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Intl. Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging
Multilayer Cofired RCs for Line Termination
Andrew Ritter, Maureen Strawhorne*, Benjamin Smith, Allen Templeton**, Robert Heistand II
AVX Advanced Product and Technology Center
2200 AVX Drive
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577
Phone: 843-946-0660
Fax: 843-626-9632
e-mail: [email protected]
* AVX Limited
Hillman’s Way
Coleraine, Northern Ireland.
BT52 2DA
Phone: 01265-40475
**Philips Components
6071 St. Andrews Rd
Columbia, South Carolina 29212
Phone: 803-772-2500
The use of a cofired resistor-dielectric material system allows design and fabrication of fully integrated series resistor- capacitor devices
that can be made very small due to high volumetric efficiency. These devices employ resistive electrodes and can be produced using a
modification of high volume multilayer capacitor manufacturing and thus can meet the need of digital circuit designers for low cost
integrated components in high speed circuits. The design of the cofired device does not permit testing of the individual component values;
therefore, high frequency test methods are used to allow series capacitance and resistance to be determined from impedance data.
Key words:
Integrated Passive Device, Cofired Resistor, Line Termination,
Series RC, Impedance Chip, Surface Mount Device, and SMD.
1. Introduction
Digital circuits in consumer electronics are being developed to
achieve unprecedented clock speeds along with reductions in size
and power consumption — yet at constant, or even lower, selling
price! These higher performance systems use increasingly greater
numbers of passive components. For example, one can count almost 1500 passive components on a Pentium II® 333 MHz
motherboard compared to approximately 165 passives on a “stateof-the-art” 486 processor of 1994 vintage1 (Table 1). This figure is
nearly an order of magnitude increase over just several generations
of processors, and this trend is predicted to continue unabated2.
Passive component suppliers are responding to this need with new
approaches to miniaturize and reduce cost. Recent developments
include non-noble metal electrodes, improved volumetric efficiency
through material and process improvements, and component arrays that save space and assembly costs. One area that has been
relatively under-exploited is integration of multifunction passives
within the same package.
This paper addresses integration of resistors and capacitors in
series (that is, series RCs) that have primary application for AC bus
termination of data transmission lines. These terminators are used
to maintain signal integrity by controlling signal reflections, adjust
The International Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging, Volume 21, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 1998 (ISSN 1063-1674)
8 International Microelectronics And Packaging Society
Multilayer Cofired RCs for Line Termination
propagation delays, and minimize power consumption. A series
RC device has an impedance (|Z|) characteristic (Figure 1) that is
dominated at “low” frequency by the capacitor (|Z|~1/(2o
*frequency*Cs) and at “high” frequency by the resistor (|Z|~Rs).
The corner frequency is where the phase is -45° and the formal
transition from series capacitive (Cs) to series resistive (Rs) behavior occurs.
Table 1. Passive component evolution on PC motherboards.
Leaded MLC
Cap Arrays (x4)
Leaded Res
Res Arrays (x2,4)
120 MHZ
200 MMX
Pentium II™
333 MHZ
consumption just to pulse switching and provide a small phase delay for tailoring timing circuits. The selection of specific resistance
and capacitance values with respect to circuit design is largely application driven3,4. A series R-C termination can be achieved most
simply by placing two discrete components, one resistor and one
capacitor in 0603 or 0402 case sizes, adjacent to one another on the
circuit board. [Note: Electronics Industry Association (EIA) standard case size nomenclature denotes length and width in mils, for
example, an “0603” part is nominally 0.060"x0.030" (1.54 mm x
0.77 mm)]. By using discrete chips, system designers have greatest latitude in independently selecting component values and can
respond quickly to eleventh-hour changes to tune circuit performance. In cases of multiple data lines, board space can be saved
using resistor and capacitor arrays, typically in sets of 4 or more
elements. Component arrays also have benefit to reduce the overall passive component count on the board and therefore lower the
overall component board-mounting costs that in many cases are
significantly higher than the cost of the passive component itself2!
