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Dr. Muralee Mohan Choonthar
Consultant Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgeon
& Implantologist
Department of Oral & Maxillo Facial Surgery
A.B.Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences,
Deralakatte ,Mangalore
: Dr. Muralee Mohan C.
Date of Birth
: Male
: 18th Jan 1973
Marital Status
: Married
: Indian
Name of Spouse
: Dr. Rajashree Mohan
Qualification of Spouse
1.Dr.Muralee Mohan C .
2.Dr.Muralee Mohan C .
Consultant Dental and Maxillofacial Professor,
Surgeon & Implnatologist
Department of Oral & maxillofacial
Suraksha Dental Clinic and Trauma- surgery
care center ,
A.B.Shetty Memorial Institute of
Rifa Centre,Hosangadi, Manjeshwar
Dental Sciences
Kasargoad, Kerala - 671323. India.
Deralakatte, Mangalore,
Phone - 91-4998 -273544 (Clinic)
Phone : 91-824-2204963,
Fax : 0824- 2204776
09845135787 (Mobile)
Email :[email protected]
Oral Surgery
Govt. Dental College
College Of Dental
Sciences, Davangere
Rajiv Gandhi
Edinburgh (U.K)
Royal College Of
National Board Of AIIMS New Delhi
Examination New
Fellow of Pierre
India & Nepal
Fauchard Academy
Sree Devi College of Alagappa University
May 2012
Special Training Undertaken
Hands on course in Distraction Osteogenesis, A B. Shetty Dental College,
Hands on course on Aesthetic Facial Surgery. Face foundation Mangalore.
Hands on course on Orthognathic Surgery, Govt. Dental College, Goa.
Hands on course on Cleft surgery at A.B. Shetty Dental College, Deralakatte,
Hands on course on Fundamentals of trauma life support, VIIth midterm
conference Kodaikanal, July 2002.
Hands on course Basic life Support, Manipal, Nov-2003
AO-CMF Advance Symposium, Bangalore, Nov-2007
Hands on course on ‘Dental Implants’, AJSIDS, Mangalore, June 2005
Hands on course on ‘Dental Implants’ , Mangalore May-2009, Osstem Implant
Under gone Special training in BLS & ACLS course certified by American Heart
Association, conducted by IIEMS on 28th 29th & 30th July 2012 at Mangalore
Academic Interactions:
Presently working as Professor in the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
since August 2000 till date at A.B.Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences,
Deralakatte, Mangalore, India. The department is recognized for training for FDSRCS,
MFDS, MOSRCS Edinburgh.
Guide to undergraduate students in dentistry in their academic and clinical sections,
doing two sessions a day of 2 hours durations each, 6 days a week in clinical and one
lecture a week for final year BD.S students. Clinical interactions and group discussion
with post-graduate students in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery in their training program.
Interactions with group discussions seminars, case presentations, journal club and
clinical demonstrations as a part of academic requirement
Clinical Experience as Academic Teacher:
1. Handling emergency on call duty
2. Pre surgical workup for major surgical procedures
3. Guide post - graduate and undergraduate students in formulating treatment
plans and case discussions, case demonstration of minor and major oral surgery
4. Handled various cases like cancer, Tumor, Trauma, Orthognathic Surgery,
TMJ surgeries & cosmetic surgery independently and under supervision of unit
5. Over see post-graduate and under-graduate students in their surgical work.
Work done in the Unit:
a)Minor cases done independently:
 Exodontias & Surgical Extractions
 Impactions and cysts, Apicectomies
 Corticotomy
 Pre Prosthetic minor surgeries
 A large no. of cases done and demonstrated to under graduate and post graduate
b) Major case done independently / under supervision or assisted :
 Orthognathic surgery
 Maxillofacial trauma
 Cancer surgery
 TMJ surgeries
 Bone grafting
 Skin grafting
 Osteotomies Etc.
Summary of work experience
1. August 2000-31st july 2003
Assistant Professor
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
A.B.Shetty Dental college, Mangalore
2.August 2003-31st july 2006
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
A.B.Shetty Dental college, Mangalore
3.August 2006-31st july 2008
Associate Professor
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
A.B.Shetty Dental college, Mangalore
4. August 2008-till date
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
A.B.Shetty Dental college, Mangalore
Clinical Experience:
1. Pre-surgical patient preparation & evaluation
2. Post surgical patient care
3. Independently handled various minor oral surgery procedures, Oro-antral
communications, biopsy etc.
4. Assisted and done variety of major and extra major surgical cases along with
unit head. Cases included are Trauma, Orthognathic surgery, Grafting, Cancer surgery,
Tumors, TMJ and plastic surgery Procedures.
Paper Presented:
1. TMJ Ankylosis single stage management - a new protocol, 5th midterm
conference of AOMSI,Mangalore, July 2000
2. Management of palatal defects, 26th conference of AOMSI, Bangalore,
December 2001.
3. Controversies and current trends in the management of recurrent
Ameloblastoma-12th midterm conference of AOMSI held at Ahmadabad May-2008
4 ‘Condylar fracture management ‘ 37th annual conference of AOMSI at Cochin
November -2009
5.Osteochondroma – A rare case report. 14th mid term conference held at D.Y
Patil ,Mumbai, June -2010
6.Torticollis- A report of 2 Cases. 38th Annual Conference of AOMSI at New
Delhi, November 2011
7. BLS- What is New ? 39th Annual Conference of AOMSI at Hyderabad, Nov.
Got best paper award for the paper presented at the 5th midterm conference of
AOMSI Mangalore July 2000 “TMJ Ankylosis single stage management, a new
protocol ’’
Research done and submitted to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences.
Bangalore as requirement for M.D.S. course.
"Mandibular ramus anatomy and its significance in ramus osteotomies - an in
vitro study". – March 2000, RGUHS, Bangalore.
1. “Congenital neglected muscular torticolis in a young female” Orthopedics today Vol.
IX No. – 1, Jan –March 2007.
2. “Temporal and buccal space infection secondary to odontogenic infection.” – JMFOS
2009, July-August.
