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Database System Concepts
and Architecture
he architecture of DBMS packages has evolved from
the early monolithic systems, where the whole
DBMS software package was one tightly integrated system, to the modern DBMS
packages that are modular in design, with a client/server system architecture. This
evolution mirrors the trends in computing, where large centralized mainframe computers are being replaced by hundreds of distributed workstations and personal
computers connected via communications networks to various types of server
machines—Web servers, database servers, file servers, application servers, and so on.
In a basic client/server DBMS architecture, the system functionality is distributed
between two types of modules.1 A client module is typically designed so that it will
run on a user workstation or personal computer. Typically, application programs
and user interfaces that access the database run in the client module. Hence, the
client module handles user interaction and provides the user-friendly interfaces
such as forms- or menu-based GUIs (graphical user interfaces). The other kind of
module, called a server module, typically handles data storage, access, search, and
other functions. We discuss client/server architectures in more detail in Section 2.5.
First, we must study more basic concepts that will give us a better understanding of
modern database architectures.
In this chapter we present the terminology and basic concepts that will be used
throughout the book. Section 2.1 discusses data models and defines the concepts of
schemas and instances, which are fundamental to the study of database systems.
Then, we discuss the three-schema DBMS architecture and data independence in
Section 2.2; this provides a user’s perspective on what a DBMS is supposed to do. In
Section 2.3 we describe the types of interfaces and languages that are typically provided by a DBMS. Section 2.4 discusses the database system software environment.
we shall see in Section 2.5, there are variations on this simple two-tier client/server architecture.
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
Section 2.5 gives an overview of various types of client/server architectures. Finally,
Section 2.6 presents a classification of the types of DBMS packages. Section 2.7
summarizes the chapter.
The material in Sections 2.4 through 2.6 provides more detailed concepts that may
be considered as supplementary to the basic introductory material.
2.1 Data Models, Schemas, and Instances
One fundamental characteristic of the database approach is that it provides some
level of data abstraction. Data abstraction generally refers to the suppression of
details of data organization and storage, and the highlighting of the essential features for an improved understanding of data. One of the main characteristics of the
database approach is to support data abstraction so that different users can perceive
data at their preferred level of detail. A data model—a collection of concepts that
can be used to describe the structure of a database—provides the necessary means
to achieve this abstraction.2 By structure of a database we mean the data types, relationships, and constraints that apply to the data. Most data models also include a set
of basic operations for specifying retrievals and updates on the database.
In addition to the basic operations provided by the data model, it is becoming more
common to include concepts in the data model to specify the dynamic aspect or
behavior of a database application. This allows the database designer to specify a set
of valid user-defined operations that are allowed on the database objects.3 An example of a user-defined operation could be COMPUTE_GPA, which can be applied to a
STUDENT object. On the other hand, generic operations to insert, delete, modify, or
retrieve any kind of object are often included in the basic data model operations.
Concepts to specify behavior are fundamental to object-oriented data models (see
Chapter 11) but are also being incorporated in more traditional data models. For
example, object-relational models (see Chapter 11) extend the basic relational
model to include such concepts, among others. In the basic relational data model,
there is a provision to attach behavior to the relations in the form of persistent
stored modules, popularly known as stored procedures (see Chapter 13).
2.1.1 Categories of Data Models
Many data models have been proposed, which we can categorize according to the
types of concepts they use to describe the database structure. High-level or
conceptual data models provide concepts that are close to the way many users perceive data, whereas low-level or physical data models provide concepts that
describe the details of how data is stored on the computer storage media, typically
the word model is used to denote a specific database description, or schema—for example,
the marketing data model. We will not use this interpretation.
inclusion of concepts to describe behavior reflects a trend whereby database design and software
design activities are increasingly being combined into a single activity. Traditionally, specifying behavior is
associated with software design.
2.1 Data Models, Schemas, and Instances
magnetic disks. Concepts provided by low-level data models are generally meant for
computer specialists, not for end users. Between these two extremes is a class of
representational (or implementation) data models,4 which provide concepts that
may be easily understood by end users but that are not too far removed from the
way data is organized in computer storage. Representational data models hide many
details of data storage on disk but can be implemented on a computer system
Conceptual data models use concepts such as entities, attributes, and relationships.
An entity represents a real-world object or concept, such as an employee or a project
from the miniworld that is described in the database. An attribute represents some
property of interest that further describes an entity, such as the employee’s name or
salary. A relationship among two or more entities represents an association among
the entities, for example, a works-on relationship between an employee and a project. Chapter 7 presents the Entity-Relationship model—a popular high-level conceptual data model. Chapter 8 describes additional abstractions used for advanced
modeling, such as generalization, specialization, and categories (union types).
Representational or implementation data models are the models used most frequently in traditional commercial DBMSs. These include the widely used relational
data model, as well as the so-called legacy data models—the network and
hierarchical models—that have been widely used in the past. Part 2 is devoted to
the relational data model, and its constraints, operations and languages.5 The SQL
standard for relational databases is described in Chapters 4 and 5. Representational
data models represent data by using record structures and hence are sometimes
called record-based data models.
We can regard the object data model as an example of a new family of higher-level
implementation data models that are closer to conceptual data models. A standard
for object databases called the ODMG object model has been proposed by the
Object Data Management Group (ODMG). We describe the general characteristics
of object databases and the object model proposed standard in Chapter 11. Object
data models are also frequently utilized as high-level conceptual models, particularly in the software engineering domain.
Physical data models describe how data is stored as files in the computer by representing information such as record formats, record orderings, and access paths. An
access path is a structure that makes the search for particular database records efficient. We discuss physical storage techniques and access structures in Chapters 17
and 18. An index is an example of an access path that allows direct access to data
using an index term or a keyword. It is similar to the index at the end of this book,
except that it may be organized in a linear, hierarchical (tree-structured), or some
other fashion.
term implementation data model is not a standard term; we have introduced it to refer to the available data models in commercial database systems.
summary of the hierarchical and network data models is included in Appendices D and E. They are
accessible from the book’s Web site.
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
2.1.2 Schemas, Instances, and Database State
In any data model, it is important to distinguish between the description of the database and the database itself. The description of a database is called the database
schema, which is specified during database design and is not expected to change
frequently.6 Most data models have certain conventions for displaying schemas as
diagrams.7 A displayed schema is called a schema diagram. Figure 2.1 shows a
schema diagram for the database shown in Figure 1.2; the diagram displays the
structure of each record type but not the actual instances of records. We call each
object in the schema—such as STUDENT or COURSE—a schema construct.
A schema diagram displays only some aspects of a schema, such as the names of
record types and data items, and some types of constraints. Other aspects are not
specified in the schema diagram; for example, Figure 2.1 shows neither the data type
of each data item, nor the relationships among the various files. Many types of constraints are not represented in schema diagrams. A constraint such as students
majoring in computer science must take CS1310 before the end of their sophomore year
is quite difficult to represent diagrammatically.
The actual data in a database may change quite frequently. For example, the database shown in Figure 1.2 changes every time we add a new student or enter a new
grade. The data in the database at a particular moment in time is called a database
state or snapshot. It is also called the current set of occurrences or instances in the
Figure 2.1
Schema diagram for the
database in Figure 1.2.
Credit_hours Department
Section_identifier Course_number
Section_identifier Grade
changes are usually needed as the requirements of the database applications change. Newer
database systems include operations for allowing schema changes, although the schema change
process is more involved than simple database updates.
is customary in database parlance to use schemas as the plural for schema, even though schemata is
the proper plural form. The word scheme is also sometimes used to refer to a schema.
2.2 Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence
database. In a given database state, each schema construct has its own current set of
instances; for example, the STUDENT construct will contain the set of individual
student entities (records) as its instances. Many database states can be constructed
to correspond to a particular database schema. Every time we insert or delete a
record or change the value of a data item in a record, we change one state of the
database into another state.
The distinction between database schema and database state is very important.
When we define a new database, we specify its database schema only to the DBMS.
At this point, the corresponding database state is the empty state with no data. We
get the initial state of the database when the database is first populated or loaded
with the initial data. From then on, every time an update operation is applied to the
database, we get another database state. At any point in time, the database has a
current state.8 The DBMS is partly responsible for ensuring that every state of the
database is a valid state—that is, a state that satisfies the structure and constraints
specified in the schema. Hence, specifying a correct schema to the DBMS is
extremely important and the schema must be designed with utmost care. The
DBMS stores the descriptions of the schema constructs and constraints—also called
the meta-data—in the DBMS catalog so that DBMS software can refer to the
schema whenever it needs to. The schema is sometimes called the intension, and a
database state is called an extension of the schema.
Although, as mentioned earlier, the schema is not supposed to change frequently, it
is not uncommon that changes occasionally need to be applied to the schema as the
application requirements change. For example, we may decide that another data
item needs to be stored for each record in a file, such as adding the Date_of_birth to
the STUDENT schema in Figure 2.1. This is known as schema evolution. Most modern DBMSs include some operations for schema evolution that can be applied while
the database is operational.
2.2 Three-Schema Architecture
and Data Independence
Three of the four important characteristics of the database approach, listed in
Section 1.3, are (1) use of a catalog to store the database description (schema) so as
to make it self-describing, (2) insulation of programs and data (program-data and
program-operation independence), and (3) support of multiple user views. In this
section we specify an architecture for database systems, called the three-schema
architecture,9 that was proposed to help achieve and visualize these characteristics.
Then we discuss the concept of data independence further.
current state is also called the current snapshot of the database. It has also been called a database
instance, but we prefer to use the term instance to refer to individual records.
is also known as the ANSI/SPARC architecture, after the committee that proposed it (Tsichritzis
and Klug 1978).
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
2.2.1 The Three-Schema Architecture
The goal of the three-schema architecture, illustrated in Figure 2.2, is to separate the
user applications from the physical database. In this architecture, schemas can be
defined at the following three levels:
1. The internal level has an internal schema, which describes the physical stor-
age structure of the database. The internal schema uses a physical data model
and describes the complete details of data storage and access paths for the
2. The conceptual level has a conceptual schema, which describes the structure of the whole database for a community of users. The conceptual schema
hides the details of physical storage structures and concentrates on describing entities, data types, relationships, user operations, and constraints.
Usually, a representational data model is used to describe the conceptual
schema when a database system is implemented. This implementation conceptual schema is often based on a conceptual schema design in a high-level
data model.
3. The external or view level includes a number of external schemas or user
views. Each external schema describes the part of the database that a particular user group is interested in and hides the rest of the database from that
user group. As in the previous level, each external schema is typically implemented using a representational data model, possibly based on an external
schema design in a high-level data model.
Figure 2.2
The three-schema
End Users
External Level
. . .
Conceptual Level
Conceptual Schema
Internal Level
Internal Schema
Stored Database
2.2 Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence
The three-schema architecture is a convenient tool with which the user can visualize
the schema levels in a database system. Most DBMSs do not separate the three levels
completely and explicitly, but support the three-schema architecture to some extent.
Some older DBMSs may include physical-level details in the conceptual schema.
The three-level ANSI architecture has an important place in database technology
development because it clearly separates the users’ external level, the database’s conceptual level, and the internal storage level for designing a database. It is very much
applicable in the design of DBMSs, even today. In most DBMSs that support user
views, external schemas are specified in the same data model that describes the
conceptual-level information (for example, a relational DBMS like Oracle uses SQL
for this). Some DBMSs allow different data models to be used at the conceptual and
external levels. An example is Universal Data Base (UDB), a DBMS from IBM,
which uses the relational model to describe the conceptual schema, but may use an
object-oriented model to describe an external schema.
Notice that the three schemas are only descriptions of data; the stored data that
actually exists is at the physical level only. In a DBMS based on the three-schema
architecture, each user group refers to its own external schema. Hence, the DBMS
must transform a request specified on an external schema into a request against the
conceptual schema, and then into a request on the internal schema for processing
over the stored database. If the request is a database retrieval, the data extracted
from the stored database must be reformatted to match the user’s external view. The
processes of transforming requests and results between levels are called mappings.
These mappings may be time-consuming, so some DBMSs—especially those that
are meant to support small databases—do not support external views. Even in such
systems, however, a certain amount of mapping is necessary to transform requests
between the conceptual and internal levels.
2.2.2 Data Independence
The three-schema architecture can be used to further explain the concept of data
independence, which can be defined as the capacity to change the schema at one
level of a database system without having to change the schema at the next higher
level. We can define two types of data independence:
1. Logical data independence is the capacity to change the conceptual schema
without having to change external schemas or application programs. We
may change the conceptual schema to expand the database (by adding a
record type or data item), to change constraints, or to reduce the database
(by removing a record type or data item). In the last case, external schemas
that refer only to the remaining data should not be affected. For example, the
external schema of Figure 1.5(a) should not be affected by changing the
GRADE_REPORT file (or record type) shown in Figure 1.2 into the one
shown in Figure 1.6(a). Only the view definition and the mappings need to
be changed in a DBMS that supports logical data independence. After the
conceptual schema undergoes a logical reorganization, application programs that reference the external schema constructs must work as before.
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
Changes to constraints can be applied to the conceptual schema without
affecting the external schemas or application programs.
2. Physical data independence is the capacity to change the internal schema
without having to change the conceptual schema. Hence, the external
schemas need not be changed as well. Changes to the internal schema may be
needed because some physical files were reorganized—for example, by creating additional access structures—to improve the performance of retrieval or
update. If the same data as before remains in the database, we should not
have to change the conceptual schema. For example, providing an access
path to improve retrieval speed of section records (Figure 1.2) by semester
and year should not require a query such as list all sections offered in fall 2008
to be changed, although the query would be executed more efficiently by the
DBMS by utilizing the new access path.
Generally, physical data independence exists in most databases and file environments where physical details such as the exact location of data on disk, and hardware details of storage encoding, placement, compression, splitting, merging of
records, and so on are hidden from the user. Applications remain unaware of these
details. On the other hand, logical data independence is harder to achieve because it
allows structural and constraint changes without affecting application programs—a
much stricter requirement.
Whenever we have a multiple-level DBMS, its catalog must be expanded to include
information on how to map requests and data among the various levels. The DBMS
uses additional software to accomplish these mappings by referring to the mapping
information in the catalog. Data independence occurs because when the schema is
changed at some level, the schema at the next higher level remains unchanged; only
the mapping between the two levels is changed. Hence, application programs referring to the higher-level schema need not be changed.
The three-schema architecture can make it easier to achieve true data independence, both physical and logical. However, the two levels of mappings create an
overhead during compilation or execution of a query or program, leading to inefficiencies in the DBMS. Because of this, few DBMSs have implemented the full threeschema architecture.
2.3 Database Languages and Interfaces
In Section 1.4 we discussed the variety of users supported by a DBMS. The DBMS
must provide appropriate languages and interfaces for each category of users. In this
section we discuss the types of languages and interfaces provided by a DBMS and
the user categories targeted by each interface.
2.3.1 DBMS Languages
Once the design of a database is completed and a DBMS is chosen to implement the
database, the first step is to specify conceptual and internal schemas for the database
2.3 Database Languages and Interfaces
and any mappings between the two. In many DBMSs where no strict separation of
levels is maintained, one language, called the data definition language (DDL), is
used by the DBA and by database designers to define both schemas. The DBMS will
have a DDL compiler whose function is to process DDL statements in order to identify descriptions of the schema constructs and to store the schema description in the
DBMS catalog.
In DBMSs where a clear separation is maintained between the conceptual and internal levels, the DDL is used to specify the conceptual schema only. Another language,
the storage definition language (SDL), is used to specify the internal schema. The
mappings between the two schemas may be specified in either one of these languages. In most relational DBMSs today, there is no specific language that performs
the role of SDL. Instead, the internal schema is specified by a combination of functions, parameters, and specifications related to storage. These permit the DBA staff
to control indexing choices and mapping of data to storage. For a true three-schema
architecture, we would need a third language, the view definition language (VDL),
to specify user views and their mappings to the conceptual schema, but in most
DBMSs the DDL is used to define both conceptual and external schemas. In relational
DBMSs, SQL is used in the role of VDL to define user or application views as results
of predefined queries (see Chapters 4 and 5).
Once the database schemas are compiled and the database is populated with data,
users must have some means to manipulate the database. Typical manipulations
include retrieval, insertion, deletion, and modification of the data. The DBMS provides a set of operations or a language called the data manipulation language
(DML) for these purposes.
In current DBMSs, the preceding types of languages are usually not considered distinct languages; rather, a comprehensive integrated language is used that includes
constructs for conceptual schema definition, view definition, and data manipulation. Storage definition is typically kept separate, since it is used for defining physical storage structures to fine-tune the performance of the database system, which is
usually done by the DBA staff. A typical example of a comprehensive database language is the SQL relational database language (see Chapters 4 and 5), which represents a combination of DDL, VDL, and DML, as well as statements for constraint
specification, schema evolution, and other features. The SDL was a component in
early versions of SQL but has been removed from the language to keep it at the conceptual and external levels only.
There are two main types of DMLs. A high-level or nonprocedural DML can be
used on its own to specify complex database operations concisely. Many DBMSs
allow high-level DML statements either to be entered interactively from a display
monitor or terminal or to be embedded in a general-purpose programming language. In the latter case, DML statements must be identified within the program so
that they can be extracted by a precompiler and processed by the DBMS. A lowlevel or procedural DML must be embedded in a general-purpose programming
language. This type of DML typically retrieves individual records or objects from
the database and processes each separately. Therefore, it needs to use programming
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
language constructs, such as looping, to retrieve and process each record from a set
of records. Low-level DMLs are also called record-at-a-time DMLs because of this
property. DL/1, a DML designed for the hierarchical model, is a low-level DML that
uses commands such as GET UNIQUE, GET NEXT, or GET NEXT WITHIN PARENT to
navigate from record to record within a hierarchy of records in the database. Highlevel DMLs, such as SQL, can specify and retrieve many records in a single DML
statement; therefore, they are called set-at-a-time or set-oriented DMLs. A query in
a high-level DML often specifies which data to retrieve rather than how to retrieve it;
therefore, such languages are also called declarative.
Whenever DML commands, whether high level or low level, are embedded in a
general-purpose programming language, that language is called the host language
and the DML is called the data sublanguage.10 On the other hand, a high-level
DML used in a standalone interactive manner is called a query language. In general,
both retrieval and update commands of a high-level DML may be used interactively
and are hence considered part of the query language.11
Casual end users typically use a high-level query language to specify their requests,
whereas programmers use the DML in its embedded form. For naive and parametric users, there usually are user-friendly interfaces for interacting with the database; these can also be used by casual users or others who do not want to learn the
details of a high-level query language. We discuss these types of interfaces next.
2.3.2 DBMS Interfaces
User-friendly interfaces provided by a DBMS may include the following:
Menu-Based Interfaces for Web Clients or Browsing. These interfaces present the user with lists of options (called menus) that lead the user through the formulation of a request. Menus do away with the need to memorize the specific
commands and syntax of a query language; rather, the query is composed step-bystep by picking options from a menu that is displayed by the system. Pull-down
menus are a very popular technique in Web-based user interfaces. They are also
often used in browsing interfaces, which allow a user to look through the contents
of a database in an exploratory and unstructured manner.
Forms-Based Interfaces. A forms-based interface displays a form to each user.
Users can fill out all of the form entries to insert new data, or they can fill out only
certain entries, in which case the DBMS will retrieve matching data for the remaining entries. Forms are usually designed and programmed for naive users as interfaces to canned transactions. Many DBMSs have forms specification languages,
object databases, the host and data sublanguages typically form one integrated language—for
example, C++ with some extensions to support database functionality. Some relational systems also
provide integrated languages—for example, Oracle’s PL/SQL.
to the English meaning of the word query, it should really be used to describe retrievals
only, not updates.
2.3 Database Languages and Interfaces
which are special languages that help programmers specify such forms. SQL*Forms
is a form-based language that specifies queries using a form designed in conjunction with the relational database schema. Oracle Forms is a component of the
Oracle product suite that provides an extensive set of features to design and build
applications using forms. Some systems have utilities that define a form by letting
the end user interactively construct a sample form on the screen.
Graphical User Interfaces. A GUI typically displays a schema to the user in diagrammatic form. The user then can specify a query by manipulating the diagram. In
many cases, GUIs utilize both menus and forms. Most GUIs use a pointing device,
such as a mouse, to select certain parts of the displayed schema diagram.
Natural Language Interfaces. These interfaces accept requests written in
English or some other language and attempt to understand them. A natural language interface usually has its own schema, which is similar to the database conceptual schema, as well as a dictionary of important words. The natural language
interface refers to the words in its schema, as well as to the set of standard words in
its dictionary, to interpret the request. If the interpretation is successful, the interface generates a high-level query corresponding to the natural language request and
submits it to the DBMS for processing; otherwise, a dialogue is started with the user
to clarify the request. The capabilities of natural language interfaces have not
advanced rapidly. Today, we see search engines that accept strings of natural language (like English or Spanish) words and match them with documents at specific
sites (for local search engines) or Web pages on the Web at large (for engines like
Google or Ask). They use predefined indexes on words and use ranking functions to
retrieve and present resulting documents in a decreasing degree of match. Such
“free form” textual query interfaces are not yet common in structured relational or
legacy model databases, although a research area called keyword-based querying
has emerged recently for relational databases.
Speech Input and Output. Limited use of speech as an input query and speech
as an answer to a question or result of a request is becoming commonplace.
Applications with limited vocabularies such as inquiries for telephone directory,
flight arrival/departure, and credit card account information are allowing speech
for input and output to enable customers to access this information. The speech
input is detected using a library of predefined words and used to set up the parameters that are supplied to the queries. For output, a similar conversion from text or
numbers into speech takes place.
Interfaces for Parametric Users. Parametric users, such as bank tellers, often
have a small set of operations that they must perform repeatedly. For example, a
teller is able to use single function keys to invoke routine and repetitive transactions
such as account deposits or withdrawals, or balance inquiries. Systems analysts and
programmers design and implement a special interface for each known class of
naive users. Usually a small set of abbreviated commands is included, with the goal
of minimizing the number of keystrokes required for each request. For example,
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
function keys in a terminal can be programmed to initiate various commands. This
allows the parametric user to proceed with a minimal number of keystrokes.
Interfaces for the DBA. Most database systems contain privileged commands
that can be used only by the DBA staff. These include commands for creating
accounts, setting system parameters, granting account authorization, changing a
schema, and reorganizing the storage structures of a database.
2.4 The Database System Environment
A DBMS is a complex software system. In this section we discuss the types of software components that constitute a DBMS and the types of computer system software with which the DBMS interacts.
2.4.1 DBMS Component Modules
Figure 2.3 illustrates, in a simplified form, the typical DBMS components. The figure is divided into two parts. The top part of the figure refers to the various users of
the database environment and their interfaces. The lower part shows the internals of
the DBMS responsible for storage of data and processing of transactions.
The database and the DBMS catalog are usually stored on disk. Access to the disk is
controlled primarily by the operating system (OS), which schedules disk
read/write. Many DBMSs have their own buffer management module to schedule
disk read/write, because this has a considerable effect on performance. Reducing
disk read/write improves performance considerably. A higher-level stored data
manager module of the DBMS controls access to DBMS information that is stored
on disk, whether it is part of the database or the catalog.
Let us consider the top part of Figure 2.3 first. It shows interfaces for the DBA staff,
casual users who work with interactive interfaces to formulate queries, application
programmers who create programs using some host programming languages, and
parametric users who do data entry work by supplying parameters to predefined
transactions. The DBA staff works on defining the database and tuning it by making
changes to its definition using the DDL and other privileged commands.
The DDL compiler processes schema definitions, specified in the DDL, and stores
descriptions of the schemas (meta-data) in the DBMS catalog. The catalog includes
information such as the names and sizes of files, names and data types of data items,
storage details of each file, mapping information among schemas, and constraints.
In addition, the catalog stores many other types of information that are needed by
the DBMS modules, which can then look up the catalog information as needed.
Casual users and persons with occasional need for information from the database
interact using some form of interface, which we call the interactive query interface
in Figure 2.3. We have not explicitly shown any menu-based or form-based interaction that may be used to generate the interactive query automatically. These queries
are parsed and validated for correctness of the query syntax, the names of files and
2.4 The Database System Environment
DBA Staff
Casual Users
Applicatio n
Parametric Users
DBA Commands,
Queries, and Transactions
Stored Database
Query and Transaction
Concurrency Control/
from Database
Figure 2.3
Component modules of a DBMS and their interactions.
data elements, and so on by a query compiler that compiles them into an internal
form. This internal query is subjected to query optimization (discussed in Chapters
19 and 20). Among other things, the query optimizer is concerned with the
rearrangement and possible reordering of operations, elimination of redundancies,
and use of correct algorithms and indexes during execution. It consults the system
catalog for statistical and other physical information about the stored data and generates executable code that performs the necessary operations for the query and
makes calls on the runtime processor.
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
Application programmers write programs in host languages such as Java, C, or C++
that are submitted to a precompiler. The precompiler extracts DML commands
from an application program written in a host programming language. These commands are sent to the DML compiler for compilation into object code for database
access. The rest of the program is sent to the host language compiler. The object
codes for the DML commands and the rest of the program are linked, forming a
canned transaction whose executable code includes calls to the runtime database
processor. Canned transactions are executed repeatedly by parametric users, who
simply supply the parameters to the transactions. Each execution is considered to be
a separate transaction. An example is a bank withdrawal transaction where the
account number and the amount may be supplied as parameters.
In the lower part of Figure 2.3, the runtime database processor executes (1) the privileged commands, (2) the executable query plans, and (3) the canned transactions
with runtime parameters. It works with the system catalog and may update it with
statistics. It also works with the stored data manager, which in turn uses basic operating system services for carrying out low-level input/output (read/write) operations
between the disk and main memory. The runtime database processor handles other
aspects of data transfer, such as management of buffers in the main memory. Some
DBMSs have their own buffer management module while others depend on the OS
for buffer management. We have shown concurrency control and backup and recovery systems separately as a module in this figure. They are integrated into the working of the runtime database processor for purposes of transaction management.
It is now common to have the client program that accesses the DBMS running on a
separate computer from the computer on which the database resides. The former is
called the client computer running a DBMS client software and the latter is called
the database server. In some cases, the client accesses a middle computer, called the
application server, which in turn accesses the database server. We elaborate on this
topic in Section 2.5.
Figure 2.3 is not meant to describe a specific DBMS; rather, it illustrates typical
DBMS modules. The DBMS interacts with the operating system when disk
accesses—to the database or to the catalog—are needed. If the computer system is
shared by many users, the OS will schedule DBMS disk access requests and DBMS
processing along with other processes. On the other hand, if the computer system is
mainly dedicated to running the database server, the DBMS will control main memory buffering of disk pages. The DBMS also interfaces with compilers for generalpurpose host programming languages, and with application servers and client
programs running on separate machines through the system network interface.
2.4.2 Database System Utilities
In addition to possessing the software modules just described, most DBMSs have
database utilities that help the DBA manage the database system. Common utilities
have the following types of functions:
Loading. A loading utility is used to load existing data files—such as text
files or sequential files—into the database. Usually, the current (source) for-
2.4 The Database System Environment
mat of the data file and the desired (target) database file structure are specified to the utility, which then automatically reformats the data and stores it
in the database. With the proliferation of DBMSs, transferring data from one
DBMS to another is becoming common in many organizations. Some vendors are offering products that generate the appropriate loading programs,
given the existing source and target database storage descriptions (internal
schemas). Such tools are also called conversion tools. For the hierarchical
DBMS called IMS (IBM) and for many network DBMSs including IDMS
(Computer Associates), SUPRA (Cincom), and IMAGE (HP), the vendors or
third-party companies are making a variety of conversion tools available
(e.g., Cincom’s SUPRA Server SQL) to transform data into the relational
Backup. A backup utility creates a backup copy of the database, usually by
dumping the entire database onto tape or other mass storage medium. The
backup copy can be used to restore the database in case of catastrophic disk
failure. Incremental backups are also often used, where only changes since
the previous backup are recorded. Incremental backup is more complex, but
saves storage space.
Database storage reorganization. This utility can be used to reorganize a set
of database files into different file organizations, and create new access paths
to improve performance.
Performance monitoring. Such a utility monitors database usage and provides statistics to the DBA. The DBA uses the statistics in making decisions
such as whether or not to reorganize files or whether to add or drop indexes
to improve performance.
Other utilities may be available for sorting files, handling data compression,
monitoring access by users, interfacing with the network, and performing other
2.4.3 Tools, Application Environments,
and Communications Facilities
Other tools are often available to database designers, users, and the DBMS. CASE
tools12 are used in the design phase of database systems. Another tool that can be
quite useful in large organizations is an expanded data dictionary (or data repository) system. In addition to storing catalog information about schemas and constraints, the data dictionary stores other information, such as design decisions,
usage standards, application program descriptions, and user information. Such a
system is also called an information repository. This information can be accessed
directly by users or the DBA when needed. A data dictionary utility is similar to the
DBMS catalog, but it includes a wider variety of information and is accessed mainly
by users rather than by the DBMS software.
CASE stands for computer-aided software engineering, many CASE tools are used primarily
for database design.
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
Application development environments, such as PowerBuilder (Sybase) or
JBuilder (Borland), have been quite popular. These systems provide an environment
for developing database applications and include facilities that help in many facets
of database systems, including database design, GUI development, querying and
updating, and application program development.
The DBMS also needs to interface with communications software, whose function
is to allow users at locations remote from the database system site to access the database through computer terminals, workstations, or personal computers. These are
connected to the database site through data communications hardware such as
Internet routers, phone lines, long-haul networks, local networks, or satellite communication devices. Many commercial database systems have communication
packages that work with the DBMS. The integrated DBMS and data communications system is called a DB/DC system. In addition, some distributed DBMSs are
physically distributed over multiple machines. In this case, communications networks are needed to connect the machines. These are often local area networks
(LANs), but they can also be other types of networks.
2.5 Centralized and Client/Server Architectures
for DBMSs
2.5.1 Centralized DBMSs Architecture
Architectures for DBMSs have followed trends similar to those for general computer
system architectures. Earlier architectures used mainframe computers to provide
the main processing for all system functions, including user application programs
and user interface programs, as well as all the DBMS functionality. The reason was
that most users accessed such systems via computer terminals that did not have processing power and only provided display capabilities. Therefore, all processing was
performed remotely on the computer system, and only display information and
controls were sent from the computer to the display terminals, which were connected to the central computer via various types of communications networks.
As prices of hardware declined, most users replaced their terminals with PCs and
workstations. At first, database systems used these computers similarly to how they
had used display terminals, so that the DBMS itself was still a centralized DBMS in
which all the DBMS functionality, application program execution, and user interface processing were carried out on one machine. Figure 2.4 illustrates the physical
components in a centralized architecture. Gradually, DBMS systems started to
exploit the available processing power at the user side, which led to client/server
DBMS architectures.
2.5.2 Basic Client/Server Architectures
First, we discuss client/server architecture in general, then we see how it is applied to
DBMSs. The client/server architecture was developed to deal with computing environments in which a large number of PCs, workstations, file servers, printers, data-
2.5 Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMSs
Display Control
Compilers . . .
Operating System
System Bus
Controller . . .
I/O Devices
Tape Drives, . . .)
Figure 2.4
A physical centralized
base servers, Web servers, e-mail servers, and other software and equipment are
connected via a network. The idea is to define specialized servers with specific
functionalities. For example, it is possible to connect a number of PCs or small
workstations as clients to a file server that maintains the files of the client machines.
Another machine can be designated as a printer server by being connected to various printers; all print requests by the clients are forwarded to this machine. Web
servers or e-mail servers also fall into the specialized server category. The resources
provided by specialized servers can be accessed by many client machines. The client
machines provide the user with the appropriate interfaces to utilize these servers, as
well as with local processing power to run local applications. This concept can be
carried over to other software packages, with specialized programs—such as a CAD
(computer-aided design) package—being stored on specific server machines and
being made accessible to multiple clients. Figure 2.5 illustrates client/server architecture at the logical level; Figure 2.6 is a simplified diagram that shows the physical
architecture. Some machines would be client sites only (for example, diskless workstations or workstations/PCs with disks that have only client software installed).
Figure 2.5
Logical two-tier
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
with Disk
Figure 2.6
Physical two-tier client/server
Site 1
Site 2
and Client
Site 3
Site n
Other machines would be dedicated servers, and others would have both client and
server functionality.
The concept of client/server architecture assumes an underlying framework that
consists of many PCs and workstations as well as a smaller number of mainframe
machines, connected via LANs and other types of computer networks. A client in
this framework is typically a user machine that provides user interface capabilities
and local processing. When a client requires access to additional functionality—
such as database access—that does not exist at that machine, it connects to a server
that provides the needed functionality. A server is a system containing both hardware and software that can provide services to the client machines, such as file
access, printing, archiving, or database access. In general, some machines install
only client software, others only server software, and still others may include both
client and server software, as illustrated in Figure 2.6. However, it is more common
that client and server software usually run on separate machines. Two main types of
basic DBMS architectures were created on this underlying client/server framework:
two-tier and three-tier.13 We discuss them next.
2.5.3 Two-Tier Client/Server Architectures for DBMSs
In relational database management systems (RDBMSs), many of which started as
centralized systems, the system components that were first moved to the client side
were the user interface and application programs. Because SQL (see Chapters 4 and
5) provided a standard language for RDBMSs, this created a logical dividing point
are many other variations of client/server architectures. We discuss the two most basic ones
2.5 Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMSs
between client and server. Hence, the query and transaction functionality related to
SQL processing remained on the server side. In such an architecture, the server is
often called a query server or transaction server because it provides these two
functionalities. In an RDBMS, the server is also often called an SQL server.
The user interface programs and application programs can run on the client side.
When DBMS access is required, the program establishes a connection to the DBMS
(which is on the server side); once the connection is created, the client program can
communicate with the DBMS. A standard called Open Database Connectivity
(ODBC) provides an application programming interface (API), which allows
client-side programs to call the DBMS, as long as both client and server machines
have the necessary software installed. Most DBMS vendors provide ODBC drivers
for their systems. A client program can actually connect to several RDBMSs and
send query and transaction requests using the ODBC API, which are then processed
at the server sites. Any query results are sent back to the client program, which can
process and display the results as needed. A related standard for the Java programming language, called JDBC, has also been defined. This allows Java client programs
to access one or more DBMSs through a standard interface.
The different approach to two-tier client/server architecture was taken by some
object-oriented DBMSs, where the software modules of the DBMS were divided
between client and server in a more integrated way. For example, the server level
may include the part of the DBMS software responsible for handling data storage on
disk pages, local concurrency control and recovery, buffering and caching of disk
pages, and other such functions. Meanwhile, the client level may handle the user
interface; data dictionary functions; DBMS interactions with programming language compilers; global query optimization, concurrency control, and recovery
across multiple servers; structuring of complex objects from the data in the buffers;
and other such functions. In this approach, the client/server interaction is more
tightly coupled and is done internally by the DBMS modules—some of which reside
on the client and some on the server—rather than by the users/programmers. The
exact division of functionality can vary from system to system. In such a
client/server architecture, the server has been called a data server because it provides data in disk pages to the client. This data can then be structured into objects
for the client programs by the client-side DBMS software.
The architectures described here are called two-tier architectures because the software components are distributed over two systems: client and server. The advantages of this architecture are its simplicity and seamless compatibility with existing
systems. The emergence of the Web changed the roles of clients and servers, leading
to the three-tier architecture.
2.5.4 Three-Tier and n-Tier Architectures
for Web Applications
Many Web applications use an architecture called the three-tier architecture, which
adds an intermediate layer between the client and the database server, as illustrated
in Figure 2.7(a).
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
Web Interface
Application Server
Web Server
Web Pages
Logic Layer
Figure 2.7
Logical three-tier client/server
architecture, with a couple of
commonly used nomenclatures.
This intermediate layer or middle tier is called the application server or the Web
server, depending on the application. This server plays an intermediary role by running application programs and storing business rules (procedures or constraints)
that are used to access data from the database server. It can also improve database
security by checking a client’s credentials before forwarding a request to the database server. Clients contain GUI interfaces and some additional application-specific
business rules. The intermediate server accepts requests from the client, processes
the request and sends database queries and commands to the database server, and
then acts as a conduit for passing (partially) processed data from the database server
to the clients, where it may be processed further and filtered to be presented to users
in GUI format. Thus, the user interface, application rules, and data access act as the
three tiers. Figure 2.7(b) shows another architecture used by database and other
application package vendors. The presentation layer displays information to the
user and allows data entry. The business logic layer handles intermediate rules and
constraints before data is passed up to the user or down to the DBMS. The bottom
layer includes all data management services. The middle layer can also act as a Web
server, which retrieves query results from the database server and formats them into
dynamic Web pages that are viewed by the Web browser at the client side.
Other architectures have also been proposed. It is possible to divide the layers
between the user and the stored data further into finer components, thereby giving
rise to n-tier architectures, where n may be four or five tiers. Typically, the business
logic layer is divided into multiple layers. Besides distributing programming and
data throughout a network, n-tier applications afford the advantage that any one
tier can run on an appropriate processor or operating system platform and can be
handled independently. Vendors of ERP (enterprise resource planning) and CRM
(customer relationship management) packages often use a middleware layer, which
accounts for the front-end modules (clients) communicating with a number of
back-end databases (servers).
2.6 Classification of Database Management Systems
Advances in encryption and decryption technology make it safer to transfer sensitive data from server to client in encrypted form, where it will be decrypted. The latter can be done by the hardware or by advanced software. This technology gives
higher levels of data security, but the network security issues remain a major concern. Various technologies for data compression also help to transfer large amounts
of data from servers to clients over wired and wireless networks.
2.6 Classification of Database
Management Systems
Several criteria are normally used to classify DBMSs. The first is the data model on
which the DBMS is based. The main data model used in many current commercial
DBMSs is the relational data model. The object data model has been implemented
in some commercial systems but has not had widespread use. Many legacy applications still run on database systems based on the hierarchical and network data
models. Examples of hierarchical DBMSs include IMS (IBM) and some other systems like System 2K (SAS Inc.) and TDMS. IMS is still used at governmental and
industrial installations, including hospitals and banks, although many of its users
have converted to relational systems. The network data model was used by many
vendors and the resulting products like IDMS (Cullinet—now Computer
Associates), DMS 1100 (Univac—now Unisys), IMAGE (Hewlett-Packard), VAXDBMS (Digital—then Compaq and now HP), and SUPRA (Cincom) still have a following and their user groups have their own active organizations. If we add IBM’s
popular VSAM file system to these, we can easily say that a reasonable percentage of
worldwide-computerized data is still in these so-called legacy database systems.
The relational DBMSs are evolving continuously, and, in particular, have been
incorporating many of the concepts that were developed in object databases. This
has led to a new class of DBMSs called object-relational DBMSs. We can categorize
DBMSs based on the data model: relational, object, object-relational, hierarchical,
network, and other.
More recently, some experimental DBMSs are based on the XML (eXtended
Markup Language) model, which is a tree-structured (hierarchical) data model.
These have been called native XML DBMSs. Several commercial relational DBMSs
have added XML interfaces and storage to their products.
The second criterion used to classify DBMSs is the number of users supported by
the system. Single-user systems support only one user at a time and are mostly used
with PCs. Multiuser systems, which include the majority of DBMSs, support concurrent multiple users.
The third criterion is the number of sites over which the database is distributed. A
DBMS is centralized if the data is stored at a single computer site. A centralized
DBMS can support multiple users, but the DBMS and the database reside totally at
a single computer site. A distributed DBMS (DDBMS) can have the actual database
and DBMS software distributed over many sites, connected by a computer network.
Homogeneous DDBMSs use the same DBMS software at all the sites, whereas
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
heterogeneous DDBMSs can use different DBMS software at each site. It is also
possible to develop middleware software to access several autonomous preexisting
databases stored under heterogeneousDBMSs. This leads to a federated DBMS (or
multidatabase system), in which the participating DBMSs are loosely coupled and
have a degree of local autonomy. Many DDBMSs use client-server architecture, as
we described in Section 2.5.
The fourth criterion is cost. It is difficult to propose a classification of DBMSs based
on cost. Today we have open source (free) DBMS products like MySQL and
PostgreSQL that are supported by third-party vendors with additional services. The
main RDBMS products are available as free examination 30-day copy versions as
well as personal versions, which may cost under $100 and allow a fair amount of
functionality. The giant systems are being sold in modular form with components
to handle distribution, replication, parallel processing, mobile capability, and so on,
and with a large number of parameters that must be defined for the configuration.
Furthermore, they are sold in the form of licenses—site licenses allow unlimited use
of the database system with any number of copies running at the customer site.
Another type of license limits the number of concurrent users or the number of
user seats at a location. Standalone single user versions of some systems like
Microsoft Access are sold per copy or included in the overall configuration of a
desktop or laptop. In addition, data warehousing and mining features, as well as
support for additional data types, are made available at extra cost. It is possible to
pay millions of dollars for the installation and maintenance of large database systems annually.
We can also classify a DBMS on the basis of the types of access path options for
storing files. One well-known family of DBMSs is based on inverted file structures.
Finally, a DBMS can be general purpose or special purpose. When performance is
a primary consideration, a special-purpose DBMS can be designed and built for a
specific application; such a system cannot be used for other applications without
major changes. Many airline reservations and telephone directory systems developed in the past are special-purpose DBMSs. These fall into the category of online
transaction processing (OLTP) systems, which must support a large number of
concurrent transactions without imposing excessive delays.
Let us briefly elaborate on the main criterion for classifying DBMSs: the data model.
The basic relational data model represents a database as a collection of tables,
where each table can be stored as a separate file. The database in Figure 1.2 resembles a relational representation. Most relational databases use the high-level query
language called SQL and support a limited form of user views. We discuss the relational model and its languages and operations in Chapters 3 through 6, and techniques for programming relational applications in Chapters 13 and 14.
The object data model defines a database in terms of objects, their properties, and
their operations. Objects with the same structure and behavior belong to a class,
and classes are organized into hierarchies (or acyclic graphs). The operations of
each class are specified in terms of predefined procedures called methods.
Relational DBMSs have been extending their models to incorporate object database
2.6 Classification of Database Mangement Systems
concepts and other capabilities; these systems are referred to as object-relational or
extended relational systems. We discuss object databases and object-relational systems in Chapter 11.
The XML model has emerged as a standard for exchanging data over the Web, and
has been used as a basis for implementing several prototype native XML systems.
XML uses hierarchical tree structures. It combines database concepts with concepts
from document representation models. Data is represented as elements; with the
use of tags, data can be nested to create complex hierarchical structures. This model
conceptually resembles the object model but uses different terminology. XML capabilities have been added to many commercial DBMS products. We present an
overview of XML in Chapter 12.
Two older, historically important data models, now known as legacy data models,
are the network and hierarchical models. The network model represents data as
record types and also represents a limited type of 1:N relationship, called a set type.
A 1:N, or one-to-many, relationship relates one instance of a record to many record
instances using some pointer linking mechanism in these models. Figure 2.8 shows
a network schema diagram for the database of Figure 2.1, where record types are
shown as rectangles and set types are shown as labeled directed arrows.
The network model, also known as the CODASYL DBTG model,14 has an associated
record-at-a-time language that must be embedded in a host programming language. The network DML was proposed in the 1971 Database Task Group (DBTG)
Report as an extension of the COBOL language. It provides commands for locating
records directly (e.g., FIND ANY <record-type> USING <field-list>, or FIND
DUPLICATE <record-type> USING <field-list>). It has commands to support traversals within set-types (e.g., GET OWNER, GET {FIRST, NEXT, LAST} MEMBER
WITHIN <set-type> WHERE <condition>). It also has commands to store new data
DBTG stands for Conference on Data Systems Languages Database Task Group, which is
the committee that specified the network model and its language.
Figure 2.8
The schema of Figure
2.1 in network model
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
(e.g., STORE <record-type>) and to make it part of a set type (e.g., CONNECT
<record-type> TO <set-type>). The language also handles many additional considerations, such as the currency of record types and set types, which are defined by the
current position of the navigation process within the database. It is prominently
used by IDMS, IMAGE, and SUPRA DBMSs today.
The hierarchical model represents data as hierarchical tree structures. Each hierarchy represents a number of related records. There is no standard language for the
hierarchical model. A popular hierarchical DML is DL/1 of the IMS system. It dominated the DBMS market for over 20 years between 1965 and 1985 and is still a
widely used DBMS worldwide, holding a large percentage of data in governmental,
health care, and banking and insurance databases. Its DML, called DL/1, was a de
facto industry standard for a long time. DL/1 has commands to locate a record (e.g.,
GET { UNIQUE, NEXT} <record-type> WHERE <condition>). It has navigational
facilities to navigate within hierarchies (e.g., GET NEXT WITHIN PARENT or GET
{FIRST, NEXT} PATH <hierarchical-path-specification> WHERE <condition>). It has
appropriate facilities to store and update records (e.g., INSERT <record-type>,
REPLACE <record-type>). Currency issues during navigation are also handled with
additional features in the language.15
2.7 Summary
In this chapter we introduced the main concepts used in database systems. We
defined a data model and we distinguished three main categories:
High-level or conceptual data models (based on entities and relationships)
Low-level or physical data models
Representational or implementation data models (record-based, objectoriented)
We distinguished the schema, or description of a database, from the database itself.
The schema does not change very often, whereas the database state changes every
time data is inserted, deleted, or modified. Then we described the three-schema
DBMS architecture, which allows three schema levels:
An internal schema describes the physical storage structure of the database.
A conceptual schema is a high-level description of the whole database.
External schemas describe the views of different user groups.
A DBMS that cleanly separates the three levels must have mappings between the
schemas to transform requests and query results from one level to the next. Most
DBMSs do not separate the three levels completely. We used the three-schema architecture to define the concepts of logical and physical data independence.
full chapters on the network and hierarchical models from the second edition of this book are
available from this book’s Companion Website at
Review Questions
Then we discussed the main types of languages and interfaces that DBMSs support.
A data definition language (DDL) is used to define the database conceptual schema.
In most DBMSs, the DDL also defines user views and, sometimes, storage structures; in other DBMSs, separate languages or functions exist for specifying storage
structures. This distinction is fading away in today’s relational implementations,
with SQL serving as a catchall language to perform multiple roles, including view
definition. The storage definition part (SDL) was included in SQL’s early versions,
but is now typically implemented as special commands for the DBA in relational
DBMSs. The DBMS compiles all schema definitions and stores their descriptions in
the DBMS catalog.
A data manipulation language (DML) is used for specifying database retrievals and
updates. DMLs can be high level (set-oriented, nonprocedural) or low level (recordoriented, procedural). A high-level DML can be embedded in a host programming
language, or it can be used as a standalone language; in the latter case it is often
called a query language.
We discussed different types of interfaces provided by DBMSs, and the types of
DBMS users with which each interface is associated. Then we discussed the database
system environment, typical DBMS software modules, and DBMS utilities for helping users and the DBA staff perform their tasks. We continued with an overview of
the two-tier and three-tier architectures for database applications, progressively
moving toward n-tier, which are now common in many applications, particularly
Web database applications.
Finally, we classified DBMSs according to several criteria: data model, number of
users, number of sites, types of access paths, and cost. We discussed the availability
of DBMSs and additional modules—from no cost in the form of open source software, to configurations that annually cost millions to maintain. We also pointed out
the variety of licensing arrangements for DBMS and related products. The main
classification of DBMSs is based on the data model. We briefly discussed the main
data models used in current commercial DBMSs.
Review Questions
2.1. Define the following terms: data model, database schema, database state,
internal schema, conceptual schema, external schema, data independence,
DDL, DML, SDL, VDL, query language, host language, data sublanguage,
database utility, catalog, client/server architecture, three-tier architecture, and
n-tier architecture.
2.2. Discuss the main categories of data models. What are the basic differences
between the relational model, the object model, and the XML model?
2.3. What is the difference between a database schema and a database state?
2.4. Describe the three-schema architecture. Why do we need mappings between
schema levels? How do different schema definition languages support this
Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture
2.5. What is the difference between logical data independence and physical data
independence? Which one is harder to achieve? Why?
2.6. What is the difference between procedural and nonprocedural DMLs?
2.7. Discuss the different types of user-friendly interfaces and the types of users
who typically use each.
2.8. With what other computer system software does a DBMS interact?
2.9. What is the difference between the two-tier and three-tier client/server
2.10. Discuss some types of database utilities and tools and their functions.
2.11. What is the additional functionality incorporated in n-tier architecture
(n > 3)?
2.12. Think of different users for the database shown in Figure 1.2. What types of
applications would each user need? To which user category would each
belong, and what type of interface would each need?
2.13. Choose a database application with which you are familiar. Design a schema
and show a sample database for that application, using the notation of
Figures 1.2 and 2.1. What types of additional information and constraints
would you like to represent in the schema? Think of several users of your
database, and design a view for each.
2.14. If you were designing a Web-based system to make airline reservations and
sell airline tickets, which DBMS architecture would you choose from Section
2.5? Why? Why would the other architectures not be a good choice?
2.15. Consider Figure 2.1. In addition to constraints relating the values of
columns in one table to columns in another table, there are also constraints
that impose restrictions on values in a column or a combination of columns
within a table. One such constraint dictates that a column or a group of
columns must be unique across all rows in the table. For example, in the
STUDENT table, the Student_number column must be unique (to prevent two
different students from having the same Student_number). Identify the column or the group of columns in the other tables that must be unique across
all rows in the table.
Selected Bibliography
Selected Bibliography
Many database textbooks, including Date (2004), Silberschatz et al. (2006),
Ramakrishnan and Gehrke (2003), Garcia-Molina et al. (2000, 2009), and Abiteboul
et al. (1995), provide a discussion of the various database concepts presented here.
Tsichritzis and Lochovsky (1982) is an early textbook on data models. Tsichritzis
and Klug (1978) and Jardine (1977) present the three-schema architecture, which
was first suggested in the DBTG CODASYL report (1971) and later in an American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) report (1975). An in-depth analysis of the relational data model and some of its possible extensions is given in Codd (1990). The
proposed standard for object-oriented databases is described in Cattell et al. (2000).
Many documents describing XML are available on the Web, such as XML (2005).
Examples of database utilities are the ETI Connect, Analyze and Transform tools
( and the database administration tool, DBArtisan, from
Embarcadero Technologies (
This page intentionally left blank
The Relational Data
Model and SQL
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The Relational Data Model and
Relational Database Constraints
his chapter opens Part 2 of the book, which covers
relational databases. The relational data model was
first introduced by Ted Codd of IBM Research in 1970 in a classic paper (Codd
1970), and it attracted immediate attention due to its simplicity and mathematical
foundation. The model uses the concept of a mathematical relation—which looks
somewhat like a table of values—as its basic building block, and has its theoretical
basis in set theory and first-order predicate logic. In this chapter we discuss the basic
characteristics of the model and its constraints.
The first commercial implementations of the relational model became available in
the early 1980s, such as the SQL/DS system on the MVS operating system by IBM
and the Oracle DBMS. Since then, the model has been implemented in a large number of commercial systems. Current popular relational DBMSs (RDBMSs) include
DB2 and Informix Dynamic Server (from IBM), Oracle and Rdb (from Oracle),
Sybase DBMS (from Sybase) and SQLServer and Access (from Microsoft). In addition, several open source systems, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, are available.
Because of the importance of the relational model, all of Part 2 is devoted to this
model and some of the languages associated with it. In Chapters 4 and 5, we
describe the SQL query language, which is the standard for commercial relational
DBMSs. Chapter 6 covers the operations of the relational algebra and introduces the
relational calculus—these are two formal languages associated with the relational
model. The relational calculus is considered to be the basis for the SQL language,
and the relational algebra is used in the internals of many database implementations
for query processing and optimization (see Part 8 of the book).
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
Other aspects of the relational model are presented in subsequent parts of the book.
Chapter 9 relates the relational model data structures to the constructs of the ER
and EER models (presented in Chapters 7 and 8), and presents algorithms for
designing a relational database schema by mapping a conceptual schema in the ER
or EER model into a relational representation. These mappings are incorporated
into many database design and CASE1 tools. Chapters 13 and 14 in Part 5 discuss
the programming techniques used to access database systems and the notion of
connecting to relational databases via ODBC and JDBC standard protocols. We also
introduce the topic of Web database programming in Chapter 14. Chapters 15 and
16 in Part 6 present another aspect of the relational model, namely the formal constraints of functional and multivalued dependencies; these dependencies are used to
develop a relational database design theory based on the concept known as
Data models that preceded the relational model include the hierarchical and network models. They were proposed in the 1960s and were implemented in early
DBMSs during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Because of their historical importance and the existing user base for these DBMSs, we have included a summary of
the highlights of these models in Appendices D and E, which are available on this
book’s Companion Website at These models and systems are now referred to as legacy database systems.
In this chapter, we concentrate on describing the basic principles of the relational
model of data. We begin by defining the modeling concepts and notation of the
relational model in Section 3.1. Section 3.2 is devoted to a discussion of relational
constraints that are considered an important part of the relational model and are
automatically enforced in most relational DBMSs. Section 3.3 defines the update
operations of the relational model, discusses how violations of integrity constraints
are handled, and introduces the concept of a transaction. Section 3.4 summarizes
the chapter.
3.1 Relational Model Concepts
The relational model represents the database as a collection of relations. Informally,
each relation resembles a table of values or, to some extent, a flat file of records. It is
called a flat file because each record has a simple linear or flat structure. For example, the database of files that was shown in Figure 1.2 is similar to the basic relational model representation. However, there are important differences between
relations and files, as we shall soon see.
When a relation is thought of as a table of values, each row in the table represents a
collection of related data values. A row represents a fact that typically corresponds
to a real-world entity or relationship. The table name and column names are used to
help to interpret the meaning of the values in each row. For example, the first table
of Figure 1.2 is called STUDENT because each row represents facts about a particular
stands for computer-aided software engineering.
3.1 Relational Model Concepts
student entity. The column names—Name, Student_number, Class, and Major—specify how to interpret the data values in each row, based on the column each value is
in. All values in a column are of the same data type.
In the formal relational model terminology, a row is called a tuple, a column header
is called an attribute, and the table is called a relation. The data type describing the
types of values that can appear in each column is represented by a domain of possible values. We now define these terms—domain, tuple, attribute, and relation—
3.1 Domains, Attributes, Tuples, and Relations
A domain D is a set of atomic values. By atomic we mean that each value in the
domain is indivisible as far as the formal relational model is concerned. A common
method of specifying a domain is to specify a data type from which the data values
forming the domain are drawn. It is also useful to specify a name for the domain, to
help in interpreting its values. Some examples of domains follow:
Usa_phone_numbers. The set of ten-digit phone numbers valid in the United
Local_phone_numbers. The set of seven-digit phone numbers valid within a
particular area code in the United States. The use of local phone numbers is
quickly becoming obsolete, being replaced by standard ten-digit numbers.
Social_security_numbers. The set of valid nine-digit Social Security numbers.
(This is a unique identifier assigned to each person in the United States for
employment, tax, and benefits purposes.)
Names: The set of character strings that represent names of persons.
Grade_point_averages. Possible values of computed grade point averages;
each must be a real (floating-point) number between 0 and 4.
Employee_ages. Possible ages of employees in a company; each must be an
integer value between 15 and 80.
Academic_department_names. The set of academic department names in a
university, such as Computer Science, Economics, and Physics.
Academic_department_codes. The set of academic department codes, such as
‘CS’, ‘ECON’, and ‘PHYS’.
The preceding are called logical definitions of domains. A data type or format is
also specified for each domain. For example, the data type for the domain
Usa_phone_numbers can be declared as a character string of the form (ddd)ddddddd, where each d is a numeric (decimal) digit and the first three digits form a
valid telephone area code. The data type for Employee_ages is an integer number
between 15 and 80. For Academic_department_names, the data type is the set of all
character strings that represent valid department names. A domain is thus given a
name, data type, and format. Additional information for interpreting the values of a
domain can also be given; for example, a numeric domain such as Person_weights
should have the units of measurement, such as pounds or kilograms.
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
A relation schema2 R, denoted by R(A1, A2, ..., An), is made up of a relation name R
and a list of attributes, A1, A2, ..., An. Each attribute Ai is the name of a role played
by some domain D in the relation schema R. D is called the domain of Ai and is
denoted by dom(Ai). A relation schema is used to describe a relation; R is called the
name of this relation. The degree (or arity) of a relation is the number of attributes
n of its relation schema.
A relation of degree seven, which stores information about university students,
would contain seven attributes describing each student. as follows:
STUDENT(Name, Ssn, Home_phone, Address, Office_phone, Age, Gpa)
Using the data type of each attribute, the definition is sometimes written as:
STUDENT(Name: string, Ssn: string, Home_phone: string, Address: string,
Office_phone: string, Age: integer, Gpa: real)
For this relation schema, STUDENT is the name of the relation, which has seven
attributes. In the preceding definition, we showed assignment of generic types such
as string or integer to the attributes. More precisely, we can specify the following
previously defined domains for some of the attributes of the STUDENT relation:
dom(Name) = Names; dom(Ssn) = Social_security_numbers; dom(HomePhone) =
USA_phone_numbers3, dom(Office_phone) = USA_phone_numbers, and dom(Gpa) =
Grade_point_averages. It is also possible to refer to attributes of a relation schema by
their position within the relation; thus, the second attribute of the STUDENT relation is Ssn, whereas the fourth attribute is Address.
