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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
To Study the Relationships Between
Artificial Intelligence Tools and Education System
Purushottam Lal Bhari1 & Dr. Ashok Jetawat2
Research Scholar under Guidance of Dr. Ashok Jetawat.
Dept. of Computer Science and System Studies, Mewar University, Chittorgarh
Director, Aravali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur
Abstract:- This paper reviews and integrates
research that would be necessary to know the
relationship of Artificial intelligence and Education
System. How Artificial Intelligence play an
effective role for learning of students and teaching
in classes using AI methods in Education System.
What kind of technologies used in Today’s
Education and how it is different from Traditional
Education system. Artificial Intelligence techniques
address the nature of problem, methods to
automatically detect problem, as well as the
interplay between problem and learning-related
cognition and affective strategies that promote
quality learning. In this paper doing basic study
about Artificial Intelligence methods, such as
intelligent tutor, e-learning, expert system, etc. are
used in Education System for teaching and
Keywords:- Indian Education System, Artificial
Intelligence, Importance of Artificial Intelligence
techniques in Education, Intelligent technologies.
1. Introduction
Education is an important part of our life
and technologies are important part of education
system. Technologies are widely used in today’s
education system. Unfortunately, we don't have to
look hard to find teachers utilizing new
technological tools to replicate old educational
models. We can take an example that, most uses of
distance education employ the same instructor
delivering the same lecture to the same audience,
so only the audience can be larger. This type of
distance education model does nothing to address
the concept of lifelong learning in education
system. This traditional model still places the
student in a passive role only, merely absorbing as
much information as possible. As an alternative,
more collaborative models of distance education
could be employed. We have an example, The
Center for Technology and Teacher Education at
the University of Virginia uses live video
connections with partner universities to bring
together professors and students in a forum where
all parties contribute and benefit from the
collaborative learning experience. Nevertheless, the
overall dependence on the traditional instructional
model dominates the majority of today's
educational system.
Today’s education system uses many
technical fields like artificial intelligence and
computer graphics. Teachers should create
situations where the students are required to locate
the facts and information specifically related to the
context of the question at hand and then to utilize
Congressional Office of Technology Assessment
report entitled Teachers & Technology: Making the
Connection between teachers and technologies, so
teachers can provide an effective environment for
students learning in an education system. The way
of teachers teaches can be changed by the using
technologies. Some teachers use technology to
support more student-centered approaches to
instruction and students can conduct their own
scientific inquiries and engage in collaborative
activities while the teacher assumes the role of
facilitator or coach. At that time, education is
moving along at a snail's pace, so the world outside
is speeding by at a supersonic rate. Fulton (1989),
says that the classrooms of today resemble their
ancestors of 50 and 100 years ago much more
closely than do today's hospital operating rooms,
manufacturing plants, business offices, or scientific
labs. Let us suppose, if we put a doctor of 100
years ago in today's operating room, he/she would
be lost and if we placed a teacher of 100 years ago
into one of today's classrooms he/she wouldn't skip
a beat. According to modern time education system
uses high technologies like some expert systems,
knowledge base systems, neural networking for
making artificial brain and genetic algorithms for
solving complex problems. Mainly artificial
intelligence is need of modern education system.
2. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of
the computational intelligence of computer and
information science. Expert systems and
knowledge base systems are work on the concept
of Artificial Intelligence. AI mainly focuses on
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
developing hardware and software systems, that
systems are used for solve problems and
accomplish tasks that if accomplished by humans
would be considered a display of intelligence.
