auto
and remote operations, and prohibited transmissions -- Section 6 (the whole thing)
Electrical safety, RF exposure, mechanical -- Section 7 (the whole thing)
While this list seems overwhelming, we are purposefully pushing to maximize what we cover the
first two classes in order to be able to give the exam on the third class date. The third class will be
review and then the exam if we can swing it.
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Notes for the T1 section - FCC Rules & Station License Responsibilities
Amateur operator - person who has an amateur license in the FCC database
- hams can transmit from anywhere the FCC governs radio
- hams cannot talk to hams using other services (like CB) on their ham radios unless authorized by
the FCC
- anyone can become a ham except a representative of a foreign government
- no minimum age
- once you pass your test, you can transmit as soon as your call sign appears in the FCC database
- ham licenses are good for 10 years (and are renewable); there is a 2 year grace period to get it
again if it expires
- your responsibility as a ham is to operate your station within the FCC rules
- you are required to give your current mailing address to the FCC; they can revoke your license if
you don't
Amateur station - a station in the amateur service
Basic purposes of amateur radio
1. To serve as a voluntary noncommercial communications service
2. To contribute to the art of radio
3. To encourage increasing skill in communications and technology
4. To expand the reserve of trained operators and electronics experts
5. To enhance international goodwill
Volunteer Examiner - volunteer amateur who administers ham tests, accredited by a VEC
(Volunteer Exam Coordinator)
- three examiners of General class or higher needed to give tests
CSCE (Certificate of the Successful Completion of an Exam)
- paper that says you passed a ham radio test
- if you pass one test you get a CSCE good for a year
FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
- makes and enforces the rules
Harmful interference - a transmission that disturbs other communications
ITU (International Telecommunications Union)
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- international body that makes worldwide rules for radio
- the world is divided into 3 ITU regions
Region 1: Europe, Africa, Russia
Region 2: North & South America
Region 3: Australia, Asia (other than Russia), Pacific
Call signs - used to identify your station
- given out by the FCC in sequential order (K3AAA, K3AAB, etc.)
- clubs can have their own call sign; apply through a Club Call Sign Administrator
- special 1x1 call signs (W3A, K2B, etc) used for special event stations can be obtained temporarily
by any ham
- all USA call signs begin with A, K, N, or W, and have a single digit number
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Notes on the T2 section - Control Operator Duties
You are not permitted to…
…transmit information to the general public (no "broadcasting")
…transmit music (unless you're rebroadcasting space shuttle communications and they have music
on in the background)
…use codes or ciphers
…transmit false or deceptive signals (no fake distress calls)
…transmit without identifying your station (by giving your call sign)
…transmit indecent or obscene language
…transmit for money (there are special exceptions in the Part 97 FCC rules)
…conduct business
…buy and sell equipment on a regular basis (occasionally is okay)
Identifying your station
- your call sign is used
- you must ID every 10 minutes and at the end of a contact
- repeaters can ID with Morse code or phone (voice) or video images
- you must ID in English
- during a special event station, when using a special call sign, you must ID with your own call sign
once per hour
- special indicators are used at the end of call signs:
/m = mobile /p = portable
/KT = new Tech license on the way
/AG = new General license on the way
If you are at another ham's station:
- you are both responsible for the station's transmissions
- if you have a different class of license than him, you can use any band your license allows
- if you have a higher license and you're on a band he can't use, you must ID using both your call
signs (his first, then yours)
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Control operator
- person controlling and responsible for a station's transmission
- there must be a control operator anytime you're transmitting
- to operate a repeater, you must have at least a Tech license
Control point - the location where the control operator function is performed
- local control: control operator is at the control point
- remote control: control operator controls radio through a telephone or radio link
- automatic control: using a device that control a radio (such as a repeater)
- if you have an automatically controlled station, the control operator does not have to be at the
control point
Miscellaneous rules
Club stations - must have at least 4 members to get a club license
You can operate on an airplane, but you must have the pilot's permission and not use the aircraft's
radio equipment
A person can only have one ham license
FCC can inspect your station upon request
Third-party communications - sending a message from one ham to another for someone else (or
letting a non-ham talk on the air under your supervision)
To prevent unauthorized use of your station, disconnect your power and microphone cables when
not using your radio.