3. Assessment of “Glutathione in Oral cancer” April -2009 JMFOS
4. Congenital muscular torticollis- Case report and an effective treatment plan; JOMSI
India, Jan 2012
5. Primary extranodal Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma involving masseter and buccinators
muscles; IJOMS 2012
6. Reinforced open cap splint- a novel therapeutic technique in paediatric mandibular
fracture; Guident Jan 2012
7. Osteochondroma of mandibular condyle- a rare case report; Healtalk Nov-Dec 2011
8. Aggressive Pyogenic Granuloma causing bone erosion- case report; Healtalk Jan-Feb
9. Dermabrasion- a method of peeling for better healing and feeling; Guident Feb 2012
10. Ameloblastoma- a case report and review of literature; Guident April 2012
11. An epidemiological survey of incidence of mandibular fracture in DK district; KSDJ
Jan-Mar 2012
12. Principles of management of pregnant patients in dental clinic; IDRR Mar 2012
13. Principles of Management of Diabetic patients in maxillofacial clinic; IDRR Apr
14. Temporal and buccal space infection secondary to odontogenic infection; KSDJ JanMar 2012
15. FNAC- an aid to diagnosis of head and neck masses; Healtalk Mar-Apr 2012
16. Oral malignant melanoma: Systematic review of literature and report of two cases: J
of Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path and Oral Radiol 2012
17 Principles of Management of Hypertensive patients in maxillofacial clinic; IDRR
June 2012
18 Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia Patients in Dental Clinics : IDRR October
19. Mandibular Condylar Facture - Challenges in the management : IDRR
December 2012
20. Utility of Buccal Pad of Fat in closure of Oroantral fistula – A case report and
review of
literature. Journal of Pearldent Vol 3, Issue Dec. 2012
21. Management of Immuno compromised (HIV) patients in Dental Clinics. BDJ
Dec. 2012
22 Sialolith - the story of a stone July aug 2012 HEALTALK
23 Management of patients on anticoagulant therapy IDDR AUG 2012
24. Isolated Unilateral coronoid fracture – a rare case report Sept. 2012 UPDENT
25. Ludwig’s Angina – Case report Oct. 2012 UPDENT
26. Role of biopsy in general dental practice Guidant Sept. 2012
27. Versatality of Nasolabial Flab – March 2013 UPDENT
28. Management of Abscess and Cellulitis in Dental Clinic – March 2013 IDDR
29. Open cap splint A new method – Heal talk – March 2013
30.Role of Tumour markers in oral squamous cell carcinoma review of literature and
future consideration,SRMJDRS,SEP-DEC 2012,VOL 3,ISSUE 4
31.Management of renally compromised patients in dental clinics Nov 2013 IDDR
32 Management of pregnant patient in dental clinics.IDDR,AUG 2013,46-49.
33 Cleidocranial dysplasia-a rare case report.IDDR,DEC2013,64-66
34 Management of cardiac patients in dental clinics,IDDR DEC 2013,22-25.
35 Cementoblastoma in a maxilla-a rare case report,HEALTALK,SEP-OCT 2013 VOL
6 ISSUE 1,15
37Oral Myiasis-a rare case report,Jour.Mult. Dent.Research, jan- june 2013,volume
2,issue 1,25-28
38 Ankyloglosia-A rare case report,BDJ VOL 5,ISSUE 3,JULY-SEPT 2013
39 Non syndromic Multiple Dentigerous Cysts,HEALTALK,JAN-FEB 2013,VOL
5,ISSUE 3,32-35.
40 Reconstuction of Condyle following surgical correction of TMJ Ankylosis,Current
concepts and future considerations.NUJHS,VOL 4, No 2, JUNE 2014
41 Recurrent Ameloblastoma of the mandible,GUIDENT
42 Non-syndromic multiple dentigerous cyst,HEALTALK
43 Marfan Syndrome,BDJ
44 Unilateral hysterical mandibular dislocation,HEALTALK
45 Osteoma: A case review,HEALTALK
46 Management of orofacial infection,IDDR
47 Dentigerous cyst in maxillary premolar region- A rare site of occurance,IDDR
48 Positive aspiration and its significance during inferior alveolar nerve block- A
prospective study,NUJHS
49 Le-Fort’s access osteotomy to nasopharyngeal tumour- A case report,JPFA
50 Infective Endocarditis- Current prophylaxis protocol,IDDR
51 Congenital muscular torticollis- Case series & review of literature,IOSR-JDMS
52 Dental management of patients with CNS disorders,IDDR
53 Dentigerous cyst in maxillary premolar region: A rare site of occurance,HEALTALK
54 Sialolithiasis: A case report,IDDR
55 BLS- What is new ?,NUJHS
Conference attended :
1. 4th midterm conference of AOMSI, PURI, ORISSA, July 1999.
2. 5th Midterm conference AOMSI Mangalore, Karnataka, July 2000.
3. 7th midterm conference of AOMSI, Kodaikanal Tamil Nadu, July 2002.
4. 9th midterm conference of AOMSI. Dharwad, June 2004.
5. 10th Midterm Conference of AOMSI – Mysore, June 2005.
6. 11th midterm conference AOMSI Munar, June 2006.
7. 26th Annual conference of AOMSI, Bangalore, December 2000.
8. 28th National Conference of AOMSI, Bombay, December 2002.
9. 29th National conference of AOMSI, Mangalore, December 2003.
10. 12th National Midterm Conference of AOMSI at Ahmadabad, May 2008.
11. 33rd National conference of AOMSI – Bangalore Nov 2007.
12. 14th Mid term Conference of AOMSI –Bombay –June-2010
13. 15th Mid term Conference of AOMSI- Kanyakumari- June 2011
14. 36th National Conference of AOMSI- Delhi Nov 2011
15.37th national conference of AOMSI HYDERABAD NOV 2012
16. 17th Mid term Conference of AOMSI- Mangalore- June 2013
17. Attend 10th ISOI Conference at Bombay OCT-2013
1.1st Indo- Lanka Joint conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Colombo,
Srilanka, June 23rd 2003.
2. 5th Asian conference of AOMSI, Bombay, December 2002.
3. 1st International course and congress of international cleft lip and palate
foundation Zurich Switzerland held in Goa, India, Jan 2001.
4. International workshop on Aesthetic facial surgery by face foundation,
Mangalore, February 2001.
5. International workshop on cleft surgery, speech and cleft orthodontics,
Mangalore, November 1998.
6. 18th International conference of OMFS Held at Bangalore, November 2007.
7. World Dental congress “DAANT – 2008” Pattaya, Thailand, Jan 2008.
8. World Dental congress “DAANT – 2009” held at Dubai, Feb 2009.
9.World Dental Congress ,DAANT-2010 , held at Cairo ,Egypt March-2010
10.World Dental Congress 2011 Held at Kaulalampur , Malasia
11. Attended 5th International IALD Conference held at Goa on Sept. 2011
Workshop / symposium / CDE /CME Attended
1. Workshop on Orthognathic surgery Govt. Dental College, Goa,
2. Oral cancer symposium at Kidway Memorial Institute of Oncology,
Bangalore, April 1999.
3. Symposium on craniofacial Anomaly, A.B Shetty Dental College, Mangalore,
December 1999.
4. Maxillo-facial interaction, CODS Davangere, September 2000.
5. Workshop on Fundamental of Trauma life support held at Kodi, July 2002.
6. Clinical workshop on conscious sedation and basic life support, CODS
September 2003.
7. CDE on “Oral Microbiology ’’held at YDC Mangalore, March 2004.
8. CDE on Dent facial deformities held at YDC Mangalore, May 2004.
9. CME on “Oral oncology”, Kidwai Bangalore, June 2005.
10. CDE on “Research in Health sciences”, Kshema, Mangalore, Sept .2005.
11. Workshop on ‘Aesthetic Laser Surgery’, held at Nitte Meenakshi Institute
of Cranio- facial surgery, Mangalore, May 2006.
