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From Monarchy to
 Rome began as an independent city state
 The Roman Kings
 Had broad powers
 Served as head of the army, chief priest and supreme judge
 Ruled with consent of wealthy aristocrats called the senate
 The Founding of the Republic
 Over time aristocrats grew tired of royal rule
 509 BCE the romans overthrew the king and formed a republic
 Republic= a state in which supreme power is held by the people and
their elected representatives, which has elected or nominated a
Principles of Roman
 Rome’s system combined various forms of government to give
all citizens a role in government.
 Rome’s Constitution
 Constitution: system of rules by which a government is organized
 Rome’s was unwritten and based on custom
 Separation of Powers
 Power is divided among different branches of government
 System to ensure one person doesn’t have too much power
 Offices were split between two or more men
 Two top leaders called consuls
 Limited power of officials by limiting time in office to one year
Principles of Roman
 Checks and Balances
 Checks and balances= powers each branch of government has has to
limit the power the power of another branch of government
 Each branch had its own power but one branch could stop abuse of
another with its own rules
 Power was divided among three
branches of government
 Senate, Assembly, Magistrates
 Veto= to stop or cancel the action
 Rule of Law
 Defined= The law applies to
 Even elected officials
Roman Citizens
 Free Roman men were citizens of the republic
 Symbol of citizenship was the toga
 Rights and Responsibilities
 All citizens had a right to a trial
 All citizens had to serve in the army if he could afford his own
 Patricians
 From wealthy families
 Plebeians
 Majority of Romans
 Farmers or artisans
 Forced patricians to open political offices by going on strike
during war
Assemblies and Senate
 Assemblies
 All adults male citizens could participate
 Elected officials and passed laws
 The Senate
 Made up of patricians
 Chose by censor
 Ran foreign policy, made suggestions, decided how to spend money
 Consuls
 Top officials in the Roman Republic
 Lead the army, highest judges
 Dictators
 Important public official in ancient Rome
 Held complete power for a limited time
In times of emergency
 Magistrates= Elected official who enforces the laws
 Wealthy men
 Elected position
The Roman Example
 The Roman Republic lasted 500 years
 Many modern examples of government were inspired
by the Romans
 United States of America
Citizens have the right to vote
3 branches of government
Checks and balances
Rule of law
Tullia’s Father Saves the
 My World pages 580-583
 What are some reasons Tullia is proud of her father?
 Why are Cicero’s views about his daughter unusual in
the Roman Republic?
 Using examples explain Cicero’s leadership style.