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Ch 15 McDougal Littell - The Nation Breaking Apart
Ch 15.1 Growing Tensions Between North and South
North and South Take Different Paths
a. Both regions developed differently
i. Northern factors  led to growth of industry/commerceled to rapid growth of cities
ii. Southern plantations  production led to economy built on exports  led to greater
reliance on slavery
Antislavery & Racism
a. Slavery caused tension between the North and South
i. In North:
1. Antislavery movement was gaining strength since 1830s
2. Abolitionists thought slavery was unjust and should be abolished right away
3. Some workers saw slavery as an economic threat to their livelihood/jobs
4. Most Northerners still discriminated against African Americans
5. In most states, free African Americans still couldn’t vote
ii. In South:
1. Slaveholders defended slavery saying:
2. Whites thought they were superior to blacks
3. Slavery introduced African Americans to Christianity
4. Slavery provided African Americans with food, clothing & shelter
Wilmot Proviso
a. Wilmot Proviso was a law that would outlaw slavery in any territory the U.S. acquires from War
with Mexico (preventing spread of slavery)
i. After arguments in Congress, Wilmot Proviso never became law
ii. Wilmot Proviso helped create Free Soil Party
1. Free Soil Party = new political party dedicated to stopping expansion of slavery;
made slavery a key issue in national policy
Controversy Over Territories
a. There was debate over how to deal with slavery in lands gained from War with Mexico
b. New states threatened the balance in congress between North and South (free states versus
slave states)
c. Meanwhile, the Gold Rush had people rushing to live in California and eventually make Calif. A
i. Most Californians wanted Calif. to be a free state, which would make it so U.S. had more
free states than slave states
ii. Southerners wanted to split Calif. to make half of it free and half of it a slave state
d. President Zachary Taylor (who opposed slavery) proposed that Calif. skip becoming a territory
and apply directly for statehood, giving little time for slaveholders to move to Calif. and
e. California was admitted as a free state in 1850, making slave states a minority in congress
Compromise of 1850
a. California needed congress approval to become state, but they were divided about slavery and
withholding California’s approval
b. Henry Clay came up with Compromise of 1850:
i. Admit Calif. as a free state AND abolish slave trade in Washington, D.C. (pleases North)
ii. Congress would not pass laws regarding slavery for the rest of the territories won from
Mexico, AND congress would pass a stronger law to help slaveholders recapture
runaway slaves.
1. This compromise did not satisfy everyone, but it saved the Union
Ch 15.2 The Crisis Deepens
1. Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
a. 1850 law to help slaveholders recapture runaway slaves
i. Northerners didn’t like it because it required them to help recapture runaway slaves
and placed fines and/or jail time on people who did not cooperate
1. The previous version of the law allowed slaves to be free once they escaped
to a free state. Now runaway slaves were only free if they escaped to
2. Southern slave catchers roamed the North sometimes capturing free African
2. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
a. Author Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, was published in 1852, and
dramatically portrayed the moral issues of slavery and supported its abolition
i. A popular play based on the book also supported abolition
ii. The book was popular in the North, but white Southerners thought it falsely
criticized the South and slavery
3. Kansas-Nebraska Act
a. The Kansas-Nebraska Act dealt with slavery in the territories
i. Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois wrote a bill to separate the Nebraska Territory
into two: Nebraska & Kansas and allow the decision of slavery in those territories be
determined by popular sovereignty.
1. Popular sovereignty = residents vote to decide an issue; in this case, allow
the people living in the territories to decide for themselves if slavery should
be allowed or not
ii. If bill passed it would get rid of Missouri Compromise by allowing people to vote for
slavery in the territories where the Missouri Compromise had banned it
b. Although it angered opponents of slavery, Kansas-Nebraska Act passed
4. “Bleeding Kansas”
a. Pro and antislavery settlers rushed into the Kansas Territory to vote either in favor or
against legal slavery in the territory
i. 5,000 (proslavery) Missourians crossed the border just to vote illegally with no
intention of living in the territory
ii. Antislavery settlers refused to recognize the government’s authority and formed a
government of their own for the territory
1. Proslavery mob attacked antislavery governor’s house
2. Abolitionist extremist John Brown avenged the attack by leading an
antislavery attack against proslavery neighbors, murdering 5 people
iii. A 3 year Civil War broke out in Kansas nicknaming the territory “Bleeding Kansas”
5. Violence in Congress
a. Violence in the senate happened when Senator Charles Sumner of Mass. Delivered a speech
attacking proslavery forces in Kansas and made fun of A.P. Butler, a senator from South
Carolina. Butler’s relative heard about Sumner’s speech and attacked Sumner over the
head with his cane.
