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ConnectingGTA Overview and Update
Central East LHIN Board Meeting
December 16, 2015
Melissa Chang
ConnectingGTA Senior Project Manager, Change Management and Clinical Adoption
Dr. Joel Kennedy, ConnectingGTA Clinical Working Group & Physician,
Lakeridge Health
What is ConnectingGTA
5 min
Implementation – Current Status
5 min
Clinical Feedback & Patient Care Impact
5 min
Alignment to IHSP and the Central East LHIN
5 min
2 | Confidential—not for public distribution
What is ConnectingGTA?
“ConnectingGTA – because we need to know”
Overview Video
What is Connecting GTA?
 ConnectingGTA provides the regional electronic health record (EHR) for Central Ontario to
improve the patient and clinician experience by providing point-of-care access to electronic
patient information from across the care continuum.
 It integrates electronic patient data to provide clinicians with the data they need to make care
decisions across multiple sectors including:
• Hospitals,
• CCACs,
• Long Term Care,
• Mental Health & Addictions and
• Primary Care
 Connecting GTA includes data from across six Local Health Integration Networks:
• Central,
• Central East,
• Central West,
• Mississauga Halton,
• Toronto Central, and
• North Simcoe Muskoka .
 It is one of three initiatives (South West Ontario - cSWO, Central Ontario and Northern and
Eastern Ontario - cNEO) that when fully implemented will provide the provincial EHR
Connecting Ontario
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ConnectingGTA will improve the patient and clinician
experience by delivering a regional electronic health record for
6.75M individuals
6 Local Health Integration Networks
750+ Health Care Organizations
6,200 Family Physicians
6,900 Physician Specialists
49,900 Nurses
Central East LHIN Participation
12 participating sites
6,800+ clinical end users
Representing the following sectors:
• Acute Care
• Community Care
• Long-Term Care
• Mental Health and Addictions
• Primary Care
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ConnectingGTA Governance Structure
Through collaboration, partnership and strong leadership ConnectingGTA works
closely with all sectors to deliver the best solutions for its stakeholders
Program Steering Committee
Clinical Working
Working Group
Operational Committees
• Privacy & Security Committee
• End-User Group (TBD)
ConnectingGTA Program Team
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eHealth Ontario
Canada Health
Central Ontario
Electronic Health
System Council
Participating Organizations
& Clinical Systems
Participating Central East LHIN Members:
ConnectingGTA Steering Committee
Karol Eskedjian, Central East LHIN
ConnectingGTA Clinical Working Group
Sandra Armstrong, CE CCAC
Dr. Ilan Fischler, Ontario Shores Mental Health Centre
Dr. Joel Kennedy, Lakeridge Health
Dr. Naresh Mohan, Rouge Valley Health System
Dr. David Rose, The Scarborough Hospital
ConnectingGTA Key Milestones
Mar. 2012
Early Adopter
Phase Begins
May 2013
Oct. 2012
July 2014
Apr. 2015
Aug. 2015
Sites Sites
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Legend: BE - Back End, FE - Front End
Implementation – Current Status
ConnectingGTA connects health service provider information systems
as well as regional and provincial registries and repositories
Priority data types
Early Adopters
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Enrolled Users
Data Available**
Enrolled Users
Data Available**
~50% Acute Data
~90% Acute Data
100% CCAC Data
100% CCAC Data
~94% Lab Results
94%+ Lab Results
* Indicates a regional or provincial data source to be made available in a future release
** Hospitals and CCAC data - based on IP Admissions & ED visits in Central Ontario
Central East LHIN Participating Sites
Early Adopter Sites (2011-2015)
• The Scarborough Hospital*
Acute Care
• Rouge Valley Health System*
Acute Care
• Lakeridge Health System*
Acute Care
• Central East Community Care Access Centre *
Community Care
• Bendale Acres Long-Term Care Home
Long-Term Care
• Seven Oaks Long-Term Care Home
Long-Term Care
Expansion Sites (2014 – TBD)
• Peterborough Regional Health Centre*
Acute Care
• Campbellford Memorial Hospital*
Acute Care
• Northumberland Hills Hospital*
Acute Care
• Ontario Shores Mental Health Centre
Mental Health & Addiction
• Brock Community Health Centre
Primary Care - CHC
• Taibu Community Health Centre
Primary Care - CHC
Total Number of Enrolled Users for Central East LHIN:
10 | Confidential—not for public distribution *
Data Contributing Organizations
~ 6,822
Status of Central East LHIN Sites
Progress of Central East LHIN
Early Adopter Sites
• All Early Adopter sites are now live with ConnectingGTA and tracking towards their sitespecific Adoption Targets
Enrolled Users
Active Users
The Scarborough Hospital
185% (2267)
295% (189)
October, 2015
Rouge Valley Health
145% (445)
165% (103)
August, 2015
Lakeridge Health
105% (371)
225% (158)
November, 2015
95% (589)
225% (206)
June, 2015
Central East CCAC
City of Toronto Long-Term
Care Homes (Bendale
Acres and Seven Oaks)
11 | Confidential—not for public distribution
Go Live Date
Go-Live underway as of October 2015
Status of Central East LHIN Sites cont.
