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MHPE Volunteer Resource
Mental health and mental illness
Tab 27
MHPE Volunteer Resource - Tab 27
Health management: Mental health and mental illness
What is mental illness?
• Mental health is nurtured by time with others, staying
physically healthy, having a sense of purpose, realistic
thinking and expectations, and experiencing pleasure
• Worries, sadness and grief are all normal and healthy
human responses
• Stressors that persist and trouble a person can have
negative effects
• Mental health problems indicate concerns about
behaviours, emotions or thinking
• Mental illness occurs when sufficient signs or symptoms
allow diagnosis of a condition
MHPE Volunteer Resource - Tab 27
Health management: Mental health and mental illness
• Depression is an illness that can be treated
• Distinguished by prolonged feelings of sadness and lack
of interest or pleasure in usual activities
• Other symptoms can include lack of energy and
concentration, sleep problems, worry, loss of appetite (or
weight gain) and feeling guilty
• At least one in eight Australian men will experience
depression at some time
MHPE Volunteer Resource - Tab 27
Health management: Mental health and mental illness
What helps for depression?
• Seeing the GP or VVCS is most helpful
• They can initiate psychological treatment, or medications
if the doctor thinks needed
• Other helpful things include exercise (preferably in
daylight), and good self-help books, apps and websites
(ask VVCS/GP for recommendations)
• Learning and talking about depression helps; ignoring it
Most people can get better!
MHPE Volunteer Resource - Tab 27
Health management: Mental health and mental illness
Anxiety and anxiety disorders
• Anxiety is normal, healthy and helpful
• Anxiety disorders are more severe, longer lasting, and
interfere with normal activities
• Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in
Australian women and men
• Generalised anxiety disorder, agoraphobia and panic
disorder are some of the more common anxiety disorders
• Posttraumatic stress disorder shares many characteristics
of anxiety disorders
MHPE Volunteer Resource - Tab 27
Health management: Mental health and mental illness
What helps for anxiety disorders?
• Seeing the GP or VVCS is most helpful
• They can initiate psychological treatment, or medications
if the doctor thinks needed
• Other helpful things include learning relaxation
techniques and good self-help books, apps and websites
(ask VVCS/GP)
• Learning and talking about anxiety helps; avoiding the
problem doesn’t!
Most people can get better!
MHPE Volunteer Resource - Tab 27
Health management: Mental health and mental illness
Recovery and staying well
• For all mental illness, early acceptance that
there is a problem, and subsequent early
treatment, results in best outcomes.
• Stigma is a problem for many
• Supportive family and mates are important
• The MHPE health promotion message is crucial
for all men: good food, exercise, sleep and social
connectedness are great for your mental health!
MHPE Volunteer Resource - Tab 27
Health management: Mental health and mental illness
Talking about mental health concerns
• Create a ‘safe’, confidential setting to talk, express
your concern and willingness to help
• Listen non-judgmentally
• Give support and information (know your limits)
• Encourage appropriate professional help
• Encourage self-help and involve family and friends
as appropriate
• Stay in touch
MHPE Volunteer Resource - Tab 27
Health management: Mental health and mental illness
Veterans &Veterans Families Counselling Service (VVCS)
Operation Life Online
High Res
Mental Health First Aid
Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression
Phoenix Australia
© Commonwealth of Australia 2015
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