Additional space saving and component count reduction can be
achieved when the capacitor and resistor elements are integrated
into the same package. Component manufacturers have employed
a number of approaches for this integration. The most straightforward approach (Figure 2A) is fabrication of an integrated device
by screen printing single-layer resistor and capacitor elements onto
an inert substrate, with separate firing steps between application of
each material (conductor, dielectric, conductor, resistor, and overglaze).
a) single-layer hybrid
b) resistor on capacitor
Figure 2. Methods of integration for thick film RC devices
include a) single layer elements on an inert substrate and b)
single layer resistors printed on prefired multilayer capacitors.
Figure 1. The impedance of a series RD device, as compared
to a multilayer capacitor, is dominated by capacitive behavior
at low frequency and resistive behavior at high frequency.
The corner frequency is marked with a dot.
2. Hybrid Integrated RC Designs
In a substrate structure, the volumetric efficiency is relatively
low since most of the device is electrically inactive and the capacitors are limited to a single layer structure. A design variant, using
a multilayer capacitor itself as the substrate (Figure 2B), improves
volumetric efficiency. This approach also benefits from a wider
range of capacitance values that can be used in designing the device. However, it includes a complication from the need to incorporate a via to make the series resistance connection and, more
importantly, requires printing conductors, resistors, and overglaze
onto very small (0805 and 1206) components. The concept for the
devices discussed in the rest of this paper arose from a desire to
drastically change the construction of integrated R-C components.
Ideally, this change would eliminate many of the inactive portions
of the device and reduce the number of manufacturing steps, which
would in turn allow for miniaturization and improved volumetric
efficiency while reducing overall costs.
In bus termination applications, the resistance value is selected
to match the characteristic impedance of the line trace on the board
to prevent
and theofcapacitor
to both
limit power
Packaging, Volume 21, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 1998 (ISSN 1063-1674)
8 International Microelectronics And Packaging Society
Intl. Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging
3. Fully Integrated Cofired RCs
Cofirable material systems are comprised of dielectrics, resistors, and conductors that are optimized to densify at similar firing
temperatures with nearly matched shrinkage and minimal chemical interaction. These material systems allow the design of multilayer devices wherein the capacitor and resistor elements are fully
integrated in the structure of the device. Unlike ceramic chip-carrier packages with single-layer buried resistors interconnected with
buried metallic conductors — currently the most common usage
of these cofirable material systems — the fully integrated RC is
made with a stack of multiple, closely spaced resistor elements
arranged in a multilayer capacitor structure (Figure 3).
subdivision, and then solves the resulting electrical network in the
Frequency Domain. Comparison of measured and simulated behavior (Figure 4) of a 47 pF-100 W cofired RC shows the characteristic impedance of the integral resistor electrode series capacitor
device. To first approximation, the device behavior is equivalent to
a simple series RC. However, there is a predicted and measured
minor drop of the high frequency |Z| due to the distributed R-C
components. Above the corner frequency, the device impedance is
found to decrease by approximately 3-5%/decade, rather than being flat as found with conventional series resistor-capacitor circuits
made with discrete components.
Resistive electrodes
Figure 3. A cofired seried RC can be fabricated by making
resistive electrodes in a structure similar to multilayer
capacitors. Alternate layers have parallel termination.
The device capacitance arises from dielectric between the planar resistor elements that are alternately terminated in the multiFigure 4. Measured and modeled impedance of an integral
layer capacitor structure. In this structure, the resistor layers themelectrode cofired RC device shows the general behavior of a
selves form the electrodes of a parallel plate capacitor. The sets of
simple series RC circuit.
resistive electrodes that form a single capacitor element also create
one of the parallel elements of the total device resistance. It is
The cofired dielectrics used in the current generation of devices
important to note that each effective resistor layer is made of two,
are combinations of glasses and metal oxides. In conventional
or three, discontinuous segments that are capacitively coupled. The
cofired chip carrier packages made using commercially available
authors have coined the term |Z| Chip™ (patent pending) for this
LTCC (low temperature cofired ceramic) materials, typical fired
device to denote its application for impedance matching. Although
dielectric thickness is 80-100 µm. However, for the multilayer
the cross-section of this cofired RC is simple, the device is electricofired RC, the typical dielectric thickness can be as low as 10-15
cally complex since the capacitance and resistance are physically
µm, almost an order of magnitude less. The reduced thickness of
distributed throughout the entire device.