12. CME on ‘on maxillofacial oncology’, held at A.B.Shetty Memorial
Institute of Dental Sciences,
Mangalore, April 2006.
13. CME on ‘Basics of plastic and reconstructive Surgery of the head and
held at A
.B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, Feb 2007.
14. CME on Endocrinology in clinical practice held at ABSMIDS,
15. CME on ‘Radiotherapy’ in H &N Cancer held at ABSMIDS, Dec-2008.
16.CME on ‘Search Strategies and Scientific writing ‘Aug-2010 ABSMIDS
17.CME on Oral Manifestations in HIV/AIDS –March-2010 ABSMIDS
18. Workshop on Esthetic Facial surgery –July-2010, ABSMIDS
19. Emergencies in Dental Practice –October-2010 , ABSMIDS
20. Controversies in Maxillofacial Surgery- March-2010 KVG –Sullia
21. Attended the workshop on “The art of Biomedical Writing” at ABSMIDS
Jan 2011
22. Attended Workshop on TRAUMA at A.J.Dental College, Feb 2011
23. Attended the workshop on ORAL CANCER UPDATE at Yenepoya
University Feb 2011
24. Attended workshop on ORAL SUB – MUCOS FIBROSIS held at
ABSMIDS, Feb 2011
25. Attended workshop on Head Injuries & Imaging Modalities in Maxillo
facial Surgery held at ABSMIDS, Aug. 2011
26. Attended workshop on Orthodontic Surgery – Then & Now held at
ABSMIDS, Aug 2011
27. Attended CDE Program on Recent Trends in Dentistry, held at
ABSMIDS, Dec 2011
28. Attended CDE Program on Infections held at Yenepoya Dental College,
March 2012
29. Attended workshop on Best Practice in Hospital Care of Maxillofacial
Patients held at MCODS Mangalore, Sept. 2012
Dental Conference:
1.54th national IDA conference held at Cochin, 1997.
2. Regional Dental conference Kasargod, May 2000.
3. 1st interstate and 31st Karnataka state dental conference, Mangalore,
November 2002.
4. 29 th Karnataka state dental conference, Mangalore, Nov 2002.
5. 33rd Karnataka state dental conference held at B.C Road, November 2005.
6. 6th Goa state dental conference, Goa, September 2005.
7. 35th Karnataka state Dental conference held at Bangalore, Nov 2007
8. 61st Indian dental Conference held at Mangalore, Jan 2008.
9. 36th Karnataka State Dental Conference held at Muraderswara, Nov 2008.
10.36 th Karnataka State Dental Conference held at Belgaum-2009 November
11. 10th Goa state dental conference, Goa, September 2012
12. 40 th Karnataka State Dental Conference held at Coorg-2013 November
1. Organizing committee member – 5th midterm conference of
AOMSI,Mangalore, July 2000.
2. Organizing committee member for 1st interstate and 31st Karnataka state
dental conference, Mangalore.
3. Organizing committee member for the 29th Annual national conference of
AOMSI held at Mangalore, December 2003.
4. Organizing committee member – 61st IDA conference held at Mangalore, Jan
5. Basic endodontic workshop conducted at Suraksha dental clinic, Kasargod
on 18th June, 2006. More than 25 Dentists participated in this workshop.
6. Implant Workshop on Implant conducted at Suraksha Dental Clinic –April2008 more
than 25 people participated in this
7. Work shop on Implants conducted on Jan-2010 at Suraksha Dental clinic.
Fifty Dentist Participated in this programme.
8. Organizing committee member ASMOCON 2013 August 29 To 31 Mangalore
Special Interest:
Orthognathic surgery, Facial Reconstruction., TMJ Surgery, Maxillofacial
Trauma, Rhinoplasty, Aesthetic Dentistry and Cosmetic Facial Surgery and Surgical
oncology of Head and neck.
Guest speaker:
1. Guest speaker for CDE programme conducted by IDA Puttur branch at
Puttur, Nov. 2006
Topic: Minor oral surgery for dental practitioners
2. Guest speaker at CDE programme conducted by IDA Hasan branch at
Hasanamba dental college at Hasan, Nov 2007.
Topic: Maxillofacial infections
3. Guest speaker at CDE programme conducted by Sullia IDA branch at
Sullia, March 2008
Topic: Tips for successful dental practice
4. Guest speaker for CDE programme conducted by IDA uttarakannada
branch at kumta, 22nd feb. 2009.
Topic: Surgical tips for dental surgeons.
5. Guest speaker for CDE programme conducted by IDA puttur,
20th Feb- 2009.
Topic: Maxillofacial infections and dentist
6. Guest Speaker at 14th Mid term AOMSI conference at Kanyakumari, June
Topic: Maxillofacial Infections
7 Guest Speaker at AOCMF held at YENAPOYA COLLEGE on 28 feb 2014
Topic: Surgical anatomy and approaches to mandible
Professional Experience:
 In private practice doing general Dentistry since 1997 (10 years)
 Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon since last 9 year
 Special case handled include Root Canal Treatment, maxillofacial Trauma ,
Periodontal Surgery,
 Surgical Dentistry, Cosmetic facial Surgery, Aesthetic Dentistry including crown and
Bridge and ceramics
 Consultant to various hospitals and Dental Clinics in and around Mangalore
regarding specialty cases and trauma.
 Examiner for undergraduate students at Rajiv Gandhi University and Kannur
 Examiner for postgraduate students at Rajiv Gandhi University and Kannur
 Examiner for Postgraduate and Undergraduate students at NITTE University
 Examiner for Postgraduate and Undergraduate students at Yenepoya University
 Examiner for Postgraduate and Undergraduate students at Maharashtra University
of health sciences,Maharastra.
 Examiner for Post graduate and Under graduate students at SRM University
Chenai,Tamil Nadu.
 Examiner for Post graduate students and Under graduate students at MGR University
Chenai,Tamil Nadu
 Examiner for Post graduate and Under graduate students at MAHE
 University,Manipal,Karnataka.
 Examiner for Under Graduate and Post Graduate Students of BHARATHI
Professional Fellowship:
 Life member Association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons of India
 Founder member - Association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons of India - Karavali
 Ex Executive committee member, Karnataka state dental Association.
 Fellow member of Royal college of surgery Edinburgh U.K.
 Life Member of Indian Dental Association DK branch.
Ex- Hon secretary - AOMSI , Karavali chapter
 Diplomat of national board of Examinations New Delhi
 Member, international association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons
 Vice president, IDA D.K. branch 2007-2008.
