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Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the
Action Plan for the Thirteen Five-Year Plan for Combating and Prevention of AIDS
5 February 2017
1. Status Quo
During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, all local governments and departments have
conscientiously implemented the decisions made by the CPC Central Committee and
the State Council and implemented various measures for AIDS prevention and
control, and made remarkable progress. HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS were significantly
improved, and the detection rate of HIV/AIDS was increased by 68.1%, and mortality
rate was reduced by 57.0% respectively. The focus areas of HIV/AIDS prevention and
treatment were as follows: the rapid increase in the epidemic situation has been
basically curbed; the overall epidemic has been controlled at the low prevalence
level; AIDS-affected people's quality of life continues to be improved; social
discrimination further reduced; “containment and prevention of AIDS in China’s
Twelfth Five-Year Plan” has been basically realized.
At present, China's AIDS epidemic situation is still grim. Prevention and treatment of
old and new problems coexist with difficult problems; prevention and treatment
task is more arduous. There are still a number of infected patients and patients have
not been detected; sexual transmission is the most common means of transmission;
infection rate due to male homosexual sexual behavior continues to rise; the
number of infected young students increases rapidly; prostitution and other illegal
and criminal activities, synthetic drugs abuse and unsafe sex are among a certain
range of factors, and many other factors increase the risk of AIDS transmission; the
widespread use of new social media enhances the concealment of HIV infection
behavior; mobile population increases the difficulty of preventive intervention.
Certain regions and departments are not paying enough attention to AIDS
prevention and control; policies have not been well implemented and technological
limits exist in prevention and control. Thus prevention and treatment capacity
cannot meet the needs of the work. Social organizations and other social forces
participating in prevention and control are not enough. Long-term relentless efforts
on AIDS prevention and control are still needed.
2. Overall Requirements
2.1 Guiding ideology. Comprehensively implement the spirit of the Party's 18th and
18th Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth plenary sessions, carry out in-depth study and
implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speech, and
closely around the overall plan to promote the "five in one" overall layout and
coordination. Promote the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, conscientiously
implement the Central Party Committee’s and State Council’s decision-making and
deployment, and firmly establish and implement innovative, coordinated, green,
open and shared development philosophy, adhere to the correct health and health
policy, and fully implement the statutory control duties. To consolidate the current
prevention and treatment results, make full use of new technologies and new
methods to further improve the effectiveness of prevention and control, and
continuously reduce the epidemic level of AIDS epidemic to protect people’s health
as to achieve Healthy China.
2.2 Working principle. Persist in the leadership and organization of the government,
departments fulfilling their respective responsibilities and participation by the whole
society. Adhere to the principle of prevention, prevention and treatment, scientific
control; adhere to the comprehensive management, highlighting the focus, the
classification of guidance.
2.3 Working objectives. To identify infected patients to the maximum, effectively
control sexual transmission, continue to reduce transmission through drug injection
drug, blood transfusion and pregnancy; to further reduce mortality, and gradually
improve the patients and patients’ life quality, and continuously reduce social
discrimination. China's AIDS epidemic continues to be controlled at low prevalence
(1) Rate of residents’ AIDS literacy should be more than 85%. Floating population,
young students, places under supervision and other key groups of people
susceptible to AIDS risk behavior knowledge should have an average AIDS literacy
rate of more than 90%.
(2) HIV-related risk behaviors of male homosexuals should be reduced by more than
10%, and the infection rate of other sexually transmitted risk behaviors should be
below 0.5%. New infection rate of drug addicts participating in maintenance therapy
should be controlled below 0.3%.
(3) Transmission rate of spouses infected with HIV/AIDS should be reduced to less
than 1%. Mother to child transmission rate of AIDS should be lowered to 4% or less.
(4) The proportion of infected and sick people who have been diagnosed and know
their infection status should be more than 90%. The proportion of infected patients
and patients receiving antiretroviral therapy should be more than 90%. The success
rate of treatment for infected patients receiving antiviral therapy should be more
than 90% and the number of patients receiving TCM treatment should double that
of 2015.
