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Lisa Marii Cookingham
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Practice Midterm Questions
Multiple Choice.
1. Which of the following develops first in the infant?
a. Stranger anxiety
b. The social smile
c. Rapprochement
d. Core gender identity
e. Phobias
2. All of the following are likely to adversely affect bonding between the mother and child EXCEPT:
a. Separation of mother and child after delivery
b. Problems in the mother-father relationship
c. A pregnancy that is longer than the expected term
d. Low birth weight
e. Illness in the child
3. The principal psychological task of infancy is
a. The formation of an intimate attachment to the mother
b. The development of speech
c. The development of stranger anxiety
d. The development of a conscience
e. The ability for logical thought
4. All of the following are true about latency EXCEPT:
a. It is characterized by completion of the formation of a conscience
b. The child acquires the capacity for logical thought
c. Girls begin to identify with their mothers
d. The family becomes more important to the child
e. Children play with others of the same sex
5. All of the following are true about adolescence EXCEPT:
a. The personality is formed
b. Its start is marked by puberty
c. Crushes are common
d. Joining cults frequently is a manifestation of role confusion
e. Identity crises frequently develop at its start
6. Prematurity puts a child at risk for
a. Mental retardation
b. Emotional problems
c. Dyslexia
d. Child abuse
e. All of the above
7. Which of the following is/are characteristic of the infant who is separated from the mother?
a. At first, the infant protests loudly at the loss
b. After a time the infant becomes depressed and unresponsive
c. The incidence of physical illness is higher in infants in institutions
d. Anaclitic depression may occur
e. All of the above
Lisa Marii Cookingham
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Practice Midterm Questions
8. Harry Harlow’s studies of development in infant monkeys showed that all of the following are true about
infant monkeys reared by surrogate artificial mothers EXCEPT:
a. The negative effects are long-lasting
b. They do not develop normal mating behavior as adults
c. They do not develop normal maternal behavior as adults
d. They do not develop normal social behavior as adults
e. They are more likely to be adversely affected if they are female
9. All of the following are true about stranger anxiety EXCEPT:
a. Infants tend to cry and cling to the mother when a stranger approaches
b. It develops at 3 to 4 months of age
c. It signals that the child can distinguish mother from a stranger
d. It is more likely to occur in infants exposed to multiple caregivers
e. It occurs in normal infants
10. All of the following are true about the toddler years EXCEPT:
a. This is Erikson’s stage of industry versus inferiority
b. They are characterized by increasing motor development
c. Toilet training usually takes place
d. Core gender identity is established
e. The favorite word is “no”
11. All of the following are true about the preschool child EXCEPT:
a. Fantasy can usually be distinguished from reality
b. Nightmares are common
c. The child begins to think abstractly
d. Imaginary companions are characteristic
e. The child becomes aware of physical sex differences
12. During the preschool years
a. There is primary interest in the genitals
b. The oedipal conflict occurs
c. The conscience begins to be formed
d. The child engages in role playing
e. All of the above
13. Which of the following is true about teenage sexuality in the United States?
a. The average age of first sexual intercourse is 19 years
b. Teenagers are generally responsible in the use of contraceptives
c. Approximately 15 percent of unmarried mothers are teenagers
d. Pregnant teenagers are at high risk for obstetric complications
e. Teenagers give birth to about 50,000 babies per year
14. All of the following are characteristic of teenagers who become pregnant EXCEPT:
a. Depression
b. Low academic goals
c. Living in a rural area
d. A divorced home
e. Poor planning for the future
Lisa Marii Cookingham
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Practice Midterm Questions
15. Which of the following does not have to be learned?
a. The conditioned response
b. The unconditioned response
c. The conditioned stimulus
d. The acquisition phase
e. Stimulus generalization
16. Adopting the behavior of someone admired or respected is an example of
A. Stimulus generalization
B. Modeling
C. Shaping
D. Positive reinforcement
E. Variable reinforcement
17. All of the following are true about learning EXCEPT:
a. It involves the acquisition of behavior patterns
b. Classical conditioning is a method of learning
c. Operant conditioning is a method of learning
d. Past history of the organism is important in all forms of learning
e. Stimuli may be internal or external to the organism
18. Which of the following is true about spontaneous recovery in classical conditioning?
a. It diminishes when the conditioned stimulus is not followed by the unconditioned stimulus
b. It occurs when the conditioned response reappears in the absence of a stimulus
c. It occurs after an aversive stimulus
d. It occurs before extinction
e. It occurs when a related stimulus produces a conditioned response
19. Which of the following is true about operant conditioning?
a. The focus is an observable behavior
b. Motivational state is important
c. Reflexive behaviors are elicited in response to stimuli acting as a reward
d. Prior historical factors are significant
e. There is no relationship between a behavior and its consequences
20. All of the following are true about reinforcement in operant conditioning EXCEPT:
a. It establishes a connection between a stimulus and a response
b. It can be positive or negative
c. It can increase the rate at which a behavior occurs
d. It follows a behavior
e. It was first described by the work of Pavlov
21. Which of the following is the most open-ended question or statement?
a. “Point to the area of pain in your chest”
b. “Tell me about the pain”
c. Tell me about the pain in your chest”
d. Have you been to a physician within the past 6 months?”
e. Is there a history of heart disease in your family?”
