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Ramon Eritja
B. Sc. Chemistry, University of Barcelona, 1977. B. Sc. Pharmacy, University of Barcelona
1982. Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Barcelona, 1983. Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. Itakura’s
(Beckman Research Institute at Hope, CA, USA, 1984-1988) and Dr. Caruthers’s (University of
Colorado at Boulder, USA, 1988-1989) laboratories. Postdoctoral fellow, University of
Barcelona, 1989-1990. Group Leader at CSIC, Barcelona, 1990-1994. Group Leader and
responsible of DNA synthesis facility at EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany, 1994-1999. Research
Professor at IBMB-CSIC leading the Nucleic Acid Chemistry Group since 1999. Invited
member of the IRB-Scientific Parc of Barcelona since December 2004. Selected as member of
the Networking Center on Bioengennering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine of Spain (CIBERBBN) since 2006. Expertise on oligonucleotide and peptide synthesis especially on the
methodological aspects of solid-phase synthesis (monomer synthesis, preparation of solid
supports, synthesis and purification). Experience in most areas related to the synthesis and
properties of oligonucleotide derivatives including non-natural bases, phosphate and backbone
modifications, oligonucleotide-peptide conjugates and RNA derivatives; Publications in
journals with referees (ISI): 210, Citations at Science Citation Index: 5100. h-index: 39. Ph. D.
Thesis supervised: 15. Master or equivalent supervised: 14. Contributions in scientific meetings:
135. Invited lectures at international conferences: 10.
Short list of current research grants.
Done recently.
1) Synthesis and properties of modified oligonucleotides with potential anticancer activity. 3
years (2004-2007). 120.000 euros. La Caixa Fundation (BM04-52-0). Responsible researcher:
Dr. Ramon Eritja.
2) Modified oligonucleotides to study triplex formation and to obtain other structures with
technological and structural interest. 3 years (2004-2007) (BFU-2004-02048/BMC). 174.500
euros. Responsible researcher: Dr. Ramon Eritja.
3) Precision chemical nanoengineering: integrating top-down and bottom-up methodologies for
the fabrication of 3-D adaptive nanostructured architectures (Nano-3D). 3 years (2005-2008).
CCEE, STREP, NMP4-CT2005-014006. 159.980 euros (CSIC). Coordinator : Dr. Jon Preece
5) Development of nanobioanalytical platforms based on molecular recognition using optical
and/or electronical detection. 3 years (2005-2008). Strategic grants on nanotechnology
(NAN2004-09415-C05-03). 77.050 (CSIC). Coordinator : Dr. Josep Samitier.
6) Synthesis of RNA-lipid conjugates. 2 years (2006-2007). Research contract with SylentisPharmamar. 70.000 euros. Responsible researchers: Drs Fernando Albericio and Ramon Eritja.
7) Rational design of molecules with affinity to double-stranded DNA. 2 years (2006-2007).
Spanish Ministry of Science, 110.000 euros. Responsible researcher: Dr. Fernando Albericio.
8) Design and functionality of non-linear electrochemical nanoscale devices (Dynamo) 3 years
(2006-2008). Commission of the European Communities, STREP, NEST-2004ADV-028669-1.
Coordinator: Kyösti Kuntturi.
9) Nucleic Acid Chemistry Group. CIBER-BBN (CB06/01/0019). 4 years (2006-2010). 110.000
euros /year. Responsible researcher: Dr. Ramon Eritja.
10) Synthesis and properties of modified oligonucleotides with structural and biomedical
interest (OMIBE). 3 years (2007-2010). Spanish Ministry of Science (BFU-2007-63287).
180.000 euros. Responsible researcher: Dr. Ramon Eritja.
11) Multi-scale formation of functional nanocrystal-molecule assemblies and architectures
(FUNMOL). 3 years (2008-2010). C.C.E.E., 7 Programa Marco, Theme 4, Nanociencia,
Collaborative project, Focused Research Project, NMP-2007 proposal 213382. Coordinator: Dr.
Aidan Quinn
12) Self-assembled guanosine structures for molecular electronic devices. 4 years (2008-2011).
C.C.E.E. COST Action MP0802 (proposal OC-2007-2-1520). Coordinator: Dr. Lea Spindler
List of the 10 most relevant publications:
1) Carbon nanotubes with DNA recognition. Williams, K.A., Veenhuizen, P.T.M., de la Torre,
B.G., Eritja, R., Dekker, C. Nature, 420, 761 (2002).
2) Peptide-PNA conjugates: Targeted transport of antisense therapeutics into tumors. Mier, W.,
Eritja, R., Mohammed, A., Haberkorn, U., Eisenhut, M. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 42, 1968-1971
3) Antiparallel triple helices. Structural characteristics and stabilization by 8-amino derivatives.
Aviñó, A., Cubero, E., González, C., Eritja, R., Orozco, M.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 16127-16138 (2003).
4) Monitoring denaturation behaviour and comparative stability of DNA triple helices using
oligonucleotide-gold nanoparticle conjugates. Murphy, D., Eritja, R., Redmond, G. Nucleic
Acids Res., 32, e65 (2004).
5) DNA templated assembly of a protein-functionalized nanogap electrode. Ongaro, A., Griffin,
F., Nagle, L., Iacopino, D., Eritja, R., Fitzmaurice, D. Adv. Materials, 16, 1800-1803 (2004).
6) A straightforward synthesis of 5’-peptide oligonucleotide conjugates using Fmoc-protected
amino acids. Ocampo, S.M., Albericio, F., Fernández, I., Vilaseca, M., Eritja, R. Org. Lett., 7,
4349-4352 (2005).
7) Resolution of a structural competition involving dimeric G-quadruplex and its C-rich
complementary strand. Jaumot, J., Eritja, R., Tauler, R., Gargallo, R. Nucleic Acids Res., 34,
206-216 (2006).
8) Efficient sequence-specific purification of Listeria innocua mRNA species by triplex affinity
capture with parallel tail-clamps. Nadal, A., Coll, A., Aviñó, A. Esteve, T., Eritja, R., Pla, M.
ChemBioChem, 7, 1039-1047 (2006).
9) 8-aminoguanine accerelates tetramolecular G-quadruplex formation”
Gros, J., Aviñó, A., López de la Osa, J., González, C., Lacroix, L., Pérez, A., Orozco, M., Eritja,
R., Mergny, J.L. Chem. Commun., 2926-2928 (2008)
10) Experimental measurement of carbohydrate aromatic stacking in water using a danglingended DNA model system. Morales, J.C., Reina, J.J., Díaz, I., Aviñó, A., Nieto, P.M., Eritja, R.
Chemistry Eur. J., 14, 7828-7835 (2008).
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