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AP Statistics
Chapter 8 Reading Questions
449 - 450
460 - 461
466 - 467
8.3, 8.4, 8.6, 8.10
8.14a – c only, 8.15, 8.17 (Draw
pictures), 8.20, 8.22, 8.26
8.27a – c only, 8.28, 8.31, 8.32, 8.34
Due Date
8.1 Statistics and Sampling Variability  p.442- 449
1. What is a population characteristic?
2. Although it could happen x   , this would be….
3. Typically x ’s from different samples are the same/different. (Chose one)
4. Why is it so difficult to take a sample and make generalizations from the population?
5. Read Example 8.1, which gives better insight to sampling and the notion of sampling variability.
6. Define statistic.
7. What is sampling variability?
8. In many cases the population distribution is not known. In that case we…
9. What is the “population of samples”?
10. In your own words, define sampling distribution.
8.1 Statistics and Sampling Variability (continued)  p.442- 449
11. In Example 8.2, compute the probability that x is greater than 
12. f the sampling distribution of all possible samples is not feasible, what else can be done to
approximate the sampling distribution?
13. Carefully read Example 8.3.
14. What information does the sampling distribution provide?
8.2 The Sampling Distribution of a Sample Mean  p.451- 459
15. Name all of the important characteristics/properties that could impact the sampling distribution.
16. Read Example 8.4
17. What do you notice in the four sampling distributions of size n = 5, 10, 20 and 30?
18. For smaller sample sizes, in Example 8.4, what else can be observed?
19. x based on a large n will…
20. Read Example 8.5 when a population distribution is skewed and whether or not it impacts the
sampling distribution.
21. What is the biggest difference in the sampling distributions in Example 8.5 as compared to Example
8.2 The Sampling Distribution of a Sample Mean (continued)  p.451- 459
22. If the population distribution does not resemble a normal distribution,…
23. What are the four General Properties of the Sampling Distribution of x ?
24. Rule 4 is also known as…
25. As n becomes large, what happens to the standard deviation of the sampling distribution?
26. When can the Central Limit Theorem be safely applied?
27. Read Example 8.7 which gives a comparison to the normal distribution of a random variable, being
the volume of ONE soda can, and the sampling distribution of the average volume of SIXTEEN soda
8.3 The Sampling Distribution of a Sample Proportion  p.461- 466
28. The letter  represents? In addition, what does p represent?
29. Read Example 8.9. Do you notice any similarities to sampling distributions for sample proportions to
sampling distributions for sample means?
30. What are the three General Properties of the Sampling Distribution of p?
31. What else should be considered when judging whether the sampling distribution of p is
approximately normal?