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Notes on the T3 section - Operating practices
When getting on the air, listen first to see if the frequency you're on is being used
No one "owns" a particular frequency; all hams share them
CQ, followed by your call sign, is used to look for a contact (CQ = calling any station)
When answering a CQ, send the other's station's call sign, then yours (be sure you are on a
frequency you're allowed to use first)
To interrupt an on-the-air conversation, say your call sign between transmissions
Always use the minimum power needed to communicate
On a repeater, procedures are a bit different:
- to interrupt a conversation (a QSO), say the other person's call sign, then yours
- instead of calling CQ, you just say your call sign to look for someone to talk to
- when using a repeater, listen before transmitting; ID legally; use minimal power
Test transmissions - to make sure you radio is working ok
- you must still ID
Phonetic Alphabet - used to spell out words
- standard phonetics are used; avoid making up your own or using "cute" ones to avoid confusing
other hams, especially foreign hams
- standard phonetic alphabet:
Alpha ... Golf ... Mike ... Sierra ... Yankee ...
Bravo ... Hotel ... November ... Tango ... Zulu ...
Charlie ... India ... Oscar ... Uniform ...
Delta ... Juliet ... Papa ... Victor ...
Echo ... Kilo ... Quebec ... Whiskey ...
Foxtrot ... Lima ... Romeo ... X-ray ...
Band plan - a voluntary guideline to use certain operating modes in certain parts of bands
- developed by hams and ham organizations
- among the bands used by Techs, there are mode-restricted sub-bands on the 6 meter, 2 meter,
and 1.25 meter bands
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- on 6 m: 50.0 - 50.1 is for CW (Morse code) only
- on 2 m: 144.0 - 144.1 is for CW only
Repeater coordination - repeaters operate on certain frequencies; they are assigned these
frequencies by repeater coordinators to make sure they don't interfere with one another and to use
the available space on the radio bands (available "spectrum") efficiently
- repeater frequency coordinator: person in charge of repeater frequency band plan
If a repeater is used to send an illegal transmission, the person sending the transmission is
responsible (not the person or club that owns the repeater)
Indecent and obscene language is prohibited…
…since it offends some people
…since young children might be listening
…since it violates FCC rules; there is no official list, use discretion
Racial & ethnic slurs offend people and reflect poorly on all hams; don't use them.
Political discussions, jokes and stories, religious discussions okay, but be careful not to offend when
discussing sensitive topics. Always operate using good engineering and amateur practices.
If you hear a new ham having trouble on the air, offer to help
If you are told you are causing interference, check your transmitter to make sure it is working
properly (not emitting spurious signals or transmitting off-frequency)
Front end overload - when a strong nearby signal overloads a nearby TV or radio (when your
neighbor hears your radio signal through his TV or radio)
- if your radio is working okay, the owner of the TV is responsible
- a lot of modern electronics equipment (telephones, TVs, etc) is not built with adequate
interference protection
If you interfere with another ham on the air, ID your station and move to another frequency
Sometimes if TV cable is broken, it can make the TV pick up interference or cause interference to
your ham radio
Use a dummy load to test your radio without actually sending out a signal ( a dummy load is a
device that takes the radio waves you're transmitting and changes them to heat)
RACES - Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service
RACES and ARES are organizations that assist in emergencies
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Notes on the T4 section - Radio and Electronic Fundamentals
Units of electrical quantities
current - measured in amperes (A)
power - measured in watts (W)
voltage - measured in volts (V)
resistance - measured in ohms (Ω)
frequency - measured in Hertz (Hz)
wavelength - measured in meters (m)
Metric prefixes
mega- (M) 1,000,000
kilo- (k) 1,000
milli- (m) 1/1,000
micro- (μ) 1/1,000,000
- the flow of electrons in a circuit
- direct current (DC): flows in one direction only
- alternating current (AC): flows back and forth in alternating directions
- conductors (metals, acids, bases) allow charge to flow easily through them
- insulators (wood, glass, plastic) do not allow charges to flow easily
- measured using an ammeter
- electrical friction due to electrons' collisions with atoms inside the conductor
- electrical pressure that pushes the electrons through a circuit
- auto batteries provide 12 volts
- measured using a voltmeter
- also called EMF (electromotive force) or electrical potential difference
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- the number of times per second that an AC current switches direction, or, the number of
complete radio waves produced by a radio per second
- voice frequencies: sounds from 30-3000 Hz
- audio frequencies: frequencies from 20-20,000 Hz
