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TCSS Earth Systems
Unit 2 – Plate Tectonics Information
Georgia Performance Standards:
SES2. Students will understand how plate tectonics creates certain geologic features, materials, and
a. Distinguish among types of plate tectonic settings produced by plates diverging, converging, and sliding past
each other.
b. Relate modern and ancient geologic features to each kind of plate tectonic setting.
c. Relate certain geologic hazards to specific plate tectonic settings.
d. Associate specific plate tectonic settings with the production of particular groups of igneous and
metamorphic rocks and mineral resources.
e. Explain how plate tectonics creates and destroys sedimentary basins through time.
Purpose/Goal(s): To demonstrate how plate tectonics creates certain geological features, materials, and
Content Map: Unit 2 – Plate Tectonics Content Map
Prerequisites: Unit 2 – Plate Tectonics Middle School Standards
Unit Length: Approximately 35 days
Click on the links below for resources by Concept:
Concept 1: Plate Tectonics
Concept 2: Volcanism and Earthquakes
Concept 3: Mountain Building
Concept 4: Composition of Rocks
TCSS Earth Systems Plate Tectonics Unit Information
Concept, Essential
Question(s), and
Concept 1: Plate
EQ1: How does the earth
move beneath our feet?
SES2. Students will
understand how plate
tectonics creates certain
geologic features,
materials, and hazards.
a. Distinguish among
types of plate tectonic
settings produced by
plates diverging,
converging, and sliding
past each other.
b. Relate modern and
ancient geologic features
to each kind of plate
tectonic setting.
Geologic Features
Plate Tectonic
Continental drift
Magnetic Reversal
Seafloor Spreading
Convergent Boundary
Divergent Boundary
Rift Valley
Tectonic Plate
Transform Boundary
*Essential vocabulary
listed in the GPS
vocabulary listed in the
state frameworks and/or
other state document
Resources [Back to Top]
PowerPoints and Notes:
 Plate Tectonics PowerPoint
 Plate Tectonics Paper Notes
 Plate Tectonics Packet with Notes and Questions
 Notes over Plates
 Earth System Chapter 17 PowerPoint
 Boundary Types (1) PowerPoint
 Boundary Types (2) PowerPoint
Animations and Videos:
 Plate Tectonics – A Documentary (time 7:39)
 Interactive Dynamic Earth: Plate Tectonics
 Interactive Dynamic Earth: Continents over Time
 Plate Boundaries
 Mountain Maker, Earth Shaker
Handouts and Activities:
 Plate Tectonics Graphic Organizer Fill in the Blank: This
graphic organizer helps students organize their thoughts on the
different types of plate movement. Good summarizing activity
 Plate Tectonics WebQuest: WebQuest based off of USGS
website: The Dynamic Earth that allows students to explore and
gain more depth of knowledge about the topics you discussed in
 Plate Boundaries Practice: Review handout that allows students
to practice what you have taught them in regards to convergent
and divergent boundaries
 Plate Tectonics Definitions Practice: Activity (activator or
summarizer) that can be used to focus on vocabulary after you
have already taught.
 Plate Boundary Activity: Activity can serve as a quick lab and
allows student to practice the idea of convergent, divergent, and
Concept 1: Sample
Assessment Items
TCSS Earth Systems Plate Tectonics Unit Information
transform boundaries
Plates Interior Worksheet: This handout should serve as a
review over topics discussed during your lecture on plate
Plate Tectonic Venn Diagram: This Venn Diagram should be
used to compare the two ideas of continental drift and plate
Plate Tectonic Activator: Reading comprehension activity
discussing the formation of a mud volcano.
Plate Tectonics Puzzle: Activity that will allow students to
visualize the concept of continental drift and plate tectonics.
Continental Drift Map: Lab based activity that allows students
to observe all the supercontinents that have existed and how
they changed over time.
Plate Tectonics Latitude and Longitude Activity (Use World
Map): Students will plot on a world map volcanic eruptions and
earthquakes so they can see the correlation between where they
occur and the location of the plates.
TCSS Earth Systems Plate Tectonics Unit Information
Concept, Essential
Question(s), and
Concept 2: Volcanism
and Earthquakes
EQ1: What cause
volcanos to erupt and the
earth to shake?
SES2. Students will
understand how plate
tectonics creates certain
geologic features,
materials, and hazards.
c. Relate certain geologic
hazards to specific plate
tectonic settings.
Geologic Hazard
Cinder Cone
Composite Volcano
Hot Spot
Shield Volcano
Richter Scale
*Essential vocabulary
listed in the GPS
vocabulary listed in the
state frameworks and/or
other state document
Resources [Back to Top]
 Chapter 18 Volcanic Activity
 Chapter 18 PowerPoint
 Earthquake Damage PowerPoint
 Chapter 19 PowerPoint
Animations and Videos:
 Savage Earth Animation
 Animated Guide Volcanoes
 Volcanic Eruption from Space (time 1:33)
 Mt. St. Helens Video (time 6:27)
Handouts and Activities:
 Exploring an Active Volcano: Research based activity where
students are put in groups and assigned a specific volcanic eruption.