 Executive committee member IDA DK Branch 2008-2009
 President, IDA DK Branch 2011-2012
 Fellow Member of Pierre Fauchard Academy
 Life member of Indian Red Cross Society
 Ex - Chairman of Indian Red Cross Society, D.K Branch
 Life member of IALD. (Indian Academy of Laser Dentistry )
 Program officer Youth Red Cross Wing A.B Shetty dental collage 2010-13
 Management committee member of IRCS DK Branch 2012-15
 Ex – Chairman ,Blood Bank, IRCS Mangalore, Lady Goshen Hospital, Mangalore
 NSS Co - Ordinator of Nitte Universitty
Management committee member of IRCS Karnataka state red cross Health sub
Free Dental Awareness, Education and Treatment Camps :
 Conducted and participated in a number of oral health, treatment and screening
camps for cleft lip and palate, oral cancer and precancerous lesions and conditions in
various districts of the state of Karnataka and kerala.
 Actively participated in a school and rural dental education programmes and teacher
training programmes conducted by dept. of community dentistry and Indian dental
 Conducted no. of dental treatment , awareness and educative programmes and oral
health promotion camps at various orphanages in and around mangalore.
1 . Conducted free dental treatment camp at Govt. junior college Bellare, 23rd Jan
2005, in the memory of Late Sarojini Bhat choonthar. More than 600 patients were
treated and free medications were distributed.
2 . Conducted free dental treatment camp and awareness programme at Govt. school
sheni, Chokkadi on 22nd Jan 2006, in the memory of Late Sarojini Bhat choonthar.
Nearly 300 patients were treated and medications were distributed.
3 Organized free dental treatment camp and awareness programme at Vidyabhodini
School Balila on 5th Feb. 2006. Nearly 400 patients were treated and medications
were distributed.
4. Free dental treatment, education and awareness programme was organized at
Sathyasai School Chokkadi on 21st Jan 2007. Nearly 500 students were benefited
from this camp.
5. Organized free dental treatment camp in collaboration with Lion and Lioness club
Belmannu at Belmannu on 28th October 2007. More than 200 patients were treated.
6. Organized free dental treatment camp at Lions seva mandir Upalla in collaboration
with Lions club Upalla chapter on 16th Dec 2007. More than 200 patients were
7. Conducted free dental treatment camp at Vittla on 23rd Dec. 2007. More than 250
patients were treated free of cost.
8. Organized dental camp at Govt. school Hokkadigoli on 6th Jan 2008. More than
200 patients were treated.
9. Organized free dental camp at Church hall Adyar on 24th Feb. 2008. More than 250
patients were treated free of cost.
10.Organized free dental treatment camp at kakkepadava on 9th march. More than 300
patients were treated.
11.Conducted dental camp at Sacred Heart School Todambila on 10 th Feb. 2008.
Nearly 100 patients were treated
12.Organized dental treatment camp at Vamadapadavu on 17th Feb. 2008. Nearly 300
patients were treated.
13.Conducted free dental treatment camp and awareness programme at Sathyasai
school Chokkadi on 13th Jan. 2008 in the memory of late Sarojini Bhat choonthar.
Nearly 375 patients were treated and free medications and toothpaste were
14.Organized free dental treatment camp and awareness programme in collaboration
with junior J.C Bellare in the memory of Late Sarojini Bhat choonthar on 3 rd Feb.
2008 at Govt. junior college Bellare. More than 550 patients were treated and free
medications were distributed
15.Conducted free dental treatment camp at Sathyasai orphanage, Daigali on Dec
2008. More than 150 students were treated.
16.Conducted free dental treatment camp at Lions seva mandir, Manchi, Salethoor on
17th Dec. 2008. More than 150 patients were treated free of cost.
17.Organized free dental check up camp and dental awareness programme at Stella
Mary’s orphanage Kotekar, October 2008.
18.Conducted free dental treatment camp and awareness programme on dental
diseases at Hindu Higher Primary School, Shiva, March 2008. More than 250
patients were treated and free medications were distributed.
19.Conducted free dental treatment camp at Sathyasai School, Chokkadi on 25th Jan
2009, with the help of ABSMIDS, Deralakatte, Mangalore. More than 300 people
got benefited from this camp.
20.Organized free dental treatment camp at SDM School Belal, Ujaire on March 15th
2009, in the memory of late Sarojini Bhat Choonthar.
21.Organized free dental treatment camp at Stella Mary Orphanage, Kotekar on 6 th
June-2009 . All children were given comprehensive dental treatment
22.Organised free dental treatment Camp at Miyapadavu on 13 th June-2009 More
than 350 children got free Dental Treatment and free medicines were distributed
23. Organised free dental treatment Camp on 02-08-2009 at Thottethody. More than
250 children got free Dental Treatment and free medicines were distributed
24. Organised free dental treatment Camp on 06-12-2009 at Faizal Nagar nearly 200
patient were given comprehensive dental treatment free of cost.
25.Conducted free dental treatment and education camp on 13-12-2009 at Pandeswara
Police Quarters nearly 150 patient were treated free of cost.
26.Conducted free dental treatment and education camp on 03-01-2010 at Salethoor
and more than 250 patient were treated free of cost.
27.Organised free dental treatment Camp on 10-01-2010 at Padil. More than 200
patient got free Dental Treatment and free medicines were distributed
28.Organised free dental treatment Camp on 30-01-2010 at Uppala. More than 150
patient got free Dental Treatment and free medicines were distributed.
29.Organised free dental treatment Camp on 21-02-2010 at Kairangala . More than
200patient got free Dental Treatment and free medicines were distributed.
30.Organised free dental treatment Camp on 25-04-2010 at Perlampady. More than
100 Patient got free Dental Treatment and free medicines were distributed.
31.Organised free dental treatment Camp on 09-05-2010 at Kallige. More than 150
Patient got free Dental Treatment and free medicines were distributed.
32.Organised free dental treatment camp on 02-10-2010 at Miapadavu School. More
than 350 patients got free dental treatment and free medicines were distributed.
33.Organised free dental treatment camp on 07-11-2010 at Kotekar Stella Mary
Orphanage. More than 100 Children got free dental treatment and free medicines
were distributed.
34.Organised free dental treatment camp on 14-11-2010 at Sri Sathya Sai Orphanage ,
Daigoli . More than 50 Children and 200 general public got free dental treatment
and free medicines were distributed.
35.Organised free dental treatment camp on 23-01-2011 at Chokkadi High School.
More than 500 patients given free treatment and free medicine
36.Organised free dental treatment camp on 10-04-2011 at Govt. Lower Primary
School , Bellare. More than 150 patients given free treatment and free medicine
37.Organised free dental treatment camp on 17-04-2011 at Primary School , at Bayar.
More than 250 patients given free treatment and free medicine.
38.Organised free dental treatment camp on 23-10-2011 at Siddhakatte, Bantwal
Taluk. More than 150 patients were given free treatment and free medicine.
39.Organised free dental treatment camp on 25-12-2011 at Daigoli Sri Sathya Sai
Orphanage. More than 150 patients were given free treatment and free Medicine.
40.Organised free dental treatment camp on 18-03-2011 at Miyapadavu Primary
School. More than 100 patients were treated.
41.Organised free dental treatment camp on 01-04-2012 at Junior college Bellare.