Some machines such as robots, automatic pilots for
airplanes and space ships, and “smart” military
weapons are developing and studying using field of
Artificial Intelligence. AI basically involves
borrowing characteristics from human intelligence
and applying them friendly way as an algorithm in
computer. Artificial intelligence can be viewed
from a variety of perspectives.
process of education. One's conduct and behavior
are changed and refined according to the desired
standard of the society. All of this is the result of
The prerequisite for the development of
any nation a sound education system is play an
important role. This is a well-known fact that our
education system still relies on traditional methods
and there is a need to combine the traditional
teaching with modern teaching aids for a better and
advanced education system. According to people
there is a difference in the opinion regarding the
use of traditional teaching methods and modern
teaching methods. In the world some people say
that traditional teaching methods are best for
imparting the education in the students while some
favor that we should use modern teaching methods
for giving quality education. There is a need of
maintaining the balance between the use of
traditional and modern teaching methods according
to my view. Both traditional and modern teaching
methods should be used simultaneously for the
betterment of education. Let us have a look on the
both traditional and modern teaching methods.
3.1 Traditional Education
Figure 1 – Application areas of Artificial Intelligence
3. Education
Education is a term which is more easily
understood than defined because it is a natural. It
has been derived from the Latin word "educatum"
which means the act of teaching or training. Some
also believe that it has been originated from the
Latin word "educare" which means "to bring up" or
"to rise". Some people say that, it has also come
from another Latin term "educere" which means "to
lead forth" or "to come out".
At the birth child is weak, helpless and
ignorant but he gradually grows and develops.
According to his growth he acquires knowledge
and skills, it is a natural education. He realizes
thoughts into actions and satisfies his needs,
changes his behavior according to his environment.
Such type of changes, growth and development of
the individual are his education. It can say that, this
is the result of his learning and maturation.
Learning is living and it is the modification of
behavior. The knowledge, character and behavior
of an individual are formed and modified by the
In ancient India knowledge was passed on
orally from one generation to another. Education
involved three basic processes, first, which
included ‘Sravana’ (stage of acquiring knowledge
of ‘Shrutis’ by listening). Second, ‘Manana’
(meaning pupils to think, properly analyze
themselves about what they heard, be absorb the
lessons taught by their teacher and make their own
inferences,) and third ‘Nidhyasana (meaning
comprehension of truth and apply/use it into real
Figure 2 – The Ancient Indian Education System
Few of most important universities of
ancient India were Taxila (being the first university
of world established in Seventh century B.C.), after
that Vikramshila University and Nalanda
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Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
University (built in 4 A.D). Some other also
established universities like, Huan Tsang in his
records mentioned the University of Taxila to be at
par with Nalanda and Vikramshila Universities. All
these institutions were considered to be the best
Universities of its times in the subcontinent and an
honor to ancient Indian educational system.
Ancient Indian philosophy and Vedic
literature contained an ocean of knowledge in a jar.
In that time only resources are available, like
teacher, student and some books. In a few words,
covering almost all the aspects of life in different
branches of human knowledge, be it phonetics,
medicine, arts, literature, polity, philosophy,
metrics, law, astrology or astronomy; it was
supposed to be a magnificent example of scientific
division and orderly arrangement of rules. It spoke
of everything on staying healthy, improving
concentration, social evils and tenets of behavior,
all it are relevant even today.
In most parts of our country traditional
teaching methods are used in the educational
institutions. Basically in the traditional teaching
method, all teachers illustrate the concept to the
students with the help of chalks and blackboard.
According to this system every important thing
regarding the topic is written on the blackboard and
students make important notes from the
blackboard. When the lecture is over students
revise their notes and try to memorize the notes
makes in class.
teaching methods. According to traditional
methods teacher does not require any special
technical knowledge and can focus more on his
subject for imparting the best knowledge to the
3.2 Today’s Education
Education has remained largely unchanged for
over a century. Classrooms full of students
deferring to the wisdom of an all-knowing
professor has and many believe on it, will continue
to be the accepted mode of instruction. In modern
education despite many technological advances and
the introduction of new pedagogical concepts and
the majority of today's classrooms continue to
utilize this traditional mode. The world is
changing; it is getting both smaller and bigger at
the same time. Our world allows us to
asynchronously with peers around the world to
shrinks as technologies now. Conversely, the
explosion of information now available to us
expands our view of the world. Education must
change as a result of the ability to communicate
globally and the information explosion. The
challenge is to prepare the children of today for a
world that has yet to be created, for technologies
yet undreamed and for jobs yet to be invented.
