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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
+ 4=-098?” How do People get Cancer? sa Have your parents ever felt really sad but they never tell you why? It drives me crazy when that happens! Sometimes the reason is that someone you know and really love passed away. One of the reasons they might pass away is because they have cancer. Cancer is a fancy word for diseases. There are so many types of cancer that people can get. So we all have to treat our bodies with care and respect. Some of the most common type’s cancers are Prostate Cancer, Skin Cancer, Melanoma, Breast Cancer, and Bone Cancer. Most people who have Prostate are men and it is occurring a lot in the West. Skin Cancer is most prevalent in the US, so people living here have to be Wonder Words Melanoma Prostate Diseases Prevalent Exposure Cells Immature Have you ever wondered? I wonder what doctors have done to try to get rid of cancerin the past? I wonder what all the different types of cancers are? Does cancer spread if you share DNA? Test Your Knowledge What causes Melanoma? Not cleaning skin and sun exposure. careful. Melanoma is most common with teens because they don’t clean and take all of the bad things out of themselves like oil. Another thing that causes Melanoma is Sun exposure, so don't stay out in the sun too long. Breast Cancer is most common in women, but some men can have it too. Those are some of the most widespread cancers so you might want to be aware! Sometimes we wonder how people get cancer. You get cancer when your DNA is damaged. Your cells start to grow out of control. Your DNA directs your cells’ actions. One of the worst things is that the cells start to invade other tissues! What that means is that cells start to go in different parts of your body when they are not supposed to. Sometimes, these things can happen due to smoking and sun exposure. Try to stay away from these things. When doctors see you have cancer they obviously know the difference between cancer cells and normal cells. Here are some things cancer cells do. They don’t stop reproducing and don’t stick together. They stay immature and don’t obey other cells. That means they keep going crazy and don’t listen to other cells. The worst thing of all is that they don't die! The healthy cells just move around regularly and don't cause any commotion. Sometimes there is a slight chance cancer can go away. That is only when you get a treatment right away. So always go to the doctor when you are feeling really weird. You don't want to take any chances. In conclusion I feel that cancer is a very sad and serious matter and we have to be careful with it. There are many types of cancer we can get so we have to treat our body with care and respect. So, are you taking care of your body? More Info /CancerBasics/what-is-cancer /about-cancer/what-iscancer/cells/the-cancer-cell