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7A: The origins of quantum mechanics
8A: Translation
7A.1 Energy quantization
(a) Black-body radiation
(b) Heat capacities
(c) Atomic and molecular spectra
7A.2 Wave-particle duality
(a) The particle character of electromagnetic radiation
(b) The wave character of particles
8A.1 Free motion in one dimension
8A.2 Confined motion in one dimension
(a) The acceptable solutions
(b) The properties of the wavefunction
(c) The properties of observables
8A.3 Confined motion in two or more dimensions
(a) Separation of variables
(b) Degeneracy
8A.4 Tunneling
9A: Hydrogenic atoms
7B:Dynamics of microscopic systems
7B.1 The Schrödinger equation
7B.2 The Born interpretation of the wavefunction
(a) normalization
(b) Constraints on the wave function
(c) Quantization
7B.3 The probability density
7C: The principles of quantum theory
7C.1 Operators
(a) Eigenvalue equations
(b) The construction of operators
(c) Hermitian operators
(d) Orthogonality
7C.2 Superpositions and expectation values
7C.3 The uncertainty principle
7C.4 The postulates of quantum mechanics 8B: Vibrational motion
8B.1 The harmonic oscillator
(a) energy levels
(b) The wavefunctions
8B.2 The properties of oscillators
(a) Mean values
(b) Tunneling
8C: Rotational motion
8C.1 Rotation in two dimensions
(aI The qualitative origin of quantized rotation
(b) The solutions of the Schrödinger equation
(c) Quantization of angular momentum
8C.2 Rotation in three dimensions
(a) The wavefunctions
(b) The energies
(c) Angular momentum
(d) Space quantization
(e) The vector model 9A.1 The structure of hydrogen atoms
(a) The separation of variables
(b) The radial solutions
9A.2 Atomic orbitals and their energies
(a) The specification of orbital
(b) The energy levels
(c) Ionization energies
(d) Shells and subshells
(e) s orbitals
(f) Radial distribution functions
(g) p orbitals
(h) d orbitals
9B: Many-electron atoms
9B.1 The orbital approximation
(a) The helium atom
(b) Spin
(c) The Pauli principle
(d) Penetration and shielding
9B.2 The building-up principle
(a) Hund’s rule
(b) Ionization energies and electron affinities
9B.3 Self-consistent field orbitals
9C: Atomic spectra
9C.1 The spectra of hydrogen atoms
9C.2 The spectra of complex atoms
(a) Singlet and triplet states
(b) Spin-orbit coupling
(c) Term symbols
(d) Hund’s rule
(e) Selection rules
10A: Valence-bond theory
15A: The Boltzmann distribution
19A: Transport in gases
10A.1 Diatomic molecules
(a) The basic formulation
(b) Resonance
10A.2 Polyatomic molecules
(a) Promotion
(b) Hybridization
15A.1 Configurations and weights
(a) Instantaneous configurations
(b) The most probable distribution
(c) The relative population of states
15A.2 The derivation of the Boltzmann distribution
(a) The role of constraints
(b) The values of the constants
19A.1 The phenomenological equations
19A.2 The transport parameters
(a) The diffusion coefficient
(b) Thermal conductivity
(c) Viscosity
(d) Effusion
10B: Principles of molecular orbital theory
10B.1 Linear combinations of atomic orbitals
(a) The construction of linear combinations
(b) Bonding orbitals
(c) Antibonding orbitals
10B.2 Orbital notations
10C: Homonuclear diatomic molecules
10C.1 Electron configuration
(a) σ orbitals and π orbitals
(b) The overlap integral
(c) Period 2 diatomic molecules
10C.2 Photoelectron spectroscopy
10D: Heteronuclear diatomic molecules
10D.1 Polar bonds
(a) The molecular orbital formation
(b) Electronegativity
10D.2 The variation principle
(a) The procedure
(b) The features of the solutions
10E: Polyatomic molecules
10E.1 The Hückel approximation
(a) An introduction to the method
(b) The matrix formulation of the method
10E.2 Applications
(a) Butadiene and π-electron binding energy
(b) Benzene and aromatic stability
10E.3 Computational chemistry
(a) Semi-empirical and ab initio methods
(b) Density functional theory
(c) Graphical representations 15B: Molecular partition functions
15B.1 The significance of the partition functions
15B.2 Contributions to the partitions function
(a) The translational contribution
(b) The rotational contribution
(c) The vibrational contribution
(d) The electronic contribution
19B.1 Experimental results
(a) Liquid viscosity
(b) Electrolyte solutions
19B.2 The mobilities of ions
(a) The drift speed
(b) Mobility and conductivity
(c) The Einstein relations
15C: Molecular energies
19C: Diffusion
15C.1 The basic equations
15C.2 Contributions of the fundamental modes of motion
(a) The translational contribution
(b) The rotational contribution
(c) The vibrational contribution
(d) The electronic contribution
(e) The spin contribution
19C.1 The thermodynamics view
19C.2 The diffusion equation
(a) Simple diffusion
(b) Diffusion with convection
(c) Solutions of diffusion equation
19C.3 The statistical view 15D: The canonical ensemble
15D.1 The concept of ensembles
(a) Dominating configurations
(b) Fluctuations from the most probable distribution
15D.2 The mean energy of a system
15D.3 Independent molecules revisited
15D.4 The variation of energy with volume
15E The internal energy and the entropy
15E.1 The internal energy
(a) The calculation of internal energy
(b) Heat capacity
15E.2 The entropy
(a) Entropy and the partition functions
(b) The translational contribution
(c) The rotational contribution
(d) The vibrational contribution
(e) Residual entropies
15F: Derived functions
15F.1 The derivations
15F.2 Equilibrium constants
(a) The relation between K and the partition function
(b) A dissociation equilibrium
(c) Contributions to the equilibrium constant
19B: Motion in liquids
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