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All major movements in contemporary Judéism are directly or indirectly
to Emancipation. Most of all true of Pgogressive Judaism. Therefore
must deal
with Emancipation. But next time. Fir§t what went before.
Two major phases: Biblical and Rabbinic. (When did each begin?) If we compare
we see both sameness and difference, continuity and change.
Common: One God, Creator of cosmos, Guide of history, Righteous, Perfect
Age, esp.Paxe
Chosen People, Revelation, Love of Neighbour.
Unlike: Location, Status, Institution, Leadership, Torah, Immortality.
Closer look at Rabbinic Judaism. Origin of Pharisaism. Synagogue, School, Home.
Liturgy. Oral Torah. Destruction of Temple. Dispersion. Triumph of Pharisaism.
Rabbinic Judaism. Halachah and Aggadah. Mishnah, Talmud, Midrash. Codes and
Challenges to Rabbinic Judaism. Sadduceés, Karaites, Kabbalah, Chasidism.
Persistence of Rabbinic Judaism nevertheLess. Aided by outside pressure and
selfrgovernment. Kahal. Synagogue, bath; cemetery, slaughterhouSe, bakery,
philanthropy, schools. Fixed weights & deasures, wages, prices, rents, Beth Dih,
flogging, fines, imprisonment. Admin. council = 7 tovey ha—ir (Meg. 27a) elected
by secret ballot. Parnas, gabbai, Dayyanim. Takkanot. Confederatiom: Council
of Four Lands (1580-1764), Poland.
Ghetto. Fourth Laberan Council 1215 inclyded (a) yellow badge, (b) segregation.
First compulsory ghettos: Cologne 1150, Palermo 1312, Frankfort 1460, 1496 onwards
various Polish cities. B y 16th cent. unrversal in most of Europe. Venice 1516.
Ghetto (borghetto = little quarter?), Judengasse, Judenstadb, Juiverie, Mellah.
Unsanitary areas. Walls & gates. Degradation & protection. Gates locked sunset
to sunrise, Sundays & Christian holidays. Lack of light, gardens. Danger of
disease & fire. Also collapse since area cramped and expansion vertical. Mob
attacks, taunting. Familientengesetz; restricting marriages~to eidesta oruo ver
or equal to deaths. Narrowing of education.
Psychological effects: see Rudavsky, p. 32.
Rigidification of Jewish law pre-existed but intensified by Ghetto. Plus:‘
hostility to Gentile world and lack of cultural breadth.
January 9th
January 16th
January 23rd
January 30th
February 6th
February 13th
February 20th
February 27th
March 6th
March 13th
Revelation and Tradition; Authority of Bible and Talmud
Liturgy; Controversial Theological Issues
Worship: Language, Music, Seating, Attire
Domestic Observances (including Kashrut); Sabbath and Festivals
Childhood: Circumcision, Education, Coming of Age
Jewish Status; Conversion to Judaism
Marriage and Divorce
Death, Burial, Cremation, MOurning
Social Issues; Progressive Judaism and Zionism
Discussion of Issues raised by Participants
History of Progressive Judaism
Michael A. Meyer: Response 29 Modernity, A History'of the Reform Movement in
Judaism (Oxford University Press, 1988). This supersedes all previous
histories of its scope except W. Gunther Plaut's
Rise 92 Reform Judaism
and Egg Growth 3: Reform Judaism, World Union forEgg
Progressive Judaism, 1963
and 1965, which are still useful as 'source—books'.
Beliefs and Practices of Progressive Judaism
Claude G. Montefiore: Outlines 2E Liberal Judaism (Macmillan and Co., 1912).
Israel I. Mattuck: Liberal Judaism: Its Thought and Practice (ULPS, 1947).
John D. Rayner and Bernard Hooker: Judaism
£93 Egggl (ULPS, 1978)Bugene B. Borowitz: Liberal Judaism (UAHC, 1984).»
The Platforms: Philadelphia 1869; Pittsburgh 1885; Germany 1912; Columbus 1937;
San Francisco (Centenary Perspective) 1976. (Texts have been or will be
Liturgy of Progressive Judaism
Jakob J. Petuchowski: Prayerbook Reform in Europe (World Union for Progressive
Judaism, 1968)