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: And so it begins...the first unit of AP World! Called “Technological & Environmental Transformations”, or the “The Foundations Era/Period”, the unit covers from prehistory to the first Agrarian Civilizations. Topics include: prehistory hunter­gatherer/forager lifestyles, sedentary foraging lifestyle/transition to agriculture; and the early Agrarian Civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, and the Indus River Valley. It is a fascinating, you should already have lots of pre­knowledge of this from Big History and/or AP Human Geography. FAQ/FYIs​
: ➔ This unit will take 2 weeks and run from roughly Wednesday Sep. 9 through Wed. Sept. 23rd ➔ Expect a unit test/exam on/around Thursday September 24th ➔ Remember­we have no snow/flood/emergency days, even if there is no school the reading schedule marches on! ➔ LT Note Packets are checked at random, generally on/near dates assigned. ➔ Expect quizzes (scheduled or “pop”) Resources: ❏ MSHS AP World History Website: ​ ❏ College Board’s AP World Website ​­world­history#1 ❏ Bentley, Jerry “​
Traditions & Encounters​
” (your textbook!) ❏ Burnett, Eric “​
Our World’s Story​
” ​
(digital copy available in Unit folder; hardcopies at times) ❏ Get­A­Five ​ ❏ Freemanpedia ​
http://www.freeman­­1900­present/ ❏ Crash Course’s Nerdfighteria Site ​
(all videos w/ transcripts!) ​
​ 1
Essential Vocabulary Directions​
: Understanding and being capable of applying content specific vocabulary is essential to your success in AP World History (and in school/life in general) know these terms; apply them in your answers to questions, essays, during discussion, etc. You may at time be required to do “Vocab Entries” in­class/as homework (depending on teacher, unit, etc.). ❏ Ancestor Veneration ❏ Ascetic ❏ Alphabets ❏ Animism ❏ Book of the Dead ❏ Brahmins ❏ Corvee labor systems ❏ Compound bows ❏ Consort ❏ Cowrie shells ❏ Cuneiform ❏ Demographic pressures ❏ Ecological degradation ❏ Epic of Gilgamesh ❏ Forced labor systems ❏ Gender hierarchies ❏ Foragers (​
) ❏ Hebrews (​
Israelites, Jews) ❏ Hieroglyphics ❏ Karma ❏ Kinship groups ❏ Loess soil ❏ Mandate of Heaven ❏ Metallurgy ❏ Monumental architecture ❏ Neolithic ❏ Oracle Bones ❏ Patriarchy (​
Patriarchal social structures​
) ❏ Paleolithic ❏ Pictographs ❏ Political bureaucracies ❏ Quipu ❏ Religious hierarchies ❏ Rig Veda ❏ Samsara ❏ Savanna ❏ Stratified Social Hierarchies ❏ Steppe Nomads ❏ Social mobility ❏ Transregional ❏ Tundra ❏ Urban planning ❏ Varna ❏ Vedic Age ❏ Ziggurats Answering the Learning Targets (LTs)​
To answer LTs most accurately you should use information from texts, discussions, videos, website, and not rely on one source other words you aren’t going to find an easy answer on a page or two in the textbook. See the infographic below for a path to success and for “Cornell Notes” Requirements. 2
Assigned Readings: ​
These are the articles, book snippets, and other non­textbook readings you are responsible for examining/knowing. ​
You should examine them even if not assigned for points​
. 3
Assigned Non­Textbook Readings: ​
These are the articles, book snippets, and other non­textbook readings you are responsible for examining/knowing. ​
You should examine them even if not assigned for points​
. Getafive videos... Crash Courses​
... Other Videos to check out…
Week: Wednesday Sept. 9 through Wednesday Sept. 16​
: Chapter 1 “Before History” Learning Targets​
(pgs. 5­29; ​
see also all assigned “Our World’s Story” chapters, Crash
Course Videos, and GetAFive segments as well as Big History Unit 6 “Collective Learning/Early Humans”​
) 1. Chapter Map: See below...
❏ Hand drawn
❏ Show original migrations/origins/approximate dates of human migrations.
❏ Domestication of plants/animals by AP region/crop/animal, approximate dates
❏ Indo-European migrations
❏ Mesopotamia, Phoenician trade networks
❏ Locate these early civs: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Mohenjo Daro, Harappa(Indus), Shang (Yellow or Huang He
River), Olmecs(Mesoamerica), Chavin(Andes)
2. Describe examples of Paleolithic art, citing specific examples.
3. Explain; describe Paleolithic technologies with specific examples.
4. Explain the specialization of labor with specific crafts.
5. Explain, analyze the rise of social distinctions.
Chapter 2: “Early Societies in Southwest Asia & Indo-European Migrations”​
Learning Targets​
(pgs. 30-57; ​
; ​
see also
all assigned “Our World’s Story” chapters, Crash Course Videos, and GetAFive segments as well as Big History Unit 6
“Collective Learning/Early Humans”​
) 1. How did the Epic of Gilgamesh reflect Mesopotamian values? What traits/accomplishments made him a hero?