Progress of Central East LHIN
Expansion Sites
• Expansion Sites selection and participation begun in Summer 2014
• Site participation identified in Winter 2014 / early 2015
• Sites have completed the Initiation & Preparation phase
 Site Readiness Assessment
 Technical Planning
 Legal Agreements
 Change Readiness Assessment
• Internal Implementation and Adoption Planning
• Sites are set to begin the Implementation & Adoption phase; schedule and go-live timing
is currently being developed by eHealth Ontario
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ConnectingGTA… because we need to know
ConnectingGTA Clinical Testimonial Video
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ConnectingGTA Provider Portal - View
Patient Summary View – displays patient’s
information at a glance
Navigation Bar – to
move between
Patient Banner –
displays patient
(hover over available for
more detail)
Timeline – to identify
encounters at a glance
Individual Portlets –
displayed at a summary
level to indicate what
data is available for the
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OLIS Lab Trending Flowsheet
Regional lab result trending is now available in a flowsheet format, which allows clinicians
to evaluate their patient’s lab results at-a-glance over time
Selective test results were clinically-prioritized to be included in the flowsheet
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Clinical Feedback
& Patient Care Impact
Dr. Joel Kennedy is a user of the ConnectingGTA system at
Lakeridge Health and also a member of the Clinical Working Group
for the Development of the ConnectingGTA System.
He kindly agreed to present the clinicians view of implementation,
use and how it has impacted his delivery of care.
“ConnectingGTA – improving patient care” Video
Alignment with the
Central East LHIN - IHSP
Central East LHIN Health Link Communities Access
request to view
in Expansion
CCAC sites live across all
Health Link Communities
Brock CHC
Ontario Shores Centre for
Mental Health Sciences
in Expansion
Peterborough Regional,
Campbellford Memorial,
Northumberland Hills in
Lakeridge Health
The Scarborough
Hospital Live
18 | Confidential—not for public distribution
Rouge Valley
Health System Live
ConnectingGTA and the IHSP
Access to aggregated patient record supports providers in their delivery of
Information contributed by multiple organizations and sectors provide the
overall view of the patient care data
Work done by initiatives such as Hospital consults and Diagnostic reports,
Lab information (OLIS) and care planning will feed into ConnectingGTA
Provides the opportunity to further advanced integrated systems of care
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Thank you!
Clinician Experiences
Improving Transitions in Care
"I can provide more informed and
comprehensive care for my patients using
ConnectingGTA, since it allows me to see visits
and results from across the healthcare system.“
Dr. Jeremy Theal,
Chief Medical Information Officer,
North York General Hospital
Improving Clinician Coordination
“It was great – I’ve been stressing all week about
two medications and an interaction and whether
they should be given together because
MedsCheck says ‘no’. When I reviewed the
ConnectingGTA charts the patient had been
getting the two medications together for a long
time and the specialist ordered them this
way. So great to be able to check that out.”
Nurse Practitioner,
North Simcoe Muskoka CCAC
Reducing Emergency Department Wait Times
Reducing Duplicate Tests
“ConnectingGTA has proven to be an invaluable
resource in the Emergency Department. It
saves time and resources. We are no longer
dependent on Health Records from other hospitals
to send us collateral information, but have it at our
fingertips. This means better and faster patient
care which is important in an acute setting.”
Brittany Poynter,
Clinical Head,
Centre for Addiction & Mental Health
“I have so far been able to avoid one admission
and several repeat tests (two patients) thanks
to data from ConnectingGTA. Thanks for setting
me up with it.”
Dr. Raphael Rush, Resident PGY1,
Internal Medicine Department,
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
22 | Confidential—not for public distribution
Central East LHIN Clinician Feedback
“Our physicians do a lot of screening with our patients to rule out any medical cause for their
psychosis, ConnectingGTA will help us provide a comprehensive assessment without
duplicating previously completed tests at other facilities.”
Shannon Gallagher, Registered Nurse
Rouge Valley Health System
“ConnectingGTA will improve patient care in the Emergency Department as I am now
able to access patient information that I could not easily obtain before.”
Melodie Cannon, Nurse Practitioner,
Rouge Valley Health System
“Using ConnectingGTA, I accessed test results from another hospital to determine a timely
diagnosis and course of action.”
Dr. Naresh Mohan, Chief of Staff
Rouge Valley Health System
"Having access to ConnectingGTA has produced numerous benefits for the patients I've
seen in the Emergency Department. One definite advantage is that I've been able to
reduce my lab and diagnostic imaging utilization by having access to the patient's
results from other facilities.