The education is slow to change especially in
incorporating new technologies, it is no secret. The
trends in technology are creating a future that is
arriving faster than education is preparing for it.
First we will take a brief look at our past to
formulate an understanding of the trends of today
according to environment. This will be followed by
a detailed analysis of these trends and finally we
will peek into the crystal ball and predict the future
of technology and education.
Figure 3 – Chalks and Blackboard
The main objective of traditional teaching is to
pass the examination. Traditional teaching system
also has some advantages. Almost traditional
teaching method is cheaper than the modern
teaching methods which make it more suitable in
the schools of rural areas. In the traditional system,
some subjects like mathematics or chemistry are
best taught on a blackboard as there is a need of
explaining the concept at each every step. It can
say that in traditional teaching there is more
discipline in the class. There is more interaction
between the teacher and student in traditional
teaching methods as compared to the modern
Figure 4 –Education with Technologies
From the last decade the use of high tech
equipment in the educational institutions is
increased with a rapid rate. Today there are lots of
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
modern gadgets which can be used for improving
the teaching in the classroom. There is the list of
most popular equipment which can be used in
modern teaching.
technologies computers or laptops with wi-fi
connection are used in the classroom. We can say
that this is the most important tool of modern
teaching methods. In this technology teacher
demonstrates the subject on his laptop/computer
which is connected to the laptops/computers of the
students through wi-fi connection. It is seen mostly
in the higher education institutions which have
good infrastructure.
Nowadays, use of LCD projector in the
classroom in the educational institutions is
becoming very common. Teacher prepares the
power point slides and which are displayed on the
LCD screen with the help of a projector. A
laptop/computer can also be connected to the
projector for displaying the relevant videos of the
subject on the projector. Whiteboards are very
interactive and provides the touch control of the
computer applications. A teacher or student can
draw, write or manipulate images on a whiteboard,
so providing a very interactive and interesting
platform. An advantage of whiteboards is that it
can show anything on it which can be seen on the
Some other less popular modern teaching
methods include- use of digital games in the
classroom, special websites or blogs are used for
teaching in the classrooms and microphones are
used for delivering the lecture in the classroom. By
the using modern teaching methods create more
interest among the students with the help of
interesting animations and videos. The use of
visual media for teaching helps the students to
understand the subject better and also helps
students to memorize the concept for longer time.
Today’s, with the help of modern teaching methods
teacher can cover more syllabus in lesser time as
they don't have to waste their time in writing on the
blackboard. In the modern teaching methods videos
and animations are used explanatory than the
traditional blackboard methods.
4. Role of Artificial Intelligence in
The theory and practice of Artificial
Intelligence is leading to the development of a wide
range of educational tools. These tools, sometimes
working under the guidance of a human and
sometimes without external guidance, are able to
solve problems. Over the past 50 years, Artificial
Intelligence has produced many results that are
important to purpose of students, teachers, and
overall educational system and for our society.
Computers have been used in education system for
over 20 years. Computer-Based Training (CBT)
and Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) were the
first such systems used as an attempt to teach using
computers in education system. In these types of
systems, the instruction was not individually used
to the learner's needs. Today new technologies are
used like Class-pad which is an android tablet for
education in educational system, where teachers
and students connection gets maximum strength
and achieving better the targets of better education.
Each person has their own ideas on what
constitutes appropriate goals for education. Thus,
this topic can lead to highly debate and is currently
a largest political issue. Some controversial issues
instructional processes.
Figure 5 – Education with Artificial Intelligence
In brief summary, Artificial Intelligence is
concerned with developing computer systems.
They can store knowledge and effectively use the
knowledge to help solve problems and perform
tasks. This statement is very biggest issue like one
of the commonly accepted goals in the education of
We want students to learn (gain
knowledge) and this knowledge to help solve
problems and accomplish tasks for purpose of
learning students.