A relation (or relation state)4 r of the relation schema R(A1, A2, ..., An), also
denoted by r(R), is a set of n-tuples r = {t1, t2, ..., tm}. Each n-tuple t is an ordered list
of n values t =<v1, v2, ..., vn>, where each value vi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, is an element of dom
(Ai) or is a special NULL value. (NULL values are discussed further below and in
Section 3.1.2.) The ith value in tuple t, which corresponds to the attribute Ai, is
referred to as t[Ai] or t.Ai (or t[i] if we use the positional notation). The terms
relation intension for the schema R and relation extension for a relation state r(R)
are also commonly used.
Figure 3.1 shows an example of a STUDENT relation, which corresponds to the
STUDENT schema just specified. Each tuple in the relation represents a particular
student entity (or object). We display the relation as a table, where each tuple is
shown as a row and each attribute corresponds to a column header indicating a role
or interpretation of the values in that column. NULL values represent attributes
whose values are unknown or do not exist for some individual STUDENT tuple.
relation schema is sometimes called a relation scheme.
the large increase in phone numbers caused by the proliferation of mobile phones, most metropolitan areas in the U.S. now have multiple area codes, so seven-digit local dialing has been discontinued in
most areas. We changed this domain to Usa_phone_numbers instead of Local_phone_numbers which
would be a more general choice. This illustrates how database requirements can change over time.
has also been called a relation instance. We will not use this term because instance is also used
to refer to a single tuple or row.
3.1 Relational Model Concepts
Relation Name
Chung-cha Kim
(817)375-4409 125 Kirby Road
Dick Davidson
3452 Elgin Road
Rohan Panchal
265 Lark Lane
(817)749-6492 28
Barbara Benson 533-69-1238
Age Gpa
Benjamin Bayer
2918 Bluebonnet Lane NULL
(817)839-8461 7384 Fontana Lane
Figure 3.1
The attributes and tuples of a relation STUDENT.
The earlier definition of a relation can be restated more formally using set theory
concepts as follows. A relation (or relation state) r(R) is a mathematical relation of
degree n on the domains dom(A1), dom(A2), ..., dom(An), which is a subset of the
Cartesian product (denoted by ×) of the domains that define R:
r(R) ⊆ (dom(A1) × dom(A2) × ... × dom(An))
The Cartesian product specifies all possible combinations of values from the underlying domains. Hence, if we denote the total number of values, or cardinality, in a
domain D by |D| (assuming that all domains are finite), the total number of tuples
in the Cartesian product is
|dom(A1)| × |dom(A2)| × ... × |dom(An)|
This product of cardinalities of all domains represents the total number of possible
instances or tuples that can ever exist in any relation state r(R). Of all these possible
combinations, a relation state at a given time—the current relation state—reflects
only the valid tuples that represent a particular state of the real world. In general, as
the state of the real world changes, so does the relation state, by being transformed
into another relation state. However, the schema R is relatively static and changes
very infrequently—for example, as a result of adding an attribute to represent new
information that was not originally stored in the relation.
It is possible for several attributes to have the same domain. The attribute names
indicate different roles, or interpretations, for the domain. For example, in the
STUDENT relation, the same domain USA_phone_numbers plays the role of
Home_phone, referring to the home phone of a student, and the role of Office_phone,
referring to the office phone of the student. A third possible attribute (not shown)
with the same domain could be Mobile_phone.
3.1.2 Characteristics of Relations
The earlier definition of relations implies certain characteristics that make a relation
different from a file or a table. We now discuss some of these characteristics.
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
Ordering of Tuples in a Relation. A relation is defined as a set of tuples.
Mathematically, elements of a set have no order among them; hence, tuples in a relation do not have any particular order. In other words, a relation is not sensitive to
the ordering of tuples. However, in a file, records are physically stored on disk (or in
memory), so there always is an order among the records. This ordering indicates
first, second, ith, and last records in the file. Similarly, when we display a relation as
a table, the rows are displayed in a certain order.
Tuple ordering is not part of a relation definition because a relation attempts to represent facts at a logical or abstract level. Many tuple orders can be specified on the
same relation. For example, tuples in the STUDENT relation in Figure 3.1 could be
ordered by values of Name, Ssn, Age, or some other attribute. The definition of a relation does not specify any order: There is no preference for one ordering over another.
Hence, the relation displayed in Figure 3.2 is considered identical to the one shown in
Figure 3.1. When a relation is implemented as a file or displayed as a table, a particular ordering may be specified on the records of the file or the rows of the table.
Ordering of Values within a Tuple and an Alternative Definition of a
Relation. According to the preceding definition of a relation, an n-tuple is an
ordered list of n values, so the ordering of values in a tuple—and hence of attributes
in a relation schema—is important. However, at a more abstract level, the order of
attributes and their values is not that important as long as the correspondence
between attributes and values is maintained.
An alternative definition of a relation can be given, making the ordering of values
in a tuple unnecessary. In this definition, a relation schema R = {A1, A2, ..., An} is a
set of attributes (instead of a list), and a relation state r(R) is a finite set of mappings
r = {t1, t2, ..., tm}, where each tuple ti is a mapping from R to D, and D is the union
(denoted by ∪) of the attribute domains; that is, D = dom(A1) ∪ dom(A2) ∪ ... ∪
dom(An). In this definition, t[Ai] must be in dom(Ai) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n for each mapping
t in r. Each mapping ti is called a tuple.
According to this definition of tuple as a mapping, a tuple can be considered as a set
of (<attribute>, <value>) pairs, where each pair gives the value of the mapping
from an attribute Ai to a value vi from dom(Ai). The ordering of attributes is not
Figure 3.2
The relation STUDENT from Figure 3.1 with a different order of tuples.
Dick Davidson
3452 Elgin Road
Age Gpa
Barbara Benson 533-69-1238
(817)839-8461 7384 Fontana Lane
Rohan Panchal
(817)376-9821 265 Lark Lane
Chung-cha Kim
(817)375-4409 125 Kirby Road
Benjamin Bayer
(817)373-1616 2918 Bluebonnet Lane NULL
3.1 Relational Model Concepts
important, because the attribute name appears with its value. By this definition, the
two tuples shown in Figure 3.3 are identical. This makes sense at an abstract level,
since there really is no reason to prefer having one attribute value appear before
another in a tuple.
When a relation is implemented as a file, the attributes are physically ordered as
fields within a record. We will generally use the first definition of relation, where
the attributes and the values within tuples are ordered, because it simplifies much of
the notation. However, the alternative definition given here is more general.5
Values and NULLs in the Tuples. Each value in a tuple is an atomic value; that
is, it is not divisible into components within the framework of the basic relational
model. Hence, composite and multivalued attributes (see Chapter 7) are not
allowed. This model is sometimes called the flat relational model. Much of the theory behind the relational model was developed with this assumption in mind,
which is called the first normal form assumption.6 Hence, multivalued attributes
must be represented by separate relations, and composite attributes are represented
only by their simple component attributes in the basic relational model.7
An important concept is that of NULL values, which are used to represent the values
of attributes that may be unknown or may not apply to a tuple. A special value,
called NULL, is used in these cases. For example, in Figure 3.1, some STUDENT tuples
have NULL for their office phones because they do not have an office (that is, office
phone does not apply to these students). Another student has a NULL for home
phone, presumably because either he does not have a home phone or he has one but
we do not know it (value is unknown). In general, we can have several meanings for
NULL values, such as value unknown, value exists but is not available, or attribute
does not apply to this tuple (also known as value undefined). An example of the last
type of NULL will occur if we add an attribute Visa_status to the STUDENT relation
Figure 3.3
Two identical tuples when the order of attributes and values is not part of relation definition.
t = < (Name, Dick Davidson),(Ssn, 422-11-2320),(Home_phone, NULL),(Address, 3452 Elgin Road),
(Office_phone, (817)749-1253),(Age, 25),(Gpa, 3.53)>
t = < (Address, 3452 Elgin Road),(Name, Dick Davidson),(Ssn, 422-11-2320),(Age, 25),
(Office_phone, (817)749-1253),(Gpa, 3.53),(Home_phone, NULL)>
we shall see, the alternative definition of relation is useful when we discuss query processing and
optimization in Chapter 19.
discuss this assumption in more detail in Chapter 15.
of the relational model remove these restrictions. For example, object-relational systems
(Chapter 11) allow complex-structured attributes, as do the non-first normal form or nested relational
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
that applies only to tuples representing foreign students. It is possible to devise different codes for different meanings of NULL values. Incorporating different types of
NULL values into relational model operations (see Chapter 6) has proven difficult
and is outside the scope of our presentation.
The exact meaning of a NULL value governs how it fares during arithmetic aggregations or comparisons with other values. For example, a comparison of two NULL
values leads to ambiguities—if both Customer A and B have NULL addresses, it does
not mean they have the same address. During database design, it is best to avoid
NULL values as much as possible. We will discuss this further in Chapters 5 and 6 in
the context of operations and queries, and in Chapter 15 in the context of database
design and normalization.
Interpretation (Meaning) of a Relation. The relation schema can be interpreted
as a declaration or a type of assertion. For example, the schema of the STUDENT
relation of Figure 3.1 asserts that, in general, a student entity has a Name, Ssn,
Home_phone, Address, Office_phone, Age, and Gpa. Each tuple in the relation can
then be interpreted as a fact or a particular instance of the assertion. For example,
the first tuple in Figure 3.1 asserts the fact that there is a STUDENT whose Name is
Benjamin Bayer, Ssn is 305-61-2435, Age is 19, and so on.
Notice that some relations may represent facts about entities, whereas other relations
may represent facts about relationships. For example, a relation schema MAJORS
(Student_ssn, Department_code) asserts that students major in academic disciplines. A
tuple in this relation relates a student to his or her major discipline. Hence, the relational model represents facts about both entities and relationships uniformly as relations. This sometimes compromises understandability because one has to guess
whether a relation represents an entity type or a relationship type. We introduce the
Entity-Relationship (ER) model in detail in Chapter 7 where the entity and relationship concepts will be described in detail. The mapping procedures in Chapter 9 show
how different constructs of the ER and EER (Enhanced ER model covered in Chapter
8) conceptual data models (see Part 3) get converted to relations.
An alternative interpretation of a relation schema is as a predicate; in this case, the
values in each tuple are interpreted as values that satisfy the predicate. For example,
the predicate STUDENT (Name, Ssn, ...) is true for the five tuples in relation
STUDENT of Figure 3.1. These tuples represent five different propositions or facts in
the real world. This interpretation is quite useful in the context of logical programming languages, such as Prolog, because it allows the relational model to be used
within these languages (see Section 26.5). An assumption called the closed world
assumption states that the only true facts in the universe are those present within
the extension (state) of the relation(s). Any other combination of values makes the
predicate false.
3.1.3 Relational Model Notation
We will use the following notation in our presentation:
A relation schema R of degree n is denoted by R(A1, A2, ..., An).
3.2 Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas
The uppercase letters Q, R, S denote relation names.
The lowercase letters q, r, s denote relation states.
The letters t, u, v denote tuples.
In general, the name of a relation schema such as STUDENT also indicates the
current set of tuples in that relation—the current relation state—whereas
STUDENT(Name, Ssn, ...) refers only to the relation schema.
An attribute A can be qualified with the relation name R to which it belongs
by using the dot notation R.A—for example, STUDENT.Name or
STUDENT.Age. This is because the same name may be used for two attributes
in different relations. However, all attribute names in a particular relation
must be distinct.
An n-tuple t in a relation r(R) is denoted by t = <v1, v2, ..., vn>, where vi is the
value corresponding to attribute Ai. The following notation refers to
component values of tuples:
Both t[Ai] and t.Ai (and sometimes t[i]) refer to the value vi in t for attribute
Both t[Au, Aw, ..., Az] and t.(Au, Aw, ..., Az), where Au, Aw, ..., Az is a list of
attributes from R, refer to the subtuple of values <vu, vw, ..., vz> from t corresponding to the attributes specified in the list.
As an example, consider the tuple t = <‘Barbara Benson’, ‘533-69-1238’, ‘(817)8398461’, ‘7384 Fontana Lane’, NULL, 19, 3.25> from the STUDENT relation in Figure
3.1; we have t[Name] = <‘Barbara Benson’>, and t[Ssn, Gpa, Age] = <‘533-69-1238’,
3.25, 19>.
3.2 Relational Model Constraints
and Relational Database Schemas
So far, we have discussed the characteristics of single relations. In a relational database, there will typically be many relations, and the tuples in those relations are usually related in various ways. The state of the whole database will correspond to the
states of all its relations at a particular point in time. There are generally many
restrictions or constraints on the actual values in a database state. These constraints
are derived from the rules in the miniworld that the database represents, as we discussed in Section 1.6.8.
In this section, we discuss the various restrictions on data that can be specified on a
relational database in the form of constraints. Constraints on databases can generally be divided into three main categories:
1. Constraints that are inherent in the data model. We call these inherent
model-based constraints or implicit constraints.
2. Constraints that can be directly expressed in schemas of the data model, typically by specifying them in the DDL (data definition language, see Section
2.3.1). We call these schema-based constraints or explicit constraints.
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
3. Constraints that cannot be directly expressed in the schemas of the data
model, and hence must be expressed and enforced by the application programs. We call these application-based or semantic constraints or business
The characteristics of relations that we discussed in Section 3.1.2 are the inherent
constraints of the relational model and belong to the first category. For example, the
constraint that a relation cannot have duplicate tuples is an inherent constraint. The
constraints we discuss in this section are of the second category, namely, constraints
that can be expressed in the schema of the relational model via the DDL.
Constraints in the third category are more general, relate to the meaning as well as
behavior of attributes, and are difficult to express and enforce within the data
model, so they are usually checked within the application programs that perform
database updates.
Another important category of constraints is data dependencies, which include
functional dependencies and multivalued dependencies. They are used mainly for
testing the “goodness” of the design of a relational database and are utilized in a
process called normalization, which is discussed in Chapters 15 and 16.
The schema-based constraints include domain constraints, key constraints, constraints on NULLs, entity integrity constraints, and referential integrity constraints.
3.2.1 Domain Constraints
Domain constraints specify that within each tuple, the value of each attribute A
must be an atomic value from the domain dom(A). We have already discussed the
ways in which domains can be specified in Section 3.1.1. The data types associated
with domains typically include standard numeric data types for integers (such as
short integer, integer, and long integer) and real numbers (float and doubleprecision float). Characters, Booleans, fixed-length strings, and variable-length
strings are also available, as are date, time, timestamp, and money, or other special
data types. Other possible domains may be described by a subrange of values from a
data type or as an enumerated data type in which all possible values are explicitly
listed. Rather than describe these in detail here, we discuss the data types offered by
the SQL relational standard in Section 4.1.
3.2.2 Key Constraints and Constraints on NULL Values
In the formal relational model, a relation is defined as a set of tuples. By definition,
all elements of a set are distinct; hence, all tuples in a relation must also be distinct.
This means that no two tuples can have the same combination of values for all their
attributes. Usually, there are other subsets of attributes of a relation schema R with
the property that no two tuples in any relation state r of R should have the same
combination of values for these attributes. Suppose that we denote one such subset
of attributes by SK; then for any two distinct tuples t1 and t2 in a relation state r of R,
we have the constraint that:
t1[SK] ≠ t2[SK]
3.2 Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas
Any such set of attributes SK is called a superkey of the relation schema R. A
superkey SK specifies a uniqueness constraint that no two distinct tuples in any state
r of R can have the same value for SK. Every relation has at least one default
superkey—the set of all its attributes. A superkey can have redundant attributes,
however, so a more useful concept is that of a key, which has no redundancy. A key
K of a relation schema R is a superkey of R with the additional property that removing any attribute A from K leaves a set of attributes K that is not a superkey of R any
more. Hence, a key satisfies two properties:
1. Two distinct tuples in any state of the relation cannot have identical values
for (all) the attributes in the key. This first property also applies to a
2. It is a minimal superkey—that is, a superkey from which we cannot remove
any attributes and still have the uniqueness constraint in condition 1 hold.
This property is not required by a superkey.
Whereas the first property applies to both keys and superkeys, the second property
is required only for keys. Hence, a key is also a superkey but not vice versa. Consider
the STUDENT relation of Figure 3.1. The attribute set {Ssn} is a key of STUDENT
because no two student tuples can have the same value for Ssn.8 Any set of attributes that includes Ssn—for example, {Ssn, Name, Age}—is a superkey. However, the
superkey {Ssn, Name, Age} is not a key of STUDENT because removing Name or Age
or both from the set still leaves us with a superkey. In general, any superkey formed
from a single attribute is also a key. A key with multiple attributes must require all
its attributes together to have the uniqueness property.
The value of a key attribute can be used to identify uniquely each tuple in the relation. For example, the Ssn value 305-61-2435 identifies uniquely the tuple corresponding to Benjamin Bayer in the STUDENT relation. Notice that a set of attributes
constituting a key is a property of the relation schema; it is a constraint that should
hold on every valid relation state of the schema. A key is determined from the meaning of the attributes, and the property is time-invariant: It must continue to hold
when we insert new tuples in the relation. For example, we cannot and should not
designate the Name attribute of the STUDENT relation in Figure 3.1 as a key because
it is possible that two students with identical names will exist at some point in a
valid state.9
In general, a relation schema may have more than one key. In this case, each of the
keys is called a candidate key. For example, the CAR relation in Figure 3.4 has two
candidate keys: License_number and Engine_serial_number. It is common to designate
one of the candidate keys as the primary key of the relation. This is the candidate
key whose values are used to identify tuples in the relation. We use the convention
that the attributes that form the primary key of a relation schema are underlined, as
shown in Figure 3.4. Notice that when a relation schema has several candidate keys,
that Ssn is also a superkey.
are sometimes used as keys, but then some artifact—such as appending an ordinal number—
must be used to distinguish between identical names.
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
Figure 3.4
The CAR relation, with
two candidate keys:
License_number and
Texas ABC-739
Florida TVP-347
New York MPO-22
California 432-TFY
California RSK-629
Texas RSK-629
the choice of one to become the primary key is somewhat arbitrary; however, it is
usually better to choose a primary key with a single attribute or a small number of
attributes. The other candidate keys are designated as unique keys, and are not
Another constraint on attributes specifies whether NULL values are or are not permitted. For example, if every STUDENT tuple must have a valid, non-NULL value for
the Name attribute, then Name of STUDENT is constrained to be NOT NULL.
3.2.3 Relational Databases and Relational
Database Schemas
The definitions and constraints we have discussed so far apply to single relations
and their attributes. A relational database usually contains many relations, with
tuples in relations that are related in various ways. In this section we define a relational database and a relational database schema.
A relational database schema S is a set of relation schemas S = {R1, R2, ..., Rm} and
a set of integrity constraints IC. A relational database state10 DB of S is a set of
relation states DB = {r1, r2, ..., rm} such that each ri is a state of Ri and such that the
ri relation states satisfy the integrity constraints specified in IC. Figure 3.5 shows a
relational database schema that we call COMPANY = {EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT,
DEPT_LOCATIONS, PROJECT, WORKS_ON, DEPENDENT}. The underlined attributes represent primary keys. Figure 3.6 shows a relational database state corresponding to the COMPANY schema. We will use this schema and database state in
this chapter and in Chapters 4 through 6 for developing sample queries in different
relational languages. (The data shown here is expanded and available for loading as
a populated database from the Companion Website for the book, and can be used
for the hands-on project exercises at the end of the chapters.)
When we refer to a relational database, we implicitly include both its schema and its
current state. A database state that does not obey all the integrity constraints is
relational database state is sometimes called a relational database instance. However, as we mentioned earlier, we will not use the term instance since it also applies to single tuples.
3.2 Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas
Figure 3.5
Schema diagram for the
COMPANY relational
database schema.
called an invalid state, and a state that satisfies all the constraints in the defined set
of integrity constraints IC is called a valid state.
In Figure 3.5, the Dnumber attribute in both DEPARTMENT and DEPT_LOCATIONS
stands for the same real-world concept—the number given to a department. That
same concept is called Dno in EMPLOYEE and Dnum in PROJECT. Attributes that
represent the same real-world concept may or may not have identical names in different relations. Alternatively, attributes that represent different concepts may have
the same name in different relations. For example, we could have used the attribute
name Name for both Pname of PROJECT and Dname of DEPARTMENT; in this case,
we would have two attributes that share the same name but represent different realworld concepts—project names and department names.
In some early versions of the relational model, an assumption was made that the
same real-world concept, when represented by an attribute, would have identical
attribute names in all relations. This creates problems when the same real-world
concept is used in different roles (meanings) in the same relation. For example, the
concept of Social Security number appears twice in the EMPLOYEE relation of
Figure 3.5: once in the role of the employee’s SSN, and once in the role of the supervisor’s SSN. We are required to give them distinct attribute names—Ssn and
Super_ssn, respectively—because they appear in the same relation and in order to
distinguish their meaning.
Each relational DBMS must have a data definition language (DDL) for defining a
relational database schema. Current relational DBMSs are mostly using SQL for this
purpose. We present the SQL DDL in Sections 4.1 and 4.2.
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
Figure 3.6
One possible database state for the COMPANY relational database schema.
123456789 1965-01-09 731 Fondren, Houston, TX M
30000 333445555
333445555 1955-12-08 638 Voss, Houston, TX
40000 888665555
999887777 1968-01-19 3321 Castle, Spring, TX
25000 987654321
Wallace 987654321 1941-06-20 291 Berry, Bellaire, TX
43000 888665555
Narayan 666884444 1962-09-15 975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX
38000 333445555
453453453 1972-07-31 5631 Rice, Houston, TX
25000 333445555
1969-03-29 980 Dallas, Houston, TX
25000 987654321
888665555 1937-11-10 450 Stone, Houston, TX
55000 NULL
3.2 Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas
Integrity constraints are specified on a database schema and are expected to hold on
every valid database state of that schema. In addition to domain, key, and NOT NULL
constraints, two other types of constraints are considered part of the relational
model: entity integrity and referential integrity.
3.2.4 Integrity, Referential Integrity,
and Foreign Keys
The entity integrity constraint states that no primary key value can be NULL. This
is because the primary key value is used to identify individual tuples in a relation.
Having NULL values for the primary key implies that we cannot identify some
tuples. For example, if two or more tuples had NULL for their primary keys, we may
not be able to distinguish them if we try to reference them from other relations.
Key constraints and entity integrity constraints are specified on individual relations.
The referential integrity constraint is specified between two relations and is used
to maintain the consistency among tuples in the two relations. Informally, the referential integrity constraint states that a tuple in one relation that refers to another
relation must refer to an existing tuple in that relation. For example, in Figure 3.6,
the attribute Dno of EMPLOYEE gives the department number for which each
employee works; hence, its value in every EMPLOYEE tuple must match the Dnumber
value of some tuple in the DEPARTMENT relation.
To define referential integrity more formally, first we define the concept of a foreign
key. The conditions for a foreign key, given below, specify a referential integrity constraint between the two relation schemas R1 and R2. A set of attributes FK in relation schema R1 is a foreign key of R1 that references relation R2 if it satisfies the
following rules:
1. The attributes in FK have the same domain(s) as the primary key attributes
PK of R2; the attributes FK are said to reference or refer to the relation R2.
2. A value of FK in a tuple t1 of the current state r1(R1) either occurs as a value
of PK for some tuple t2 in the current state r2(R2) or is NULL. In the former
case, we have t1[FK] = t2[PK], and we say that the tuple t1 references or
refers to the tuple t2.
In this definition, R1 is called the referencing relation and R2 is the referenced relation. If these two conditions hold, a referential integrity constraint from R1 to R2 is
said to hold. In a database of many relations, there are usually many referential
integrity constraints.
To specify these constraints, first we must have a clear understanding of the meaning or role that each attribute or set of attributes plays in the various relation
schemas of the database. Referential integrity constraints typically arise from the
relationships among the entities represented by the relation schemas. For example,
consider the database shown in Figure 3.6. In the EMPLOYEE relation, the attribute
Dno refers to the department for which an employee works; hence, we designate Dno
to be a foreign key of EMPLOYEE referencing the DEPARTMENT relation. This means
that a value of Dno in any tuple t1 of the EMPLOYEE relation must match a value of
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
the primary key of DEPARTMENT—the Dnumber attribute—in some tuple t2 of the
DEPARTMENT relation, or the value of Dno can be NULL if the employee does not
belong to a department or will be assigned to a department later. For example, in
Figure 3.6 the tuple for employee ‘John Smith’ references the tuple for the ‘Research’
department, indicating that ‘John Smith’ works for this department.
Notice that a foreign key can refer to its own relation. For example, the attribute
Super_ssn in EMPLOYEE refers to the supervisor of an employee; this is another
employee, represented by a tuple in the EMPLOYEE relation. Hence, Super_ssn is a
foreign key that references the EMPLOYEE relation itself. In Figure 3.6 the tuple for
employee ‘John Smith’ references the tuple for employee ‘Franklin Wong,’ indicating
that ‘Franklin Wong’ is the supervisor of ‘John Smith.’
We can diagrammatically display referential integrity constraints by drawing a directed
arc from each foreign key to the relation it references. For clarity, the arrowhead may
point to the primary key of the referenced relation. Figure 3.7 shows the schema in
Figure 3.5 with the referential integrity constraints displayed in this manner.
All integrity constraints should be specified on the relational database schema (i.e.,
defined as part of its definition) if we want to enforce these constraints on the database states. Hence, the DDL includes provisions for specifying the various types of
constraints so that the DBMS can automatically enforce them. Most relational
DBMSs support key, entity integrity, and referential integrity constraints. These
constraints are specified as a part of data definition in the DDL.
3.2.5 Other Types of Constraints
The preceding integrity constraints are included in the data definition language
because they occur in most database applications. However, they do not include a
large class of general constraints, sometimes called semantic integrity constraints,
which may have to be specified and enforced on a relational database. Examples of
such constraints are the salary of an employee should not exceed the salary of the
employee’s supervisor and the maximum number of hours an employee can work on all
projects per week is 56. Such constraints can be specified and enforced within the
application programs that update the database, or by using a general-purpose
constraint specification language. Mechanisms called triggers and assertions can
be used. In SQL, CREATE ASSERTION and CREATE TRIGGER statements can be
used for this purpose (see Chapter 5). It is more common to check for these types of
constraints within the application programs than to use constraint specification
languages because the latter are sometimes difficult and complex to use, as we discuss in Section 26.1.
Another type of constraint is the functional dependency constraint, which establishes
a functional relationship among two sets of attributes X and Y. This constraint specifies that the value of X determines a unique value of Y in all states of a relation; it is
denoted as a functional dependency X → Y. We use functional depen-dencies and
other types of dependencies in Chapters 15 and 16 as tools to analyze the quality of
relational designs and to “normalize” relations to improve their quality.
3.3 Update Operations, Transactions, and Dealing with Constraint Violations
Figure 3.7
Referential integrity constraints displayed
on the COMPANY relational database
The types of constraints we discussed so far may be called state constraints because
they define the constraints that a valid state of the database must satisfy. Another type
of constraint, called transition constraints, can be defined to deal with state changes
in the database.11 An example of a transition constraint is: “the salary of an employee
can only increase.” Such constraints are typically enforced by the application programs or specified using active rules and triggers, as we discuss in Section 26.1.
3.3 Update Operations, Transactions,
and Dealing with Constraint Violations
The operations of the relational model can be categorized into retrievals and
updates. The relational algebra operations, which can be used to specify retrievals,
are discussed in detail in Chapter 6. A relational algebra expression forms a new
relation after applying a number of algebraic operators to an existing set of relations; its main use is for querying a database to retrieve information. The user formulates a query that specifies the data of interest, and a new relation is formed by
applying relational operators to retrieve this data. That result relation becomes the
constraints are sometimes called static constraints, and transition constraints are sometimes
called dynamic constraints.
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
answer to (or result of) the user’s query. Chapter 6 also introduces the language
called relational calculus, which is used to define the new relation declaratively
without giving a specific order of operations.
In this section, we concentrate on the database modification or update operations.
There are three basic operations that can change the states of relations in the database: Insert, Delete, and Update (or Modify). They insert new data, delete old data,
or modify existing data records. Insert is used to insert one or more new tuples in a
relation, Delete is used to delete tuples, and Update (or Modify) is used to change
the values of some attributes in existing tuples. Whenever these operations are
applied, the integrity constraints specified on the relational database schema should
not be violated. In this section we discuss the types of constraints that may be violated by each of these operations and the types of actions that may be taken if an
operation causes a violation. We use the database shown in Figure 3.6 for examples
and discuss only key constraints, entity integrity constraints, and the referential
integrity constraints shown in Figure 3.7. For each type of operation, we give some
examples and discuss any constraints that each operation may violate.
3.3.1 The Insert Operation
The Insert operation provides a list of attribute values for a new tuple t that is to be
inserted into a relation R. Insert can violate any of the four types of constraints discussed in the previous section. Domain constraints can be violated if an attribute
value is given that does not appear in the corresponding domain or is not of the
appropriate data type. Key constraints can be violated if a key value in the new tuple
t already exists in another tuple in the relation r(R). Entity integrity can be violated
if any part of the primary key of the new tuple t is NULL. Referential integrity can be
violated if the value of any foreign key in t refers to a tuple that does not exist in the
referenced relation. Here are some examples to illustrate this discussion.
Insert <‘Cecilia’, ‘F’, ‘Kolonsky’, NULL, ‘1960-04-05’, ‘6357 Windy Lane, Katy,
TX’, F, 28000, NULL, 4> into EMPLOYEE.
Result: This insertion violates the entity integrity constraint (NULL for the
primary key Ssn), so it is rejected.
Insert <‘Alicia’, ‘J’, ‘Zelaya’, ‘999887777’, ‘1960-04-05’, ‘6357 Windy Lane, Katy,
TX’, F, 28000, ‘987654321’, 4> into EMPLOYEE.
Result: This insertion violates the key constraint because another tuple with
the same Ssn value already exists in the EMPLOYEE relation, and so it is
Insert <‘Cecilia’, ‘F’, ‘Kolonsky’, ‘677678989’, ‘1960-04-05’, ‘6357 Windswept,
Katy, TX’, F, 28000, ‘987654321’, 7> into EMPLOYEE.
Result: This insertion violates the referential integrity constraint specified on
Dno in EMPLOYEE because no corresponding referenced tuple exists in
DEPARTMENT with Dnumber = 7.
3.3 Update Operations, Transactions, and Dealing with Constraint Violations
Insert <‘Cecilia’, ‘F’, ‘Kolonsky’, ‘677678989’, ‘1960-04-05’, ‘6357 Windy Lane,
Katy, TX’, F, 28000, NULL, 4> into EMPLOYEE.
Result: This insertion satisfies all constraints, so it is acceptable.
If an insertion violates one or more constraints, the default option is to reject the
insertion. In this case, it would be useful if the DBMS could provide a reason to
the user as to why the insertion was rejected. Another option is to attempt to correct
the reason for rejecting the insertion, but this is typically not used for violations
caused by Insert; rather, it is used more often in correcting violations for Delete and
Update. In the first operation, the DBMS could ask the user to provide a value for
Ssn, and could then accept the insertion if a valid Ssn value is provided. In operation 3, the DBMS could either ask the user to change the value of Dno to some valid
value (or set it to NULL), or it could ask the user to insert a DEPARTMENT tuple with
Dnumber = 7 and could accept the original insertion only after such an operation
was accepted. Notice that in the latter case the insertion violation can cascade back
to the EMPLOYEE relation if the user attempts to insert a tuple for department 7
with a value for Mgr_ssn that does not exist in the EMPLOYEE relation.
3.3.2 The Delete Operation
The Delete operation can violate only referential integrity. This occurs if the tuple
being deleted is referenced by foreign keys from other tuples in the database. To
specify deletion, a condition on the attributes of the relation selects the tuple (or
tuples) to be deleted. Here are some examples.
Delete the WORKS_ON tuple with Essn = ‘999887777’ and Pno = 10.
Result: This deletion is acceptable and deletes exactly one tuple.
Delete the EMPLOYEE tuple with Ssn = ‘999887777’.
Result: This deletion is not acceptable, because there are tuples in
WORKS_ON that refer to this tuple. Hence, if the tuple in EMPLOYEE is
deleted, referential integrity violations will result.
Delete the EMPLOYEE tuple with Ssn = ‘333445555’.
Result: This deletion will result in even worse referential integrity violations,
because the tuple involved is referenced by tuples from the EMPLOYEE,
Several options are available if a deletion operation causes a violation. The first
option, called restrict, is to reject the deletion. The second option, called cascade, is
to attempt to cascade (or propagate) the deletion by deleting tuples that reference the
tuple that is being deleted. For example, in operation 2, the DBMS could automatically delete the offending tuples from WORKS_ON with Essn = ‘999887777’. A third
option, called set null or set default, is to modify the referencing attribute values that
cause the violation; each such value is either set to NULL or changed to reference
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
another default valid tuple. Notice that if a referencing attribute that causes a violation is part of the primary key, it cannot be set to NULL; otherwise, it would violate
entity integrity.
Combinations of these three options are also possible. For example, to avoid having
operation 3 cause a violation, the DBMS may automatically delete all tuples from
WORKS_ON and DEPENDENT with Essn = ‘333445555’. Tuples in EMPLOYEE with
Super_ssn = ‘333445555’ and the tuple in DEPARTMENT with Mgr_ssn = ‘333445555’
can have their Super_ssn and Mgr_ssn values changed to other valid values or to
NULL. Although it may make sense to delete automatically the WORKS_ON and
DEPENDENT tuples that refer to an EMPLOYEE tuple, it may not make sense to
delete other EMPLOYEE tuples or a DEPARTMENT tuple.
In general, when a referential integrity constraint is specified in the DDL, the DBMS
will allow the database designer to specify which of the options applies in case of a
violation of the constraint. We discuss how to specify these options in the SQL DDL
in Chapter 4.
3.3.3 The Update Operation
The Update (or Modify) operation is used to change the values of one or more
attributes in a tuple (or tuples) of some relation R. It is necessary to specify a condition on the attributes of the relation to select the tuple (or tuples) to be modified.
Here are some examples.
Update the salary of the EMPLOYEE tuple with Ssn = ‘999887777’ to 28000.
Result: Acceptable.
Update the Dno of the EMPLOYEE tuple with Ssn = ‘999887777’ to 1.
Result: Acceptable.
Update the Dno of the EMPLOYEE tuple with Ssn = ‘999887777’ to 7.
Result: Unacceptable, because it violates referential integrity.
Update the Ssn of the EMPLOYEE tuple with Ssn = ‘999887777’ to
Result: Unacceptable, because it violates primary key constraint by repeating
a value that already exists as a primary key in another tuple; it violates referential integrity constraints because there are other relations that refer to the
existing value of Ssn.
Updating an attribute that is neither part of a primary key nor of a foreign key usually
causes no problems; the DBMS need only check to confirm that the new value is of
the correct data type and domain. Modifying a primary key value is similar to deleting one tuple and inserting another in its place because we use the primary key to
identify tuples. Hence, the issues discussed earlier in both Sections 3.3.1 (Insert) and
3.3.2 (Delete) come into play. If a foreign key attribute is modified, the DBMS must
3.4 Summary
make sure that the new value refers to an existing tuple in the referenced relation (or
is set to NULL). Similar options exist to deal with referential integrity violations
caused by Update as those options discussed for the Delete operation. In fact, when
a referential integrity constraint is specified in the DDL, the DBMS will allow the
user to choose separate options to deal with a violation caused by Delete and a violation caused by Update (see Section 4.2).
3.3.4 The Transaction Concept
A database application program running against a relational database typically executes one or more transactions. A transaction is an executing program that includes
some database operations, such as reading from the database, or applying insertions, deletions, or updates to the database. At the end of the transaction, it must
leave the database in a valid or consistent state that satisfies all the constraints specified on the database schema. A single transaction may involve any number of
retrieval operations (to be discussed as part of relational algebra and calculus in
Chapter 6, and as a part of the language SQL in Chapters 4 and 5), and any number
of update operations. These retrievals and updates will together form an atomic
unit of work against the database. For example, a transaction to apply a bank withdrawal will typically read the user account record, check if there is a sufficient balance, and then update the record by the withdrawal amount.
A large number of commercial applications running against relational databases in
online transaction processing (OLTP) systems are executing transactions at rates
that reach several hundred per second. Transaction processing concepts, concurrent
execution of transactions, and recovery from failures will be discussed in Chapters
21 to 23.
3.4 Summary
In this chapter we presented the modeling concepts, data structures, and constraints
provided by the relational model of data. We started by introducing the concepts of
domains, attributes, and tuples. Then, we defined a relation schema as a list of
attributes that describe the structure of a relation. A relation, or relation state, is a
set of tuples that conforms to the schema.
Several characteristics differentiate relations from ordinary tables or files. The first
is that a relation is not sensitive to the ordering of tuples. The second involves the
ordering of attributes in a relation schema and the corresponding ordering of values
within a tuple. We gave an alternative definition of relation that does not require
these two orderings, but we continued to use the first definition, which requires
attributes and tuple values to be ordered, for convenience. Then, we discussed values in tuples and introduced NULL values to represent missing or unknown information. We emphasized that NULL values should be avoided as much as possible.
We classified database constraints into inherent model-based constraints, explicit
schema-based constraints, and application-based constraints, otherwise known as
semantic constraints or business rules. Then, we discussed the schema constraints
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
pertaining to the relational model, starting with domain constraints, then key constraints, including the concepts of superkey, candidate key, and primary key, and the
NOT NULL constraint on attributes. We defined relational databases and relational
database schemas. Additional relational constraints include the entity integrity constraint, which prohibits primary key attributes from being NULL. We described the
interrelation referential integrity constraint, which is used to maintain consistency
of references among tuples from different relations.
The modification operations on the relational model are Insert, Delete, and Update.
Each operation may violate certain types of constraints (refer to Section 3.3).
Whenever an operation is applied, the database state after the operation is executed
must be checked to ensure that no constraints have been violated. Finally, we introduced the concept of a transaction, which is important in relational DBMSs because
it allows the grouping of several database operations into a single atomic action on
the database.
Review Questions
3.1. Define the following terms as they apply to the relational model of data:
domain, attribute, n-tuple, relation schema, relation state, degree of a relation,
relational database schema, and relational database state.
3.2. Why are tuples in a relation not ordered?
3.3. Why are duplicate tuples not allowed in a relation?
3.4. What is the difference between a key and a superkey?
3.5. Why do we designate one of the candidate keys of a relation to be the pri-
mary key?
3.6. Discuss the characteristics of relations that make them different from ordi-
nary tables and files.
3.7. Discuss the various reasons that lead to the occurrence of NULL values in
3.8. Discuss the entity integrity and referential integrity constraints. Why is each
considered important?
3.9. Define foreign key. What is this concept used for?
3.10. What is a transaction? How does it differ from an Update operation?
3.11. Suppose that each of the following Update operations is applied directly to
the database state shown in Figure 3.6. Discuss all integrity constraints violated by each operation, if any, and the different ways of enforcing these constraints.
a. Insert <‘Robert’, ‘F’, ‘Scott’, ‘943775543’, ‘1972-06-21’, ‘2365 Newcastle Rd,
Bellaire, TX’, M, 58000, ‘888665555’, 1> into EMPLOYEE.
b. Insert <‘ProductA’, 4, ‘Bellaire’, 2> into PROJECT.
c. Insert <‘Production’, 4, ‘943775543’, ‘2007-10-01’> into DEPARTMENT.
d. Insert <‘677678989’, NULL, ‘40.0’> into WORKS_ON.
e. Insert <‘453453453’, ‘John’, ‘M’, ‘1990-12-12’, ‘spouse’> into DEPENDENT.
f. Delete the WORKS_ON tuples with Essn = ‘333445555’.
g. Delete the EMPLOYEE tuple with Ssn = ‘987654321’.
h. Delete the PROJECT tuple with Pname = ‘ProductX’.
i. Modify the Mgr_ssn and Mgr_start_date of the DEPARTMENT tuple with
Dnumber = 5 to ‘123456789’ and ‘2007-10-01’, respectively.
j. Modify the Super_ssn attribute of the EMPLOYEE tuple with Ssn =
‘999887777’ to ‘943775543’.
k. Modify the Hours attribute of the WORKS_ON tuple with Essn =
‘999887777’ and Pno = 10 to ‘5.0’.
3.12. Consider the AIRLINE relational database schema shown in Figure 3.8, which
describes a database for airline flight information. Each FLIGHT is identified
by a Flight_number, and consists of one or more FLIGHT_LEGs with
Leg_numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on. Each FLIGHT_LEG has scheduled arrival and
departure times, airports, and one or more LEG_INSTANCEs—one for each
Date on which the flight travels. FAREs are kept for each FLIGHT. For each
FLIGHT_LEG instance, SEAT_RESERVATIONs are kept, as are the AIRPLANE
used on the leg and the actual arrival and departure times and airports. An
AIRPLANE is identified by an Airplane_id and is of a particular
which they can land. An AIRPORT is identified by an Airport_code. Consider
an update for the AIRLINE database to enter a reservation on a particular
flight or flight leg on a given date.
a. Give the operations for this update.
b. What types of constraints would you expect to check?
c. Which of these constraints are key, entity integrity, and referential
integrity constraints, and which are not?
d. Specify all the referential integrity constraints that hold on the schema
shown in Figure 3.8.
3.13. Consider the relation CLASS(Course#, Univ_Section#, Instructor_name,
Semester, Building_code, Room#, Time_period, Weekdays, Credit_hours). This
represents classes taught in a university, with unique Univ_section#s. Identify
what you think should be various candidate keys, and write in your own
words the conditions or assumptions under which each candidate key would
be valid.
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
Figure 3.8
The AIRLINE relational database schema.
3.14. Consider the following six relations for an order-processing database appli-
cation in a company:
CUSTOMER(Cust#, Cname, City)
ORDER(Order#, Odate, Cust#, Ord_amt)
ORDER_ITEM(Order#, Item#, Qty)
ITEM(Item#, Unit_price)
SHIPMENT(Order#, Warehouse#, Ship_date)
WAREHOUSE(Warehouse#, City)
Here, Ord_amt refers to total dollar amount of an order; Odate is the date the
order was placed; and Ship_date is the date an order (or part of an order) is
shipped from the warehouse. Assume that an order can be shipped from several warehouses. Specify the foreign keys for this schema, stating any
assumptions you make. What other constraints can you think of for this
3.15. Consider the following relations for a database that keeps track of business
trips of salespersons in a sales office:
SALESPERSON(Ssn, Name, Start_year, Dept_no)
TRIP(Ssn, From_city, To_city, Departure_date, Return_date, Trip_id)
EXPENSE(Trip_id, Account#, Amount)
A trip can be charged to one or more accounts. Specify the foreign keys for
this schema, stating any assumptions you make.
3.16. Consider the following relations for a database that keeps track of student
enrollment in courses and the books adopted for each course:
STUDENT(Ssn, Name, Major, Bdate)
COURSE(Course#, Cname, Dept)
ENROLL(Ssn, Course#, Quarter, Grade)
BOOK_ADOPTION(Course#, Quarter, Book_isbn)
TEXT(Book_isbn, Book_title, Publisher, Author)
Specify the foreign keys for this schema, stating any assumptions you make.
3.17. Consider the following relations for a database that keeps track of automobile sales in a car dealership (OPTION refers to some optional equipment
installed on an automobile):
CAR(Serial_no, Model, Manufacturer, Price)
OPTION(Serial_no, Option_name, Price)
SALE(Salesperson_id, Serial_no, Date, Sale_price)
SALESPERSON(Salesperson_id, Name, Phone)
First, specify the foreign keys for this schema, stating any assumptions you
make. Next, populate the relations with a few sample tuples, and then give an
example of an insertion in the SALE and SALESPERSON relations that
violates the referential integrity constraints and of another insertion that
does not.
3.18. Database design often involves decisions about the storage of attributes. For
example, a Social Security number can be stored as one attribute or split into
three attributes (one for each of the three hyphen-delineated groups of
numbers in a Social Security number—XXX-XX-XXXX). However, Social
Security numbers are usually represented as just one attribute. The decision
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
is based on how the database will be used. This exercise asks you to think
about specific situations where dividing the SSN is useful.
3.19. Consider a STUDENT relation in a UNIVERSITY database with the following
attributes (Name, Ssn, Local_phone, Address, Cell_phone, Age, Gpa). Note that
the cell phone may be from a different city and state (or province) from the
local phone. A possible tuple of the relation is shown below:
George Shaw
William Edwards
123 Main St.,
Anytown, CA 94539
a. Identify the critical missing information from the Local_phone and
Cell_phone attributes. (Hint: How do you call someone who lives in a dif-
ferent state or province?)
b. Would you store this additional information in the Local_phone and
Cell_phone attributes or add new attributes to the schema for STUDENT?
c. Consider the Name attribute. What are the advantages and disadvantages
of splitting this field from one attribute into three attributes (first name,
middle name, and last name)?
d. What general guideline would you recommend for deciding when to store
information in a single attribute and when to split the information?
e. Suppose the student can have between 0 and 5 phones. Suggest two different designs that allow this type of information.
3.20. Recent changes in privacy laws have disallowed organizations from using
Social Security numbers to identify individuals unless certain restrictions are
satisfied. As a result, most U.S. universities cannot use SSNs as primary keys
(except for financial data). In practice, Student_id, a unique identifier
assigned to every student, is likely to be used as the primary key rather than
SSN since Student_id can be used throughout the system.
a. Some database designers are reluctant to use generated keys (also known
as surrogate keys) for primary keys (such as Student_id) because they are
artificial. Can you propose any natural choices of keys that can be used to
identify the student record in a UNIVERSITY database?
b. Suppose that you are able to guarantee uniqueness of a natural key that
includes last name. Are you guaranteed that the last name will not change
during the lifetime of the database? If last name can change, what solutions can you propose for creating a primary key that still includes last
name but remains unique?
c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using generated (surrogate) keys?
Selected Bibliography
Selected Bibliography
The relational model was introduced by Codd (1970) in a classic paper. Codd also
introduced relational algebra and laid the theoretical foundations for the relational
model in a series of papers (Codd 1971, 1972, 1972a, 1974); he was later given the
Turing Award, the highest honor of the ACM (Association for Computing
Machinery) for his work on the relational model. In a later paper, Codd (1979) discussed extending the relational model to incorporate more meta-data and semantics about the relations; he also proposed a three-valued logic to deal with
uncertainty in relations and incorporating NULLs in the relational algebra. The
resulting model is known as RM/T. Childs (1968) had earlier used set theory to
model databases. Later, Codd (1990) published a book examining over 300 features
of the relational data model and database systems. Date (2001) provides a retrospective review and analysis of the relational data model.
Since Codd’s pioneering work, much research has been conducted on various
aspects of the relational model. Todd (1976) describes an experimental DBMS
called PRTV that directly implements the relational algebra operations. Schmidt
and Swenson (1975) introduce additional semantics into the relational model by
classifying different types of relations. Chen’s (1976) Entity-Relationship model,
which is discussed in Chapter 7, is a means to communicate the real-world semantics of a relational database at the conceptual level. Wiederhold and Elmasri (1979)
introduce various types of connections between relations to enhance its constraints.
Extensions of the relational model are discussed in Chapters 11 and 26. Additional
bibliographic notes for other aspects of the relational model and its languages, systems, extensions, and theory are given in Chapters 4 to 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 24, and 25.
Maier (1983) and Atzeni and De Antonellis (1993) provide an extensive theoretical
treatment of the relational data model.
The Relational Algebra and
Relational Calculus
n this chapter we discuss the two formal languages for
the relational model: the relational algebra and the
relational calculus. In contrast, Chapters 4 and 5 described the practical language for
the relational model, namely the SQL standard. Historically, the relational algebra
and calculus were developed before the SQL language. In fact, in some ways, SQL is
based on concepts from both the algebra and the calculus, as we shall see. Because
most relational DBMSs use SQL as their language, we presented the SQL language
Recall from Chapter 2 that a data model must include a set of operations to manipulate the database, in addition to the data model’s concepts for defining the database’s structure and constraints. We presented the structures and constraints of the
formal relational model in Chapter 3. The basic set of operations for the relational
model is the relational algebra. These operations enable a user to specify basic
retrieval requests as relational algebra expressions. The result of a retrieval is a new
relation, which may have been formed from one or more relations. The algebra
operations thus produce new relations, which can be further manipulated using
operations of the same algebra. A sequence of relational algebra operations forms a
relational algebra expression, whose result will also be a relation that represents
the result of a database query (or retrieval request).
The relational algebra is very important for several reasons. First, it provides a formal foundation for relational model operations. Second, and perhaps more important, it is used as a basis for implementing and optimizing queries in the query
processing and optimization modules that are integral parts of relational database
management systems (RDBMSs), as we shall discuss in Chapter 19. Third, some of
its concepts are incorporated into the SQL standard query language for RDBMSs.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
Although most commercial RDBMSs in use today do not provide user interfaces for
relational algebra queries, the core operations and functions in the internal modules
of most relational systems are based on relational algebra operations. We will define
these operations in detail in Sections 6.1 through 6.4 of this chapter.
Whereas the algebra defines a set of operations for the relational model, the
relational calculus provides a higher-level declarative language for specifying relational queries. A relational calculus expression creates a new relation. In a relational
calculus expression, there is no order of operations to specify how to retrieve the
query result—only what information the result should contain. This is the main
distinguishing feature between relational algebra and relational calculus. The relational calculus is important because it has a firm basis in mathematical logic and
because the standard query language (SQL) for RDBMSs has some of its foundations in a variation of relational calculus known as the tuple relational calculus.1
The relational algebra is often considered to be an integral part of the relational data
model. Its operations can be divided into two groups. One group includes set operations from mathematical set theory; these are applicable because each relation is
defined to be a set of tuples in the formal relational model (see Section 3.1). Set
PRODUCT (also known as CROSS PRODUCT). The other group consists of operations developed specifically for relational databases—these include SELECT,
PROJECT, and JOIN, among others. First, we describe the SELECT and PROJECT
operations in Section 6.1 because they are unary operations that operate on single
relations. Then we discuss set operations in Section 6.2. In Section 6.3, we discuss
JOIN and other complex binary operations, which operate on two tables by combining related tuples (records) based on join conditions. The COMPANY relational
database shown in Figure 3.6 is used for our examples.
Some common database requests cannot be performed with the original relational
algebra operations, so additional operations were created to express these requests.
These include aggregate functions, which are operations that can summarize data
from the tables, as well as additional types of JOIN and UNION operations, known as
OUTER JOINs and OUTER UNIONs. These operations, which were added to the original relational algebra because of their importance to many database applications,
are described in Section 6.4. We give examples of specifying queries that use relational operations in Section 6.5. Some of these same queries were used in Chapters
4 and 5. By using the same query numbers in this chapter, the reader can contrast
how the same queries are written in the various query languages.
In Sections 6.6 and 6.7 we describe the other main formal language for relational
databases, the relational calculus. There are two variations of relational calculus.
The tuple relational calculus is described in Section 6.6 and the domain relational
calculus is described in Section 6.7. Some of the SQL constructs discussed in
Chapters 4 and 5 are based on the tuple relational calculus. The relational calculus is
a formal language, based on the branch of mathematical logic called predicate cal1SQL
is based on tuple relational calculus, but also incorporates some of the operations from the relational algebra and its extensions, as illustrated in Chapters 4, 5, and 9.
6.1 Unary Relational Operations: SELECT and PROJECT
culus.2 In tuple relational calculus, variables range over tuples, whereas in domain
relational calculus, variables range over the domains (values) of attributes. In
Appendix C we give an overview of the Query-By-Example (QBE) language, which
is a graphical user-friendly relational language based on domain relational calculus.
Section 6.8 summarizes the chapter.
For the reader who is interested in a less detailed introduction to formal relational
languages, Sections 6.4, 6.6, and 6.7 may be skipped.
6.1 Unary Relational Operations:
6.1.1 The SELECT Operation
The SELECT operation is used to choose a subset of the tuples from a relation that
satisfies a selection condition.3 One can consider the SELECT operation to be a
filter that keeps only those tuples that satisfy a qualifying condition. Alternatively,
we can consider the SELECT operation to restrict the tuples in a relation to only
those tuples that satisfy the condition. The SELECT operation can also be visualized
as a horizontal partition of the relation into two sets of tuples—those tuples that satisfy the condition and are selected, and those tuples that do not satisfy the condition
and are discarded. For example, to select the EMPLOYEE tuples whose department is
4, or those whose salary is greater than $30,000, we can individually specify each of
these two conditions with a SELECT operation as follows:
In general, the SELECT operation is denoted by
σ<selection condition>(R)
where the symbol σ (sigma) is used to denote the SELECT operator and the selection condition is a Boolean expression (condition) specified on the attributes of
relation R. Notice that R is generally a relational algebra expression whose result is a
relation—the simplest such expression is just the name of a database relation. The
relation resulting from the SELECT operation has the same attributes as R.
The Boolean expression specified in <selection condition> is made up of a number
of clauses of the form
<attribute name> <comparison op> <constant value>
<attribute name> <comparison op> <attribute name>
this chapter no familiarity with first-order predicate calculus—which deals with quantified variables
and values—is assumed.
SELECT operation is different from the SELECT clause of SQL. The SELECT operation chooses
tuples from a table, and is sometimes called a RESTRICT or FILTER operation.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
where <attribute name> is the name of an attribute of R, <comparison op> is normally one of the operators {=, <, ≤, >, ≥, ≠}, and <constant value> is a constant value
from the attribute domain. Clauses can be connected by the standard Boolean operators and, or, and not to form a general selection condition. For example, to select
the tuples for all employees who either work in department 4 and make over
$25,000 per year, or work in department 5 and make over $30,000, we can specify
the following SELECT operation:
σ(Dno=4 AND Salary>25000) OR (Dno=5 AND Salary>30000)(EMPLOYEE)
The result is shown in Figure 6.1(a).
Notice that all the comparison operators in the set {=, <, ≤, >, ≥, ≠} can apply to
attributes whose domains are ordered values, such as numeric or date domains.
Domains of strings of characters are also considered to be ordered based on the collating sequence of the characters. If the domain of an attribute is a set of unordered
values, then only the comparison operators in the set {=, ≠} can be used. An example of an unordered domain is the domain Color = { ‘red’, ‘blue’, ‘green’, ‘white’, ‘yellow’, ...}, where no order is specified among the various colors. Some domains allow
additional types of comparison operators; for example, a domain of character
strings may allow the comparison operator SUBSTRING_OF.
In general, the result of a SELECT operation can be determined as follows. The
<selection condition> is applied independently to each individual tuple t in R. This
is done by substituting each occurrence of an attribute Ai in the selection condition
with its value in the tuple t[Ai]. If the condition evaluates to TRUE, then tuple t is
Figure 6.1
Results of SELECT and PROJECT operations. (a) σ(Dno=4 AND Salary>25000) OR (Dno=5 AND Salary>30000) (EMPLOYEE).
(b) πLname, Fname, Salary(EMPLOYEE). (c) πSex, Salary(EMPLOYEE).
1955-12-08 638 Voss, Houston, TX
40000 888665555
1941-06-20 291 Berry, Bellaire, TX
43000 888665555
1962-09-15 975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX
38000 333445555
6.1 Unary Relational Operations: SELECT and PROJECT
selected. All the selected tuples appear in the result of the SELECT operation. The
Boolean conditions AND, OR, and NOT have their normal interpretation, as follows:
(cond1 AND cond2) is TRUE if both (cond1) and (cond2) are TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE.
(cond1 OR cond2) is TRUE if either (cond1) or (cond2) or both are TRUE;
otherwise, it is FALSE.
(NOT cond) is TRUE if cond is FALSE; otherwise, it is FALSE.
The SELECT operator is unary; that is, it is applied to a single relation. Moreover,
the selection operation is applied to each tuple individually; hence, selection conditions cannot involve more than one tuple. The degree of the relation resulting from
a SELECT operation—its number of attributes—is the same as the degree of R. The
number of tuples in the resulting relation is always less than or equal to the number
of tuples in R. That is, |σc (R)| ≤ |R| for any condition C. The fraction of tuples
selected by a selection condition is referred to as the selectivity of the condition.
Notice that the SELECT operation is commutative; that is,
σ<cond1>(σ<cond2>(R)) = σ<cond2>(σ<cond1>(R))
Hence, a sequence of SELECTs can be applied in any order. In addition, we can
always combine a cascade (or sequence) of SELECT operations into a single
SELECT operation with a conjunctive (AND) condition; that is,
σ<cond1>(σ<cond2>(... (σ<condn>(R)) ... )) = σ<cond1> AND<cond2> AND...AND <condn>(R)
In SQL, the SELECT condition is typically specified in the WHERE clause of a query.