Students will have to answer the following about their volcano:
Location, volcano type (shield, strato, etc.), eruption and lava type(s),
past and or recent activity, past and future hazards, rock types formed
 Volcanic Eruptions Project: Research based activity where students
are put into groups and assigned a specific volcanic eruption.
Students will collect their own data and then present an oral
presentation over the specific eruption.
 Volcano WebQuest: Volcano WebQuest that uses National
Geographic Website to reinforce specific concepts covered in your
 Earthquake Lab: Students will attempt to design earthquake proof
buildings and demonstrate how destructive Earthquakes can be.
 Plotting Recent Earthquake Activity: Students will use their map
skills to track the location of earthquakes and discuss the damage
caused by these quakes.
 Catastrophic Events Activity: Lab based activity where students
model natural disasters like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
Concept 2: Sample
Assessment Items
TCSS Earth Systems Plate Tectonics Unit Information
Concept, Essential
Question(s), and
Concept 3: Mountain
EQ1: Can mountains
grow taller over time?
SES2. Students will
understand how plate
tectonics creates certain
geologic features,
materials, and hazards.
d. Associate specific
plate tectonic settings
with the production of
particular groups of
igneous and metamorphic
rocks and mineral
Compressive Force
Fault-Block Mountain
Uplifted Mountains
*Essential vocabulary
listed in the GPS
vocabulary listed in the
state frameworks and/or
other state document
Resources [Back to Top]
 Chapter 20 PowerPoint
 Supplemental Mountain Building PowerPoint
Animations and Videos:
 Mountain Building-Types of Mountains (time 4:30)
 Mountain Formation Activator
Handouts and Activities:
 Mountain Building Lab (Sand): Students will attempt to build
an indestructible mountain. Students will then go around
modeling processes that shape and mold mountains.
 Mountain Building Lab (Margarine): Students will attempt to
build a mountain out of margarine. This lab helps to
demonstrate the different processes involved in mountain
 Earth Science Building Forces in Earth’s Crust: Review
questions focusing on forces in the Earth’s crust
 Earth Science Mountain Building – Folds and Faults: Review
questions focusing on folds and faults
Concept 3: Sample
Assessment Items
TCSS Earth Systems Plate Tectonics Unit Information
Concept, Essential
Question(s), and
Concept 4: Composition
of Rocks and Minerals
EQ1: What goes into
creating a rock?
EQ2: Where do minerals
come from and how are
they found?
SES2. Students will
understand how plate
tectonics creates certain
geologic features,
materials, and hazards.
d. Associate specific
plate tectonic settings
with the production of
particular groups of
igneous and metamorphic
rocks and mineral
e. Explain how plate
tectonics creates and
destroys sedimentary
basins through time.
Resources [Back to Top]
Plate Tectonics
Sedimentary Basin
 Metamorphic Rocks PowerPoint
 Rocks and Minerals PowerPoint
 Rocks PowerPoint
 Igneous Rocks PowerPoint
 Igneous Rocks Identification PowerPoint
 Rock Cycle PowerPoint
 Sedimentary Rocks PowerPoint
Igneous Rock
Rock Cycle
Metamorphic Rock
*Essential vocabulary
listed in the GPS
vocabulary listed in the
state frameworks and/or
other state document
Animations and Videos:
 Interactive Rock Cycle Formation
 Interactive the Rock Cycle
 The Rock Cycle Animation
 The Layered Earth
 Rock Cycle (Great Activator)
 Rock Cycle
 Animation for Rock Type Formation
Handouts and Activities:
 Sugar-Rock-Cycle Activity Handout (Teaching Notes):
Students will use sugar cubes as a manipulative for rocks in
order to understand how the separate rock types relate to each
other and plate tectonics.
 Sugar-Metamorphic Rock Activity Handout (Teaching Notes):
Students will use sugar cubes to model the formation of
metamorphic rock.
 Crayola Rock Cycle Lab Version 1 (Version 2): This activity
introduces the rock cycle by using wax crayons. Using crayons
students will create the three different types of rocks.
 This Cycle Rocks: A group of activities that build upon each
other that allow students hands on experience dealing with
rocks and could be adjusted for use with minerals. Focus on
Concept 4: Sample
Assessment Items
TCSS Earth Systems Plate Tectonics Unit Information
station setting activity involving transformations within the
rock cycle.
Crystallization Activity: Helps student model the formation of
igneous rock.
Rock Cycle Graphic Organizer Student Handout (Teacher
Notes): Helps to organize the steps of the rock cycle and shows
the relationships between the different types of rocks.
Rock-Mineral Rotation Lab Student Handout (Teacher Notes):
Students will rotate around the room looking, characterizing,
and identifying different types of rocks and minerals.
Sediment Settling Activity: Students can observe settling
through a lab experiment.