Download Ch. 3 Mesopotamia Section 1: The Rise of Sumer Mesopotamia

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Ch. 3 Mesopotamia
Section 1: The Rise of Sumer
Mesopotamia- _________________________________
Means “land between the ________________”
Located between ___________ and __________________ Rivers
Present day __________
Rivers join and empty into ________________________
Sumerian Civilization
_______________- earliest known _____________________
Used ______________ to control river _________________
Water from holes in levees were used to irrigate __________________
______________was their number one crop
Sumerian Life
___________________________ to build irrigation canals
Led to creating expectations and _____________________
Made houses out of ____________________
They used ______-____________ bricks
Built the first city in this area- __________
Sumerian City-States
Each city had its own ________ and __________________
__________ -> __________ -> ________________
Upper class- priests and _________________
Middle class- gov’t officials, shopkeepers, _________- skilled workers
Lower Class- farmers and ____________________
Would fight with other city-states to prove their ________________
City-States (3500-1700 BC)
Common throughout ancient history
consisted of groups of interacting areas whose populations shared a
common language and culture
Were formed for protection and usually had a high king
You may have heard of these city-states:
Jericho, Rome, Troy, Sparta, Athens
Religious Life
___________________- temple at the center of each Sumerian city
Means “_______________________” or “hill of heaven”
Believed in over ________ gods (rain, wind, etc)
Put on earth to serve the gods
Only ______________ knew the will of the gods
In charge of the land and schools
__________________- famous priest-king
Equivalent to “_________________________” Bible story
Received advice from assembly
During war a military leader was chosen from the ______________
and he would __________________ the priest
Kingship became ____________________
Daily Life
Schools were for __________ of the rich
Poor boys worked in _____________ or learned a _____________
_________________- Sumerian Writing
Writing developed to keep track of _________________
First, pictures represented ___________________
Later, pictures represented __________________
Chapter 3: Mesopotamia
Section 2: Later Mesopotamian Empires
Sargon I
From ____________- northern __________________________
Conquered ________________ city-states
Created first empire- ___________________________________
Akkadians worshipped Sumerian _________ and used _____________
______________ lasted from 2300 B.C.-2200 B.C.
Hammurabi of Babylon
1800 BC-Amorites built ________________
Hammurabi conquers ______________ and _____________ and
creates new empire
______________________adopted culture of locals
Hammurabi’s Golden Age of Babylon
_________________ lasted _____ years
Improved the _________________ system.
Reorganized _________ system
Began _______________________ housing program
Raised the god of __________________ above all gods
Code of Law
Displayed on a block of ___________ called a __________
___ feet high
Everyone could see them
______________ until proven guilty
________________ if guilty
Punishments ranged from __________ to ______________
Section 3: Mesopotamian Contributions
Sumerian Contributions
earliest ___________________
oldest __________________ records
1 to write down ________________
_________________ was model for other writings
12-month ______________
number system based on ______
60-minute __________
60-second ____________
360-degree ___________
Clock controlled by _________________