12.3 Slavery Dominates Politics
1. Republican Party Forms
a. Kansas-Nebraska Act caused political crisis for Whig political party because it opened new
territories to slavery, which Northern Whigs opposed and Southern Whigs wanted
b. Northern Whigs formed their own political party called the Republican party, which gained
strength and became a major force in the North
2. Election of 1856
a. Democrat James Buchanan won all the slave states except Maryland and ended up winning
the election.
b. Republican John C. Fremont won 11 northern states, but lost the election
c. The election demonstrated how sharply split the nation was over slavery
3. Dred Scott Case
a. Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri. His owner took him to live in territories where slavery
was illegal, then returned back to Missouri. After his owner died Scott sued for his freedom,
arguing that he was a free man because he had lived in territories where slavery was illegal.
b. In 1857 the Supreme Court ruled against Scott, declaring Scott (as a slave) was not a U.S.
citizen and could not sue in U.S. courts, and that Scott was bound by Missouri’s slave code
because he lived in Missouri.
c. Supreme Court also determined that congress could not ban slavery in the territories
because that would violate the slaveholders’ property rights protected by the 5 th
amendment; therefore, people could not vote to ban slavery, because doing so would take
away slaveholders’ property rights
d. Northerners were outraged and looked to Republican party to halt growing power of
Southern slaveholders
4. Lincoln and Douglass Debate
a. Abraham Lincoln (Republican) and Senator Stephen A. Douglas (Democrat) held a series of
debates to become senator of Illinois. Lincoln stressed how slavery was morally, socially
and politically wrong and suggested African Americans had rights under the Declaration of
ii. Lincoln DID NOT suggest abolishing slavery where it already existed, but believed it
should not be expanded
b. Douglas believed popular sovereignty should determine where slavery is allowed because
it’s the most democratic way to decide.
c. Result: Douglas won reelection, but Lincoln became and national figure
5. John Brown Attacks Harpers Ferry
d. Abolitionist John Brown wanted to inspire slaves to fights for their freedom and planned to
capture weapons in the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, along with 18 black and
white followers who killed 4 people.
i. They rallied and armed local slaves (who chose not join the fight)
ii. U.S. Marines attacked and captured Brown and 6 others
iii. Brown was tried for murder and treason. He was convicted and hanged.
1. On the day he was hanged abolitionists tolled bells and fired guns in salute,
which enraged Southerners
2. All the events combined made the issue of slavery a breaking point for the
nation in the next election of 1860
Ch 14.4 Lincoln’s Election and Southern Secession
1. Political Parties Splinter
a. Southerner Democrats wanted Democratic party to defend slavery, but Northern
Democrats wanted the platform to support popular sovereignty as a way deciding whether
a territory became a free or slave state. Northerners won.
i. Election of 1860
1. Turned into two different races. One in North and one in South.
b. Lincoln, in the North, wanted to end expansion of slavery, not abolish
i. Douglas, in the South, didn’t want any new laws passed about slavery
ii. The North had a higher population than the South, so Lincoln won the
iii. Southerners did not believe Lincoln didn’t want to end slavery, and saw
his victory as a threat to their way of life
Southern States Secede
a. Before the election, many southerners warned that if Lincoln won, the Southern states
would secede (withdraw from the Union) based on the idea that states voluntarily joined
the country, so they also had a right to leave it.
