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Anat/phys quarter 3 exam
1. Use the following words to help label the heart. (4 pts)
Aortic semilunar valve
Bicuspid valve
Inferior vena cava
Left atrium
Left ventricle
Pulmonary artery
Pulmonary semilunar valve
Pulmonary vein
Right atrium
Right ventricle
Superior vena cava
Tricuspid valve
a. ___________________
b. ___________________
(Not a chamber)
c. ___________________
d. ___________________
2. If a drop of blood started in the left ventricle, using the following words, fill in the blanks
as it flows through different veins, arteries, and chambers of the heart. (6 pts)
Aorta, left atrium, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, right ventricle, right atrium,
left ventricle  _______________  superior/inferior vena cava  _______________ 
_______________  _______________  lungs  _______________  _______________
3. The pulmonary circuit carries ______________ blood to the ______________ and
____________ blood to the ______________. (2 pts)
a. Oxygenated, body; deoxygenated, heart
b. Oxygenated, lungs; deoxygenated, heart
c. Deoxygenated, body; oxygenated, heart
d. Deoxygenated, lungs; oxygenated, heart
4. What does diastole mean? (1 pt)
a. Oxygenated
b. Deoxygenated
c. Contraction
d. Relaxation
5. During atrial diastole which valves are open? (there are two) (2 pts)
a. Tricuspid valve
b. Bicuspid valve
c. Pulmonary semilunar valve
d. Aortic semilunar valve
6. When the ventricles contract, the bicuspid valve prevents blood from flowing from the: (1
a. Right ventricles to the right atrium
b. Left ventricle to the left atrium
c. Left atrium to the left ventricle
d. Right atrium to the left ventricle
e. Left ventricle to the right ventricle
7. Which of the following will reduce cardiac output? (1 pt)
a. High blood pressure
b. Low blood pressure
c. Exercise
d. Stress
8. An EKG traces what as it passes through your body? (1 pt)
a. Blood
b. Oxygen
c. Electrical current
d. Impulses of heat
9. What is the crescent-shaped pacemaker of the heart that initiates depolarization under
normal conditions? (1 pt)
a. Sinoatrial (SA) node
b. Atrioventricular (AV) node
c. Atrioventricular (AV) bundle
d. Purkinje fibers
10. Fill in the Venn diagram of arteries and veins with the following words. If they do not
belong in the similar section explain why it is different. (4 pts)
tunica intima, tunica media, tunica externa.
11. What brings deoxygenated blood back to the heart? (1 pt)
a. Veins
b. Arteries
c. Capillaries
d. None of these are correct
12. In which of the following is blood pressure the highest? (1 pt)
a. Veins
b. Venules
c. Arteries
d. Arterioles
e. Capillaries
13. In which of the following is blood pressure the highest? (1pt)
a. Veins during diastole
b. Veins during systole
c. Arteries during diastole
d. Arteries during systole
14. You are the first to respond to an accident. A person is gushing blood from the radial
artery. You need to stop the bleeding and think of putting on a tunicate, but remember if
you apply pressure to an artery upstream you can stop the blood flow. Which artery
should you apply pressure to? (2 pt)
a. Femoral
b. Brachial
c. Facial
d. Popliteal artery
15. What approximately makes up 45% of the blood? (1 pt)
a. Cells
b. Plasma
c. Water
d. Erythrocytes
16. Of the formed elements (cells) this is in the highest proportion. (1 pt)
a. Erythrocytes
b. Leukocytes
c. Platelets
d. Albumin
17. What are two components of plasma? (2 pts)
18. What are two functions of plasma?(2 pts)
19. What is the main function of erythrocytes? (1 pt)
a. Defense and immunity
b. Blood clotting
c. Osmotic balance
d. Transport oxygen
20. What is the main function of leukocytes? (1 pt)
a. Defense and immunity
b. Blood clotting
c. Osmotic balance
d. Transport oxygen
21. What does it mean if someone is anemic? (1 pt)
22. What are two causes of anemia? (2 pt)
23. Why do RBC’s reproduce via bone marrow and the use of stem cells? (1 pt)
a. They only have a life span of 3-4 months
b. They are anucleate
c. Hemoglobin prevents mitosis
24. A patient comes into a clinic with a fever and a white blood cell count of 22,000
cell/mm3. You do a blood smear and see that the increase in white blood cells mostly
consist of monocytes. What does this person have? (1 pt)
a. Chronic disease (tuberculosis)
b. A severed artery (bleeding extremely bad)
c. Short term infection (the flu)
d. Anemia (sickle cell)
25. Which organ is responsible for regulating RBC formation? (1 pt)
a. Kidneys
b. Heart
c. Pancreas
d. Liver
26. Which of the following is in the proper order of how blood loss is stopped? (2 pt)
a. Platelet plug formation, coagulation, vascular spasms
b. Platelet plug formation, vascular spasms, coagulation
c. Coagulation, vascular spasms, platelet plug formation
d. Coagulation, platelet plug formation, vascular spasms
27. What is hemostasis? (1 pt)
28. What is hematopoiesis? (1 pt)
29. A woman was in a serious car accident and needs blood. She does not have a blood card
but you do a standard blood test and find this. (6 pts)
What antigens are present on her blood cells?
What antibodies are present in her plasma?
What types of blood can she receive?
30. A man and a woman have a child with blood type O blood. Forgetting about RH what
are the possible blood types of the mom and dad? (more than one can be correct) (3 pts)
a. IAi
c. IBi
f. ii
31. A man with type IAi blood and a woman with type IBi blood want to have a child. What
are the chances of having a type IAi child? Draw a punnet square. (5 pts)
Choose 3 out of the 4 of the following to complete. Do the 4th for extra credit. Make sure to
announce which is the extra credit one. Complete on a separate sheet of paper. This is a take
home portion of the test. Please do it on your own. You may use resources but not another
person. (5 pts each) due Wednesday march 3rd when you come to class.
Describe the three phases of the normal blood-clotting process.
Describe ABO and Rh blood groups.
Trace the path of a drop of blood, starting at the right atrium and returning to the right
atrium, through the pulmonary and systemic circuits of the cardiovascular system.
Identify the chambers, valves, and vessels (except specific systemic blood vessels that are
not directly associated with the heart), and indicate whether the blood is oxygenated or
deoxygenated in each area. (you can use words)
Discuss the events that are taking place in the cardiac cycle during the left ventricular
systole. Indicate whether the other heart chambers are in systole or diastole and whether
they are filling or emptying of blood. If they are emptying, state where the blood is going.
If they are filling with blood, state where the blood is coming from. Include an
explanation of which valves are open and which valves are closed, in addition to whether
the coronary system is filling or emptying of blood.