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Modern World History Honors
BOE approved May 6, 2010
Learner Objective: -Analyze technological, social, and political developments related to, as
well as antecedents to, the Renaissance and Reformation
- Assess the impact of European exploration
• Role of citizens and governments in carrying out constitutional principles
• Principles of constitutional democracy in the United States
• Similarities and differences of governmental systems
• Processes of governmental systems
• Knowledge of contributions and interactions of major world civilizations
• Influence of the Renaissance and Reformation
• Causes and effects of European overseas expansion (
• Causes and consequences of major demographic changes
• Knowledge of economic institutions
• Ideas and beliefs of different cultures
• Causes, effects and resolutions of cultural conflict
• Explain the relevance and the connection of constitutional principles in the following
a. Magna Carta
Analyze changes in democracy and republics over time
Compare and contrast governmental systems, current and historical, including those that
are democratic, totalitarian, monarchic, oligarchic, and theocratic, and describe their impact
Analyze the processes pertaining to:
a. Selection of political leaders
b. Functions and styles of leadership (including authoritarian, democratic and laissez
c. Governmental systems
d. How laws and rules are made, enforced, changed and interpreted
Describe the dominant characteristics, contributions of, and interactions among major
civilizations of Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas and the Middle East in ancient and
medieval times
Analyze the following developments related to the Renaissance and Reformation including:
new ways of thinking, humanism, new developments in arts and their impact on later
Assess the impact of the First Global Age, including the Columbian Exchange; the origins
and consequences of European overseas expansion; the effect of European arms and
economic power on the other parts of the world; resulting transformations in the Americas,
Africa, Asia and Europe and conflicts among European maritime and land powers
Outline major demographic changes and migrations from prehistoric times to the present,
including: their causes and consequences (e.g. rural to urban, less developed to more
Explain the roles of trade, treaties, international organizations and comparative advantage in
the global economy
Compare and contrast the major ideas and beliefs of different cultures
Determine the causes, consequences and possible resolutions of cultural conflicts
FHSD Academics SAL
Modern World History
BOE approved 5 - 6 - 2010
Learner Objective:
• Analyze the role of scientific thought on the Enlightenment
• Evaluate the Enlightenment’s impact on European social and political ideas
• Investigate the ongoing influence of Enlightenment writings on the modern world
• Compare and contrast the political revolutions of the 18 and 19 centuries
• Assess the social, economic, and political impact of revolution
• Principles of constitutional democracy in the United States
• Role of citizens and governments in carrying out constitutional principles
• Similarities and differences of governmental systems
• Processes of governmental systems
• Impact of Scientific Revolution
• Effect of the Enlightenment on major revolutions
• Causes, effects and resolutions of cultural conflict
• Analyze changes in democracy and republics over time
• Apply the following in the context of the historical period being studied:
a. Democracy
b. Republic
c. Changing role of government
d. Representation
• Explain the relevance and the connection of constitutional principles in the following
b. Magna Carta
c. Enlightenment writings of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and the Social
Contract Theory
• Compare and contrast governmental systems, current and historical, including those that
are democratic, totalitarian, monarchic, oligarchic, and theocratic, and describe their impact
• Analyze the processes pertaining to:
b. functions and styles of leadership (including authoritarian, democratic, and laissez
governmental systems
• Analyze the Scientific Revolution in the context of what it was, its antecedents and its impact
on Europe and the world
• Evaluate the Enlightenment, including its principle ideas, its antecedents, its challenge to
absolutist monarchies and others and its effects on world history
• Identify and explain the major revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries, including: political
revolutions (American and French) and the Industrial Revolution (causes, development,
reactions and other consequences, such as social, political and economic globalization)
• Determine the causes, consequences and possible resolutions of cultural conflicts
Learner Objective:
• Analyze the causes and consequence of the Industrial Revolution.
• Assess how nationalism affects conflict between nations, cultures, and ethnic groups.
• Analyze the causes and consequences of Imperialism.