i. South Carolina seceded first (12/20/1860)
ii. Over the next 6 weeks more southern states seceded, including
Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas
iii. The seceded states formed a new country called the Confederate States
of America with Jefferson Davis as their president, and formed a
government and drafted a constitution
3. Union Responds to Secession
a. Northerners thought secession was unconstitutional
1. States did not have the right to withdraw from the Union because the federal
government, not the state governments was sovereign (supreme authority)
4. Efforts to Compromise Fail
a. During Lincoln’s inaugural address, he assured the South he had no intention of abolishing
slavery there, but he was against secession
b. There would be no invasion of the South, but the USA would not abandon the government’s
property that was located in what is now the Confederate States of America, including
military forts that would need to be resupplied
Ch 15 McDougal Littell - The Nation Breaking Apart
Ch 15.1 Growing Tensions Between North and South
North and South Take Different Paths
a. Both regions developed differently
i. Northern factors  led to growth of _______________led to rapid growth of ______
ii. Southern plantations  production led to economy built on ____________  led to
greater reliance on _______________
Antislavery & Racism
a. ___________________ caused tension between the North and South
i. In North:
1. __________________ movement was gaining strength since 1830s
2. __________________ thought slavery was unjust and should be abolished right
3. Some workers saw slavery as an economic threat to their ___________________
4. Most _____________________ still ___________________ against African
5. In most states, free African Americans still couldn’t _____________________
ii. In South:
1. ______________ defended slavery saying:
2. Whites thought they were __________________ to blacks
3. Slavery introduced African Americans to ____________________
4. ______________ provided African Americans with _________, clothing & shelter
Wilmot Proviso
a. Wilmot Proviso was a law that would outlaw slavery in any territory the U.S. acquires from
_________________________ (preventing spread of slavery)
i. After arguments in Congress, Wilmot Proviso ____________ became law
ii. Wilmot Proviso helped create ____________________
1. Free Soil Party = new political party dedicated to _______________ expansion of
slavery; made slavery a _____________________ in national policy
Controversy Over Territories
a. There was _____________ over how to deal with slavery in _____________ gained from War
with Mexico
b. New states threatened the balance in ____________________ between North and South
(________________ states versus ___________________ states)
c. Meanwhile, the Gold Rush had people rushing to live in California and eventually make Calif. A
i. Most Californians wanted Calif. to be a _________________ state, which would make it
so U.S. had more ________________ states than slave states
ii. Southerners wanted to _____________ Calif. to make half of it free and half of it a slave
d. President Zachary Taylor (who opposed slavery) proposed that Calif. skip becoming a territory
and apply directly for statehood, giving little time for ________________ to move to Calif. and
e. California was admitted as a free state in 1850, making slave states a ____________ in congress
Compromise of 1850
a. California needed _________________ approval to become state, but they were divided about
slavery and withholding California’s __________________
b. Henry Clay came up with Compromise of 1850:
i. Admit Calif. as a free state AND abolish slave trade in _______________. (pleases North)
ii. Congress would _____________ pass ___________ regarding slavery for the rest of the
territories won from Mexico, AND congress would pass a stronger law to help
slaveholders ___________________ runaway slaves.
1. This compromise did not satisfy everyone, but it ___________ the ___________
Ch 15.2 The Crisis Deepens
6. Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
a. 1850 law to help slaveholders recapture __________________ slaves
i. Northerners didn’t like it because it required them to help _____________ runaway
slaves and placed _____________ and/or jail time on people who did not cooperate
1. The previous version of the law allowed slaves to be free once they escaped
to a free state. Now runaway slaves were only free if they escaped to
2. Southern slave catchers roamed the North sometimes capturing _________
African Americans
7. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
a. Author Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, was published in 1852, and
dramatically portrayed the moral issues of slavery and supported its __________________
i. A popular play based on the book also __________________ abolition
ii. The book was popular in the North, but white Southerners thought it falsely
___________________________ the South and slavery
8. Kansas-Nebraska Act
a. The Kansas-Nebraska Act dealt with slavery in the territories
i. Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois wrote a bill to separate the Nebraska Territory
into two: Nebraska & Kansas and allow the decision of slavery in those territories be
determined by ___________________________________.
1. Popular sovereignty = residents vote to decide an issue; in this case, allow
the people living in the territories to decide for ___________________ if
___________________ should be allowed or not
ii. If bill passed it would get rid of ______________________ by allowing people to
vote for slavery in the territories where the Missouri Compromise had banned it
b. Although it angered opponents of slavery, Kansas-Nebraska Act ____________________
9. “Bleeding Kansas”
a. Pro and antislavery settlers ___________________ into the Kansas Territory to __________
either in favor or against legal slavery in the territory
i. 5,000 (proslavery) Missourians crossed the border just to vote ________________
with no intention of living in the territory
ii. Antislavery settlers refused to recognize the ___________________ authority and
formed a government of their own for the territory
1. Proslavery mob ______________________ antislavery governor’s house
2. Abolitionist extremist ____________ avenged the attack by leading an
antislavery attack against proslavery ______________, murdering 5 people
iii. A____ year Civil War broke out in Kansas nicknaming the territory “Bleeding Kansas”
10. Violence in Congress
a. Violence in the ______________ happened when Senator Charles Sumner of Mass.
