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Fm = Bqv
Fm = BIL **This one is new, but its a multiplication problem
F=magnetic force, B=Magnetic field (Tesla), I=Current (amps), L=length of
1. A particle with a positive charge of 0.006 C is moving parallel to a magnetic field of
strength 0.3 T. The particle has a speed of 400 m/s . Calculate the magnitude of the
magnetic force exerted on the particle.
2. The direction of the velocity of the particle in the previous problem is toward the
top of this page and the direction of the magnetic field strength is into the page. Find
the direction of the magnetic force on the particle.
3. A 0.25 C positive charge moves to the south at a speed of 200 m/s and enters a region of
uniform magnetic field. It experiences a force of 20 N down. What is the magnetic field
4. A charge of 0.050 C moves downward in a field of 0.080 T oriented to the north.
a) What direction will the force on the charge point?
b) How fast does the charge have to go to experience a 10 N magnetic force?
5. An electron (1.6X10-19) travels at a uniform speed of 3.0 x 106 m/s to the east. It then
enters a uniform magnetic field and experiences a maximum force of 5.0 x 10-19 N. What
is the magnetic field (vector)?
6. A straight wire 0.10 m long carrying a current of 2.0 A is at right angles to a
magnetic field. The force on the wire is 0.04 N. What is the strength of the magnetic
7. A wire 0.50 m long carrying a current of 8.0 A is at right angles to a 0.40 T magnetic
field. How strong a force acts on the wire?
8. A wire 75 cm long carrying a current of 6.0 A is at right angles to a uniform magnetic
field. The magnitude of the force acting on the wire is 0.60 N. What is the strength of
the magnetic field?
9. An electron passes through a magnetic field at right angles to the field at a velocity
of 4.0 x 106m/s. The strength of the magnetic field is 0.50T. What is the size of the
force acting on the electron?
10. An electron moves with a speed of 3.0X104 m/s perpendicular to a uniform
magnetic field of 0.40 T. What is the magnitude of the magnetic force on the