3. Measurements for Prevention and Treatment
3.1 To raise awareness of targeted education, and enhance public awareness of
AIDS prevention and control. To strengthen AIDS prevention and control publicity
and education according to the characteristics of different groups, develop
appropriate promotional materials to improve the relevance and acceptability of
information. Give full play to the impact of public figures and the Internet, Sina
Weibo, WeChat and other social media, to carry out AIDS epidemic information
exchange and warning, infection risk assessment, online counseling and other
activities to enhance publicity.
(1) In-depth publicity and education of the general public. Strengthen socialist core
values propaganda, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and
guide the public to consciously resist prostitution and other social evils, and create a
non-discriminative social atmosphere towards the patient. Publicity, network news,
radio and television, press and publication, health and other departments should
give full play to the role of news media; AIDS prevention and control propaganda
guide should be included in daily work plan; carry out AIDS prevention publicity for
at least one month. Party schools at all levels, the School of Administration, Youth
League, etc. allow students to learn about AIDS during the school knowledge and
policy topics training. Ethnic affairs management, culture, agriculture, science and
technology and other departments should be combined with minority customs and
new socialist countryside construction and support agriculture and farmers to carry
out AIDS prevention and education publicity and education. People's Committees
should make full use of the comprehensive service facilities of urban and rural
communities to carry out propaganda on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and
guide the public to improve the rural rules and regulations, and promote public
order and good customs. "Red Ribbon Health Campaign for Workers", "Red Ribbon
for Youth", "Women's Face-to-Face 'Publicity and Education'” and “Red Ribbon
Health Package”, and other special actions were also carried out by the trade
unions, the Communist Youth League, the Women's Federation, the Red Cross and
the Federation of Industry and Commerce.
(2) Continue to strengthen the focus of publicity and education. For the floating
population, young students, the elderly, workers abroad, the regulatory sites and
other key personnel to be regulated, should strengthen the risk of HIV infection and
moral and legal education, improve self-protection ability, avoid and reduce
susceptibility to be infected with HIV. Education, health and family planning and the
Communist Youth League and other departments and units incorporate sexual
morality, sexual responsibility, prevention and rejection of unsafe sex as the focus of
education, and urge schools to implement AIDS prevention special education tasks,
and actively encourage student associations, young volunteers and parents in
supporting schools to promote AIDS and sexual health education and publicity.
Establish and improve the school AIDS epidemic notification system and regular
consultation mechanism, carry out AIDS prevention education in colleges and
universities pilot projects and gradually expand the projects. Health, family planning,
industry and commerce and the Federation of Industry and Commerce and other
departments and units should focus on highlighting the floating populationconcentrated workplaces and living communities in AIDS prevention and control
propaganda work. Human resources and social security departments include AIDS
prevention and treatment propaganda in rural labor transfer training and other
vocational trainings. Transportation quality inspection departments use airports,
stations, docks, ports and other places for various forms of AIDS prevention and
control publicity. Public security, judicial administration and other departments
incorporate AIDS prevention and control propaganda into education of supervising
places. Public security, judicial administration, health and family planning, food and
drug supervision and other departments combine AIDS prevention and combating
with substance abuse education. Civil affairs, culture, health and family planning
departments further enrich the elderly’s cultural life.
3.2To improve the effectiveness of comprehensive intervention, effectively control
of sexually transmitted drugs and injection drug transmission.
