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Reference number: R14/0226
Site address: Temple Reading Rooms, Barby Road, Rugby, CV22 5DW
Description: Alterations to existing steps and provision of ramped access including
erection of walls, railings and cycle stands.
Case Officer Name & Number: Greg Vigars, 01788 533621
Description of site
This application relates to the Temple Reading Rooms which forms part of Rugby School. The building
accommodates the school’s library as well as offices and meeting rooms which are used by the general
The building is a Grade II Listed Building constructed of red brick with buff stone details and a slate roof.
There are gable feature windows within this roofslope. The entrance to the building is through a large
door within a detailed stone archway feature. This is accessed up stone steps, to the left (when viewed
from the road) the edges of the steps are staggered and adjacent to a tall brick wall. To the right the
edges of the steps are in-line with each other, rather than staggered and are enclosed by a lower wall.
The area to the front and side of the entrance door is tarmac with landscaping between this and the
The site is located within the Conservation Area and other buildings within the grounds of Rugby School
are also Listed.
Description of proposals
This application is to provide a ramped access into the building. The ramp will start to the right of the
entrance, slope to the right where there will be a 180 degree turn at a wider “landing” area. The ramp will
then continue towards the entrance door where the existing top step will be altered to form a level
platform allowing access into the building.
Where the ramp turns a larger platform is proposed and cycle racks and storage for bins is proposed in
this area.
The ramp will be enclosed by red brick walls with buff stone copings, the height of the wall is increased
around the bin storage area to provide screening. A landscaped area is proposed in front of the ramp
area, enclosed by an extended dry stone wall. Details of the proposed planting have not been provided
at this stage.
The ramp will have a hand rail which the application form states is to be stainless steel. The cycle racks
are proposed as metal loops. Although general details of the materials to be used in the construction of
the ramp are shown on the plans specific materials specifications have not been provided at this stage.
Technical consultation responses
WCC Archaeology
No comments received
Third party comments
None received
Associated applications
R14/0227 – is the Listed Building application for these works
Relevant planning policies and guidance
Rugby Borough Core Strategy, 2011
CS16 Complies
Sustainable Design
Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006, Saved policies
GP2 Complies
E17 Complies
Development affecting parks and gardens and other elements of the historic
National Planning Policy Framework, 2012 (NPPF)
Report Sheet
Assessment of proposals
The key issues to assess in relation to this application are whether the proposals are acceptable in terms
of the impact on Listed Buildings and the Conservation Area and the impact on visual amenity.
The site is located within the Conservation Area and the Temple Reading Room is a Grade 2 Listed
Building. There are also other Listed Buildings within the grounds of Rugby School.
Saved policy E17 states permission will not be granted for development which would affect the
character, appearance or setting of elements of the historic landscape.
The NPPF refers to development impacting on heritage assets, such as Listed Buildings or buildings
within Conservation Areas, and states that the impact on the significance of a heritage asset should be
considered when assessing applications and that harm or loss to heritage assets should require clear or
convincing justification.
The proposals involve the alteration of the existing steps to the Listed Building in order to provide the
access ramp and level platform, however these alterations are limited and do not adversely impact on
the key features of the building such as the stone detailing around the main entrance door. It is
considered that these alterations would not cause substantial harm or total loss of significance of the
Listed Building or Conservation Area.
The NPPF goes on to state that where a development would lead to less than substantial harm to the
significance of a designated heritage asset the harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the
The proposals will provide a ramp increasing the accessibility of the building which is used by the
general public. It will also provide cycle parking spaces and a screened area for bin storage which will
prevent bins and cycles being left in front of the building reducing clutter. These factors are considered to
carry weight in favour of the application.
Although the ramp will be to the front of the Listed Building the proposed position reduces the impact on
the character and appearance of the building as the impact on the front elevation is minimised. A
landscaped area is also proposed which will provide an element of screening to the ramp.
It is therefore considered that the benefits of the proposals in improving accessibility to a building used
by the public outweigh the limited harm caused to the Listed Building and Conservation Area. The
principle of the proposed development is therefore considered acceptable.
The application form and plans state the ramp will be built of red bricks with York stone or reconstituted
stone copings and that the ramp will have a slabbed surface. As specific details of the materials have not
been provided a condition can be used to ensure all materials used are acceptable. The form states the
handrail will be stainless steel, it is considered that this is unlikely to be acceptable and a black handrail
would be more appropriate. Details of the cycle stands have not been provided and these can also be
required by condition.
It is therefore considered, subject to a condition relating to materials, that the impact of the proposals on
heritage assets, the Listed Buildings, Conservation Area and visual amenity are acceptable in
accordance with the NPPF, policy CS16 and saved policy E17.
The proposals include a planted area to the front of the ramp, however details of proposed species have
not been provided. It is considered this can be controlled by a condition requiring landscaping details to
be agreed. It is therefore considered the proposals comply with saved policy GP2.
Approval subject to conditions
Report prepared by: Karen McCulloch, 19/3/2014
Report Sheet