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Pre-Lecture Quiz, Chapter 63, Assessment and Management of Patients With Eye and
Vision Disorders
1. Cranial nerves II, V, and VI control eye movement and pupil size.
2. A person is considered legally blind whose best corrected visual acuity does not
exceed 20/200 in the better eye or whose widest visual field diameter is 20 degrees or
3. Optic nerve damage can occur when intraocular pressure exceeds 21 mm Hg.
4. A nuclear cataract causes a central opacity in the lens that results in painless, blurry
5. Age-related macular degeneration is the most common cause of visual loss in people
older than 65 years of age in the United States.
1. The lens of the eye enables focusing for near and distance vision through
_____________, the process by which the lens of the eye adjusts the focal length to
focus a clear image on the retina.
2. Those who have excellent distance vision but blurry near vision are farsighted and
said to have the diagnosis of ____________.
3. _____________ are ocular medications that result in relaxation of the ciliary muscle
and cause the pupil to dilate.
4. ____________, which are used to treat glaucoma, cause pupillary constriction and
increase aqueous fluid outflow.
5. Chronic bilateral inflammation of the eyelid margins is a common inflammatory eye
disorder known as _________________.
Pre-Lecture Quiz, Chapter 64, Assessment and Management of Patients With Hearing and
Balance Disorders
1. When using the otoscope to examine the ear of an adult, the nurse should gently pull
the auricle up and forward to promote visualization of the tympanic membrane.
2. During a Rinne test, a patient with normal hearing will report that air-conducted
sound is louder than bone-conducted sound.
3. The most effective strategy for communicating with a patient with a high-frequency
hearing loss is to speak loudly into the ear with the most significant deficit.
4. Otosclerosis, which may involve one or both ears, manifests as progressive
conductive or mixed hearing loss.
5. Vertigo is usually the most troublesome complaint related to Méniére’s disease.
6. The middle ear contains the three smallest bones of the body: the malleus, the incus
and the _____________.
7. Two cranial nerves are part of the complex anatomy of the inner ear: the facial nerve
and the _________________ nerve.
8. The most common fungus isolated in both normal and infected ears is
9. The most common surgical procedure for chronic otitis media is a _______________.
10. _________________ is defined as an illusion of motion where either the patient or
surroundings is perceived to be spinning.