(1) Strengthen the comprehensive management of society. We should crack down
on illegal activities such as prostitution, group licentiousness, drug taking and drug
trafficking, intensify efforts to crack down on weak areas such as urban-suburbanintegration area and rural areas, and severely punish personnel with risky behavior
related to HIV/AIDS transmission. Public security departments implement the
reporting and filing procedures of AIDS-related cases, crack down on the use of
infected persons as illegal criminal activities. Public security, health and family
planning, food and drug supervision and other departments should closely monitor
the situation of drug abuse to incorporate substance abuse that may lead to AIDS
spread into the scope of control of synthetic drugs in a timely manner to combat the
abuse of substance production, circulation and drug taking. Publicity, culture, public
security, press and publication, radio and television, network communications and
communications authorities to strengthen network management, combined with
the fight against online dissemination of pornography information, and other special
actions to clear dissemination of pornographic information, pornography and drug
trading network platform and social media.
(2) Efforts to control sexual transmission. Strengthen the warning education and
legal publicity of HIV/AIDS-susceptible people, highlight the severity of the epidemic
and harm, and effective prevention and treatment measures, so as to avoid and
reduce the risk of HIV infection behavior. The departments of industry and
commerce, quality inspection, tourism, culture, hygiene and family planning shall
comprehensively implement the relevant provisions on condom placement in public
places such as hotels, and take measures to improve the availability and utilization
of condoms. It is necessary to strengthen the monitoring of epidemic situation and
risk factors, to carry out the joint prevention and control such as information
interoperability and collaborative intervention, and to explore the comprehensive
intervention strategy suited to national conditions by medical, psychological, social
and cultural means. . Health and family planning departments implement
comprehensive interventions to spouses of AIDS family to reduce the spread within
the family. To strengthen the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted
diseases, to standardize the diagnosis and treatment for STD patients in a timely
manner, HIV testing and counseling services for infected patients to carry out
screening for sexually transmitted diseases.
(3) Continue to prevent HIV transmission by illegal drug injection. Maintain the highpressure situation of anti-drug work, further slowdown the increase in the number
of new drug abusers, and tightly integrate AIDS prevention and treatment with antidrug work to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS through drug injection. The
departments of public security, health administration, civil administration, civil
affairs, human resources and social security shall innovate in service management of
drug addicts to maximize the effective control of drug addicts, carry out targeted
drug treatment, rehabilitation guidance and rehabilitation services and help them to
abstain from drug addiction and return to society. Appropriate carry out
maintenance treatment for drug addicts, and promptly refer them to maintenance
treatment agencies. Health and family planning, public security, food and drug
supervision and other departments should further well organize and coordinate
maintenance treatment, information exchange and supervision and management,
improve service quality and control effect. The relative concentration of injection
drug users should be based on the actual situation, the establishment of
maintenance treatment or outpatient drug extension points. Areas that are difficult
to cover with maintenance treatment should continue to carry out clean needle
3.3 To improve the availability of testing and counseling and standardize follow-up
services to identify infected patients to the maximum and reduce the spread of
(1) Expand the scope of testing services. Health, family planning, public security,
judicial administration, development and reform, finance and other departments
support and further improve the laboratory network to build a rational layout, and a
convenient and rapid HIV counseling and testing network based on the needs, to
set up AIDS testing laboratory to improve detection capabilities. Medical institutions
above the county level, maternal and child health institutions, disease prevention
and control institutions should have the ability to detect AIDS at laboratories,
community health services and township health centers in seriously-infected areas
should have rapid detection capabilities. Prefecture-level cities and counties (cities,
districts) with serious epidemic situation shall have the ability of corroboration and
detection. Conditional regulatory sites, inspection and quarantine institutions
should set up AIDS testing laboratories or rapid detection sites. Testing
organizations should take the initiative to provide HIV testing services for people at
risk of HIV infection. AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases detecting and counseling
should be included in the pre-marital voluntary medical examination and health
examination for personnel working in key public places in seriously epidemic areas.
Public security, judicial administration, health and family planning departments
should strengthen cooperation, in order to combat prostitution, group
licentiousness, drug trafficking in the capture of personnel and regulatory sites to
provide HIV testing services. Testing organizations to innovative services, and
strengthen active service awareness through the Internet, telephone and other
means to facilitate the willingness of the population to accept testing services.