ED Physician, The Scarborough Hospital
23 | Confidential—not for public distribution
ConnectingGTA Early Adopters (Wave 1)
Data Population
OLIS Population*
• Campbellford Memorial Hospital
• Centre for Addiction and Mental
• Mackenzie Health
• Mount Sinai Hospital
• North York General Hospital
• Northumberland Hills Hospital
• Peterborough Regional Health
• Ross Memorial Hospital
• Rouge Valley Health System
• St. Joseph’s Hospital
• St. Michael’s Hospital
• Southlake Regional Health Centre
• Stevenson Memorial Hospital
• Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Centre/St. John’s Rehab
• The Scarborough Hospital
• Toronto East General Hospital
• William Osler Health System
• Women’s College Hospital
Data Viewing
CDR Population
Central CCAC
Central East CCAC
Central West CCAC
Lakeridge Health Corporation
Mississauga Halton CCAC
Mount Sinai Hospital
North Simcoe Muskoka CCAC
North York General Hospital
Rouge Valley Health System
St. Michael’s Hospital
Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Centre/St. John’s Rehab
The Scarborough Hospital
Trillium Health Partners
(Mississauga Hospital/Credit
Valley Hospital)
Toronto Central CCAC
University Health Network
William Osler Health System
ConnectingGTA Viewing
Central CCAC
Central East CCAC
Central West CCAC
Centre for Addiction & Mental Health
City of Toronto LTCH and Services
Lakeridge Health Corporation
Mississauga Halton CCAC
Mount Sinai Hospital
North Simcoe Muskoka CCAC
North York General Hospital
Resource Matching & Referral
Rouge Valley Health System
St. Michael’s Hospital
Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Centre/ St. John’s Rehab
The Scarborough Hospital
Trillium Health Partners
(Mississauga Hospital/Credit Valley
Toronto Central CCAC
University Health Network
William Osler Health System
* Additional sites contributing to OLIS from the Foundation Phase, includes: Grey Bruce Health Centre, Lakeridge Health Corporation, Mississauga Hospital/Credit Valley Hospital, and
University Health Network
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ConnectingGTA Early Adopters (Wave 1) [cont’d]
Data Viewing
Long-Term Care
• Chester Village
• Copernicus Lodge
• The Rekai Centre at Wellesley Central
• The Rekai Centre at Sherbourne Place
• Elm Grove Living Centre Inc.
• Hellenic Care for Seniors, Toronto, Inc.
• Lakeside Long-Term Care Centre
• Maynard Nursing Home
• Mon Sheong Home for the Aged
• Rose of Sharon Korean Long Term Care
• St. Hilda's Towers Inc.
• Suomi-Koti/Toronto Finnish Canadian
Seniors Centre Inc.
• The O'Neill Centre
• Vermont Square Long Term Care Home
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Primary Care
Georgian Bay Family Health Team
Queen Square Family Health Team
West Durham Family Health Team
Wise Elephant Family Health Team
ConnectingGTA Expansion Sites (Wave 2)
Data Population
Data Viewing
Acute Care
• Halton Healthcare Services
• Headwaters Health Care Centre
• Humber River Regional Hospital
• Mackenzie Health
• Markham-Stouffville Hospital
• Peterborough Regional Health
Centre/Campbellford Memorial
Hospital/Northumberland Hills
• Royal Victoria Hospital/ Collingwood
General & Marine Hospital/Georgian
Bay General Hospital
• Southlake Regional Health
Centre/Stevenson Memorial
• St. Joseph’s Health Centre
• Toronto East General Hospital
Mental Health & Addiction
• Centre for Addiction & Mental
26 | Confidential—not for public distribution
Acute Care
• Women’s College Hospital
Primary Care
• Access Alliance – Multicultural
Community Health Centre
• Anishnawbe Health Toronto
Community Care
• Brock Community Health Centre
Acclaim Health
• Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood
CANES Community Care
Nucleus Independent Living • East End Community Health Centre
• Flemingdon Community Health Centre
Punjabi Community Health
• Planned Parenthood of Toronto
St. Demetrius Supportive
• Regent Park Community Health
Care Services
• Rexdale Community Health Centre
• South Riverdale Community Health
• Stonegate Community Association
• Taibu Community Health Centre
• The Anne Johnston Health Station
• The Four Villages Community Health
• Wellfort Community Health Centre
• Women’s Health in Women’s Hands
ConnectingGTA Expansion Sites (Wave 2) [cont’d]
Data Viewing
Long-Term Care
Mental Health & Addiction
Region of Peel
Silverthorn Care Community
Streetsville Care Community
Tullamore Care Community
Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre
Victoria Village
Woodbridge Vista Care
• Canadian Mental Health
Association (Peel)
• Jean Tweed Treatment Centre
• LOFT Community Services
• Ontario Shores Centre for Mental
Health Sciences
• Progress Place
• Sherbourne Health Centre
• Waypoint Centre for Mental
Health Care
• York Support Services Network
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Bridgepoint Active Healthcare
Providence Healthcare
Runnymede Healthcare Centre
Salvation Army Toronto Grace
Health Centre
• West Park Healthcare Centre