Some sources of an Artificial Intelligence system’s
knowledge are:
 Human knowledge that can be converted
into a format suitable for use by an AI
 Knowledge generated by an Artificial
Intelligence system, using gathering data
and information, and by using analyzing
data, information, and knowledge very
These general goals are much important to
acquisition and retention, understanding and use of
knowledge and skills to guide formal educational
systems throughout the whole world. They are
widely accepted goals in education system that
endured over the years. They provide a powerful
starting point for the analysis of any existing or
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Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
proposed educational system. We want students to
have learned effectively and application
experience, both in institution and outside of
institution in each of these goal areas. Knowledge
based systems play an important role in Artificial
Intelligence for solving complex problems and
manages expert systems; they are work on
knowledge based system methods.
international policies. The civic engagement
approach will succeed to the extent that it can
promote an alert and knowledgeable citizenry that
demand rich-country policies that promote
development and equality at home and abroad. At
same time as AIED for civic engagement should be
seen as a complimentary approach to the AIED
export approach and it offers the advantage of
technical feasibility, like, it can take advantage of
existing AIED applications that require a richcountry technological infrastructure.
5.1 Open Learner Modeling (OLM)
Figure 6 – Artificial Intelligence tools in Education
In today’s education many expert systems
are used for teaching and learning. Artificial
Intelligence widely used in education system for
solving complex problems by the using different
types of methods. Knowledge base system is used
for designing expert system, they perform a
specific task. Artificial Intelligence uses many
methods; they play an important role in education
system. For example E-learning, web-learning,
computer-added learning, etc..
5. Artificial Intelligence in Education
According to Easterday (2011) Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED) can promote
social inclusion by focusing on civic engagement.
AIED techniques can be used to train an alert and
knowledgeable citizenry that can in turn demand
policies that promote social inclusion by teaching
the skills of policy reasoning, journalism, and
activism. Unlike the AIED export approach in
which we adapt AIED technologies to work in the
technological infrastructures of poor countries then
AIED for civic engagement could be deployed in
rich countries to promote social inclusion in both
rich and poor countries. This is required because
rich country policy often impacts poor country
development and an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can demand more socially inclusive
Barna (2011) gives a concept of open
learner modeling. The notion of personalization
pervades much of the discussion about how to
improve education and the belief seems to be that
personalization will lead to empowerment. Open
learner modeling has a potential role in providing
improved levels of empowerment but care needs to
be taken. According to him the discussion is
organized around previous work on developing an
open learner modeling system (OLM) that can help
learners have insights into the assessment process,
and give them opportunities to challenge the
system. The open learner model was intended to
provide the learner with information that they could
use both to understand their progress and direct
their efforts to learn.
5.2 T-learning
Lino, Siebra and Filho (2011) gives a
method that T-learning involves the set of
technologies that supports a TV-based interactive
way of learning. There several works have
investigating models that can augment the tlearning idea, after that moving it towards a more
engaged and effective approach to learn. They
present potential contributions that semantic
representations can provide to the evolution of this
approach. The main idea is to provide content with
meaning that enables; it can be understand by the
example, the creation of learning groups, then
explanation of questions and different ways to
represent answers. They describe an architecture
that semantically extends the ITV platform and
presenting its ontological models and services that
support the specification of more powerful learning
5.3 Pattern Language
Avgeriou, Papasalouros, Retalis and
Skordalakis (2003) introduce the method of Pattern
Language for Learning Management Systems.
Learning Management Systems are sophisticated
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Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
web-based applications that are being engineered
today in increasing numbers by numerous
institutions and companies that want to get
involved in e-learning either for providing services
to third parties or for educating and training their
own people. It is also that the construction of such
systems has been taking place for many years, after
that they are still designed and developed from
scratch. The experience from previous Learning
Management Systems is not documented or
codified, resulting in forcing the development
teams to ‘re-invent the wheel’. They present an
approach of recording design experience in the
form of design patterns for Learning Management
Systems and aims at developing a pattern language
for these systems.
between database and the users. Only a Boolean
Query Model supported by database systems. A
selection query on SQL database returns all those
records that satisfy the conditions in the query.