the dielectric layer greatly improves volumetric efficiency and alA partial element equivalent circuit method has been used to
lows fabrication of small devices with very stable, low permittivity
model the device5. This distributed network model uses the physimaterials, with a temperature coefficient of capacitance of ~250
cal dimensions of an actual part, that is, individual layer cross secppm/°C from -55° to +125°C. Despite relatively thin dielectric
tion, their thickness and number, and material constants such as
layers, device withstanding voltages is well over 500 volts (typidielectric permittivity, and ink resistivity to simulate current flow
cally 75-100V/µm) and insulation resistance is greater than 1000
within the device. The model partitions the component geometry,
GW for the cofired multilayer components.
computes partial capacitances, resistances, and inductances for each
The International Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging, Volume 21, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 1998 (ISSN 1063-1674)
8 International Microelectronics And Packaging Society
Multilayer Cofired RCs for Line Termination
The resistor elements in the cofired RC are also a combination
of glass and metal oxides, principally RuO2, used to achieve resistance values common for AC termination applications with a measured temperature coefficient of resistance of ±250 ppm/°C. An
important feature of this cofired RC architecture is that the internal
device electrodes are ceramic rather than metallic, as with a conventional multilayer capacitor, and thus form an integral structure
with the dielectric after firing (Figure 5). This structure significantly minimizes the thermal expansion mismatch common to all
conventional multilayer electronic components with buried metallic electrodes. The mismatch between the metal electrode and the
ceramic dielectric is one of the driving mechanisms for thermal
shock failures and is a source for long term reliability concerns in
traditional multilayer components. Ceramic electrode cofired RC
devices survive at least 1000 hours of testing at 85°C, 85% relative
humidity at twice rated voltage after having experienced thermal
shock wave solder (that is, no preheat) and 100 rapid temperature
cycles between -55° and +125°C (Table 2). Since the internal resistor is capacitively coupled, that part of the device cannot be
stressed with dc current as may be done for lifetesting conventional
chip resistors. Traditional lifetest methods for multilayer capacitors rely almost exclusively on static voltage to accelerate potential
degradation mechanisms. In order to increase stress on the resistive part of the cofired RC, a pulsed voltage test has been used.
This test applies voltage pulses at 12.5 mW (1/10th rated power) at
a 1 Hz rate while parts are soaking at 85°C and 85% relative humidity after undergoing thermal shock-thermal cycle testing. As
with the more conventional multilayer-type lifetests, the cofired
RCs pass at least 1000 hours of pulsed 85/85 testing, indicating
long-term stability of the cofired resistor structure.
a) multilayer capacitor
10 µm
b) multilayer RC
Figure 5. Unlike conventional multilayer capacitors (a),
cofired multilayer RCs (b) have shrinkage-matched ceramic
electrodes that simplify processing and improve reliability.
Leach Resistance
Thermal Shock
Thermal Cycle
Dry Life
Temp-Humid-Bias (THB)
Pulsed THB
Voltage Breakdown
PCB Flexure
Mean Shear Strength
Test Condition*
5 sec @ 235°, >95% coverage
30 sec @ 260° w/ preheat, >75%
260°C wave solder, no preheat
100 cycles, -55° to +125°C
1000 hrs @ 125°C, 50V
1000 hrs @85%RH, 85°C, 50V
1000 hrs @85%RH, 85°C, 125mW @
22°C, 100V/sec ramp
long axis, 90mm span, 1mm/sec rate
perpendicular to termination
> 5 mm
2.1 kg
> 5 mm
2.2 kg
A further benefit of the multilayer resistor structure in the cofired
device allows power dissipation throughout the entire part volume,
rather than confining current flow to a single layer as with hybrid
RCs although in this instance, the ceramic electrodes are not as
efficient in conducting heat out of the device. Nonetheless, measured power handling capability approaches 250mW for 0603 discrete cofired RCs, measured by applying a 20 MHz ac-voltage to
board-mounted chips and monitoring temperature increase from
70° to 125°C as the signal amplitude (power) was increased.