2. Describe the types and purposes of monumental architecture built by Mesopotamians?
3. Explain the sequence of states from Sumer-Babylonia and their major rulers.
4. Describe and explain the legal systems of Hammurabi and its underlying premises.
5. Describe and explain the progress of metallurgy with the advantages of each(bronze-iron, and other emerging
6. Describe and explain the class structures of Mesopotamia.
7. Explain patriarchy in Mesopotamia and opportunities and limitations for women using specific examples from
the excerpts of Hammurabi’s coded for each.
8. Describe and explain the development of writing in Mesopotamia and Phoenicia, distinguishing between the two
as to types. What explains the spread of the Phoenician system?
9. Explain and describe the migrations of the Jews and the significance of the contributions of Moses.
Chapter 3: “Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations”​
Learning Targets​
(pgs. 58-85; see also all assigned
“Our World’s Story” chapters, Crash Course Videos, and GetAFive segments as well as Big History Unit 6 “Collective
Learning/Early Humans”​
) 1. Explain how climate change affected Northern Africa and Egypt, and how the character of the Nile affected the
development of Egyptian civilization differently than the Tigris/Euphrates did Mesopotamia.
2. Describe Egyptian patriarchy and compare the status of women in Egypt and Mesopotamia-and don’t forget to
use Hammurabi’s code in your analysis.
3. Describe metallurgy including the origins of African metallurgy
4. On the unit map, map Egypt’s trade connections/items of trade and means of trade-shipping, use of winds,
etc.-you need to pull this from the text.
5. Compare state organization in Egypt and Mesopotamia.
6. Explain and be able to recognize Egyptian scripts.
7. Describe Egyptian monumental architecture.
8. Explain Egyptian religious beliefs/deities.
Week: Wednesday Sept.16 through Wednesday Sept. 23​
: Chapter 4: “Early Societies in South Asia” ​
(pgs. 87-109; see also Big History Unit 7 “Agriculture & Civilization”)
1. Describe and explain the role and structures of Harappan cities.
2. Map Harappan trade connections and items traded.
3. Describe Harappan monumental architecture.
4. Who were the Dravidians? The Aryans?
5. Explain and analyze the explanations for Harappan decline.
6. Describe and explain the Vedas and the Vedic age. What can we learn about the Aryans from the Vedas?
7. Describe/explain the caste system and its origins. You must know the four major Varna’s and their respective
8. Explain the role of the jati and how the jati regulated and enforced behavior by its members.
9. Explain South Asian patriarchy, including how it was supported by the Lawbook of Manu.
10. Explain the religion of the Vedic era, its basic structures and tenets, and the challenges to it arising around 800
11. What are the Upanishads, what is their significance and the belief system they describe? Explain karma, samsara,
and moksha.
12. How the varnas help reinforce belief in karma and samsara?
Chapter 5: “Early Societies in East Asia” ​
(pgs. 110-132; see also Big History Unit 7 “Agriculture & Civilization”)
1. Explain technologies available to the Xia and Shang Dynasties and the likely origins of these technologies if not
indigenous to China.
2. Explain the concept of Mandate of Heaven and its use.
3. Explain and analyze the reasons for the fall of the Shangs.
4. Explain and analyze the social structures of East Asia in this era.
5. Explain and analyze ancestor veneration and its role as practiced in China in this era.
6. Explain the patriarchal structures in China.
7. Describe oracle bones and their purpose, and the Chinese writing system.
8. Explain the relationship between the settled areas of China the steppe peoples.
9. Describe and explain monumental architecture in East Asia during this era.
Chapter 6: “Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania” ​
(pgs. 133-155; see also Big History Unit 7 “Agriculture &
Civilization”). ​
the time periods covered by these peoples and be aware of the chronological differences from the
5 chapters. Chapter goes into the next two eras.
1. Explain the belief system of the Mayans behind the opening anecdote.
2. Describe the technology and monumental architecture of the Olmecs.
3. Describe the legacies left by the Olmecs for later peoples in Mesoamerica.
4. Explain the agricultural challenges for the Mayans and how they overcame them.
5. What changes did Chichen Itza make to past practices, and what did it achieve.
6. Explain the possible causes of Mayan decline.
7. Explain the Mayan social structure and areas of labor specialization.
8. Explain the intellectual accomplishments of the Mayans, including its monumental architecture.
9. Explain the beliefs behind the Popul Vuh and its significance.
10. Add Teotihuacan to your maps.
11. Explain and describe its monumental architecture.
12. Describe and explain the trade networks and trade items of Teotihuacan.
13. What evidence is there of communication between the Andean region and Mesoamerica?
14. Explain and describe the technologies and monumental architecture of the Chavin Cult and Mochica. You will
need to understand both the Chavín and Mochica, but not necessarily distinguish between them.
15. Explain origins of the Austronesian peoples and the technologies they had available to them. Map the extent of
Austronesian speaking peoples. 7