Explore sales of testing devices through drugstores, Internet, etc. to carry out AIDS
self-testing, establish and improve the follow-up services and other coordinating
(2) Improve quality of follow-up service. Health and family planning departments in
accordance with the principle of residence management, organization of disease
prevention and control institutions, medical institutions, primary health care
institutions and social organizations carry out follow-up services. To effectively
improve the quality of the first follow-up service, and strengthen the psychological
support of infected patients, behavioral intervention and testing, medical advice and
referral, inform patients of their legitimate rights and interests, obligations and
relevant policies and regulations, urge them to timely report the infection and
sexual relations, and mobilize them to carry out detection. Combined with regular
follow-up work, carry out scientific assessment of the behavior of infected patients
and the health of patients, and provide targeted follow-up intervention services. Do
a good job of mobile infection and patient follow-up services; establish and improve
disease prevention and control mechanism and referral mechanism at both the
places of origin and the places of transmission. Public security, judicial
administration, health and family planning departments to do a good job in patient
notification and medical advice, psychological support, access to regulatory sites
referral services such as follow-up in infected places. Health, foreign affairs,
education, public security, quality inspection, foreign experts and other
departments improve the foreign infection in China's publicity and education,
testing and counseling, follow-up intervention, treatment management and other
related control policies.
(3) Strengthen the epidemic monitoring and judgment. The medical and health
institutions shall report HIV/AIDS epidemics in a timely manner according to law.
Health and family planning departments should base on AIDS epidemic and risk
factors, timely adjust and optimize monitoring points to strengthen data collection,
and improve the quality of monitoring data. Quality inspection departments carry
out AIDS monitoring of immigration officers, health departments inform the health
department timely. Health and family planning departments strengthen AIDS
epidemic and drug resistance monitoring, information analysis and utilization, and
the relevant departments provide relevant information and provide the basis for
scientific decision-making, epidemic and government information disclosure, as well
as respond to public concerns.
3.4 Full implementation of nucleic acid detection and prevention of mother to child
transmission, continuing to reduce transfusion and mother to child transmission.
(1) Implementation of blood screening and nucleic acid testing. Health planning,
development and reform, finance and other departments improve the blood station
service system, a reasonably-planned blood bank and nucleic acid detection
laboratory settings, the provision of clinical blood all required by the AIDS virus,
hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus nucleic acid detection. Well control quality of
nucleic acid testing laboratory, strengthen information construction, and effectively
reduce the risk of residual blood. Establish and improve the long-term mechanism of
unpaid blood donation, increase the proportion of fixed blood donors, and take
effective measures to reduce the risk of HIV infection in the behavior of blood
donors. Public security, health and family planning departments crack down on
illegal supply of blood (plasma) and organization of others to sell blood (plasma).
Entry and exit inspection and quarantine institutions shall strengthen the quarantine
of entry and exit of human tissues, blood, blood products and biological products.
Health and family planning departments to strengthen the various types of medical
and health institutions nosocomial infection control training and management; do a
good job in AIDS occupational exposure disposal and investigation to strengthen
staff safety protection.
(2) Implement prevention of mother-to-child transmission. Health and family
planning departments take maternal and child health service network as a platform
to prevent mother-to-child transmission of AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis B, and
combine it with maternal and child health service, focusing on improving economic
development in remote areas or areas minority ethnic groups live to prevent mother
to child transmission. Promote timely maternal acceptance of pregnancy check-ups
and hospital deliveries in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of
comprehensive coverage on the basis of improving the quality of service. Healthcare
institutions should be combined with pre-marital health, pre-pregnancy care,
maternal health, child and adolescent health, sexually transmitted diseases and
other conventional health care services to carry out prevention of AIDS, syphilis and
hepatitis B health education and counseling, guide new married people. Encourage
pregnant women to accept the relevant testing early, treat pregnant women and
children infected with AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis B, and provide preventive
medication, monitoring, follow-up, referral and other intervention services.
