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Genetics Review:
What is genetics?
● Genetics is what makes me different from a tomato
● Heredity: transmission of traits from parent to offspring. Involves reproduction.
● Genetics explains the mechanism for variation that we see in organisms.
● Asexual
● Sexual: crossing of two organisms to make offspring. Way more variation.
○ A cell needs chromosomes they are normally distributed evenly between
Gene: a unit of hereditary information
Traits: hereditary characteristics passed from parent to offspring.
Pure: offspring that is always genetically identical to parents.
P1 or P: parental generation, usually genetically pure to start
○ F1: first filial generation of offspring from mating two parents.
○ F2: second filial generation after self mating of F1.
Dominant: a trait that dominates another factor or trait.
Recessive: a trait that is dominated usually in the F1 of a heterozygous mating.
Homozygous: Both alleles of a pair of homologous chromosomes are alike.
Heterozygous: Two alleles in a pair of homologous chromosomes are different.
Allele: each of several alternative forms of a gene on homologous chromosomes.
○ Lots of alleles are possible in one spot.
Phenotype: a manifestation of genes. Appearance of organism due to traits
expressed by a particular genotype.
Genotype: the genetic makeup that is controlled by an organism’s alleles.
Locus: the physical location of a gene on a chromosome.
Mendel’s Laws:
● Law of Dominance: In a cross between two pure contrasting traits only one of
these traits appears in the next generation. This is the dominant trait and the nonappearing one is recessive.
○ Best shown by TT x tt, the dominant trait is always the phenotype.
● Law of Independent Assortment: When dihybrid plants are crossed, the factor for
each trait is distributed independently of factors for all other traits.
○ Traits do not influence each other.
○ Best illustrated by: AaBb x AaBb
○ Only applies if alleles are on different chromosomes exception is linkage.
Law of Segregation: During gamete formation, the two genes responsible for each
trait separate from each other so each gamete only contains one gene for each
Explains the reappearance of recessive trait in the F2 after the F1 produces
100 percent dominant.
○ Best shown by Tt x Tt because the recessive phenotype shows up.
● Incomplete dominance: hybrid is different from both purebred parents.
Theory of the Gene:
1. Genes in a chromosome are arranged in a row
2. Traits inherited together are located on the same chromosome.
3. Linkage groups may be broken by crossing over.
4. Position of genes on a chromosome may be determined.
Non-sex chromosomes = autosomes
Sex-linked inheritance: traits carried by sex chromosomes
Chromosome Mutations:
● Ploidy: homologous chromosomes fail to separate resulting in diploid gametes.
● Nondisjunction: only one pair of homologous chromosomes fail to separate.
Resulting gametes have an extra or missing chromosome. Fertilization of a “n” +with an “n” results in body cells with an extra chromosome.
Causes of Gene Mutation:
● Xrays, radioactive isotopes, cosmic rays, other radiation, chemical mutagens.
Factors Promoting Offspring Variation:
● Independent assortment of chromosomes, chance mating of different sperms/eggs,
crossing over of different portions of chromatids, mutations.
Why use the Statistical Method?
● Probability methods examine the formation of fertilized zygotes by gametes but
look at the contribution of one trait at a time. This allows a consideration of many
indirect non allelic loci in predicting genotypic outcomes. Most efficient way.
Autosomal Recessive:
● A = Normal, unaffected
● a = NOT OK, affected
● A/anything = normal unaffected
● a/a = affected
● “Hidden potential” in carriers, healthy parents can pass to child
Autosomal Dominant:
● A = NOT OK, affected
● a = Normal, unaffected
● A/anything = normal unaffected
● a/a = affected
● much easier to pass because only one allele needed, phenotype usually appears in
every generation.
X-Linked Recessive:
● XA= unaffected
● Xa = affected
● y=y
● XA XA= female unaffected
● Xa Xa = female affected
● XA Xa = female unaffected (carrier)
● XA Y = male unaffected
● Xa Y = male affected
● Fathers can’t pass to sons because mother carrier and affected father is only
combination that yields affected female.
X-Linked Dominant:
● XA= affected
● Xa = unaffected
● y=y
● XA XA= female affected
● Xa Xa = female unaffected
● XA Xa = female affected (carrier)
● XA Y = male affected
● Xa Y = male unaffected
● Gender specificity. Affected males don’t pass to sons. Affected females pass to
half sons.
Incomplete dominance: a form of intermediate inheritance in which one allele for a
specific trait is not completely dominant over the other allele. This results in a combined
Codominance: A form of inheritance in which both alleles are equally shown.
● Good example of codominance is blood types.
○ IA/IA, IA/i = A blood type
○ IB/IB, IB/I = B blood type
○ IA/IB = AB blood type
○ i/i = O blood type
Epistasis: one gene function stands upon another.
recessive epistasis: one product super cedes another in a pathway
One recessive homozygous pairs phenotype overrides presentation of the other
pair’s phenotype.
● A/_ B/_ will produce 9/16 phenotype for example (blue)
A/_ b/b will produce 3/16 phenotype for example (magenta)
a/a B/_ will produce 3/16 and a/a b/b will produce 1/16 of phenotype (white)
○ Even if B is there it wont’ be expressed because A supersedes it.
Both dominants at both loci bus t be there for pigment to be made.
Involved gene products interact in the same pathway. Complementation of these
genes allows certain phenotypes to be rescued by backup genes.
● A/_ B/_ will produce 9/16 phenotype.
● A/_ b/b, a/a B/_, and a/a b/b will produce the same phenotype.
The presence of a dominant gene prevents further events in a pathway.
Two unlinked gene sets interact.
A_/B_ and A_/bb produce 12/16 phenotype
aa/B_ produces 3/16 phenotype.
aa/bb produces 1/16 phenotype.
Linked Genes:
● RF < 50 % = linkage
● RF >= 50 % = linkage is ruled out they must be on different chromosomes.
● 1 M.U. = RF OF 1%
5’ ATG GAC 3’ Sense DNA
3’ TAC CTG 5’ Antisense DNA (Sense to Anti = replication)
5’ AUG GAC 3’ mRNA (Antisense to mRNA = transcription)
3’ UAC CUG 5’ tRNA (mRNA to tRNA = translation)
N MET ASP C (Protein made by ribosome)
PCR: polymerase chain reaction. Simple amplification of DNA bounded
by two target sequences. Temperature is key, also need heat stable
Griffith and Avery: Isolated DNA as element of heredity. Characterized
its potential. Watson, Crick, Wilkins, Franklin: DNA structural
Beadle and Tatum: Central dogma, one gene = one polypeptide.
Jacob and Monod: gene regulation, how DNA/Genes are controlled to
express proteins.
Chargaff: base pair rules