Download (define-datatype bintree bintree

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Functional programming
 Imperative versus functional PL
Imperative PL = state based and assignment oriented
Functional P = value based and applicative
A functional PL has three primary components:
a set of data objects
a set of built-in functions
a set of functional forms
Examples of functional forms:
defun - LISP
define - Scheme
fun - ML
function reduction – reduce - APL
The execution of functional programs is based on two fundamental mechanisms:
- binding
- application
val sq = fn(x:int) => x * x;
fun square(n:int) = n * n;
(fn(x:int) => x * x) 2;
((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 2 3)
Free and bound variables in lambda calculus
A variable x occurs free in a lambda calculus expression E if and only if:
1. E is a variable reference and E is the same as x
2. E is of the form (lambda (y) E’) where y is different from x and occurs free in E’
3. E is of the form (E1 E2) and x occurs free in E1 or E2
A variable x occurs bound in a lambda calculus expression if and only if
1. E is of the form (lambda (y) E’) where x occurs bound in E’ or x and y are the same
variable and y occurs free in E’
2. E is of the form (E1 E2) and x occurs bound in E1 or E2
(define-datatype bintree bintree?
(leaf (datum number?))
(node (key symbol?)
(left bintree?)
(right bintree?)))
(define leaf-sum
(lambda (tree)
(cases bintree tree
(leaf (datum) datum)
(node (key left right) (+ (leaf-sum left) (leaf-sum right)))))
General form of case
(cases type-name expression
(variant-name (field-name*) consequent)*
(else default))
(define-datatype expression expression?
(var-expr (id symbol?))
(lambda-expr (id symbol?) (body expression?))
(app-expr (rator expression?) (rand expression?)))
We can now write functions to test if a variable is free or bound in an expression
(define occurs-free?
(lambda (var exp)
(cases expression exp
(var-exp (id) (eqv? id var))
(lambda-exp (id body)
(and (not (eqv? id var))
(occurs-free? var body)))
(app-expr (rator rand)
(or (occurs-free? var rator)
(occurs-free? var rand)))))
(define occurs-bound?
(lambda (var exp)
(cases expression exp
(lambda-exp (id body)
(or (occurs-bound? var body)
(and (eqv? id var)
(occurs-free? id body))))
(app-expr (rator rand)
(or (occurs-bound? var rator)
(occurs-bound? var rand))))))
<expression> ::= <identifier>
var-expr (id)
::=(lambda (<identifier>) <expression>)
lambda-exp (id body)
::= (<expression> <expression>)
app-exp (rator rand)
(define parse-expression
(lambda (datum)
((symbol? datum) (var-expr datum))
((pair? datum)
(if (eqv? (car datum) ‘lambda)
(lambda-expr (caadr datum)
(parse-expression (caddr datum)))
(parse-expression (car datum))
(parse-expression (cadr datum)))))
(else (eopl:error ‘parse-expression “Invalid syntax ~s” datum)))))
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