3.5 To fully implement rescue and relief policy, to save infected patients’ lives and
improve their life quality.
(1) Promote anti-viral treatment. Health and family planning departments carry out
antiretroviral therapy on infected patients who are willing to and without
contraindications for antiretroviral therapy. According to the principle of the nearest
treatment, scientifically and rationally arrange antiviral treatment sentinel medical
institutions to optimize HIV testing, counseling, diagnosis, treatment and other
processes to improve the treatment of infected persons, accessibility and timeliness
of treatment. Promote "one-stop" service from diagnosis to treatment in severely
epidemic area. Antiviral treatment sentinel medical institutions strictly enforce
relevant treatment guidelines, further standardize the treatment and management,
strengthen drug resistance testing and disease monitoring, timely dispense drugs
and treat adverse drug reactions, and improve the quality and effectiveness of
treatment. Strengthen screening, diagnosis and treatment for infected patients with
opportunistic infections such as tuberculosis. Infectious disease prevention and
control institutions and public health institutions that provide comprehensive
medical service for the infected patients establish and improve the designated
medical institutions and antiretroviral referral system to help infected patients and
patients receive timely and standardized anti-viral treatment. Strengthen the
treatment of infected patients in floating population, and explore the mechanism
and guarantee mechanism of establishment of off-site treatment. Public security,
the administration of justice, health and other departments should closely
cooperate with regulatory sites to provide standardized treatment for qualified
infected patients and patients.
(2) Gradually expand the scale of traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Chinese
medicine, health and other departments should give full play to the role of
traditional Chinese medicine in AIDS prevention and control; improve use of
traditional Chinese medicine in AIDS prevention and treatment mechanism, the
formation of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment
programs to expand the coverage of traditional Chinese medicine treatment.
Epidemic areas and have a good work in the basic areas to carry out comprehensive
treatment of traditional Chinese and Western medicine pilot, and gradually expand
the scale of the pilot.
(3) To strengthen the protection of legitimate rights and interests. Protect the
legitimate rights and interests of infected patients to seek medical treatment,
employment, schooling and so on. Health and family planning departments should
be based on AIDS epidemic changes, timely adjustment to assume the
comprehensive medical service work of designated medical institutions. Epidemic
situation should be appropriate to increase the number of designated medical
institutions, optimize the layout to protect the needs of infected patients for
medical treatment. Medical and health institutions to strengthen the first diagnosis
(ask) responsibility system, the diagnosis and treatment services found in infected
patients and patients, do a good job in admissions, referral and related disposal, not
for any reason to prevaricate or refuse treatment. Social security, social assistance,
social assistance and other policy convergence, ensure infected patients with access
to basic medical care, basic pension, basic living security and other rights and
interests of social security, social welfare, social insurance, social relief, health and
other departments should conscientiously implement the social security policy.
Education, health and family planning departments should closely cooperate to
protect the children affected by AIDS, and guarantee their legitimate rights to
receive education.
(4)Strengthen the implementation of assistance policies. To establish orphans basic
standard of living minimum standard of natural growth mechanism for AIDS orphans
and children infected and full payment of basic living expenses, and strengthen the
standardized management and information technology, to encourage the
conditional areas for children affected by AIDS to provide the necessary protection.
Health care, Red Cross, the Federation of Industry and Commerce and other
departments and units strengthen life support for people living with hardships and
patients, combine government aid and social care, and strengthen support for
infected patients and patients, emotional support, care and so on. Poverty
alleviation, health and family planning and other departments should combine
HIV/AIDS prevention and poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation in accordance
with the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation, poverty alleviation efforts in
poverty-stricken areas with severe AIDS epidemic, support those who meet the
poverty alleviation conditions and have the ability to work and participate in
production activities to share the fruits of economic and social development. Public
security, judicial administration, health and family planning, civil affairs and other
departments do a good job of illegal and criminal infection and help them return to
the community after treatment, relief and other convergence work.