More than 75 patients were treated.
42.Organised free dental treatment camp on 13-05-2012 at Great India School
Talapady. More than 50 patients were treated.
43.Organised free dental treatment camp on 17-06-2012 at Primary Health Centre,
Moodabidre. More than 100 patients were treated.
44. Organised free dental treatment camp on 22-07-2012 at Daigoli. More than 100
patients were treated.
45.Organised free dental treatment camp on 12-08-2012 at Munishwar temple,
Hampankatte. More than 75 patients were treated.
46.Organised free dental treatment camp on 19-08-2012 at Gov. College,
Hampankatte. More than 100 patients were treated.
47.Organized free dental treatment camp on 16.09.2012 at Government Primary
School, Mundukar, Sullia. More than 100 patients were treated.
48.Organized free dental treatment camp on 23.09.2012 at Sathya Sai School, Bayaru
. More than 200 patients were treated.
49.Organized free dental treatment camp on 30.09.2012 at Stella Mary’s Orphanage ,
Kotekar. More than 50 patients were treated.
50.Organized free dental treatment camp on 21.10.2012 at Zeenath Baksh Yatheem
Khana, Mangalore. More than 60 patients were treated.
51.Organized free dental treatment camp on 01.11.2012 at Swamy Shraddhananda
Ashrama, Jeppu, Mangalore. More than 50 patients were treated.
52.Organized free dental treatment camp on 4.11.2012 at Arya Samaja Hostel More
than 50 patients were treated.
53.Organized free dental treatment camp on 11.11.2012 at Bhagini Samaja, Jeppu,
Mangalore. More than 75 patients were treated.
54.Organized free dental treatment camp on 25.11.2012 at Sri Rama Krishna
Ashrama, Mangalore. More than 150 patients were treated.
55.Organized free dental treatment camp on 02.12.2012 at Balikashrama, Kankanady,
Mangalore. More than 150 patients were treated.
56.Organized free dental treatment camp on 16.12.2012 at BCM Hostel, Kadri. More
than 90 patients were treated.
57. Organized free dental treatment camp on 23.12.2012 at Pavoor School,
Mangalore. More than 50 patients were treated.
58. Organized free dental treatment camp on 29.12.2012 at HPCL Campus. More
than 90 patients were treated.
59.Organized free dental treatment camp on 13.01.2013 at Ramakrishna Ashrama
Mangalore More than 75 patients treated.
60. Organized free dental treatment camp on 20.01.2013 at B.C.M Hostel, Maryhill
Mangalore. More than 120 patients were treated.
61.Organized free dental treatment camp on 27.01.2013 at BCM ladies Hostel
(Chilimbi), Mangalore. More than 90 patients were treated.
62.Organized free dental treatment camp on 03.02.2013 at Morarji Desai Residential
School, Neermarga. More than 230 patients were treated.
63.Organized free dental treatment camp on 10.02.2013 at BCM Hostel Vittla. More
than 180 patients were treated.
64.Organized free dental treatment camp on 19.02.2013 HPCL Campus, Surathkal.
More than 120 patients were treated.
65.Organized free dental treatment camp on 17.02.2013 at BCM Hostel Gurupura
More than 65 patients were treated.
66.Organized free dental treatment camp on 24.02.2013 at Sai Orphanage, Daigoli.
More than 90 patients were treated.
67.Organized free dental treatment camp on 03.03.2013 at BCM Hostel, Vagga,
Banwala. More than 150 patients were treated.
68.Organized free dental treatment camp on 15.03.2013 at Govt. School, Ubaradka,
Sullia. More than 125 patients were treated.
69.Organized free dental treatment camp on 18.03.2013 at HPCL campus, Surathkal .
More than 100 patients were treated.
70.Organized free dental treatment camp on 19.03.2013 at Sai Orphanage, Daigoli.
More than 100 patients were treated.
71.Organized free dental treatment camp on 17.03.2013 at Vamada Padav. More than
150 patients were treated.
72.Organized free dental treatment camp on 20.03.2013 at Govindas College,
Surathkal. More than 175 patients were treated.
73.Organized free dental treatment camp on 24.03.2013 at Prashanth Nagara,
Chilimbi. More than 100 patients were treated.
74.Organized free dental treatment camp on 29.03.2013 at Punjalakatte. More than
100 patients were treated.
75.Organized free dental treatment camp on 31.03.2013 at Govt. Primary School,
Bellare. More than 150 patients were treated.
76.Organized free dental treatment camp on 07.04.2013 at Mangaladevi Temple,
Mangalore. More than 100 patients were treated.
77.Organized free dental treatment camp on 14.04.2013 at Maninalkur, Bantwala.
More than 100 patients were treated.
78.Organized free dental treatment camp on 21.04.2013 at Rotary Bhavana, Bhatkal.
More than 135 patients were treated.
79.Organized free dental treatment camp on 24.04.2013 at Daigoli. More than 85
patients were treated.
80.Organized free dental treatment camp on 26.04.2013 at HPCL Campus. More than
100 patients were treated.
81.Organized free dental treatment camp on 07.06.2013 at HPCL Campus. More than
100 patients were treated.
82.Organized free dental treatment camp on 21.06.2013 at HPCL Campus. More than
100 patients were treated.
83.Organized free dental treatment camp on 04.08.2013 at Neermarga Church. More
than 100 patients were treated.
84.Organized free dental treatment camp on 25.08.2013 at Govt. School, Shakthi
Nagara. More than 75 patients were treated.
85.Organized free dental treatment camp on 01.09.2013 at BCM Hostel, Neermarga.
More than 200
patients were treated.
86.Organized free dental treatment camp on 07.09.2013 at Sri Durga Temple,
Sunkadakatte. More than 75
patients were treated.
87.Organized free dental treatment camp on 08.09.2013 at Govt. College, Bellare
More than 125
patients were treated.
88.Organized free dental treatment camp on 10.11.2013 at Shri Bharathi College,
nanthoor More than 75 patients were treated.
