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Name: _____________________________________ Cohort: ______ Date: ______________
Before you start the Do Now complete this checklist:
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Learning Target: ______________________________________________________________________
Do Now
1. Why were the pyramids built in ancient Egypt?
A. As important places of worship for their many gods
B. As the center of communities of hard-working scribes
C. As tombs for the pharaohs
D. As palaces for the pharaohs to live in
2. How far were all cities in ancient Egypt from the Nile River? _____________________
3. Who is Horus and why was he important for ancient Egyptians?
Guided Practice – Annotate the following passage about the first female pharaoh,
Hatshepsut. Make sure to circle any unknown words, underline important parts, and
jot down questions in the margins. Fill out the graphic organizer on the following page.
Pharaoh Hatshepsut: Promoter of Egyptian Trade
Hatshepsut was the daughter of the king
Thutmose I. After his death, his son, Thutmose II, became
king and his half-sister, Hatshepsut, became queen. But
Thutmose II only lived about seven more years. In ancient
Egypt, the oldest male in line for the throne usually became
the next ruler. Thutmose III, Hatshepsut’s nephew, was next
in line. But he was about 10 years old, too young to govern
Egypt. Hatshepsut took over the government in his place.
The Egyptian people probably expected her to rule only until
young Thutmose III was old enough to take over his royal
But Hatshepsut had other ideas. This
queen seized power for herself and became the
ruler. Never before had Egypt been ruled by a
woman. Sometimes she wore men’s clothing;
even wore the fake beard that was worn by
pharaohs! She ruled Egypt for about 20 years,
she turned out to be a skillful leader. Like
Egyptian rulers, Hatshepsut wanted to make
she would be remembered for all time. She
ordered a great temple to be built along the
of the Nile. She also had two enormous granite
called obelisks placed at the temple of the sun
She restored old temples that had been
destroyed during foreign invasions. Egypt
enjoyed a time of renewed peace and prosperity
As a ruler, Hatshepsut concerned herself
improving life at home rather than expanding
Egypt’s borders and building a great empire. One example is a trade expedition she
sent to Punt, a kingdom near present-day Somalia at the southern end of the Red
Sea. Five ships sailed to Punt bearing gifts and trade goods. The expedition returned
to Egypt with many items, including gold, ivory, leopard skins, ostrich feathers,
incense, rare woods, and monkeys. Trade expeditions such as this one helped Egypt
to prosper.
Topic of the passage
Main idea sentence
for paragraph one
Main idea sentence
for paragraph two
Main idea sentence
for paragraph three
1. Based on what you know about the job of a pharaoh, was Hatshepsut an effective
2. What evidence from the text makes you think this? Make sure to paraphrase!
Independent Practice – Annotate the following passage about Pharaoh Ramses II. Make
sure to circle any unknown words, underline important parts, and jot down
questions in the margins. Then, fill out the graphic organizer on the following page.
Pharaoh Ramses II: Military Leader and Master Builder
The pharaoh Ramses II ruled from about 1290 to 1224
BCE. Called Ramses the Great, he is one of the most famous
pharaohs. He reigned for more than 60 years, longer than
almost any other pharaoh. He is best known for his military
leadership and for building numerous monuments. Ramses
did everything in a big way. He had over 100 wives and more
than 100 children! He wasn’t shy about glorifying himself,
either. He had hundreds of statues of himself erected all
around Egypt. Some of them were over 60 feet high.
Ramses was a fearless soldier from a young age. He
fought alongside his father in various battles. He was made
a captain in the Egyptian
army at the age of 10.
Ramses tried to defend an
Egyptian empire that
extended north, and famously fought against the Hittites in
Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). However, Ramses was also a
peacemaker. He and the Hittites signed the world’s first
peace treaty. This peace lasted until the Hittite Empire
collapsed around 1190 BCE.
One of Ramses most impressive projects was a temple. It was carved into the side of a
cliff on a bank of the Nile River. A smaller temple honored his favorite wife, Nefertari. Four
giant seated statues of Ramses framed the entrance to the main temple. The figures were
sculpted right out of the rock face of the cliff. They are among the finest examples of
Egyptian art. Ramses built more temples and monuments than any other pharaoh in
history. When he died, he was buried in a tomb that he had constructed for himself. He is
one of the best-preserved mummies ever found.
Ramses II
Topic of the passage
Main idea sentence
for paragraph one
Main idea sentence
for paragraph two
Main idea sentence
for paragraph three
1. Based on what you know about the job of a pharaoh, was Ramses an effective pharaoh?
2. What evidence from the text makes you think this? Make sure to paraphrase!
Directions: Read the text about King Tutankhamun above, and then answer the questions
1. What was King Tutankhamun most famous for?
A. His great accomplishments for the empire of Egypt.
B. The amazing treasures in his tomb, which was safe from robbers.
C. His fancy clothes and elaborate homes that he had.
D. His murder, which was well-recorded in Egyptian hieroglyphics.
2. How old was King Tutankhamun when he died?
A. 10
B. 18
C. 30
D. 43
3. List two examples of treasures that were hidden in King Tutankhamun’s tomb in
order to help his journey into the afterlife. Use complete sentences.
Directions: Highlight the passage as you read, use your highlights to help you complete
the outline on the back. You WILL be checked for accurate highlighting.
Who were the pharaohs?
Ancient Egyptian government was dominated by a single person, the pharaoh. The
people believed that the pharaoh was more than a person or a king. To the people, he was
half-person, half-god. This gave him absolute control over the affairs of the Egyptian
Empire and its people. The pharaoh owned all the land and was responsible for the people’s
well being. The pharaohs were kings, generals and religious leaders.
The governmental officials included people like the chief treasurer and the tax
collector. These officials were directly responsible to the pharaoh. The land itself was
divided up into provinces called nomes. Each nome had a nomarch, who was responsible to
the pharaoh as well.
Taxes were paid in goods and labor (work). Citizens were drafted into the army and
forced to labor for periods of time. Slaves and draftees were often used in the army. The
majority of Egyptian people were farmers who worked the land along the fertile Nile flood
The power of the pharaohs expanded during the Old Kingdom. During the Old
Kingdom time, the Egyptians built great pyramids in which to bury their pharaohs. Society
was orderly, based on great differences between social classes. After the Old Kingdom, the
Middle Kingdom was marked by order and peace. Towards the end of the Middle Kingdom,
however, Egypt began to fall into disorder. Around 1750 BC a group from the Southwest
invaded. The Egyptians eventually fought back and in the mid-1500s BC were able to drive
the invaders out of Egypt. The New Kingdom is the period of Egyptian history where Egypt
reached the height of its power and glory. Egypt took control of more land and became an
empire. Hatshepsut and Ramses were incredibly powerful pharaohs during this time.
I. The Role of the Pharaoh
A. The _________________________ dominated ancient Egypt.
B. Egyptians believed the pharaoh was more than your typical king because he was half____________, half-_____________.
C. The pharaoh owned all the ____________ and was the protector of Egypt.
D. The pharaohs were ___________________________________________________________.
II. Supporting Government Officials
A. The pharaoh had many workers who supported him.
B. Egypt was divided into different areas called _______________, and the people who ran
them were known as ________________________.
III. Taxes and Workers
A. Taxes were paid in goods, but also in __________________.
B. Slaves were often used in the _______________, while the majority of people were
IV. Old, Middle and New Kingdoms
A. During the ___________ Kingdom, Egyptians built many pyramids.
B. During the Middle Kingdom, Egyptians were conquered around the year _________ BCE.
C. During the New Kingdom, Egyptians were ruled by two powerful pharaohs:
__________________________________ and __________________________________