3.6 The full implementation of training and guidance measures to stimulate social
organizations to participate.
(1) To play the unique advantages of social organizations. In accordance with the
overall requirements of the innovative social governance system, ensure that social
organizations have easy access to special populations, flexible work methods and
other advantages, the participation of social forces in AIDS prevention and control
into the overall prevention and control plan. Civil administration, health, finance,
Red Cross and other departments should encourage and support social
organizations to implement intervention, infection and follow-up services, care and
other areas of relief work to populations in the risk of HIV infection. Medical and
health institutions should work closely with social organizations to strengthen
technical guidance, establishment of information communication, business
assessment and other work systems, achieve effective control of convergence.
Social organizations should, under the guidance of medical and health institutions,
conduct health education, condom promotion, HIV counseling and mobilization
testing, HIV/AIDS STD treatment and maintenance treatment referrals and other
services in HIV/AIDS-susceptible population groups, among PLWHA patients To carry
out psychological support, safe sex education and treatment of compliance
education and other services, and mobilize infected patients and their spouses or
their sexual partners to actively detect themselves.
(2) To encourage social organizations to participate in AIDS prevention fund to take
the lead. Health and family planning, finance, civil affairs and other departments
raise funds through various channels to expand the scale of social organizations to
participate in AIDS prevention fund and improve management. We should support
the qualified and reputable social organizations to carry out the work according to
the principles of fairness, openness and fairness, and play the role of social
organization incubation base, cultivate and support community social organizations
to participate in AIDS prevention and control through competitive competition.
Strengthen the fund project management, the establishment of monitoring and
evaluation mechanism to ensure the safety of funds to improve project
effectiveness. To organize, mobilize and support social organizations to apply for
fund projects, rationally set up social organization incubation base, strengthen
training and support, promote the registration of eligible social organizations,
strengthen supervision and management of social organizations, and gradually
improve the social organization’s ability to participate in AIDS prevention and
control. To guide social organizations continue to strengthen their capacity building,
and actively apply for local governments to buy AIDS prevention and treatment
services, and do the project implementation.
(3) Mobilize broad participation of social forces. Let trade unions play their role, the
Communist Youth League, Women's Federation, Red Cross, the Federation of
Industry and other units participate AIDS prevention and control. To formulate and
implement preferential policies to mobilize and support enterprises, foundations,
relevant organizations and volunteers to carry out social activities related to
HIV/AIDS prevention, such as social propaganda, donations and contributions,
poverty alleviation and relief.
4. Guaranteeing Measures
4.1 Strengthen the organization and leadership, implementation of the
responsibility for prevention and control. All regions should take overall
responsibility for the comprehensive AIDS prevention and control within their
respective administrative areas, further strengthen their leadership, incorporate
prevention and control into the important agenda and assess content of
government work, formulate prevention and control plans consistent with the
epidemic situation and actual conditions of the region, study AIDS epidemic
situation, the implementation of the management responsibility system, and make
responsibilities, objectives and tasks of departments clear. We should give full play
to the role of the coordinating mechanism of local AIDS prevention and control
committees at all levels, strengthen the overall coordination of prevention and
control, and form a joint prevention and treatment force. Implement the
government number one responsibility system in seriously epidemic areas; further
improve the AIDS prevention and control mechanisms, and effectively control the
epidemic. We should conscientiously carry out AIDS prevention and control in
demonstration area to develop social organizations suitable for China's different
levels of populations, different communication characteristics of the work pattern,
focus on solving difficult problems and enhance prevention and treatment results.
The relevant departments implement prevention and control responsibilities,
include the AIDS prevention and treatment into the routine work of the department,
development of annual work plan, and establishment of assessment system.