89.Organized free dental treatment camp on 02.10.2013 at Shri Bharathi College,
nanthoor More than 150 patients were treated
90.Organized free dental treatment camp on 25.10.2013 at HPCL campus Surathkal
More than 75 patients were treated
91.Organized free dental treatment camp on 15.11.2013 at HPCL campus Surathkal
More than 100 patients were treated
92.Organized free dental treatment camp on 08.12.2013 at BCM Hostel
Kadri,Mangalore. More than 80 patients were treated
93.Organized free dental treatment camp on 11.12.2013 at Mudipu, Muthoot Fin Corp
Office,Mangalore More than 70 patients were treated
94.Organized free dental treatment camp on 13.12.2013 at Balepuni Panchayath,H
Kallu,Mangalore More than 50 patients were treated
95.Organized free dental treatment camp on 15.12.2013 at Shri Bharathi College,
nanthoor More than 150 patients were treated
96.Organized free dental treatment camp on 12.01.2014 at Shri Bharathi College,
nanthoor More than 50 patients were treated
97.Organized free dental treatment camp on 04.02.2014 at IMA HALL Attavara
More than 50 patients were treated
98.Organized free dental treatment camp on 09.02.2014 at Shri Bharathi College,
nanthoor More than 50 patients were treated
99.Organized free dental treatment camp on 14.02.2014 at, VANI VIJAYA School
Daigoli More than 200 patients were treated
Organized free dental treatment camp on 19.02.2014 at Kittal memorial
school gorigudda More than 150 patients were treated
Organized free dental treatment camp on 23.02.2014 at Govt Junior
College, Bellare More than 75 patients were treated
102.Organized free dental treatment camp on 2.03.2014 at Sai Seva Nikethana Daigoli
More than 75 patients were treated
103.Organized free dental treatment camp on 06/04.2014 at govt school kaikara,
More than 75 patients were treated
104.Organized free dental treatment camp on 10/04/.2014 at SDM law college
mangalore More than 75 patients were treated
105.Organized free dental treatment camp on 27/04/.2014 at hazarath school
ullala,mangalore. More than 75 patients were treated
106. Organized free dental treatment camp on 18/5/2014 at st joseph school Bajal
mangalore. More than 75 patients were treated
107. Organized free dental treatment camp on 31/05/2014 at Natekal ,mangalore. More
than 75 patients were treated
108. Organized free dental treatment camp on 19/09/2014 at Govt. School, Kudupu,
Mangalore More than 75 patients were treated
1.Organized blood donation camp on 15/06/2008 at B.C. Road in collaboration with
Govt. Wenlock Hospital,
Mangalore,. More than 75 people donated blood
2. Organized Blood donation camp on 17/12/2008 at Primary health Centre Manchi
Salethur. More than 50 people donated blood to the blood bank . This programme was
organized in collaboration with blood Bank , K.S.Hegde Medical College , Mangalore .
3. Organized blood donation camp on 02-10-2009 at Blood Bank Govt. wenlock
Hospital on the Eve of Gandhi Jayanthi . More than 50 people donated blood.
4. Organised blood donation camp on 06-12-2009 at Faizal Nagar , Mangalore. More
than 50 people donated blood to the blood bank. (In association with blood bank ,
KSHEMA, Mangalore )
5. Organised blood donation camp on 01-12-2009 at Wenlock Hospital on the eve of
World Aids Day . More than 25 people donated blood to the blood bank.
7. Organised blood donation camp on 31-01-2010 at B.C.Road in collaboration with
Govt.Wenlock Hospital . More than 60 people donated blood to the blood bank.
8.Organised Blood Donation Camp on 07-05-2010 on the Eve of World Red Cross
Day and more than 25 people donated blood to the bank.
9. Organised Blood Donation Camp on 03-10-2010 on the Eve of Gandhi Jayanthi in
collaboration with blood bank KSHEMA held at Miyapadavu and more than 50 people
donated blood to the bank.
10. Organised Blood Donation Camp on 01-12-2010 on the Eve of WORLD AIDS
DAY in collaboration with Blood bank WENLOCK HOSPITAL more than 25 people
donated blood to the bank.
11. Organised blood donation camp on 12-08-2011 on the Eve of World Geneva Day
in collaboration with Blood bank KSHEMA at KSHEMA hospital; more than 25 people
donated blood.
12. Organised Blood Donation camp on 03-10-2011 on the Eve of Gandhi Jayanthi
and India Blood Donation Day at Blood bank, KSHEMA; more than 20 people donated
13. Organised Blood donation camp on 01-12-2011 on the Eve of World AIDS day in
collaboration with Wenlock hospital; more than 20 people donated blood.
14. Organised Blood donation camp on 08-05-2012 on the Eve of Red Cross Day at
KSHEMA hospital; more than 25 people donated blood.
15. Organised Blood donation camp on 20-05-2012 at Bellare in collaboration with
JCC Bellare and Blood bank Wenlock Hospital at Bellare; more than 50 people donated
blood, and more than 100 people’s blood grouping was done in collaboration with
KSHEMA hospital.
16. Organised Blood donation camp on 14-06-2012 on the Eve of World Blood
Donation Day in collaboration with Blood Bank KSHEMA hospital; more than 20
people donated blood.
17. Organised Blood donation camp at Moodabidre on 17-06-12 in collaboration with
Indian Red Cross and Blood bank KSHEMA; more than 20 people donated blood.
18. Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at Bellare on 20-07-12 in
collaboration with Youth Red Cross and Blood bank KSHEMA; more than 50 people
donated blood and 100 patient grouping was done.
19. Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at Dahigoli on 22-07-12 in
collaboration with Youth Red Cross and Blood bank KSHEMA; more than 50 people
donated blood and 100 patient grouping was done.
20. . Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at Bellare on 3-08-12 in
collaboration with Youth Red Cross and Blood bank Wenlock Hospital Mangalore;
more than 50 people donated blood and 350 patient grouping was done.
21. . Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at Jeppu on 5-08-12 in
collaboration withYouth Red Cross and Blood bank KSHEMA; more than 50 people
donated blood and 100 patient grouping was done.
22. Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at Muneshar temple,
Hampankatte on 12-08-12 in collaboration with Youth Red Cross and Blood bank
KSHEMA; more than 20 people donated blood and 50 patient grouping was done.
23. Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at Gov. College, Hampankatte
on 19-08-12 in collaboration with Indian Red Cross and Blood bank KSHEMA; more
than 50 people donated blood and 100 patient grouping was done.
24. Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at Sathya Sai School, Bayaru in
collaboration with Indian Youth Red Cross and Blood bank KSHEMA; more than 25
people donated blood and 200 patient grouping was done.
25. Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at Blood bank Wenlock
Hospital in collaboration with Youth Red Cross and Blood bank Wenlock Hospital
Mangalore; on 2nd October on the eve of Gandhi Jayanthi. More than 25 people donated
26. . Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at PHC Mangalore University
Campus ; on 23rd November 2012. More than 75 people donated blood
27. Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at Panjimogaru, Kavoor on
16.12.2012. More than 40 people donated blood.
28. Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at Gadi Gadde, Pavoor on
23.12.2012. More than 15 people donated blood.
29. Organised Blood donation camp Blood grouping at Mudipu on 28.12.2012. More
than 50 people donated blood.
30. Organised Blood donation camp & Blood grouping at Sarosh Institute of Hotel
Management, Padil on 09.01.2013. More than 40 people donated blood.
31. Organised Blood donation camp & Blood grouping at Adyar padavu, Mangalore
on 06.02.2013. More than 40 people donated blood.
32. Organised Blood donation camp & Blood grouping at Sunkadakatte on
08.02.2013. More than 50 people donated blood.
33. Organised Blood donation camp & Blood grouping at Surathkal on 09.02.2013.
More than 70 people donated blood.
34. Organised Blood donation camp & Blood grouping at Gurupura, Mangalore on
17.02.2013. More than 10 people donated blood.
35. Organised Blood donation camp & Blood grouping at Daigoli, on 24.02.2013.
More than 50 people donated blood.
