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Saturday February 9, 2013
SPEAKERS: Dr. George Goumenos, Dr Christodoulos Laspos, Dr Ilia Roussou
SUBJECT: «T.M.J. dysfunction & periodontal problems in Orthodontics»
VENUE: Stratos Vassilikos Hotel, 114 Michalakopoulou Str, Athens
George Goumenos, BScPharm, DDS, MS, DrOdont.
Dr. Goumenos graduated from the University of Athens, School of
Pharmacy in 1982 and the School of Dentistry in 1988. He graduated from
the Dpt. of Periodontology with a Certificate in Periodontology in 1990 and
earned a Degree in Master of Science the following year from the
Graduate School of Tufts University, School of Dental Medicine.
In 1996, he became a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and received
a Doctorate two years later from the Dpt. of Periodontology, Athens University.
Moreover, Dr. Goumenos has been appointed visiting Professor at the Dpt. of
Periodontology, Universidad International of Cataluna, Barcelona, (SPAIN) and adjunct
clinical Professor at the Dpt. of Periodontology, Tufts University, (USA). He is also a
clinical instructor at the Dpt. of Periodontology of the Athens University. He has published
articles related to periodontal plastic surgery and implantology and has lectured
nationally and internationally.
Since 1992, Dr. George Goumenos has been in private practice in Athens, limited to
Periodontics and Dental Implants.
«Innovations in periodontal treatment for the orthodontic patient»
Minimally invasive techniques in periodontal treatment can improve the predictability of
the orthodontic results. Periodontal problems can be approached by the use of
The contribution of contemporary periodontics to the orthodontic patient can be described
in four main areas:
1. More atraumatic techniques for the control of inflammation during or after active
orthodontic treatment
2. New techniques and materials for bone regeneration
3. Improved techniques in mucogingival and esthetic periodontal surgery, having as a
consequence the post-orthodontic long term soft tissue stability
4. Better understanding of periimplant tissues biology which accompanies the
increasing use of dental implants
The presentation will focus on the application of periodontal innovations for the
orthodontic patient and their critical evaluation based on evidence and lecturer’s clinical
Christodoulos P. Laspos DDS, MDS
Dental School University of Athens 1990-1995.
Research Fellow in the TMJ and Orthodontic Department
University of Rochester, Eastman Dental Center, Rochester, New
York 1995-1996. Research in Facial Asymmetries of Individuals
with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate.
Master of Dental Science, University of Tennessee, Memphis, College of Dentistry
Department of Orthodontics, Memphis, Tennessee, 1996-1999.
Craniofacial Fellowship, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,
Texas 1999-2000.
Private Practice in Orthodontics and Craniofacial Orthodontics, Limassol, Cyprus
Fellow of the Hellenic Craniofacial Center.
Founder of the Cyprus Center for Clefts and Facial Deformities.
Member of several professional societies and associations: American Association of
Orthodontics, World Federation of Orthodontics, Tweed Foundation for Orthodontic
Study and Research, American Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association, European
Orthodontic Society, Greek Orthodontic Association, Cyprus Dental Association,
Cyprus Orthodontic Society.
Published in Greek and American scientific journals on orthodontic subjects.
Lectures in areas of Craniofacial Orthodontics and multidisciplinary treatment of
orthodontic patients.
Active Member Angle Society of Europe
Past President of the Cyprus Orthodontic Society 2010-2012.
«The use of diode laser in my practice»
Diode laser is a relatively new tool in the dental practice and especially in the field of
orthodontics. It has a wavelength ideal for cutting soft tissues precisely since it is highly
absorbed in hemoglobin and melanin. The device can be used in several procedures
such as gingival recontouring, simple frenum removal, gingivectomy of hypertrophic
tissues and exposure of impacted teeth. This presentation will focus on the use of diode
laser in exposing impacted cuspids, and treating hypertrophic and uneven gingiva. The
procedures were performed with infiltration local of anesthetic and power of 2,5W. Diode
laser is easy to use, with relatively low cost. In the future it should be a part of every
orthodontist’s armamentarium.
Ilia Roussou, DDS, MS, PhD
Dr. Roussou graduated from the Dental school of Athens
University in1993. She did her postgraduate studies in
Prosthodontics at Temple University in Philadelphia, USA. She
then continued her studies with Dr. Jeffrey Okeson in the field of
orofacial pain at University of Kentucky. Dr. Roussou is a
Lecturer in the department of Prosthodontics at the University of Athens and has a
private practice limited to Prosthodontics and Orofacial Pain, in Athens Greece.
Subject: «T.M.D. disorders & orthodontics. Is there a connection?»
As epidemiological studies suggest, Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a very
common finding in the general population. Occlusion is one of the etiological factor for
these disorders especially when occlusal contacts compromise the orthopedic stability of
the stomatognathic system. Therefore orthodontics, as any dental treatment that can
change the occlusal relationship of the dental arches, can cause a TMD symptom when
jeopardizing the orthopedic stability and the most stable relationship of the mandible
against the maxilla.
Some authors suggest that certain orthodontic therapies may cause some intracapsular
disorders. On the other hand other researchers suggest that orthodontic treatment can
cure certain temporomandibular disorders. In the everyday clinical practice often patient
develop TMD signs and symptoms during orthodontic therapy. It is also not uncommon
for a patient many years after completing the orthodontic treatment to develop an
occlusal discrepancy with or without TMD symptoms of pain and dysfunction.
In this presentation we will discuss all the above mentioned clinical considerations.
Emphasis will be given to explain how occlusion and TMD interact. Some guidelines will
be given about how orthodontic therapy can help or prevent these cases from happening.