4.2 To strengthen the team building, improve prevention and control capacity. In
accordance with the local needs for AIDS prevention and control, all regions should
further optimize the division of responsibilities and convergence mechanisms of
hospitals, primary health care, disease prevention and control, maternal and child
health care, blood collection and blood supply, and improve overall prevention and
control. Strengthen the construction of AIDS prevention and treatment of
professional teams, disease prevention and control institutions to improve the
epidemic situation analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of prevention and
control capabilities, equipped with strong professionals, strengthen training and
improve prevention and control capacity. To improve the commitment to AIDS
prevention and treatment of hospital designated compensation mechanism, in
accordance with relevant state regulations, the implementation of AIDS prevention
and control of health and epidemic prevention benefits, health benefits and other
special allowance subsidies, the performance of the appropriate wage distribution
tilt for the control team to perform their duties properly Protection.
4.3 Increase investment, protection and control of funds and drug supply.
Governments at all levels according to the health investment policy, reasonably
arrange AIDS prevention and control funds, and gradually increase investment, and
improve the efficiency of the use of funds. Explore ways to support the purchase of
services through the government to carry out AIDS prevention and control. Health,
health, finance, development and reform and other departments give priority
support for AIDS prevention and treatment of AIDS to support the work of
traditional Chinese medicine in seriously epidemic areas and the central and
western poverty-stricken areas. To strengthen the research and development of
AIDS prevention and treatment, to promote the implementation and application of
patents, to speed up the examination and approval of registration, to ensure the
safety of pharmaceuticals, and to ensure the quality of medicines and medicines, as
well as the development of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals in the areas of
health care, industry and information technology, science and technology,
commerce, food and drug supervision, intellectual property rights, development and
reform, production and supply. Health, health, finance, taxation, customs and other
departments should be based on relevant policies and regulations timely adjust free
anti-viral drug list, the implementation of the relevant tax incentives. And gradually
purchase AIDS drugs with public resources trading platform, through the tender
procurement or national drug price negotiation mechanism to improve the
procurement supply model, innovative payment and distribution services, to ensure
reasonable prices, timely delivery to protect the supply, quality and safety.
4.4 To strengthen scientific research and international cooperation, and to enhance
the level of prevention and treatment. Science and technology, health and family
planning departments in accordance with the requirements of scientific and
technological planning management, coordinate research and deployment of AIDSrelated key scientific research work. AIDS vaccine, new diagnostic reagents and drug
resistance detection technology, the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of
HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS
prevention and treatment, prevention and treatment of major infectious diseases
such as AIDS and viral hepatitis and major new drug creation; and the
implementation of major scientific and technological projects and natural science
fund projects. Prevention and control strategies for infectious diseases, innovative
drugs and second-line drugs, clinical and comprehensive treatment of traditional
Chinese and western medicine, and other research, and strive to make a
breakthrough in the prevention and control of key links. Increase the application of
problem-oriented research efforts to accelerate the transformation and application
of the results for the prevention and control to provide technical support. Health
and other departments strengthen international cooperation; learn from advanced
international concepts and prevention experience. Establish and improve
cooperation mechanisms with neighboring countries, timely exchange of
information on epidemic prevention and control, and jointly do a good job in border
areas of AIDS prevention and control. To carry out cooperation and exchange with
international organizations and other developing countries, and to disseminate
China's AIDS prevention and treatment experience and expand its international
influence by providing technical support.
5. Supervision and Evaluation
The Office of the State Council AIDS Working Committee should develop the action
plan monitoring and evaluation program, organize the relevant departments to
carry out supervision and inspection, in the "13th Five-Year" at the end of the
organization or commissioned a third party evaluation. All localities and relevant
departments shall supervise and evaluate the progress, quality and effectiveness of
the implementation of this Action Plan, and make the implementation of key tasks
an important item of supervision and supervision to ensure that the tasks of this
Action Plan are implemented.
Translated by the WHO China office
Feb 2017
Plan available in Chinese: