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Systematic anatomy
A. Locomotor systém
1. Bone and bones (structure, growth)
2. Ribs and costal joints
3. Skull (neurocranium and viscerocranium)
4. Fetal skull
5. General arthorology
6. Vertebral colum
7. Pelvis
8. Joints of the upper extremity
9. Joints of the lower extremity
10. Muscles of the head
11. Muscles of the neck
12. Fasciae ot the neck
13. Muscles of the thorax
14. Muscles of the abdomen
15. Muscles of the pelvis
16. Diaphragm
17. Muscles of the upper extremity
18. Muscles of the lower extremity
19. Muscles of the back-review
B. Gastropulmonary systém
20. Structure of the alimentary canal
21. Anatomy of a tooth
22. Adult /child dentition
23. Salivary glands
24. Thyroid gland. Parathyroid glands
25. Thymus. Branchial organs
26. Pharynx
27. Esophagus
28. Stomach
29. Duodenum. Jejunum and ileum
30. Large intestine. Vermiform appendix
31. Rectum
32. Pancreas
33. Liver and biliary systém
34. Peritoneal cavity
35. Nasal cavity
36. Larynx
37. Trachea and bronchial tree
38. Lungs and their segments
39. Vessels of the lungs
40. Mechanics of respiration
C. Urogenital systém
k.idney structure
42. Kidney and related retroperitoneal structures
41. 43. Suprarenal glands
42. 44.Urinary passages
43. 45.Male reproductive systém: testis, scrotum and epididymis
44. 46.Prostate gland and bulbourethral glands
45. 47.Male urethra and penis
46. 48.Female genital organs ovary and uterine tube
47. 49.Uterus
48. 50.Female external genital organs
D. Cardiovascular systém
49. Heart-general structure
50. Chambers of the heart
51. Conducting systém
52. Blood supply of the heart
53. Pericardium
54. Aorta
55. Carotid arteries
56. Subclavian artery
57. Arteries of the upper extremity
58. Arteries of the lower extremity
59. Iliac arteries
60. Superior vena cova
61. Veins of the head and neck
62. Veins of the upper extremity
63. Inferior vena cava
64. Veins of the lower extremity
65. Veins of the pelvis
66. Azygos systém
67. Hepatic portal systém
68. Spleen
69. Lymphatic systém – review
70. Lymph nodes of the head and neck
71. Lymph nodes of the upper extremity and thorax
72. Lymph nodes of the abdomen and pelvis
73. Lymph nodes of the lower extremity
E. Nervous systém
74. Organization and development of the nervous systém
75. Spinal cord
76. Medulla oblongata and pons Varoli
77. Cerebellum
78. Rhomnoid fossa
79. Midbrain
80. Diencephalon
81. Thalamus
82. Hypothalamus
83. Telencephalon-cerebral hemispheres
84. Telencephalon-subcortical areas
85. Cerebral cortex
86. Olfactory systém
87. Visual systém
88. Auditory and vestibular systém
89. Motor pathways
90. General sensory systém
91. Cerebellar pathways
92. Meninges and blood supply of the CNS
93. Ventricular systém and cerebrospinal fluid
94. Spinal nerves and roots
95. Cervical plexus
96. Brachial plexus
97. Thoracic nerves
100.Lumbar plexus
101.Sacral plexus
102.Cranial nerves III, IV,VI
103.Trigeminal nerve
104.Facial nerve
105.Vagus nerve
106.Glossopharyngeal nerve
107.Hypoglossal nerve
108.Accessory nerve
109.Autonomic nervous systém-review
110.Sympathetic division
111.Parasympathetic division
112.Visceral innervation
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