- radio frequencies: frequencies above 20,000 Hz
- 6 meter band: frequencies from 50-54 MHz
- 2 meter band: frequencies from 144-148 MHz
- 70 cm band: frequencies from 420-450 MHz
- length of one complete radio wave
- often "bands" are referred to by their wavelengths
Relationship between frequency, wavelength, and the speed of a wave:
- speed = frequency × wavelength
- equation: c = f × λ
c = speed
f = frequency
λ = wavelength
- radio waves move at the speed of light: c = 300,000,00 m/s or 3 x 10 (to the 8th) m/s
- as the frequency of a radio wave increases, its wavelength decreases (and vice-versa)
Electrical devices
- receiver: converts radio waves to sound waves
- transmitter: converts sound waves to radio waves
- transceiver: combined receiver and transmitter
- power supply: converts AC from wall outlet to DC for radio
- amplifier: increase power put out by radio
- battery: provides DC voltage
- single battery is called a "cell"
- lithium-ion batteries have the longest lives
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- nickel-cadmium batteries provide 1.2 volts each
- carbon-zinc batteries: non-rechargable
- to keep rechargeable batteries stored for emergencies…
…check them periodically
…recharge every 6 months
…keep cool and dry
- draw current from a battery slowly to help it last longer
Ohm's law: the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance
- equation: E = I x R
E = voltage
I = current
R = resistance
Power equation relating power, voltage, and current
- equation: P = E x I
P = power
E = voltage
I = current
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Notes on the T5 section - Station Setup and Operation
Station equipment
Microphone - connected to the transmitter
- converts sound to electrical signals (an audio signal)
Speaker - converts electrical signals to sound
- if the speaker is too close to the microphone, feedback can result
- if it's too noisy for speakers, use headphones
Regulated power supply - supplies electrical power without equipment-damaging voltage
Filter - used to block "spurious emissions," signals your radio should not be putting out on top of
the desired signals
- connected to the transmitter output
- high-pass filter: lets higher frequencies through, blocks lower ones
- low-pass filter: lets lower frequencies through, blocks higher ones
- band-pass filter: blocks signals above and below a certain frequency
- notch filter: blocks signals of a certain frequency, lets all others through
- if your 2 meter band signal is coming through your neighbor's TV ("receiver overload"), use a
notch filter
Terminal Node Contoller (TNC) - connects the radio to a computer of you are using packet radio
- no microphone needed for packet; your radio sends computer data, not your voice
- some computers' sound cards can also be used to connect a computer to the radio
Operating controls
Microphone gain - the "volume" of the voice signal you're sending out
- if the microphone gain is set too high, it can distort your signal
Memory - a lot of radios have memories (like a computer)
- memory can be used to save operating frequencies, CTCSS tones, power levels, etc.
Variable frequency oscillator (VFO) - controls what frequency the radio is on
- usually a knob you turn on the radio
- on some radios, you can also use a keypad to enter the frequency
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Squelch - used to quiet noise when no signal is being received
Noise blanker - blocks electrical noise, like static produced by your car when you start it
Up/Down microphone buttons - used to change frequency easily
Shift control - used to adjust the offset between the transmitting and receiving frequencies
Receiver Incremental Tuning (RIT) - used to change what frequency you're listening to without
changing the frequency you're transmitting on
Step button – used to change how much the frequency changes when you tune
Function button – used when one button has to do more than one thing (like the 2nd button on
- used to extend the range of mobile or other low-power stations
- a courtesy tone is a beep the repeater makes after each transmission
- you must know the repeater’s input and output frequencies to use it
- usually, on the 2 meter band, the input and outputs are 0.6 MHz apart in frequency (the “offset”)
- pause between transmissions in case someone wants to break in
- on the 70 cm band, the offset is usually 5 MHz
- simplex: not using a repeater, just receiving and transmitting on the same frequency
- use simplex if possible to avoid tying up the repeater
- to see if you can use simplex, check to see if you can hear the other station on a repeater’s input
- linked repeaters can be used to send signals over longer distances
- to avoid interference, check with your local repeater coordinator before putting a new repeater on
the air
- not all repeaters are open; some have owners who restrict access to certain users (“closed”)
Radio Problems
- three basic types: fundamental overload, spurious emissions, and harmonics
- fundamental overload: interference from a strong, close radio
- spurious emissions: putting out undesired radio signals with the regular signal
- harmonics: putting out undesired signals on a multiple of your frequency
