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Chapter 22 Vocabulary
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
2. Charles Darwin
3. Natural Selection
4. Evolutionary adaptation
5. Evolution
6. Scala naturae
7. Carolus Linnaeus
8. Taxonomy
9. Fossils
10. Sedimentary rock
11. Stratum
12. Paleontology
13. Georges Cuvier
14. Catastrophism
15. James Hutton
16. Gradualism
17. Charles Lyell
18. Uniformitarianism
19. Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck
20. Theory of use & disuse
21. Theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics
22. H.M.S. Beagle
23. Alfred Russell Wallace
24. Descent with modification
25. Ernst Mayr
26. Thomas Malthus
27. Artificial Selection
28. Homology
29. Homologous structures
30. Vestigial organs
31. Molecular homologies
32. Biogeography
33. Endemic
34. Theory
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