For example, the following operation:
σDno=4 AND Salary>25000 (EMPLOYEE)
would correspond to the following SQL query:
Dno=4 AND Salary>25000;
6.1.2 The PROJECT Operation
If we think of a relation as a table, the SELECT operation chooses some of the rows
from the table while discarding other rows. The PROJECT operation, on the other
hand, selects certain columns from the table and discards the other columns. If we are
interested in only certain attributes of a relation, we use the PROJECT operation to
project the relation over these attributes only. Therefore, the result of the PROJECT
operation can be visualized as a vertical partition of the relation into two relations:
one has the needed columns (attributes) and contains the result of the operation,
and the other contains the discarded columns. For example, to list each employee’s
first and last name and salary, we can use the PROJECT operation as follows:
πLname, Fname, Salary(EMPLOYEE)
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
The resulting relation is shown in Figure 6.1(b). The general form of the PROJECT
operation is
π<attribute list>(R)
where π (pi) is the symbol used to represent the PROJECT operation, and <attribute
list> is the desired sublist of attributes from the attributes of relation R. Again,
notice that R is, in general, a relational algebra expression whose result is a relation,
which in the simplest case is just the name of a database relation. The result of the
PROJECT operation has only the attributes specified in <attribute list> in the same
order as they appear in the list. Hence, its degree is equal to the number of attributes
in <attribute list>.
If the attribute list includes only nonkey attributes of R, duplicate tuples are likely to
occur. The PROJECT operation removes any duplicate tuples, so the result of the
PROJECT operation is a set of distinct tuples, and hence a valid relation. This is
known as duplicate elimination. For example, consider the following PROJECT
πSex, Salary(EMPLOYEE)
The result is shown in Figure 6.1(c). Notice that the tuple <‘F’, 25000> appears only
once in Figure 6.1(c), even though this combination of values appears twice in the
EMPLOYEE relation. Duplicate elimination involves sorting or some other technique to detect duplicates and thus adds more processing. If duplicates are not eliminated, the result would be a multiset or bag of tuples rather than a set. This was not
permitted in the formal relational model, but is allowed in SQL (see Section 4.3).
The number of tuples in a relation resulting from a PROJECT operation is always
less than or equal to the number of tuples in R. If the projection list is a superkey of
R—that is, it includes some key of R—the resulting relation has the same number of
tuples as R. Moreover,
π<list1> (π<list2>(R)) = π<list1>(R)
as long as <list2> contains the attributes in <list1>; otherwise, the left-hand side is
an incorrect expression. It is also noteworthy that commutativity does not hold on
In SQL, the PROJECT attribute list is specified in the SELECT clause of a query. For
example, the following operation:
πSex, Salary(EMPLOYEE)
would correspond to the following SQL query:
DISTINCT Sex, Salary
Notice that if we remove the keyword DISTINCT from this SQL query, then duplicates will not be eliminated. This option is not available in the formal relational
6.1 Unary Relational Operations: SELECT and PROJECT
6.1.3 Sequences of Operations and the RENAME Operation
The relations shown in Figure 6.1 that depict operation results do not have any
names. In general, for most queries, we need to apply several relational algebra
operations one after the other. Either we can write the operations as a single
relational algebra expression by nesting the operations, or we can apply one operation at a time and create intermediate result relations. In the latter case, we must
give names to the relations that hold the intermediate results. For example, to
retrieve the first name, last name, and salary of all employees who work in department number 5, we must apply a SELECT and a PROJECT operation. We can write a
single relational algebra expression, also known as an in-line expression, as follows:
πFname, Lname, Salary(σDno=5(EMPLOYEE))
Figure 6.2(a) shows the result of this in-line relational algebra expression.
Alternatively, we can explicitly show the sequence of operations, giving a name to
each intermediate relation, as follows:
RESULT ← πFname, Lname, Salary(DEP5_EMPS)
It is sometimes simpler to break down a complex sequence of operations by specifying intermediate result relations than to write a single relational algebra expression.
We can also use this technique to rename the attributes in the intermediate and
Figure 6.2
Results of a sequence of operations. (a) πFname, Lname, Salary
(σDno=5(EMPLOYEE)). (b) Using intermediate relations
and renaming of attributes.
731 Fondren, Houston,TX
638 Voss, Houston,TX
975 Fire Oak, Humble,TX
5631 Rice, Houston, TX
Super_ssn Dno
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
result relations. This can be useful in connection with more complex operations
such as UNION and JOIN, as we shall see. To rename the attributes in a relation, we
simply list the new attribute names in parentheses, as in the following example:
R(First_name, Last_name, Salary) ← πFname, Lname, Salary(TEMP)
These two operations are illustrated in Figure 6.2(b).
If no renaming is applied, the names of the attributes in the resulting relation of a
SELECT operation are the same as those in the original relation and in the same
order. For a PROJECT operation with no renaming, the resulting relation has the
same attribute names as those in the projection list and in the same order in which
they appear in the list.
We can also define a formal RENAME operation—which can rename either the relation name or the attribute names, or both—as a unary operator. The general
RENAME operation when applied to a relation R of degree n is denoted by any of the
following three forms:
ρS(B1, B2, ... , Bn)(R) or ρS(R) or ρ(B1, B2, ... , Bn)(R)
where the symbol ρ (rho) is used to denote the RENAME operator, S is the new relation name, and B1, B2, ..., Bn are the new attribute names. The first expression
renames both the relation and its attributes, the second renames the relation only,
and the third renames the attributes only. If the attributes of R are (A1, A2, ..., An) in
that order, then each Ai is renamed as Bi.
In SQL, a single query typically represents a complex relational algebra expression.
Renaming in SQL is accomplished by aliasing using AS, as in the following example:
E.Fname AS First_name, E.Lname AS Last_name, E.Salary AS Salary
6.2 Relational Algebra Operations
from Set Theory
6.2.1 The UNION, INTERSECTION, and MINUS Operations
The next group of relational algebra operations are the standard mathematical
operations on sets. For example, to retrieve the Social Security numbers of all
employees who either work in department 5 or directly supervise an employee who
works in department 5, we can use the UNION operation as follows:4
a single relational algebra expression, this becomes Result
πSuper_ssn (σDno=5 (EMPLOYEE))
← πSsn (σDno=5 (EMPLOYEE) ) ∪
6.2 Relational Algebra Operations from Set Theory
RESULT2(Ssn) ← πSuper_ssn(DEP5_EMPS)
The relation RESULT1 has the Ssn of all employees who work in department 5,
whereas RESULT2 has the Ssn of all employees who directly supervise an employee
who works in department 5. The UNION operation produces the tuples that are in
either RESULT1 or RESULT2 or both (see Figure 6.3), while eliminating any duplicates. Thus, the Ssn value ‘333445555’ appears only once in the result.
Several set theoretic operations are used to merge the elements of two sets in various ways, including UNION, INTERSECTION, and SET DIFFERENCE (also called
MINUS or EXCEPT). These are binary operations; that is, each is applied to two sets
(of tuples). When these operations are adapted to relational databases, the two relations on which any of these three operations are applied must have the same type of
tuples; this condition has been called union compatibility or type compatibility. Two
relations R(A1, A2, ..., An) and S(B1, B2, ..., Bn) are said to be union compatible (or
type compatible) if they have the same degree n and if dom(Ai) = dom(Bi) for 1 f i
f n. This means that the two relations have the same number of attributes and each
corresponding pair of attributes has the same domain.
We can define the three operations UNION, INTERSECTION, and SET DIFFERENCE
on two union-compatible relations R and S as follows:
UNION: The result of this operation, denoted by R ∪ S, is a relation that
includes all tuples that are either in R or in S or in both R and S. Duplicate
tuples are eliminated.
INTERSECTION: The result of this operation, denoted by R ∩ S, is a relation
that includes all tuples that are in both R and S.
SET DIFFERENCE (or MINUS): The result of this operation, denoted by
R – S, is a relation that includes all tuples that are in R but not in S.
We will adopt the convention that the resulting relation has the same attribute
names as the first relation R. It is always possible to rename the attributes in the
result using the rename operator.
Figure 6.3
Result of the UNION operation
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
Figure 6.4 illustrates the three operations. The relations STUDENT and
INSTRUCTOR in Figure 6.4(a) are union compatible and their tuples represent the
names of students and the names of instructors, respectively. The result of the
UNION operation in Figure 6.4(b) shows the names of all students and instructors.
Note that duplicate tuples appear only once in the result. The result of the
INTERSECTION operation (Figure 6.4(c)) includes only those who are both students
and instructors.
Notice that both UNION and INTERSECTION are commutative operations; that is,
R ∪ S = S ∪ R and R ∩ S = S ∩ R
Both UNION and INTERSECTION can be treated as n-ary operations applicable to
any number of relations because both are also associative operations; that is,
R ∪ (S ∪ T ) = (R ∪ S) ∪ T and (R ∩ S ) ∩ T = R ∩ (S ∩ T )
The MINUS operation is not commutative; that is, in general,
Figure 6.4
The set operations UNION, INTERSECTION, and MINUS. (a) Two union-compatible relations.
F rancis
6.2 Relational Algebra Operations from Set Theory
Figure 6.4(d) shows the names of students who are not instructors, and Figure
6.4(e) shows the names of instructors who are not students.
Note that INTERSECTION can be expressed in terms of union and set difference as
R ∩ S = ((R ∪ S ) − (R − S )) − (S − R)
In SQL, there are three operations—UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT—that correspond to the set operations described here. In addition, there are multiset operations (UNION ALL, INTERSECT ALL, and EXCEPT ALL) that do not eliminate
duplicates (see Section 4.3.4).
Next, we discuss the CARTESIAN PRODUCT operation—also known as CROSS
PRODUCT or CROSS JOIN—which is denoted by ×. This is also a binary set operation, but the relations on which it is applied do not have to be union compatible. In
its binary form, this set operation produces a new element by combining every
member (tuple) from one relation (set) with every member (tuple) from the other
relation (set). In general, the result of R(A1, A2, ..., An) × S(B1, B2, ..., Bm) is a relation Q with degree n + m attributes Q(A1, A2, ..., An, B1, B2, ..., Bm), in that order.
The resulting relation Q has one tuple for each combination of tuples—one from R
and one from S. Hence, if R has nR tuples (denoted as |R| = nR), and S has nS tuples,
then R × S will have nR * nS tuples.
The n-ary CARTESIAN PRODUCT operation is an extension of the above concept,
which produces new tuples by concatenating all possible combinations of tuples
from n underlying relations.
In general, the CARTESIAN PRODUCT operation applied by itself is generally meaningless. It is mostly useful when followed by a selection that matches values of
attributes coming from the component relations. For example, suppose that we
want to retrieve a list of names of each female employee’s dependents. We can do
this as follows:
EMPNAMES ← πFname, Lname, Ssn(FEMALE_EMPS)
RESULT ← πFname, Lname, Dependent_name(ACTUAL_DEPENDENTS)
The resulting relations from this sequence of operations are shown in Figure 6.5.
The EMP_DEPENDENTS relation is the result of applying the CARTESIAN PRODUCT operation to EMPNAMES from Figure 6.5 with DEPENDENT from Figure 3.6.
In EMP_DEPENDENTS, every tuple from EMPNAMES is combined with every tuple
from DEPENDENT, giving a result that is not very meaningful (every dependent is
combined with every female employee). We want to combine a female employee
tuple only with her particular dependents—namely, the DEPENDENT tuples whose
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
Figure 6.5
The Cartesian Product (Cross Product) operation.
Fname Minit
Wallace 987654321 1941-06-20 291Berry, Bellaire, TX
Sex Salary Super_ssn Dno
999887777 1968-07-19 3321Castle, Spring, TX F 25000 987654321 4
43000 888665555 4
453453453 1972-07-31 5631 Rice, Houston, TX F
25000 333445555 5
Jennifer Wallace 987654321
Jennifer Wallace 987654321
Jennifer Wallace 987654321
Jennifer Wallace 987654321
Jennifer Wallace 987654321
Jennifer Wallace 987654321
Jennifer Wallace 987654321
Jennifer Wallace 987654321
Fname Lname
Jennifer Wallace 987654321
Fname Lname Dependent_name
Jennifer Wallace
6.3 Binary Relational Operations: JOIN and DIVISION
Essn value match the Ssn value of the EMPLOYEE tuple. The ACTUAL_DEPENDENTS
relation accomplishes this. The EMP_DEPENDENTS relation is a good example of
the case where relational algebra can be correctly applied to yield results that make
no sense at all. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure to apply only meaningful operations to relations.
The CARTESIAN PRODUCT creates tuples with the combined attributes of two relations. We can SELECT related tuples only from the two relations by specifying an
appropriate selection condition after the Cartesian product, as we did in the preceding example. Because this sequence of CARTESIAN PRODUCT followed by SELECT
is quite commonly used to combine related tuples from two relations, a special operation, called JOIN, was created to specify this sequence as a single operation. We discuss the JOIN operation next.
In SQL, CARTESIAN PRODUCT can be realized by using the CROSS JOIN option in
joined tables (see Section 5.1.6). Alternatively, if there are two tables in the WHERE
clause and there is no corresponding join condition in the query, the result will also
be the CARTESIAN PRODUCT of the two tables (see Q10 in Section 4.3.3).
6.3 Binary Relational Operations:
6.3.1 The JOIN Operation
The JOIN operation, denoted by , is used to combine related tuples from two relations into single “longer” tuples. This operation is very important for any relational
database with more than a single relation because it allows us to process relationships among relations. To illustrate JOIN, suppose that we want to retrieve the name
of the manager of each department. To get the manager’s name, we need to combine
each department tuple with the employee tuple whose Ssn value matches the
Mgr_ssn value in the department tuple. We do this by using the JOIN operation and
then projecting the result over the necessary attributes, as follows:
Mgr_ssn=Ssn EMPLOYEE
RESULT ← πDname, Lname, Fname(DEPT_MGR)
The first operation is illustrated in Figure 6.6. Note that Mgr_ssn is a foreign key of
the DEPARTMENT relation that references Ssn, the primary key of the EMPLOYEE
relation. This referential integrity constraint plays a role in having matching tuples
in the referenced relation EMPLOYEE.
The JOIN operation can be specified as a CARTESIAN PRODUCT operation followed
by a SELECT operation. However, JOIN is very important because it is used very frequently when specifying database queries. Consider the earlier example illustrating
CARTESIAN PRODUCT, which included the following sequence of operations:
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
Figure 6.6
Result of the JOIN operation DEPT_MGR ← DEPARTMENT
These two operations can be replaced with a single JOIN operation as follows:
The general form of a JOIN operation on two relations5 R(A1, A2, ..., An) and S(B1,
B2, ..., Bm) is
<join condition>S
The result of the JOIN is a relation Q with n + m attributes Q(A1, A2, ..., An, B1, B2,
... , Bm) in that order; Q has one tuple for each combination of tuples—one from R
and one from S—whenever the combination satisfies the join condition. This is the
main difference between CARTESIAN PRODUCT and JOIN. In JOIN, only combinations of tuples satisfying the join condition appear in the result, whereas in the
CARTESIAN PRODUCT all combinations of tuples are included in the result. The
join condition is specified on attributes from the two relations R and S and is evaluated for each combination of tuples. Each tuple combination for which the join
condition evaluates to TRUE is included in the resulting relation Q as a single combined tuple.
A general join condition is of the form
<condition> AND <condition> AND...AND <condition>
where each <condition> is of the form Ai θ Bj, Ai is an attribute of R, Bj is an attribute of S, Ai and Bj have the same domain, and θ (theta) is one of the comparison
operators {=, <, ≤, >, ≥, ≠}. A JOIN operation with such a general join condition is
called a THETA JOIN. Tuples whose join attributes are NULL or for which the join
condition is FALSE do not appear in the result. In that sense, the JOIN operation does
not necessarily preserve all of the information in the participating relations, because
tuples that do not get combined with matching ones in the other relation do not
appear in the result.
notice that R and S can be any relations that result from general relational algebra expressions.
6.3 Binary Relational Operations: JOIN and DIVISION
6.3.2 Variations of JOIN: The EQUIJOIN
The most common use of JOIN involves join conditions with equality comparisons
only. Such a JOIN, where the only comparison operator used is =, is called an
EQUIJOIN. Both previous examples were EQUIJOINs. Notice that in the result of an
EQUIJOIN we always have one or more pairs of attributes that have identical values
in every tuple. For example, in Figure 6.6, the values of the attributes Mgr_ssn and
Ssn are identical in every tuple of DEPT_MGR (the EQUIJOIN result) because the
equality join condition specified on these two attributes requires the values to be
identical in every tuple in the result. Because one of each pair of attributes with
identical values is superfluous, a new operation called NATURAL JOIN—denoted by
* —was created to get rid of the second (superfluous) attribute in an EQUIJOIN condition.6 The standard definition of NATURAL JOIN requires that the two join attributes (or each pair of join attributes) have the same name in both relations. If this is
not the case, a renaming operation is applied first.
Suppose we want to combine each PROJECT tuple with the DEPARTMENT tuple that
controls the project. In the following example, first we rename the Dnumber attribute
of DEPARTMENT to Dnum—so that it has the same name as the Dnum attribute in
PROJECT—and then we apply NATURAL JOIN:
PROJ_DEPT ← PROJECT * ρ(Dname, Dnum, Mgr_ssn, Mgr_start_date)(DEPARTMENT)
The same query can be done in two steps by creating an intermediate table DEPT as
DEPT ← ρ(Dname, Dnum, Mgr_ssn, Mgr_start_date)(DEPARTMENT)
The attribute Dnum is called the join attribute for the NATURAL JOIN operation,
because it is the only attribute with the same name in both relations. The resulting
relation is illustrated in Figure 6.7(a). In the PROJ_DEPT relation, each tuple combines a PROJECT tuple with the DEPARTMENT tuple for the department that controls the project, but only one join attribute value is kept.
If the attributes on which the natural join is specified already have the same names in
both relations, renaming is unnecessary. For example, to apply a natural join on the
Dnumber attributes of DEPARTMENT and DEPT_LOCATIONS, it is sufficient to write
The resulting relation is shown in Figure 6.7(b), which combines each department
with its locations and has one tuple for each location. In general, the join condition
for NATURAL JOIN is constructed by equating each pair of join attributes that have
the same name in the two relations and combining these conditions with AND.
There can be a list of join attributes from each relation, and each corresponding pair
must have the same name.
JOIN is basically an EQUIJOIN followed by the removal of the superfluous attributes.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
Figure 6.7
Results of two NATURAL JOIN operations. (a) PROJ_DEPT ← PROJECT * DEPT.
A more general, but nonstandard definition for NATURAL JOIN is
Q ← R *(<list1>),(<list2>)S
In this case, <list1> specifies a list of i attributes from R, and <list2> specifies a list
of i attributes from S. The lists are used to form equality comparison conditions
between pairs of corresponding attributes, and the conditions are then ANDed
together. Only the list corresponding to attributes of the first relation R—<list1>—
is kept in the result Q.
Notice that if no combination of tuples satisfies the join condition, the result of a
JOIN is an empty relation with zero tuples. In general, if R has nR tuples and S has nS
tuples, the result of a JOIN operation R <join condition> S will have between zero and
nR * nS tuples. The expected size of the join result divided by the maximum size nR *
nS leads to a ratio called join selectivity, which is a property of each join condition.
If there is no join condition, all combinations of tuples qualify and the JOIN degenerates into a CARTESIAN PRODUCT, also called CROSS PRODUCT or CROSS JOIN.
As we can see, a single JOIN operation is used to combine data from two relations so
that related information can be presented in a single table. These operations are also
known as inner joins, to distinguish them from a different join variation called
6.3 Binary Relational Operations: JOIN and DIVISION
outer joins (see Section 6.4.4). Informally, an inner join is a type of match and combine operation defined formally as a combination of CARTESIAN PRODUCT and
SELECTION. Note that sometimes a join may be specified between a relation and
itself, as we will illustrate in Section 6.4.3. The NATURAL JOIN or EQUIJOIN operation can also be specified among multiple tables, leading to an n-way join. For
example, consider the following three-way join:
This combines each project tuple with its controlling department tuple into a single
tuple, and then combines that tuple with an employee tuple that is the department
manager. The net result is a consolidated relation in which each tuple contains this
project-department-manager combined information.
In SQL, JOIN can be realized in several different ways. The first method is to specify
the <join conditions> in the WHERE clause, along with any other selection conditions. This is very common, and is illustrated by queries Q1, Q1A, Q1B, Q2, and Q8
in Sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2, as well as by many other query examples in Chapters 4
and 5. The second way is to use a nested relation, as illustrated by queries Q4A and
Q16 in Section 5.1.2. Another way is to use the concept of joined tables, as illustrated by the queries Q1A, Q1B, Q8B, and Q2A in Section 5.1.6. The construct of
joined tables was added to SQL2 to allow the user to specify explicitly all the various
types of joins, because the other methods were more limited. It also allows the user
to clearly distinguish join conditions from the selection conditions in the WHERE
6.3.3 A Complete Set of Relational Algebra Operations
It has been shown that the set of relational algebra operations {σ, π, ∪, ρ, –, ×} is a
complete set; that is, any of the other original relational algebra operations can be
expressed as a sequence of operations from this set. For example, the INTERSECTION
operation can be expressed by using UNION and MINUS as follows:
R ∩ S ≡ (R ∪ S) – ((R – S) ∪ (S – R))
Although, strictly speaking, INTERSECTION is not required, it is inconvenient to
specify this complex expression every time we wish to specify an intersection. As
another example, a JOIN operation can be specified as a CARTESIAN PRODUCT followed by a SELECT operation, as we discussed:
≡ σ<condition>(R × S)
Similarly, a NATURAL JOIN can be specified as a CARTESIAN PRODUCT preceded by
RENAME and followed by SELECT and PROJECT operations. Hence, the various
JOIN operations are also not strictly necessary for the expressive power of the relational algebra. However, they are important to include as separate operations
because they are convenient to use and are very commonly applied in database
applications. Other operations have been included in the basic relational algebra for
convenience rather than necessity. We discuss one of these—the DIVISION operation—in the next section.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
6.3.4 The DIVISION Operation
The DIVISION operation, denoted by ÷, is useful for a special kind of query that
sometimes occurs in database applications. An example is Retrieve the names of
employees who work on all the projects that ‘John Smith’ works on. To express this
query using the DIVISION operation, proceed as follows. First, retrieve the list of
project numbers that ‘John Smith’ works on in the intermediate relation
SMITH ← σFname=‘John’ AND Lname=‘Smith’(EMPLOYEE)
Next, create a relation that includes a tuple <Pno, Essn> whenever the employee
whose Ssn is Essn works on the project whose number is Pno in the intermediate
relation SSN_PNOS:
Finally, apply the DIVISION operation to the two relations, which gives the desired
employees’ Social Security numbers:
The preceding operations are shown in Figure 6.8(a).
Figure 6.8
The DIVISION operation. (a) Dividing SSN_PNOS by SMITH_PNOS. (b) T ← R ÷ S.
6.3 Binary Relational Operations: JOIN and DIVISION
In general, the DIVISION operation is applied to two relations R(Z) ÷ S(X), where
the attributes of R are a subset of the attributes of S; that is, X ⊆ Z. Let Y be the set
of attributes of R that are not attributes of S; that is, Y = Z – X (and hence Z = X ∪
Y ). The result of DIVISION is a relation T(Y) that includes a tuple t if tuples tR appear
in R with tR [Y] = t, and with tR [X] = tS for every tuple tS in S. This means that, for
a tuple t to appear in the result T of the DIVISION, the values in t must appear in R in
combination with every tuple in S. Note that in the formulation of the DIVISION
operation, the tuples in the denominator relation S restrict the numerator relation R
by selecting those tuples in the result that match all values present in the denominator. It is not necessary to know what those values are as they can be computed by
another operation, as illustrated in the SMITH_PNOS relation in the above example.
Figure 6.8(b) illustrates a DIVISION operation where X = {A}, Y = {B}, and Z = {A,
B}. Notice that the tuples (values) b1 and b4 appear in R in combination with all
three tuples in S; that is why they appear in the resulting relation T. All other values
of B in R do not appear with all the tuples in S and are not selected: b2 does not
appear with a2, and b3 does not appear with a1.
The DIVISION operation can be expressed as a sequence of π, ×, and – operations as
T1 ← πY(R)
T2 ← πY((S × T1) – R)
T ← T1 – T2
The DIVISION operation is defined for convenience for dealing with queries that
involve universal quantification (see Section 6.6.7) or the all condition. Most
RDBMS implementations with SQL as the primary query language do not directly
implement division. SQL has a roundabout way of dealing with the type of query
illustrated above (see Section 5.1.4, queries Q3A and Q3B). Table 6.1 lists the various
basic relational algebra operations we have discussed.
6.3.5 Notation for Query Trees
In this section we describe a notation typically used in relational systems to represent queries internally. The notation is called a query tree or sometimes it is known
as a query evaluation tree or query execution tree. It includes the relational algebra
operations being executed and is used as a possible data structure for the internal
representation of the query in an RDBMS.
A query tree is a tree data structure that corresponds to a relational algebra expression. It represents the input relations of the query as leaf nodes of the tree, and represents the relational algebra operations as internal nodes. An execution of the
query tree consists of executing an internal node operation whenever its operands
(represented by its child nodes) are available, and then replacing that internal node
by the relation that results from executing the operation. The execution terminates
when the root node is executed and produces the result relation for the query.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
Table 6.1
Operations of Relational Algebra
Selects all tuples that satisfy the selection condition
from a relation R.
σ<selection condition>(R)
Produces a new relation with only some of the attributes of R, and removes duplicate tuples.
π<attribute list>(R)
Produces all combinations of tuples from R1 and R2
that satisfy the join condition.
<join condition>
Produces all the combinations of tuples from R1 and
R2 that satisfy a join condition with only equality
<join condition>
R2, OR
(<join attributes 1>),
Same as EQUIJOIN except that the join attributes of R2
are not included in the resulting relation; if the join
attributes have the same names, they do not have to
be specified at all.
R1*<join condition> R2,
OR R1* (<join attributes 1>),
Produces a relation that includes all the tuples in R1
or R2 or both R1 and R2; R1 and R2 must be union
R1 ∪ R2
INTERSECTION Produces a relation that includes all the tuples in both
R1 and R2; R1 and R2 must be union compatible.
(<join attributes 2>)
(<join attributes 2>)
OR R1 * R2
Produces a relation that includes all the tuples in R1
R1 – R2
that are not in R2; R1 and R2 must be union compatible.
Produces a relation that has the attributes of R1 and
R2 and includes as tuples all possible combinations of
tuples from R1 and R2.
R1 × R2
Produces a relation R(X) that includes all tuples t[X]
in R1(Z) that appear in R1 in combination with every
tuple from R2(Y), where Z = X ∪ Y.
R1(Z) ÷ R2(Y)
R1 ∩ R2
Figure 6.9 shows a query tree for Query 2 (see Section 4.3.1): For every project
located in ‘Stafford’, list the project number, the controlling department number, and
the department manager’s last name, address, and birth date. This query is specified
on the relational schema of Figure 3.5 and corresponds to the following relational
algebra expression:
πPnumber, Dnum, Lname, Address, Bdate(((σPlocation=‘Stafford’(PROJECT))
In Figure 6.9, the three leaf nodes P, D, and E represent the three relations PROJECT,
DEPARTMENT, and EMPLOYEE. The relational algebra operations in the expression
6.4 Additional Relational Operations
σ P.Plocation= ‘Stafford’
Figure 6.9
Query tree corresponding
to the relational algebra
expression for Q2.
are represented by internal tree nodes. The query tree signifies an explicit order of
execution in the following sense. In order to execute Q2, the node marked (1) in
Figure 6.9 must begin execution before node (2) because some resulting tuples of
operation (1) must be available before we can begin to execute operation (2).
Similarly, node (2) must begin to execute and produce results before node (3) can
start execution, and so on. In general, a query tree gives a good visual representation
and understanding of the query in terms of the relational operations it uses and is
recommended as an additional means for expressing queries in relational algebra.
We will revisit query trees when we discuss query processing and optimization in
Chapter 19.
6.4 Additional Relational Operations
Some common database requests—which are needed in commercial applications
for RDBMSs—cannot be performed with the original relational algebra operations
described in Sections 6.1 through 6.3. In this section we define additional operations to express these requests. These operations enhance the expressive power of
the original relational algebra.
6.4.1 Generalized Projection
The generalized projection operation extends the projection operation by allowing
functions of attributes to be included in the projection list. The generalized form
can be expressed as:
πF1, F2, ..., Fn (R)
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
where F1, F2, ..., Fn are functions over the attributes in relation R and may involve
arithmetic operations and constant values. This operation is helpful when developing reports where computed values have to be produced in the columns of a query
As an example, consider the relation
EMPLOYEE (Ssn, Salary, Deduction, Years_service)
A report may be required to show
Net Salary = Salary – Deduction,
Bonus = 2000 * Years_service, and
Tax = 0.25 * Salary.
Then a generalized projection combined with renaming may be used as follows:
REPORT ← ρ(Ssn, Net_salary, Bonus, Tax)(πSsn, Salary – Deduction, 2000 * Years_service,
0.25 * Salary(EMPLOYEE)).
6.4.2 Aggregate Functions and Grouping
Another type of request that cannot be expressed in the basic relational algebra is to
specify mathematical aggregate functions on collections of values from the database. Examples of such functions include retrieving the average or total salary of all
employees or the total number of employee tuples. These functions are used in simple statistical queries that summarize information from the database tuples.
Common functions applied to collections of numeric values include SUM,
AVERAGE, MAXIMUM, and MINIMUM. The COUNT function is used for counting
tuples or values.
Another common type of request involves grouping the tuples in a relation by the
value of some of their attributes and then applying an aggregate function
independently to each group. An example would be to group EMPLOYEE tuples by
Dno, so that each group includes the tuples for employees working in the same
department. We can then list each Dno value along with, say, the average salary of
employees within the department, or the number of employees who work in the
We can define an AGGREGATE FUNCTION operation, using the symbol ℑ (pronounced script F)7, to specify these types of requests as follows:
<grouping attributes>
ℑ <function list> (R)
where <grouping attributes> is a list of attributes of the relation specified in R, and
<function list> is a list of (<function> <attribute>) pairs. In each such pair,
<function> is one of the allowed functions—such as SUM, AVERAGE, MAXIMUM,
MINIMUM, COUNT—and <attribute> is an attribute of the relation specified by R. The
is no single agreed-upon notation for specifying aggregate functions. In some cases a “script A”
is used.
6.4 Additional Relational Operations
resulting relation has the grouping attributes plus one attribute for each element in
the function list. For example, to retrieve each department number, the number of
employees in the department, and their average salary, while renaming the resulting
attributes as indicated below, we write:
ρR(Dno, No_of_employees, Average_sal)(Dno ℑ COUNT Ssn, AVERAGE Salary (EMPLOYEE))
The result of this operation on the EMPLOYEE relation of Figure 3.6 is shown in
Figure 6.10(a).
In the above example, we specified a list of attribute names—between parentheses
in the RENAME operation—for the resulting relation R. If no renaming is applied,
then the attributes of the resulting relation that correspond to the function list will
each be the concatenation of the function name with the attribute name in the form
<function>_<attribute>.8 For example, Figure 6.10(b) shows the result of the following operation:
If no grouping attributes are specified, the functions are applied to all the tuples in
the relation, so the resulting relation has a single tuple only. For example, Figure
6.10(c) shows the result of the following operation:
It is important to note that, in general, duplicates are not eliminated when an aggregate function is applied; this way, the normal interpretation of functions such as
Figure 6.10
The aggregate function operation.
a. ρR(Dno, No_of_employees, Average_sal)(Dno ℑ COUNT Ssn, AVERAGE Salary(EMPLOYEE)).
that this is an arbitrary notation we are suggesting. There is no standard notation.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
SUM and AVERAGE is computed.9 It is worth emphasizing that the result of apply-
ing an aggregate function is a relation, not a scalar number—even if it has a single
value. This makes the relational algebra a closed mathematical system.
6.4.3 Recursive Closure Operations
Another type of operation that, in general, cannot be specified in the basic original
relational algebra is recursive closure. This operation is applied to a recursive relationship between tuples of the same type, such as the relationship between an
employee and a supervisor. This relationship is described by the foreign key Super_ssn
of the EMPLOYEE relation in Figures 3.5 and 3.6, and it relates each employee tuple (in
the role of supervisee) to another employee tuple (in the role of supervisor). An
example of a recursive operation is to retrieve all supervisees of an employee e at all
levels—that is, all employees e directly supervised by e, all employees eℑ directly
supervised by each employee e, all employees e directly supervised by each
employee e, and so on.
It is relatively straightforward in the relational algebra to specify all employees
supervised by e at a specific level by joining the table with itself one or more times.
However, it is difficult to specify all supervisees at all levels. For example, to specify
the Ssns of all employees e directly supervised—at level one—by the employee e
whose name is ‘James Borg’ (see Figure 3.6), we can apply the following operation:
BORG_SSN ← πSsn(σFname=‘James’ AND Lname=‘Borg’(EMPLOYEE))
SUPERVISION(Ssn1, Ssn2) ← πSsn,Super_ssn(EMPLOYEE)
To retrieve all employees supervised by Borg at level 2—that is, all employees e
supervised by some employee e who is directly supervised by Borg—we can apply
another JOIN to the result of the first query, as follows:
To get both sets of employees supervised at levels 1 and 2 by ‘James Borg’, we can
apply the UNION operation to the two results, as follows:
The results of these queries are illustrated in Figure 6.11. Although it is possible to
retrieve employees at each level and then take their UNION, we cannot, in general,
specify a query such as “retrieve the supervisees of ‘James Borg’ at all levels” without
utilizing a looping mechanism unless we know the maximum number of levels.10
An operation called the transitive closure of relations has been proposed to compute
the recursive relationship as far as the recursion proceeds.
SQL, the option of eliminating duplicates before applying the aggregate function is available by
including the keyword DISTINCT (see Section 4.4.4).
SQL3 standard includes syntax for recursive closure.
6.4 Additional Relational Operations
(Borg’s Ssn is 888665555)
(Supervised by Borg)
(Supervised by
Borg’s subordinates)
Figure 6.11
A two-level recursive
6.4.4 OUTER JOIN Operations
Next, we discuss some additional extensions to the JOIN operation that are necessary to specify certain types of queries. The JOIN operations described earlier match
tuples that satisfy the join condition. For example, for a NATURAL JOIN operation
R * S, only tuples from R that have matching tuples in S—and vice versa—appear in
the result. Hence, tuples without a matching (or related) tuple are eliminated from
the JOIN result. Tuples with NULL values in the join attributes are also eliminated.
This type of join, where tuples with no match are eliminated, is known as an inner
join. The join operations we described earlier in Section 6.3 are all inner joins. This
amounts to the loss of information if the user wants the result of the JOIN to include
all the tuples in one or more of the component relations.
A set of operations, called outer joins, were developed for the case where the user
wants to keep all the tuples in R, or all those in S, or all those in both relations in the
result of the JOIN, regardless of whether or not they have matching tuples in the
other relation. This satisfies the need of queries in which tuples from two tables are
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
to be combined by matching corresponding rows, but without losing any tuples for
lack of matching values. For example, suppose that we want a list of all employee
names as well as the name of the departments they manage if they happen to manage
a department; if they do not manage one, we can indicate it with a NULL value. We
can apply an operation LEFT OUTER JOIN, denoted by , to retrieve the result as
RESULT ← πFname, Minit, Lname, Dname(TEMP)
The LEFT OUTER JOIN operation keeps every tuple in the first, or left, relation R in R
S; if no matching tuple is found in S, then the attributes of S in the join result are
filled or padded with NULL values. The result of these operations is shown in Figure
A similar operation, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, denoted by , keeps every tuple in the
second, or right, relation S in the result of R
S. A third operation, FULL OUTER
JOIN, denoted by
, keeps all tuples in both the left and the right relations when no
matching tuples are found, padding them with NULL values as needed. The three
outer join operations are part of the SQL2 standard (see Section 5.1.6). These operations were provided later as an extension of relational algebra in response to the
typical need in business applications to show related information from multiple
tables exhaustively. Sometimes a complete reporting of data from multiple tables is
required whether or not there are matching values.
6.4.5 The OUTER UNION Operation
The OUTER UNION operation was developed to take the union of tuples from two
relations that have some common attributes, but are not union (type) compatible.
This operation will take the UNION of tuples in two relations R(X, Y) and S(X, Z)
that are partially compatible, meaning that only some of their attributes, say X, are
union compatible. The attributes that are union compatible are represented only
once in the result, and those attributes that are not union compatible from either
Figure 6.12
The result of a LEFT
OUTER JOIN operation.
6.5 Examples of Queries in Relational Algebra
relation are also kept in the result relation T(X, Y, Z). It is therefore the same as a
FULL OUTER JOIN on the common attributes.
Two tuples t1 in R and t2 in S are said to match if t1[X]=t2[X]. These will be combined (unioned) into a single tuple in t. Tuples in either relation that have no
matching tuple in the other relation are padded with NULL values. For example, an
OUTER UNION can be applied to two relations whose schemas are STUDENT(Name,
Ssn, Department, Advisor) and INSTRUCTOR(Name, Ssn, Department, Rank). Tuples
from the two relations are matched based on having the same combination of values
of the shared attributes—Name, Ssn, Department. The resulting relation,
STUDENT_OR_INSTRUCTOR, will have the following attributes:
STUDENT_OR_INSTRUCTOR(Name, Ssn, Department, Advisor, Rank)
All the tuples from both relations are included in the result, but tuples with the same
(Name, Ssn, Department) combination will appear only once in the result. Tuples
appearing only in STUDENT will have a NULL for the Rank attribute, whereas tuples
appearing only in INSTRUCTOR will have a NULL for the Advisor attribute. A tuple
that exists in both relations, which represent a student who is also an instructor, will
have values for all its attributes.11
Notice that the same person may still appear twice in the result. For example, we
could have a graduate student in the Mathematics department who is an instructor
in the Computer Science department. Although the two tuples representing that
person in STUDENT and INSTRUCTOR will have the same (Name, Ssn) values, they
will not agree on the Department value, and so will not be matched. This is because
Department has two different meanings in STUDENT (the department where the person studies) and INSTRUCTOR (the department where the person is employed as an
instructor). If we wanted to apply the OUTER UNION based on the same (Name, Ssn)
combination only, we should rename the Department attribute in each table to reflect
that they have different meanings and designate them as not being part of the
union-compatible attributes. For example, we could rename the attributes as
MajorDept in STUDENT and WorkDept in INSTRUCTOR.
6.5 Examples of Queries
in Relational Algebra
The following are additional examples to illustrate the use of the relational algebra
operations. All examples refer to the database in Figure 3.6. In general, the same
query can be stated in numerous ways using the various operations. We will state
each query in one way and leave it to the reader to come up with equivalent formulations.
Query 1. Retrieve the name and address of all employees who work for the
‘Research’ department.
that OUTER UNION is equivalent to a FULL OUTER JOIN if the join attributes are all the common attributes of the two relations.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
RESULT ← πFname, Lname, Address(RESEARCH_EMPS)
As a single in-line expression, this query becomes:
πFname, Lname, Address (σDname=‘Research’(DEPARTMENT
This query could be specified in other ways; for example, the order of the JOIN and
SELECT operations could be reversed, or the JOIN could be replaced by a NATURAL
JOIN after renaming one of the join attributes to match the other join attribute
Query 2. For every project located in ‘Stafford’, list the project number, the
controlling department number, and the department manager’s last name,
address, and birth date.
STAFFORD_PROJS ← σPlocation=‘Stafford’(PROJECT)
RESULT ← πPnumber, Dnum, Lname, Address, Bdate(PROJ_DEPT_MGRS)
In this example, we first select the projects located in Stafford, then join them with
their controlling departments, and then join the result with the department managers. Finally, we apply a project operation on the desired attributes.
Query 3. Find the names of employees who work on all the projects controlled
by department number 5.
DEPT5_PROJS ← ρ(Pno)(πPnumber(σDnum=5(PROJECT)))
EMP_PROJ ← ρ(Ssn, Pno)(πEssn, Pno(WORKS_ON))
In this query, we first create a table DEPT5_PROJS that contains the project numbers
of all projects controlled by department 5. Then we create a table EMP_PROJ that
holds (Ssn, Pno) tuples, and apply the division operation. Notice that we renamed
the attributes so that they will be correctly used in the division operation. Finally, we
join the result of the division, which holds only Ssn values, with the EMPLOYEE
table to retrieve the desired attributes from EMPLOYEE.
Query 4. Make a list of project numbers for projects that involve an employee
whose last name is ‘Smith’, either as a worker or as a manager of the department
that controls the project.
SMITHS(Essn) ← πSsn (σLname=‘Smith’(EMPLOYEE))
MGRS ← πLname, Dnumber(EMPLOYEE
SMITH_MANAGED_DEPTS(Dnum) ← πDnumber (σLname=‘Smith’(MGRS))
6.5 Examples of Queries in Relational Algebra
In this query, we retrieved the project numbers for projects that involve an
employee named Smith as a worker in SMITH_WORKER_PROJS. Then we retrieved
the project numbers for projects that involve an employee named Smith as manager
of the department that controls the project in SMITH_MGR_PROJS. Finally, we
applied the UNION operation on SMITH_WORKER_PROJS and
SMITH_MGR_PROJS. As a single in-line expression, this query becomes:
Essn=Ssn(πSsn (σLname=‘Smith’(EMPLOYEE))) ∪ πPno
((πDnumber (σLname=‘Smith’(πLname, Dnumber(EMPLOYEE)))
Query 5. List the names of all employees with two or more dependents.
Strictly speaking, this query cannot be done in the basic (original) relational
algebra. We have to use the AGGREGATE FUNCTION operation with the COUNT
aggregate function. We assume that dependents of the same employee have
distinct Dependent_name values.
T1(Ssn, No_of_dependents)← Essn ℑ COUNT Dependent_name(DEPENDENT)
T2 ← σNo_of_dependents>2(T1)
RESULT ← πLname, Fname(T2 * EMPLOYEE)
Query 6. Retrieve the names of employees who have no dependents.
This is an example of the type of query that uses the MINUS (SET DIFFERENCE)
We first retrieve a relation with all employee Ssns in ALL_EMPS. Then we create a
table with the Ssns of employees who have at least one dependent in
EMPS_WITH_DEPS. Then we apply the SET DIFFERENCE operation to retrieve
employees Ssns with no dependents in EMPS_WITHOUT_DEPS, and finally join this
with EMPLOYEE to retrieve the desired attributes. As a single in-line expression, this
query becomes:
πLname, Fname((πSsn(EMPLOYEE) – ρSsn(πEssn(DEPENDENT))) * EMPLOYEE)
Query 7. List the names of managers who have at least one dependent.
MGRS(Ssn) ← πMgr_ssn(DEPARTMENT)
In this query, we retrieve the Ssns of managers in MGRS, and the Ssns of employees
with at least one dependent in EMPS_WITH_DEPS, then we apply the SET
INTERSECTION operation to get the Ssns of managers who have at least one
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
As we mentioned earlier, the same query can be specified in many different ways in
relational algebra. In particular, the operations can often be applied in various
orders. In addition, some operations can be used to replace others; for example, the
INTERSECTION operation in Q7 can be replaced by a NATURAL JOIN. As an exercise,
try to do each of these sample queries using different operations.12 We showed how
to write queries as single relational algebra expressions for queries Q1, Q4, and Q6.
Try to write the remaining queries as single expressions. In Chapters 4 and 5 and in
Sections 6.6 and 6.7, we show how these queries are written in other relational
6.6 The Tuple Relational Calculus
In this and the next section, we introduce another formal query language for the
relational model called relational calculus. This section introduces the language
known as tuple relational calculus, and Section 6.7 introduces a variation called
domain relational calculus. In both variations of relational calculus, we write one
declarative expression to specify a retrieval request; hence, there is no description of
how, or in what order, to evaluate a query. A calculus expression specifies what is to
be retrieved rather than how to retrieve it. Therefore, the relational calculus is considered to be a nonprocedural language. This differs from relational algebra, where
we must write a sequence of operations to specify a retrieval request in a particular
order of applying the operations; thus, it can be considered as a procedural way of
stating a query. It is possible to nest algebra operations to form a single expression;
however, a certain order among the operations is always explicitly specified in a relational algebra expression. This order also influences the strategy for evaluating the
query. A calculus expression may be written in different ways, but the way it is written has no bearing on how a query should be evaluated.
It has been shown that any retrieval that can be specified in the basic relational algebra can also be specified in relational calculus, and vice versa; in other words, the
expressive power of the languages is identical. This led to the definition of the concept of a relationally complete language. A relational query language L is considered
relationally complete if we can express in L any query that can be expressed in relational calculus. Relational completeness has become an important basis for comparing the expressive power of high-level query languages. However, as we saw in
Section 6.4, certain frequently required queries in database applications cannot be
expressed in basic relational algebra or calculus. Most relational query languages are
relationally complete but have more expressive power than relational algebra or relational calculus because of additional operations such as aggregate functions, grouping, and ordering. As we mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, the
relational calculus is important for two reasons. First, it has a firm basis in mathematical logic. Second, the standard query language (SQL) for RDBMSs has some of
its foundations in the tuple relational calculus.
queries are optimized (see Chapter 19), the system will choose a particular sequence of operations that corresponds to an execution strategy that can be executed efficiently.
6.6 The Tuple Relational Calculus
Our examples refer to the database shown in Figures 3.6 and 3.7. We will use the
same queries that were used in Section 6.5. Sections 6.6.6, 6.6.7, and 6.6.8 discuss
dealing with universal quantifiers and safety of expression issues. (Students interested in a basic introduction to tuple relational calculus may skip these sections.)
6.6.1 Tuple Variables and Range Relations
The tuple relational calculus is based on specifying a number of tuple variables.
Each tuple variable usually ranges over a particular database relation, meaning that
the variable may take as its value any individual tuple from that relation. A simple
tuple relational calculus query is of the form:
{t | COND(t)}
where t is a tuple variable and COND(t) is a conditional (Boolean) expression
involving t that evaluates to either TRUE or FALSE for different assignments of
tuples to the variable t. The result of such a query is the set of all tuples t that evaluate COND(t) to TRUE. These tuples are said to satisfy COND(t). For example, to find
all employees whose salary is above $50,000, we can write the following tuple calculus expression:
{t | EMPLOYEE(t) AND t.Salary>50000}
The condition EMPLOYEE(t) specifies that the range relation of tuple variable t is
EMPLOYEE. Each EMPLOYEE tuple t that satisfies the condition t.Salary>50000 will
be retrieved. Notice that t.Salary references attribute Salary of tuple variable t; this
notation resembles how attribute names are qualified with relation names or aliases
in SQL, as we saw in Chapter 4. In the notation of Chapter 3, t.Salary is the same as
writing t[Salary].
The above query retrieves all attribute values for each selected EMPLOYEE tuple t. To
retrieve only some of the attributes—say, the first and last names—we write
{t.Fname, t.Lname | EMPLOYEE(t) AND t.Salary>50000}
Informally, we need to specify the following information in a tuple relational calculus expression:
For each tuple variable t, the range relation R of t. This value is specified by
a condition of the form R(t). If we do not specify a range relation, then the
variable t will range over all possible tuples “in the universe” as it is not
restricted to any one relation.
A condition to select particular combinations of tuples. As tuple variables
range over their respective range relations, the condition is evaluated for
every possible combination of tuples to identify the selected combinations
for which the condition evaluates to TRUE.
A set of attributes to be retrieved, the requested attributes. The values of
these attributes are retrieved for each selected combination of tuples.
Before we discuss the formal syntax of tuple relational calculus, consider another
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
Query 0. Retrieve the birth date and address of the employee (or employees)
whose name is John B. Smith.
Q0: {t.Bdate, t.Address | EMPLOYEE(t) AND t.Fname=‘John’ AND t.Minit=‘B’
AND t.Lname=‘Smith’}
In tuple relational calculus, we first specify the requested attributes t.Bdate and
t.Address for each selected tuple t. Then we specify the condition for selecting a
tuple following the bar (|)—namely, that t be a tuple of the EMPLOYEE relation
whose Fname, Minit, and Lname attribute values are ‘John’, ‘B’, and ‘Smith’, respectively.
6.6.2 Expressions and Formulas
in Tuple Relational Calculus
A general expression of the tuple relational calculus is of the form
{t1.Aj, t2.Ak, ..., tn.Am | COND(t1, t2, ..., tn, tn+1, tn+2, ..., tn+m)}
where t1, t2, ..., tn, tn+1, ..., tn+m are tuple variables, each Ai is an attribute of the relation on which ti ranges, and COND is a condition or formula.13 of the tuple relational calculus. A formula is made up of predicate calculus atoms, which can be one
of the following:
1. An atom of the form R(ti), where R is a relation name and ti is a tuple vari-
able. This atom identifies the range of the tuple variable ti as the relation
whose name is R. It evaluates to TRUE if ti is a tuple in the relation R, and
evaluates to FALSE otherwise.
2. An atom of the form ti.A op tj.B, where op is one of the comparison operators in the set {=, <, ≤, >, ≥, ≠}, ti and tj are tuple variables, A is an attribute of
the relation on which ti ranges, and B is an attribute of the relation on which
tj ranges.
3. An atom of the form ti.A op c or c op tj.B, where op is one of the comparison operators in the set {=, <, ≤, >, ≥, ≠}, ti and tj are tuple variables, A is an
attribute of the relation on which ti ranges, B is an attribute of the relation
on which tj ranges, and c is a constant value.
Each of the preceding atoms evaluates to either TRUE or FALSE for a specific combination of tuples; this is called the truth value of an atom. In general, a tuple variable
t ranges over all possible tuples in the universe. For atoms of the form R(t), if t is
assigned to a tuple that is a member of the specified relation R, the atom is TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE. In atoms of types 2 and 3, if the tuple variables are assigned to
tuples such that the values of the specified attributes of the tuples satisfy the condition, then the atom is TRUE.
A formula (Boolean condition) is made up of one or more atoms connected via the
logical operators AND, OR, and NOT and is defined recursively by Rules 1 and 2 as
■ Rule 1: Every atom is a formula.
called a well-formed formula, or WFF, in mathematical logic.
6.6 The Tuple Relational Calculus
Rule 2: If F1 and F2 are formulas, then so are (F1 AND F2), (F1 OR F2), NOT
(F1), and NOT (F2). The truth values of these formulas are derived from their
component formulas F1 and F2 as follows:
a. (F1 AND F2) is TRUE if both F1 and F2 are TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE.
b. (F1 OR F2) is FALSE if both F1 and F2 are FALSE; otherwise, it is TRUE.
c. NOT (F1) is TRUE if F1 is FALSE; it is FALSE if F1 is TRUE.
d. NOT (F2) is TRUE if F2 is FALSE; it is FALSE if F2 is TRUE.
6.6.3 The Existential and Universal Quantifiers
In addition, two special symbols called quantifiers can appear in formulas; these are
the universal quantifier (∀) and the existential quantifier (∃). Truth values for
formulas with quantifiers are described in Rules 3 and 4 below; first, however, we
need to define the concepts of free and bound tuple variables in a formula.
Informally, a tuple variable t is bound if it is quantified, meaning that it appears in
an (∃t) or (∀t) clause; otherwise, it is free. Formally, we define a tuple variable in a
formula as free or bound according to the following rules:
An occurrence of a tuple variable in a formula F that is an atom is free in F.
An occurrence of a tuple variable t is free or bound in a formula made up of
logical connectives—(F1 AND F2), (F1 OR F2), NOT(F1), and NOT(F2)—
depending on whether it is free or bound in F1 or F2 (if it occurs in either).
Notice that in a formula of the form F = (F1 AND F2) or F = (F1 OR F2), a
tuple variable may be free in F1 and bound in F2, or vice versa; in this case,
one occurrence of the tuple variable is bound and the other is free in F.
All free occurrences of a tuple variable t in F are bound in a formula F of the
form F= (∃ t)(F) or F = (∀t)(F). The tuple variable is bound to the quantifier specified in F. For example, consider the following formulas:
F1 : d.Dname=‘Research’
F2 : (∃ t)(d.Dnumber=t.Dno)
F3 : (∀d)(d.Mgr_ssn=‘333445555’)
The tuple variable d is free in both F1 and F2, whereas it is bound to the (∀) quantifier in F3. Variable t is bound to the (∃) quantifier in F2.
We can now give Rules 3 and 4 for the definition of a formula we started earlier:
Rule 3: If F is a formula, then so is (∃t)(F), where t is a tuple variable. The
formula (∃t)(F) is TRUE if the formula F evaluates to TRUE for some (at least
one) tuple assigned to free occurrences of t in F; otherwise, (∃t)(F) is FALSE.
Rule 4: If F is a formula, then so is (∀t)(F), where t is a tuple variable. The
formula (∀t)(F) is TRUE if the formula F evaluates to TRUE for every tuple
(in the universe) assigned to free occurrences of t in F; otherwise, (∀t)(F) is
The (∃) quantifier is called an existential quantifier because a formula (∃t)(F) is
TRUE if there exists some tuple that makes F TRUE. For the universal quantifier,
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
(∀t)(F) is TRUE if every possible tuple that can be assigned to free occurrences of t
in F is substituted for t, and F is TRUE for every such substitution. It is called the universal or for all quantifier because every tuple in the universe of tuples must make F
TRUE to make the quantified formula TRUE.
6.6.4 Sample Queries in Tuple Relational Calculus
We will use some of the same queries from Section 6.5 to give a flavor of how the
same queries are specified in relational algebra and in relational calculus. Notice
that some queries are easier to specify in the relational algebra than in the relational
calculus, and vice versa.
Query 1. List the name and address of all employees who work for the
‘Research’ department.
Q1: {t.Fname, t.Lname, t.Address | EMPLOYEE(t) AND (∃d)(DEPARTMENT(d)
AND d.Dname=‘Research’ AND d.Dnumber=t.Dno)}
The only free tuple variables in a tuple relational calculus expression should be those
that appear to the left of the bar (|). In Q1, t is the only free variable; it is then bound
successively to each tuple. If a tuple satisfies the conditions specified after the bar in
Q1, the attributes Fname, Lname, and Address are retrieved for each such tuple. The
conditions EMPLOYEE(t) and DEPARTMENT(d) specify the range relations for t and
d. The condition d.Dname = ‘Research’ is a selection condition and corresponds to a
SELECT operation in the relational algebra, whereas the condition d.Dnumber =
t.Dno is a join condition and is similar in purpose to the (INNER) JOIN operation
(see Section 6.3).
Query 2. For every project located in ‘Stafford’, list the project number, the
controlling department number, and the department manager’s last name,
birth date, and address.
Q2: {p.Pnumber, p.Dnum, m.Lname, m.Bdate, m.Address | PROJECT(p) AND
EMPLOYEE(m) AND p.Plocation=‘Stafford’ AND ((∃d)(DEPARTMENT(d)
AND p.Dnum=d.Dnumber AND d.Mgr_ssn=m.Ssn))}
In Q2 there are two free tuple variables, p and m. Tuple variable d is bound to the
existential quantifier. The query condition is evaluated for every combination of
tuples assigned to p and m, and out of all possible combinations of tuples to which
p and m are bound, only the combinations that satisfy the condition are selected.
Several tuple variables in a query can range over the same relation. For example, to
specify Q8—for each employee, retrieve the employee’s first and last name and the
first and last name of his or her immediate supervisor—we specify two tuple variables e and s that both range over the EMPLOYEE relation:
Q8: {e.Fname, e.Lname, s.Fname, s.Lname | EMPLOYEE(e) AND EMPLOYEE(s)
AND e.Super_ssn=s.Ssn}
Query 3. List the name of each employee who works on some project controlled by department number 5. This is a variation of Q3 in which all is
6.6 The Tuple Relational Calculus
changed to some. In this case we need two join conditions and two existential
Q0: {e.Lname, e.Fname | EMPLOYEE(e) AND ((∃x)(∃w)(PROJECT(x) AND
WORKS_ON(w) AND x.Dnum=5 AND w.Essn=e.Ssn AND
Query 4. Make a list of project numbers for projects that involve an employee
whose last name is ‘Smith’, either as a worker or as manager of the controlling
department for the project.
Q4: { p.Pnumber | PROJECT(p) AND (((∃e)(∃w)(EMPLOYEE(e)
AND WORKS_ON(w) AND w.Pno=p.Pnumber
AND e.Lname=‘Smith’ AND e.Ssn=w.Essn) )
AND p.Dnum=d.Dnumber AND d.Mgr_ssn=m.Ssn
AND m.Lname=‘Smith’)))}
Compare this with the relational algebra version of this query in Section 6.5. The
UNION operation in relational algebra can usually be substituted with an OR connective in relational calculus.
6.6.5 Notation for Query Graphs
In this section we describe a notation that has been proposed to represent relational
calculus queries that do not involve complex quantification in a graphical form.
These types of queries are known as select-project-join queries, because they only
involve these three relational algebra operations. The notation may be expanded to
more general queries, but we do not discuss these extensions here. This graphical
representation of a query is called a query graph. Figure 6.13 shows the query graph
for Q2. Relations in the query are represented by relation nodes, which are displayed as single circles. Constant values, typically from the query selection conditions, are represented by constant nodes, which are displayed as double circles or
ovals. Selection and join conditions are represented by the graph edges (the lines
that connect the nodes), as shown in Figure 6.13. Finally, the attributes to be
retrieved from each relation are displayed in square brackets above each relation.