- telephones are usually not equipped with interference protection, and its acts like a radio
sometimes; install an RF filter at the telephone
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- if someone complains about TV interference: check to make sure your radio is okay; see if your
own TV is affected; chokes or filters may be needed
- if your neighbor’s Part 15 device causes interference with your radio, work with your neighbor on
the problem; politely tell him the problem and tell him the rules require he stop using the device;
check your station to see if it working okay
- whine on your mobile radio signal? Check for noise from the car’s electrical system (“alternator
- SSB garbled and breaking up? Feedback in the microphone
- signal through repeater distorted or weak? Transmitter off frequency, or low batteries, or bad
- digital communications systems can often eliminate noise or interference
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Notes on the T6 section - Communication Modes and Methods
Phone – voice transmissions by radio
- includes AM, SSB, and FM
Modulation – a way of altering a radio wave so that it can carry information
- involves mixing a radio wave (the “carrier”) with a voice or other signal
Amplitude Modulation (AM) – modulation method where the carrier’s “height” changes when it’s
mixed with your voice
Single sideband – when an AM signal is created, there are three parts: the carrier, the upper
sideband (USB) and lower sideband (LSB)
- voices sent using AM sound very natural but are very wide on the band
- by removing one of the sidebands, we can make the signal narrower (about 2 to 3 kHz wide)
- used for worldwide communications on HF
- used for long-distance and weak signal contacts on VHF and UHF
- LSB is used below 14 MHZ
- USB is used on 14 MHz and above, including VHF and UHF
Gateway – ham radio connected to the internet
FM – frequency modulation
- used with repeaters on two meters a lot; very clear and natural sounding
- very large bandwidth (about 5 to 15 kHz wide)
CW – Morse code signals
- narrowest bandwidth of all
- only send at speeds at which you can comfortably receive
- repeaters often use CW to identify
Fast-scan TV – extremely wide bandwidth (about 6 MHz)
- often used on 70 cm since it is a wide band
Echolink – uses the internet to send voice transmissions (Voice over internet protocol, VoIP)
- any ham can use this
- it is possible to hear DX on 2 meter repeaters this way
- active nodes using VoIP can be found in a repeater directory or on the internet
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IRLP – internet radio linking project; also uses VoIP
- use the keypad on the radio to send the ILRP node numbers to select a node
Packet radio - digital (computer-to-computer) communications
APRS – automatic position reporting system (for sending GPS info over ham radio)
- requires a GPS receiver
NTSC – national television system committee
- a standard fast-scan color TV signal
Technicians can use point-to-point digital message forwarding on 1.25 meters (219-220 MHz)
PSK – phase-shift keying
- modulation method involving varying the phase of a signal
PSK31 – low-speed PSK that works well in noisy conditions
Q-signals: abbreviations used on ham radio
QRM – Q-signal for “interference”
QSY – Q-signal for “changing frequency”
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Notes on the T7 section - Special Operations
Field operations
- bring extra battery packs for your handheld
- leave the 1500 watt amp at home (too heavy)
- use an external antenna instead of the "rubber-duck" antenna
- combination headsets/microphone helpful if there's background noise
Radio Direction Finding & Fox Hunting
- RDF used to find sources of interference or jammers, or in fox hunts
- fox hunting: contest in which hams try to find hidden transmitters
- directional antennas used for both of these
Contests - involves contacting as many stations as possible in a certain amount of time
Grid locator - letter/number combination used as a geographic location designator
Special Event Station - temporary station that operates in conjunction with an activity of special
Radio Control
- maximum power is 1 watt
- a label must be attached to the transmitter with call sign and address
- any ham can use the ham radio satellites in orbit as long as you are allowed to use the uplink
- use the minimum power needed
- can be used to talk to hams in other countries
- any ham can contact the ISS (International Space Station)
- beacon: radio signal giving information on the satellite
- a satellite tracking program is used to find when you can access a satellite
- Doppler shift: change in frequency caused by the satellite's motion
- AMSAT: biggest group that builds and launches ham satellites
- sub-band: portion of a band where satellite operations are permitted
- on the 70 cm band, the satellite sub-band is from 435-438 MHz
- a LEO satellite is in a low Earth orbit
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Notes on the T8 section - Emergency and Public Service Communications
When the FCC declares a communications emergency, they will state what special conditions and
rules are to be followed during the emergency.
Usually emergencies are the only time hams can communicate with stations operating in other
radio services; this requires FCC authorization. Hams not helping with the emergency must avoid
using the emergency frequencies.
If you hear someone call for help, immediately stop your conversation and take the emergency
call. Assume it is for real and act accordingly.
Tactical call signs such as "command post" or "weather center" are used in emergencies to make
communications more efficient and to help coordinate communications
If calling for help on voice, "mayday" is used; on CW, "SOS" is used. It is considered an emergency
if human life or property is threatened
False emergency calls are illegal; you could have your license revoked, be fined, or go to jail
Emergency communications always have top priority; the rules on what frequencies you can use,
etc., can be disregarded in a true emergency
Preparing for emergencies; check your emergency equipment twice per year, make sure you can
use it in a power failure, participate in emergency drills
RACES is restricted to serving local, state, and federal government emergency management
- before you participate in RACES, you must register with the responsible civil defense organization
ARES supports non-goverment agencies like the Red Cross, Salvation Army, and National Weather
- before you can participate in ARES, you must have a ham radio license
Emergency power - car or truck batteries, bicycle generators, or portable solar panels
Avoid casual chatter when operating a station for public service to avoid interfering with important
It is illegal to allow a reporter to use your ham radio to make a news report
Personal information concerning victims should not be transmitted during emergencies
If you are participating in an emergency net, once you check in, don't transmit until the net control
station requests it
Net control stations must have strong clear signals
If someone breaks in with an emergency, the net control station should stop all net activity and
handle the emergency
If there is a big emergency and there is no net control station, start the emergency net yourself
and ask for check-ins
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When passing emergency messages, you must include the name of the person originating the
If sending sensitive emergency traffic, use a non-voice mode like CW or packet radio to prevent
casual listeners from overhearing
The preamble of a message contains the info needed to track the message; this includes the
message number, type of message, handling instructions, length-of-message information (the
"check"), the call sign of the station where the message started, and when and where the message
originated. Usually such messages are kept to 25 words or less
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Notes on the T9 section - Radio Waves, Propagation, and Antennas
Feedline – wire connecting the antenna to the radio
- most common type is coaxial cable (“coax”)
Beam antenna – concentrates signals in one direction
- examples include: Yagi, Quad, Dish
Vertical antenna – single conductor ("element") perpendicular to Earth’s surface
- often car antennas are short vertical antennas, ¼ or 5/8 wavelengths long
- car antennas often have magnetic mounts for attaching to the roof
- 5/8 wavelength antennas have lower radiation angles than ¼
Horizontal antenna – element parallel to Earth’s surface
Dipole antenna – wire antenna one half-wavelength long, usually horizontal
- the higher the frequency, the shorter the length
- equation: length (feet) = 468 / frequency (MHz)
- the wire is cut in the center; the coax is connected to the antenna at the center
- one half of the antenna is connected to the center conductor of the coax
- the other half is connected to the shield (the braided wire surrounding)
Rubber duck antenna – short rubber-coated antenna usually found on handheld radios
- not as efficient as full size antennas; especially bad inside cars
Dummy load – an “antenna” that does not put out a radio signal
- converts the radio energy to heat instead
- used to test radios without radiating a signal
Propagation – the ability of a radio wave to travel over distances
- different types of radio waves (HF, VHF, UHF) propagate differently
- HF signals can be reflected by the ionosphere (they “skip”)
- VHF & UHF signals don’t skip, so they usually only work line-of-sight
- they actually go slightly further than line-of-sight due to atmospheric refraction
- radio horizon: where radio signals are blocked by the Earth’s curvature
- sometimes VHF signals reflect from ionized patches in the E layer of the ionosphere (“sporadic E”)
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- UHF signals work better inside buildings since their shorter wavelength allows them to penetrate
- VHF & UHF signals can be reflected off of buildings (to repeaters, for example) using directional
Problems on VHF & UHF
- bursts of tones or fragments of conversation on VHF or UHF: receiver overload from strong
nearby signals
- suddenly weak or distorted signal: try moving a few feet, perhaps multiple reflections causing
- when a repeater is distant, be sure to hold your handheld’s antenna vertical, since repeater
antennas are vertically polarized. If polarizations don’t match, your signal might be up to 100 times
weaker when it arrives.