• Causes and effects of European overseas expansion
• Effect of the Enlightenment on major revolutions
• Causes and consequences of economic theories and practices
• Causes, reactions, and consequences of European and Japanese imperialism
• Causes and consequences of major demographic changes
FHSD Academics SAL
Modern World History
BOE approved 5 - 6 - 2010
Understanding the concept of place
Understanding relationships between and among regions
Changing of roles of various groups
Assess the impact of the First Global Age; including the Columbian Exchange; the origins
and consequences of European overseas expansion; the effect of European arms and
economic power on the other parts of the world; resulting transformations in the Americas,
Africa, Asia, and Europe and conflicts among European maritime and land powers Identify
and explain the major revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries, including: political
revolutions (American and French) and the Industrial Revolution (causes, development,
reactions and other consequences, such as social, political and economic globalization)
Describe the evolution of diverse economic theories and practices, including: manorialism,
mercantilism, laissez-faire capitalism and socialism. Describe the social and political effects
these have had on various societies
Evaluate European and Japanese imperialism of the late 19th and 20th century and the
independence movements in Africa and Asia: causes, reactions, short- and long-term
Outline major demographic changes and migrations from prehistoric times to the present,
including: their causes and consequences (e.g. rural to urban, less developed to more
Explain how and why different people may perceive the same place in varied ways
Explain how regions relate to each other and to the region as a whole (e.g. states to nations)
List and explain criteria that give regions their identities in different periods of world history
Analyze how the roles of class, ethnic, racial, gender and age groups have changed in
society, including causes and effects RIL/DOK
Learner Objective:
• Analyze the causes and effects of WWI
• Explain how the political situation following WWI led to revolutions in Russia, India, and
• Similarities and differences of governmental systems
• Processes of governmental systems
• Causes and consequences of economic theories and practices
• Causes, comparisons and results of major twentieth-century wars
• Knowledge of economic institutions
• Consequences of individual or institutional failure
• Compare and contrast governmental systems, current and historical, including those that
are democratic, totalitarian, monarchic, oligarchic, and theocratic, and describe their impact
• Analyze the processes pertaining to:
a. Selection of political leaders
b. Functions and styles of leadership (including authoritarian, democratic, laissez faire)
c. Governmental systems
d. How laws and rules are made, enforced, changed and interpreted
• Describe the evolution of diverse economic theories and practices, including: manorialism,
mercantilism, laissez-faire capitalism and socialism. Describe the social and political effects
these have had on various societies
• Examine the wars of the twentieth-century pertinent to US history including: causes,
comparisons, consequences and peace efforts
• Explain the roles of trade, treaties, international organizations and comparative advantage in
the global economy
FHSD Academics SAL
Modern World History
BOE approved 5 - 6 - 2010
• Predict the consequences that can occur when:
Institutions fail to meet the needs of individuals and groups
Learner Objective:
• Identify and explain the primary global political conflicts since the end of WWII
• Asses global social and economic change since WWII
• Analyze how a growing global interdependence leads to international conflict and
• Principles of constitutional democracy in the United States
• Processes of governmental systems
• Causes and consequences of economic theories and practices
• Causes and consequences of major demographic changes
• Knowledge of economic institutions
• Understanding relationships between and among regions
• Changing of roles of various groups
• Causes, effects and resolutions of cultural conflict
• Analyze changes in democracy and republics over time
• Apply the following in the context of the historical perspective being studied
a. democracy
b. republic
c. changing role of government
d. representation
• Analyze the processes pertaining to:
a. selection of political leaders
b. functions and styles of leadership
c. governmental systems
d. how laws and rules are made, enforced, changed and interpreted
• Describe the evolution of diverse economic theories and practices, including: capitalism and
socialism. Describe the political and social effects these have had on various societies.
• Outline major demographic changes and migrations from prehistoric times to the present,
including: their causes and consequences (e.g. rural to urban, less developed to more
• Explain the roles of trade, treaties, international organizations and comparative advantage in
the global economy
• List and explain criteria that give regions their identities in different periods of world history
• Analyze how the roles of class, ethnic, racial, gender and age groups have changed in
society, including causes and effects
• Determine the causes, consequences and possible resolutions of cultural conflicts
FHSD Academics SAL
Modern World History
BOE approved 5 - 6 - 2010