4. Cofired RC Testing and Electrical
Since the resistor and capacitor elements are fully integrated in
the cofired series RC, the device resistance cannot be measured
independently, but must be extracted from the device impedance
characteristic. In a practical sense, determination of series resistance and capacitance must be made in a regime where the device
properties are in transition from capacitor to resistor, that is, where
the phase is changing from -90° (capacitive) to 0° (resistive). Figure 6 shows measured series resistance and capacitance relative to
phase for a cofired RC. For AC line termination applications, relevant series resistance and capacitance measurements must be made
at frequencies between 1 and ~500 MHz, where electrical properties are nearly constant, and also in the frequency regime where the
AC terminators are used. Below 1 MHz, the measured series resistance is dominated by the frequency-dependent dielectric loss of
the capacitor, and measurements are not valid for the bus terminator. Above several hundred MHz, the device has a capacitive resonance and thus series capacitance measurements are not accurate.
Impedance measurements on the cofired device with a Network
Analyzer (Figure 7) show nearly ideal RC behavior almost to 10
GHz, at which point inductive effects begin to dominate.
Table 2. Qualification test summary for 0603 cofired RC.
The International Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging, Volume 21, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 1998 (ISSN 1063-1674)
8 International Microelectronics And Packaging Society
Intl. Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging
Figure 6. Rs versus frequency for a 150pF-33W cofired RC
shows that measurements above 1 MHz avoid effects from
the integral capacitor.
Figure 8. Ringing in 80 MHz clock pulses is virtually
eliminated when the transmission line is terminated with a
cofired multilayer RC (the bold line is the terminated trace).
5. Cofired RC Development Trends
Passive electronic component suppliers and consumers use the
spacial density of components on a printed circuit board as a metric
for integrated devices2. The localized component density is determined by dividing the number of functional components within a
device by the area of circuit board required to mount the device,
that is, the length by width of the part, including a 0.5 mm margin
on all sides for solder pads and nearest neighbor spacing (Figure
9). Calculated local component densities for a variety of discrete
and integrated devices, (Table 3), show the benefit of the volumetric efficiency cofired multilayer RC.
Figure 7. Impedance versus frequency, measured with a
network analyzer, shows nearly ideal behavior for the
distributed RC device up to 10GHz.
Electrical characteristics of integrated passive devices must equal
or better the performance of the discrete parts they replace or there
will not be wide market acceptance. The most crucial electrical test
for any component is to measure performance of the device in a
circuit approximating a customer’s application (Figure 8). A circuit was constructed with an 80 MHz oscillator driving a 47 W
transmission line with test points to allow the integrity of the clock
pulses to be monitored. Without proper termination, the pulses
show ringing and overshoot at levels ~50% of the average pulse
height. Addition of a 100 pF, 47 W cofired RC terminator to the
line shows that signal integrity is restored. Even though the device
is constructed with a distributed resistor-capacitor design, it performs as a simple discrete RC solution.
Discrete RC
Figure 9. Board-level device area, including 0.5mm standoff
spacing, for single pair integrated RCs can be compared with
the a standard discrete RC circuit made with 0603
“benchmark” devices.
Table 3. Discrete and integrated passive device board-level
component density.
The International Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging, Volume 21, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 1998 (ISSN 1063-1674)
8 International Microelectronics And Packaging Society
Multilayer Cofired RCs for Line Termination
Area (cm2)
No. of
1206 Discrete
0805 Discrete
0603 Discrete
0402 Discrete
0201 Discrete
1206 RC Discrete
0805 RC Discrete
0603 RC Discrete
0402 RC Discrete
1206 Cap Array
0805 Cap Array
0603 Cap Array
2512 RC Network
1608 RC Network
1206 RC Network
0805 RC Network
0603 RC Network
Assem. Ops.
per 100
Figure of Merit
(Comp. Den. / Assem.