Antenna testing is done by measuring SWR: standing wave ratio
- ratio of high to low impedance in a feed line
- is a measure of how well the feedline is able to deliver energy to the antenna
- a 1:1 SWR is perfect; this means 100% of the energy is going to the antenna, none is reflected
- above 2:1, a lot of power is being reflected; most modern radios have circuits that begin reducing
transmitter power when the SWR is above this
- a SWR meter or a directional wattmeter can measure SWR
Coax – easy to use and doesn’t have many special installation requirements
- important to have low SWR when using coax to reduce losses and transfer power to the antenna
- power lost in a coax line is converted to heat
- weather and sunlight can increase losses in coax over time
- coax fails most often because of moisture contamination
- black plastic-coated coax can reduce ultraviolet damage
- most common type of coax for hams is 50 ohm
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Notes on the T0 section - Safety
Electrical safety
- lowest voltage that can cause a shock = 30 V
- lowest current through body likely to cause death = 100 mA (100 milliamperes)
Fuses and wiring
- in a three-way electrical plug, the green wire is connected to ground
- fuses are to interrupt power in case of overload
- never replace a fuse with one that has a greater power rating, or too much current may flow and
cause a fire
- to prevent electrical shock, use 3-wire power cords for all equipment; connect all equipment to
common ground;
use ground-fault circuit interrupters
- make sure everyone knows where the emergency disconnect switch is
Car batteries (12 V storage batteries)
- can be recharged by connecting to car’s battery and running engine
- contains dangerous acid; short circuits can cause fires; explosive gas can collect
- can overheat or explode if charged or discharged too quickly
- when a storm is approaching, disconnect antenna cables and move them away from equipment;
unplug all equipment; stop using radio equipment & stay away from it
- lightning strikes can cause fires
Power supplies contain large capacitors that can shock you even if it is turned off and unplugged.
Outdoor antenna work safety
- when near a tower someone has climbed, wear a hard hat and safety glasses
- before climbing a tower, put on safety belt and safety glasses; arrange for a helper; inspect the
tower; make sure no storms are approaching
- when putting up antennas, make sure people can’t touch them
- when putting up antennas near airports, there are height regulations
- when putting up a tower (or antenna), avoid power lines; if the antenna falls, it should still be
more than 10 feet from the power lines
- tower guy lines are installed according to manufacturer’s instructions
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- crank-up towers cannot be climbed unless it is fully lowered
- stainless steel parts are used outdoors to avoid corrosion
- for safety, 8 foot ground rods should be installed at each leg of a tower and bonded together
Radio Frequency (RF) exposure safety
- VHF and UHF signals are considered non-ionizing radiation
- radio waves can be hazardous if too much power is absorbed by the body
- above 30 MHz, more than 50 watts PEP means you need an RF exposure evaluation
- exposure to RF energy depends on the frequency and power of the radio signals, the distance to
the antenna, and the antenna’s radiation pattern
- frequency is important since the body absorbs some frequencies better than others
- you can be sure you comply with the exposure regulations by calculating it using FCC OET bulletin
65 or computer modeling, or by measuring it using calibrated equipment.
- if you touch antenna while someone transmits, you can get an RF burn
- you can lower exposure by relocating your antennas, altering your antenna patterns, or by
changing your station’s power or frequency
- re-evaluate your exposure if you get new equipment
- exposure is measured in units of milliwatts per square centimeter
- the “duty cycle” of a transmitter affects RF exposure, since the duty cycle determines the time
the transmitter is operating
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More notes that might be necessary...
Information regarding Call Signs-Every licensed Radio Amateur is given a call sign that is used to identify you and your location of
license. Each country that has Amateur Radio status is allocated a range of call signs by the
International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
Prefix and Suffix-Call signs consist of a prefix and a suffix. The prefix is usually composed of one or two letters and a
number such as VE4 in Canada for the province of Manitoba or K9 in the U.S. for the states Illinois,
Indiana, and Wisconsin. Some countries have prefixes that are composed of a number and a letter
such as 4X for Israel or 9K for Kuwait. If this sounds confusing, for the first timer it is. After doing
it a while, they rattle off like Dr. Seuss.
