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Rhianna S.
1st Period
The Growth of New Ideas
Renaissance Connections (1267 – 1517)
A. Europeans Encounter New Cultures
Opened trade routes
Rediscover Land
B. The Rebirth of Europe
Renaissance Began; Mid-14th Century
Fine arts becomes more popular
Greatly Affected the World
The Italian City-States
Italian Peninsula Divided
Divided as City-States
Rich Businesspeople part of Aristocrats
Wealth classified from money and goods
A Changing View of the World
Religion is an importance
Wealthy Europeans become lazy
Aristocrat families build wealthy homes
Aristocrat families live life in luxury
C. Learning and the Arts Flourish
Richer citizens are proud of their city-states
Patrons give artists good opportunities to work
Wealthy citizens hired artists to decorate public areas
City appearance was competition between city-states
Patrons wanted to attract great scholars
The Visual Arts: New Subjects and Methods
Medieval art usually created religious subjects
Before Renaissance, religious art less common
Art based on scenes or Wealthy Patrons
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci, a very famous artist
Most famous paintings: Mona Lisa, The Last Supper
da Vinci observed natural objects and scenes
Leonardo was a talented engineer, scientist and inventor
He sketched his inventions
D. The Northern Renaissance
Fine Arts
Renaissance ideas inspire artists and writers
Desiderious Erasmus criticized the church
Shakespeare wrote two famous plays: Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth
E. The Reformation
Roman Catholicism
Most people in Western Europe were catholic
Renaissance writers were mad at the Roman Catholic Church
These events will soon lead to Reformation
Martin Luther
Martin Luther was a German monk
He was a very important critic of the church
Luther wrote 95 statements in 1517
Copies handed out around West Europe
Martin Luther went into hiding
Transferred Bible into German
Germans become more interested in church activities
F. A Conflict Over Religious Beliefs
Luther has some followers
Most people supported the church
Religious wars until 1555
German rulers decided official language
The Spread of Protestant Ideas
Protestantism spread
Protestantism’s wanted more education
They wanted citizens to read the bible
Also encouraged Bible translation
The Counter Reformation
Roman Catholic Church launched it’s own movement
Church stopped selling indulgences
Created a new religious order
Jesuits spread Catholic ideas
II. Traders, Explorers, and Colonists
A. Trade Between Europe and Asia
1. Trading Spices
a. European traders traveled across Mediterranean
b. Spices very important trade item
2. The Spice Trade
a. Spices in great demand
b. Used spices to preserve meats
c. Genoa and Venice citizens controlled spice trade
d. Bought spices from Eastern Mediterranean
3. The Possibility of Great Wealth
a. Transporting good was expensive
b. Spices became expensive to buyers
c. Merchants wanted to trade directly to people
d. Europeans search for new Asia route
B. Leaders in Exploration
1. Around Africa
a. Portugal; most west country in Europe
b. Sailors mostly navigated through the Atlantic Ocean
c. They traveled all around Africa
2. Exploring the African Coast
a. Prince Henry the Navigator sent sailors down Africa
b. He wanted to find a shortcut to Asia
c. Henry died while the sailors were still venturing
3. The Race Around Africa
a. Portuguese explorers rounded the southern tip of Africa
b. Named tip The Cape of Good Hope
c. Vasco da Gama sailed all the was to Asia
d. Da Gama reached India
e. He discovered a new route to Asia
C. Europe Enters a New Age
1. Competition
a. Spain and England tried to find a new route to Asia too
2. Christopher Columbus
a. Queen Isabella sponsored a sea expedition
b. Christopher Columbus navigated the voyage
c. The crew spotted land
d. The land was actually a Caribbean island
3. Ferdinand Magellan
a. Spain funded a voyage leaded by Ferdinand Magellan
b. They traveled West battling storms and rough waters
c. The crew was starving
d. In the Philippines many crew members died including Magellan
e. Few crew members survived and circumnavigated
4. John Cabot
a. King Henry VII didn’t want all the riches of Asia to be claimed
b. He funded a voyage by John Cabot
c. They sailed from England to Canada
d. The crew thought they had sailed to Asia
D. The Outcomes of Exploration
1. New Trade Route to Asia
a. European explorers searched for a new trade route to Asia
b. These attempts turned out with unexpected results
2. A Clash of Cultures
a. They sailed to lands
b. These lands were already populated
c. Cultures combined
3. Religious Conversion
a. European monarchs had strong Christian beliefs
4. The Spread of Diseases
a. Explorers carried diseases with them
b. The passing of these diseases was unknown
5. Slavery
a. Explorations lead to large slave trade
b. Portugal purchased from Africa
c. Europe purchased from Mexico and South America
d. Africans and Americans forced to work unnecessarily hard
III. The Age of Revolution
A. Changes in science and industry
1. Technological Improvements
a. There were many technological improvements
b. There was a scientific and industrial revolution
2. The Scientific Revolution
a. Scientific discoveries changed the view of the world
b. That lead to the Scientific Revolution
c. Galileo invented the telescope and studied space
d. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek studied a drop of water with a microscope
e. Carolus Linnaeus developed a system to classify all living things