Figure 6.13
Query graph for Q2.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
The query graph representation does not indicate a particular order to specify
which operations to perform first, and is hence a more neutral representation of a
select-project-join query than the query tree representation (see Section 6.3.5),
where the order of execution is implicitly specified. There is only a single query
graph corresponding to each query. Although some query optimization techniques
were based on query graphs, it is now generally accepted that query trees are preferable because, in practice, the query optimizer needs to show the order of operations
for query execution, which is not possible in query graphs.
In the next section we discuss the relationship between the universal and existential
quantifiers and show how one can be transformed into the other.
6.6.6 Transforming the Universal and Existential Quantifiers
We now introduce some well-known transformations from mathematical logic that
relate the universal and existential quantifiers. It is possible to transform a universal
quantifier into an existential quantifier, and vice versa, to get an equivalent expression. One general transformation can be described informally as follows: Transform
one type of quantifier into the other with negation (preceded by NOT); AND and OR
replace one another; a negated formula becomes unnegated; and an unnegated formula becomes negated. Some special cases of this transformation can be stated as
follows, where the ≡ symbol stands for equivalent to:
(∀x) (P(x)) ≡ NOT (∃x) (NOT (P(x)))
(∃x) (P(x)) ≡ NOT (∀x) (NOT (P(x)))
(∀x) (P(x) AND Q(x)) ≡ NOT (∃x) (NOT (P(x)) OR NOT (Q(x)))
(∀x) (P(x) OR Q(x)) ≡ NOT (∃x) (NOT (P(x)) AND NOT (Q(x)))
(∃x) (P(x)) OR Q(x)) ≡ NOT (∀x) (NOT (P(x)) AND NOT (Q(x)))
(∃x) (P(x) AND Q(x)) ≡ NOT (∀x) (NOT (P(x)) OR NOT (Q(x)))
Notice also that the following is TRUE, where the ⇒ symbol stands for implies:
(∀x)(P(x)) ⇒ (∃x)(P(x))
NOT (∃x)(P(x)) ⇒ NOT (∀x)(P(x))
6.6.7 Using the Universal Quantifier in Queries
Whenever we use a universal quantifier, it is quite judicious to follow a few rules to
ensure that our expression makes sense. We discuss these rules with respect to the
query Q3.
Query 3. List the names of employees who work on all the projects controlled
by department number 5. One way to specify this query is to use the universal
quantifier as shown:
Q3: {e.Lname, e.Fname | EMPLOYEE(e) AND ((∀x)(NOT(PROJECT(x)) OR NOT
(x.Dnum=5) OR ((∃w)(WORKS_ON(w) AND w.Essn=e.Ssn AND
6.6 The Tuple Relational Calculus
We can break up Q3 into its basic components as follows:
Q3: {e.Lname, e.Fname | EMPLOYEE(e) AND F }
F = ((∀x)(NOT(PROJECT(x)) OR F1))
F1 = NOT(x. Dnum=5) OR F2
F2 = ((∃w)(WORKS_ON(w) AND w.Essn=e.Ssn
AND x.Pnumber=w.Pno))
We want to make sure that a selected employee e works on all the projects controlled
by department 5, but the definition of universal quantifier says that to make the
quantified formula TRUE, the inner formula must be TRUE for all tuples in the universe. The trick is to exclude from the universal quantification all tuples that we are
not interested in by making the condition TRUE for all such tuples. This is necessary
because a universally quantified tuple variable, such as x in Q3, must evaluate to
TRUE for every possible tuple assigned to it to make the quantified formula TRUE.
The first tuples to exclude (by making them evaluate automatically to TRUE) are
those that are not in the relation R of interest. In Q3, using the expression
NOT(PROJECT(x)) inside the universally quantified formula evaluates to TRUE all
tuples x that are not in the PROJECT relation. Then we exclude the tuples we are not
interested in from R itself. In Q3, using the expression NOT(x.Dnum=5) evaluates to
TRUE all tuples x that are in the PROJECT relation but are not controlled by department 5. Finally, we specify a condition F2 that must hold on all the remaining tuples
in R. Hence, we can explain Q3 as follows:
1. For the formula F = (∀x)(F) to be TRUE, we must have the formula F be
TRUE for all tuples in the universe that can be assigned to x. However, in Q3 we
are only interested in F being TRUE for all tuples of the PROJECT relation
that are controlled by department 5. Hence, the formula F is of the form
(NOT(PROJECT(x)) OR F1). The ‘NOT (PROJECT(x)) OR ...’ condition is
TRUE for all tuples not in the PROJECT relation and has the effect of eliminating these tuples from consideration in the truth value of F1. For every
tuple in the PROJECT relation, F1 must be TRUE if F is to be TRUE.
2. Using the same line of reasoning, we do not want to consider tuples in the
PROJECT relation that are not controlled by department number 5, since we
are only interested in PROJECT tuples whose Dnum=5. Therefore, we can
IF (x.Dnum=5) THEN F2
which is equivalent to
(NOT (x.Dnum=5) OR F2)
3. Formula F1, hence, is of the form NOT(x.Dnum=5) OR F2. In the context of
Q3, this means that, for a tuple x in the PROJECT relation, either its Dnum≠5
or it must satisfy F2.
4. Finally, F2 gives the condition that we want to hold for a selected EMPLOYEE
tuple: that the employee works on every PROJECT tuple that has not been
excluded yet. Such employee tuples are selected by the query.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
In English, Q3 gives the following condition for selecting an EMPLOYEE tuple e: For
every tuple x in the PROJECT relation with x.Dnum=5, there must exist a tuple w in
WORKS_ON such that w.Essn=e.Ssn and w.Pno=x.Pnumber. This is equivalent to
saying that EMPLOYEE e works on every PROJECT x in DEPARTMENT number 5.
Using the general transformation from universal to existential quantifiers given in
Section 6.6.6, we can rephrase the query in Q3 as shown in Q3A, which uses a
negated existential quantifier instead of the universal quantifier:
{e.Lname, e.Fname | EMPLOYEE(e) AND (NOT (∃x) (PROJECT(x) AND
(x.Dnum=5) AND (NOT (∃w)(WORKS_ON(w) AND w.Essn=e.Ssn
AND x.Pnumber=w.Pno))))}
We now give some additional examples of queries that use quantifiers.
Query 6. List the names of employees who have no dependents.
{e.Fname, e.Lname | EMPLOYEE(e) AND (NOT (∃d)(DEPENDENT(d)
AND e.Ssn=d.Essn))}
Using the general transformation rule, we can rephrase Q6 as follows:
{e.Fname, e.Lname | EMPLOYEE(e) AND ((∀d)(NOT(DEPENDENT(d))
OR NOT(e.Ssn=d.Essn)))}
Query 7. List the names of managers who have at least one dependent.
{e.Fname, e.Lname | EMPLOYEE(e) AND ((∃d)(∃ ρ)(DEPARTMENT(d)
AND DEPENDENT(ρ) AND e.Ssn=d.Mgr_ssn AND ρ.Essn=e.Ssn))}
This query is handled by interpreting managers who have at least one dependent as
managers for whom there exists some dependent.
6.6.8 Safe Expressions
Whenever we use universal quantifiers, existential quantifiers, or negation of predicates in a calculus expression, we must make sure that the resulting expression
makes sense. A safe expression in relational calculus is one that is guaranteed to
yield a finite number of tuples as its result; otherwise, the expression is called unsafe.
For example, the expression
{t | NOT (EMPLOYEE(t))}
is unsafe because it yields all tuples in the universe that are not EMPLOYEE tuples,
which are infinitely numerous. If we follow the rules for Q3 discussed earlier, we will
get a safe expression when using universal quantifiers. We can define safe expressions more precisely by introducing the concept of the domain of a tuple relational
calculus expression: This is the set of all values that either appear as constant values
in the expression or exist in any tuple in the relations referenced in the expression.
For example, the domain of {t | NOT(EMPLOYEE(t))} is the set of all attribute values
appearing in some tuple of the EMPLOYEE relation (for any attribute). The domain
6.7 The Domain Relational Calculus
of the expression Q3A would include all values appearing in EMPLOYEE, PROJECT,
and WORKS_ON (unioned with the value 5 appearing in the query itself).
An expression is said to be safe if all values in its result are from the domain of the
expression. Notice that the result of {t | NOT(EMPLOYEE(t))} is unsafe, since it will,
in general, include tuples (and hence values) from outside the EMPLOYEE relation;
such values are not in the domain of the expression. All of our other examples are
safe expressions.
6.7 The Domain Relational Calculus
There is another type of relational calculus called the domain relational calculus, or
simply, domain calculus. Historically, while SQL (see Chapters 4 and 5), which was
based on tuple relational calculus, was being developed by IBM Research at San
Jose, California, another language called QBE (Query-By-Example), which is
related to domain calculus, was being developed almost concurrently at the IBM T.J.
Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. The formal specification
of the domain calculus was proposed after the development of the QBE language
and system.
Domain calculus differs from tuple calculus in the type of variables used in formulas: Rather than having variables range over tuples, the variables range over single
values from domains of attributes. To form a relation of degree n for a query result,
we must have n of these domain variables—one for each attribute. An expression of
the domain calculus is of the form
{x1, x2, ... , xn | COND(x1, x2, ... , xn, xn+1, xn+2, ... , xn+m)}
where x1, x2, ..., xn, xn+1, xn+2, ..., xn+m are domain variables that range over
domains (of attributes), and COND is a condition or formula of the domain relational calculus.
A formula is made up of atoms. The atoms of a formula are slightly different from
those for the tuple calculus and can be one of the following:
1. An atom of the form R(x1, x2, ..., xj), where R is the name of a relation of
degree j and each xi, 1 ≤ i ≤ j, is a domain variable. This atom states that a list
of values of <x1, x2, ..., xj> must be a tuple in the relation whose name is R,
where xi is the value of the ith attribute value of the tuple. To make a domain
calculus expression more concise, we can drop the commas in a list of variables; thus, we can write:
{x1, x2, ..., xn | R(x1 x2 x3) AND ...}
instead of:
{x1, x2, ... , xn | R(x1, x2, x3) AND ...}
2. An atom of the form xi op xj, where op is one of the comparison operators in
the set {=, <, ≤, >, ≥, ≠}, and xi and xj are domain variables.
3. An atom of the form xi op c or c op xj, where op is one of the comparison
operators in the set {=, <, ≤, >, ≥, ≠}, xi and xj are domain variables, and c is a
constant value.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
As in tuple calculus, atoms evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE for a specific set of values, called the truth values of the atoms. In case 1, if the domain variables are
assigned values corresponding to a tuple of the specified relation R, then the atom is
TRUE. In cases 2 and 3, if the domain variables are assigned values that satisfy the
condition, then the atom is TRUE.
In a similar way to the tuple relational calculus, formulas are made up of atoms,
variables, and quantifiers, so we will not repeat the specifications for formulas here.
Some examples of queries specified in the domain calculus follow. We will use lowercase letters l, m, n, ..., x, y, z for domain variables.
Query 0. List the birth date and address of the employee whose name is ‘John
B. Smith’.
{u, v | (∃q) (∃r) (∃s) (∃t) (∃w) (∃x) (∃y) (∃z)
(EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) AND q=‘John’ AND r=‘B’ AND s=‘Smith’)}
We need ten variables for the EMPLOYEE relation, one to range over each of the
domains of attributes of EMPLOYEE in order. Of the ten variables q, r, s, ..., z, only u
and v are free, because they appear to the left of the bar and hence should not be
bound to a quantifier. We first specify the requested attributes, Bdate and Address, by
the free domain variables u for BDATE and v for ADDRESS. Then we specify the condition for selecting a tuple following the bar (|)—namely, that the sequence of values assigned to the variables qrstuvwxyz be a tuple of the EMPLOYEE relation and
that the values for q (Fname), r (Minit), and s (Lname) be equal to ‘John’, ‘B’,
and ‘Smith’, respectively. For convenience, we will quantify only those variables
actually appearing in a condition (these would be q, r, and s in Q0) in the rest of our
An alternative shorthand notation, used in QBE, for writing this query is to assign
the constants ‘John’, ‘B’, and ‘Smith’ directly as shown in Q0A. Here, all variables not
appearing to the left of the bar are implicitly existentially quantified:15
{u, v | EMPLOYEE(‘John’,‘B’,‘Smith’,t,u,v,w,x,y,z) }
Query 1. Retrieve the name and address of all employees who work for the
‘Research’ department.
{q, s, v | (∃z) (∃l) (∃m) (EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) AND
DEPARTMENT(lmno) AND l=‘Research’ AND m=z)}
A condition relating two domain variables that range over attributes from two relations, such as m = z in Q1, is a join condition, whereas a condition that relates a
domain variable to a constant, such as l = ‘Research’, is a selection condition.
that the notation of quantifying only the domain variables actually used in conditions and of
showing a predicate such as EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) without separating domain variables with commas
is an abbreviated notation used for convenience; it is not the correct formal notation.
this is not a formally accurate notation.
6.8 Summary
Query 2. For every project located in ‘Stafford’, list the project number, the
controlling department number, and the department manager’s last name,
birth date, and address.
{i, k, s, u, v | (∃j)(∃m)(∃n)(∃t)(PROJECT(hijk) AND
n=t AND j=‘Stafford’)}
Query 6. List the names of employees who have no dependents.
{q, s | (∃t)(EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) AND
(NOT(∃l)(DEPENDENT(lmnop) AND t=l)))}
Q6 can be restated using universal quantifiers instead of the existential quantifiers,
as shown in Q6A:
{q, s | (∃t)(EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) AND
((∀l)(NOT(DEPENDENT(lmnop)) OR NOT(t=l))))}
Query 7. List the names of managers who have at least one dependent.
{s, q | (∃t)(∃j)(∃l)(EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) AND DEPARTMENT(hijk)
AND DEPENDENT(lmnop) AND t=j AND l=t)}
As we mentioned earlier, it can be shown that any query that can be expressed in the
basic relational algebra can also be expressed in the domain or tuple relational calculus. Also, any safe expression in the domain or tuple relational calculus can be
expressed in the basic relational algebra.
The QBE language was based on the domain relational calculus, although this was
realized later, after the domain calculus was formalized. QBE was one of the first
graphical query languages with minimum syntax developed for database systems. It
was developed at IBM Research and is available as an IBM commercial product as
part of the Query Management Facility (QMF) interface option to DB2. The basic
ideas used in QBE have been applied in several other commercial products. Because
of its important place in the history of relational languages, we have included an
overview of QBE in Appendix C.
6.8 Summary
In this chapter we presented two formal languages for the relational model of data.
They are used to manipulate relations and produce new relations as answers to
queries. We discussed the relational algebra and its operations, which are used to
specify a sequence of operations to specify a query. Then we introduced two types of
relational calculi called tuple calculus and domain calculus.
In Sections 6.1 through 6.3, we introduced the basic relational algebra operations and
illustrated the types of queries for which each is used. First, we discussed the unary
relational operators SELECT and PROJECT, as well as the RENAME operation. Then,
we discussed binary set theoretic operations requiring that relations on which they
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
are applied be union (or type) compatible; these include UNION, INTERSECTION, and
SET DIFFERENCE. The CARTESIAN PRODUCT operation is a set operation that can
be used to combine tuples from two relations, producing all possible combinations. It
is rarely used in practice; however, we showed how CARTESIAN PRODUCT followed
by SELECT can be used to define matching tuples from two relations and leads to the
JOIN operation. Different JOIN operations called THETA JOIN, EQUIJOIN, and
NATURAL JOIN were introduced. Query trees were introduced as a graphical representation of relational algebra queries, which can also be used as the basis for internal
data structures that the DBMS can use to represent a query.
We discussed some important types of queries that cannot be stated with the basic
relational algebra operations but are important for practical situations. We introduced GENERALIZED PROJECTION to use functions of attributes in the projection
list and the AGGREGATE FUNCTION operation to deal with aggregate types of statistical requests that summarize the information in the tables. We discussed recursive queries, for which there is no direct support in the algebra but which can be
handled in a step-by-step approach, as we demonstrated. Then we presented the
OUTER JOIN and OUTER UNION operations, which extend JOIN and UNION and
allow all information in source relations to be preserved in the result.
The last two sections described the basic concepts behind relational calculus, which
is based on the branch of mathematical logic called predicate calculus. There are
two types of relational calculi: (1) the tuple relational calculus, which uses tuple
variables that range over tuples (rows) of relations, and (2) the domain relational
calculus, which uses domain variables that range over domains (columns of relations). In relational calculus, a query is specified in a single declarative statement,
without specifying any order or method for retrieving the query result. Hence, relational calculus is often considered to be a higher-level declarative language than the
relational algebra, because a relational calculus expression states what we want to
retrieve regardless of how the query may be executed.
We discussed the syntax of relational calculus queries using both tuple and domain
variables. We introduced query graphs as an internal representation for queries in
relational calculus. We also discussed the existential quantifier (∃) and the universal
quantifier (∀). We saw that relational calculus variables are bound by these quantifiers. We described in detail how queries with universal quantification are written,
and we discussed the problem of specifying safe queries whose results are finite. We
also discussed rules for transforming universal into existential quantifiers, and vice
versa. It is the quantifiers that give expressive power to the relational calculus, making it equivalent to the basic relational algebra. There is no analog to grouping and
aggregation functions in basic relational calculus, although some extensions have
been suggested.
Review Questions
6.1. List the operations of relational algebra and the purpose of each.
6.2. What is union compatibility? Why do the UNION, INTERSECTION, and
DIFFERENCE operations require that the relations on which they are applied
be union compatible?
6.3. Discuss some types of queries for which renaming of attributes is necessary
in order to specify the query unambiguously.
6.4. Discuss the various types of inner join operations. Why is theta join
6.5. What role does the concept of foreign key play when specifying the most
common types of meaningful join operations?
6.6. What is the FUNCTION operation? What is it used for?
6.7. How are the OUTER JOIN operations different from the INNER JOIN operations? How is the OUTER UNION operation different from UNION?
6.8. In what sense does relational calculus differ from relational algebra, and in
what sense are they similar?
6.9. How does tuple relational calculus differ from domain relational calculus?
6.10. Discuss the meanings of the existential quantifier (∃) and the universal
quantifier (∀).
6.11. Define the following terms with respect to the tuple calculus: tuple variable,
range relation, atom, formula, and expression.
6.12. Define the following terms with respect to the domain calculus: domain vari-
able, range relation, atom, formula, and expression.
6.13. What is meant by a safe expression in relational calculus?
6.14. When is a query language called relationally complete?
6.15. Show the result of each of the sample queries in Section 6.5 as it would apply
to the database state in Figure 3.6.
6.16. Specify the following queries on the COMPANYrelational database schema
shown in Figure 5.5, using the relational operators discussed in this chapter.
Also show the result of each query as it would apply to the database state in
Figure 3.6.
a. Retrieve the names of all employees in department 5 who work more than
10 hours per week on the ProductX project.
b. List the names of all employees who have a dependent with the same first
name as themselves.
c. Find the names of all employees who are directly supervised by ‘Franklin
d. For each project, list the project name and the total hours per week (by all
employees) spent on that project.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
e. Retrieve the names of all employees who work on every project.
f. Retrieve the names of all employees who do not work on any project.
g. For each department, retrieve the department name and the average
salary of all employees working in that department.
h. Retrieve the average salary of all female employees.
i. Find the names and addresses of all employees who work on at least one
project located in Houston but whose department has no location in
j. List the last names of all department managers who have no dependents.
6.17. Consider the AIRLINE relational database schema shown in Figure 3.8, which
was described in Exercise 3.12. Specify the following queries in relational
a. For each flight, list the flight number, the departure airport for the first leg
of the flight, and the arrival airport for the last leg of the flight.
b. List the flight numbers and weekdays of all flights or flight legs that
depart from Houston Intercontinental Airport (airport code ‘IAH’) and
arrive in Los Angeles International Airport (airport code ‘LAX’).
c. List the flight number, departure airport code, scheduled departure time,
arrival airport code, scheduled arrival time, and weekdays of all flights or
flight legs that depart from some airport in the city of Houston and arrive
at some airport in the city of Los Angeles.
d. List all fare information for flight number ‘CO197’.
e. Retrieve the number of available seats for flight number ‘CO197’ on
6.18. Consider the LIBRARY relational database schema shown in Figure 6.14,
which is used to keep track of books, borrowers, and book loans. Referential
integrity constraints are shown as directed arcs in Figure 6.14, as in the notation of Figure 3.7. Write down relational expressions for the following
a. How many copies of the book titled The Lost Tribe are owned by the
library branch whose name is ‘Sharpstown’?
b. How many copies of the book titled The Lost Tribe are owned by each
library branch?
c. Retrieve the names of all borrowers who do not have any books checked
d. For each book that is loaned out from the Sharpstown branch and whose
Due_date is today, retrieve the book title, the borrower’s name, and the
borrower’s address.
e. For each library branch, retrieve the branch name and the total number
of books loaned out from that branch.
Figure 6.14
A relational database
schema for a LIBRARY
f. Retrieve the names, addresses, and number of books checked out for all
borrowers who have more than five books checked out.
g. For each book authored (or coauthored) by Stephen King, retrieve the
title and the number of copies owned by the library branch whose name
is Central.
6.19. Specify the following queries in relational algebra on the database schema
given in Exercise 3.14:
a. List the Order# and Ship_date for all orders shipped from Warehouse# W2.
b. List the WAREHOUSE information from which the CUSTOMER named
Jose Lopez was supplied his orders. Produce a listing: Order#, Warehouse#.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
c. Produce a listing Cname, No_of_orders, Avg_order_amt, where the middle
column is the total number of orders by the customer and the last column
is the average order amount for that customer.
d. List the orders that were not shipped within 30 days of ordering.
e. List the Order# for orders that were shipped from all warehouses that the
company has in New York.
6.20. Specify the following queries in relational algebra on the database schema
given in Exercise 3.15:
a. Give the details (all attributes of trip relation) for trips that exceeded
$2,000 in expenses.
b. Print the Ssns of salespeople who took trips to Honolulu.
c. Print the total trip expenses incurred by the salesperson with SSN = ‘23456-7890’.
6.21. Specify the following queries in relational algebra on the database schema
given in Exercise 3.16:
a. List the number of courses taken by all students named John Smith in
Winter 2009 (i.e., Quarter=W09).
b. Produce a list of textbooks (include Course#, Book_isbn, Book_title) for
courses offered by the ‘CS’ department that have used more than two
c. List any department that has all its adopted books published by ‘Pearson
6.22. Consider the two tables T1 and T2 shown in Figure 6.15. Show the results of
the following operations:
a. T1
T1.P = T2.A T2
b. T1
T1.Q = T2.B T2
c. T1
T1.P = T2.A T2
d. T1
T1.Q = T2.B T2
e. T1 ∪ T2
f. T1
(T1.P = T2.A AND T1.R = T2.C) T2
Figure 6.15
A database state for the
relations T1 and T 2.
6.23. Specify the following queries in relational algebra on the database schema in
Exercise 3.17:
a. For the salesperson named ‘Jane Doe’, list the following information for
all the cars she sold: Serial#, Manufacturer, Sale_price.
b. List the Serial# and Model of cars that have no options.
c. Consider the NATURAL JOIN operation between SALESPERSON and
SALE. What is the meaning of a left outer join for these tables (do not
change the order of relations)? Explain with an example.
d. Write a query in relational algebra involving selection and one set operation and say in words what the query does.
6.24. Specify queries a, b, c, e, f, i, and j of Exercise 6.16 in both tuple and domain
relational calculus.
6.25. Specify queries a, b, c, and d of Exercise 6.17 in both tuple and domain rela-
tional calculus.
6.26. Specify queries c, d, and f of Exercise 6.18 in both tuple and domain rela-
tional calculus.
6.27. In a tuple relational calculus query with n tuple variables, what would be the
typical minimum number of join conditions? Why? What is the effect of
having a smaller number of join conditions?
6.28. Rewrite the domain relational calculus queries that followed Q0 in Section
6.7 in the style of the abbreviated notation of Q0A, where the objective is to
minimize the number of domain variables by writing constants in place of
variables wherever possible.
6.29. Consider this query: Retrieve the Ssns of employees who work on at least
those projects on which the employee with Ssn=123456789 works. This may
be stated as (FORALL x) (IF P THEN Q), where
x is a tuple variable that ranges over the PROJECT relation.
P ≡ EMPLOYEE with Ssn=123456789 works on PROJECT x.
Q ≡ EMPLOYEE e works on PROJECT x.
Express the query in tuple relational calculus, using the rules
■ (∀ x)(P(x)) ≡ NOT(∃x)(NOT(P(x))).
■ (IF P THEN Q) ≡ (NOT(P) OR Q).
6.30. Show how you can specify the following relational algebra operations in
both tuple and domain relational calculus.
a. σA=C(R(A, B, C))
b. π<A, B>(R(A, B, C))
c. R(A, B, C) * S(C, D, E)
d. R(A, B, C) ∪ S(A, B, C)
e. R(A, B, C) ∩ S(A, B, C)
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
f. R(A, B, C) = S(A, B, C)
g. R(A, B, C) × S(D, E, F)
h. R(A, B) ÷ S(A)
6.31. Suggest extensions to the relational calculus so that it may express the fol-
lowing types of operations that were discussed in Section 6.4: (a) aggregate
functions and grouping; (b) OUTER JOIN operations; (c) recursive closure
6.32. A nested query is a query within a query. More specifically, a nested query is
a parenthesized query whose result can be used as a value in a number of
places, such as instead of a relation. Specify the following queries on the
database specified in Figure 3.5 using the concept of nested queries and the
relational operators discussed in this chapter. Also show the result of each
query as it would apply to the database state in Figure 3.6.
a. List the names of all employees who work in the department that has the
employee with the highest salary among all employees.
b. List the names of all employees whose supervisor’s supervisor has
‘888665555’ for Ssn.
c. List the names of employees who make at least $10,000 more than the
employee who is paid the least in the company.
6.33. State whether the following conclusions are true or false:
a. NOT (P(x) OR Q(x)) → (NOT (P(x)) AND (NOT (Q(x)))
b. NOT (∃x) (P(x)) → ∀ x (NOT (P(x))
c. (∃x) (P(x)) → ∀ x ((P(x))
Laboratory Exercises
6.34. Specify and execute the following queries in relational algebra (RA) using
the RA interpreter on the COMPANY database schema in Figure 3.5.
a. List the names of all employees in department 5 who work more than 10
hours per week on the ProductX project.
List the names of all employees who have a dependent with the same first
name as themselves.
List the names of employees who are directly supervised by Franklin
List the names of employees who work on every project.
List the names of employees who do not work on any project.
List the names and addresses of employees who work on at least one project located in Houston but whose department has no location in
List the names of department managers who have no dependents.
Laboratory Exercises
6.35. Consider the following MAILORDER relational schema describing the data
for a mail order company.
PARTS(Pno, Pname, Qoh, Price, Olevel)
CUSTOMERS(Cno, Cname, Street, Zip, Phone)
EMPLOYEES(Eno, Ename, Zip, Hdate)
ZIP_CODES(Zip, City)
ORDERS(Ono, Cno, Eno, Received, Shipped)
ODETAILS(Ono, Pno, Qty)
Qoh stands for quantity on hand: the other attribute names are self-
explanatory. Specify and execute the following queries using the RA interpreter on the MAILORDER database schema.
a. Retrieve the names of parts that cost less than $20.00.
b. Retrieve the names and cities of employees who have taken orders for
parts costing more than $50.00.
c. Retrieve the pairs of customer number values of customers who live in
the same ZIP Code.
d. Retrieve the names of customers who have ordered parts from employees
living in Wichita.
e. Retrieve the names of customers who have ordered parts costing less than
f. Retrieve the names of customers who have not placed an order.
g. Retrieve the names of customers who have placed exactly two orders.
6.36. Consider the following GRADEBOOK relational schema describing the data
for a grade book of a particular instructor. (Note: The attributes A, B, C, and
D of COURSES store grade cutoffs.)
CATALOG(Cno, Ctitle)
STUDENTS(Sid, Fname, Lname, Minit)
COURSES(Term, Sec_no, Cno, A, B, C, D)
ENROLLS(Sid, Term, Sec_no)
Specify and execute the following queries using the RA interpreter on the
GRADEBOOK database schema.
a. Retrieve the names of students enrolled in the Automata class during the
fall 2009 term.
Retrieve the Sid values of students who have enrolled in CSc226 and
Retrieve the Sid values of students who have enrolled in CSc226 or
Retrieve the names of students who have not enrolled in any class.
Retrieve the names of students who have enrolled in all courses in the
CATALOG table.
Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
6.37. Consider a database that consists of the following relations.
SUPPLIER(Sno, Sname)
PART(Pno, Pname)
PROJECT(Jno, Jname)
SUPPLY(Sno, Pno, Jno)
The database records information about suppliers, parts, and projects and
includes a ternary relationship between suppliers, parts, and projects. This
relationship is a many-many-many relationship. Specify and execute the following queries using the RA interpreter.
a. Retrieve the part numbers that are supplied to exactly two projects.
b. Retrieve the names of suppliers who supply more than two parts to project ‘J1’.
c. Retrieve the part numbers that are supplied by every supplier.
d. Retrieve the project names that are supplied by supplier ‘S1’ only.
e. Retrieve the names of suppliers who supply at least two different parts
each to at least two different projects.
6.38. Specify and execute the following queries for the database in Exercise 3.16
using the RA interpreter.
a. Retrieve the names of students who have enrolled in a course that uses a
textbook published by Addison-Wesley.
b. Retrieve the names of courses in which the textbook has been changed at
least once.
c. Retrieve the names of departments that adopt textbooks published by
Addison-Wesley only.
d. Retrieve the names of departments that adopt textbooks written by
Navathe and published by Addison-Wesley.
e. Retrieve the names of students who have never used a book (in a course)
written by Navathe and published by Addison-Wesley.
6.39. Repeat Laboratory Exercises 6.34 through 6.38 in domain relational calculus
(DRC) by using the DRC interpreter.
Selected Bibliography
Codd (1970) defined the basic relational algebra. Date (1983a) discusses outer joins.
Work on extending relational operations is discussed by Carlis (1986) and
Ozsoyoglu et al. (1985). Cammarata et al. (1989) extends the relational model
integrity constraints and joins.
Codd (1971) introduced the language Alpha, which is based on concepts of tuple
relational calculus. Alpha also includes the notion of aggregate functions, which
goes beyond relational calculus. The original formal definition of relational calculus
Selected Bibliography
was given by Codd (1972), which also provided an algorithm that transforms any
tuple relational calculus expression to relational algebra. The QUEL (Stonebraker et
al. 1976) is based on tuple relational calculus, with implicit existential quantifiers,
but no universal quantifiers, and was implemented in the INGRES system as a commercially available language. Codd defined relational completeness of a query language to mean at least as powerful as relational calculus. Ullman (1988) describes a
formal proof of the equivalence of relational algebra with the safe expressions of
tuple and domain relational calculus. Abiteboul et al. (1995) and Atzeni and
deAntonellis (1993) give a detailed treatment of formal relational languages.
Although ideas of domain relational calculus were initially proposed in the QBE
language (Zloof 1975), the concept was formally defined by Lacroix and Pirotte
(1977a). The experimental version of the Query-By-Example system is described in
Zloof (1975). The ILL (Lacroix and Pirotte 1977b) is based on domain relational
calculus. Whang et al. (1990) extends QBE with universal quantifiers. Visual query
languages, of which QBE is an example, are being proposed as a means of querying
databases; conferences such as the Visual Database Systems Working Conference
(e.g., Arisawa and Catarci (2000) or Zhou and Pu (2002)) have a number of proposals for such languages.
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Conceptual Modeling
and Database Design
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Data Modeling Using the
Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
onceptual modeling is a very important phase in
designing a successful database application.
Generally, the term database application refers to a particular database and the
associated programs that implement the database queries and updates. For example, a BANK database application that keeps track of customer accounts would
include programs that implement database updates corresponding to customer
deposits and withdrawals. These programs provide user-friendly graphical user
interfaces (GUIs) utilizing forms and menus for the end users of the application—
the bank tellers, in this example. Hence, a major part of the database application will
require the design, implementation, and testing of these application programs.
Traditionally, the design and testing of application programs has been considered
to be part of software engineering rather than database design. In many software
design tools, the database design methodologies and software engineering methodologies are intertwined since these activities are strongly related.
In this chapter, we follow the traditional approach of concentrating on the database
structures and constraints during conceptual database design. The design of application programs is typically covered in software engineering courses. We present the
modeling concepts of the Entity-Relationship (ER) model, which is a popular
high-level conceptual data model. This model and its variations are frequently used
for the conceptual design of database applications, and many database design tools
employ its concepts. We describe the basic data-structuring concepts and constraints of the ER model and discuss their use in the design of conceptual schemas
for database applications. We also present the diagrammatic notation associated
with the ER model, known as ER diagrams.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
Object modeling methodologies such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML)
are becoming increasingly popular in both database and software design. These
methodologies go beyond database design to specify detailed design of software
modules and their interactions using various types of diagrams. An important part
of these methodologies—namely, class diagrams1—are similar in many ways to the
ER diagrams. In class diagrams, operations on objects are specified, in addition to
specifying the database schema structure. Operations can be used to specify the
functional requirements during database design, as we will discuss in Section 7.1. We
present some of the UML notation and concepts for class diagrams that are particularly relevant to database design in Section 7.8, and briefly compare these to ER
notation and concepts. Additional UML notation and concepts are presented in
Section 8.6 and in Chapter 10.
This chapter is organized as follows: Section 7.1 discusses the role of high-level conceptual data models in database design. We introduce the requirements for a sample
database application in Section 7.2 to illustrate the use of concepts from the ER
model. This sample database is also used throughout the book. In Section 7.3 we
present the concepts of entities and attributes, and we gradually introduce the diagrammatic technique for displaying an ER schema. In Section 7.4 we introduce the
concepts of binary relationships and their roles and structural constraints. Section
7.5 introduces weak entity types. Section 7.6 shows how a schema design is refined
to include relationships. Section 7.7 reviews the notation for ER diagrams, summarizes the issues and common pitfalls that occur in schema design, and discusses how
to choose the names for database schema constructs. Section 7.8 introduces some
UML class diagram concepts, compares them to ER model concepts, and applies
them to the same database example. Section 7.9 discusses more complex types of
relationships. Section 7.10 summarizes the chapter.
The material in Sections 7.8 and 7.9 may be excluded from an introductory course. If
a more thorough coverage of data modeling concepts and conceptual database design
is desired, the reader should continue to Chapter 8, where we describe extensions to
the ER model that lead to the Enhanced-ER (EER) model, which includes concepts
such as specialization, generalization, inheritance, and union types (categories). We
also introduce some additional UML concepts and notation in Chapter 8.
7.1 Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models
for Database Design
Figure 7.1 shows a simplified overview of the database design process. The first step
shown is requirements collection and analysis. During this step, the database
designers interview prospective database users to understand and document their
data requirements. The result of this step is a concisely written set of users’ requirements. These requirements should be specified in as detailed and complete a form
as possible. In parallel with specifying the data requirements, it is useful to specify
class is similar to an entity type in many ways.
7.1 Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design
Functional Requirements
Data Requirements
High-Level Transaction
Conceptual Schema
(In a high-level data model)
Logical (Conceptual) Schema
(In the data model of a specific DBMS)
Application Programs
Internal Schema
Figure 7.1
A simplified diagram to illustrate the
main phases of database design.
the known functional requirements of the application. These consist of the userdefined operations (or transactions) that will be applied to the database, including
both retrievals and updates. In software design, it is common to use data flow diagrams, sequence diagrams, scenarios, and other techniques to specify functional
requirements. We will not discuss any of these techniques here; they are usually
described in detail in software engineering texts. We give an overview of some of
these techniques in Chapter 10.
Once the requirements have been collected and analyzed, the next step is to create a
conceptual schema for the database, using a high-level conceptual data model. This
step is called conceptual design. The conceptual schema is a concise description of
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
the data requirements of the users and includes detailed descriptions of the entity
types, relationships, and constraints; these are expressed using the concepts provided by the high-level data model. Because these concepts do not include implementation details, they are usually easier to understand and can be used to
communicate with nontechnical users. The high-level conceptual schema can also
be used as a reference to ensure that all users’ data requirements are met and that the
requirements do not conflict. This approach enables database designers to concentrate on specifying the properties of the data, without being concerned with storage
and implementation details. This makes it is easier to create a good conceptual database design.
During or after the conceptual schema design, the basic data model operations can
be used to specify the high-level user queries and operations identified during functional analysis. This also serves to confirm that the conceptual schema meets all the
identified functional requirements. Modifications to the conceptual schema can be
introduced if some functional requirements cannot be specified using the initial
The next step in database design is the actual implementation of the database, using
a commercial DBMS. Most current commercial DBMSs use an implementation
data model—such as the relational or the object-relational database model—so the
conceptual schema is transformed from the high-level data model into the implementation data model. This step is called logical design or data model mapping; its
result is a database schema in the implementation data model of the DBMS. Data
model mapping is often automated or semiautomated within the database design
The last step is the physical design phase, during which the internal storage structures, file organizations, indexes, access paths, and physical design parameters for
the database files are specified. In parallel with these activities, application programs
are designed and implemented as database transactions corresponding to the highlevel transaction specifications. We discuss the database design process in more
detail in Chapter 10.
We present only the basic ER model concepts for conceptual schema design in this
chapter. Additional modeling concepts are discussed in Chapter 8, when we introduce the EER model.
7.2 A Sample Database Application
In this section we describe a sample database application, called COMPANY, which
serves to illustrate the basic ER model concepts and their use in schema design. We
list the data requirements for the database here, and then create its conceptual
schema step-by-step as we introduce the modeling concepts of the ER model. The
COMPANY database keeps track of a company’s employees, departments, and projects. Suppose that after the requirements collection and analysis phase, the database
designers provide the following description of the miniworld—the part of the company that will be represented in the database.
7.3 Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, and Keys
The company is organized into departments. Each department has a unique
name, a unique number, and a particular employee who manages the
department. We keep track of the start date when that employee began managing the department. A department may have several locations.
A department controls a number of projects, each of which has a unique
name, a unique number, and a single location.
We store each employee’s name, Social Security number,2 address, salary, sex
(gender), and birth date. An employee is assigned to one department, but
may work on several projects, which are not necessarily controlled by the
same department. We keep track of the current number of hours per week
that an employee works on each project. We also keep track of the direct
supervisor of each employee (who is another employee).
We want to keep track of the dependents of each employee for insurance
purposes. We keep each dependent’s first name, sex, birth date, and relationship to the employee.
Figure 7.2 shows how the schema for this database application can be displayed by
means of the graphical notation known as ER diagrams. This figure will be
explained gradually as the ER model concepts are presented. We describe the stepby-step process of deriving this schema from the stated requirements—and explain
the ER diagrammatic notation—as we introduce the ER model concepts.
7.3 Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes,
and Keys
The ER model describes data as entities, relationships, and attributes. In Section 7.3.1
we introduce the concepts of entities and their attributes. We discuss entity types
and key attributes in Section 7.3.2. Then, in Section 7.3.3, we specify the initial conceptual design of the entity types for the COMPANY database. Relationships are
described in Section 7.4.
7.3.1 Entities and Attributes
Entities and Their Attributes. The basic object that the ER model represents is
an entity, which is a thing in the real world with an independent existence. An entity
may be an object with a physical existence (for example, a particular person, car,
house, or employee) or it may be an object with a conceptual existence (for instance,
a company, a job, or a university course). Each entity has attributes—the particular
properties that describe it. For example, an EMPLOYEE entity may be described by
the employee’s name, age, address, salary, and job. A particular entity will have a
Social Security number, or SSN, is a unique nine-digit identifier assigned to each individual in the
United States to keep track of his or her employment, benefits, and taxes. Other countries may have
similar identification schemes, such as personal identification card numbers.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
Figure 7.2
An ER schema diagram for the COMPANY database. The diagrammatic notation
is introduced gradually throughout this chapter and is summarized in Figure 7.14.
value for each of its attributes. The attribute values that describe each entity become
a major part of the data stored in the database.
Figure 7.3 shows two entities and the values of their attributes. The EMPLOYEE
entity e1 has four attributes: Name, Address, Age, and Home_phone; their values are
‘John Smith,’ ‘2311 Kirby, Houston, Texas 77001’, ‘55’, and ‘713-749-2630’, respectively. The COMPANY entity c1 has three attributes: Name, Headquarters, and
President; their values are ‘Sunco Oil’, ‘Houston’, and ‘John Smith’, respectively.
Several types of attributes occur in the ER model: simple versus composite, singlevalued versus multivalued, and stored versus derived. First we define these attribute
7.3 Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, and Keys
Name = Sunco Oil
Name = John Smith
Address = 2311 Kirby
Houston, Texas 77001
Headquarters = Houston
Age = 55
Home_phone = 713-749-2630
President = John Smith
Figure 7.3
Two entities,
EMPLOYEE e1, and
COMPANY c1, and
their attributes.
types and illustrate their use via examples. Then we discuss the concept of a NULL
value for an attribute.
Composite versus Simple (Atomic) Attributes. Composite attributes can be
divided into smaller subparts, which represent more basic attributes with independent meanings. For example, the Address attribute of the EMPLOYEE entity shown
in Figure 7.3 can be subdivided into Street_address, City, State, and Zip,3 with the
values ‘2311 Kirby’, ‘Houston’, ‘Texas’, and ‘77001.’ Attributes that are not divisible
are called simple or atomic attributes. Composite attributes can form a hierarchy;
for example, Street_address can be further subdivided into three simple component
attributes: Number, Street, and Apartment_number, as shown in Figure 7.4. The value
of a composite attribute is the concatenation of the values of its component simple
Composite attributes are useful to model situations in which a user sometimes
refers to the composite attribute as a unit but at other times refers specifically to its
components. If the composite attribute is referenced only as a whole, there is no
Figure 7.4
A hierarchy of composite
Code is the name used in the United States for a five-digit postal code, such as 76019, which can
be extended to nine digits, such as 76019-0015. We use the five-digit Zip in our examples.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
need to subdivide it into component attributes. For example, if there is no need to
refer to the individual components of an address (Zip Code, street, and so on), then
the whole address can be designated as a simple attribute.
Single-Valued versus Multivalued Attributes. Most attributes have a single
value for a particular entity; such attributes are called single-valued. For example,
Age is a single-valued attribute of a person. In some cases an attribute can have a set
of values for the same entity—for instance, a Colors attribute for a car, or a
College_degrees attribute for a person. Cars with one color have a single value,
whereas two-tone cars have two color values. Similarly, one person may not have a
college degree, another person may have one, and a third person may have two or
more degrees; therefore, different people can have different numbers of values for
the College_degrees attribute. Such attributes are called multivalued. A multivalued
attribute may have lower and upper bounds to constrain the number of values
allowed for each individual entity. For example, the Colors attribute of a car may be
restricted to have between one and three values, if we assume that a car can have
three colors at most.
Stored versus Derived Attributes. In some cases, two (or more) attribute values are related—for example, the Age and Birth_date attributes of a person. For a
particular person entity, the value of Age can be determined from the current
(today’s) date and the value of that person’s Birth_date. The Age attribute is hence
called a derived attribute and is said to be derivable from the Birth_date attribute,
which is called a stored attribute. Some attribute values can be derived from
related entities; for example, an attribute Number_of_employees of a DEPARTMENT
entity can be derived by counting the number of employees related to (working
for) that department.
NULL Values. In some cases, a particular entity may not have an applicable value
for an attribute. For example, the Apartment_number attribute of an address applies
only to addresses that are in apartment buildings and not to other types of residences, such as single-family homes. Similarly, a College_degrees attribute applies
only to people with college degrees. For such situations, a special value called NULL
is created. An address of a single-family home would have NULL for its
Apartment_number attribute, and a person with no college degree would have NULL
for College_degrees. NULL can also be used if we do not know the value of an attribute for a particular entity—for example, if we do not know the home phone number of ‘John Smith’ in Figure 7.3. The meaning of the former type of NULL is not
applicable, whereas the meaning of the latter is unknown. The unknown category of
NULL can be further classified into two cases. The first case arises when it is known
that the attribute value exists but is missing—for instance, if the Height attribute of a
person is listed as NULL. The second case arises when it is not known whether the
attribute value exists—for example, if the Home_phone attribute of a person is NULL.
Complex Attributes. Notice that, in general, composite and multivalued attributes can be nested arbitrarily. We can represent arbitrary nesting by grouping com-
7.3 Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, and Keys
ponents of a composite attribute between parentheses () and separating the components with commas, and by displaying multivalued attributes between braces { }.
Such attributes are called complex attributes. For example, if a person can have
more than one residence and each residence can have a single address and multiple
phones, an attribute Address_phone for a person can be specified as shown in Figure
7.5.4 Both Phone and Address are themselves composite attributes.
7.3.2 Entity Types, Entity Sets, Keys, and Value Sets
Entity Types and Entity Sets. A database usually contains groups of entities that
are similar. For example, a company employing hundreds of employees may want to
store similar information concerning each of the employees. These employee entities
share the same attributes, but each entity has its own value(s) for each attribute. An
entity type defines a collection (or set) of entities that have the same attributes. Each
entity type in the database is described by its name and attributes. Figure 7.6 shows
two entity types: EMPLOYEE and COMPANY, and a list of some of the attributes for
{Address_phone( {Phone(Area_code,Phone_number)},Address(Street_address
(Number,Street,Apartment_number),City,State,Zip) )}
Entity Type Name:
Name, Age, Salary
Name, Headquarters, President
(John Smith, 55, 80k)
Entity Set:
(Fred Brown, 40, 30K)
(Sunco Oil, Houston, John Smith)
(Fast Computer, Dallas, Bob King)
(Judy Clark, 25, 20K)
those familiar with XML, we should note that complex attributes are similar to complex elements in
XML (see Chapter 12).
Figure 7.5
A complex attribute:
Figure 7.6
Two entity types,
COMPANY, and some
member entities of
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
each. A few individual entities of each type are also illustrated, along with the values
of their attributes. The collection of all entities of a particular entity type in the database at any point in time is called an entity set; the entity set is usually referred to
using the same name as the entity type. For example, EMPLOYEE refers to both a type
of entity as well as the current set of all employee entities in the database.
An entity type is represented in ER diagrams5 (see Figure 7.2) as a rectangular box
enclosing the entity type name. Attribute names are enclosed in ovals and are
attached to their entity type by straight lines. Composite attributes are attached to
their component attributes by straight lines. Multivalued attributes are displayed in
double ovals. Figure 7.7(a) shows a CAR entity type in this notation.
An entity type describes the schema or intension for a set of entities that share the
same structure. The collection of entities of a particular entity type is grouped into
an entity set, which is also called the extension of the entity type.
Key Attributes of an Entity Type. An important constraint on the entities of an
entity type is the key or uniqueness constraint on attributes. An entity type usually
Figure 7.7
The CAR entity type
with two key attributes,
Registration and
Vehicle_id. (a) ER
diagram notation. (b)
Entity set with three
Registration (Number, State), Vehicle_id, Make, Model, Year, {Color}
((ABC 123, TEXAS), TK629, Ford Mustang, convertible, 2004 {red, black})
((ABC 123, NEW YORK), WP9872, Nissan Maxima, 4-door, 2005, {blue})
((VSY 720, TEXAS), TD729, Chrysler LeBaron, 4-door, 2002, {white, blue})
use a notation for ER diagrams that is close to the original proposed notation (Chen 1976). Many
other notations are in use; we illustrate some of them later in this chapter when we present UML class
diagrams and in Appendix A.
7.3 Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, and Keys
has one or more attributes whose values are distinct for each individual entity in the
entity set. Such an attribute is called a key attribute, and its values can be used to
identify each entity uniquely. For example, the Name attribute is a key of the
COMPANY entity type in Figure 7.6 because no two companies are allowed to have
the same name. For the PERSON entity type, a typical key attribute is Ssn (Social
Security number). Sometimes several attributes together form a key, meaning that
the combination of the attribute values must be distinct for each entity. If a set of
attributes possesses this property, the proper way to represent this in the ER model
that we describe here is to define a composite attribute and designate it as a key
attribute of the entity type. Notice that such a composite key must be minimal; that
is, all component attributes must be included in the composite attribute to have the
uniqueness property. Superfluous attributes must not be included in a key. In ER
diagrammatic notation, each key attribute has its name underlined inside the oval,
as illustrated in Figure 7.7(a).
Specifying that an attribute is a key of an entity type means that the preceding
uniqueness property must hold for every entity set of the entity type. Hence, it is a
constraint that prohibits any two entities from having the same value for the key
attribute at the same time. It is not the property of a particular entity set; rather, it is
a constraint on any entity set of the entity type at any point in time. This key constraint (and other constraints we discuss later) is derived from the constraints of the
miniworld that the database represents.
Some entity types have more than one key attribute. For example, each of the
Vehicle_id and Registration attributes of the entity type CAR (Figure 7.7) is a key in its
own right. The Registration attribute is an example of a composite key formed from
two simple component attributes, State and Number, neither of which is a key on its
own. An entity type may also have no key, in which case it is called a weak entity type
(see Section 7.5).
In our diagrammatic notation, if two attributes are underlined separately, then each
is a key on its own. Unlike the relational model (see Section 3.2.2), there is no concept of primary key in the ER model that we present here; the primary key will be
chosen during mapping to a relational schema (see Chapter 9).
Value Sets (Domains) of Attributes. Each simple attribute of an entity type is
associated with a value set (or domain of values), which specifies the set of values
that may be assigned to that attribute for each individual entity. In Figure 7.6, if the
range of ages allowed for employees is between 16 and 70, we can specify the value
set of the Age attribute of EMPLOYEE to be the set of integer numbers between 16
and 70. Similarly, we can specify the value set for the Name attribute to be the set of
strings of alphabetic characters separated by blank characters, and so on. Value sets
are not displayed in ER diagrams, and are typically specified using the basic data
types available in most programming languages, such as integer, string, Boolean,
float, enumerated type, subrange, and so on. Additional data types to represent
common database types such as date, time, and other concepts are also employed.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
Mathematically, an attribute A of entity set E whose value set is V can be defined as
a function from E to the power set6 P(V ) of V:
A : E → P(V )
We refer to the value of attribute A for entity e as A(e). The previous definition covers both single-valued and multivalued attributes, as well as NULLs. A NULL value is
represented by the empty set. For single-valued attributes, A(e) is restricted to being
a singleton set for each entity e in E, whereas there is no restriction on multivalued
attributes.7 For a composite attribute A, the value set V is the power set of the
Cartesian product of P(V1), P(V2), ..., P(Vn), where V1, V2, ..., Vn are the value sets
of the simple component attributes that form A:
V = P (P(V1) × P(V2) × ... × P(Vn))
The value set provides all possible values. Usually only a small number of these values exist in the database at a particular time. Those values represent the data from
the current state of the miniworld. They correspond to the data as it actually exists
in the miniworld.
7.3.3 Initial Conceptual Design of the COMPANY Database
We can now define the entity types for the COMPANY database, based on the
requirements described in Section 7.2. After defining several entity types and their
attributes here, we refine our design in Section 7.4 after we introduce the concept of
a relationship. According to the requirements listed in Section 7.2, we can identify
four entity types—one corresponding to each of the four items in the specification
(see Figure 7.8):
1. An entity type DEPARTMENT with attributes Name, Number, Locations,
Manager, and Manager_start_date. Locations is the only multivalued attribute.
We can specify that both Name and Number are (separate) key attributes
because each was specified to be unique.
2. An entity type PROJECT with attributes Name, Number, Location, and
Controlling_department. Both Name and Number are (separate) key attributes.
3. An entity type EMPLOYEE with attributes Name, Ssn, Sex, Address, Salary,
Birth_date, Department, and Supervisor. Both Name and Address may be composite attributes; however, this was not specified in the requirements. We
must go back to the users to see if any of them will refer to the individual
components of Name—First_name, Middle_initial, Last_name—or of Address.
4. An entity type DEPENDENT with attributes Employee, Dependent_name, Sex,
Birth_date, and Relationship (to the employee).
power set P (V ) of a set V is the set of all subsets of V.
singleton set is a set with only one element (value).
7.3 Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, and Keys
Figure 7.8
Preliminary design of entity types
for the COMPANY database.
Some of the shown attributes will
be refined into relationships.
So far, we have not represented the fact that an employee can work on several projects, nor have we represented the number of hours per week an employee works on
each project. This characteristic is listed as part of the third requirement in Section
7.2, and it can be represented by a multivalued composite attribute of EMPLOYEE
called Works_on with the simple components (Project, Hours). Alternatively, it can be
represented as a multivalued composite attribute of PROJECT called Workers with
the simple components (Employee, Hours). We choose the first alternative in Figure
7.8, which shows each of the entity types just described. The Name attribute of
EMPLOYEE is shown as a composite attribute, presumably after consultation with
the users.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
7.4 Relationship Types, Relationship Sets,
Roles, and Structural Constraints
In Figure 7.8 there are several implicit relationships among the various entity types.
In fact, whenever an attribute of one entity type refers to another entity type, some
relationship exists. For example, the attribute Manager of DEPARTMENT refers to an
employee who manages the department; the attribute Controlling_department of
PROJECT refers to the department that controls the project; the attribute Supervisor
of EMPLOYEE refers to another employee (the one who supervises this employee);
the attribute Department of EMPLOYEE refers to the department for which the
employee works; and so on. In the ER model, these references should not be represented as attributes but as relationships, which are discussed in this section. The
COMPANY database schema will be refined in Section 7.6 to represent relationships
explicitly. In the initial design of entity types, relationships are typically captured in
the form of attributes. As the design is refined, these attributes get converted into
relationships between entity types.
This section is organized as follows: Section 7.4.1 introduces the concepts of relationship types, relationship sets, and relationship instances. We define the concepts
of relationship degree, role names, and recursive relationships in Section 7.4.2, and
then we discuss structural constraints on relationships—such as cardinality ratios
and existence dependencies—in Section 7.4.3. Section 7.4.4 shows how relationship
types can also have attributes.
7.4.1 Relationship Types, Sets, and Instances
A relationship type R among n entity types E1, E2, ..., En defines a set of associations—or a relationship set—among entities from these entity types. As for the
case of entity types and entity sets, a relationship type and its corresponding relationship set are customarily referred to by the same name, R. Mathematically, the
relationship set R is a set of relationship instances ri, where each ri associates n
individual entities (e1, e2, ..., en), and each entity ej in ri is a member of entity set Ej,
1 f j f n. Hence, a relationship set is a mathematical relation on E1, E2, ..., En; alternatively, it can be defined as a subset of the Cartesian product of the entity sets E1 ×
E2 × ... × En. Each of the entity types E1, E 2, ..., En is said to participate in the relationship type R; similarly, each of the individual entities e1, e2, ..., en is said to
participate in the relationship instance ri = (e1, e2, ..., en).
Informally, each relationship instance ri in R is an association of entities, where the
association includes exactly one entity from each participating entity type. Each
such relationship instance ri represents the fact that the entities participating in ri
are related in some way in the corresponding miniworld situation. For example,
consider a relationship type WORKS_FOR between the two entity types EMPLOYEE
and DEPARTMENT, which associates each employee with the department for which
the employee works in the corresponding entity set. Each relationship instance in
the relationship set WORKS_FOR associates one EMPLOYEE entity and one
DEPARTMENT entity. Figure 7.9 illustrates this example, where each relationship
7.4 Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles, and Structural Constraints
Figure 7.9
Some instances in the
WORKS_FOR relationship
set, which represents a
relationship type
WORKS_FOR between
instance ri is shown connected to the EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT entities that
participate in ri. In the miniworld represented by Figure 7.9, employees e1, e3, and e6
work for department d1; employees e2 and e4 work for department d2; and employees e5 and e7 work for department d3.
In ER diagrams, relationship types are displayed as diamond-shaped boxes, which
are connected by straight lines to the rectangular boxes representing the participating entity types. The relationship name is displayed in the diamond-shaped box (see
Figure 7.2).
7.4.2 Relationship Degree, Role Names,
and Recursive Relationships
Degree of a Relationship Type. The degree of a relationship type is the number
of participating entity types. Hence, the WORKS_FOR relationship is of degree two.
A relationship type of degree two is called binary, and one of degree three is called
ternary. An example of a ternary relationship is SUPPLY, shown in Figure 7.10,
where each relationship instance ri associates three entities—a supplier s, a part p,
and a project j—whenever s supplies part p to project j. Relationships can generally
be of any degree, but the ones most common are binary relationships. Higherdegree relationships are generally more complex than binary relationships; we characterize them further in Section 7.9.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
Figure 7.10
Some relationship instances in
the SUPPLY ternary relationship
Relationships as Attributes. It is sometimes convenient to think of a binary
relationship type in terms of attributes, as we discussed in Section 7.3.3. Consider
the WORKS_FOR relationship type in Figure 7.9. One can think of an attribute
called Department of the EMPLOYEE entity type, where the value of Department for
each EMPLOYEE entity is (a reference to) the DEPARTMENT entity for which that
employee works. Hence, the value set for this Department attribute is the set of all
DEPARTMENT entities, which is the DEPARTMENT entity set. This is what we did in
Figure 7.8 when we specified the initial design of the entity type EMPLOYEE for the
COMPANY database. However, when we think of a binary relationship as an attribute, we always have two options. In this example, the alternative is to think of a multivalued attribute Employee of the entity type DEPARTMENT whose values for each
DEPARTMENT entity is the set of EMPLOYEE entities who work for that department.