While the prefix uniquely identifies a country the suffix is unique for the individual. In Canada a call
sign such as VE3ABC has VE3 (Ontario) as the prefix and ABC as the suffix. In the U.S the call sign
N2MG has a prefix of N2 and suffix of MG. U.S. hams may also have a two letter prefix thus AB2Z
is a valid call. Suffixes may also be less than three letters so you have call signs such as VE7AB in
British Columbia and KH6Y in Hawaii.
Call Areas-In North America the number in the call sign generally refers to an area of the country. The 3 in
VE3 refers to Ontario and the 6 in K6 refers to California. The number may be shared between
states in the U.S. so that 1 as in K1 or W1 can refer to the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts,
Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. Usually in Canada the number refers to a
single province although VE1 can refer to the Maritime provinces New Brunswick or Nova Scotia.
Other countries follow a similar practice so you can have states in Brazil and Prefectures in Japan.
U.S. Prefixes-Prefixes used by Amateurs in the United States are shown in the following table. U.S. Radio
Amateurs may have either a single letter or two letters in the prefix. See the two letter allocations
at the bottom of the table. The single letter prefixes K, and N are also in use by U.S. Amateurs. To
further complicate matters Amateurs that have moved to a different area of the country may retain
their existing call sign so when you hear W8ABC you may be receiving a signal from other than the
W8 states.
Call Sign Prefix--State
W0-- Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota
W1-- Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
W2-- New Jersey, New York
W3-- Delaware, D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania
W4-- Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia
W5-- Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
W6-- California
W7-- Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Wyoming
W8-- Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia
W9-- Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin
AL0-7, KL0-7, NL0-7, WL0-7-- Alaska
AH6-7, KH6-7, NH6-7, WH6-7-- Hawaii
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional U.S. prefixes
A, AA - AK K, KA - KK
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N, NA - NK
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Homework for the Feb 18th Class--
So here are things to help keep it interesting during class. As we learned last week from Barbara
and Bruce, HAM radio enjoys a rich and colorful history. While most of this culture surrounding
HAM radio will not be on the test, here starts the things that will help each one of you become a
better operator.
We will start with pro-signs. Pro-signs are basically abbreviations for words or phrases that are
used to keep the communication as short and concise as possible. Most of these pro-signs have
origins in early telegraphy, where every letter or number cost the sender money to send. For
instance, if each letter in a message cost 1 dollar to send via western union telegraph, look at the
following message and the difference in cost:
Please confirm Single Side Band schedule text tomorrow, Thanks.
This line cost $55, including punctuation. Same line using pro-signs:
The pro-sign line cost $22, less than half. They say money drives innovation, and this is a very
good example. How the terms became standard is a history lesson in of itself. They also translate
into shorter Morse Code messages with regards to DITs and DAHs. Less letters means faster
For Feb 18th, these few pro-signs you will be required to learn and will be quizzed on them at
random times throughout the class. This is not for a grade, it is for fun. The idea is to try and get
everyone into the habit of using pro-signs when they apply, and also to use them to keep the
communication as short and concise as possible. That way, just like the FCC wants us to use the
minimum amount of power to get our signal to the intended receiver, we also should keep our
communication to as minimum as possible to still facilitate the message.
The biggest point to remember about being a good operator is to L-I-S-T-E-N. Listen first, and then
transmit. Operators will best learn how to enter a conversation by listening. When it is time to
speak, speak clearly, across the mike and know what you want to say.
QTH - What is your location? My location is ___.
QSL - Can you acknowledge receipt? I am acknowledging receipt. (I understand)
QSY - Shall I change to another frequency? Change transmission to another frequency
QRZ - Who is calling me? You are being called by ___
QRN - Are you troubled by static? I am troubled by static.
QRM - Is my transmission being interfered with? Your transmission is being interfered with.
Common Abbreviations:
73—Best regards
88—Love and kisses
CQ—Calling any station(Seeking you)
OM—Old Man
YL—Youg Lady
LID—Poor operator
HI, HI—Laughter
VFO—Variable Frequency Oscillator(Tuning dial)
FM—Frequency Modulation
Fine Business—Excellent
CW—Continuous Wave(Morse Code)
SSB—Single Side Band
RTTY—Radio Teletype
Rig—Station Equipment
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AM—Amplitude Modulation
Be prepared to use these pro-signs in response to questions in the next class. There may even be
prizes for those who do.
Guys, get your gals this info so they too can participate!!!!
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