3. The Industrial Revolution
a. New inventions changed the way many people worked
b. Machines made work easier
c. This led to the Industrial Revolution
d. Machines made products in factories
e. Steam engines powered machines
Factories become more common
g. People moved to cities to look for work
B. The Workshop of the World
1. Machines
a. Industrial Revolution began in 1700s
b. First factories produced cloth
c. Steam-powered machines made large amount of product quickly
d. England got the nickname, “The Workshop of the world”
2. Hard Work for Low Pay
a. Industrial Revolution caused a labor force
b. Most labor force focused on textile machine workers
c. Earning good money was hard
d. They worked hard and long for little pay
e. Most families got their children to work to help pay
75 percent of factory workers contained women and children
g. Some seven year olds had to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week
3. The Spread of Industrialization
a. England was developing capitalism
b. Places that make and sell goods are privately owned
c. Those business owners decide what their business produces
d. They sell products on a well profit-making price
e. Industrialization spread to many countries
In those countries, cities grew rapidly
g. These factories also caused pollution
C. The French Revolution
1. New Ideas
a. These changes in science cause new government ideas
b. Ordinary citizens started to fright about political rights
2. Ripe for Political Change
a. The French government was in deep debt
b. For normal working citizens life was miserable
Heavy taxes being paid is a result of the debt
d. King Louis XVI and queen Marie Antoinette enjoyed themselves
3. Storming the Bastille
a. French citizens demanded a government change
b. Angry Mobs attacked the Paris prison, the Bastille
c. This attacking is a big part of the French Revolution
d. Revolts were happening from Paris to the countryside
e. France’s new constitution made all citizens under the law
4. The French Republic
a. France become a republic in 1792
b. King Louis and his wife were beheaded for country betrayal
c. France was still not peaceful
d. New revolutionary leaders allowed no disagreement
e. The new leaders executed 17 thousand people in one year
All the executions became known as the Reign of Terror
5. Napoleon
a. General Napoleon Bonaparte takes control
b. The French Revolution and disorder ended
c. French citizens felt equal rights and stirred feelings
d. Citizens felt pride or nationalism for their country
e. Citizens in different European countries slowly gained power
IV. The Russian Empire
A. Russia Rules Itself
1. The Ruling of Russia
a. Russia is the worlds largest nation
b. It takes up large parts of Europe and Asia
c. Each continent has helped contribute to history
d. For 200 years Asia conquered Russia
e. Russia broke free
2. The First Czars of Russia
a. At age 16 Ivan the Terrible was crowned first czar
b. Ivan was known for his cruelty, especially to enemies
c. He ruled for 37 years and was constantly at war
d. Czars after and during Ivan’s ruling had an unlimited government
3. Conflicts at Home
a. The Russian Nobles were often in conflict with the Russian czars
b. The Russian Nobles had lots of land and money
c. Ivan the Terrible is responsible for the killing of the Russian nobles
d. Laws made farmers and pesetas life miserable
B. The Expansion of Russia
1. Czars Conquering
a. Czars wanted new territory
b. Following rulers conquered land
2. A Window on the West
a. Peter the Great ruler Russia for 43 years
b. Peter built the new capital St. Petersburg
c. Peter wished to be closer with South Europe
d. Peter built new schools, and formed the army and government
e. He made Russians change their appearances to look like Europeans
3. A Great Empress
a. Catherine rules Russia for 34 years, until her death
b. She added many important new lands and countries
c. She also borrowed ideas like Peter the Great
d. Catherine started, built, and expanded many things
e. While Catherine ruled, Russia was a very powerful nation in Europe
The peasants lives didn’t get any better
C. A Divided Russia
1. Staying the Same
a. Russia remained a divided nation
b. Very few people were wealthy at all
2. The Nobles
a. Russian nobles sent their children to German and French schools
b. The Russian nobles got many ideas from Western Europeans
c. Most of the nobles were proud of the country’s growth
d. The nobles attempted to replace the government, but failed
3. The Serfs
a. The Russian Serfs had hardly anything at all
b. They worked on farms owned by wealthier people
c. Alexander II decided to stop serfdom in Russia
d. He did this to help compete with West Europe
e. Serfs lives barley changed with the bad land given and large tax
4. Bloody Sunday
a. Many college students, writers and artists were unhappy
b. Some attempted to overthrow the government
c. Others complained about low payments and a bad working
d. Workers got a group to the royal palace with a list of demands
e. Most of the workers got shot and killed
That is why it was called bloody Sunday, which made citizens angrier
D. The End of the Russian Empire
1. Battle
a. World War I began in 1914
b. Nicholas II ruled Russia at the time but didn’t want war
c. There were food shortages and workers went on strike
d. Russian Revolutionaries helped turn workers against the czar
e. Nicholas II was forced to give up power – Russian Revolution
The whole royal family were imprisoned and then shot to death
g. These killings ended traditions of czar’s and the Romanov family