The value set of this Employee attribute is the power set of the EMPLOYEE entity set.
Either of these two attributes—Department of EMPLOYEE or Employee of
DEPARTMENT—can represent the WORKS_FOR relationship type. If both are represented, they are constrained to be inverses of each other.8
concept of representing relationship types as attributes is used in a class of data models called
functional data models. In object databases (see Chapter 11), relationships can be represented by reference attributes, either in one direction or in both directions as inverses. In relational databases (see
Chapter 3), foreign keys are a type of reference attribute used to represent relationships.
7.4 Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles, and Structural Constraints
Role Names and Recursive Relationships. Each entity type that participates
in a relationship type plays a particular role in the relationship. The role name signifies the role that a participating entity from the entity type plays in each relationship instance, and helps to explain what the relationship means. For example, in the
WORKS_FOR relationship type, EMPLOYEE plays the role of employee or worker and
DEPARTMENT plays the role of department or employer.
Role names are not technically necessary in relationship types where all the participating entity types are distinct, since each participating entity type name can be
used as the role name. However, in some cases the same entity type participates
more than once in a relationship type in different roles. In such cases the role name
becomes essential for distinguishing the meaning of the role that each participating
entity plays. Such relationship types are called recursive relationships. Figure 7.11
shows an example. The SUPERVISION relationship type relates an employee to a
supervisor, where both employee and supervisor entities are members of the same
EMPLOYEE entity set. Hence, the EMPLOYEE entity type participates twice in
SUPERVISION: once in the role of supervisor (or boss), and once in the role of
supervisee (or subordinate). Each relationship instance ri in SUPERVISION associates
two employee entities ej and ek, one of which plays the role of supervisor and the
other the role of supervisee. In Figure 7.11, the lines marked ‘1’ represent the supervisor role, and those marked ‘2’ represent the supervisee role; hence, e1 supervises e2
and e3, e4 supervises e6 and e7, and e5 supervises e1 and e4. In this example, each relationship instance must be connected with two lines, one marked with ‘1’ (supervisor) and the other with ‘2’ (supervisee).
Figure 7.11
A recursive relationship
supervisor role (1) and
subordinate role (2).
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
7.4.3 Constraints on Binary Relationship Types
Relationship types usually have certain constraints that limit the possible combinations of entities that may participate in the corresponding relationship set. These
constraints are determined from the miniworld situation that the relationships represent. For example, in Figure 7.9, if the company has a rule that each employee
must work for exactly one department, then we would like to describe this constraint in the schema. We can distinguish two main types of binary relationship
constraints: cardinality ratio and participation.
Cardinality Ratios for Binary Relationships. The cardinality ratio for a binary
relationship specifies the maximum number of relationship instances that an entity
can participate in. For example, in the WORKS_FOR binary relationship type,
DEPARTMENT:EMPLOYEE is of cardinality ratio 1:N, meaning that each department
can be related to (that is, employs) any number of employees,9 but an employee can
be related to (work for) only one department. This means that for this particular
relationship WORKS_FOR, a particular department entity can be related to any
number of employees (N indicates there is no maximum number). On the other
hand, an employee can be related to a maximum of one department. The possible
cardinality ratios for binary relationship types are 1:1, 1:N, N:1, and M:N.
An example of a 1:1 binary relationship is MANAGES (Figure 7.12), which relates a
department entity to the employee who manages that department. This represents
the miniworld constraints that—at any point in time—an employee can manage
one department only and a department can have one manager only. The relationship type WORKS_ON (Figure 7.13) is of cardinality ratio M:N, because the mini-
Figure 7.12
A 1:1 relationship,
stands for any number of related entities (zero or more).
7.4 Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles, and Structural Constraints
Figure 7.13
An M:N relationship,
world rule is that an employee can work on several projects and a project can have
several employees.
Cardinality ratios for binary relationships are represented on ER diagrams by displaying 1, M, and N on the diamonds as shown in Figure 7.2. Notice that in this
notation, we can either specify no maximum (N) or a maximum of one (1) on participation. An alternative notation (see Section 7.7.4) allows the designer to specify
a specific maximum number on participation, such as 4 or 5.
Participation Constraints and Existence Dependencies. The participation
constraint specifies whether the existence of an entity depends on its being related
to another entity via the relationship type. This constraint specifies the minimum
number of relationship instances that each entity can participate in, and is sometimes called the minimum cardinality constraint. There are two types of participation constraints—total and partial—that we illustrate by example. If a company
policy states that every employee must work for a department, then an employee
entity can exist only if it participates in at least one WORKS_FOR relationship
instance (Figure 7.9). Thus, the participation of EMPLOYEE in WORKS_FOR is
called total participation, meaning that every entity in the total set of employee
entities must be related to a department entity via WORKS_FOR. Total participation
is also called existence dependency. In Figure 7.12 we do not expect every employee
to manage a department, so the participation of EMPLOYEE in the MANAGES relationship type is partial, meaning that some or part of the set of employee entities are
related to some department entity via MANAGES, but not necessarily all. We will
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
refer to the cardinality ratio and participation constraints, taken together, as the
structural constraints of a relationship type.
In ER diagrams, total participation (or existence dependency) is displayed as a
double line connecting the participating entity type to the relationship, whereas partial participation is represented by a single line (see Figure 7.2). Notice that in this
notation, we can either specify no minimum (partial participation) or a minimum
of one (total participation). The alternative notation (see Section 7.7.4) allows the
designer to specify a specific minimum number on participation in the relationship,
such as 4 or 5.
We will discuss constraints on higher-degree relationships in Section 7.9.
7.4.4 Attributes of Relationship Types
Relationship types can also have attributes, similar to those of entity types. For
example, to record the number of hours per week that an employee works on a particular project, we can include an attribute Hours for the WORKS_ON relationship
type in Figure 7.13. Another example is to include the date on which a manager
started managing a department via an attribute Start_date for the MANAGES relationship type in Figure 7.12.
Notice that attributes of 1:1 or 1:N relationship types can be migrated to one of the
participating entity types. For example, the Start_date attribute for the MANAGES
relationship can be an attribute of either EMPLOYEE or DEPARTMENT, although
conceptually it belongs to MANAGES. This is because MANAGES is a 1:1 relationship, so every department or employee entity participates in at most one relationship
instance. Hence, the value of the Start_date attribute can be determined separately,
either by the participating department entity or by the participating employee
(manager) entity.
For a 1:N relationship type, a relationship attribute can be migrated only to the
entity type on the N-side of the relationship. For example, in Figure 7.9, if the
WORKS_FOR relationship also has an attribute Start_date that indicates when an
employee started working for a department, this attribute can be included as an
attribute of EMPLOYEE. This is because each employee works for only one department, and hence participates in at most one relationship instance in WORKS_FOR.
In both 1:1 and 1:N relationship types, the decision where to place a relationship
attribute—as a relationship type attribute or as an attribute of a participating entity
type—is determined subjectively by the schema designer.
For M:N relationship types, some attributes may be determined by the combination
of participating entities in a relationship instance, not by any single entity. Such
attributes must be specified as relationship attributes. An example is the Hours attribute of the M:N relationship WORKS_ON (Figure 7.13); the number of hours per
week an employee currently works on a project is determined by an employeeproject combination and not separately by either entity.
7.5 Weak Entity Types
7.5 Weak Entity Types
Entity types that do not have key attributes of their own are called weak entity
types. In contrast, regular entity types that do have a key attribute—which include
all the examples discussed so far—are called strong entity types. Entities belonging
to a weak entity type are identified by being related to specific entities from another
entity type in combination with one of their attribute values. We call this other
entity type the identifying or owner entity type,10 and we call the relationship type
that relates a weak entity type to its owner the identifying relationship of the weak
entity type.11 A weak entity type always has a total participation constraint (existence
dependency) with respect to its identifying relationship because a weak entity cannot be identified without an owner entity. However, not every existence dependency
results in a weak entity type. For example, a DRIVER_LICENSE entity cannot exist
unless it is related to a PERSON entity, even though it has its own key
(License_number) and hence is not a weak entity.
Consider the entity type DEPENDENT, related to EMPLOYEE, which is used to keep
track of the dependents of each employee via a 1:N relationship (Figure 7.2). In our
example, the attributes of DEPENDENT are Name (the first name of the dependent),
Birth_date, Sex, and Relationship (to the employee). Two dependents of two distinct
employees may, by chance, have the same values for Name, Birth_date, Sex, and
Relationship, but they are still distinct entities. They are identified as distinct entities
only after determining the particular employee entity to which each dependent is
related. Each employee entity is said to own the dependent entities that are related
to it.
A weak entity type normally has a partial key, which is the attribute that can
uniquely identify weak entities that are related to the same owner entity.12 In our
example, if we assume that no two dependents of the same employee ever have the
same first name, the attribute Name of DEPENDENT is the partial key. In the worst
case, a composite attribute of all the weak entity’s attributes will be the partial key.
In ER diagrams, both a weak entity type and its identifying relationship are distinguished by surrounding their boxes and diamonds with double lines (see Figure
7.2). The partial key attribute is underlined with a dashed or dotted line.
Weak entity types can sometimes be represented as complex (composite, multivalued) attributes. In the preceding example, we could specify a multivalued attribute
Dependents for EMPLOYEE, which is a composite attribute with component attributes Name, Birth_date, Sex, and Relationship. The choice of which representation to
use is made by the database designer. One criterion that may be used is to choose the
identifying entity type is also sometimes called the parent entity type or the dominant entity
weak entity type is also sometimes called the child entity type or the subordinate entity type.
partial key is sometimes called the discriminator.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
weak entity type representation if there are many attributes. If the weak entity participates independently in relationship types other than its identifying relationship
type, then it should not be modeled as a complex attribute.
In general, any number of levels of weak entity types can be defined; an owner
entity type may itself be a weak entity type. In addition, a weak entity type may have
more than one identifying entity type and an identifying relationship type of degree
higher than two, as we illustrate in Section 7.9.
7.6 Refining the ER Design for the COMPANY
We can now refine the database design in Figure 7.8 by changing the attributes that
represent relationships into relationship types. The cardinality ratio and participation constraint of each relationship type are determined from the requirements
listed in Section 7.2. If some cardinality ratio or dependency cannot be determined
from the requirements, the users must be questioned further to determine these
structural constraints.
In our example, we specify the following relationship types:
MANAGES, a 1:1 relationship type between EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT.
EMPLOYEE participation is partial. DEPARTMENT participation is not clear
from the requirements. We question the users, who say that a department
must have a manager at all times, which implies total participation.13 The
attribute Start_date is assigned to this relationship type.
WORKS_FOR, a 1:N relationship type between DEPARTMENT and
EMPLOYEE. Both participations are total.
CONTROLS, a 1:N relationship type between DEPARTMENT and PROJECT.
The participation of PROJECT is total, whereas that of DEPARTMENT is
determined to be partial, after consultation with the users indicates that
some departments may control no projects.
SUPERVISION, a 1:N relationship type between EMPLOYEE (in the supervisor role) and EMPLOYEE (in the supervisee role). Both participations are
determined to be partial, after the users indicate that not every employee is a
supervisor and not every employee has a supervisor.
WORKS_ON, determined to be an M:N relationship type with attribute
Hours, after the users indicate that a project can have several employees
working on it. Both participations are determined to be total.
DEPENDENTS_OF, a 1:N relationship type between EMPLOYEE and
DEPENDENT, which is also the identifying relationship for the weak entity
rules in the miniworld that determine the constraints are sometimes called the business rules,
since they are determined by the business or organization that will utilize the database.
7.7 ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions, and Design Issues
type DEPENDENT. The participation of EMPLOYEE is partial, whereas that of
DEPENDENT is total.
After specifying the above six relationship types, we remove from the entity types in
Figure 7.8 all attributes that have been refined into relationships. These include
Manager and Manager_start_date from DEPARTMENT; Controlling_department from
PROJECT; Department, Supervisor, and Works_on from EMPLOYEE; and Employee
from DEPENDENT. It is important to have the least possible redundancy when we
design the conceptual schema of a database. If some redundancy is desired at the
storage level or at the user view level, it can be introduced later, as discussed in
Section 1.6.1.
7.7 ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions,
and Design Issues
7.7.1 Summary of Notation for ER Diagrams
Figures 7.9 through 7.13 illustrate examples of the participation of entity types in
relationship types by displaying their sets or extensions—the individual entity
instances in an entity set and the individual relationship instances in a relationship
set. In ER diagrams the emphasis is on representing the schemas rather than the
instances. This is more useful in database design because a database schema changes
rarely, whereas the contents of the entity sets change frequently. In addition, the
schema is obviously easier to display, because it is much smaller.
Figure 7.2 displays the COMPANY ER database schema as an ER diagram. We now
review the full ER diagram notation. Entity types such as EMPLOYEE,
DEPARTMENT, and PROJECT are shown in rectangular boxes. Relationship types
such as WORKS_FOR, MANAGES, CONTROLS, and WORKS_ON are shown in
diamond-shaped boxes attached to the participating entity types with straight lines.
Attributes are shown in ovals, and each attribute is attached by a straight line to its
entity type or relationship type. Component attributes of a composite attribute are
attached to the oval representing the composite attribute, as illustrated by the Name
attribute of EMPLOYEE. Multivalued attributes are shown in double ovals, as illustrated by the Locations attribute of DEPARTMENT. Key attributes have their names
underlined. Derived attributes are shown in dotted ovals, as illustrated by the
Number_of_employees attribute of DEPARTMENT.
Weak entity types are distinguished by being placed in double rectangles and by
having their identifying relationship placed in double diamonds, as illustrated by
the DEPENDENT entity type and the DEPENDENTS_OF identifying relationship
type. The partial key of the weak entity type is underlined with a dotted line.
In Figure 7.2 the cardinality ratio of each binary relationship type is specified by
attaching a 1, M, or N on each participating edge. The cardinality ratio of
DEPARTMENT:EMPLOYEE in MANAGES is 1:1, whereas it is 1:N for DEPARTMENT:
EMPLOYEE in WORKS_FOR, and M:N for WORKS_ON. The participation
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
constraint is specified by a single line for partial participation and by double lines
for total participation (existence dependency).
In Figure 7.2 we show the role names for the SUPERVISION relationship type
because the same EMPLOYEE entity type plays two distinct roles in that relationship.
Notice that the cardinality ratio is 1:N from supervisor to supervisee because each
employee in the role of supervisee has at most one direct supervisor, whereas an
employee in the role of supervisor can supervise zero or more employees.
Figure 7.14 summarizes the conventions for ER diagrams. It is important to note
that there are many other alternative diagrammatic notations (see Section 7.7.4 and
Appendix A).
7.7.2 Proper Naming of Schema Constructs
When designing a database schema, the choice of names for entity types, attributes,
relationship types, and (particularly) roles is not always straightforward. One
should choose names that convey, as much as possible, the meanings attached to the
different constructs in the schema. We choose to use singular names for entity types,
rather than plural ones, because the entity type name applies to each individual
entity belonging to that entity type. In our ER diagrams, we will use the convention
that entity type and relationship type names are uppercase letters, attribute names
have their initial letter capitalized, and role names are lowercase letters. We have
used this convention in Figure 7.2.
As a general practice, given a narrative description of the database requirements, the
nouns appearing in the narrative tend to give rise to entity type names, and the verbs
tend to indicate names of relationship types. Attribute names generally arise from
additional nouns that describe the nouns corresponding to entity types.
Another naming consideration involves choosing binary relationship names to
make the ER diagram of the schema readable from left to right and from top to bottom. We have generally followed this guideline in Figure 7.2. To explain this naming
convention further, we have one exception to the convention in Figure 7.2—the
DEPENDENTS_OF relationship type, which reads from bottom to top. When we
describe this relationship, we can say that the DEPENDENT entities (bottom entity
type) are DEPENDENTS_OF (relationship name) an EMPLOYEE (top entity type).
To change this to read from top to bottom, we could rename the relationship type to
HAS_DEPENDENTS, which would then read as follows: An EMPLOYEE entity (top
entity type) HAS_DEPENDENTS (relationship name) of type DEPENDENT (bottom
entity type). Notice that this issue arises because each binary relationship can be
described starting from either of the two participating entity types, as discussed in
the beginning of Section 7.4.
7.7.3 Design Choices for ER Conceptual Design
It is occasionally difficult to decide whether a particular concept in the miniworld
should be modeled as an entity type, an attribute, or a relationship type. In this
7.7 ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions, and Design Issues
Weak Entity
Indentifying Relationship
Key Attribute
Multivalued Attribute
Composite Attribute
Derived Attribute
Total Participation of E2 in R
Cardinality Ratio 1: N for E1:E2 in R
(min, max)
Structural Constraint (min, max)
on Participation of E in R
Figure 7.14
Summary of the notation
for ER diagrams.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
section, we give some brief guidelines as to which construct should be chosen in
particular situations.
In general, the schema design process should be considered an iterative refinement
process, where an initial design is created and then iteratively refined until the most
suitable design is reached. Some of the refinements that are often used include the
A concept may be first modeled as an attribute and then refined into a relationship because it is determined that the attribute is a reference to another
entity type. It is often the case that a pair of such attributes that are inverses
of one another are refined into a binary relationship. We discussed this type
of refinement in detail in Section 7.6. It is important to note that in
our notation, once an attribute is replaced by a relationship, the attribute
itself should be removed from the entity type to avoid duplication and
Similarly, an attribute that exists in several entity types may be elevated or
promoted to an independent entity type. For example, suppose that several
entity types in a UNIVERSITY database, such as STUDENT, INSTRUCTOR, and
COURSE, each has an attribute Department in the initial design; the designer
may then choose to create an entity type DEPARTMENT with a single attribute Dept_name and relate it to the three entity types (STUDENT,
INSTRUCTOR, and COURSE) via appropriate relationships. Other attributes/relationships of DEPARTMENT may be discovered later.
An inverse refinement to the previous case may be applied—for example, if
an entity type DEPARTMENT exists in the initial design with a single attribute
Dept_name and is related to only one other entity type, STUDENT. In this
case, DEPARTMENT may be reduced or demoted to an attribute of STUDENT.
Section 7.9 discusses choices concerning the degree of a relationship. In
Chapter 8, we discuss other refinements concerning specialization/generalization. Chapter 10 discusses additional top-down and bottom-up refinements that are common in large-scale conceptual schema design.
7.7.4 Alternative Notations for ER Diagrams
There are many alternative diagrammatic notations for displaying ER diagrams.
Appendix A gives some of the more popular notations. In Section 7.8, we introduce
the Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation for class diagrams, which has been
proposed as a standard for conceptual object modeling.
In this section, we describe one alternative ER notation for specifying structural
constraints on relationships, which replaces the cardinality ratio (1:1, 1:N, M:N)
and single/double line notation for participation constraints. This notation involves
associating a pair of integer numbers (min, max) with each participation of an
entity type E in a relationship type R, where 0 ≤ min ≤ max and max ≥ 1. The numbers mean that for each entity e in E, e must participate in at least min and at most
7.7 ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions, and Design Issues
max relationship instances in R at any point in time. In this method, min = 0 implies partial participation,
whereas min > 0 implies total participation.
Figure 7.15 displays the COMPANY database schema using the (min, max) notation.14 Usually, one uses
either the cardinality ratio/single-line/double-line notation or the (min, max) notation. The (min, max)
Figure 7.15
ER diagrams for the company schema, with structural constraints specified using (min, max) notation and role names.
(0,N) Controlling
(1,1) Project
(1,1) Dependent
some notations, particularly those used in object modeling methodologies such as UML, the (min,
max) is placed on the opposite sides to the ones we have shown. For example, for the WORKS_FOR
relationship in Figure 7.15, the (1,1) would be on the DEPARTMENT side, and the (4,N) would be on the
EMPLOYEE side. Here we used the original notation from Abrial (1974).
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
notation is more precise, and we can use it to specify some structural constraints for
relationship types of higher degree. However, it is not sufficient for specifying some
key constraints on higher-degree relationships, as discussed in Section 7.9.
Figure 7.15 also displays all the role names for the COMPANY database schema.
7.8 Example of Other Notation:
UML Class Diagrams
The UML methodology is being used extensively in software design and has many
types of diagrams for various software design purposes. We only briefly present the
basics of UML class diagrams here, and compare them with ER diagrams. In some
ways, class diagrams can be considered as an alternative notation to ER diagrams.
Additional UML notation and concepts are presented in Section 8.6, and in Chapter
10. Figure 7.16 shows how the COMPANY ER database schema in Figure 7.15 can be
displayed using UML class diagram notation. The entity types in Figure 7.15 are
modeled as classes in Figure 7.16. An entity in ER corresponds to an object in UML.
Figure 7.16
The COMPANY conceptual schema
in UML class diagram notation.
Name: Name_dom
Bdate: Date
Sex: {M,F}
Sex: {M,F}
Birth_date: Date
Notation in OMT:
Notation in UML:
7.8 Example of Other Notation: UML Class Diagrams
In UML class diagrams, a class (similar to an entity type in ER) is displayed as a box
(see Figure 7.16) that includes three sections: The top section gives the class name
(similar to entity type name); the middle section includes the attributes; and the
last section includes operations that can be applied to individual objects (similar to
individual entities in an entity set) of the class. Operations are not specified in ER
diagrams. Consider the EMPLOYEE class in Figure 7.16. Its attributes are Name, Ssn,
Bdate, Sex, Address, and Salary. The designer can optionally specify the domain of
an attribute if desired, by placing a colon (:) followed by the domain name or
description, as illustrated by the Name, Sex, and Bdate attributes of EMPLOYEE in
Figure 7.16. A composite attribute is modeled as a structured domain, as illustrated
by the Name attribute of EMPLOYEE. A multivalued attribute will generally be modeled as a separate class, as illustrated by the LOCATION class in Figure 7.16.
Relationship types are called associations in UML terminology, and relationship
instances are called links. A binary association (binary relationship type) is represented as a line connecting the participating classes (entity types), and may optionally have a name. A relationship attribute, called a link attribute, is placed in a box
that is connected to the association’s line by a dashed line. The (min, max) notation
described in Section 7.7.4 is used to specify relationship constraints, which are
called multiplicities in UML terminology. Multiplicities are specified in the form
min..max, and an asterisk (*) indicates no maximum limit on participation.
However, the multiplicities are placed on the opposite ends of the relationship when
compared with the notation discussed in Section 7.7.4 (compare Figures 7.15 and
7.16). In UML, a single asterisk indicates a multiplicity of 0..*, and a single 1 indicates a multiplicity of 1..1. A recursive relationship (see Section 7.4.2) is called a
reflexive association in UML, and the role names—like the multiplicities—are
placed at the opposite ends of an association when compared with the placing of
role names in Figure 7.15.
In UML, there are two types of relationships: association and aggregation.
Aggregation is meant to represent a relationship between a whole object and its
component parts, and it has a distinct diagrammatic notation. In Figure 7.16, we
modeled the locations of a department and the single location of a project as aggregations. However, aggregation and association do not have different structural
properties, and the choice as to which type of relationship to use is somewhat subjective. In the ER model, both are represented as relationships.
UML also distinguishes between unidirectional and bidirectional associations (or
aggregations). In the unidirectional case, the line connecting the classes is displayed
with an arrow to indicate that only one direction for accessing related objects is
needed. If no arrow is displayed, the bidirectional case is assumed, which is the
default. For example, if we always expect to access the manager of a department
starting from a DEPARTMENT object, we would draw the association line representing the MANAGES association with an arrow from DEPARTMENT to EMPLOYEE. In
addition, relationship instances may be specified to be ordered. For example, we
could specify that the employee objects related to each department through the
WORKS_FOR association (relationship) should be ordered by their Salary attribute
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
value. Association (relationship) names are optional in UML, and relationship
attributes are displayed in a box attached with a dashed line to the line representing
the association/aggregation (see Start_date and Hours in Figure 7.16).
The operations given in each class are derived from the functional requirements of
the application, as we discussed in Section 7.1. It is generally sufficient to specify the
operation names initially for the logical operations that are expected to be applied
to individual objects of a class, as shown in Figure 7.16. As the design is refined,
more details are added, such as the exact argument types (parameters) for each
operation, plus a functional description of each operation. UML has function
descriptions and sequence diagrams to specify some of the operation details, but
these are beyond the scope of our discussion. Chapter 10 will introduce some of
these diagrams.
Weak entities can be modeled using the construct called qualified association (or
qualified aggregation) in UML; this can represent both the identifying relationship
and the partial key, which is placed in a box attached to the owner class. This is illustrated by the DEPENDENT class and its qualified aggregation to EMPLOYEE in
Figure 7.16. The partial key Dependent_name is called the discriminator in UML terminology, since its value distinguishes the objects associated with (related to) the
same EMPLOYEE. Qualified associations are not restricted to modeling weak entities, and they can be used to model other situations in UML.
This section is not meant to be a complete description of UML class diagrams, but
rather to illustrate one popular type of alternative diagrammatic notation that can
be used for representing ER modeling concepts.
7.9 Relationship Types of Degree
Higher than Two
In Section 7.4.2 we defined the degree of a relationship type as the number of participating entity types and called a relationship type of degree two binary and a relationship type of degree three ternary. In this section, we elaborate on the differences
between binary and higher-degree relationships, when to choose higher-degree versus binary relationships, and how to specify constraints on higher-degree relationships.
7.9.1 Choosing between Binary and Ternary
(or Higher-Degree) Relationships
The ER diagram notation for a ternary relationship type is shown in Figure 7.17(a),
which displays the schema for the SUPPLY relationship type that was displayed at
the entity set/relationship set or instance level in Figure 7.10. Recall that the relationship set of SUPPLY is a set of relationship instances (s, j, p), where s is a
SUPPLIER who is currently supplying a PART p to a PROJECT j. In general, a relationship type R of degree n will have n edges in an ER diagram, one connecting R to
each participating entity type.
7.9 Relationship Types of Degree Higher than Two
Figure 7.17
Ternary relationship types. (a) The SUPPLY
relationship. (b) Three binary relationships
not equivalent to SUPPLY. (c) SUPPLY
represented as a weak entity type.
Figure 7.17(b) shows an ER diagram for three binary relationship types
CAN_SUPPLY, USES, and SUPPLIES. In general, a ternary relationship type represents different information than do three binary relationship types. Consider the
three binary relationship types CAN_SUPPLY, USES, and SUPPLIES. Suppose that
CAN_SUPPLY, between SUPPLIER and PART, includes an instance (s, p) whenever
supplier s can supply part p (to any project); USES, between PROJECT and PART,
includes an instance (j, p) whenever project j uses part p; and SUPPLIES, between
SUPPLIER and PROJECT, includes an instance (s, j) whenever supplier s supplies
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
some part to project j. The existence of three relationship instances (s, p), (j, p), and
(s, j) in CAN_SUPPLY, USES, and SUPPLIES, respectively, does not necessarily imply
that an instance (s, j, p) exists in the ternary relationship SUPPLY, because the
meaning is different. It is often tricky to decide whether a particular relationship
should be represented as a relationship type of degree n or should be broken down
into several relationship types of smaller degrees. The designer must base this
decision on the semantics or meaning of the particular situation being represented.
The typical solution is to include the ternary relationship plus one or more of the
binary relationships, if they represent different meanings and if all are needed by the
Some database design tools are based on variations of the ER model that permit
only binary relationships. In this case, a ternary relationship such as SUPPLY must
be represented as a weak entity type, with no partial key and with three identifying
relationships. The three participating entity types SUPPLIER, PART, and PROJECT
are together the owner entity types (see Figure 7.17(c)). Hence, an entity in the weak
entity type SUPPLY in Figure 7.17(c) is identified by the combination of its three
owner entities from SUPPLIER, PART, and PROJECT.
It is also possible to represent the ternary relationship as a regular entity type by
introducing an artificial or surrogate key. In this example, a key attribute Supply_id
could be used for the supply entity type, converting it into a regular entity type.
Three binary N:1 relationships relate SUPPLY to the three participating entity types.
Another example is shown in Figure 7.18. The ternary relationship type OFFERS
represents information on instructors offering courses during particular semesters;
hence it includes a relationship instance (i, s, c) whenever INSTRUCTOR i offers
COURSE c during SEMESTER s. The three binary relationship types shown in
Figure 7.18 have the following meanings: CAN_TEACH relates a course to the
instructors who can teach that course, TAUGHT_DURING relates a semester to the
instructors who taught some course during that semester, and OFFERED_DURING
Figure 7.18
Another example of ternary versus
binary relationship types.
7.9 Relationship Types of Degree Higher than Two
relates a semester to the courses offered during that semester by any instructor.
These ternary and binary relationships represent different information, but certain
constraints should hold among the relationships. For example, a relationship
instance (i, s, c) should not exist in OFFERS unless an instance (i, s) exists in
TAUGHT_DURING, an instance (s, c) exists in OFFERED_DURING, and an instance (i,
c) exists in CAN_TEACH. However, the reverse is not always true; we may have
instances (i, s), (s, c), and (i, c) in the three binary relationship types with no corresponding instance (i, s, c) in OFFERS. Note that in this example, based on the meanings of the relationships, we can infer the instances of TAUGHT_DURING and
OFFERED_DURING from the instances in OFFERS, but we cannot infer the
instances of CAN_TEACH; therefore, TAUGHT_DURING and OFFERED_DURING are
redundant and can be left out.
Although in general three binary relationships cannot replace a ternary relationship,
they may do so under certain additional constraints. In our example, if the
CAN_TEACH relationship is 1:1 (an instructor can teach one course, and a course
can be taught by only one instructor), then the ternary relationship OFFERS can be
left out because it can be inferred from the three binary relationships CAN_TEACH,
TAUGHT_DURING, and OFFERED_DURING. The schema designer must analyze the
meaning of each specific situation to decide which of the binary and ternary relationship types are needed.
Notice that it is possible to have a weak entity type with a ternary (or n-ary) identifying relationship type. In this case, the weak entity type can have several owner
entity types. An example is shown in Figure 7.19. This example shows part of a database that keeps track of candidates interviewing for jobs at various companies, and
may be part of an employment agency database, for example. In the requirements, a
candidate can have multiple interviews with the same company (for example, with
different company departments or on separate dates), but a job offer is made based
on one of the interviews. Here, INTERVIEW is represented as a weak entity with two
owners CANDIDATE and COMPANY, and with the partial key Dept_date. An
INTERVIEW entity is uniquely identified by a candidate, a company, and the combination of the date and department of the interview.
Figure 7.19
A weak entity type INTERVIEW
with a ternary identifying relationship type.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
7.9.2 Constraints on Ternary (or Higher-Degree)
There are two notations for specifying structural constraints on n-ary relationships,
and they specify different constraints. They should thus both be used if it is important to fully specify the structural constraints on a ternary or higher-degree relationship. The first notation is based on the cardinality ratio notation of binary
relationships displayed in Figure 7.2. Here, a 1, M, or N is specified on each participation arc (both M and N symbols stand for many or any number).15 Let us illustrate this constraint using the SUPPLY relationship in Figure 7.17.
Recall that the relationship set of SUPPLY is a set of relationship instances (s, j, p),
where s is a SUPPLIER, j is a PROJECT, and p is a PART. Suppose that the constraint
exists that for a particular project-part combination, only one supplier will be used
(only one supplier supplies a particular part to a particular project). In this case, we
place 1 on the SUPPLIER participation, and M, N on the PROJECT, PART participations in Figure 7.17. This specifies the constraint that a particular (j, p) combination
can appear at most once in the relationship set because each such (PROJECT, PART)
combination uniquely determines a single supplier. Hence, any relationship
instance (s, j, p) is uniquely identified in the relationship set by its (j, p) combination, which makes (j, p) a key for the relationship set. In this notation, the participations that have a 1 specified on them are not required to be part of the identifying
key for the relationship set.16 If all three cardinalities are M or N, then the key will
be the combination of all three participants.
The second notation is based on the (min, max) notation displayed in Figure 7.15
for binary relationships. A (min, max) on a participation here specifies that each
entity is related to at least min and at most max relationship instances in the relationship set. These constraints have no bearing on determining the key of an n-ary relationship, where n > 2,17 but specify a different type of constraint that places
restrictions on how many relationship instances each entity can participate in.
7.10 Summary
In this chapter we presented the modeling concepts of a high-level conceptual data
model, the Entity-Relationship (ER) model. We started by discussing the role that a
high-level data model plays in the database design process, and then we presented a
sample set of database requirements for the COMPANY database, which is one of the
examples that is used throughout this book. We defined the basic ER model concepts of entities and their attributes. Then we discussed NULL values and presented
notation allows us to determine the key of the relationship relation, as we discuss in Chapter 9.
is also true for cardinality ratios of binary relationships.
(min, max) constraints can determine the keys for binary relationships, though.
7.10 Summary
the various types of attributes, which can be nested arbitrarily to produce complex
Simple or atomic
We also briefly discussed stored versus derived attributes. Then we discussed the ER
model concepts at the schema or “intension” level:
Entity types and their corresponding entity sets
Key attributes of entity types
Value sets (domains) of attributes
Relationship types and their corresponding relationship sets
Participation roles of entity types in relationship types
We presented two methods for specifying the structural constraints on relationship
types. The first method distinguished two types of structural constraints:
Cardinality ratios (1:1, 1:N, M:N for binary relationships)
Participation constraints (total, partial)
We noted that, alternatively, another method of specifying structural constraints is
to specify minimum and maximum numbers (min, max) on the participation of
each entity type in a relationship type. We discussed weak entity types and the
related concepts of owner entity types, identifying relationship types, and partial
key attributes.
Entity-Relationship schemas can be represented diagrammatically as ER diagrams.
We showed how to design an ER schema for the COMPANY database by first defining the entity types and their attributes and then refining the design to include relationship types. We displayed the ER diagram for the COMPANY database schema.
We discussed some of the basic concepts of UML class diagrams and how they relate
to ER modeling concepts. We also described ternary and higher-degree relationship
types in more detail, and discussed the circumstances under which they are distinguished from binary relationships.
The ER modeling concepts we have presented thus far—entity types, relationship
types, attributes, keys, and structural constraints—can model many database applications. However, more complex applications—such as engineering design, medical
information systems, and telecommunications—require additional concepts if we
want to model them with greater accuracy. We discuss some advanced modeling
concepts in Chapter 8 and revisit further advanced data modeling techniques in
Chapter 26.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
Review Questions
7.1. Discuss the role of a high-level data model in the database design process.
7.2. List the various cases where use of a NULL value would be appropriate.
7.3. Define the following terms: entity, attribute, attribute value, relationship
instance, composite attribute, multivalued attribute, derived attribute, complex
attribute, key attribute, and value set (domain).
7.4. What is an entity type? What is an entity set? Explain the differences among
an entity, an entity type, and an entity set.
7.5. Explain the difference between an attribute and a value set.
7.6. What is a relationship type? Explain the differences among a relationship
instance, a relationship type, and a relationship set.
7.7. What is a participation role? When is it necessary to use role names in the
description of relationship types?
7.8. Describe the two alternatives for specifying structural constraints on rela-
tionship types. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
7.9. Under what conditions can an attribute of a binary relationship type be
migrated to become an attribute of one of the participating entity types?
7.10. When we think of relationships as attributes, what are the value sets of these
attributes? What class of data models is based on this concept?
7.11. What is meant by a recursive relationship type? Give some examples of
recursive relationship types.
7.12. When is the concept of a weak entity used in data modeling? Define the
terms owner entity type, weak entity type, identifying relationship type, and
partial key.
7.13. Can an identifying relationship of a weak entity type be of a degree greater
than two? Give examples to illustrate your answer.
7.14. Discuss the conventions for displaying an ER schema as an ER diagram.
7.15. Discuss the naming conventions used for ER schema diagrams.
7.16. Consider the following set of requirements for a UNIVERSITY database that is
used to keep track of students’ transcripts. This is similar but not identical to
the database shown in Figure 1.2:
a. The university keeps track of each student’s name, student number, Social
Security number, current address and phone number, permanent address
and phone number, birth date, sex, class (freshman, sophomore, ..., graduate), major department, minor department (if any), and degree program
(B.A., B.S., ..., Ph.D.). Some user applications need to refer to the city,
state, and ZIP Code of the student’s permanent address and to the student’s last name. Both Social Security number and student number have
unique values for each student.
Each department is described by a name, department code, office number, office phone number, and college. Both name and code have unique
values for each department.
Each course has a course name, description, course number, number of
semester hours, level, and offering department. The value of the course
number is unique for each course.
Each section has an instructor, semester, year, course, and section number. The section number distinguishes sections of the same course that are
taught during the same semester/year; its values are 1, 2, 3, ..., up to the
number of sections taught during each semester.
A grade report has a student, section, letter grade, and numeric grade (0,
1, 2, 3, or 4).
Design an ER schema for this application, and draw an ER diagram for the
schema. Specify key attributes of each entity type, and structural constraints
on each relationship type. Note any unspecified requirements, and make
appropriate assumptions to make the specification complete.
7.17. Composite and multivalued attributes can be nested to any number of levels.
Suppose we want to design an attribute for a STUDENT entity type to keep
track of previous college education. Such an attribute will have one entry for
each college previously attended, and each such entry will be composed of
college name, start and end dates, degree entries (degrees awarded at that
college, if any), and transcript entries (courses completed at that college, if
any). Each degree entry contains the degree name and the month and year
the degree was awarded, and each transcript entry contains a course name,
semester, year, and grade. Design an attribute to hold this information. Use
the conventions in Figure 7.5.
7.18. Show an alternative design for the attribute described in Exercise 7.17 that
uses only entity types (including weak entity types, if needed) and relationship types.
7.19. Consider the ER diagram in Figure 7.20, which shows a simplified schema
for an airline reservations system. Extract from the ER diagram the requirements and constraints that produced this schema. Try to be as precise as possible in your requirements and constraints specification.
7.20. In Chapters 1 and 2, we discussed the database environment and database
users. We can consider many entity types to describe such an environment,
such as DBMS, stored database, DBA, and catalog/data dictionary. Try to
specify all the entity types that can fully describe a database system and its
environment; then specify the relationship types among them, and draw an
ER diagram to describe such a general database environment.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
Figure 7.20
An ER diagram for an AIRLINE database schema.
Le g_no
A LEG (segment) is a nonstop portion of a flight.
A LEG_INSTANCE is a particular occurrence
of a LEG on a particular date.
7.21. Design an ER schema for keeping track of information about votes taken in
the U.S. House of Representatives during the current two-year congressional
session. The database needs to keep track of each U.S. STATE’s Name (e.g.,
‘Texas’, ‘New York’, ‘California’) and include the Region of the state (whose
domain is {‘Northeast’, ‘Midwest’, ‘Southeast’, ‘Southwest’, ‘West’}). Each
CONGRESS_PERSON in the House of Representatives is described by his or
her Name, plus the District represented, the Start_date when the congressperson was first elected, and the political Party to which he or she belongs
(whose domain is {‘Republican’, ‘Democrat’, ‘Independent’, ‘Other’}). The
database keeps track of each BILL (i.e., proposed law), including the
Bill_name, the Date_of_vote on the bill, whether the bill Passed_or_failed
(whose domain is {‘Yes’, ‘No’}), and the Sponsor (the congressperson(s) who
sponsored—that is, proposed—the bill). The database also keeps track of
how each congressperson voted on each bill (domain of Vote attribute is
{‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘Abstain’, ‘Absent’}). Draw an ER schema diagram for this application. State clearly any assumptions you make.
7.22. A database is being constructed to keep track of the teams and games of a
sports league. A team has a number of players, not all of whom participate in
each game. It is desired to keep track of the players participating in each
game for each team, the positions they played in that game, and the result of
the game. Design an ER schema diagram for this application, stating any
assumptions you make. Choose your favorite sport (e.g., soccer, baseball,
7.23. Consider the ER diagram shown in Figure 7.21 for part of a BANK database.
Each bank can have multiple branches, and each branch can have multiple
accounts and loans.
a. List the strong (nonweak) entity types in the ER diagram.
b. Is there a weak entity type? If so, give its name, partial key, and identifying
c. What constraints do the partial key and the identifying relationship of the
weak entity type specify in this diagram?
d. List the names of all relationship types, and specify the (min, max) constraint on each participation of an entity type in a relationship type.
Justify your choices.
e. List concisely the user requirements that led to this ER schema design.
f. Suppose that every customer must have at least one account but is
restricted to at most two loans at a time, and that a bank branch cannot
have more than 1,000 loans. How does this show up on the (min, max)
7.24. Consider the ER diagram in Figure 7.22. Assume that an employee may work
in up to two departments or may not be assigned to any department. Assume
that each department must have one and may have up to three phone numbers. Supply (min, max) constraints on this diagram. State clearly any additional assumptions you make. Under what conditions would the relationship
HAS_PHONE be redundant in this example?
7.25. Consider the ER diagram in Figure 7.23. Assume that a course may or may
not use a textbook, but that a text by definition is a book that is used in some
course. A course may not use more than five books. Instructors teach from
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
Figure 7.21
An ER diagram for a BANK
database schema.
Figure 7.22
Part of an ER diagram
for a COMPANY database.
Figure 7.23
Part of an ER diagram
for a COURSES database.
two to four courses. Supply (min, max) constraints on this diagram. State
clearly any additional assumptions you make. If we add the relationship
ADOPTS, to indicate the textbook(s) that an instructor uses for a course,
should it be a binary relationship between INSTRUCTOR and TEXT, or a ternary relationship between all three entity types? What (min, max) constraints would you put on it? Why?
7.26. Consider an entity type SECTION in a UNIVERSITY database, which describes
the section offerings of courses. The attributes of SECTION are
Section_number, Semester, Year, Course_number, Instructor, Room_no (where
section is taught), Building (where section is taught), Weekdays (domain is
the possible combinations of weekdays in which a section can be offered
{‘MWF’, ‘MW’, ‘TT’, and so on}), and Hours (domain is all possible time periods during which sections are offered {‘9–9:50 A.M.’, ‘10–10:50 A.M.’, ...,
‘3:30–4:50 P.M.’, ‘5:30–6:20 P.M.’, and so on}). Assume that Section_number is
unique for each course within a particular semester/year combination (that
is, if a course is offered multiple times during a particular semester, its section offerings are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on). There are several composite
keys for section, and some attributes are components of more than one key.
Identify three composite keys, and show how they can be represented in an
ER schema diagram.
7.27. Cardinality ratios often dictate the detailed design of a database. The cardi-
nality ratio depends on the real-world meaning of the entity types involved
and is defined by the specific application. For the following binary relationships, suggest cardinality ratios based on the common-sense meaning of the
entity types. Clearly state any assumptions you make.
Entity 1
Cardinality Ratio
Entity 2
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
6. ITEM (that can
be found in an
7.28. Consider the ER schema for the MOVIES database in Figure 7.24.
Assume that MOVIES is a populated database. ACTOR is used as a generic
term and includes actresses. Given the constraints shown in the ER schema,
respond to the following statements with True, False, or Maybe. Assign a
response of Maybe to statements that, while not explicitly shown to be True,
cannot be proven False based on the schema as shown. Justify each answer.
Figure 7.24
An ER diagram for a MOVIES
database schema.
Laboratory Exercises
a. There are no actors in this database that have been in no movies.
b. There are some actors who have acted in more than ten movies.
c. Some actors have done a lead role in multiple movies.
d. A movie can have only a maximum of two lead actors.
e. Every director has been an actor in some movie.
f. No producer has ever been an actor.
g. A producer cannot be an actor in some other movie.
h. There are movies with more than a dozen actors.
i. Some producers have been a director as well.
j. Most movies have one director and one producer.
k. Some movies have one director but several producers.
l. There are some actors who have done a lead role, directed a movie, and
produced some movie.
m. No movie has a director who also acted in that movie.
7.29. Given the ER schema for the MOVIES database in Figure 7.24, draw an
instance diagram using three movies that have been released recently. Draw
instances of each entity type: MOVIES, ACTORS, PRODUCERS, DIRECTORS
involved; make up instances of the relationships as they exist in reality for
those movies.
7.30. Illustrate the UML Diagram for Exercise 7.16. Your UML design should
observe the following requirements:
a. A student should have the ability to compute his/her GPA and add or
drop majors and minors.
b. Each department should be to able add or delete courses and hire or terminate faculty.
c. Each instructor should be able to assign or change a student’s grade for a
Note: Some of these functions may be spread over multiple classes.
Laboratory Exercises
7.31. Consider the UNIVERSITY database described in Exercise 7.16. Build the ER
schema for this database using a data modeling tool such as ERwin or
Rational Rose.
7.32. Consider a MAIL_ORDER database in which employees take orders for parts
from customers. The data requirements are summarized as follows:
■ The mail order company has employees, each identified by a unique
employee number, first and last name, and Zip Code.
■ Each customer of the company is identified by a unique customer number, first and last name, and Zip Code.
Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
Each part sold by the company is identified by a unique part number, a
part name, price, and quantity in stock.
Each order placed by a customer is taken by an employee and is given a
unique order number. Each order contains specified quantities of one or
more parts. Each order has a date of receipt as well as an expected ship
date. The actual ship date is also recorded.
Design an Entity-Relationship diagram for the mail order database and
build the design using a data modeling tool such as ERwin or Rational Rose.
7.33. Consider a MOVIE database in which data is recorded about the movie indus-
try. The data requirements are summarized as follows:
■ Each movie is identified by title and year of release. Each movie has a
length in minutes. Each has a production company, and each is classified
under one or more genres (such as horror, action, drama, and so forth).
Each movie has one or more directors and one or more actors appear in
it. Each movie also has a plot outline. Finally, each movie has zero or more
quotable quotes, each of which is spoken by a particular actor appearing
in the movie.
■ Actors are identified by name and date of birth and appear in one or more
movies. Each actor has a role in the movie.
■ Directors are also identified by name and date of birth and direct one or
more movies. It is possible for a director to act in a movie (including one
that he or she may also direct).
■ Production companies are identified by name and each has an address. A
production company produces one or more movies.
Design an Entity-Relationship diagram for the movie database and enter the
design using a data modeling tool such as ERwin or Rational Rose.
7.34. Consider a CONFERENCE_REVIEW database in which researchers submit
their research papers for consideration. Reviews by reviewers are recorded
for use in the paper selection process. The database system caters primarily
to reviewers who record answers to evaluation questions for each paper they
review and make recommendations regarding whether to accept or reject the
paper. The data requirements are summarized as follows:
■ Authors of papers are uniquely identified by e-mail id. First and last
names are also recorded.
■ Each paper is assigned a unique identifier by the system and is described
by a title, abstract, and the name of the electronic file containing the
■ A paper may have multiple authors, but one of the authors is designated
as the contact author.
■ Reviewers of papers are uniquely identified by e-mail address. Each
reviewer’s first name, last name, phone number, affiliation, and topics of
interest are also recorded.
Selected Bibliography
Each paper is assigned between two and four reviewers. A reviewer rates
each paper assigned to him or her on a scale of 1 to 10 in four categories:
technical merit, readability, originality, and relevance to the conference.
Finally, each reviewer provides an overall recommendation regarding
each paper.
Each review contains two types of written comments: one to be seen by
the review committee only and the other as feedback to the author(s).
Design an Entity-Relationship diagram for the CONFERENCE_REVIEW
database and build the design using a data modeling tool such as ERwin or
Rational Rose.
7.35. Consider the ER diagram for the AIRLINE database shown in Figure 7.20.
Build this design using a data modeling tool such as ERwin or Rational Rose.
Selected Bibliography
The Entity-Relationship model was introduced by Chen (1976), and related work
appears in Schmidt and Swenson (1975), Wiederhold and Elmasri (1979), and
Senko (1975). Since then, numerous modifications to the ER model have been suggested. We have incorporated some of these in our presentation. Structural constraints on relationships are discussed in Abrial (1974), Elmasri and Wiederhold
(1980), and Lenzerini and Santucci (1983). Multivalued and composite attributes
are incorporated in the ER model in Elmasri et al. (1985). Although we did not discuss languages for the ER model and its extensions, there have been several proposals for such languages. Elmasri and Wiederhold (1981) proposed the GORDAS
query language for the ER model. Another ER query language was proposed by
Markowitz and Raz (1983). Senko (1980) presented a query language for Senko’s
DIAM model. A formal set of operations called the ER algebra was presented by
Parent and Spaccapietra (1985). Gogolla and Hohenstein (1991) presented another
formal language for the ER model. Campbell et al. (1985) presented a set of ER
operations and showed that they are relationally complete. A conference for the dissemination of research results related to the ER model has been held regularly since
1979. The conference, now known as the International Conference on Conceptual
Modeling, has been held in Los Angeles (ER 1979, ER 1983, ER 1997), Washington,
D.C. (ER 1981), Chicago (ER 1985), Dijon, France (ER 1986), New York City (ER
1987), Rome (ER 1988), Toronto (ER 1989), Lausanne, Switzerland (ER 1990), San
Mateo, California (ER 1991), Karlsruhe, Germany (ER 1992), Arlington, Texas (ER
1993), Manchester, England (ER 1994), Brisbane, Australia (ER 1995), Cottbus,
Germany (ER 1996), Singapore (ER 1998), Paris, France (ER 1999), Salt Lake City,
Utah (ER 2000), Yokohama, Japan (ER 2001), Tampere, Finland (ER 2002),
Chicago, Illinois (ER 2003), Shanghai, China (ER 2004), Klagenfurt, Austria (ER
2005), Tucson, Arizona (ER 2006), Auckland, New Zealand (ER 2007), Barcelona,
Catalonia, Spain (ER 2008), and Gramado, RS, Brazil (ER 2009). The 2010 conference is to be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
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The Enhanced Entity-Relationship
(EER) Model
he ER modeling concepts discussed in Chapter 7
are sufficient for representing many database
schemas for traditional database applications, which include many data-processing
applications in business and industry. Since the late 1970s, however, designers of
database applications have tried to design more accurate database schemas that
reflect the data properties and constraints more precisely. This was particularly
important for newer applications of database technology, such as databases for
engineering design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM),1 telecommunications, complex software systems, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), among many
other applications. These types of databases have more complex requirements than
do the more traditional applications. This led to the development of additional
semantic data modeling concepts that were incorporated into conceptual data models such as the ER model. Various semantic data models have been proposed in the
literature. Many of these concepts were also developed independently in related
areas of computer science, such as the knowledge representation area of artificial
intelligence and the object modeling area in software engineering.
In this chapter, we describe features that have been proposed for semantic data models, and show how the ER model can be enhanced to include these concepts, leading
to the Enhanced ER (EER) model.2 We start in Section 8.1 by incorporating the concepts of class/subclass relationships and type inheritance into the ER model. Then, in
Section 8.2, we add the concepts of specialization and generalization. Section 8.3
stands for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing.
has also been used to stand for Extended ER model.
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
discusses the various types of constraints on specialization/generalization, and
Section 8.4 shows how the UNION construct can be modeled by including the concept of category in the EER model. Section 8.5 gives a sample UNIVERSITY database
schema in the EER model and summarizes the EER model concepts by giving formal
definitions. We will use the terms object and entity interchangeably in this chapter,
because many of these concepts are commonly used in object-oriented models.
We present the UML class diagram notation for representing specialization and generalization in Section 8.6, and briefly compare these with EER notation and concepts. This serves as an example of alternative notation, and is a continuation of
Section 7.8, which presented basic UML class diagram notation that corresponds to
the basic ER model. In Section 8.7, we discuss the fundamental abstractions that are
used as the basis of many semantic data models. Section 8.8 summarizes the chapter.
For a detailed introduction to conceptual modeling, Chapter 8 should be considered a continuation of Chapter 7. However, if only a basic introduction to ER modeling is desired, this chapter may be omitted. Alternatively, the reader may choose to
skip some or all of the later sections of this chapter (Sections 8.4 through 8.8).
8.1 Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance
The EER model includes all the modeling concepts of the ER model that were presented in Chapter 7. In addition, it includes the concepts of subclass and
superclass and the related concepts of specialization and generalization (see
Sections 8.2 and 8.3). Another concept included in the EER model is that of a
category or union type (see Section 8.4), which is used to represent a collection of
objects (entities) that is the union of objects of different entity types. Associated
with these concepts is the important mechanism of attribute and relationship
inheritance. Unfortunately, no standard terminology exists for these concepts, so
we use the most common terminology. Alternative terminology is given in footnotes. We also describe a diagrammatic technique for displaying these concepts
when they arise in an EER schema. We call the resulting schema diagrams
enhanced ER or EER diagrams.
The first Enhanced ER (EER) model concept we take up is that of a subtype or
subclass of an entity type. As we discussed in Chapter 7, an entity type is used to
represent both a type of entity and the entity set or collection of entities of that type
that exist in the database. For example, the entity type EMPLOYEE describes the type
(that is, the attributes and relationships) of each employee entity, and also refers to
the current set of EMPLOYEE entities in the COMPANY database. In many cases an
entity type has numerous subgroupings or subtypes of its entities that are meaningful and need to be represented explicitly because of their significance to the database
application. For example, the entities that are members of the EMPLOYEE entity
type may be distinguished further into SECRETARY, ENGINEER, MANAGER,
entities in each of the latter groupings is a subset of the entities that belong to the
EMPLOYEE entity set, meaning that every entity that is a member of one of these
8.1 Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance
subgroupings is also an employee. We call each of these subgroupings a subclass or
subtype of the EMPLOYEE entity type, and the EMPLOYEE entity type is called the
superclass or supertype for each of these subclasses. Figure 8.1 shows how to represent these concepts diagramatically in EER diagrams. (The circle notation in Figure
8.1 will be explained in Section 8.2.)
We call the relationship between a superclass and any one of its subclasses a
superclass/subclass or supertype/subtype or simply class/subclass relationship.3
two class/subclass relationships. Notice that a member entity of the subclass represents the same real-world entity as some member of the superclass; for example, a
SECRETARY entity ‘Joan Logano’ is also the EMPLOYEE ‘Joan Logano.’ Hence, the
subclass member is the same as the entity in the superclass, but in a distinct specific
role. When we implement a superclass/subclass relationship in the database system,
however, we may represent a member of the subclass as a distinct database object—
say, a distinct record that is related via the key attribute to its superclass entity. In
Section 9.2, we discuss various options for representing superclass/subclass relationships in relational databases.
Figure 8.1
EER diagram
notation to represent
subclasses and
Add ress
Three specializations of EMPLOYEE:
class/subclass relationship is often called an IS-A (or IS-AN) relationship because of the way we
refer to the concept. We say a SECRETARY is an EMPLOYEE, a TECHNICIAN is an EMPLOYEE, and
so on.
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
An entity cannot exist in the database merely by being a member of a subclass; it
must also be a member of the superclass. Such an entity can be included optionally
as a member of any number of subclasses. For example, a salaried employee who is
also an engineer belongs to the two subclasses ENGINEER and
SALARIED_EMPLOYEE of the EMPLOYEE entity type. However, it is not necessary
that every entity in a superclass is a member of some subclass.
An important concept associated with subclasses (subtypes) is that of type inheritance. Recall that the type of an entity is defined by the attributes it possesses and
the relationship types in which it participates. Because an entity in the subclass represents the same real-world entity from the superclass, it should possess values for
its specific attributes as well as values of its attributes as a member of the superclass.
We say that an entity that is a member of a subclass inherits all the attributes of the
entity as a member of the superclass. The entity also inherits all the relationships in
which the superclass participates. Notice that a subclass, with its own specific (or
local) attributes and relationships together with all the attributes and relationships
it inherits from the superclass, can be considered an entity type in its own right.4
8.2 Specialization and Generalization
8.2.1 Specialization
Specialization is the process of defining a set of subclasses of an entity type; this
entity type is called the superclass of the specialization. The set of subclasses that
forms a specialization is defined on the basis of some distinguishing characteristic
of the entities in the superclass. For example, the set of subclasses {SECRETARY,
ENGINEER, TECHNICIAN} is a specialization of the superclass EMPLOYEE that distinguishes among employee entities based on the job type of each employee entity.
We may have several specializations of the same entity type based on different distinguishing characteristics. For example, another specialization of the EMPLOYEE
entity type may yield the set of subclasses {SALARIED_EMPLOYEE,
HOURLY_EMPLOYEE}; this specialization distinguishes among employees based on
the method of pay.
Figure 8.1 shows how we represent a specialization diagrammatically in an EER diagram. The subclasses that define a specialization are attached by lines to a circle that
represents the specialization, which is connected in turn to the superclass. The
subset symbol on each line connecting a subclass to the circle indicates the direction
of the superclass/subclass relationship.5 Attributes that apply only to entities of a
particular subclass—such as TypingSpeed of SECRETARY—are attached to the rectangle representing that subclass. These are called specific attributes (or local
some object-oriented programming languages, a common restriction is that an entity (or object) has
only one type. This is generally too restrictive for conceptual database modeling.
are many alternative notations for specialization; we present the UML notation in Section 8.6 and
other proposed notations in Appendix A.
