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Chapter 1:
distance formula
division point (point along a line)
slope of a line
parallel line (same slope), perpendicular lines (slope is -1/a_
equation of a line y = ax + b
general form 0 = Ax + By + C (put it into function form)
y intercept, x intercept
inequalities y < ax + b (shading)
systems of linear relations (substitution, comparison, elimination)
Chapter 2
Stats: mean, median, mode, percentile (find a percentile OR given a percentile find a
Correlation of 2 variable, strong versus weak correlation
(strong is 1 or -1) weak is near 0
r correlation coefficient
Chapter 3
Congruent triangles SSS, SAS, ASA all sides are equal
Similar triangles AA, SAS, SSS
Find missing sides, missing angles
·Metric Relations (look for a triangle, with an altitude and the 90 degree angle notation)
Chapter 4 Functions
Step, Linear (y=ax + b), second degree, exponential, periodic
Find values of x or y, find the rule, graph, etc and word problems
Chapter 5
Trig, Sine Law, Area of a triangle (hero, sandwich), missing sides
Chapter 6
probability of an event, odds, expected outcome
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