Ops) re:// 0603
RCs with four series RC pairs in 1206 sizes have a local board
density of 78 elements/cm2, compared to a density of 22 elements/
cm2 for the 0603 discrete “benchmark”. With continued development, the 1206 devices will evolve to 0805s (at least) and board
densities will increase to 114 elements/cm2 and higher. This realization exceeds the NEMI target for board densities for hand-held
electronics. Anticipated increases in the internal complexity of the
device, drawing in part on the strategy of integral resistor-capacitor
structure, will further increase the local component density by increasing the number of integrated functions within a given case
6. Summary
Using discrete 0603 chips, board designers can create series RC
circuits that have a local maximum component density of 22 elements/cm2 on the printed circuit board. For simple integrated RC
Unique series RC devices for impedance matching data transdevices made with single- layer thick film hybrid materials on alumission lines have been developed with cofired buried resistormina substrates, which are currently produced in 1206 case sizes,
dielectric material systems. These components are not simply a
the component density is 19 elements/cm2. For an 0603 cofired
hybrid of two types of passive components on a single piece of
multilayer RC, the component density is 44 elements/cm2. Inteceramic substrate, but instead actually integrate two electronic comgrated chips in the “large” case size do not offer a significant board
ponent functions into the same physical structure. This component
space savings, but the integrated devices reduce by half both the
is therefore an integrated passive device in the true sense of the
number of solder joints (such as, improved reliability) and the numword. The structure is realized by making multilayer resistor eleber of chip assembly operations in board fabrication. For a cofired
ments in a multilayer capacitor geometry, giving benefits of high
0603 integrated “discrete” RC (for example, a single RC pair), there
volumetric efficiency, distributed power handling, and greatly simare not only benefits of fewer external connections and placement
plified assembly compared to other approaches for making series
operations, but also a 50% board “real estate” savings. As shown
RC components. Multilayer resistive electrode series RCs have
in Table 3, the authors propose a Figure of Merit that gives a single
been made with resistance values as low as 10 ohms, and capacivalue that incorporates factors for solder connections, pick-andtance as high as 220 pF, in a standard EIA 0603 case size. The
place operations, and local component density. The Figure of Merit
cofired RC components have the robust reliability performance of
is calculated by dividing the board-level component density by the
a conventional thick film device like a multilayer ceramic capacinumber of pick-and-place assembly operations per 100 chips, nortor, plus an additional benefit of ceramic, rather than metallic, “elecmalized to the 0603 discrete component, the current benchmark
trodes” that virtually eliminates thermal expansion mismatch ischip size for discrete resistor-capacitor combinations used for line
sues that affect long-term reliability.
termination in the computer industry in 19982. With additional
The novelty of this fabrication method becomes apparent when
development, cofired single RC pairs will be produced in an 0402
that a 2-element “discrete” |Z| Chip™ device can be
case size, with a component density of 65 elements/cm2, making
made in an 0603, or even 0402, case size (Figure 10), much smaller
even greater board space savings possible.
than can be achieved with currently available hybrid integrated RC
Hand-held electronics, such as cellular telephones and pagers,
devices that require formation of distinct single layer capacitors
have some of the most stringent component size restraints in the
and resistors in the component package. Furthermore, just as disindustry and the pressures for low cost miniaturization are very
crete thick film multilayer capacitors can be fabricated as multistrong. In these types of devices, local maximum component denelement arrays to allow better use of circuit board space, cofired
sities are expected to remain constant at approximately 100 eleRC devices have been made as multi-element series RCs in 1206
ments/cm2 over the next decade2. These types of component densicase sizes (|Z| Array™) that exhibit even higher volumetric effities cannot be achieved with discrete components or simple inteciency than the discrete devices. A Figure of Merit, based on the
grated RCs. In NEMI parlance, an array of multilayer cofired RCs
component density divided by the number of pick-and-place opis a component network, that is, an array of different-function comerations per the number of integrated elements, allows easier components within a single package. Thus, the cofired thick film RC
parison of discrete and integrated devices.
network is a direct evolution of thick film single-function passive
component arrays. Just as the thick film capacitor and resistor arrays were developed for improved volumetric efficiency compared
to discrete capacitors, RC networks have the highest component
densities (Table 3) and the cofired devices with integral electrodes
can be made smaller than other thick film integrated devices. Cofired
The International Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging, Volume 21, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 1998 (ISSN 1063-1674)
8 International Microelectronics And Packaging Society
Intl. Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging
Loaded Net,” EDN, May 1996.