According to them an intelligent database has
emerged, it provides expanded and more flexible
options for manipulating queries. They designed an
intelligent layer for database which is responsible
for manipulating flexible queries. In beginning, the
flexible queries from users in their natural language
are submitted to intelligent layer and this layer
converts the amorphous query into a structured
SQL query. The converted query is executed and
the results are presented to the user.
5.4 Distance Learning
Chakraborty, Roy and Basu (2011)
described about low literacy rate, high dropout
rates and some other lacking infrastructure in the
field of education in India demanded an alternative
learning environment. Intelligent Tutoring System
(ITS) can be a plausible solution in this context.
They present an ITS called Shikshak. They
describe the different modules of a system and their
functionalities and discuss the adaptive features of
the system. Finally, they demonstrate through some
experiments the efficacy of the system in teaching
children basic programming in C language. The
system showed some improvement in performance
compared to the performance of students learning
from standard classrooms. The ITS Shiskshak
presents several novel features these include the
fuzzy student model and the fuzzy approach to
Topic Planning and Material selection. It is also
that the Result Analyzer allows the system to adapt
according to a student’s performance.
Lee, Cho, Gay, Davidson and Ingraffea
(2003) examine the use of integrated
communication and engineering design tools in a
distributed learning environment by the using AI
methods. They examined students' attitudes toward
the technology using two different approaches.
One, they utilized the technology acceptance model
to investigate the attitude formation process and
then, to investigate how attitudes changed over
time and they applied social information processing
model using social network analysis method. They
were able to demonstrate that students’ initial
expectation affected the perceptions of, attitudes
toward and use of the system using the technology
acceptance model. With social network analysis,
they found that one’s attitude change was
significantly influenced by other student’s attitude
changes. It is also discussed that uniqueness of
distance learning environments in the context of
social influence research and how studies of
distance learning could contribute to the research
on the social influence of technology use.
5.5 Querying in databases
According to Nihalani, Silakari and
Motwani (2009) Computer-based information
technologies have been extensively used to help
many academic and education institutions,
organizations and private companies manage their
processes and information systems hereby become
their nervous centre like a human mind. The
explosion of massive data sets created by
businesses, institutions, science and governments
necessitates intelligent and more powerful
computing paradigms so that users can benefit from
this data. Today most new-generation database
applications demand intelligent information
management to enhance efficient interactions
5.6 Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS)
5.7 Adaptive and Intelligent Web-based
Educational Systems (AIWBES)
According to Brusilovsky (2003) this
model provide an alternative to the traditional
development of web-based educational courseware.
He say about that the attempt to be more adaptive
by building a model of the targets, preferences and
knowledge of each individual student and using
this model throughout the interaction with the
student in order to adapt to the needs of that
student. Students also attempt to be more
intelligent by incorporating and performing some
activities traditionally executed by a human
teacher, like coaching students or diagnosing their
misconceptions. For the purpose of education
system the first pioneer intelligent and adaptive
web-based educational systems were developed in
1995-1996. In education system many kind of
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Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
advanced web-based educational systems that this
introduction attempts to review are most often
referred to as adaptive web-based educational
systems or intelligent web-based educational
systems. Speaking about adaptive systems we
stress that these systems attempt to be different for
different students and groups of students by taking
into account information accumulated in the
individual or group student models. It is calling
about intelligent systems we stress that these
systems apply techniques from the field of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide broader and
better support for the users of Web-based
educational systems.
5.8 Semantic Open Learning Space
The aim of Jouault (2013) to give learners
more content-dependent scaffolding in the selfdirected learning of history. Basically learners use
a system to build a concept map containing a
chronology and the system is able to generate
content dependent support adapted to the learners.
To apply this support, a semantic open learning
space is using a natural language online
encyclopedia and semantic information using the
open linked data. So the support is provided by the
automatically generated questions and documents.
