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UNHCE – This list represents 120 different non-formal educational programs that relate to sustainability,
climate adaptation and natural resource stewardship.
Volunteer Training - Training held annually – consisting of several weeks of focused workshops,
preparing volunteers to work in their community and to teach others about stewardship, best practices
in land and water conservation and marine science. More than 2,500 volunteers are actively working in
these areas on behalf on UNH Cooperative Extension in almost all communities across the state.
Coastal Research Volunteers
Coverts (wildlife)
Natural Resource Stewards
Master Gardeners
Marine Docents
Lakes Lay Monitoring Program
Invasive Species – Workshops designed to help landowners understand how to detect and limit the
spread of invasive insects and plan species in NH. Invasive species can: reduce biodiversity; imperil rare
species; reduce wildlife habitat by eliminating native foods, altering cover and destroying nesting sites;
degrade water quality; reduce forest and agricultural crop production; and cause health problems.
Saving Special Places – communities and conservation groups learn about a variety of land conservation,
wildlife, forestry, farmland, conservation funding and stewardship issues. Project Partners: Society for
the Protection of NH Forests, The Nature Conservancy, LCHIP and NRCS
2013 Climate Summit - current climate research and local adaptation strategies. Project partners: Great
Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup
Water, Weather, Climate and Community workshop series – communities learn about climate
adaptation strategies. Project partners: NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup
Communities Taking Action for Wildlife Program. Direct work with communities providing technical
assistance for incorporating wildlife considerations into town documents Project partners: NH Fish and
Game Department
Method for Inventorying and Evaluating Freshwater Wetlands In New training sessions - communities
learned about and developed skills in wetland evaluation Project Partners: NH Method Workgroup
NH Fresh and Local Seafood Kickoff – promotion of local seafood – where to purchase and how to
prepare. Project Partners: Red Hook Brewery, five local Restaurant partners, and Prescott Park Arts
Festival organizers – Fishtival.
Annual spring lobster trap cleanup on the Seacoast and removed 21 tons of derelict fishing gear from
NH beaches. Project Partners: NH Commercial Fisherman’s Association, Blue Ocean Society, National
Fish and Wildlife Foundation, NH Fish and Game.
Barry Conservation Camp - operated by the UNH Cooperative Extension 4-H Program in cooperation
with the NH Department of Fish and Game. 4-H Barry Conservation Camp is a great program for kids
who love the outdoors, enjoy hands-on learning in environmental and conservation programs and can
benefit from participating in a small camp. Six sessions are held each summer.
Local events held at counties – too numerous to list all in a year, but more than 100 workshops and field
days – highlighting good forest stewardship practices, protecting the environment against invasive
species, sustaining wildlife habitat and land conservation, promoting local foods/farmers markets,
engaging youth with the outdoors, climate adaptation, wetland classification, sustainable timber
harvesting, etc.