Lisa Marii Cookingham
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Practice Midterm Questions
22. Which of the following is an example of the interviewing technique known as facilitation?
a. “Please go on”
b. “How much liquor do you drink?”
c. “Do you drink?”
d. “Why did you wait so long to come in?”
e. “I see that the situation upsets you”
23. Which of the following is an example of the interviewing technique known as confrontation?
a. “Tell me again about the pain in your chest”
b. “What happened then?”
c. “I’ll be here to help you”
d. “You look terrified”
e. “How do you feel about giving up your job?”
24. All of the following are common reasons for noncompliance EXCEPT:
a. An asymptomatic illness
b. Deliberate misuse of medication
c. Misunderstanding of the instructions for taking the medication
d. Denial of the severity of the illness
e. Fear of the severity of the illness
25. All of the following are true about transference in the doctor-patient relationship EXCEPT:
a. In positive transference, the patient may develop an unshakable confidence in the doctor
b. Overidealization of the physician can lead to negative consequences
c. Transference reactions are rooted in the parent-child relationship
d. Patients are consciously aware of their transference reactions toward the doctor
e. In a negative transference reaction, the patient may become resentful if his or her expectations of the
doctor are not met
26. Which of the following characteristics of the patient is commonly associated with compliance?
a. Race
b. Socioeconomic status
c. Attitude toward the physician
d. Intelligence
e. Gender
27. All of the following are associated with increased compliance EXCEPT:
a. Verbal instructions for taking medications
b. Older age of the physician
c. Simple treatment regimen
d. Severe symptoms of the disease
e. Decreased waiting room time
28. All of the following are true about life stress and illness EXCEPT:
a. Genetic factors are involved
b. Experiential factors are involved
c. Each individual has a threshold of vulnerability to life stress
d. Only negative life events are likely to cause stress to the individual
e. Death of a spouse is a very stressful life event for a married person
Lisa Marii Cookingham
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Practice Midterm Questions
29. Which of the following is considered the most catastrophic stressor for children and adolescents?
a. Divorce of parents
b. Change of school
c. Being arrested
d. Birth of a sibling
e. Receiving physical abuse
30. Asking for help and then not complying with his or her advice is characteristic of which of the following
personality types?
a. Schizoid
b. Passive-aggressive
c. Paranoid
d. Histrionic
e. Dependent
31. All of the following are physiologic consequences of stress EXCEPT:
a. Decreased alpha waves on EEG
b. Release of ACTH
c. Suppression of the immune response
d. Increased body oxygen consumption
e. Increased skin conductance
For each of the following, choose the one lettered heading which is most closely associated.
32. The favorite word is “no”
a. Infancy
33. Imaginary companions
b. Toddler years
34. The capacity for logical thought
c. Preschool
35. Identity consolidation versus role confusion
d. Latency
e. Adolescence
For each of the following, choose the one lettered heading which is most closely associated.
36. “I will go to church every day if only I can get rid of
this illness.”
a. Denial
b. Anger
37. “The doctor is to blame for my illness.”
c. Acceptance
38. “It can’t be true that I am dying.”
d. Depression
39. “I am ready to die.”
e. Bargaining
Lisa Marii Cookingham
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Practice Midterm Questions
Multiple Choice.
40. Which of the following is the least mature defense mechanism?
a. Altruism
b. Suppression
c. Sublimation
d. Humor
e. Denial
41. Which of the following functions to maintain a relationship to the external world?
a. The id
b. The ego
c. The superego
d. Defense mechanisms
e. Dream work
For each of the following, choose the one lettered heading which is most closely associated.
42. People are seen as being totally bad or totally good
a. Rationalization
43. Unacceptable feelings are expressed in actions
b. Acting out
44. One’s behavior is patterned after that of another person
c. Splitting
45. An irrational feeling is made to appear reasonable
d. Identification
e. Displacement
For each of the following, choose the one lettered heading which is most closely associated.
46. Adopting the behavior of someone admired or respected
a. Operant conditioning
47. Pairing an unwanted behavior with a painful stimulus
b. Aversive conditioning
48. The conditioned response reappears in the absence
of a stimulus
c. Spontaneous recovery
d. Modeling
49. A nonreflex behavior serves as a reward or punishment
e. Stimulus generalization
Multiple Choice.
50. Compliance with medical advice is closely associated with:
a. Marital status
b. Race
c. Religion
d. Educational level
e. Written instructions for taking medication
Lisa Marii Cookingham
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Practice Midterm Questions
51. Which of the following is true about the doctor-patient relationship?
a. Most individuals with symptoms visit physicians
b. Chronically ill patients express the least skepticism about medical care
c. Morbidity is higher in psychiatric populations
d. Mortality is lower in psychiatric populations
e. Patients rarely trust young physicians
52. Psychological stress is associated with which of the following illnesses?
a. Hyperthyroidism
b. Diabetes mellitus
c. Immune disorders
d. Arthritis
e. All of the above
53. Which of the following is the least severe life stressor?
a. Divorce
b. Marriage
c. Retirement
d. Changing residences
e. Birth of a child
For each of the following, choose the one lettered heading which is most closely associated.
54. “And then what happened?”
A. Empathy
55. “You say that you felt the pain more in the evening?”
B. Support
56. “Exactly where is the pain now?”
C. Direct question
57. “That must have been terrifying for you”
D. Facilitation
58. “I understand that you must be really worried”
E. Reflection