8.2 Specialization and Generalization
attributes) of the subclass. Similarly, a subclass can participate in specific relationship types, such as the HOURLY_EMPLOYEE subclass participating in the
BELONGS_TO relationship in Figure 8.1. We will explain the d symbol in the circles
in Figure 8.1 and additional EER diagram notation shortly.
Figure 8.2 shows a few entity instances that belong to subclasses of the
{SECRETARY, ENGINEER, TECHNICIAN} specialization. Again, notice that an entity
that belongs to a subclass represents the same real-world entity as the entity connected to it in the EMPLOYEE superclass, even though the same entity is shown
twice; for example, e1 is shown in both EMPLOYEE and SECRETARY in Figure 8.2. As
the figure suggests, a superclass/subclass relationship such as EMPLOYEE/
SECRETARY somewhat resembles a 1:1 relationship at the instance level (see Figure
7.12). The main difference is that in a 1:1 relationship two distinct entities are
related, whereas in a superclass/subclass relationship the entity in the subclass is the
same real-world entity as the entity in the superclass but is playing a specialized
role—for example, an EMPLOYEE specialized in the role of SECRETARY, or an
EMPLOYEE specialized in the role of TECHNICIAN.
Figure 8.2
Instances of a specialization.
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
There are two main reasons for including class/subclass relationships and specializations in a data model. The first is that certain attributes may apply to some but not all
entities of the superclass. A subclass is defined in order to group the entities to which
these attributes apply. The members of the subclass may still share the majority of
their attributes with the other members of the superclass. For example, in Figure 8.1
the SECRETARY subclass has the specific attribute Typing_speed, whereas the
ENGINEER subclass has the specific attribute Eng_type, but SECRETARY and
ENGINEER share their other inherited attributes from the EMPLOYEE entity type.
The second reason for using subclasses is that some relationship types may be participated in only by entities that are members of the subclass. For example, if only
HOURLY_EMPLOYEES can belong to a trade union, we can represent that fact by
creating the subclass HOURLY_EMPLOYEE of EMPLOYEE and relating the subclass
to an entity type TRADE_UNION via the BELONGS_TO relationship type, as illustrated in Figure 8.1.
In summary, the specialization process allows us to do the following:
Define a set of subclasses of an entity type
Establish additional specific attributes with each subclass
Establish additional specific relationship types between each subclass and
other entity types or other subclasses
8.2.2 Generalization
We can think of a reverse process of abstraction in which we suppress the differences
among several entity types, identify their common features, and generalize them
into a single superclass of which the original entity types are special subclasses. For
example, consider the entity types CAR and TRUCK shown in Figure 8.3(a). Because
they have several common attributes, they can be generalized into the entity type
VEHICLE, as shown in Figure 8.3(b). Both CAR and TRUCK are now subclasses of the
generalized superclass VEHICLE. We use the term generalization to refer to the
process of defining a generalized entity type from the given entity types.
Notice that the generalization process can be viewed as being functionally the inverse
of the specialization process. Hence, in Figure 8.3 we can view {CAR, TRUCK} as a
specialization of VEHICLE, rather than viewing VEHICLE as a generalization of CAR
and TRUCK. Similarly, in Figure 8.1 we can view EMPLOYEE as a generalization of
SECRETARY, TECHNICIAN, and ENGINEER. A diagrammatic notation to distinguish
between generalization and specialization is used in some design methodologies. An
arrow pointing to the generalized superclass represents a generalization, whereas
arrows pointing to the specialized subclasses represent a specialization. We will not
use this notation because the decision as to which process is followed in a particular
situation is often subjective. Appendix A gives some of the suggested alternative diagrammatic notations for schema diagrams and class diagrams.
So far we have introduced the concepts of subclasses and superclass/subclass relationships, as well as the specialization and generalization processes. In general, a
8.3 Constraints and Characteristics of Specialization and Generalization Hierarchies
Figure 8.3
Generalization. (a) Two entity types, CAR and TRUCK. (b)
Generalizing CAR and TRUCK into the superclass VEHICLE.
superclass or subclass represents a collection of entities of the same type and hence
also describes an entity type; that is why superclasses and subclasses are all shown in
rectangles in EER diagrams, like entity types. Next, we discuss the properties of specializations and generalizations in more detail.
8.3 Constraints and Characteristics
of Specialization and Generalization
First, we discuss constraints that apply to a single specialization or a single generalization. For brevity, our discussion refers only to specialization even though it
applies to both specialization and generalization. Then, we discuss differences
between specialization/generalization lattices (multiple inheritance) and hierarchies
(single inheritance), and elaborate on the differences between the specialization and
generalization processes during conceptual database schema design.
8.3.1 Constraints on Specialization and Generalization
In general, we may have several specializations defined on the same entity type (or
superclass), as shown in Figure 8.1. In such a case, entities may belong to subclasses
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
in each of the specializations. However, a specialization may also consist of a single
subclass only, such as the {MANAGER} specialization in Figure 8.1; in such a case, we
do not use the circle notation.
In some specializations we can determine exactly the entities that will become
members of each subclass by placing a condition on the value of some attribute of
the superclass. Such subclasses are called predicate-defined (or condition-defined)
subclasses. For example, if the EMPLOYEE entity type has an attribute Job_type, as
shown in Figure 8.4, we can specify the condition of membership in the
SECRETARY subclass by the condition (Job_type = ‘Secretary’), which we call the
defining predicate of the subclass. This condition is a constraint specifying that
exactly those entities of the EMPLOYEE entity type whose attribute value for
Job_type is ‘Secretary’ belong to the subclass. We display a predicate-defined subclass
by writing the predicate condition next to the line that connects the subclass to the
specialization circle.
If all subclasses in a specialization have their membership condition on the same
attribute of the superclass, the specialization itself is called an attribute-defined specialization, and the attribute is called the defining attribute of the specialization.6 In
this case, all the entities with the same value for the attribute belong to the same subclass. We display an attribute-defined specialization by placing the defining attribute
name next to the arc from the circle to the superclass, as shown in Figure 8.4.
When we do not have a condition for determining membership in a subclass, the
subclass is called user-defined. Membership in such a subclass is determined by the
database users when they apply the operation to add an entity to the subclass; hence,
membership is specified individually for each entity by the user, not by any condition
that may be evaluated automatically.
Figure 8.4
EER diagram notation
for an attribute-defined
specialization on
an attribute is called a discriminator in UML terminology.
8.3 Constraints and Characteristics of Specialization and Generalization Hierarchies
Two other constraints may apply to a specialization. The first is the disjointness (or
disjointedness) constraint, which specifies that the subclasses of the specialization
must be disjoint. This means that an entity can be a member of at most one of the
subclasses of the specialization. A specialization that is attribute-defined implies the
disjointness constraint (if the attribute used to define the membership predicate is
single-valued). Figure 8.4 illustrates this case, where the d in the circle stands for
disjoint. The d notation also applies to user-defined subclasses of a specialization
that must be disjoint, as illustrated by the specialization {HOURLY_EMPLOYEE,
SALARIED_EMPLOYEE} in Figure 8.1. If the subclasses are not constrained to be disjoint, their sets of entities may be overlapping; that is, the same (real-world) entity
may be a member of more than one subclass of the specialization. This case, which
is the default, is displayed by placing an o in the circle, as shown in Figure 8.5.
The second constraint on specialization is called the completeness (or totalness)
constraint, which may be total or partial. A total specialization constraint specifies
that every entity in the superclass must be a member of at least one subclass in the
specialization. For example, if every EMPLOYEE must be either an
HOURLY_EMPLOYEE or a SALARIED_EMPLOYEE, then the specialization
{HOURLY_EMPLOYEE, SALARIED_EMPLOYEE} in Figure 8.1 is a total specialization
of EMPLOYEE. This is shown in EER diagrams by using a double line to connect the
superclass to the circle. A single line is used to display a partial specialization,
which allows an entity not to belong to any of the subclasses. For example, if some
EMPLOYEE entities do not belong to any of the subclasses {SECRETARY,
ENGINEER, TECHNICIAN} in Figures 8.1 and 8.4, then that specialization is partial.7
Notice that the disjointness and completeness constraints are independent. Hence,
we have the following four possible constraints on specialization:
Disjoint, total
Disjoint, partial
Overlapping, total
Overlapping, partial
Figure 8.5
EER diagram notation
for an overlapping
notation of using single or double lines is similar to that for partial or total participation of an entity
type in a relationship type, as described in Chapter 7.
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
Of course, the correct constraint is determined from the real-world meaning that
applies to each specialization. In general, a superclass that was identified through
the generalization process usually is total, because the superclass is derived from the
subclasses and hence contains only the entities that are in the subclasses.
Certain insertion and deletion rules apply to specialization (and generalization) as a
consequence of the constraints specified earlier. Some of these rules are as follows:
Deleting an entity from a superclass implies that it is automatically deleted
from all the subclasses to which it belongs.
Inserting an entity in a superclass implies that the entity is mandatorily
inserted in all predicate-defined (or attribute-defined) subclasses for which
the entity satisfies the defining predicate.
Inserting an entity in a superclass of a total specialization implies that the
entity is mandatorily inserted in at least one of the subclasses of the specialization.
The reader is encouraged to make a complete list of rules for insertions and deletions for the various types of specializations.
8.3.2 Specialization and Generalization Hierarchies
and Lattices
A subclass itself may have further subclasses specified on it, forming a hierarchy or a
lattice of specializations. For example, in Figure 8.6 ENGINEER is a subclass of
EMPLOYEE and is also a superclass of ENGINEERING_MANAGER; this represents
the real-world constraint that every engineering manager is required to be an engineer. A specialization hierarchy has the constraint that every subclass participates
as a subclass in only one class/subclass relationship; that is, each subclass has only
Figure 8.6
A specialization lattice with shared subclass
8.3 Constraints and Characteristics of Specialization and Generalization Hierarchies
one parent, which results in a tree structure or strict hierarchy. In contrast, for a
specialization lattice, a subclass can be a subclass in more than one class/subclass
relationship. Hence, Figure 8.6 is a lattice.
Figure 8.7 shows another specialization lattice of more than one level. This may be
part of a conceptual schema for a UNIVERSITY database. Notice that this arrangement would have been a hierarchy except for the STUDENT_ASSISTANT subclass,
which is a subclass in two distinct class/subclass relationships.
The requirements for the part of the UNIVERSITY database shown in Figure 8.7 are
the following:
1. The database keeps track of three types of persons: employees, alumni, and
students. A person can belong to one, two, or all three of these types. Each
person has a name, SSN, sex, address, and birth date.
2. Every employee has a salary, and there are three types of employees: faculty,
staff, and student assistants. Each employee belongs to exactly one of these
types. For each alumnus, a record of the degree or degrees that he or she
Figure 8.7
A specialization lattice
with multiple inheritance
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
earned at the university is kept, including the name of the degree, the year
granted, and the major department. Each student has a major department.
3. Each faculty has a rank, whereas each staff member has a staff position.
Student assistants are classified further as either research assistants or teaching assistants, and the percent of time that they work is recorded in the database. Research assistants have their research project stored, whereas teaching
assistants have the current course they work on.
4. Students are further classified as either graduate or undergraduate, with the
specific attributes degree program (M.S., Ph.D., M.B.A., and so on) for
graduate students and class (freshman, sophomore, and so on) for undergraduates.
In Figure 8.7, all person entities represented in the database are members of the
PERSON entity type, which is specialized into the subclasses {EMPLOYEE,
ALUMNUS, STUDENT}. This specialization is overlapping; for example, an alumnus
may also be an employee and may also be a student pursuing an advanced degree.
The subclass STUDENT is the superclass for the specialization
superclass for the specialization {STUDENT_ASSISTANT, FACULTY, STAFF}. Notice
that STUDENT_ASSISTANT is also a subclass of STUDENT. Finally,
STUDENT_ASSISTANT is the superclass for the specialization into
In such a specialization lattice or hierarchy, a subclass inherits the attributes not
only of its direct superclass, but also of all its predecessor superclasses all the way to
the root of the hierarchy or lattice if necessary. For example, an entity in
GRADUATE_STUDENT inherits all the attributes of that entity as a STUDENT and as
a PERSON. Notice that an entity may exist in several leaf nodes of the hierarchy,
where a leaf node is a class that has no subclasses of its own. For example, a member
A subclass with more than one superclass is called a shared subclass, such as
ENGINEERING_MANAGER in Figure 8.6. This leads to the concept known as
multiple inheritance, where the shared subclass ENGINEERING_MANAGER directly
inherits attributes and relationships from multiple classes. Notice that the existence
of at least one shared subclass leads to a lattice (and hence to multiple inheritance);
if no shared subclasses existed, we would have a hierarchy rather than a lattice and
only single inheritance would exist. An important rule related to multiple inheritance can be illustrated by the example of the shared subclass STUDENT_ASSISTANT
in Figure 8.7, which inherits attributes from both EMPLOYEE and STUDENT. Here,
both EMPLOYEE and STUDENT inherit the same attributes from PERSON. The rule
states that if an attribute (or relationship) originating in the same superclass
(PERSON) is inherited more than once via different paths (EMPLOYEE and
STUDENT) in the lattice, then it should be included only once in the shared subclass
(STUDENT_ASSISTANT). Hence, the attributes of PERSON are inherited only once in
the STUDENT_ASSISTANT subclass in Figure 8.7.
8.3 Constraints and Characteristics of Specialization and Generalization Hierarchies
It is important to note here that some models and languages are limited to single
inheritance and do not allow multiple inheritance (shared subclasses). It is also
important to note that some models do not allow an entity to have multiple types,
and hence an entity can be a member of only one leaf class.8 In such a model, it is
necessary to create additional subclasses as leaf nodes to cover all possible combinations of classes that may have some entity that belongs to all these classes simultaneously. For example, in the overlapping specialization of PERSON into {EMPLOYEE,
ALUMNUS, STUDENT} (or {E, A, S} for short), it would be necessary to create seven
subclasses of PERSON in order to cover all possible types of entities: E, A, S, E_A,
E_S, A_S, and E_A_S. Obviously, this can lead to extra complexity.
Although we have used specialization to illustrate our discussion, similar concepts
apply equally to generalization, as we mentioned at the beginning of this section.
Hence, we can also speak of generalization hierarchies and generalization lattices.
8.3.3 Utilizing Specialization and Generalization
in Refining Conceptual Schemas
Now we elaborate on the differences between the specialization and generalization
processes, and how they are used to refine conceptual schemas during conceptual
database design. In the specialization process, we typically start with an entity type
and then define subclasses of the entity type by successive specialization; that is, we
repeatedly define more specific groupings of the entity type. For example, when
designing the specialization lattice in Figure 8.7, we may first specify an entity type
PERSON for a university database. Then we discover that three types of persons will
be represented in the database: university employees, alumni, and students. We create the specialization {EMPLOYEE, ALUMNUS, STUDENT} for this purpose and
choose the overlapping constraint, because a person may belong to more than one
of the subclasses. We specialize EMPLOYEE further into {STAFF, FACULTY,
{RESEARCH_ASSISTANT, TEACHING_ASSISTANT}. This successive specialization
corresponds to a top-down conceptual refinement process during conceptual
schema design. So far, we have a hierarchy; then we realize that
STUDENT_ASSISTANT is a shared subclass, since it is also a subclass of STUDENT,
leading to the lattice.
It is possible to arrive at the same hierarchy or lattice from the other direction. In
such a case, the process involves generalization rather than specialization and corresponds to a bottom-up conceptual synthesis. For example, the database designers
may first discover entity types such as STAFF, FACULTY, ALUMNUS,
TEACHING_ASSISTANT, and so on; then they generalize {GRADUATE_STUDENT,
some models, the class is further restricted to be a leaf node in the hierarchy or lattice.
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
into STUDENT; then they generalize
finally they generalize {EMPLOYEE, ALUMNUS, STUDENT} into PERSON.
In structural terms, hierarchies or lattices resulting from either process may be identical; the only difference relates to the manner or order in which the schema superclasses and subclasses were created during the design process. In practice, it is likely
that neither the generalization process nor the specialization process is followed
strictly, but that a combination of the two processes is employed. New classes are
continually incorporated into a hierarchy or lattice as they become apparent to users
and designers. Notice that the notion of representing data and knowledge by using
superclass/subclass hierarchies and lattices is quite common in knowledge-based systems and expert systems, which combine database technology with artificial intelligence techniques. For example, frame-based knowledge representation schemes
closely resemble class hierarchies. Specialization is also common in software engineering design methodologies that are based on the object-oriented paradigm.
8.4 Modeling of UNION Types Using Categories
All of the superclass/subclass relationships we have seen thus far have a single superclass. A shared subclass such as ENGINEERING_MANAGER in the lattice in Figure
8.6 is the subclass in three distinct superclass/subclass relationships, where each of
the three relationships has a single superclass. However, it is sometimes necessary to
represent a single superclass/subclass relationship with more than one superclass,
where the superclasses represent different entity types. In this case, the subclass will
represent a collection of objects that is a subset of the UNION of distinct entity types;
we call such a subclass a union type or a category.9
For example, suppose that we have three entity types: PERSON, BANK, and
COMPANY. In a database for motor vehicle registration, an owner of a vehicle can be
a person, a bank (holding a lien on a vehicle), or a company. We need to create a
class (collection of entities) that includes entities of all three types to play the role of
vehicle owner. A category (union type) OWNER that is a subclass of the UNION of the
three entity sets of COMPANY, BANK, and PERSON can be created for this purpose.
We display categories in an EER diagram as shown in Figure 8.8. The superclasses
COMPANY, BANK, and PERSON are connected to the circle with the ∪ symbol,
which stands for the set union operation. An arc with the subset symbol connects the
circle to the (subclass) OWNER category. If a defining predicate is needed, it is displayed next to the line from the superclass to which the predicate applies. In Figure
8.8 we have two categories: OWNER, which is a subclass of the union of PERSON,
BANK, and COMPANY; and REGISTERED_VEHICLE, which is a subclass of the union
of CAR and TRUCK.
use of the term category is based on the ECR (Entity-Category-Relationship) model (Elmasri et al.
8.4 Modeling of UNION Types Using Categories
Figure 8.8
Two categories (union
types): OWNER and
A category has two or more superclasses that may represent distinct entity types,
whereas other superclass/subclass relationships always have a single superclass. To
better understand the difference, we can compare a category, such as OWNER in
Figure 8.8, with the ENGINEERING_MANAGER shared subclass in Figure 8.6. The
latter is a subclass of each of the three superclasses ENGINEER, MANAGER, and
SALARIED_EMPLOYEE, so an entity that is a member of ENGINEERING_MANAGER
must exist in all three. This represents the constraint that an engineering manager
must be an ENGINEER, a MANAGER, and a SALARIED_EMPLOYEE; that is,
ENGINEERING_MANAGER is a subset of the intersection of the three classes (sets of
entities). On the other hand, a category is a subset of the union of its superclasses.
Hence, an entity that is a member of OWNER must exist in only one of the super-
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
classes. This represents the constraint that an OWNER may be a COMPANY, a BANK,
or a PERSON in Figure 8.8.
Attribute inheritance works more selectively in the case of categories. For example,
in Figure 8.8 each OWNER entity inherits the attributes of a COMPANY, a PERSON,
or a BANK, depending on the superclass to which the entity belongs. On the other
hand, a shared subclass such as ENGINEERING_MANAGER (Figure 8.6) inherits all
the attributes of its superclasses SALARIED_EMPLOYEE, ENGINEER, and
It is interesting to note the difference between the category REGISTERED_VEHICLE
(Figure 8.8) and the generalized superclass VEHICLE (Figure 8.3(b)). In Figure
8.3(b), every car and every truck is a VEHICLE; but in Figure 8.8, the
REGISTERED_VEHICLE category includes some cars and some trucks but not necessarily all of them (for example, some cars or trucks may not be registered). In general, a specialization or generalization such as that in Figure 8.3(b), if it were partial,
would not preclude VEHICLE from containing other types of entities, such as
motorcycles. However, a category such as REGISTERED_VEHICLE in Figure 8.8
implies that only cars and trucks, but not other types of entities, can be members of
A category can be total or partial. A total category holds the union of all entities in
its superclasses, whereas a partial category can hold a subset of the union. A total category is represented diagrammatically by a double line connecting the category and
the circle, whereas a partial category is indicated by a single line.
The superclasses of a category may have different key attributes, as demonstrated by
the OWNER category in Figure 8.8, or they may have the same key attribute, as
demonstrated by the REGISTERED_VEHICLE category. Notice that if a category is
total (not partial), it may be represented alternatively as a total specialization (or a
total generalization). In this case, the choice of which representation to use is subjective. If the two classes represent the same type of entities and share numerous
attributes, including the same key attributes, specialization/generalization is preferred; otherwise, categorization (union type) is more appropriate.
It is important to note that some modeling methodologies do not have union types.
In these models, a union type must be represented in a roundabout way (see Section
8.5 A Sample UNIVERSITY EER Schema,
Design Choices, and Formal Definitions
In this section, we first give an example of a database schema in the EER model to
illustrate the use of the various concepts discussed here and in Chapter 7. Then, we
discuss design choices for conceptual schemas, and finally we summarize the EER
model concepts and define them formally in the same manner in which we formally
defined the concepts of the basic ER model in Chapter 7.
8.5 A Sample UNIVERSITY EER Schema, Design Choices, and Formal Definitions
8.5.1 The UNIVERSITY Database Example
For our sample database application, consider a UNIVERSITY database that keeps
track of students and their majors, transcripts, and registration as well as of the university’s course offerings. The database also keeps track of the sponsored research
projects of faculty and graduate students. This schema is shown in Figure 8.9. A discussion of the requirements that led to this schema follows.
For each person, the database maintains information on the person’s Name [Name],
Social Security number [Ssn], address [Address], sex [Sex], and birth date [Bdate].
Two subclasses of the PERSON entity type are identified: FACULTY and STUDENT.
Specific attributes of FACULTY are rank [Rank] (assistant, associate, adjunct,
research, visiting, and so on), office [Foffice], office phone [Fphone], and salary
[Salary]. All faculty members are related to the academic department(s) with which
they are affiliated [BELONGS] (a faculty member can be associated with several
departments, so the relationship is M:N). A specific attribute of STUDENT is [Class]
(freshman=1, sophomore=2, ..., graduate student=5). Each STUDENT is also related
to his or her major and minor departments (if known) [MAJOR] and [MINOR], to
the course sections he or she is currently attending [REGISTERED], and to the
courses completed [TRANSCRIPT]. Each TRANSCRIPT instance includes the grade
the student received [Grade] in a section of a course.
GRAD_STUDENT is a subclass of STUDENT, with the defining predicate Class = 5.
For each graduate student, we keep a list of previous degrees in a composite, multivalued attribute [Degrees]. We also relate the graduate student to a faculty advisor
[ADVISOR] and to a thesis committee [COMMITTEE], if one exists.
An academic department has the attributes name [Dname], telephone [Dphone], and
office number [Office] and is related to the faculty member who is its chairperson
[CHAIRS] and to the college to which it belongs [CD]. Each college has attributes
college name [Cname], office number [Coffice], and the name of its dean [Dean].
A course has attributes course number [C#], course name [Cname], and course
description [Cdesc]. Several sections of each course are offered, with each section
having the attributes section number [Sec#] and the year and quarter in which the
section was offered ([Year] and [Qtr]).10 Section numbers uniquely identify each section. The sections being offered during the current quarter are in a subclass
CURRENT_SECTION of SECTION, with the defining predicate Qtr = Current_qtr and
Year = Current_year. Each section is related to the instructor who taught or is teaching it ([TEACH]), if that instructor is in the database.
The category INSTRUCTOR_RESEARCHER is a subset of the union of FACULTY and
GRAD_STUDENT and includes all faculty, as well as graduate students who are supported by teaching or research. Finally, the entity type GRANT keeps track of
research grants and contracts awarded to the university. Each grant has attributes
grant title [Title], grant number [No], the awarding agency [Agency], and the starting
assume that the quarter system rather than the semester system is used in this university.
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
Qtr = Current_qtr and
Year = Current_year
Figure 8.9
An EER conceptual schema
for a UNIVERSITY database.
8.5 A Sample UNIVERSITY EER Schema, Design Choices, and Formal Definitions
date [St_date]. A grant is related to one principal investigator [PI] and to all
researchers it supports [SUPPORT]. Each instance of support has as attributes the
starting date of support [Start], the ending date of the support (if known) [End],
and the percentage of time being spent on the project [Time] by the researcher being
8.5.2 Design Choices for Specialization/Generalization
It is not always easy to choose the most appropriate conceptual design for a database
application. In Section 7.7.3, we presented some of the typical issues that confront a
database designer when choosing among the concepts of entity types, relationship
types, and attributes to represent a particular miniworld situation as an ER schema.
In this section, we discuss design guidelines and choices for the EER concepts of
specialization/generalization and categories (union types).
As we mentioned in Section 7.7.3, conceptual database design should be considered
as an iterative refinement process until the most suitable design is reached. The following guidelines can help to guide the design process for EER concepts:
In general, many specializations and subclasses can be defined to make the
conceptual model accurate. However, the drawback is that the design
becomes quite cluttered. It is important to represent only those subclasses
that are deemed necessary to avoid extreme cluttering of the conceptual
If a subclass has few specific (local) attributes and no specific relationships, it
can be merged into the superclass. The specific attributes would hold NULL
values for entities that are not members of the subclass. A type attribute
could specify whether an entity is a member of the subclass.
Similarly, if all the subclasses of a specialization/generalization have few specific attributes and no specific relationships, they can be merged into the
superclass and replaced with one or more type attributes that specify the subclass or subclasses that each entity belongs to (see Section 9.2 for how this
criterion applies to relational databases).
Union types and categories should generally be avoided unless the situation
definitely warrants this type of construct, which does occur in some practical situations. If possible, we try to model using specialization/generalization
as discussed at the end of Section 8.4.
The choice of disjoint/overlapping and total/partial constraints on specialization/generalization is driven by the rules in the miniworld being modeled.
If the requirements do not indicate any particular constraints, the default
would generally be overlapping and partial, since this does not specify any
restrictions on subclass membership.
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
As an example of applying these guidelines, consider Figure 8.6, where no specific
(local) attributes are shown. We could merge all the subclasses into the EMPLOYEE
entity type, and add the following attributes to EMPLOYEE:
An attribute Job_type whose value set {‘Secretary’, ‘Engineer’, ‘Technician’}
would indicate which subclass in the first specialization each employee
belongs to.
An attribute Pay_method whose value set {‘Salaried’, ‘Hourly’} would indicate
which subclass in the second specialization each employee belongs to.
An attribute Is_a_manager whose value set {‘Yes’, ‘No’} would indicate
whether an individual employee entity is a manager or not.
8.5.3 Formal Definitions for the EER Model Concepts
We now summarize the EER model concepts and give formal definitions. A class11
is a set or collection of entities; this includes any of the EER schema constructs of
group entities, such as entity types, subclasses, superclasses, and categories. A
subclass S is a class whose entities must always be a subset of the entities in another
class, called the superclass C of the superclass/subclass (or IS-A) relationship. We
denote such a relationship by C/S. For such a superclass/subclass relationship, we
must always have
A specialization Z = {S1, S2, ..., Sn} is a set of subclasses that have the same superclass G; that is, G/Si is a superclass/subclass relationship for i = 1, 2, ..., n. G is called
a generalized entity type (or the superclass of the specialization, or a
generalization of the subclasses {S1, S2, ..., Sn} ). Z is said to be total if we always (at
any point in time) have
∪ Si = G
Otherwise, Z is said to be partial. Z is said to be disjoint if we always have
Si ∩ Sj = ∅ (empty set) for i ≠ j
Otherwise, Z is said to be overlapping.
A subclass S of C is said to be predicate-defined if a predicate p on the attributes of
C is used to specify which entities in C are members of S; that is, S = C[p], where
C[p] is the set of entities in C that satisfy p. A subclass that is not defined by a predicate is called user-defined.
A specialization Z (or generalization G) is said to be attribute-defined if a predicate
(A = ci), where A is an attribute of G and ci is a constant value from the domain of A,
use of the word class here differs from its more common use in object-oriented programming languages such as C++. In C++, a class is a structured type definition along with its applicable functions
8.6 Example of Other Notation: Representing Specialization and Generalization in UML Class Diagrams
is used to specify membership in each subclass Si in Z. Notice that if ci ≠ cj for i ≠ j,
and A is a single-valued attribute, then the specialization will be disjoint.
A category T is a class that is a subset of the union of n defining superclasses D1, D2,
..., Dn, n > 1, and is formally specified as follows:
T ⊆ (D1 ∪ D2 ... ∪ Dn)
A predicate pi on the attributes of Di can be used to specify the members of each Di
that are members of T. If a predicate is specified on every Di, we get
T = (D1[p1] ∪ D2[p2] ... ∪ Dn[pn])
We should now extend the definition of relationship type given in Chapter 7 by
allowing any class—not only any entity type—to participate in a relationship.
Hence, we should replace the words entity type with class in that definition. The
graphical notation of EER is consistent with ER because all classes are represented
by rectangles.
8.6 Example of Other Notation: Representing
Specialization and Generalization in UML
Class Diagrams
We now discuss the UML notation for generalization/specialization and inheritance. We already presented basic UML class diagram notation and terminology in
Section 7.8. Figure 8.10 illustrates a possible UML class diagram corresponding to
the EER diagram in Figure 8.7. The basic notation for specialization/generalization
(see Figure 8.10) is to connect the subclasses by vertical lines to a horizontal line,
which has a triangle connecting the horizontal line through another vertical line to
the superclass. A blank triangle indicates a specialization/generalization with the
disjoint constraint, and a filled triangle indicates an overlapping constraint. The root
superclass is called the base class, and the subclasses (leaf nodes) are called leaf
The above discussion and example in Figure 8.10, and the presentation in Section
7.8 gave a brief overview of UML class diagrams and terminology. We focused on
the concepts that are relevant to ER and EER database modeling, rather than those
concepts that are more relevant to software engineering. In UML, there are many
details that we have not discussed because they are outside the scope of this book
and are mainly relevant to software engineering. For example, classes can be of various types:
Abstract classes define attributes and operations but do not have objects corresponding to those classes. These are mainly used to specify a set of attributes and operations that can be inherited.
Concrete classes can have objects (entities) instantiated to belong to the
Template classes specify a template that can be further used to define other
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
* Degree
Figure 8.10
A UML class diagram corresponding to the EER diagram in Figure 8.7,
illustrating UML notation for specialization/generalization.
In database design, we are mainly concerned with specifying concrete classes whose
collections of objects are permanently (or persistently) stored in the database. The
bibliographic notes at the end of this chapter give some references to books that
describe complete details of UML. Additional material related to UML is covered in
Chapter 10.
8.7 Data Abstraction, Knowledge Representation, and Ontology Concepts
8.7 Data Abstraction, Knowledge
Representation, and Ontology Concepts
In this section we discuss in general terms some of the modeling concepts that we
described quite specifically in our presentation of the ER and EER models in
Chapter 7 and earlier in this chapter. This terminology is not only used in conceptual data modeling but also in artificial intelligence literature when discussing
knowledge representation (KR). This section discusses the similarities and differences between conceptual modeling and knowledge representation, and introduces
some of the alternative terminology and a few additional concepts.
The goal of KR techniques is to develop concepts for accurately modeling some
domain of knowledge by creating an ontology12 that describes the concepts of the
domain and how these concepts are interrelated. Such an ontology is used to store
and manipulate knowledge for drawing inferences, making decisions, or answering
questions. The goals of KR are similar to those of semantic data models, but there
are some important similarities and differences between the two disciplines:
Both disciplines use an abstraction process to identify common properties
and important aspects of objects in the miniworld (also known as domain of
discourse in KR) while suppressing insignificant differences and unimportant details.
Both disciplines provide concepts, relationships, constraints, operations, and
languages for defining data and representing knowledge.
KR is generally broader in scope than semantic data models. Different forms
of knowledge, such as rules (used in inference, deduction, and search),
incomplete and default knowledge, and temporal and spatial knowledge, are
represented in KR schemes. Database models are being expanded to include
some of these concepts (see Chapter 26).
KR schemes include reasoning mechanisms that deduce additional facts
from the facts stored in a database. Hence, whereas most current database
systems are limited to answering direct queries, knowledge-based systems
using KR schemes can answer queries that involve inferences over the stored
data. Database technology is being extended with inference mechanisms (see
Section 26.5).
Whereas most data models concentrate on the representation of database
schemas, or meta-knowledge, KR schemes often mix up the schemas with
the instances themselves in order to provide flexibility in representing exceptions. This often results in inefficiencies when these KR schemes are implemented, especially when compared with databases and when a large amount
of data (facts) needs to be stored.
ontology is somewhat similar to a conceptual schema, but with more knowledge, rules, and excep-
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
We now discuss four abstraction concepts that are used in semantic data models,
such as the EER model as well as in KR schemes: (1) classification and instantiation,
(2) identification, (3) specialization and generalization, and (4) aggregation and
association. The paired concepts of classification and instantiation are inverses of
one another, as are generalization and specialization. The concepts of aggregation
and association are also related. We discuss these abstract concepts and their relation to the concrete representations used in the EER model to clarify the data
abstraction process and to improve our understanding of the related process of conceptual schema design. We close the section with a brief discussion of ontology,
which is being used widely in recent knowledge representation research.
8.7.1 Classification and Instantiation
The process of classification involves systematically assigning similar objects/entities to object classes/entity types. We can now describe (in DB) or reason about (in
KR) the classes rather than the individual objects. Collections of objects that share
the same types of attributes, relationships, and constraints are classified into classes
in order to simplify the process of discovering their properties. Instantiation is the
inverse of classification and refers to the generation and specific examination of distinct objects of a class. An object instance is related to its object class by the IS-ANINSTANCE-OF or IS-A-MEMBER-OF relationship. Although EER diagrams do
not display instances, the UML diagrams allow a form of instantiation by permitting the display of individual objects. We did not describe this feature in our introduction to UML class diagrams.
In general, the objects of a class should have a similar type structure. However, some
objects may display properties that differ in some respects from the other objects of
the class; these exception objects also need to be modeled, and KR schemes allow
more varied exceptions than do database models. In addition, certain properties
apply to the class as a whole and not to the individual objects; KR schemes allow
such class properties. UML diagrams also allow specification of class properties.
In the EER model, entities are classified into entity types according to their basic
attributes and relationships. Entities are further classified into subclasses and categories based on additional similarities and differences (exceptions) among them.
Relationship instances are classified into relationship types. Hence, entity types,
subclasses, categories, and relationship types are the different concepts that are used
for classification in the EER model. The EER model does not provide explicitly for
class properties, but it may be extended to do so. In UML, objects are classified into
classes, and it is possible to display both class properties and individual objects.
Knowledge representation models allow multiple classification schemes in which
one class is an instance of another class (called a meta-class). Notice that this cannot
be represented directly in the EER model, because we have only two levels—classes
and instances. The only relationship among classes in the EER model is a superclass/subclass relationship, whereas in some KR schemes an additional
class/instance relationship can be represented directly in a class hierarchy. An
instance may itself be another class, allowing multiple-level classification schemes.
8.7 Data Abstraction, Knowledge Representation, and Ontology Concepts
8.7.2 Identification
Identification is the abstraction process whereby classes and objects are made
uniquely identifiable by means of some identifier. For example, a class name
uniquely identifies a whole class within a schema. An additional mechanism is necessary for telling distinct object instances apart by means of object identifiers.
Moreover, it is necessary to identify multiple manifestations in the database of the
same real-world object. For example, we may have a tuple <‘Matthew Clarke’,
‘610618’, ‘376-9821’> in a PERSON relation and another tuple <‘301-54-0836’, ‘CS’,
3.8> in a STUDENT relation that happen to represent the same real-world entity.
There is no way to identify the fact that these two database objects (tuples) represent
the same real-world entity unless we make a provision at design time for appropriate
cross-referencing to supply this identification. Hence, identification is needed at
two levels:
To distinguish among database objects and classes
To identify database objects and to relate them to their real-world counterparts
In the EER model, identification of schema constructs is based on a system of
unique names for the constructs in a schema. For example, every class in an EER
schema—whether it is an entity type, a subclass, a category, or a relationship type—
must have a distinct name. The names of attributes of a particular class must also be
distinct. Rules for unambiguously identifying attribute name references in a specialization or generalization lattice or hierarchy are needed as well.
At the object level, the values of key attributes are used to distinguish among entities
of a particular entity type. For weak entity types, entities are identified by a combination of their own partial key values and the entities they are related to in the
owner entity type(s). Relationship instances are identified by some combination of
the entities that they relate to, depending on the cardinality ratio specified.
8.7.3 Specialization and Generalization
Specialization is the process of classifying a class of objects into more specialized
subclasses. Generalization is the inverse process of generalizing several classes into
a higher-level abstract class that includes the objects in all these classes.
Specialization is conceptual refinement, whereas generalization is conceptual synthesis. Subclasses are used in the EER model to represent specialization and generalization. We call the relationship between a subclass and its superclass an
IS-A-SUBCLASS-OF relationship, or simply an IS-A relationship. This is the same
as the IS-A relationship discussed earlier in Section 8.5.3.
8.7.4 Aggregation and Association
Aggregation is an abstraction concept for building composite objects from their
component objects. There are three cases where this concept can be related to the
EER model. The first case is the situation in which we aggregate attribute values of
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
an object to form the whole object. The second case is when we represent an aggregation relationship as an ordinary relationship. The third case, which the EER
model does not provide for explicitly, involves the possibility of combining objects
that are related by a particular relationship instance into a higher-level aggregate
object. This is sometimes useful when the higher-level aggregate object is itself to be
related to another object. We call the relationship between the primitive objects and
their aggregate object IS-A-PART-OF; the inverse is called IS-A-COMPONENTOF. UML provides for all three types of aggregation.
The abstraction of association is used to associate objects from several independent
classes. Hence, it is somewhat similar to the second use of aggregation. It is represented in the EER model by relationship types, and in UML by associations. This
abstract relationship is called IS-ASSOCIATED-WITH.
In order to understand the different uses of aggregation better, consider the ER
schema shown in Figure 8.11(a), which stores information about interviews by job
applicants to various companies. The class COMPANY is an aggregation of the
attributes (or component objects) Cname (company name) and Caddress (company
address), whereas JOB_APPLICANT is an aggregate of Ssn, Name, Address, and Phone.
The relationship attributes Contact_name and Contact_phone represent the name
and phone number of the person in the company who is responsible for the interview. Suppose that some interviews result in job offers, whereas others do not. We
would like to treat INTERVIEW as a class to associate it with JOB_OFFER. The
schema shown in Figure 8.11(b) is incorrect because it requires each interview relationship instance to have a job offer. The schema shown in Figure 8.11(c) is not
allowed because the ER model does not allow relationships among relationships.
One way to represent this situation is to create a higher-level aggregate class composed of COMPANY, JOB_APPLICANT, and INTERVIEW and to relate this class to
JOB_OFFER, as shown in Figure 8.11(d). Although the EER model as described in
this book does not have this facility, some semantic data models do allow it and call
the resulting object a composite or molecular object. Other models treat entity
types and relationship types uniformly and hence permit relationships among relationships, as illustrated in Figure 8.11(c).
To represent this situation correctly in the ER model as described here, we need to
create a new weak entity type INTERVIEW, as shown in Figure 8.11(e), and relate it to
JOB_OFFER. Hence, we can always represent these situations correctly in the ER
model by creating additional entity types, although it may be conceptually more
desirable to allow direct representation of aggregation, as in Figure 8.11(d), or to
allow relationships among relationships, as in Figure 8.11(c).
The main structural distinction between aggregation and association is that when
an association instance is deleted, the participating objects may continue to exist.
However, if we support the notion of an aggregate object—for example, a CAR that
is made up of objects ENGINE, CHASSIS, and TIRES—then deleting the aggregate
CAR object amounts to deleting all its component objects.
8.7 Data Abstraction, Knowledge Representation, and Ontology Concepts
Figure 8.11
Aggregation. (a) The relationship type INTERVIEW. (b)
Including JOB_OFFER in a
ternary relationship type
(incorrect). (c) Having the
RESULTS_IN relationship participate in other relationships
(not allowed in ER). (d) Using
aggregation and a composite
(molecular) object (generally
not allowed in ER but allowed
by some modeling tools). (e)
Correct representation in ER.
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
8.7.5 Ontologies and the Semantic Web
In recent years, the amount of computerized data and information available on the
Web has spiraled out of control. Many different models and formats are used. In
addition to the database models that we present in this book, much information is
stored in the form of documents, which have considerably less structure than database information does. One ongoing project that is attempting to allow information
exchange among computers on the Web is called the Semantic Web, which attempts
to create knowledge representation models that are quite general in order to allow
meaningful information exchange and search among machines. The concept of
ontology is considered to be the most promising basis for achieving the goals of the
Semantic Web and is closely related to knowledge representation. In this section, we
give a brief introduction to what ontology is and how it can be used as a basis to
automate information understanding, search, and exchange.
The study of ontologies attempts to describe the structures and relationships that
are possible in reality through some common vocabulary; therefore, it can be considered as a way to describe the knowledge of a certain community about reality.
Ontology originated in the fields of philosophy and metaphysics. One commonly
used definition of ontology is a specification of a conceptualization.13
In this definition, a conceptualization is the set of concepts that are used to represent the part of reality or knowledge that is of interest to a community of users.
Specification refers to the language and vocabulary terms that are used to specify
the conceptualization. The ontology includes both specification and
conceptualization. For example, the same conceptualization may be specified in two
different languages, giving two separate ontologies. Based on this quite general definition, there is no consensus on what an ontology is exactly. Some possible ways to
describe ontologies are as follows:
A thesaurus (or even a dictionary or a glossary of terms) describes the relationships between words (vocabulary) that represent various concepts.
A taxonomy describes how concepts of a particular area of knowledge are
related using structures similar to those used in a specialization or generalization.
A detailed database schema is considered by some to be an ontology that
describes the concepts (entities and attributes) and relationships of a miniworld from reality.
A logical theory uses concepts from mathematical logic to try to define concepts and their interrelationships.
Usually the concepts used to describe ontologies are quite similar to the concepts we
discussed in conceptual modeling, such as entities, attributes, relationships, specializations, and so on. The main difference between an ontology and, say, a database
schema, is that the schema is usually limited to describing a small subset of a mini-
definition is given in Gruber (1995).
Review Questions
world from reality in order to store and manage data. An ontology is usually considered to be more general in that it attempts to describe a part of reality or a domain
of interest (for example, medical terms, electronic-commerce applications, sports,
and so on) as completely as possible.
8.8 Summary
In this chapter we discussed extensions to the ER model that improve its representational capabilities. We called the resulting model the enhanced ER or EER model.
We presented the concept of a subclass and its superclass and the related mechanism
of attribute/relationship inheritance. We saw how it is sometimes necessary to create
additional classes of entities, either because of additional specific attributes or
because of specific relationship types. We discussed two main processes for defining
superclass/subclass hierarchies and lattices: specialization and generalization.
Next, we showed how to display these new constructs in an EER diagram. We also
discussed the various types of constraints that may apply to specialization or generalization. The two main constraints are total/partial and disjoint/overlapping. In
addition, a defining predicate for a subclass or a defining attribute for a specialization may be specified. We discussed the differences between user-defined and
predicate-defined subclasses and between user-defined and attribute-defined specializations. Finally, we discussed the concept of a category or union type, which is a
subset of the union of two or more classes, and we gave formal definitions of all the
concepts presented.
We introduced some of the notation and terminology of UML for representing specialization and generalization. In Section 8.7 we briefly discussed the discipline of
knowledge representation and how it is related to semantic data modeling. We also
gave an overview and summary of the types of abstract data representation concepts: classification and instantiation, identification, specialization and generalization, and aggregation and association. We saw how EER and UML concepts are
related to each of these.
Review Questions
8.1. What is a subclass? When is a subclass needed in data modeling?
8.2. Define the following terms: superclass of a subclass, superclass/subclass rela-
tionship, IS-A relationship, specialization, generalization, category, specific
(local) attributes, and specific relationships.
8.3. Discuss the mechanism of attribute/relationship inheritance. Why is it use-
8.4. Discuss user-defined and predicate-defined subclasses, and identify the dif-
ferences between the two.
8.5. Discuss user-defined and attribute-defined specializations, and identify the
differences between the two.
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
8.6. Discuss the two main types of constraints on specializations and generaliza-
8.7. What is the difference between a specialization hierarchy and a specialization
8.8. What is the difference between specialization and generalization? Why do we
not display this difference in schema diagrams?
8.9. How does a category differ from a regular shared subclass? What is a cate-
gory used for? Illustrate your answer with examples.
8.10. For each of the following UML terms (see Sections 7.8 and 8.6), discuss the
corresponding term in the EER model, if any: object, class, association,
aggregation, generalization, multiplicity, attributes, discriminator, link, link
attribute, reflexive association, and qualified association.
8.11. Discuss the main differences between the notation for EER schema diagrams
and UML class diagrams by comparing how common concepts are represented in each.
8.12. List the various data abstraction concepts and the corresponding modeling
concepts in the EER model.
8.13. What aggregation feature is missing from the EER model? How can the EER
model be further enhanced to support it?
8.14. What are the main similarities and differences between conceptual database
modeling techniques and knowledge representation techniques?
8.15. Discuss the similarities and differences between an ontology and a database
8.16. Design an EER schema for a database application that you are interested in.
Specify all constraints that should hold on the database. Make sure that the
schema has at least five entity types, four relationship types, a weak entity
type, a superclass/subclass relationship, a category, and an n-ary (n > 2) relationship type.
8.17. Consider the BANK ER schema in Figure 7.21, and suppose that it is necessary to keep track of different types of ACCOUNTS (SAVINGS_ACCTS,
Suppose that it is also desirable to keep track of each ACCOUNT’s
TRANSACTIONS (deposits, withdrawals, checks, ...) and each LOAN’s
PAYMENTS; both of these include the amount, date, and time. Modify the
BANK schema, using ER and EER concepts of specialization and generaliza-
tion. State any assumptions you make about the additional requirements.
8.18. The following narrative describes a simplified version of the organization of
Olympic facilities planned for the summer Olympics. Draw an EER diagram
that shows the entity types, attributes, relationships, and specializations for
this application. State any assumptions you make. The Olympic facilities are
divided into sports complexes. Sports complexes are divided into one-sport
and multisport types. Multisport complexes have areas of the complex designated for each sport with a location indicator (e.g., center, NE corner, and so
on). A complex has a location, chief organizing individual, total occupied
area, and so on. Each complex holds a series of events (e.g., the track stadium
may hold many different races). For each event there is a planned date, duration, number of participants, number of officials, and so on. A roster of all
officials will be maintained together with the list of events each official will
be involved in. Different equipment is needed for the events (e.g., goal posts,
poles, parallel bars) as well as for maintenance. The two types of facilities
(one-sport and multisport) will have different types of information. For
each type, the number of facilities needed is kept, together with an approximate budget.
8.19. Identify all the important concepts represented in the library database case
study described below. In particular, identify the abstractions of classification (entity types and relationship types), aggregation, identification, and
specialization/generalization. Specify (min, max) cardinality constraints
whenever possible. List details that will affect the eventual design but that
have no bearing on the conceptual design. List the semantic constraints separately. Draw an EER diagram of the library database.
Case Study: The Georgia Tech Library (GTL) has approximately 16,000
members, 100,000 titles, and 250,000 volumes (an average of 2.5 copies per
book). About 10 percent of the volumes are out on loan at any one time. The
librarians ensure that the books that members want to borrow are available
when the members want to borrow them. Also, the librarians must know how
many copies of each book are in the library or out on loan at any given time.
A catalog of books is available online that lists books by author, title, and subject area. For each title in the library, a book description is kept in the catalog
that ranges from one sentence to several pages. The reference librarians want
to be able to access this description when members request information
about a book. Library staff includes chief librarian, departmental associate
librarians, reference librarians, check-out staff, and library assistants.
Books can be checked out for 21 days. Members are allowed to have only five
books out at a time. Members usually return books within three to four
weeks. Most members know that they have one week of grace before a notice
is sent to them, so they try to return books before the grace period ends.
About 5 percent of the members have to be sent reminders to return books.
Most overdue books are returned within a month of the due date.
Approximately 5 percent of the overdue books are either kept or never
returned. The most active members of the library are defined as those who
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
borrow books at least ten times during the year. The top 1 percent of membership does 15 percent of the borrowing, and the top 10 percent of the
membership does 40 percent of the borrowing. About 20 percent of the
members are totally inactive in that they are members who never borrow.
To become a member of the library, applicants fill out a form including their
SSN, campus and home mailing addresses, and phone numbers. The librarians issue a numbered, machine-readable card with the member’s photo on
it. This card is good for four years. A month before a card expires, a notice is
sent to a member for renewal. Professors at the institute are considered automatic members. When a new faculty member joins the institute, his or her
information is pulled from the employee records and a library card is mailed
to his or her campus address. Professors are allowed to check out books for
three-month intervals and have a two-week grace period. Renewal notices to
professors are sent to their campus address.
The library does not lend some books, such as reference books, rare books,
and maps. The librarians must differentiate between books that can be lent
and those that cannot be lent. In addition, the librarians have a list of some
books they are interested in acquiring but cannot obtain, such as rare or outof-print books and books that were lost or destroyed but have not been
replaced. The librarians must have a system that keeps track of books that
cannot be lent as well as books that they are interested in acquiring. Some
books may have the same title; therefore, the title cannot be used as a means
of identification. Every book is identified by its International Standard Book
Number (ISBN), a unique international code assigned to all books. Two
books with the same title can have different ISBNs if they are in different languages or have different bindings (hardcover or softcover). Editions of the
same book have different ISBNs.
The proposed database system must be designed to keep track of the members, the books, the catalog, and the borrowing activity.
8.20. Design a database to keep track of information for an art museum. Assume
that the following requirements were collected:
■ The museum has a collection of ART_OBJECTS. Each ART_OBJECT has a
unique Id_no, an Artist (if known), a Year (when it was created, if known),
a Title, and a Description. The art objects are categorized in several ways, as
discussed below.
■ ART_OBJECTS are categorized based on their type. There are three main
types: PAINTING, SCULPTURE, and STATUE, plus another type called
OTHER to accommodate objects that do not fall into one of the three
main types.
■ A PAINTING has a Paint_type (oil, watercolor, etc.), material on which it is
Drawn_on (paper, canvas, wood, etc.), and Style (modern, abstract, etc.).
■ A SCULPTURE or a statue has a Material from which it was created (wood,
stone, etc.), Height, Weight, and Style.
An art object in the OTHER category has a Type (print, photo, etc.) and
ART_OBJECTs are categorized as either PERMANENT_COLLECTION
(objects that are owned by the museum) and BORROWED. Information
captured about objects in the PERMANENT_COLLECTION includes
Date_acquired, Status (on display, on loan, or stored), and Cost.
Information captured about BORROWED objects includes the Collection
from which it was borrowed, Date_borrowed, and Date_returned.
Information describing the country or culture of Origin (Italian, Egyptian,
American, Indian, and so forth) and Epoch (Renaissance, Modern,
Ancient, and so forth) is captured for each ART_OBJECT.
The museum keeps track of ARTIST information, if known: Name,
DateBorn (if known), Date_died (if not living), Country_of_origin, Epoch,
Main_style, and Description. The Name is assumed to be unique.
Different EXHIBITIONS occur, each having a Name, Start_date, and
End_date. EXHIBITIONS are related to all the art objects that were on display during the exhibition.
Information is kept on other COLLECTIONS with which the museum
interacts, including Name (unique), Type (museum, personal, etc.),
Description, Address, Phone, and current Contact_person.
Draw an EER schema diagram for this application. Discuss any assumptions
you make, and that justify your EER design choices.
8.21. Figure 8.12 shows an example of an EER diagram for a small private airport
database that is used to keep track of airplanes, their owners, airport
employees, and pilots. From the requirements for this database, the following information was collected: Each AIRPLANE has a registration number
[Reg#], is of a particular plane type [OF_TYPE], and is stored in a particular
hangar [STORED_IN]. Each PLANE_TYPE has a model number [Model], a
capacity [Capacity], and a weight [Weight]. Each HANGAR has a number
[Number], a capacity [Capacity], and a location [Location]. The database also
keeps track of the OWNERs of each plane [OWNS] and the EMPLOYEEs who
have maintained the plane [MAINTAIN]. Each relationship instance in OWNS
relates an AIRPLANE to an OWNER and includes the purchase date [Pdate].
Each relationship instance in MAINTAIN relates an EMPLOYEE to a service
record [SERVICE]. Each plane undergoes service many times; hence, it is
related by [PLANE_SERVICE] to a number of SERVICE records. A SERVICE
record includes as attributes the date of maintenance [Date], the number of
hours spent on the work [Hours], and the type of work done [Work_code].
We use a weak entity type [SERVICE] to represent airplane service, because
the airplane registration number is used to identify a service record. An
OWNER is either a person or a corporation. Hence, we use a union type (category) [OWNER] that is a subset of the union of corporation
[CORPORATION] and person [PERSON] entity types. Both pilots [PILOT]
and employees [EMPLOYEE] are subclasses of PERSON. Each PILOT has
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
Sala ry
Add ress
Add ress
Figure 8.12
EER schema for a SMALL_AIRPORT database.
specific attributes license number [Lic_num] and restrictions [Restr]; each
EMPLOYEE has specific attributes salary [Salary] and shift worked [Shift]. All
PERSON entities in the database have data kept on their Social Security
number [Ssn], name [Name], address [Address], and telephone number
[Phone]. For CORPORATION entities, the data kept includes name [Name],
address [Address], and telephone number [Phone]. The database also keeps
track of the types of planes each pilot is authorized to fly [FLIES] and the
types of planes each employee can do maintenance work on [WORKS_ON].
Show how the SMALL_AIRPORT EER schema in Figure 8.12 may be represented in UML notation. (Note: We have not discussed how to represent categories (union types) in UML, so you do not have to map the categories in
this and the following question.)
8.22. Show how the UNIVERSITY EER schema in Figure 8.9 may be represented in
UML notation.
8.23. Consider the entity sets and attributes shown in the table below. Place a
checkmark in one column in each row to indicate the relationship between
the far left and right columns.
a. The left side has a relationship with the right side.
b. The right side is an attribute of the left side.
c. The left side is a specialization of the right side.
d. The left side is a generalization of the right side.
Entity Set
(a) Has a
(b) Has an
that is
(c) Is a
(d) Is a
8.24. Draw a UML diagram for storing a played game of chess in a database. You
may look at for an application similar to what
you are designing. State clearly any assumptions you make in your UML diagram. A sample of assumptions you can make about the scope is as follows:
1. The game of chess is played between two players.
2. The game is played on an 8 × 8 board like the one shown below:
Entity Set
or Attribute
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
3. The players are assigned a color of black or white at the start of the game.
4. Each player starts with the following pieces (traditionally called chess-
a. king
b. queen
c. 2 rooks
d. 2 bishops
e. 2 knights
f. 8 pawns
5. Every piece has its own initial position.
6. Every piece has its own set of legal moves based on the state of the game.
You do not need to worry about which moves are or are not legal except
for the following issues:
a. A piece may move to an empty square or capture an opposing piece.
b. If a piece is captured, it is removed from the board.
c. If a pawn moves to the last row, it is “promoted” by converting it to
another piece (queen, rook, bishop, or knight).
Note: Some of these functions may be spread over multiple classes.
8.25. Draw an EER diagram for a game of chess as described in Exercise 8.24.
Focus on persistent storage aspects of the system. For example, the system
would need to retrieve all the moves of every game played in sequential
8.26. Which of the following EER diagrams is/are incorrect and why? State clearly
any assumptions you make.
Laboratory Exercises
8.27. Consider the following EER diagram that describes the computer systems at
a company. Provide your own attributes and key for each entity type. Supply
max cardinality constraints justifying your choice. Write a complete narrative description of what this EER diagram represents.
Laboratory Exercises
8.28. Consider a GRADE_BOOK database in which instructors within an academic department record
points earned by individual students in their classes. The data requirements are summarized as
■ Each student is identified by a unique identifier, first and last name, and an e-mail address.
■ Each instructor teaches certain courses each term. Each course is identified by a course number, a section number, and the term in which it is taught. For each course he or she teaches, the
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
instructor specifies the minimum number of points required in order to
earn letter grades A, B, C, D, and F. For example, 90 points for an A, 80
points for a B, 70 points for a C, and so forth.
Students are enrolled in each course taught by the instructor.
Each course has a number of grading components (such as midterm
exam, final exam, project, and so forth). Each grading component has a
maximum number of points (such as 100 or 50) and a weight (such as
20% or 10%). The weights of all the grading components of a course usually total 100.
