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Your Life in Christ: Foundations of Catholic Morality
Directed Reading Worksheet
Chapter 8. Respect for Life
Directions: Read through the chapter and fill in the missing information. All the questions run sequentially with the
chapter — the first questions relate to material presented first in the chapter, etc. If a true/false statement is false,
correct it.
1. How did Jesus summarize the Law?
2. Jesus pointed out a direct ____________________ between loving ____________, and loving neighbor. Whatever
we do for the _______________ of our brothers we do for ______________.
3. Why must we love each person as a unique individual with dignity and worth?
4. True or False? If we do not love ourselves, then it will be nearly impossible to love God or other people.
5. True or False? Those with low self-esteem usually have a very high opinion of themselves.
6. True or False? No matter what has happened to you in the past or will happen to you in the future, God will always
treasure and value you.
7. What are some false measures of acceptability?
8. True love has no ________________ attached. God accepts and loves us _______________________ and totally.
We can only love ________________ if we accept the awesome truth that we are already totally _______________
and worthwhile.
9. What are some concrete ways to grow in the virtue of self-esteem?
10. What is the Fourth Commandment?
11. What was the original intention of the Fourth Commandment?
12. The ________________ is society’s foundational unit. The family supports the ______________ of the husband
and wife, and the _____________________ of children.
13. What is God’s plan for the family?
14. What does it mean to call the family the “domestic Church?”
15. ______________________ must guarantee basic rights to ensure that families prosper. Among these rights are a
man and woman’s right to _______________, have and raise children in their __________________ faith, private
____________________, affordable housing, and a _____________ with a livable wage.
16. What is the key value in all relationships? Explain.
17. Next to our relationship with the ____________________, the parent-child bond is the most __________________,
important, and basic. Children must honor their parents and others who have lawful _____________________ over
them and parents and authority figures must __________________ and esteem those entrusted to them.
18. Who is a child’s first teacher? From where do they get their authority?
19. True or False? Children must obey an immoral command given by a parent or any other authority figure.
20. How do adult children honor their parents?
21. What serious duty do parents have regarding the religious education of their children?
22. Parents are the primary ____________________ of their children and are expected to lead their children to
___________________, by their own __________________. Parents should make a special effort to encourage
their children to consider ___________________ to God’s people as a priest or religious.
23. True or False? Catholics are required to honor all lawful officials, both in the Church and civic communities.
24. Authority figures are obliged to uphold basic human and political ______________ and exercise their authority as a
service to the _______________________. Citizens are responsible for obeying legitimate __________________
of those who justly hold positions of authority and to help promote the ___________________________.
25. True or False? Paying taxes, voting, and aiding fellow citizens in time of peril are duties of responsible members of
a just society.
26. Christians have the right and _______________ to share Gospel values with fellow citizens and to bring Christ into
the ________________________ by working for social-justice ________________________ like respect for
human life.
27. True or False? The Church teaches that to participate in the political process is optional.
28. Racism, ethnic bias, _________________ about people who are different is a _______________ on society and a
blight on humanity. Christians must combat ____________________ whenever we hear them bandied about. We
must refuse to make or _________________ at jokes that demean people.
29. What is the Fifth Commandment?
30. What types of actions and non-actions are condemned by the Fifth Commandment?
31. Murder results from ________________________ and arises out of anger and _________________. It destroys
human __________________ and violates God’s ____________________. It also contradicts Jesus’ teaching to rid
revenge and _______________ from our hearts and to love neighbor.
32. True or False? The Bible condemns all killing.
33. True or False? The Church teaches that public authorities have the right and duty to defend citizens against unjust
aggressors, even if this might lead to the death penalty or a defensive war.
34. What are the three purposes of punishment?
35. True or False? Although some people who support the death penalty are motivated by revenge, Jesus taught that
revenge can never be a motive for our actions.
36. True or False? Sociologists have found that the death penalty does help to deter crime.
37. Briefly summarize the four reasons for opposing the death penalty given by the U.S. Catholic bishops.
38. True or False? According to the CCC, non-violent means of protection against aggressors are preferred in
protecting public order and safety.
39. True or False? The Catholic Church always prefers to promote peaceful settlement of conflicts over war.
40. Briefly summarize the seven conditions for a “just” war.
41. The CCC declares that during time of war noncombatants, ____________________________, and prisoners
deserve respect and humane treatment. It also expressly condemns ___________________ as a totally evil means,
as well as the mass _______________________ of people. It also says that ____________________ acts can never
be justified.
42. True or False? The use of nuclear weapons, as well as chemical and biological weapons, is totally condemned by
the Church.
43. The CCC states that the __________ race is an unfortunate result of war which harms the _____________ and
needy whose care is later diminished as too “expensive.” Additionally, the proliferation of weapons
___________________ the danger of conflict and squanders _________________ that should be spent on those
who starve.
44. True or False? The Church denounces citizens who serve in the military out of loyalty to their country.
45. What produces true peace?
46. ___________________ is the deliberate killing of unborn human life by means of medical or
___________________ procedures. It is a grave and ________________ attack on human life because the Church
teaches that human life must be respected and _________________ from the first moment of
47. The Church teaches that society’s _____________ must protect every human person’s _______________________
right to life. This right does not have to be __________________.
48. True or False? Prenatal procedures engaged in for the purpose of abortion, medical experimentation or genetic
manipulation that is nontherapeutic are all seriously wrong.
49. A society exists to _______________ life and communal living. When some group within society is not protected
then all groups are ______________________.
50. What are examples of social groups that are threatened in society today?
51. How does abortion challenge the ethics of Jesus?
52. What are some other examples of violations of the “do not kill” prohibition of the Fifth Commandment?
53. The Fifth Commandment also governs _________________ ethics, and calls on us to value and love
_____________ persons, allowing them to die with __________________ and peace. In general, this
commandment enjoins us to __________________ human life whenever it is being assaulted.
54. True or False? Direct euthanasia is sometimes wrong, despite one’s good intentions.
55. True or False? The Church holds that one is not guilty of the sin of euthanasia when a decision is made with the
patient’s approval to withhold aggressive medical treatment.
56. True or False? A person may not take painkillers to lesson suffering, if one’s life might be shortened.
57. Why is suicide a serious evil?
58. What factors might lessen one’s blameworthiness for an act that is always objectively wrong?
59. What is assisted suicide?
60. The Fifth Commandment requires us to take care of our personal ____________________, however, we must avoid
making our bodies our ___________________. It always emphasizes society’s obligation to help its citizens secure
basic ________________ conditions to live healthy lives, such as food, clothing, education and healthcare.
61. Christians must regularly exercise the virtue of _________________ which regulates our attraction to
________________ and helps us to use God’s created goods in a balanced way. Three parts of temperance include:
abstinence, ___________________, and chastity.