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Air Masses and Fronts Notes
Air Mass - a large body of air that has the same temperature
and humidity.
 The temperature of the air mass is the same as the
temperature of the area it forms over.
 Air masses that form over water will be wet. Air masses
that form over land will be dry.
Front – the area where two air masses meet
 Cold Front – when a cold air mass moves under a warm air
mass; brings heavy rains, thunderstorms or snow and
cooler temperatures
 Warm Front – when a warm air mass moves up and over a
cold air mass; brings light rain and warmer temperatures
 Occluded Front – when two cold air masses move toward
each other pushing up the warm air between them; brings
cooler temperatures and rain or snow
 Stationary Front – when a warm and cold air mass meet
but neither pushes the other; brings overcast or rainy
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