5. B. Beker, G. Cokkinides, and A.Templeton, “Analysis of Microwave Capacitors and IC Packages,” IEEE Transactions on
Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 17591764, September 1994.
About the authors
Figure 10. Cofired integrated passive devices have been
fabricated as discrete 0603’s and 0402’s, and 0612 eightelement networks to achieve component densities up to 78
The trends for miniaturization and cost reduction in the consumer electronics industry are legendary. These market drivers are
unrelenting and challenge the creativity of component manufacturers. The large volumetric efficiency of cofired RCs provides one
solution that places passive component suppliers ahead of current
NEMI component density targets. Through continual improvements,
such as, smaller case sizes and increased electrical complexities,
they can remain in a position to anticipate customer requirements
rather than react to them. For circuit designers faced with requirements to “do more with less,” the integrated cofired RC approach
means further miniaturization and space savings on circuit boards.
This will allow them to avoid succumbing to the trend for explosive growth in passive component counts as more sophisticated
digital circuits evolve. For designers of passive components, the
cofired RC approach offers an enormous variety of new integration
options to pack increased functionality into new products.
1. Robert Heistand II, “Solutions for Passive Integrations,” Proceedings of IMAPS Third Advanced Technology Workshop
on Integrated Passives Technology, Denver, Colorado, April
2. “National Electronics Manufacturers Technology Roadmaps
— December, 1998,” National Electronics Manufacturers Initiative, Inc., 2214 Rock Hill Road, Herndon, Virginia 220704005, 1998.
3. “Transmission Line Effects in PCB Applications,” Motorola
Application Notes, AN-1051, 1990.
4. Mai Vu, “Signal Reflection and Pedestal Effect of a Heavily
Mr. Ritter has been with AVX’s Advanced Product and Technology Center in Myrtle Beach, SC since 1992. He is currently a
Member of the Technical Staff where he is leading a development
program for thick film integrated passive devices. He has also
worked on development of multilayer piezoelectric and
electrostrictive devices. Prior to joining AVX, Mr. Ritter worked at
Martin Laboratories in Baltimore, MD in development efforts for
quarry blasting, ceramic armor, piezoelectric and electrostrictive
devices. Prior to joining AVX, Mr. Ritter worked at Martin Marietta
Laboratories in Baltimore, MD in development efforts for quarry
blasting, ceramic armor, piesoelectric sonar materials and multilayer actuators for deformable mirrors. Mr. Ritter graduated from
Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, with a BA in Geology in 1977.
The biography of Maureen Strawhorne is not available at the
time of publication.
Ben Smith is a research and applications engineer in AVX’s
Corporate Marketing group in Myrle Beach, SC. His primary functions include customer design support, new product development,
and product testing. Mr. Smith received his BSEE from the Georgia Institute of Technology where he specialized in RF and Microwave systems design. In his spare time, he enjoys audio engineering as well as various other engineering activities.
Allen L. Templeton was born in Charlotte, NC in 1959. He received the B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering and the B.A. in Physics
from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 1981 and the
M.E. in Electrical Engineering from the University of South Carolina in 1992. He started working for AVX Corp in 1988, he was
involved in the design, modelling, and testing of multilayer ceramic capacitors and integrated passive components. Currently, he
is a design engineer with Philips Components in Columbia, SC.
Dr. Robert H. Heistand II is the Manager of Integrated Passive
Devices Research & Development at AVX Corporation’s Advanced
Product & Technology Center. He is the Chairman of the Materials
sub-committee of the IMAPS National Technical Committee and
has served as session chair for ISHM/IMAPS on numerous occasions. Since his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Cornell University in 1981,
his career has been in R&D of advanced material synthesis, fabrication and processing, mainly in ceramic, solid state and polymer
materials for electronic applications. He has authored over 35 publications, holds 8 patents and brought 4 advanced material prodThe International Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging,ucts
4, Fourth Quarter 1998 (ISSN 1063-1674)
to the21,
8 International Microelectronics And Packaging Society