Delivered a speech attacking _____________ forces in Kansas and made fun of A.P. Butler, a
senator from South Carolina. Butler’s relative heard about Sumner’s speech and attacked
Sumner over the head with his ______________.
12.4 Slavery Dominates Politics
1. Republican Party Forms
a. Kansas-Nebraska Act caused political crisis for__________ political party because it opened
new territories to slavery, which Northern Whigs opposed and Southern Whigs __________
b. _____________ Whigs formed their own political party called the ________________ party,
which gained strength and became a major force in the North
2. Election of 1856
a. Democrat James Buchanan won all the slave states except _______________ and ended up
________________ the election.
b. Republican John C. Fremont won 11 _______________ states, but___________the election
c. The election demonstrated how sharply split the nation was over __________________
3. Dred Scott Case
a. Dred Scott was a __________ in Missouri. His owner took him to live in territories where
slavery was _____________, then returned back to Missouri. After his owner died Scott
sued for his _______________, arguing that he was a free man because he had lived in
__________________ where slavery was illegal.
b. In 1857 the Supreme Court ruled _____________ Scott, declaring Scott (as a slave) was not
a U.S. ________________ and could not sue in U.S. courts, and that Scott was bound by
Missouri’s ________________________ because he lived in Missouri.
c. Supreme Court also determined that congress could not ___________ slavery in the
territories because that would violate the slaveholders’ ______________rights protected by
the 5th amendment; therefore, people could not vote to ban slavery, because doing so
would take away ___________________ property rights
d. Northerners were ____________________ and looked to ________________ party to halt
growing power of Southern slaveholders
4. Lincoln and Douglass Debate
a. Abraham Lincoln (Republican) and Senator Stephen A. Douglas (Democrat) held a series of
________________ to become ______________ of______________. Lincoln stressed how
slavery was morally, socially and politically wrong and suggested African Americans had
rights under the __________________________________________
ii. Lincoln DID NOT suggest abolishing slavery where it already _______________, but
believed it should not be ________________
b. Douglas believed popular sovereignty should determine where ______________ is allowed
because it’s the most __________________ way to decide.
c. Result: Douglas ___________ reelection, but Lincoln became and ________________ figure
5. John Brown Attacks Harpers Ferry
d. Abolitionist John Brown wanted to inspire slaves to _____________ for their freedom and
planned to capture _____________ in the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, along with
18 black and white followers who killed 4 people.
i. They rallied and __________________local slaves (who chose not join the fight)
ii. U.S. ________________ attacked and _______________ Brown and 6 others
iii. Brown was tried for ___________ and ___________. He was convicted and hanged.
1. On the day he was hanged abolitionists tolled bells and fired guns in
__________________, which _______________ Southerners
2. All the events combined made the issue of slavery a_______________ point
for the nation in the next election of 1860
Ch 14.4 Lincoln’s Election and Southern Secession
3. Political Parties Splinter
a. Southerner Democrats wanted Democratic party to _____________ slavery, but Northern
Democrats wanted the _______________ to support popular sovereignty as a way deciding
whether a territory became a free or slave state. __________________ won.
i. Election of 1860
1. Turned into two different _________. One in North and one in __________.
b. Lincoln (in North) wanted to end __________ of slavery, not abolish it
i. Douglas (in South) didn’t want any new __________ passed about slavery
ii. The North had a higher _______________ than the South, so Lincoln won
the election
iii. Southerners did not believe Lincoln didn’t want to____________ slavery,
and saw his victory as a ______________ to their way of life
Southern States Secede
a. Before the election, many southerners ___________ that if Lincoln __________, the
Southern states would ______________ (withdraw from the Union) based on the idea that
states voluntarily joined the country, so they also had a right to leave it.
i. ____________________ seceded first (12/20/1860)
ii. Over the next 6 weeks more ______________ states seceded, including
Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas
iii. The seceded states formed a new country called
___________________________ with _______________ as their
president, and formed a government and drafted a constitution
3. Union Responds to Secession
a. Northerners thought secession was ________________________________
1. States did not have the __________ to withdraw from the Union because the federal
government, not the state governments was _______________ (supreme authority)
4. Efforts to Compromise Fail
a. During Lincoln’s _______________ address, he assured the South he had no intention of
abolishing slavery there, but he was against _____________________
b. There would be no________________ of the South, but the USA would not abandon the
government’s __________________ that was located in what is now the Confederate States
of America, including military forts that would need to be ______________________