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SRNT Trainee Network Spotlight
The SRNT Trainee Network Spotlight highlights outstanding trainees in tobacco science, thereby providing visibility and networking
opportunities. Please visit the Trainee Network’s website ( to learn more about
trainee webinars, the trainee mixer event at the annual meeting, and joining the network.
Erin Mead, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Trainee
Public Health
Tracy Smith, M.S.
Graduate Student
Dr. Mead completed her Ph.D. in Public
Health at the Bloomberg School of Public
Health at Johns Hopkins University in 2014.
She is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at
the University of Maryland Tobacco Center
of Regulatory Science. Dr. Mead’s recent
accomplishments in tobacco science include publishing a study
on the role of novel, theory-driven graphic warning labels in
motivation to quit among low-income, urban smokers and
receiving a distinguished Doctoral Research Award from the
Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Ms. Smith is a graduate student at the
University of Pittsburgh. She will graduate
with a Ph.D. in Biological and Health
Psychology in 2015. Ms. Smith’s recent
accomplishments in tobacco science include
receipt of a pre-doctoral National Research
Service Award (F31) from the National Institute on Drug Abuse
to investigate the relationship between nicotine cost and nicotine
dose as well as publishing a review in Preventive Medicine on the
utility of applying a behavioral economics framework to research
on nicotine addiction.
Dr. Mead became interested in tobacco science after observing
significant tobacco-related disparities in a vulnerable,
underserved population while working with small native
communities in the Canadian Arctic. Her favorite parts of being
an SRNT member include exposure to innovative research,
exchange of ideas, and opportunities to participate in cutting edge
workshops. Dr. Mead’s future training goals include training in
transdisciplinary tobacco regulatory science, developing expertise
in the use of mobile health technology for research and
interventions, and continuing work in tobacco disparities research
using a culturally competent approach.
Ms. Smith became interested in tobacco science through her
graduate work, which has focused on pre-clinical research
questions that have the potential to inform regulatory policy (e.g.,
reduction of nicotine content in cigarettes). Her favorite part of
being an SRNT member is attending the annual meeting, because
it provides opportunities to learn about new and ongoing research
in the field of tobacco science. Ms. Smith’s future training goals
include completing a post-doctoral fellowship and ultimately
working in tobacco regulatory science as a faculty member at a
research institution. Ms. Smith is currently applying for postdoctoral fellowships.
Danielle Ramo, Ph.D.
Early Career Investigator
Dr. Ramo completed her Ph.D. in Clinical
Psychology at San Diego State University
and UC San Diego (joint program) in 2008.
She is currently an Assistant Professor at the
University of California, San Francisco. Dr.
Ramo’s recent accomplishments in tobacco
science include receipt of a Mentored Patient-Oriented Research
Career Development Award (K23) from the National Institute on
Drug Abuse to develop and test the efficacy of a smoking
cessation intervention for young adults delivered via Facebook.
Dr. Ramo became interested in tobacco science through a desire
to understand developmental differences in substance use and an
interest in using innovative strategies to reach young smokers.
Her favorite parts of being an SRNT member are connecting with
colleagues via participation in networks and annual meetings, and
disseminating research findings through Nicotine & Tobacco
Research. Dr. Ramo’s future training goals include developing
expertise in conducting clinical trials for smoking cessation in
youth, using social media to deliver health behavior change,
tobacco policy and marketing regulations that are relevant to
young people, and ethical issues in online research, as well as
becoming a leader in psychiatry and outcomes research.
Olivia Maynard, Ph.D.
Early Career Investigator
Public Health
Dr. Maynard completed her Ph.D. in
Experimental Psychology at the University
of Bristol in 2014, where she is now a
Research Associate. Dr. Maynard’s recent
accomplishments in tobacco science
include receipt of an ‘Outstanding Early
Career Impact Prize’ from the Economic Social Research Council
in 2014 for her work in tobacco control policy. Dr. Maynard has
also recently received her first grant, awarded by the Cancer
Research UK Tobacco Advisory Group to evaluate the
effectiveness of cigarette package health warnings using
cognitive neuroscience techniques.
Dr. Maynard became interested in tobacco science when she
began her doctoral training in 2010 and started using cognitive
neuroscience techniques to answer policy-relevant research
questions. Her favorite part of being an SRNT member is
attending the annual meetings of SRNT and SRNT-Europe, as
they provide her with the opportunity to learn about new findings
in both her own research field and in novel areas, while traveling
the world. Dr. Maynard’s future training goals include working in
multiple labs in order to learn new research techniques and
perspectives, enabling her to continue to conduct internationally
relevant and cutting-edge research.