36. Organised Blood donation camp at Ubaradka, on 15.03.2013. More than 50
people donated blood.
37. Organised Blood donation camp at Vamadapadav on 17.03.2013. More than 30
people donated blood.
38. Organised Blood grouping camp at Bellare, on 31.03.2013. More than 500
students blood grouping was done.
39. Organised Blood donation camp at Maninalkur, on 14.04.2013. More than 15
people donated blood.
40. Organised Blood donation camp at mundkur on 09-06-2013 More than 35
people donated blood.
41. Organised Blood donation camp at blood bank lady Goshen hospital on
14/06/2013.More than 15 people donated blood
42. Organised Blood donation camp at Shri Rama Temple Chokkadi on
23/06/2013.More than 40 people donated blood
43. Organised Blood donation camp at Govt. Junior college, Bellare on
21/07/2013.More than 55 people donated blood
44 Organised Blood grouping camp at Govt. School, Shakthi Nagara on
29/07/2013.More than 130 students grouping was done.
45. Organised Blood donation camp at blood bank KSHEMA hospital on 12/08/2013
on the eve of world Geneva Day.More than 25 people donated blood.
46. Organised Blood donation camp at Neermarga Church on 04/08/2013.More than
20 people donated blood
47. Organised Blood grouping camp at Shri Bharathi College, Nanthoor on
15/08/2013.More than 150 students grouping was done.
48. Organised Blood grouping camp at BCM HOSTEL nermarga on 01/09/2013
More than 200 students grouping was done
49. Organised Blood grouping camp at Govrment school jappina mogaru on
01/10/2013. More than 100 students grouping was done
50. Organised Blood donation camp at Sri Bharathi college nanthoor on
02/10/2013.More than 55 people donated blood
51. Organised Blood donation camp at Muneeswara ganaphi temple hampanakatta on
17/11/2013.More than 35 people donated blood
52. Organised Blood donation camp at NGMIPS pannir on 03/10/2013.More than 35
people donated blood.
53. Organised Blood donation camp at Mudipu muthoot fin corp office, mangalore
on 11/12/2013.More than 25 people donated blood.
54. Organised Blood donation camp at Lion seva mandira kadri , mangalore on
01/01/2014.More than 45 people donated blood.
55. Organised Blood donation camp at Sri subraya Temple Kepu Vittla
on 14/01/2014.More than 45 people donated blood.
56. Organised Blood donation camp at Blod bank keshma
on 30/01/2014 on the eve MARTYRS Day.More than 25 people donated blood
57. Organised Blood Grouping camp at Vani Vijaya school Daigoli
on 14/02/2014.More than 235 Student Grouping Done
58. Organised Blood donation camp at Govt Junior College Bellre
on 23/02/2014.More than 45 people donated blood
59 Organised Blood donation camp at Ivarnaadu on 09/03/2014 .More than 25 people
donated blood
60 Organised Blood donation camp at Sri Bharathi College Nanthoor on
16/03/2014.More than 50 people donated blood
61 Organised Blood donation camp at govt school kaikaru on 06/04//2014 in
association with blood bank tejaswini hospital mangalore.More than 40 people donated
62 Organised Blood donation camp at delanthabettu school kanyana on 13/04/2014.
In association with GOVT WENLOCK HOSPITAL MANGALOREMore than 40
people donated blood
63 Organised Blood donation camp at mangalore central railway station mangalore
on 20/04/2014.More than 20 people donated blood
64 Organised Blood donation camp at hazarath school ullala on 27/04//2014.More
than 50 people donated blood
65. Organised Blood donation camp at blood bank KSHEMA on 08/05//2014.More
than 25 people donated blood
66. Organised Blood donation camp at St. Joseph School Bajal Mangalore on
18/05//2014.More than 25 people donated blood
67. Organised Blood donation camp at Kuvempu School, Shakthinagar Mangalore on
24/08//2014.More than 35 people donated blood
68. Organised Blood donation camp at Sri Rama Bhajana Mandira, Kokkada,
Dharmasthala on 21/09//2014.More than 60 people donated blood
69. Organised Blood donation camp at Sri Punyakoti School, Mudipu on
28/09//2014.More than 50 people donated blood
70. Organised Blood donation camp at A.B.Shetty Dental College, Deralakatte on
01/10//2014.More than 20 people donated blood
1.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 04.02.2013 at Red
Cross Bhavana on the eve of World Cancer Day. More than 100 patients were screened
and motivated to withdraw the habits.
2.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 13.02.2013 at IMA
Hall on the eve of Maxillofacial Day. More than 100 patients were screened and
motivated to withdraw the habits.
3.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 03.02.2013 at
Neermarga. More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
4.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 10.02.2013 at BCM
Hostel, Vittla . More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the
5.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on19 .02.2013 at HPCL
Surathkal, Campus. More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw
the habits.
6.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 17.02.2013 at
Gurupura. More than 85 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
7.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 03.03.2013 at Vagga.
More than 125 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
8.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 15.03.2013 at
Ubradka. More than 150 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
9.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 17.03.2013 at Vamada
padav. More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
10.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 18.03.2013 at HPCL,
Surathkal. More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
11.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 19.03.2013 at
Daigoli. More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
12.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 20.03.2013 at
Govindas College, Surathkal. More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to
withdraw the habits.
13.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 24.03.2013 at
Chilimbi. More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
14.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 31.03.2013 at Bellare.
More than 150 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
15.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 29.03.2013 at
Punjalkatte. More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
16.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 07.04.2013 at
Mangaladevi Temple, Mangalore. More than 100 patients were screened and motivated
to withdraw the habits.
17. 3.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 21.04.2013 at
Bhatkala. More than 135 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
18. 3.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 24.04.2013 at
Daigoli. More than 85 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habits.
19.Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 26.04.2013 at HPCL
Campus, Surathkal. More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw
the habits.
20. Organized Oral Cancer Screening And Awareness Camp on 07.06.2013 at HPCL
Campus, Surathkal. More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw
the habits.
21.Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 04.08.2013 .at
neerumarga church mangalore.More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to
withdraw the habbits.
22.Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 01.09.2013 .at
BCM Hostel neerumarga mangalore.More than 100 patients were screened and
motivated to withdraw the habbits.
23. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 08.09.2013
.atBellare .More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the habbits
24.Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 07.08.2013 .at
Sunkadakatta .More than 50 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the
25. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 10.11.2013 .at
Sri bharathi collage nathoor mangalore .More than 75 patients were screened and
motivated to withdraw the habbits
26.Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 15.11.2013 .at
HPCL Surathkal mangalore .More than 100 patients were screened and motivated to
withdraw the habbits
27. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 08.12.2013 .at
BCM Hostel Kadri mangalore .More than 50 patients were screened and motivated to
withdraw the habbits
28. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 11.12.2013 .at
Mudipu,Muthot Fin Corp Office mangalore .More than 50 patients were screened and
motivated to withdraw the habbits
29. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 13.12.2013 .at
Balepuni Panchayath, H Kallu, mangalore .More than 50 patients were screened and
motivated to withdraw the habbits
30. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 15.12.2013 .at
Sri Bharathi College Kadri mangalore .More than 100 patients were screened and
motivated to withdraw the habbits
31. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 12.01.2014 .at
Sri Bharathi College Kadri mangalore .More than 50 patients were screened and
motivated to withdraw the habbits
32. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 4.02.2014 .at
IMA Hall mangalore .More than 50 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw
the habbits
33. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 09.02.2014 .at
Sri Bharathi College Kadri mangalore .More than 50 patients were screened and
motivated to withdraw the habbits
34. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 14.02.2014
.atVani Vijaya School Daigoli .More than 250 patients were screened and motivated to
withdraw the habbits
35. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 16.02.2014 .at
Kittel Memorial School Gorigudda mangalore .More than 150 patients were screened
and motivated to withdraw the habbits
36. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 23.02.2014 .at
Govt Junior College Bellare .More than 75 patients were screened and motivated to
withdraw the habbits
37. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 2.03.2014 .at Sai
Niketha School Daigoli .More than 50 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw
the habbits
38. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 06/04.2014 .at
govt school kaikaru,kumbra..More than 80 patients were screened and motivated to
withdraw the habbits
39. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 10/04/.2014 .at
SDM law college Mangalore.More than 75 patients were screened and motivated to
withdraw the habbits
40. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 27/04/.2014 .at
hazarath school Ullala .More than 90 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw
the habbits
41. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 18/05/2014 .at
St. Joseph School Bajal, Mangalore .More than 75 patients were screened and motivated
to withdraw the habbits
42. Organised Oral Cancer Screening camp and awareness camp on 31/05/2014 .at
Natekal, Mangalore .More than 75 patients were screened and motivated to withdraw the
1. Organised Eye check camp at HPCL campus on 19/2/2013 Total 100 Patients
were Treated
2. Organised Eye check camp at HPCL campus on 18/3/2013 Total 100 Patients
were Treated
3. Organised Eye check camp at HPCL campus on 26/4/2013 Total 100 Patients
were Treated
4. Organised Eye check camp at HPCL campus on 07/6/2013 Total 100 Patients
were Treated
5. Organised Eye check camp at GOVT junior college bellare on 08/9/2013 Total
175 Patients were Treated
6. Organised Eye check camp at HPCL campus on 15/11/2013 Total 100 Patients
were Treated
7. Organised Eye check camp at BCM Hostel Kadri on 08/12/2013 Total 150
Patients were Treated
8. Organised Eye check camp at Shri Bharathi college nanthoor on 12/01/2014 Total
75 Patients were Treated
9. Organised Eye check camp at GOVT junior college bellare on 23/2/2014 Total
185 Patients were Treated
10.Organised Eye check camp at govt school kaikaru on 06/04/2014 Total 135
Patients were Treated
11.Organised Eye check camp at hazarath school ullala on 27/04/2014 Total 125
Patients were Treated
12.Organised Eye check camp at Natekal, Mangalore on 31/05/2014 Total 125
Patients were Treated
1. Organized Vanamahothsava at Casia School, Morgansgate on 10.07.2013 & 10
trees were planted.
2. Organized Vanamahothsava at Govt. Junior College Bellare, on 21.07.2013 & 10
trees were planted and 1000 plants were distributed.
3.Organized Vanamahothsava at BCM Hostel on 04.08.2013 & 10 trees were
4. Organized Vanamahothsava at Sri Bharathi School, Nanthoor on 15.08.2013 & 10
trees were planted.
5. Organized Vanamahothsava at A.B.Shetty Dental College, Deralakatte on
10.08.2013 & 10 trees were planted.
6. Organized Vanamahothsava at Govt. School, Jeppina Mogeru on 23.08.2013 & 10
trees were planted.
7. Organized Vanamahothsava at BCM Hostel Neermarga on 01.09.2013 & 10 trees
were planted.
8. Organized Vanamahothsava at Sai Seva Nikethana Daigoli on 02.03.2014 & 10
trees were planted.
9. Organized Vanamahothsava at Balmatta Road, Hampankatta Mangalore on
08.05.2014 & 10 trees were planted.
Dr. Muralee Mohan.Choonthar
Consultant Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgeon
& Implantologist
Department of Oral & Maxillo Facial Surgery
A.B.Shetty Memorial Institute of
Dental Sciences, Deralakatte
Watching Cricket
Listening to Music
Visiting Temples &
Historical Places
Hong Kong
- Shanghai
a) Cairo
- Beijing
b) Geesa
- Gaun Xauo
Moonar & Thekkady
24. Shrinagar
25. Jammu
B. India
St.Francis Church-Goa
Jaipur Palace-Jaipur
Golden Temple-Amruthsar
India Gate-Delhi
Gateway Of India-Bombay
Jog Falls
1000 Pillars Basadi-Moodabidri
Qutub-Minar -Delhi
Bekal Port, Kasargod
Gokarnanatheswara Temple-Gokarna
Manjunatheswara Temple- Dharmasthala
Subramanya-Shree Kukke Subramanya
Krishna Temple-Udupi
Mahaganapathi -Temple-Idagunji
Chenna Keshava Temple-Belur & Halebeedu
Shree Ranganatha Temple-Shringapatnam
Anaapoorneswari –Kalasa
Shree Shiva Temple-Murudeswar
Mahaganapathi Temple- Anegudde
Ganapathi –Temple –Hattiyangadi
Bagamandala –Thalakaveri
Omkareswara Temple-Madikeri
Shree Sharada –Temple-Shringeri
Shree Raghavendra Matta –Manthralaya
Marikamba –Temple-Sirsi
Annapoorneswari-Temple-Kateel, Polali, Hosanadu, Bapanadu
Sri-Jagannatha –Temple-Puri
Lingaraj Temple-Bhuvaneswar
Sreeranganatha –Temple-Thiruchanapalli
Ananthapura –Temple-Kumbla
Akshardham temple- Delhi & Ahmedabad
Vaishnavdevi temple
Undergone 3 Months Yoga , Pranayama training at Pranava Yoga
Centre, Mangalore & Life member of the Yoga Club
Undergone Level -1 Course of “Art of Living” of Shri Ravishankar
Guruji at Mangalore
Undergone the course of Dhyana –Yoga- Pranayama of 1 month
duration at Dhyana & Yoga Kendra , Mangalore .
Undergone teachers training programme –TOT at ABSMIDS –
Undergone training for Youth Red Cross Officers at Bangalore Red
Cross Head Office
Qualified traineer BLS and ACLS, trained by IIEMS,
Kottayan.Recognised by American Heart Association.
7. Qualified trainer for District Disaster Response Team . Participated in
Special Training of DDRT held at Mangalore 4th & 5th Aug. 2012.
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