Finally, the instructor records the points earned by each student in each of
the grading components in each of the courses. For example, student
1234 earns 84 points for the midterm exam grading component of the
section 2 course CSc2310 in the fall term of 2009. The midterm exam
grading component may have been defined to have a maximum of 100
points and a weight of 20% of the course grade.
Design an Enhanced Entity-Relationship diagram for the grade book database and build the design using a data modeling tool such as ERwin or
Rational Rose.
8.29. Consider an ONLINE_AUCTION database system in which members (buyers
and sellers) participate in the sale of items. The data requirements for this
system are summarized as follows:
■ The online site has members, each of whom is identified by a unique
member number and is described by an e-mail address, name, password,
home address, and phone number.
■ A member may be a buyer or a seller. A buyer has a shipping address
recorded in the database. A seller has a bank account number and routing
number recorded in the database.
■ Items are placed by a seller for sale and are identified by a unique item
number assigned by the system. Items are also described by an item title, a
description, starting bid price, bidding increment, the start date of the
auction, and the end date of the auction.
■ Items are also categorized based on a fixed classification hierarchy (for
example, a modem may be classified as COMPUTER→HARDWARE
■ Buyers make bids for items they are interested in. Bid price and time of
bid is recorded. The bidder at the end of the auction with the highest bid
price is declared the winner and a transaction between buyer and seller
may then proceed.
■ The buyer and seller may record feedback regarding their completed
transactions. Feedback contains a rating of the other party participating
in the transaction (1–10) and a comment.
Laboratory Exercises
Design an Enhanced Entity-Relationship diagram for the ONLINE_AUCTION
database and build the design using a data modeling tool such as ERwin or
Rational Rose.
8.30. Consider a database system for a baseball organization such as the major
leagues. The data requirements are summarized as follows:
■ The personnel involved in the league include players, coaches, managers,
and umpires. Each is identified by a unique personnel id. They are also
described by their first and last names along with the date and place of
■ Players are further described by other attributes such as their batting orientation (left, right, or switch) and have a lifetime batting average (BA).
■ Within the players group is a subset of players called pitchers. Pitchers
have a lifetime ERA (earned run average) associated with them.
■ Teams are uniquely identified by their names. Teams are also described by
the city in which they are located and the division and league in which
they play (such as Central division of the American League).
■ Teams have one manager, a number of coaches, and a number of players.
■ Games are played between two teams with one designated as the home
team and the other the visiting team on a particular date. The score (runs,
hits, and errors) are recorded for each team. The team with the most runs
is declared the winner of the game.
■ With each finished game, a winning pitcher and a losing pitcher are
recorded. In case there is a save awarded, the save pitcher is also recorded.
■ With each finished game, the number of hits (singles, doubles, triples, and
home runs) obtained by each player is also recorded.
Design an Enhanced Entity-Relationship diagram for the BASEBALL database and enter the design using a data modeling tool such as ERwin or
Rational Rose.
8.31. Consider the EER diagram for the UNIVERSITY database shown in Figure
8.9. Enter this design using a data modeling tool such as ERwin or Rational
Rose. Make a list of the differences in notation between the diagram in the
text and the corresponding equivalent diagrammatic notation you end up
using with the tool.
8.32. Consider the EER diagram for the small AIRPORT database shown in Figure
8.12. Build this design using a data modeling tool such as ERwin or Rational
Rose. Be careful as to how you model the category OWNER in this diagram.
(Hint: Consider using CORPORATION_IS_OWNER and PERSON_IS_
OWNER as two distinct relationship types.)
8.33. Consider the UNIVERSITY database described in Exercise 7.16. You already
developed an ER schema for this database using a data modeling tool such as
Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
ERwin or Rational Rose in Lab Exercise 7.31. Modify this diagram by classifying COURSES as either UNDERGRAD_COURSES or GRAD_COURSES
SENIOR_PROFESSORS. Include appropriate attributes for these new entity
types. Then establish relationships indicating that junior instructors teach
undergraduate courses while senior instructors teach graduate courses.
Selected Bibliography
Many papers have proposed conceptual or semantic data models. We give a representative list here. One group of papers, including Abrial (1974), Senko’s DIAM
model (1975), the NIAM method (Verheijen and VanBekkum 1982), and Bracchi et
al. (1976), presents semantic models that are based on the concept of binary relationships. Another group of early papers discusses methods for extending the relational model to enhance its modeling capabilities. This includes the papers by
Schmid and Swenson (1975), Navathe and Schkolnick (1978), Codd’s RM/T model
(1979), Furtado (1978), and the structural model of Wiederhold and Elmasri
The ER model was proposed originally by Chen (1976) and is formalized in Ng
(1981). Since then, numerous extensions of its modeling capabilities have been proposed, as in Scheuermann et al. (1979), Dos Santos et al. (1979), Teorey et al. (1986),
Gogolla and Hohenstein (1991), and the Entity-Category-Relationship (ECR)
model of Elmasri et al. (1985). Smith and Smith (1977) present the concepts of generalization and aggregation. The semantic data model of Hammer and McLeod
(1981) introduced the concepts of class/subclass lattices, as well as other advanced
modeling concepts.
A survey of semantic data modeling appears in Hull and King (1987). Eick (1991)
discusses design and transformations of conceptual schemas. Analysis of constraints for n-ary relationships is given in Soutou (1998). UML is described in detail
in Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson (1999). Fowler and Scott (2000) and Stevens
and Pooley (2000) give concise introductions to UML concepts.
Fensel (2000, 2003) discuss the Semantic Web and application of ontologies.
Uschold and Gruninger (1996) and Gruber (1995) discuss ontologies. The June
2002 issue of Communications of the ACM is devoted to ontology concepts and
applications. Fensel (2003) is a book that discusses ontologies and e-commerce.
Relational Database
Design by ER- and
EER-to-Relational Mapping
his chapter discusses how to design a relational
database schema based on a conceptual schema
design. Figure 7.1 presented a high-level view of the database design process, and in
this chapter we focus on the logical database design or data model mapping step of
database design. We present the procedures to create a relational schema from an
Entity-Relationship (ER) or an Enhanced ER (EER) schema. Our discussion relates
the constructs of the ER and EER models, presented in Chapters 7 and 8, to the constructs of the relational model, presented in Chapters 3 through 6. Many computeraided software engineering (CASE) tools are based on the ER or EER models, or
other similar models, as we have discussed in Chapters 7 and 8. Many tools use ER
or EER diagrams or variations to develop the schema graphically, and then convert
it automatically into a relational database schema in the DDL of a specific relational
DBMS by employing algorithms similar to the ones presented in this chapter.
We outline a seven-step algorithm in Section 9.1 to convert the basic ER model constructs—entity types (strong and weak), binary relationships (with various structural constraints), n-ary relationships, and attributes (simple, composite, and
multivalued)—into relations. Then, in Section 9.2, we continue the mapping algorithm by describing how to map EER model constructs—specialization/generalization and union types (categories)—into relations. Section 9.3 summarizes the
Chapter 9 Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping
9.1 Relational Database Design Using
ER-to-Relational Mapping
9.1.1 ER-to-Relational Mapping Algorithm
In this section we describe the steps of an algorithm for ER-to-relational mapping.
We use the COMPANY database example to illustrate the mapping procedure. The
COMPANY ER schema is shown again in Figure 9.1, and the corresponding
COMPANY relational database schema is shown in Figure 9.2 to illustrate the map-
Figure 9.1
The ER conceptual schema diagram for the COMPANY database.
9.1 Relational Database Design Using ER-to-Relational Mapping
Figure 9.2
Result of mapping the
into a relational database
ping steps. We assume that the mapping will create tables with simple single-valued
attributes. The relational model constraints defined in Chapter 3, which include
primary keys, unique keys (if any), and referential integrity constraints on the relations, will also be specified in the mapping results.
Step 1: Mapping of Regular Entity Types. For each regular (strong) entity type
E in the ER schema, create a relation R that includes all the simple attributes of E.
Include only the simple component attributes of a composite attribute. Choose one
of the key attributes of E as the primary key for R. If the chosen key of E is a composite, then the set of simple attributes that form it will together form the primary
key of R.
If multiple keys were identified for E during the conceptual design, the information
describing the attributes that form each additional key is kept in order to specify
secondary (unique) keys of relation R. Knowledge about keys is also kept for indexing purposes and other types of analyses.
In our example, we create the relations EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT, and PROJECT in
Figure 9.2 to correspond to the regular entity types EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT, and
PROJECT in Figure 9.1. The foreign key and relationship attributes, if any, are
not included yet; they will be added during subsequent steps. These include the
Chapter 9 Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping
attributes Super_ssn and Dno of EMPLOYEE, Mgr_ssn and Mgr_start_date of
DEPARTMENT, and Dnum of PROJECT. In our example, we choose Ssn, Dnumber,
and Pnumber as primary keys for the relations EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT, and
PROJECT, respectively. Knowledge that Dname of DEPARTMENT and Pname of
PROJECT are secondary keys is kept for possible use later in the design.
The relations that are created from the mapping of entity types are sometimes called
entity relations because each tuple represents an entity instance. The result after
this mapping step is shown in Figure 9.3(a).
Step 2: Mapping of Weak Entity Types. For each weak entity type W in the ER
schema with owner entity type E, create a relation R and include all simple attributes (or simple components of composite attributes) of W as attributes of R. In
addition, include as foreign key attributes of R, the primary key attribute(s) of the
relation(s) that correspond to the owner entity type(s); this takes care of mapping
the identifying relationship type of W. The primary key of R is the combination of
the primary key(s) of the owner(s) and the partial key of the weak entity type W, if
If there is a weak entity type E2 whose owner is also a weak entity type E1, then E1
should be mapped before E2 to determine its primary key first.
In our example, we create the relation DEPENDENT in this step to correspond to the
weak entity type DEPENDENT (see Figure 9.3(b)). We include the primary key Ssn
of the EMPLOYEE relation—which corresponds to the owner entity type—as a foreign key attribute of DEPENDENT; we rename it Essn, although this is not necessary.
Figure 9.3
Illustration of some
mapping steps.
(a) Entity relations
after step 1.
(b) Additional weak entity
relation after step 2.
(c) Relationship relation
after step 5.
(d) Relation representing
multivalued attribute
after step 6.
9.1 Relational Database Design Using ER-to-Relational Mapping
The primary key of the DEPENDENT relation is the combination {Essn,
Dependent_name}, because Dependent_name (also renamed from Name in Figure 9.1)
is the partial key of DEPENDENT.
It is common to choose the propagate (CASCADE) option for the referential triggered action (see Section 4.2) on the foreign key in the relation corresponding to the
weak entity type, since a weak entity has an existence dependency on its owner
entity. This can be used for both ON UPDATE and ON DELETE.
Step 3: Mapping of Binary 1:1 Relationship Types. For each binary 1:1 relationship type R in the ER schema, identify the relations S and T that correspond to
the entity types participating in R. There are three possible approaches: (1) the foreign key approach, (2) the merged relationship approach, and (3) the crossreference or relationship relation approach. The first approach is the most useful
and should be followed unless special conditions exist, as we discuss below.
1. Foreign key approach: Choose one of the relations—S, say—and include as
a foreign key in S the primary key of T. It is better to choose an entity type
with total participation in R in the role of S. Include all the simple attributes
(or simple components of composite attributes) of the 1:1 relationship type
R as attributes of S.
In our example, we map the 1:1 relationship type MANAGES from Figure
9.1 by choosing the participating entity type DEPARTMENT to serve in the
role of S because its participation in the MANAGES relationship type is total
(every department has a manager). We include the primary key of the
EMPLOYEE relation as foreign key in the DEPARTMENT relation and rename
it Mgr_ssn. We also include the simple attribute Start_date of the MANAGES
relationship type in the DEPARTMENT relation and rename it Mgr_start_date
(see Figure 9.2).
Note that it is possible to include the primary key of S as a foreign key in T
instead. In our example, this amounts to having a foreign key attribute, say
Department_managed in the EMPLOYEE relation, but it will have a NULL value
for employee tuples who do not manage a department. If only 2 percent of
employees manage a department, then 98 percent of the foreign keys would
be NULL in this case. Another possibility is to have foreign keys in both relations S and T redundantly, but this creates redundancy and incurs a penalty
for consistency maintenance.
2. Merged relation approach: An alternative mapping of a 1:1 relationship
type is to merge the two entity types and the relationship into a single relation. This is possible when both participations are total, as this would indicate
that the two tables will have the exact same number of tuples at all times.
3. Cross-reference or relationship relation approach: The third option is to
set up a third relation R for the purpose of cross-referencing the primary
keys of the two relations S and T representing the entity types. As we will see,
this approach is required for binary M:N relationships. The relation R is
called a relationship relation (or sometimes a lookup table), because each
Chapter 9 Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping
tuple in R represents a relationship instance that relates one tuple from S
with one tuple from T. The relation R will include the primary key attributes
of S and T as foreign keys to S and T. The primary key of R will be one of the
two foreign keys, and the other foreign key will be a unique key of R. The
drawback is having an extra relation, and requiring an extra join operation
when combining related tuples from the tables.
Step 4: Mapping of Binary 1:N Relationship Types. For each regular binary
1:N relationship type R, identify the relation S that represents the participating entity
type at the N-side of the relationship type. Include as foreign key in S the primary key
of the relation T that represents the other entity type participating in R; we do this
because each entity instance on the N-side is related to at most one entity instance on
the 1-side of the relationship type. Include any simple attributes (or simple components of composite attributes) of the 1:N relationship type as attributes of S.
In our example, we now map the 1:N relationship types WORKS_FOR, CONTROLS,
and SUPERVISION from Figure 9.1. For WORKS_FOR we include the primary key
Dnumber of the DEPARTMENT relation as foreign key in the EMPLOYEE relation and
call it Dno. For SUPERVISION we include the primary key of the EMPLOYEE relation
as foreign key in the EMPLOYEE relation itself—because the relationship is recursive—and call it Super_ssn. The CONTROLS relationship is mapped to the foreign
key attribute Dnum of PROJECT, which references the primary key Dnumber of the
DEPARTMENT relation. These foreign keys are shown in Figure 9.2.
An alternative approach is to use the relationship relation (cross-reference) option
as in the third option for binary 1:1 relationships. We create a separate relation R
whose attributes are the primary keys of S and T, which will also be foreign keys to
S and T. The primary key of R is the same as the primary key of S. This option can
be used if few tuples in S participate in the relationship to avoid excessive NULL values in the foreign key.
Step 5: Mapping of Binary M:N Relationship Types. For each binary M:N
relationship type R, create a new relation S to represent R. Include as foreign key
attributes in S the primary keys of the relations that represent the participating
entity types; their combination will form the primary key of S. Also include any simple attributes of the M:N relationship type (or simple components of composite
attributes) as attributes of S. Notice that we cannot represent an M:N relationship
type by a single foreign key attribute in one of the participating relations (as we did
for 1:1 or 1:N relationship types) because of the M:N cardinality ratio; we must create a separate relationship relation S.
In our example, we map the M:N relationship type WORKS_ON from Figure 9.1 by
creating the relation WORKS_ON in Figure 9.2. We include the primary keys of the
PROJECT and EMPLOYEE relations as foreign keys in WORKS_ON and rename
them Pno and Essn, respectively. We also include an attribute Hours in WORKS_ON
to represent the Hours attribute of the relationship type. The primary key of the
WORKS_ON relation is the combination of the foreign key attributes {Essn, Pno}.
This relationship relation is shown in Figure 9.3(c).
9.1 Relational Database Design Using ER-to-Relational Mapping
The propagate (CASCADE) option for the referential triggered action (see Section
4.2) should be specified on the foreign keys in the relation corresponding to the
relationship R, since each relationship instance has an existence dependency on
each of the entities it relates. This can be used for both ON UPDATE and ON DELETE.
Notice that we can always map 1:1 or 1:N relationships in a manner similar to M:N
relationships by using the cross-reference (relationship relation) approach, as we
discussed earlier. This alternative is particularly useful when few relationship
instances exist, in order to avoid NULL values in foreign keys. In this case, the primary key of the relationship relation will be only one of the foreign keys that reference the participating entity relations. For a 1:N relationship, the primary key of the
relationship relation will be the foreign key that references the entity relation on the
N-side. For a 1:1 relationship, either foreign key can be used as the primary key of
the relationship relation.
Step 6: Mapping of Multivalued Attributes. For each multivalued attribute A,
create a new relation R. This relation R will include an attribute corresponding to A,
plus the primary key attribute K—as a foreign key in R—of the relation that represents the entity type or relationship type that has A as a multivalued attribute. The
primary key of R is the combination of A and K. If the multivalued attribute is composite, we include its simple components.
In our example, we create a relation DEPT_LOCATIONS (see Figure 9.3(d)). The
attribute Dlocation represents the multivalued attribute LOCATIONS of
DEPARTMENT, while Dnumber—as foreign key—represents the primary key of the
DEPARTMENT relation. The primary key of DEPT_LOCATIONS is the combination of
{Dnumber, Dlocation}. A separate tuple will exist in DEPT_LOCATIONS for each location that a department has.
The propagate (CASCADE) option for the referential triggered action (see Section
4.2) should be specified on the foreign key in the relation R corresponding to the
multivalued attribute for both ON UPDATE and ON DELETE. We should also note
that the key of R when mapping a composite, multivalued attribute requires some
analysis of the meaning of the component attributes. In some cases, when a multivalued attribute is composite, only some of the component attributes are required
to be part of the key of R; these attributes are similar to a partial key of a weak entity
type that corresponds to the multivalued attribute (see Section 7.5).
Figure 9.2 shows the COMPANY relational database schema obtained with steps 1
through 6, and Figure 3.6 shows a sample database state. Notice that we did not yet
discuss the mapping of n-ary relationship types (n > 2) because none exist in Figure
9.1; these are mapped in a similar way to M:N relationship types by including the
following additional step in the mapping algorithm.
Step 7: Mapping of N-ary Relationship Types. For each n-ary relationship
type R, where n > 2, create a new relation S to represent R. Include as foreign key
attributes in S the primary keys of the relations that represent the participating
entity types. Also include any simple attributes of the n-ary relationship type (or
Chapter 9 Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping
simple components of composite attributes) as attributes of S. The primary key of S
is usually a combination of all the foreign keys that reference the relations representing the participating entity types. However, if the cardinality constraints on any
of the entity types E participating in R is 1, then the primary key of S should not
include the foreign key attribute that references the relation E corresponding to E
(see the discussion in Section 7.9.2 concerning constraints on n-ary relationships).
For example, consider the relationship type SUPPLY in Figure 7.17. This can be
mapped to the relation SUPPLY shown in Figure 9.4, whose primary key is the combination of the three foreign keys {Sname, Part_no, Proj_name}.
9.1.2 Discussion and Summary of Mapping
for ER Model Constructs
Table 9.1 summarizes the correspondences between ER and relational model constructs and constraints.
One of the main points to note in a relational schema, in contrast to an ER schema,
is that relationship types are not represented explicitly; instead, they are represented
by having two attributes A and B, one a primary key and the other a foreign key
(over the same domain) included in two relations S and T. Two tuples in S and T are
related when they have the same value for A and B. By using the EQUIJOIN operation (or NATURAL JOIN if the two join attributes have the same name) over S.A and
T.B, we can combine all pairs of related tuples from S and T and materialize the
relationship. When a binary 1:1 or 1:N relationship type is involved, a single join
operation is usually needed. For a binary M:N relationship type, two join operations
are needed, whereas for n-ary relationship types, n joins are needed to fully materialize the relationship instances.
Figure 9.4
Mapping the n-ary
relationship type
SUPPLY from Figure
9.1 Relational Database Design Using ER-to-Relational Mapping
Table 9.1
Correspondence between ER and Relational Models
Entity type
Entity relation
1:1 or 1:N relationship type
Foreign key (or relationship relation)
M:N relationship type
Relationship relation and two foreign keys
n-ary relationship type
Relationship relation and n foreign keys
Simple attribute
Composite attribute
Set of simple component attributes
Multivalued attribute
Relation and foreign key
Value set
Key attribute
Primary (or secondary) key
For example, to form a relation that includes the employee name, project name, and
hours that the employee works on each project, we need to connect each EMPLOYEE
tuple to the related PROJECT tuples via the WORKS_ON relation in Figure 9.2.
Hence, we must apply the EQUIJOIN operation to the EMPLOYEE and WORKS_ON
relations with the join condition Ssn = Essn, and then apply another EQUIJOIN
operation to the resulting relation and the PROJECT relation with join condition
Pno = Pnumber. In general, when multiple relationships need to be traversed,
numerous join operations must be specified. A relational database user must always
be aware of the foreign key attributes in order to use them correctly in combining
related tuples from two or more relations. This is sometimes considered to be a
drawback of the relational data model, because the foreign key/primary key correspondences are not always obvious upon inspection of relational schemas. If an
EQUIJOIN is performed among attributes of two relations that do not represent a
foreign key/primary key relationship, the result can often be meaningless and may
lead to spurious data. For example, the reader can try joining the PROJECT and
DEPT_LOCATIONS relations on the condition Dlocation = Plocation and examine the
result (see the discussion of spurious tuples in Section 15.1.4).
In the relational schema we create a separate relation for each multivalued attribute.
For a particular entity with a set of values for the multivalued attribute, the key
attribute value of the entity is repeated once for each value of the multivalued
attribute in a separate tuple because the basic relational model does not allow multiple values (a list, or a set of values) for an attribute in a single tuple. For example,
because department 5 has three locations, three tuples exist in the
DEPT_LOCATIONS relation in Figure 3.6; each tuple specifies one of the locations. In
our example, we apply EQUIJOIN to DEPT_LOCATIONS and DEPARTMENT on the
Dnumber attribute to get the values of all locations along with other DEPARTMENT
attributes. In the resulting relation, the values of the other DEPARTMENT attributes
are repeated in separate tuples for every location that a department has.
Chapter 9 Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping
The basic relational algebra does not have a NEST or COMPRESS operation that
would produce a set of tuples of the form {<‘1’, ‘Houston’>, <‘4’, ‘Stafford’>, <‘5’,
{‘Bellaire’, ‘Sugarland’, ‘Houston’}>} from the DEPT_LOCATIONS relation in Figure
3.6. This is a serious drawback of the basic normalized or flat version of the relational model. The object data model and object-relational systems (see Chapter 11)
do allow multivalued attributes.
9.2 Mapping EER Model Constructs
to Relations
Next, we discuss the mapping of EER model constructs to relations by extending the
ER-to-relational mapping algorithm that was presented in Section 9.1.1.
9.2.1 Mapping of Specialization or Generalization
There are several options for mapping a number of subclasses that together form a
specialization (or alternatively, that are generalized into a superclass), such as the
{SECRETARY, TECHNICIAN, ENGINEER} subclasses of EMPLOYEE in Figure 8.4. We
can add a further step to our ER-to-relational mapping algorithm from Section
9.1.1, which has seven steps, to handle the mapping of specialization. Step 8, which
follows, gives the most common options; other mappings are also possible. We discuss the conditions under which each option should be used. We use Attrs(R) to
denote the attributes of relation R, and PK(R) to denote the primary key of R. First we
describe the mapping formally, then we illustrate it with examples.
Step 8: Options for Mapping Specialization or Generalization. Convert each
specialization with m subclasses {S1, S2, ..., Sm} and (generalized) superclass C,
where the attributes of C are {k, a1,} and k is the (primary) key, into relation
schemas using one of the following options:
Option 8A: Multiple relations—superclass and subclasses. Create a relation L for C with attributes Attrs(L) = {k, a1, ..., an} and PK(L) = k. Create a
relation Li for each subclass Si, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, with the attributes Attrs(Li) = {k} ∪
{attributes of Si} and PK(Li) = k. This option works for any specialization
(total or partial, disjoint or overlapping).
Option 8B: Multiple relations—subclass relations only. Create a relation
Li for each subclass Si, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, with the attributes Attrs(Li) = {attributes of
Si} ∪ {k, a1, ..., an} and PK(Li) = k. This option only works for a specialization
whose subclasses are total (every entity in the superclass must belong to (at
least) one of the subclasses). Additionally, it is only recommended if the specialization has the disjointedness constraint (see Section 8.3.1).If the specialization is overlapping, the same entity may be duplicated in several relations.
Option 8C: Single relation with one type attribute. Create a single relation
L with attributes Attrs(L) = {k, a1, ..., an} ∪ {attributes of S1} ∪ ... ∪ {attributes of Sm} ∪ {t} and PK(L) = k. The attribute t is called a type (or
9.2 Mapping EER Model Constructs to Relations
discriminating) attribute whose value indicates the subclass to which each
tuple belongs, if any. This option works only for a specialization whose subclasses are disjoint, and has the potential for generating many NULL values if
many specific attributes exist in the subclasses.
Option 8D: Single relation with multiple type attributes. Create a single
relation schema L with attributes Attrs(L) = {k, a1, ..., an} ∪ {attributes of S1}
∪ ... ∪ {attributes of Sm} ∪ {t1, t2, ..., tm} and PK(L) = k. Each ti, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, is
a Boolean type attribute indicating whether a tuple belongs to subclass Si.
This option is used for a specialization whose subclasses are overlapping (but
will also work for a disjoint specialization).
Options 8A and 8B can be called the multiple-relation options, whereas options
8C and 8D can be called the single-relation options. Option 8A creates a relation L
for the superclass C and its attributes, plus a relation Li for each subclass Si; each Li
includes the specific (or local) attributes of Si, plus the primary key of the superclass
C, which is propagated to Li and becomes its primary key. It also becomes a foreign
key to the superclass relation. An EQUIJOIN operation on the primary key between
any Li and L produces all the specific and inherited attributes of the entities in Si.
This option is illustrated in Figure 9.5(a) for the EER schema in Figure 8.4. Option
8A works for any constraints on the specialization: disjoint or overlapping, total or
partial. Notice that the constraint
π<k>(Li) ⊆ π<k>(L)
must hold for each Li. This specifies a foreign key from each Li to L, as well as an
inclusion dependency Li.k < L.k (see Section 16.5).
(b) CAR
Figure 9.5
Options for mapping specialization
or generalization. (a) Mapping the
EER schema in Figure 8.4 using
option 8A. (b) Mapping the EER
schema in Figure 8.3(b) using
option 8B. (c) Mapping the EER
schema in Figure 8.4 using option
8C. (d) Mapping Figure 8.5 using
option 8D with Boolean type fields
Mflag and Pflag.
Typing_speed Tgrade
(d) PART
Chapter 9 Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping
In option 8B, the EQUIJOIN operation between each subclass and the superclass is
built into the schema and the relation L is done away with, as illustrated in Figure
9.5(b) for the EER specialization in Figure 8.3(b). This option works well only when
both the disjoint and total constraints hold. If the specialization is not total, an
entity that does not belong to any of the subclasses Si is lost. If the specialization is
not disjoint, an entity belonging to more than one subclass will have its inherited
attributes from the superclass C stored redundantly in more than one Li. With
option 8B, no relation holds all the entities in the superclass C; consequently, we
must apply an OUTER UNION (or FULL OUTER JOIN) operation (see Section 6.4) to
the Li relations to retrieve all the entities in C. The result of the outer union will be
similar to the relations under options 8C and 8D except that the type fields will be
missing. Whenever we search for an arbitrary entity in C, we must search all the m
relations Li.
Options 8C and 8D create a single relation to represent the superclass C and all its
subclasses. An entity that does not belong to some of the subclasses will have NULL
values for the specific attributes of these subclasses. These options are not recommended if many specific attributes are defined for the subclasses. If few specific subclass attributes exist, however, these mappings are preferable to options 8A and 8B
because they do away with the need to specify EQUIJOIN and OUTER UNION operations; therefore, they can yield a more efficient implementation.
Option 8C is used to handle disjoint subclasses by including a single type (or image
or discriminating) attribute t to indicate to which of the m subclasses each tuple
belongs; hence, the domain of t could be {1, 2, ..., m}. If the specialization is partial,
t can have NULL values in tuples that do not belong to any subclass. If the specialization is attribute-defined, that attribute serves the purpose of t and t is not needed;
this option is illustrated in Figure 9.5(c) for the EER specialization in Figure 8.4.
Option 8D is designed to handle overlapping subclasses by including m Boolean
type (or flag) fields, one for each subclass. It can also be used for disjoint subclasses.
Each type field ti can have a domain {yes, no}, where a value of yes indicates that the
tuple is a member of subclass Si. If we use this option for the EER specialization in
Figure 8.4, we would include three types attributes—Is_a_secretary, Is_a_engineer,
and Is_a_technician—instead of the Job_type attribute in Figure 9.5(c). Notice that it
is also possible to create a single type attribute of m bits instead of the m type fields.
Figure 9.5(d) shows the mapping of the specialization from Figure 8.5 using option
When we have a multilevel specialization (or generalization) hierarchy or lattice, we
do not have to follow the same mapping option for all the specializations. Instead,
we can use one mapping option for part of the hierarchy or lattice and other options
for other parts. Figure 9.6 shows one possible mapping into relations for the EER
lattice in Figure 8.6. Here we used option 8A for PERSON/{EMPLOYEE, ALUMNUS,
including the type attribute Employee_type, and option 8D for
including the type attributes Ta_flag and Ra_flag in EMPLOYEE, STUDENT/
9.2 Mapping EER Model Constructs to Relations
Birth_date Sex
Employee_type Position Rank
Percent_time Ra_flag Ta_flag Project Course
Degree_program Class
Figure 9.6
Mapping the EER specialization lattice in Figure 8.8 using multiple options.
STUDENT_ASSISTANT by including the type attributes Student_assist_flag in
by including the type attributes Grad_flag and Undergrad_flag in STUDENT. In Figure
9.6, all attributes whose names end with type or flag are type fields.
9.2.2 Mapping of Shared Subclasses (Multiple Inheritance)
A shared subclass, such as ENGINEERING_MANAGER in Figure 8.6, is a subclass of
several superclasses, indicating multiple inheritance. These classes must all have the
same key attribute; otherwise, the shared subclass would be modeled as a category
(union type) as we discussed in Section 8.4. We can apply any of the options discussed in step 8 to a shared subclass, subject to the restrictions discussed in step 8 of
the mapping algorithm. In Figure 9.6, options 8C and 8D are used for the shared
subclass STUDENT_ASSISTANT. Option 8C is used in the EMPLOYEE relation
(Employee_type attribute) and option 8D is used in the STUDENT relation
(Student_assist_flag attribute).
9.2.3 Mapping of Categories (Union Types)
We add another step to the mapping procedure—step 9—to handle categories. A
category (or union type) is a subclass of the union of two or more superclasses that
can have different keys because they can be of different entity types (see Section
8.4). An example is the OWNER category shown in Figure 8.8, which is a subset of
the union of three entity types PERSON, BANK, and COMPANY. The other category
in that figure, REGISTERED_VEHICLE, has two superclasses that have the same key
Chapter 9 Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping
Step 9: Mapping of Union Types (Categories). For mapping a category whose
defining superclasses have different keys, it is customary to specify a new key attribute, called a surrogate key, when creating a relation to correspond to the category.
The keys of the defining classes are different, so we cannot use any one of them
exclusively to identify all entities in the category. In our example in Figure 8.8, we
create a relation OWNER to correspond to the OWNER category, as illustrated in
Figure 9.7, and include any attributes of the category in this relation. The primary
key of the OWNER relation is the surrogate key, which we called Owner_id. We also
include the surrogate key attribute Owner_id as foreign key in each relation corresponding to a superclass of the category, to specify the correspondence in values
between the surrogate key and the key of each superclass. Notice that if a particular
PERSON (or BANK or COMPANY) entity is not a member of OWNER, it would have
a NULL value for its Owner_id attribute in its corresponding tuple in the PERSON (or
BANK or COMPANY) relation, and it would not have a tuple in the OWNER relation.
It is also recommended to add a type attribute (not shown in Figure 9.7) to the
OWNER relation to indicate the particular entity type to which each tuple belongs
Figure 9.7
Mapping the EER categories
(union types) in Figure 8.8 to
Vehicle_id License_plate_number
For a category whose superclasses have the same key, such as VEHICLE in Figure 8.8,
there is no need for a surrogate key. The mapping of the REGISTERED_VEHICLE
category, which illustrates this case, is also shown in Figure 9.7.
9.3 Summary
In Section 9.1, we showed how a conceptual schema design in the ER model can be
mapped to a relational database schema. An algorithm for ER-to-relational mapping was given and illustrated by examples from the COMPANY database. Table 9.1
summarized the correspondences between the ER and relational model constructs
and constraints. Next, we added additional steps to the algorithm in Section 9.2 for
mapping the constructs from the EER model into the relational model. Similar
algorithms are incorporated into graphical database design tools to create a relational schema from a conceptual schema design automatically.
Review Questions
9.1. Discuss the correspondences between the ER model constructs and the rela-
tional model constructs. Show how each ER model construct can be mapped
to the relational model and discuss any alternative mappings.
9.2. Discuss the options for mapping EER model constructs to relations.
9.3. Try to map the relational schema in Figure 6.14 into an ER schema. This is
part of a process known as reverse engineering, where a conceptual schema is
created for an existing implemented database. State any assumptions you
9.4. Figure 9.8 shows an ER schema for a database that can be used to keep track
of transport ships and their locations for maritime authorities. Map this
schema into a relational schema and specify all primary keys and foreign
9.5. Map the BANK ER schema of Exercise 7.23 (shown in Figure 7.21) into a
relational schema. Specify all primary keys and foreign keys. Repeat for the
AIRLINE schema (Figure 7.20) of Exercise 7.19 and for the other schemas for
Exercises 7.16 through 7.24.
9.6. Map the EER diagrams in Figures 8.9 and 8.12 into relational schemas.
Justify your choice of mapping options.
9.7. Is it possible to successfully map a binary M:N relationship type without
requiring a new relation? Why or why not?
Chapter 9 Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping
Co ntinent
Figure 9.8
An ER schema for a SHIP_TRACKING database.
9.8. Consider the EER diagram in Figure 9.9 for a car dealer.
Map the EER schema into a set of relations. For the VEHICLE to
CAR/TRUCK/SUV generalization, consider the four options presented in
Section 9.2.1 and show the relational schema design under each of those
9.9. Using the attributes you provided for the EER diagram in Exercise 8.27, map
the complete schema into a set of relations. Choose an appropriate option
out of 8A thru 8D from Section 9.2.1 in doing the mapping of generalizations and defend your choice.
Laboratory Exercises
Figure 9.9
EER diagram for
a car dealer
Laboratory Exercises
9.10. Consider the ER design for the UNIVERSITY database that was modeled
using a tool like ERwin or Rational Rose in Laboratory Exercise 7.31. Using
the SQL schema generation feature of the modeling tool, generate the SQL
schema for an Oracle database.
9.11. Consider the ER design for the MAIL_ORDER database that was modeled
using a tool like ERwin or Rational Rose in Laboratory Exercise 7.32. Using
the SQL schema generation feature of the modeling tool, generate the SQL
schema for an Oracle database.
9.12. Consider the ER design for the CONFERENCE_REVIEW database that was
modeled using a tool like ERwin or Rational Rose in Laboratory Exercise
7.34. Using the SQL schema generation feature of the modeling tool, generate the SQL schema for an Oracle database.
9.13. Consider the EER design for the GRADE_BOOK database that was modeled
using a tool like ERwin or Rational Rose in Laboratory Exercise 8.28. Using
the SQL schema generation feature of the modeling tool, generate the SQL
schema for an Oracle database.
9.14. Consider the EER design for the ONLINE_AUCTION database that was mod-
eled using a tool like ERwin or Rational Rose in Laboratory Exercise 8.29.
Using the SQL schema generation feature of the modeling tool, generate the
SQL schema for an Oracle database.
Chapter 9 Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping
Selected Bibliography
The original ER-to-relational mapping algorithm was described in Chen’s classic
paper (Chen 1976) that presented the original ER model. Batini et al. (1992) discuss
a variety of mapping algorithms from ER and EER models to legacy models and
vice versa.
Basics of Functional
Dependencies and Normalization
for Relational Databases
n Chapters 3 through 6, we presented various aspects
of the relational model and the languages associated
with it. Each relation schema consists of a number of attributes, and the relational
database schema consists of a number of relation schemas. So far, we have assumed
that attributes are grouped to form a relation schema by using the common sense of
the database designer or by mapping a database schema design from a conceptual
data model such as the ER or Enhanced-ER (EER) data model. These models make
the designer identify entity types and relationship types and their respective attributes, which leads to a natural and logical grouping of the attributes into relations
when the mapping procedures discussed in Chapter 9 are followed. However, we
still need some formal way of analyzing why one grouping of attributes into a relation schema may be better than another. While discussing database design in
Chapters 7 through 10, we did not develop any measure of appropriateness or
goodness to measure the quality of the design, other than the intuition of the
designer. In this chapter we discuss some of the theory that has been developed with
the goal of evaluating relational schemas for design quality—that is, to measure formally why one set of groupings of attributes into relation schemas is better than
There are two levels at which we can discuss the goodness of relation schemas. The
first is the logical (or conceptual) level—how users interpret the relation schemas
and the meaning of their attributes. Having good relation schemas at this level
enables users to understand clearly the meaning of the data in the relations, and
hence to formulate their queries correctly. The second is the implementation (or
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
physical storage) level—how the tuples in a base relation are stored and updated.
This level applies only to schemas of base relations—which will be physically stored
as files—whereas at the logical level we are interested in schemas of both base relations and views (virtual relations). The relational database design theory developed
in this chapter applies mainly to base relations, although some criteria of appropriateness also apply to views, as shown in Section 15.1.
As with many design problems, database design may be performed using two
approaches: bottom-up or top-down. A bottom-up design methodology (also
called design by synthesis) considers the basic relationships among individual attributes as the starting point and uses those to construct relation schemas. This
approach is not very popular in practice1 because it suffers from the problem of
having to collect a large number of binary relationships among attributes as the
starting point. For practical situations, it is next to impossible to capture binary
relationships among all such pairs of attributes. In contrast, a top-down design
methodology (also called design by analysis) starts with a number of groupings of
attributes into relations that exist together naturally, for example, on an invoice, a
form, or a report. The relations are then analyzed individually and collectively, leading to further decomposition until all desirable properties are met. The theory
described in this chapter is applicable to both the top-down and bottom-up design
approaches, but is more appropriate when used with the top-down approach.
Relational database design ultimately produces a set of relations. The implicit goals
of the design activity are information preservation and minimum redundancy.
Information is very hard to quantify—hence we consider information preservation
in terms of maintaining all concepts, including attribute types, entity types, and
relationship types as well as generalization/specialization relationships, which are
described using a model such as the EER model. Thus, the relational design must
preserve all of these concepts, which are originally captured in the conceptual
design after the conceptual to logical design mapping. Minimizing redundancy
implies minimizing redundant storage of the same information and reducing the
need for multiple updates to maintain consistency across multiple copies of the
same information in response to real-world events that require making an update.
We start this chapter by informally discussing some criteria for good and bad relation schemas in Section 15.1. In Section 15.2, we define the concept of functional
dependency, a formal constraint among attributes that is the main tool for formally
measuring the appropriateness of attribute groupings into relation schemas. In
Section 15.3, we discuss normal forms and the process of normalization using functional dependencies. Successive normal forms are defined to meet a set of desirable
constraints expressed using functional dependencies. The normalization procedure
consists of applying a series of tests to relations to meet these increasingly stringent
requirements and decompose the relations when necessary. In Section 15.4, we dis-
exception in which this approach is used in practice is based on a model called the binary relational
model. An example is the NIAM methodology (Verheijen and VanBekkum, 1982).
15.1 Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas
cuss more general definitions of normal forms that can be directly applied to any
given design and do not require step-by-step analysis and normalization. Sections
15.5 to 15.7 discuss further normal forms up to the fifth normal form. In Section
15.6 we introduce the multivalued dependency (MVD), followed by the join
dependency (JD) in Section 15.7. Section 15.8 summarizes the chapter.
Chapter 16 continues the development of the theory related to the design of good
relational schemas. We discuss desirable properties of relational decomposition—
nonadditive join property and functional dependency preservation property. A
general algorithm that tests whether or not a decomposition has the nonadditive (or
lossless) join property (Algorithm 16.3 is also presented). We then discuss properties
of functional dependencies and the concept of a minimal cover of dependencies. We
consider the bottom-up approach to database design consisting of a set of algorithms to design relations in a desired normal form. These algorithms assume as
input a given set of functional dependencies and achieve a relational design in a target normal form while adhering to the above desirable properties. In Chapter 16 we
also define additional types of dependencies that further enhance the evaluation of
the goodness of relation schemas.
If Chapter 16 is not covered in a course, we recommend a quick introduction to the
desirable properties of decomposition and the discussion of Property NJB in
Section 16.2.
15.1 Informal Design Guidelines
for Relation Schemas
Before discussing the formal theory of relational database design, we discuss four
informal guidelines that may be used as measures to determine the quality of relation
schema design:
Making sure that the semantics of the attributes is clear in the schema
Reducing the redundant information in tuples
Reducing the NULL values in tuples
Disallowing the possibility of generating spurious tuples
These measures are not always independent of one another, as we will see.
15.1.1 Imparting Clear Semantics to Attributes in Relations
Whenever we group attributes to form a relation schema, we assume that attributes
belonging to one relation have certain real-world meaning and a proper interpretation associated with them. The semantics of a relation refers to its meaning resulting from the interpretation of attribute values in a tuple. In Chapter 3 we discussed
how a relation can be interpreted as a set of facts. If the conceptual design described
in Chapters 7 and 8 is done carefully and the mapping procedure in Chapter 9 is followed systematically, the relational schema design should have a clear meaning.
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
In general, the easier it is to explain the semantics of the relation, the better the relation schema design will be. To illustrate this, consider Figure 15.1, a simplified version of the COMPANY relational database schema in Figure 3.5, and Figure 15.2,
which presents an example of populated relation states of this schema. The meaning
of the EMPLOYEE relation schema is quite simple: Each tuple represents an
employee, with values for the employee’s name (Ename), Social Security number
(Ssn), birth date (Bdate), and address (Address), and the number of the department
that the employee works for (Dnumber). The Dnumber attribute is a foreign key that
represents an implicit relationship between EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT. The
semantics of the DEPARTMENT and PROJECT schemas are also straightforward:
Each DEPARTMENT tuple represents a department entity, and each PROJECT tuple
represents a project entity. The attribute Dmgr_ssn of DEPARTMENT relates a department to the employee who is its manager, while Dnum of PROJECT relates a project
to its controlling department; both are foreign key attributes. The ease with which
the meaning of a relation’s attributes can be explained is an informal measure of how
well the relation is designed.
Figure 15.1
A simplified COMPANY relational
database schema.
15.1 Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas
Figure 15.2
Sample database state for the relational database schema in Figure 15.1.
Smith, John B.
731 Fondren, Houston, TX
Wong, Franklin T.
638 Voss, Houston, TX
3321 Castle, Spring, TX
Wallace, Jennifer S. 987654321
Narayan, Ramesh K. 666884444
291Berry, Bellaire, TX
975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX
English, Joyce A.
5631 Rice, Houston, TX
Jabbar, Ahmad V.
980 Dallas, Houston, TX
Borg, James E.
450 Stone, Houston, TX
Zelaya, Alicia J.
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
The semantics of the other two relation schemas in Figure 15.1 are slightly more
complex. Each tuple in DEPT_LOCATIONS gives a department number (Dnumber)
and one of the locations of the department (Dlocation). Each tuple in WORKS_ON
gives an employee Social Security number (Ssn), the project number of one of the
projects that the employee works on (Pnumber), and the number of hours per week
that the employee works on that project (Hours). However, both schemas have a
well-defined and unambiguous interpretation. The schema DEPT_LOCATIONS represents a multivalued attribute of DEPARTMENT, whereas WORKS_ON represents an
M:N relationship between EMPLOYEE and PROJECT. Hence, all the relation
schemas in Figure 15.1 may be considered as easy to explain and therefore good
from the standpoint of having clear semantics. We can thus formulate the following
informal design guideline.
Guideline 1
Design a relation schema so that it is easy to explain its meaning. Do not combine
attributes from multiple entity types and relationship types into a single relation.
Intuitively, if a relation schema corresponds to one entity type or one relationship
type, it is straightforward to interpret and to explain its meaning. Otherwise, if the
relation corresponds to a mixture of multiple entities and relationships, semantic
ambiguities will result and the relation cannot be easily explained.
Examples of Violating Guideline 1. The relation schemas in Figures 15.3(a) and
15.3(b) also have clear semantics. (The reader should ignore the lines under the
relations for now; they are used to illustrate functional dependency notation, discussed in Section 15.2.) A tuple in the EMP_DEPT relation schema in Figure 15.3(a)
represents a single employee but includes additional information—namely, the
name (Dname) of the department for which the employee works and the Social
Security number (Dmgr_ssn) of the department manager. For the EMP_PROJ relation in Figure 15.3(b), each tuple relates an employee to a project but also includes
Figure 15.3
Two relation schemas
suffering from update
anomalies. (a)
EMP_DEPT and (b)
15.1 Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas
the employee name (Ename), project name (Pname), and project location (Plocation).
Although there is nothing wrong logically with these two relations, they violate
Guideline 1 by mixing attributes from distinct real-world entities: EMP_DEPT mixes
attributes of employees and departments, and EMP_PROJ mixes attributes of
employees and projects and the WORKS_ON relationship. Hence, they fare poorly
against the above measure of design quality. They may be used as views, but they
cause problems when used as base relations, as we discuss in the following section.
15.1.2 Redundant Information in Tuples
and Update Anomalies
One goal of schema design is to minimize the storage space used by the base relations (and hence the corresponding files). Grouping attributes into relation
schemas has a significant effect on storage space. For example, compare the space
used by the two base relations EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT in Figure 15.2 with
that for an EMP_DEPT base relation in Figure 15.4, which is the result of applying
attribute values pertaining to a particular department (Dnumber, Dname, Dmgr_ssn)
are repeated for every employee who works for that department. In contrast, each
department’s information appears only once in the DEPARTMENT relation in Figure
15.2. Only the department number (Dnumber) is repeated in the EMPLOYEE relation
for each employee who works in that department as a foreign key. Similar comments apply to the EMP_PROJ relation (see Figure 15.4), which augments the
WORKS_ON relation with additional attributes from EMPLOYEE and PROJECT.
Storing natural joins of base relations leads to an additional problem referred to as
update anomalies. These can be classified into insertion anomalies, deletion anomalies, and modification anomalies.2
Insertion Anomalies. Insertion anomalies can be differentiated into two types,
illustrated by the following examples based on the EMP_DEPT relation:
To insert a new employee tuple into EMP_DEPT, we must include either the
attribute values for the department that the employee works for, or NULLs (if
the employee does not work for a department as yet). For example, to insert
a new tuple for an employee who works in department number 5, we must
enter all the attribute values of department 5 correctly so that they are
consistent with the corresponding values for department 5 in other tuples in
EMP_DEPT. In the design of Figure 15.2, we do not have to worry about this
consistency problem because we enter only the department number in the
employee tuple; all other attribute values of department 5 are recorded only
once in the database, as a single tuple in the DEPARTMENT relation.
It is difficult to insert a new department that has no employees as yet in the
EMP_DEPT relation. The only way to do this is to place NULL values in the
anomalies were identified by Codd (1972a) to justify the need for normalization of relations, as
we shall discuss in Section 15.3.
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
Smith, John B.
123456789 1965-01-09 731 Fondren, Houston, TX
Wong, Franklin T.
333445555 1955-12-08
638 Voss, Houston, TX
Zelaya, Alicia J.
999887777 1968-07-19
3321 Castle, Spring, TX
Wallace, Jennifer S. 987654321 1941-06-20 291 Berry, Bellaire, TX
Narayan, Ramesh K. 666884444 1962-09-15 975 FireOak, Humble, TX
English, Joyce A.
453453453 1972-07-31
5631 Rice, Houston, TX
Jabbar, Ahmad V.
987987987 1969-03-29 980 Dallas, Houston, TX
Borg, James E.
888665555 1937-11-10
450 Stone, Houston, TX
Smith, John B.
Smith, John B.
Narayan, Ramesh K.
English, Joyce A.
English, Joyce A.
Wong, Franklin T.
Wong, Franklin T.
Wong, Franklin T.
Wong, Franklin T.
Zelaya, Alicia J.
Zelaya, Alicia J.
Jabbar, Ahmad V.
Jabbar, Ahmad V.
Wallace, Jennifer S.
Wallace, Jennifer S.
Borg, James E.
Figure 15.4
Sample states for EMP_DEPT and EMP_PROJ resulting from applying NATURAL JOIN to the
relations in Figure 15.2. These may be stored as base relations for performance reasons.
attributes for employee. This violates the entity integrity for EMP_DEPT
because Ssn is its primary key. Moreover, when the first employee is assigned
to that department, we do not need this tuple with NULL values any more.
This problem does not occur in the design of Figure 15.2 because a department is entered in the DEPARTMENT relation whether or not any employees
work for it, and whenever an employee is assigned to that department, a corresponding tuple is inserted in EMPLOYEE.
15.1 Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas
Deletion Anomalies. The problem of deletion anomalies is related to the second
insertion anomaly situation just discussed. If we delete from EMP_DEPT an
employee tuple that happens to represent the last employee working for a particular
department, the information concerning that department is lost from the database.
This problem does not occur in the database of Figure 15.2 because DEPARTMENT
tuples are stored separately.
Modification Anomalies. In EMP_DEPT, if we change the value of one of the
attributes of a particular department—say, the manager of department 5—we must
update the tuples of all employees who work in that department; otherwise, the
database will become inconsistent. If we fail to update some tuples, the same department will be shown to have two different values for manager in different employee
tuples, which would be wrong.3
It is easy to see that these three anomalies are undesirable and cause difficulties to
maintain consistency of data as well as require unnecessary updates that can be
avoided; hence, we can state the next guideline as follows.
Guideline 2
Design the base relation schemas so that no insertion, deletion, or modification
anomalies are present in the relations. If any anomalies are present,4 note them
clearly and make sure that the programs that update the database will operate
The second guideline is consistent with and, in a way, a restatement of the first
guideline. We can also see the need for a more formal approach to evaluating
whether a design meets these guidelines. Sections 15.2 through 15.4 provide these
needed formal concepts. It is important to note that these guidelines may sometimes have to be violated in order to improve the performance of certain queries. If
EMP_DEPT is used as a stored relation (known otherwise as a materialized view) in
addition to the base relations of EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT, the anomalies in
EMP_DEPT must be noted and accounted for (for example, by using triggers or
stored procedures that would make automatic updates). This way, whenever the
base relation is updated, we do not end up with inconsistencies. In general, it is
advisable to use anomaly-free base relations and to specify views that include the
joins for placing together the attributes frequently referenced in important queries.
15.1.3 NULL Values in Tuples
In some schema designs we may group many attributes together into a “fat” relation. If many of the attributes do not apply to all tuples in the relation, we end up
with many NULLs in those tuples. This can waste space at the storage level and may
is not as serious as the other problems, because all tuples can be updated by a single SQL query.
application considerations may dictate and make certain anomalies unavoidable. For example, the
EMP_DEPT relation may correspond to a query or a report that is frequently required.
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
also lead to problems with understanding the meaning of the attributes and with
specifying JOIN operations at the logical level.5 Another problem with NULLs is how
to account for them when aggregate operations such as COUNT or SUM are applied.
SELECT and JOIN operations involve comparisons; if NULL values are present, the
results may become unpredictable.6 Moreover, NULLs can have multiple interpretations, such as the following:
The attribute does not apply to this tuple. For example, Visa_status may not
apply to U.S. students.
The attribute value for this tuple is unknown. For example, the Date_of_birth
may be unknown for an employee.
The value is known but absent; that is, it has not been recorded yet. For example, the Home_Phone_Number for an employee may exist, but may not be
available and recorded yet.
Having the same representation for all NULLs compromises the different meanings
they may have. Therefore, we may state another guideline.
Guideline 3
As far as possible, avoid placing attributes in a base relation whose values may frequently be NULL. If NULLs are unavoidable, make sure that they apply in exceptional
cases only and do not apply to a majority of tuples in the relation.
Using space efficiently and avoiding joins with NULL values are the two overriding
criteria that determine whether to include the columns that may have NULLs in a
relation or to have a separate relation for those columns (with the appropriate key
columns). For example, if only 15 percent of employees have individual offices,
there is little justification for including an attribute Office_number in the EMPLOYEE
relation; rather, a relation EMP_OFFICES(Essn, Office_number) can be created to
include tuples for only the employees with individual offices.
15.1.4 Generation of Spurious Tuples
Consider the two relation schemas EMP_LOCS and EMP_PROJ1 in Figure 15.5(a),
which can be used instead of the single EMP_PROJ relation in Figure 15.3(b). A
tuple in EMP_LOCS means that the employee whose name is Ename works on some
project whose location is Plocation. A tuple in EMP_PROJ1 refers to the fact that the
employee whose Social Security number is Ssn works Hours per week on the project
whose name, number, and location are Pname, Pnumber, and Plocation. Figure
15.5(b) shows relation states of EMP_LOCS and EMP_PROJ1 corresponding to the
is because inner and outer joins produce different results when NULLs are involved in joins. The
users must thus be aware of the different meanings of the various types of joins. Although this is reasonable for sophisticated users, it may be difficult for others.
Section 5.5.1 we presented comparisons involving NULL values where the outcome (in three-valued
logic) are TRUE, FALSE, and UNKNOWN.
15.1 Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas
Figure 15.5
Particularly poor design for the EMP_PROJ relation in
Figure 15.3(b). (a) The two relation schemas EMP_LOCS
and EMP_PROJ1. (b) The result of projecting the extension of EMP_PROJ from Figure 15.4 onto the relations
Ssn Pnumber
Hours Pname
Smith, John B.
Smith, John B.
Narayan, Ramesh K.
English, Joyce A.
English, Joyce A.
Wong, Franklin T.
Wong, Franklin T.
Wong, Franklin T.
Zelaya, Alicia J.
Jabbar, Ahmad V.
Wallace, Jennifer S.
Wallace, Jennifer S.
Borg, James E.
EMP_PROJ relation in Figure 15.4, which are obtained by applying the appropriate
PROJECT (π) operations to EMP_PROJ (ignore the dashed lines in Figure 15.5(b)
for now).
Suppose that we used EMP_PROJ1 and EMP_LOCS as the base relations instead of
EMP_PROJ. This produces a particularly bad schema design because we cannot
recover the information that was originally in EMP_PROJ from EMP_PROJ1 and
EMP_LOCS. If we attempt a NATURAL JOIN operation on EMP_PROJ1 and
EMP_LOCS, the result produces many more tuples than the original set of tuples in
EMP_PROJ. In Figure 15.6, the result of applying the join to only the tuples above
the dashed lines in Figure 15.5(b) is shown (to reduce the size of the resulting relation). Additional tuples that were not in EMP_PROJ are called spurious tuples
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
Smith, John B.
English, Joyce A.
Smith, John B.
English, Joyce A.
Wong, Franklin T.
Narayan, Ramesh K.
Wong, Franklin T.
Smith, John B.
English, Joyce A.
Smith, John B.
English, Joyce A.
* 123456789
* 123456789
* 123456789
* 666884444
* 453453453
* 453453453
Wong, Franklin T.
* 333445555
Smith, John B.
* 333445555
English, Joyce A.
Wong, Franklin T.
* 333445555
Narayan, Ramesh K.
Wong, Franklin T.
* 333445555
Wong, Franklin T.
Narayan, Ramesh K.
Wong, Franklin T.
* 453453453
Figure 15.6
Result of applying NATURAL JOIN to the tuples above the dashed lines
in EMP_PROJ1 and EMP_LOCS of Figure 15.5. Generated spurious
tuples are marked by asterisks.
because they represent spurious information that is not valid. The spurious tuples
are marked by asterisks (*) in Figure 15.6.
Decomposing EMP_PROJ into EMP_LOCS and EMP_PROJ1 is undesirable because
when we JOIN them back using NATURAL JOIN, we do not get the correct original
information. This is because in this case Plocation is the attribute that relates
EMP_LOCS and EMP_PROJ1, and Plocation is neither a primary key nor a foreign
key in either EMP_LOCS or EMP_PROJ1. We can now informally state another
design guideline.
Guideline 4
Design relation schemas so that they can be joined with equality conditions on
attributes that are appropriately related (primary key, foreign key) pairs in a way
that guarantees that no spurious tuples are generated. Avoid relations that contain
15.2 Functional Dependencies
matching attributes that are not (foreign key, primary key) combinations because
joining on such attributes may produce spurious tuples.
This informal guideline obviously needs to be stated more formally. In Section 16.2
we discuss a formal condition called the nonadditive (or lossless) join property that
guarantees that certain joins do not produce spurious tuples.
15.1.5 Summary and Discussion of Design Guidelines
In Sections 15.1.1 through 15.1.4, we informally discussed situations that lead to
problematic relation schemas and we proposed informal guidelines for a good relational design. The problems we pointed out, which can be detected without additional tools of analysis, are as follows:
Anomalies that cause redundant work to be done during insertion into and
modification of a relation, and that may cause accidental loss of information
during a deletion from a relation
Waste of storage space due to NULLs and the difficulty of performing selections, aggregation operations, and joins due to NULL values
Generation of invalid and spurious data during joins on base relations with
matched attributes that may not represent a proper (foreign key, primary
key) relationship
In the rest of this chapter we present formal concepts and theory that may be used
to define the goodness and badness of individual relation schemas more precisely.