When learners need, they request questions and the
system will generate the questions depending on
the concept map of the learner by the open learning
space. The generated questions aim to leads the
learners to new knowledge deepening their
understanding. Mainly the system has three main
windows, they are as well as: the question window,
the document window and the concept map
5.9 E-learning
According to Cheok and Wong (2013) elearning is increasingly becoming an important
delivery approach in teacher training institutes.
There are factors that will affect user’s behavioral
intention to accept and adopt it like other
innovations. In measuring the success of an elearning technique, it is best measured in terms of
end-user satisfaction in using a system. So their
future behaviors can be predicted and it examines
relationships among variables associated with
factors that influence satisfaction. Practical
interventions for teacher trainees will be suggested
to assist individuals and organizations towards
increasing technology usage. Basically the research
yields a theoretical framework that outlines the
predictive potential of the key factors in explaining
satisfaction which then leads to explaining
technology acceptance and usage among the
trainees. So these factors can and should be
intervention programs.
5.10 C# Intelligent Tutoring System
Learning programming is known to be
difficult according to Hartanto and Reye (2013).
One possible reason why students fail
programming is related to the fact that traditional
learning in the classroom places more emphasis on
lecturing the material instead of applying the
material to a real application. Basically for some
students, this teaching model may not catch their
interest properly. As a result they may not give
their best effort to understand the material given.
We can see that how the knowledge can be applied
to real life problems can increase student interest in
learning. This will increase their effort to learn as a
consequence. Stabled learning that applies
knowledge to solve real life problems may be the
key to improving student performance. In that type
of learning, it is necessary to provide resources that
can be accessed by the student as they learn and
these resources can be provided by creating an
Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) that can support
the student when they need help or experience a
problem. Having an ITS that supports anchored
learning will not only be able to help the student
learn programming effectively but will also make
the learning process more enjoyable.
6. The Future
According to see the progress of
technology, in the next 10 years technologies in
narrow fields such as speech recognition will
continue to improve and will reach human levels.
AI in next 10 years will be able to communicate
with humans in unstructured English using text or
voice, also navigate (not perfectly) in an
unprepared environment and will have some
rudimentary common sense (and domain-specific
intelligence). There will be an increasing number
of practical applications based on digitally
recreated aspects human intelligence, like rehearsal
learning, cognition, perception or learning by
repetitive practice. The development of meaningful
artificial intelligence will require that machines
acquire some variant of human consciousness.
Some systems that do not possess self-awareness
and sentience will at best always be very brittle
everywhere. Without these uniquely human
characteristics, mostly useful and powerful
assistants will remain a goal to achieve.
Artificial intelligence has more abilities to
making strong of education system. Some
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
important facts, such as e-learning, web-learning,
intelligent tutors, expert systems etc. will play allover roles in education system. Intelligent tutors
will be used for teaching of students and solve
related problems. Expert systems will play roles in
analysis reports of students and institutions.
Students will learn from different tutors and
7. References
7.1 Papers and Publications
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7.2 Web Sites
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8. Author
Purushottam Lal Bhari is a research scholar of Mewar
University Gangrar, Chittorgarh-Raj (India). After completing
MCA from IGNOU, New Delhi he is pursuing PhD on “To study
the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Indian Education System”.
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Page 340
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
Dr.Ashok Jain is a Director of Aravali Instittute of Technical
Studies, Udaipur-Raj (India). After completing MTech (IT) and
MBA, he did his PhD from Mohan Lal Sukhadia University on “A
Critical Evaluation of e-Governance Implementation in Rajasthan
State”. He is having more than 34 years of experience in the field
of information technology. He is the member of “Special Interest
Group on e-Governance” of Computer Society of India. His area of
interest is to study and provide consultancy for successful
implementation of e-Governance and e-Learning implementation
in India. The author received “Rashtriya Ratana Award” in 2002
for individual outstanding performance. He is the research guide
and life member of CSI, IE (India), IIIE, IIMM, ISTD and many
professional bodies. He is also the active member of Internet
Governance Capacity Building Program (IGCBP) whose head
office is in MALTA.
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