First we discuss functional dependency as a tool for analysis. Then we specify the
three normal forms and Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF) for relation schemas.
The strategy for achieving a good design is to decompose a badly designed relation
appropriately. We also briefly introduce additional normal forms that deal with
additional dependencies. In Chapter 16, we discuss the properties of decomposition
in detail, and provide algorithms that design relations bottom-up by using the functional dependencies as a starting point.
15.2 Functional Dependencies
So far we have dealt with the informal measures of database design. We now introduce a formal tool for analysis of relational schemas that enables us to detect and
describe some of the above-mentioned problems in precise terms. The single most
important concept in relational schema design theory is that of a functional
dependency. In this section we formally define the concept, and in Section 15.3 we
see how it can be used to define normal forms for relation schemas.
15.2.1 Definition of Functional Dependency
A functional dependency is a constraint between two sets of attributes from the
database. Suppose that our relational database schema has n attributes A1, A2, ...,
An; let us think of the whole database as being described by a single universal
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
relation schema R = {A1, A2, ... , An}.7 We do not imply that we will actually store the
database as a single universal table; we use this concept only in developing the formal theory of data dependencies.8
Definition. A functional dependency, denoted by X → Y, between two sets of
attributes X and Y that are subsets of R specifies a constraint on the possible
tuples that can form a relation state r of R. The constraint is that, for any two
tuples t1 and t2 in r that have t1[X] = t2[X], they must also have t1[Y] = t2[Y].
This means that the values of the Y component of a tuple in r depend on, or are
determined by, the values of the X component; alternatively, the values of the X component of a tuple uniquely (or functionally) determine the values of the Y component. We also say that there is a functional dependency from X to Y, or that Y is
functionally dependent on X. The abbreviation for functional dependency is FD or
f.d. The set of attributes X is called the left-hand side of the FD, and Y is called the
right-hand side.
Thus, X functionally determines Y in a relation schema R if, and only if, whenever
two tuples of r(R) agree on their X-value, they must necessarily agree on their Yvalue. Note the following:
If a constraint on R states that there cannot be more than one tuple with a
given X-value in any relation instance r(R)—that is, X is a candidate key of
R—this implies that X → Y for any subset of attributes Y of R (because the
key constraint implies that no two tuples in any legal state r(R) will have the
same value of X). If X is a candidate key of R, then X → R.
If X → Y in R, this does not say whether or not Y → X in R.
A functional dependency is a property of the semantics or meaning of the attributes. The database designers will use their understanding of the semantics of the
attributes of R—that is, how they relate to one another—to specify the functional
dependencies that should hold on all relation states (extensions) r of R. Whenever
the semantics of two sets of attributes in R indicate that a functional dependency
should hold, we specify the dependency as a constraint. Relation extensions r(R)
that satisfy the functional dependency constraints are called legal relation states (or
legal extensions) of R. Hence, the main use of functional dependencies is to
describe further a relation schema R by specifying constraints on its attributes that
must hold at all times. Certain FDs can be specified without referring to a specific
relation, but as a property of those attributes given their commonly understood
meaning. For example, {State, Driver_license_number} → Ssn should hold for any
adult in the United States and hence should hold whenever these attributes appear
in a relation. It is also possible that certain functional dependencies may cease to
concept of a universal relation is important when we discuss the algorithms for relational database
design in Chapter 16.
assumption implies that every attribute in the database should have a distinct name. In Chapter 3
we prefixed attribute names by relation names to achieve uniqueness whenever attributes in distinct
relations had the same name.
15.2 Functional Dependencies
exist in the real world if the relationship changes. For example, the FD Zip_code →
Area_code used to exist as a relationship between postal codes and telephone number codes in the United States, but with the proliferation of telephone area codes it
is no longer true.
Consider the relation schema EMP_PROJ in Figure 15.3(b); from the semantics of
the attributes and the relation, we know that the following functional dependencies
should hold:
a. Ssn → Ename
b. Pnumber →{Pname, Plocation}
c. {Ssn, Pnumber} → Hours
These functional dependencies specify that (a) the value of an employee’s Social
Security number (Ssn) uniquely determines the employee name (Ename), (b) the
value of a project’s number (Pnumber) uniquely determines the project name
(Pname) and location (Plocation), and (c) a combination of Ssn and Pnumber values
uniquely determines the number of hours the employee currently works on the
project per week (Hours). Alternatively, we say that Ename is functionally determined
by (or functionally dependent on) Ssn, or given a value of Ssn, we know the value of
Ename, and so on.
A functional dependency is a property of the relation schema R, not of a particular
legal relation state r of R. Therefore, an FD cannot be inferred automatically from a
given relation extension r but must be defined explicitly by someone who knows the
semantics of the attributes of R. For example, Figure 15.7 shows a particular state of
the TEACH relation schema. Although at first glance we may think that Text →
Course, we cannot confirm this unless we know that it is true for all possible legal
states of TEACH. It is, however, sufficient to demonstrate a single counterexample to
disprove a functional dependency. For example, because ‘Smith’ teaches both ‘Data
Structures’ and ‘Data Management,’ we can conclude that Teacher does not functionally determine Course.
Given a populated relation, one cannot determine which FDs hold and which do
not unless the meaning of and the relationships among the attributes are known. All
one can say is that a certain FD may exist if it holds in that particular extension. One
cannot guarantee its existence until the meaning of the corresponding attributes is
clearly understood. One can, however, emphatically state that a certain FD does not
Data Structures
Data Management
Data Structures
Figure 15.7
A relation state of TEACH with a
possible functional dependency
TEXT → COURSE. However,
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
hold if there are tuples that show the violation of such an FD. See the illustrative
example relation in Figure 15.8. Here, the following FDs may hold because the four
tuples in the current extension have no violation of these constraints: B → C;
C → B; {A, B} → C; {A, B} → D; and {C, D} → B. However, the following do not
hold because we already have violations of them in the given extension: A → B
(tuples 1 and 2 violate this constraint); B → A (tuples 2 and 3 violate this constraint); D → C (tuples 3 and 4 violate it).
Figure 15.3 introduces a diagrammatic notation for displaying FDs: Each FD is displayed as a horizontal line. The left-hand-side attributes of the FD are connected by
vertical lines to the line representing the FD, while the right-hand-side attributes are
connected by the lines with arrows pointing toward the attributes.
We denote by F the set of functional dependencies that are specified on relation
schema R. Typically, the schema designer specifies the functional dependencies that
are semantically obvious; usually, however, numerous other functional dependencies
hold in all legal relation instances among sets of attributes that can be derived from
and satisfy the dependencies in F. Those other dependencies can be inferred or
deduced from the FDs in F. We defer the details of inference rules and properties of
functional dependencies to Chapter 16.
15.3 Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys
Having introduced functional dependencies, we are now ready to use them to specify some aspects of the semantics of relation schemas. We assume that a set of functional dependencies is given for each relation, and that each relation has a
designated primary key; this information combined with the tests (conditions) for
normal forms drives the normalization process for relational schema design. Most
practical relational design projects take one of the following two approaches:
Perform a conceptual schema design using a conceptual model such as ER or
EER and map the conceptual design into a set of relations
Design the relations based on external knowledge derived from an existing
implementation of files or forms or reports
Following either of these approaches, it is then useful to evaluate the relations for
goodness and decompose them further as needed to achieve higher normal forms,
using the normalization theory presented in this chapter and the next. We focus in
Figure 15.8
A relation R (A, B, C, D)
with its extension.
15.3 Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys
this section on the first three normal forms for relation schemas and the intuition
behind them, and discuss how they were developed historically. More general definitions of these normal forms, which take into account all candidate keys of a relation rather than just the primary key, are deferred to Section 15.4.
We start by informally discussing normal forms and the motivation behind their
development, as well as reviewing some definitions from Chapter 3 that are needed
here. Then we discuss the first normal form (1NF) in Section 15.3.4, and present the
definitions of second normal form (2NF) and third normal form (3NF), which are
based on primary keys, in Sections 15.3.5 and 15.3.6, respectively.
15.3.1 Normalization of Relations
The normalization process, as first proposed by Codd (1972a), takes a relation
schema through a series of tests to certify whether it satisfies a certain normal form.
The process, which proceeds in a top-down fashion by evaluating each relation
against the criteria for normal forms and decomposing relations as necessary, can
thus be considered as relational design by analysis. Initially, Codd proposed three
normal forms, which he called first, second, and third normal form. A stronger definition of 3NF—called Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF)—was proposed later by
Boyce and Codd. All these normal forms are based on a single analytical tool: the
functional dependencies among the attributes of a relation. Later, a fourth normal
form (4NF) and a fifth normal form (5NF) were proposed, based on the concepts of
multivalued dependencies and join dependencies, respectively; these are briefly discussed in Sections 15.6 and 15.7.
Normalization of data can be considered a process of analyzing the given relation
schemas based on their FDs and primary keys to achieve the desirable properties of
(1) minimizing redundancy and (2) minimizing the insertion, deletion, and update
anomalies discussed in Section 15.1.2. It can be considered as a “filtering” or “purification” process to make the design have successively better quality. Unsatisfactory
relation schemas that do not meet certain conditions—the normal form tests—are
decomposed into smaller relation schemas that meet the tests and hence possess the
desirable properties. Thus, the normalization procedure provides database designers with the following:
A formal framework for analyzing relation schemas based on their keys and
on the functional dependencies among their attributes
A series of normal form tests that can be carried out on individual relation
schemas so that the relational database can be normalized to any desired
Definition. The normal form of a relation refers to the highest normal form
condition that it meets, and hence indicates the degree to which it has been normalized.
Normal forms, when considered in isolation from other factors, do not guarantee a
good database design. It is generally not sufficient to check separately that each
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
relation schema in the database is, say, in BCNF or 3NF. Rather, the process of normalization through decomposition must also confirm the existence of additional
properties that the relational schemas, taken together, should possess. These would
include two properties:
The nonadditive join or lossless join property, which guarantees that the
spurious tuple generation problem discussed in Section 15.1.4 does not
occur with respect to the relation schemas created after decomposition.
The dependency preservation property, which ensures that each functional
dependency is represented in some individual relation resulting after
The nonadditive join property is extremely critical and must be achieved at any
cost, whereas the dependency preservation property, although desirable, is sometimes sacrificed, as we discuss in Section 16.1.2. We defer the presentation of the formal concepts and techniques that guarantee the above two properties to Chapter 16.
15.3.2 Practical Use of Normal Forms
Most practical design projects acquire existing designs of databases from previous
designs, designs in legacy models, or from existing files. Normalization is carried
out in practice so that the resulting designs are of high quality and meet the desirable properties stated previously. Although several higher normal forms have been
defined, such as the 4NF and 5NF that we discuss in Sections 15.6 and 15.7, the
practical utility of these normal forms becomes questionable when the constraints
on which they are based are rare, and hard to understand or to detect by the database designers and users who must discover these constraints. Thus, database design
as practiced in industry today pays particular attention to normalization only up to
3NF, BCNF, or at most 4NF.
Another point worth noting is that the database designers need not normalize to the
highest possible normal form. Relations may be left in a lower normalization status,
such as 2NF, for performance reasons, such as those discussed at the end of Section
15.1.2. Doing so incurs the corresponding penalties of dealing with the anomalies.
Definition. Denormalization is the process of storing the join of higher normal form relations as a base relation, which is in a lower normal form.
15.3.3 Definitions of Keys and Attributes
Participating in Keys
Before proceeding further, let’s look again at the definitions of keys of a relation
schema from Chapter 3.
Definition. A superkey of a relation schema R = {A1, A2, ... , An} is a set of
attributes S ⊆ R with the property that no two tuples t1 and t2 in any legal relation state r of R will have t1[S] = t2[S]. A key K is a superkey with the additional
property that removal of any attribute from K will cause K not to be a superkey
any more.
15.3 Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys
The difference between a key and a superkey is that a key has to be minimal; that is,
if we have a key K = {A1, A2, ..., Ak} of R, then K – {Ai} is not a key of R for any Ai, 1
≤ i ≤ k. In Figure 15.1, {Ssn} is a key for EMPLOYEE, whereas {Ssn}, {Ssn, Ename},
{Ssn, Ename, Bdate}, and any set of attributes that includes Ssn are all superkeys.
If a relation schema has more than one key, each is called a candidate key. One of
the candidate keys is arbitrarily designated to be the primary key, and the others are
called secondary keys. In a practical relational database, each relation schema must
have a primary key. If no candidate key is known for a relation, the entire relation
can be treated as a default superkey. In Figure 15.1, {Ssn} is the only candidate key
for EMPLOYEE, so it is also the primary key.
Definition. An attribute of relation schema R is called a prime attribute of R if
it is a member of some candidate key of R. An attribute is called nonprime if it
is not a prime attribute—that is, if it is not a member of any candidate key.
In Figure 15.1, both Ssn and Pnumber are prime attributes of WORKS_ON, whereas
other attributes of WORKS_ON are nonprime.
We now present the first three normal forms: 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF. These were proposed by Codd (1972a) as a sequence to achieve the desirable state of 3NF relations
by progressing through the intermediate states of 1NF and 2NF if needed. As we
shall see, 2NF and 3NF attack different problems. However, for historical reasons, it
is customary to follow them in that sequence; hence, by definition a 3NF relation
already satisfies 2NF.
15.3.4 First Normal Form
First normal form (1NF) is now considered to be part of the formal definition of a
relation in the basic (flat) relational model; historically, it was defined to disallow
multivalued attributes, composite attributes, and their combinations. It states that
the domain of an attribute must include only atomic (simple, indivisible) values and
that the value of any attribute in a tuple must be a single value from the domain of
that attribute. Hence, 1NF disallows having a set of values, a tuple of values, or a
combination of both as an attribute value for a single tuple. In other words, 1NF disallows relations within relations or relations as attribute values within tuples. The only
attribute values permitted by 1NF are single atomic (or indivisible) values.
Consider the DEPARTMENT relation schema shown in Figure 15.1, whose primary
key is Dnumber, and suppose that we extend it by including the Dlocations attribute as
shown in Figure 15.9(a). We assume that each department can have a number of
locations. The DEPARTMENT schema and a sample relation state are shown in
Figure 15.9. As we can see, this is not in 1NF because Dlocations is not an atomic
attribute, as illustrated by the first tuple in Figure 15.9(b). There are two ways we
can look at the Dlocations attribute:
The domain of Dlocations contains atomic values, but some tuples can have a
set of these values. In this case, Dlocations is not functionally dependent on
the primary key Dnumber.
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
333445555 {Bellaire, Sugarland, Houston}
987654321 {Stafford}
888665555 {Houston}
Figure 15.9
Normalization into 1NF. (a) A
relation schema that is not in
1NF. (b) Sample state of
relation DEPARTMENT. (c)
1NF version of the same
relation with redundancy.
The domain of Dlocations contains sets of values and hence is nonatomic. In
this case, Dnumber → Dlocations because each set is considered a single member of the attribute domain.9
In either case, the DEPARTMENT relation in Figure 15.9 is not in 1NF; in fact, it does
not even qualify as a relation according to our definition of relation in Section 3.1.
There are three main techniques to achieve first normal form for such a relation:
1. Remove the attribute Dlocations that violates 1NF and place it in a separate
relation DEPT_LOCATIONS along with the primary key Dnumber of
DEPARTMENT. The primary key of this relation is the combination
{Dnumber, Dlocation}, as shown in Figure 15.2. A distinct tuple in
DEPT_LOCATIONS exists for each location of a department. This decomposes
the non-1NF relation into two 1NF relations.
this case we can consider the domain of Dlocations to be the power set of the set of single locations; that is, the domain is made up of all possible subsets of the set of single locations.
15.3 Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys
2. Expand the key so that there will be a separate tuple in the original
DEPARTMENT relation for each location of a DEPARTMENT, as shown in
Figure 15.9(c). In this case, the primary key becomes the combination
{Dnumber, Dlocation}. This solution has the disadvantage of introducing
redundancy in the relation.
3. If a maximum number of values is known for the attribute—for example, if it
is known that at most three locations can exist for a department—replace the
Dlocations attribute by three atomic attributes: Dlocation1, Dlocation2, and
Dlocation3. This solution has the disadvantage of introducing NULL values if
most departments have fewer than three locations. It further introduces spurious semantics about the ordering among the location values that is not
originally intended. Querying on this attribute becomes more difficult; for
example, consider how you would write the query: List the departments that
have ‘Bellaire’ as one of their locations in this design.
Of the three solutions above, the first is generally considered best because it does
not suffer from redundancy and it is completely general, having no limit placed on
a maximum number of values. In fact, if we choose the second solution, it will be
decomposed further during subsequent normalization steps into the first solution.
First normal form also disallows multivalued attributes that are themselves composite. These are called nested relations because each tuple can have a relation
within it. Figure 15.10 shows how the EMP_PROJ relation could appear if nesting is
allowed. Each tuple represents an employee entity, and a relation PROJS(Pnumber,
Hours) within each tuple represents the employee’s projects and the hours per week
that employee works on each project. The schema of this EMP_PROJ relation can be
represented as follows:
EMP_PROJ(Ssn, Ename, {PROJS(Pnumber, Hours)})
The set braces { } identify the attribute PROJS as multivalued, and we list the component attributes that form PROJS between parentheses ( ). Interestingly, recent
trends for supporting complex objects (see Chapter 11) and XML data (see Chapter
12) attempt to allow and formalize nested relations within relational database systems, which were disallowed early on by 1NF.
Notice that Ssn is the primary key of the EMP_PROJ relation in Figures 15.10(a) and
(b), while Pnumber is the partial key of the nested relation; that is, within each tuple,
the nested relation must have unique values of Pnumber. To normalize this into 1NF,
we remove the nested relation attributes into a new relation and propagate the primary key into it; the primary key of the new relation will combine the partial key
with the primary key of the original relation. Decomposition and primary key
propagation yield the schemas EMP_PROJ1 and EMP_PROJ2, as shown in Figure
This procedure can be applied recursively to a relation with multiple-level nesting
to unnest the relation into a set of 1NF relations. This is useful in converting an
unnormalized relation schema with many levels of nesting into 1NF relations. The
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
Pnumber Hours
Figure 15.10
Normalizing nested relations into 1NF. (a)
Schema of the
EMP_PROJ relation with
a nested relation attribute
PROJS. (b) Sample
extension of the
EMP_PROJ relation
showing nested relations
within each tuple. (c)
Decomposition of
EMP_PROJ into relations
EMP_PROJ2 by propagating the primary key.
Smith, John B.
Narayan, Ramesh K.
English, Joyce A.
Wong, Franklin T.
Zelaya, Alicia J.
Jabbar, Ahmad V.
Wallace, Jennifer S.
Borg, James E.
existence of more than one multivalued attribute in one relation must be handled
carefully. As an example, consider the following non-1NF relation:
PERSON (Ss#, {Car_lic#}, {Phone#})
This relation represents the fact that a person has multiple cars and multiple
phones. If strategy 2 above is followed, it results in an all-key relation:
PERSON_IN_1NF (Ss#, Car_lic#, Phone#)
15.3 Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys
To avoid introducing any extraneous relationship between Car_lic# and Phone#, all
possible combinations of values are represented for every Ss#, giving rise to redundancy. This leads to the problems handled by multivalued dependencies and 4NF,
which we will discuss in Section 15.6. The right way to deal with the two multivalued attributes in PERSON shown previously is to decompose it into two separate
relations, using strategy 1 discussed above: P1(Ss#, Car_lic#) and P2(Ss#, Phone#).
15.3.5 Second Normal Form
Second normal form (2NF) is based on the concept of full functional dependency. A
functional dependency X → Y is a full functional dependency if removal of any
attribute A from X means that the dependency does not hold any more; that is, for
any attribute A ε X, (X – {A}) does not functionally determine Y. A functional
dependency X → Y is a partial dependency if some attribute A ε X can be removed
from X and the dependency still holds; that is, for some A ε X, (X – {A}) → Y. In
Figure 15.3(b), {Ssn, Pnumber} → Hours is a full dependency (neither Ssn → Hours
nor Pnumber → Hours holds). However, the dependency {Ssn, Pnumber} → Ename is
partial because Ssn → Ename holds.
Definition. A relation schema R is in 2NF if every nonprime attribute A in R is
fully functionally dependent on the primary key of R.
The test for 2NF involves testing for functional dependencies whose left-hand side
attributes are part of the primary key. If the primary key contains a single attribute,
the test need not be applied at all. The EMP_PROJ relation in Figure 15.3(b) is in
1NF but is not in 2NF. The nonprime attribute Ename violates 2NF because of FD2,
as do the nonprime attributes Pname and Plocation because of FD3. The functional
dependencies FD2 and FD3 make Ename, Pname, and Plocation partially dependent
on the primary key {Ssn, Pnumber} of EMP_PROJ, thus violating the 2NF test.
If a relation schema is not in 2NF, it can be second normalized or 2NF normalized
into a number of 2NF relations in which nonprime attributes are associated only
with the part of the primary key on which they are fully functionally dependent.
Therefore, the functional dependencies FD1, FD2, and FD3 in Figure 15.3(b) lead to
the decomposition of EMP_PROJ into the three relation schemas EP1, EP2, and EP3
shown in Figure 15.11(a), each of which is in 2NF.
15.3.6 Third Normal Form
Third normal form (3NF) is based on the concept of transitive dependency. A
functional dependency X → Y in a relation schema R is a transitive dependency if
there exists a set of attributes Z in R that is neither a candidate key nor a subset of
any key of R,10 and both X → Z and Z → Y hold. The dependency Ssn → Dmgr_ssn
is transitive through Dnumber in EMP_DEPT in Figure 15.3(a), because both the
is the general definition of transitive dependency. Because we are concerned only with primary
keys in this section, we allow transitive dependencies where X is the primary key but Z may be (a subset
of) a candidate key.
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
Ssn Pnumber
2NF Normalization
3NF Normalization
Figure 15.11
Normalizing into 2NF and 3NF. (a) Normalizing EMP_PROJ into
2NF relations. (b) Normalizing EMP_DEPT into 3NF relations.
dependencies Ssn → Dnumber and Dnumber → Dmgr_ssn hold and Dnumber is neither a key itself nor a subset of the key of EMP_DEPT. Intuitively, we can see that
the dependency of Dmgr_ssn on Dnumber is undesirable in EMP_DEPT since
Dnumber is not a key of EMP_DEPT.
Definition. According to Codd’s original definition, a relation schema R is in
3NF if it satisfies 2NF and no nonprime attribute of R is transitively dependent
on the primary key.
The relation schema EMP_DEPT in Figure 15.3(a) is in 2NF, since no partial dependencies on a key exist. However, EMP_DEPT is not in 3NF because of the transitive
dependency of Dmgr_ssn (and also Dname) on Ssn via Dnumber. We can normalize
15.4 General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms
EMP_DEPT by decomposing it into the two 3NF relation schemas ED1 and ED2
shown in Figure 15.11(b). Intuitively, we see that ED1 and ED2 represent independent entity facts about employees and departments. A NATURAL JOIN operation on
ED1 and ED2 will recover the original relation EMP_DEPT without generating spu-
rious tuples.
Intuitively, we can see that any functional dependency in which the left-hand side is
part (a proper subset) of the primary key, or any functional dependency in which
the left-hand side is a nonkey attribute, is a problematic FD. 2NF and 3NF normalization remove these problem FDs by decomposing the original relation into new
relations. In terms of the normalization process, it is not necessary to remove the
partial dependencies before the transitive dependencies, but historically, 3NF has
been defined with the assumption that a relation is tested for 2NF first before it is
tested for 3NF. Table 15.1 informally summarizes the three normal forms based on
primary keys, the tests used in each case, and the corresponding remedy or normalization performed to achieve the normal form.
15.4 General Definitions of Second
and Third Normal Forms
In general, we want to design our relation schemas so that they have neither partial
nor transitive dependencies because these types of dependencies cause the update
anomalies discussed in Section 15.1.2. The steps for normalization into 3NF relations that we have discussed so far disallow partial and transitive dependencies on
the primary key. The normalization procedure described so far is useful for analysis
in practical situations for a given database where primary keys have already been
defined. These definitions, however, do not take other candidate keys of a relation, if
Table 15.1
Summary of Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys and Corresponding Normalization
Normal Form
First (1NF)
Relation should have no multivalued
attributes or nested relations.
For relations where primary key contains multiple attributes, no nonkey
attribute should be functionally
dependent on a part of the primary key.
Form new relations for each multivalued
attribute or nested relation.
Relation should not have a nonkey
attribute functionally determined by
another nonkey attribute (or by a set of
nonkey attributes). That is, there should
be no transitive dependency of a nonkey attribute on the primary key.
Decompose and set up a relation that
includes the nonkey attribute(s) that functionally determine(s) other nonkey attribute(s).
Second (2NF)
Third (3NF)
Remedy (Normalization)
Decompose and set up a new relation for
each partial key with its dependent attribute(s). Make sure to keep a relation with
the original primary key and any attributes
that are fully functionally dependent on it.
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
any, into account. In this section we give the more general definitions of 2NF and
3NF that take all candidate keys of a relation into account. Notice that this does not
affect the definition of 1NF since it is independent of keys and functional dependencies. As a general definition of prime attribute, an attribute that is part of any
candidate key will be considered as prime. Partial and full functional dependencies
and transitive dependencies will now be considered with respect to all candidate keys
of a relation.
15.4.1 General Definition of Second Normal Form
Definition. A relation schema R is in second normal form (2NF) if every nonprime attribute A in R is not partially dependent on any key of R.11
The test for 2NF involves testing for functional dependencies whose left-hand side
attributes are part of the primary key. If the primary key contains a single attribute,
the test need not be applied at all. Consider the relation schema LOTS shown in
Figure 15.12(a), which describes parcels of land for sale in various counties of a
state. Suppose that there are two candidate keys: Property_id# and {County_name,
Lot#}; that is, lot numbers are unique only within each county, but Property_id#
numbers are unique across counties for the entire state.
Based on the two candidate keys Property_id# and {County_name, Lot#}, the functional dependencies FD1 and FD2 in Figure 15.12(a) hold. We choose Property_id# as
the primary key, so it is underlined in Figure 15.12(a), but no special consideration
will be given to this key over the other candidate key. Suppose that the following two
additional functional dependencies hold in LOTS:
FD3: County_name → Tax_rate
FD4: Area → Price
In words, the dependency FD3 says that the tax rate is fixed for a given county (does
not vary lot by lot within the same county), while FD4 says that the price of a lot is
determined by its area regardless of which county it is in. (Assume that this is the
price of the lot for tax purposes.)
The LOTS relation schema violates the general definition of 2NF because Tax_rate is
partially dependent on the candidate key {County_name, Lot#}, due to FD3. To normalize LOTS into 2NF, we decompose it into the two relations LOTS1 and LOTS2,
shown in Figure 15.12(b). We construct LOTS1 by removing the attribute Tax_rate
that violates 2NF from LOTS and placing it with County_name (the left-hand side of
FD3 that causes the partial dependency) into another relation LOTS2. Both LOTS1
and LOTS2 are in 2NF. Notice that FD4 does not violate 2NF and is carried over to
definition can be restated as follows: A relation schema R is in 2NF if every nonprime attribute A
in R is fully functionally dependent on every key of R.
15.4 General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms
Figure 15.12
Normalization into 2NF and 3NF. (a) The LOTS relation with its functional dependencies
FD1 through FD4. (b) Decomposing into the 2NF relations LOTS1 and LOTS2. (c)
Decomposing LOTS1 into the 3NF relations LOTS1A and LOTS1B. (d) Summary of the
progressive normalization of LOTS.
Candidate Key
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
15.4.2 General Definition of Third Normal Form
Definition. A relation schema R is in third normal form (3NF) if, whenever a
nontrivial functional dependency X → A holds in R, either (a) X is a superkey of
R, or (b) A is a prime attribute of R.
According to this definition, LOTS2 (Figure 15.12(b)) is in 3NF. However, FD4 in
LOTS1 violates 3NF because Area is not a superkey and Price is not a prime attribute
in LOTS1. To normalize LOTS1 into 3NF, we decompose it into the relation schemas
LOTS1A and LOTS1B shown in Figure 15.12(c). We construct LOTS1A by removing
the attribute Price that violates 3NF from LOTS1 and placing it with Area (the lefthand side of FD4 that causes the transitive dependency) into another relation
LOTS1B. Both LOTS1A and LOTS1B are in 3NF.
Two points are worth noting about this example and the general definition of 3NF:
LOTS1 violates 3NF because Price is transitively dependent on each of the
candidate keys of LOTS1 via the nonprime attribute Area.
This general definition can be applied directly to test whether a relation
schema is in 3NF; it does not have to go through 2NF first. If we apply the
above 3NF definition to LOTS with the dependencies FD1 through FD4, we
find that both FD3 and FD4 violate 3NF. Therefore, we could decompose
LOTS into LOTS1A, LOTS1B, and LOTS2 directly. Hence, the transitive and
partial dependencies that violate 3NF can be removed in any order.
15.4.3 Interpreting the General Definition
of Third Normal Form
A relation schema R violates the general definition of 3NF if a functional dependency X → A holds in R that does not meet either condition—meaning that it violates both conditions (a) and (b) of 3NF. This can occur due to two types of
problematic functional dependencies:
A nonprime attribute determines another nonprime attribute. Here we typically have a transitive dependency that violates 3NF.
A proper subset of a key of R functionally determines a nonprime attribute.
Here we have a partial dependency that violates 3NF (and also 2NF).
Therefore, we can state a general alternative definition of 3NF as follows:
Alternative Definition. A relation schema R is in 3NF if every nonprime attribute
of R meets both of the following conditions:
It is fully functionally dependent on every key of R.
It is nontransitively dependent on every key of R.
15.5 Boyce-Codd Normal Form
15.5 Boyce-Codd Normal Form
Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF) was proposed as a simpler form of 3NF, but it
was found to be stricter than 3NF. That is, every relation in BCNF is also in 3NF;
however, a relation in 3NF is not necessarily in BCNF. Intuitively, we can see the need
for a stronger normal form than 3NF by going back to the LOTS relation schema in
Figure 15.12(a) with its four functional dependencies FD1 through FD4. Suppose
that we have thousands of lots in the relation but the lots are from only two counties: DeKalb and Fulton. Suppose also that lot sizes in DeKalb County are only 0.5,
0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and 1.0 acres, whereas lot sizes in Fulton County are restricted to
1.1, 1.2, ..., 1.9, and 2.0 acres. In such a situation we would have the additional functional dependency FD5: Area → County_name. If we add this to the other dependencies, the relation schema LOTS1A still is in 3NF because County_name is a prime
The area of a lot that determines the county, as specified by FD5, can be represented
by 16 tuples in a separate relation R(Area, County_name), since there are only 16 possible Area values (see Figure 15.13). This representation reduces the redundancy of
repeating the same information in the thousands of LOTS1A tuples. BCNF is a
stronger normal form that would disallow LOTS1A and suggest the need for decomposing it.
Definition. A relation schema R is in BCNF if whenever a nontrivial functional
dependency X → A holds in R, then X is a superkey of R.
Lot# Area
Figure 15.13
Boyce-Codd normal form. (a) BCNF
normalization of LOTS1A with the functional dependency FD2 being lost in
the decomposition. (b) A schematic
relation with FDs; it is in 3NF, but not
in BCNF.
BCNF Normalization
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
The formal definition of BCNF differs from the definition of 3NF in that condition
(b) of 3NF, which allows A to be prime, is absent from BCNF. That makes BCNF a
stronger normal form compared to 3NF. In our example, FD5 violates BCNF in
LOTS1A because AREA is not a superkey of LOTS1A. Note that FD5 satisfies 3NF in
LOTS1A because County_name is a prime attribute (condition b), but this condition
does not exist in the definition of BCNF. We can decompose LOTS1A into two BCNF
relations LOTS1AX and LOTS1AY, shown in Figure 15.13(a). This decomposition
loses the functional dependency FD2 because its attributes no longer coexist in the
same relation after decomposition.
In practice, most relation schemas that are in 3NF are also in BCNF. Only if X → A
holds in a relation schema R with X not being a superkey and A being a prime
attribute will R be in 3NF but not in BCNF. The relation schema R shown in Figure
15.13(b) illustrates the general case of such a relation. Ideally, relational database
design should strive to achieve BCNF or 3NF for every relation schema. Achieving
the normalization status of just 1NF or 2NF is not considered adequate, since they
were developed historically as stepping stones to 3NF and BCNF.
As another example, consider Figure 15.14, which shows a relation TEACH with the
following dependencies:
{Student, Course} → Instructor
Instructor → Course
Note that {Student, Course} is a candidate key for this relation and that the dependencies shown follow the pattern in Figure 15.13(b), with Student as A, Course as B,
and Instructor as C. Hence this relation is in 3NF but not BCNF. Decomposition of
this relation schema into two schemas is not straightforward because it may be
Figure 15.14
A relation TEACH that is in
3NF but not BCNF.
Operating Systems
Operating Systems
Operating Systems
dependency means that each instructor teaches one course is a constraint for this application.
15.6 Multivalued Dependency and Fourth Normal Form
decomposed into one of the three following possible pairs:
1. {Student, Instructor} and {Student, Course}.
2. {Course, Instructor} and {Course, Student}.
3. {Instructor, Course} and {Instructor, Student}.
All three decompositions lose the functional dependency FD1. The desirable decomposition of those just shown is 3 because it will not generate spurious tuples after a
A test to determine whether a decomposition is nonadditive (or lossless) is discussed in Section 16.2.4 under Property NJB. In general, a relation not in BCNF
should be decomposed so as to meet this property.
We make sure that we meet this property, because nonadditive decomposition is a
must during normalization. We may have to possibly forgo the preservation of all
functional dependencies in the decomposed relations, as is the case in this example.
Algorithm 16.5 does that and could be used above to give decomposition 3 for
TEACH, which yields two relations in BCNF as:
(Instructor, Course) and (Instructor, Student)
Note that if we designate (Student, Instructor) as a primary key of the relation
TEACH, the FD Instructor → Course causes a partial (non-full-functional) dependency of Course on a part of this key. This FD may be removed as a part of second
normalization yielding exactly the same two relations in the result. This is an
example of a case where we may reach the same ultimate BCNF design via alternate
paths of normalization.
15.6 Multivalued Dependency
and Fourth Normal Form
So far we have discussed the concept of functional dependency, which is by far the
most important type of dependency in relational database design theory, and normal forms based on functional dependencies. However, in many cases relations have
constraints that cannot be specified as functional dependencies. In this section, we
discuss the concept of multivalued dependency (MVD) and define fourth normal
form, which is based on this dependency. A more formal discussion of MVDs and
their properties is deferred to Chapter 16. Multivalued dependencies are a consequence of first normal form (1NF) (see Section 15.3.4), which disallows an attribute
in a tuple to have a set of values, and the accompanying process of converting an
unnormalized relation into 1NF. If we have two or more multivalued independent
attributes in the same relation schema, we get into a problem of having to repeat
every value of one of the attributes with every value of the other attribute to keep
the relation state consistent and to maintain the independence among the attributes
involved. This constraint is specified by a multivalued dependency.
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
For example, consider the relation EMP shown in Figure 15.15(a). A tuple in this
EMP relation represents the fact that an employee whose name is Ename works on
the project whose name is Pname and has a dependent whose name is Dname. An
employee may work on several projects and may have several dependents, and the
employee’s projects and dependents are independent of one another.13 To keep the
relation state consistent, and to avoid any spurious relationship between the two
independent attributes, we must have a separate tuple to represent every combination of an employee’s dependent and an employee’s project. This constraint is spec-
Figure 15.15
Fourth and fifth normal forms.
(a) The EMP relation with two MVDs: Ename →
→ Pname and Ename →
→ Dname.
(b) Decomposing the EMP relation into two 4NF relations EMP_PROJECTS and
(c) The relation SUPPLY with no MVDs is in 4NF but not in 5NF if it has the JD(R1, R2, R3).
(d) Decomposing the relation SUPPLY into the 5NF relations R1, R2, R3.
an ER diagram, each would be represented as a multivalued attribute or as a weak entity type (see
Chapter 7).
15.6 Multivalued Dependency and Fourth Normal Form
ified as a multivalued dependency on the EMP relation, which we define in this section. Informally, whenever two independent 1:N relationships A:B and A:C are
mixed in the same relation, R(A, B, C), an MVD may arise.14
15.6.1 Formal Definition of Multivalued Dependency
Definition. A multivalued dependency X →
→ Y specified on relation schema R,
where X and Y are both subsets of R, specifies the following constraint on any
relation state r of R: If two tuples t1 and t2 exist in r such that t1[X] = t2[X], then
two tuples t3 and t4 should also exist in r with the following properties,15 where
we use Z to denote (R – (X ∪ Y)):16
t3[X] = t4[X] = t1[X] = t2[X].
t3[Y] = t1[Y] and t4[Y] = t2[Y].
t3[Z] = t2[Z] and t4[Z] = t1[Z].
Whenever X →
→ Y holds, we say that X multidetermines Y. Because of the symmetry in the definition, whenever X →
→ Y holds in R, so does X →
→ Z. Hence, X →
implies X →
→ Z, and therefore it is sometimes written as X →
→ Y|Z.
An MVD X →
→ Y in R is called a trivial MVD if (a) Y is a subset of X, or (b) X ∪ Y
= R. For example, the relation EMP_PROJECTS in Figure 15.15(b) has the trivial
MVD Ename →
→ Pname. An MVD that satisfies neither (a) nor (b) is called a
nontrivial MVD. A trivial MVD will hold in any relation state r of R; it is called trivial because it does not specify any significant or meaningful constraint on R.
If we have a nontrivial MVD in a relation, we may have to repeat values redundantly
in the tuples. In the EMP relation of Figure 15.15(a), the values ‘X’ and ‘Y’ of Pname
are repeated with each value of Dname (or, by symmetry, the values ‘John’ and ‘Anna’
of Dname are repeated with each value of Pname). This redundancy is clearly undesirable. However, the EMP schema is in BCNF because no functional dependencies
hold in EMP. Therefore, we need to define a fourth normal form that is stronger
than BCNF and disallows relation schemas such as EMP. Notice that relations containing nontrivial MVDs tend to be all-key relations—that is, their key is all their
attributes taken together. Furthermore, it is rare that such all-key relations with a
combinatorial occurrence of repeated values would be designed in practice.
However, recognition of MVDs as a potential problematic dependency is essential
in relational design.
We now present the definition of fourth normal form (4NF), which is violated
when a relation has undesirable multivalued dependencies, and hence can be used
to identify and decompose such relations.
MVD is denoted as A →
→ B|C.
tuples t1, t2, t3, and t4 are not necessarily distinct.
is shorthand for the attributes in R after the attributes in (X ∪ Y) are removed from R.
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
Definition. A relation schema R is in 4NF with respect to a set of dependencies
F (that includes functional dependencies and multivalued dependencies) if, for
every nontrivial multivalued dependency X →
→ Y in F+17 X is a superkey for R.
We can state the following points:
An all-key relation is always in BCNF since it has no FDs.
An all-key relation such as the EMP relation in Figure 15.15(a), which has no
FDs but has the MVD Ename →
→ Pname | Dname, is not in 4NF.
A relation that is not in 4NF due to a nontrivial MVD must be decomposed
to convert it into a set of relations in 4NF.
The decomposition removes the redundancy caused by the MVD.
The process of normalizing a relation involving the nontrivial MVDs that is not in
4NF consists of decomposing it so that each MVD is represented by a separate relation where it becomes a trivial MVD. Consider the EMP relation in Figure 15.15(a).
EMP is not in 4NF because in the nontrivial MVDs Ename →
→ Pname and Ename
→ Dname, and Ename is not a superkey of EMP. We decompose EMP into
EMP_PROJECTS and EMP_ DEPENDENTS, shown in Figure 15.15(b). Both
EMP_PROJECTS and EMP_DEPENDENTS are in 4NF, because the MVDs Ename
→ Pname in EMP_PROJECTS and Ename →
→ Dname in EMP_DEPENDENTS are
trivial MVDs. No other nontrivial MVDs hold in either EMP_PROJECTS or
EMP_DEPENDENTS. No FDs hold in these relation schemas either.
15.7 Join Dependencies
and Fifth Normal Form
In our discussion so far, we have pointed out the problematic functional dependencies and showed how they were eliminated by a process of repeated binary decomposition to remove them during the process of normalization to achieve 1NF, 2NF,
3NF and BCNF. These binary decompositions must obey the NJB property from
Section 16.2.4 that we referenced while discussing the decomposition to achieve
BCNF. Achieving 4NF typically involves eliminating MVDs by repeated binary
decompositions as well. However, in some cases there may be no nonadditive join
decomposition of R into two relation schemas, but there may be a nonadditive join
decomposition into more than two relation schemas. Moreover, there may be no
functional dependency in R that violates any normal form up to BCNF, and there
may be no nontrivial MVD present in R either that violates 4NF. We then resort to
another dependency called the join dependency and, if it is present, carry out a
multiway decomposition into fifth normal form (5NF). It is important to note that
such a dependency is a very peculiar semantic constraint that is very difficult to
detect in practice; therefore, normalization into 5NF is very rarely done in practice.
refers to the cover of functional dependencies F, or all dependencies that are implied by F. This is
defined in Section 16.1.
15.8 Summary
Definition. A join dependency (JD), denoted by JD(R1, R2, ..., Rn), specified on
relation schema R, specifies a constraint on the states r of R. The constraint
states that every legal state r of R should have a nonadditive join decomposition
into R1, R2, ..., Rn. Hence, for every such r we have
∗ (πR1(r), πR2(r), ..., πRn(r)) = r
Notice that an MVD is a special case of a JD where n = 2. That is, a JD denoted as
→ (R1 – R2) (or, by symmetry, (R1 ∩ R2)
JD(R1, R2) implies an MVD (R1 ∩ R2) →
→(R2 – R1)). A join dependency JD(R1, R2, ..., Rn), specified on relation schema R,
is a trivial JD if one of the relation schemas Ri in JD(R1, R2, ..., Rn) is equal to R.
Such a dependency is called trivial because it has the nonadditive join property for
any relation state r of R and thus does not specify any constraint on R. We can now
define fifth normal form, which is also called project-join normal form.
Definition. A relation schema R is in fifth normal form (5NF) (or project-join
normal form (PJNF)) with respect to a set F of functional, multivalued, and
join dependencies if, for every nontrivial join dependency JD(R1, R2, ..., Rn) in
F+ (that is, implied by F),18 every Ri is a superkey of R.
For an example of a JD, consider once again the SUPPLY all-key relation in Figure
15.15(c). Suppose that the following additional constraint always holds: Whenever a
supplier s supplies part p, and a project j uses part p, and the supplier s supplies at
least one part to project j, then supplier s will also be supplying part p to project j.
This constraint can be restated in other ways and specifies a join dependency JD(R1,
R2, R3) among the three projections R1(Sname, Part_name), R2(Sname, Proj_name),
and R3(Part_name, Proj_name) of SUPPLY. If this constraint holds, the tuples below
the dashed line in Figure 15.15(c) must exist in any legal state of the SUPPLY relation that also contains the tuples above the dashed line. Figure 15.15(d) shows how
the SUPPLY relation with the join dependency is decomposed into three relations R1,
R2, and R3 that are each in 5NF. Notice that applying a natural join to any two of
these relations produces spurious tuples, but applying a natural join to all three
together does not. The reader should verify this on the sample relation in Figure
15.15(c) and its projections in Figure 15.15(d). This is because only the JD exists,
but no MVDs are specified. Notice, too, that the JD(R1, R2, R3) is specified on all
legal relation states, not just on the one shown in Figure 15.15(c).
Discovering JDs in practical databases with hundreds of attributes is next to impossible. It can be done only with a great degree of intuition about the data on the part
of the designer. Therefore, the current practice of database design pays scant attention to them.
15.8 Summary
In this chapter we discussed several pitfalls in relational database design using intuitive arguments. We identified informally some of the measures for indicating
F+ refers to the cover of functional dependencies F, or all dependencies that are implied by F.
This is defined in Section 16.1.
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
whether a relation schema is good or bad, and provided informal guidelines for a
good design. These guidelines are based on doing a careful conceptual design in the
ER and EER model, following the mapping procedure in Chapter 9 correctly to map
entities and relationships into relations. Proper enforcement of these guidelines and
lack of redundancy will avoid the insertion/deletion/update anomalies, and generation of spurious data. We recommended limiting NULL values, which cause problems during SELECT, JOIN, and aggregation operations. Then we presented some
formal concepts that allow us to do relational design in a top-down fashion by analyzing relations individually. We defined this process of design by analysis and
decomposition by introducing the process of normalization.
We defined the concept of functional dependency, which is the basic tool for analyzing relational schemas, and discussed some of its properties. Functional dependencies specify semantic constraints among the attributes of a relation schema. Next we
described the normalization process for achieving good designs by testing relations
for undesirable types of problematic functional dependencies. We provided a treatment of successive normalization based on a predefined primary key in each relation, and then relaxed this requirement and provided more general definitions of
second normal form (2NF) and third normal form (3NF) that take all candidate
keys of a relation into account. We presented examples to illustrate how by using the
general definition of 3NF a given relation may be analyzed and decomposed to
eventually yield a set of relations in 3NF.
We presented Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF) and discussed how it is a stronger
form of 3NF. We also illustrated how the decomposition of a non-BCNF relation
must be done by considering the nonadditive decomposition requirement. Then we
introduced the fourth normal form based on multivalued dependencies that typically arise due to mixing independent multivalued attributes into a single relation.
Finally, we introduced the fifth normal form, which is based on join dependency,
and which identifies a peculiar constraint that causes a relation to be decomposed
into several components so that they always yield the original relation back after a
join. In practice, most commercial designs have followed the normal forms up to
BCNF. Need for decomposing into 5NF rarely arises in practice, and join dependencies are difficult to detect for most practical situations, making 5NF more of theoretical value.
Chapter 16 presents synthesis as well as decomposition algorithms for relational
database design based on functional dependencies. Related to decomposition, we
discuss the concepts of nonadditive (or lossless) join and dependency preservation,
which are enforced by some of these algorithms. Other topics in Chapter 16 include
a more detailed treatment of functional and multivalued dependencies, and other
types of dependencies.
Review Questions
15.1. Discuss attribute semantics as an informal measure of goodness for a rela-
tion schema.
15.2. Discuss insertion, deletion, and modification anomalies. Why are they con-
sidered bad? Illustrate with examples.
15.3. Why should NULLs in a relation be avoided as much as possible? Discuss the
problem of spurious tuples and how we may prevent it.
15.4. State the informal guidelines for relation schema design that we discussed.
Illustrate how violation of these guidelines may be harmful.
15.5. What is a functional dependency? What are the possible sources of the infor-
mation that defines the functional dependencies that hold among the attributes of a relation schema?
15.6. Why can we not infer a functional dependency automatically from a partic-
ular relation state?
15.7. What does the term unnormalized relation refer to? How did the normal
forms develop historically from first normal form up to Boyce-Codd normal
15.8. Define first, second, and third normal forms when only primary keys are
considered. How do the general definitions of 2NF and 3NF, which consider
all keys of a relation, differ from those that consider only primary keys?
15.9. What undesirable dependencies are avoided when a relation is in 2NF?
15.10. What undesirable dependencies are avoided when a relation is in 3NF?
15.11. In what way do the generalized definitions of 2NF and 3NF extend the defi-
nitions beyond primary keys?
15.12. Define Boyce-Codd normal form. How does it differ from 3NF? Why is it
considered a stronger form of 3NF?
15.13. What is multivalued dependency? When does it arise?
15.14. Does a relation with two or more columns always have an MVD? Show with
an example.
15.15. Define fourth normal form. When is it violated? When is it typically
15.16. Define join dependency and fifth normal form.
15.17. Why is 5NF also called project-join normal form (PJNF)?
15.18. Why do practical database designs typically aim for BCNF and not aim for
higher normal forms?
15.19. Suppose that we have the following requirements for a university database
that is used to keep track of students’ transcripts:
a. The university keeps track of each student’s name (Sname), student number (Snum), Social Security number (Ssn), current address (Sc_addr) and
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
phone (Sc_phone), permanent address (Sp_addr) and phone (Sp_phone),
birth date (Bdate), sex (Sex), class (Class) (‘freshman’, ‘sophomore’, ... ,
‘graduate’), major department (Major_code), minor department
(Minor_code) (if any), and degree program (Prog) (‘b.a.’, ‘b.s.’, ... , ‘ph.d.’).
Both Ssn and student number have unique values for each student.
Each department is described by a name (Dname), department code
(Dcode), office number (Doffice), office phone (Dphone), and college
(Dcollege). Both name and code have unique values for each department.
Each course has a course name (Cname), description (Cdesc), course
number (Cnum), number of semester hours (Credit), level (Level), and
offering department (Cdept). The course number is unique for each
Each section has an instructor (Iname), semester (Semester), year (Year),
course (Sec_course), and section number (Sec_num). The section number
distinguishes different sections of the same course that are taught during
the same semester/year; its values are 1, 2, 3, ..., up to the total number of
sections taught during each semester.
A grade record refers to a student (Ssn), a particular section, and a grade
Design a relational database schema for this database application. First show
all the functional dependencies that should hold among the attributes. Then
design relation schemas for the database that are each in 3NF or BCNF.
Specify the key attributes of each relation. Note any unspecified requirements, and make appropriate assumptions to render the specification
15.20. What update anomalies occur in the EMP_PROJ and EMP_DEPT relations of
Figures 15.3 and 15.4?
15.21. In what normal form is the LOTS relation schema in Figure 15.12(a) with
respect to the restrictive interpretations of normal form that take only the
primary key into account? Would it be in the same normal form if the general definitions of normal form were used?
15.22. Prove that any relation schema with two attributes is in BCNF.
15.23. Why do spurious tuples occur in the result of joining the EMP_PROJ1 and
EMP_ LOCS relations in Figure 15.5 (result shown in Figure 15.6)?
15.24. Consider the universal relation R = {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J} and the set of
functional dependencies F = { {A, B}→{C}, {A}→{D, E}, {B}→{F}, {F}→{G,
H}, {D}→{I, J} }. What is the key for R? Decompose R into 2NF and then
3NF relations.
15.25. Repeat Exercise 15.24 for the following different set of functional dependen-
cies G = {{A, B}→{C}, {B, D}→{E, F}, {A, D}→{G, H}, {A}→{I}, {H}→{J} }.
15.26. Consider the following relation:
a. Given the previous extension (state), which of the following dependencies
may hold in the above relation? If the dependency cannot hold, explain
why by specifying the tuples that cause the violation.
i. A → B, ii. B → C, iii. C → B, iv. B → A, v. C → A
b. Does the above relation have a potential candidate key? If it does, what is
it? If it does not, why not?
15.27. Consider a relation R(A, B, C, D, E) with the following dependencies:
AB → C, CD → E, DE → B
Is AB a candidate key of this relation? If not, is ABD? Explain your answer.
15.28. Consider the relation R, which has attributes that hold schedules of courses
and sections at a university; R = {Course_no, Sec_no, Offering_dept,
Credit_hours, Course_level, Instructor_ssn, Semester, Year, Days_hours, Room_no,
No_of_students}. Suppose that the following functional dependencies hold
on R:
{Course_no} → {Offering_dept, Credit_hours, Course_level}
{Course_no, Sec_no, Semester, Year} → {Days_hours, Room_no,
No_of_students, Instructor_ssn}
{Room_no, Days_hours, Semester, Year} → {Instructor_ssn, Course_no,
Try to determine which sets of attributes form keys of R. How would you
normalize this relation?
15.29. Consider the following relations for an order-processing application data-
base at ABC, Inc.
ORDER (O#, Odate, Cust#, Total_amount)
ORDER_ITEM(O#, I#, Qty_ordered, Total_price, Discount%)
Assume that each item has a different discount. The Total_price refers to one
item, Odate is the date on which the order was placed, and the Total_amount is
the amount of the order. If we apply a natural join on the relations
ORDER_ITEM and ORDER in this database, what does the resulting relation
schema look like? What will be its key? Show the FDs in this resulting relation. Is it in 2NF? Is it in 3NF? Why or why not? (State assumptions, if you
make any.)
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
15.30. Consider the following relation:
CAR_SALE(Car#, Date_sold, Salesperson#, Commission%, Discount_amt)
Assume that a car may be sold by multiple salespeople, and hence {Car#,
Salesperson#} is the primary key. Additional dependencies are
Date_sold → Discount_amt and
Salesperson# → Commission%
Based on the given primary key, is this relation in 1NF, 2NF, or 3NF? Why or
why not? How would you successively normalize it completely?
15.31. Consider the following relation for published books:
BOOK (Book_title, Author_name, Book_type, List_price, Author_affil,
Author_affil refers to the affiliation of author. Suppose the following depen-
dencies exist:
Book_title → Publisher, Book_type
Book_type → List_price
Author_name → Author_affil
a. What normal form is the relation in? Explain your answer.
b. Apply normalization until you cannot decompose the relations further.
State the reasons behind each decomposition.
15.32. This exercise asks you to convert business statements into dependencies.
Consider the relation DISK_DRIVE (Serial_number, Manufacturer, Model, Batch,
Capacity, Retailer). Each tuple in the relation DISK_DRIVE contains information about a disk drive with a unique Serial_number, made by a manufacturer,
with a particular model number, released in a certain batch, which has a certain storage capacity and is sold by a certain retailer. For example, the tuple
Disk_drive (‘1978619’, ‘WesternDigital’, ‘A2235X’, ‘765234’, 500, ‘CompUSA’)
specifies that WesternDigital made a disk drive with serial number 1978619
and model number A2235X, released in batch 765234; it is 500GB and sold
by CompUSA.
Write each of the following dependencies as an FD:
a. The manufacturer and serial number uniquely identifies the drive.
b. A model number is registered by a manufacturer and therefore can’t be
used by another manufacturer.
c. All disk drives in a particular batch are the same model.
d. All disk drives of a certain model of a particular manufacturer have
exactly the same capacity.
15.33. Consider the following relation:
R (Doctor#, Patient#, Date, Diagnosis, Treat_code, Charge)
In the above relation, a tuple describes a visit of a patient to a doctor along
with a treatment code and daily charge. Assume that diagnosis is determined
(uniquely) for each patient by a doctor. Assume that each treatment code has
a fixed charge (regardless of patient). Is this relation in 2NF? Justify your
answer and decompose if necessary. Then argue whether further normalization to 3NF is necessary, and if so, perform it.
15.34. Consider the following relation:
CAR_SALE (Car_id, Option_type, Option_listprice, Sale_date,
This relation refers to options installed in cars (e.g., cruise control) that were
sold at a dealership, and the list and discounted prices of the options.
If CarID → Sale_date and Option_type → Option_listprice and CarID,
Option_type → Option_discountedprice, argue using the generalized definition of the 3NF that this relation is not in 3NF. Then argue from your knowledge of 2NF, why it is not even in 2NF.
15.35. Consider the relation:
BOOK (Book_Name, Author, Edition, Year)
with the data:
a. Based on a common-sense understanding of the above data, what are the
possible candidate keys of this relation?
b. Justify that this relation has the MVD { Book } →
→ { Author } | { Edition, Year }.
c. What would be the decomposition of this relation based on the above
MVD? Evaluate each resulting relation for the highest normal form it
15.36. Consider the following relation:
TRIP (Trip_id, Start_date, Cities_visited, Cards_used)
This relation refers to business trips made by company salespeople. Suppose
the TRIP has a single Start_date, but involves many Cities and salespeople may
use multiple credit cards on the trip. Make up a mock-up population of the
a. Discuss what FDs and/or MVDs exist in this relation.
b. Show how you will go about normalizing it.
Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
Laboratory Exercise
Note: The following exercise use the DBD (Data Base Designer) system that is
described in the laboratory manual. The relational schema R and set of functional
dependencies F need to be coded as lists. As an example, R and F for this problem is
coded as:
R = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j]
F = [[[a, b],[c]],
[[a],[d, e]],
[[f],[g, h]],
[[d],[i, j]]]
Since DBD is implemented in Prolog, use of uppercase terms is reserved for variables in the language and therefore lowercase constants are used to code the attributes. For further details on using the DBD system, please refer to the laboratory
15.37. Using the DBD system, verify your answers to the following exercises:
a. 15.24 (3NF only)
b. 15.25
c. 15.27
d. 15.28
Selected Bibliography
Functional dependencies were originally introduced by Codd (1970). The original
definitions of first, second, and third normal form were also defined in Codd
(1972a), where a discussion on update anomalies can be found. Boyce-Codd normal form was defined in Codd (1974). The alternative definition of third normal
form is given in Ullman (1988), as is the definition of BCNF that we give here.
Ullman (1988), Maier (1983), and Atzeni and De Antonellis (1993) contain many of
the theorems and proofs concerning functional dependencies.
Additional references to relational design theory are given in Chapter 16.