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• There is evidence that ice sheets (glaciation) once
covered southern Africa, India, Australia, and South
America (paleoglaciation). Wegener believed this
was proof that these continents were once located
close to Antarctica.
Wegener did not hypothesize that the earth's crust
consists of moving plates. This theory, sparked by
Canadian J. Tuzo Wilson and known as Plate
Tectonics, was not developed until 1968.
c) Why did most scientists of his day disagree with
his theory?
ANSWER: (p. 90) Wegener could not explain what
mechanism was powerful enough to move huge
Student Book Questions, p. 93
1. What was probably the first evidence that led people
to think that the continents were once connected?
ANSWER: (p. 90) The apparent jigsaw fit of the continents
was likely the starting point for the theory of continental
drift. For example, the shapes of South America and Africa
seem to fit together.
2. a) What did Alfred Wegener mean by "continental
ANSWER: (p. 90) Wegener suggested that all the
earth's land masses, which were in constant motion,
collided about 300 million years ago to form one supercontinent which he called Pangaea. About 200 million
years ago, Pangaea started to break up. The pieces
drifted in different directions to their present positions.
b) What proof did he have to support this theory?
ANSWER: (p. 91) Wegener believed he could prove
his theory for the following reasons:
• He saw the jigsaw fit between South America and
Africa (coastline fit).
• He found fossils of the same plants and animals on
both continents (fossil correlation).
• The Appalachian Mountains in North America are
of similar age and structure as mountains in
Scotland and Scandanavia (geologic similarities).
Chapter 10: Geologic History Answers/Resource List
3 . Explain the theory of plate tectonics.
ANSWER: (p. 90) The crust of the earth consists of about
20 (lithospheric) plates. Most plates comprise an ocean
and a continental land mass. The plates are moving over a
weak layer of hot rock several hundred kilometres below
the earth's surface (the asthenosphere). No one fully understands the forces that cause the plates to move over the
layer of hot rock. It is possible that the unequal distribution
of heat within the earth creates convection currents in the
upper mantle that cause the plates to move. This may be
the "mechanism" that eluded Wegener, and that makes the
theory of plate tectonics plausible.
4 . Why are most earthquakes and volcanoes located
near plate boundaries?
ANSWER. (p. 88) Earthquakes and volcanoes occur near
plate boundaries because it is here that the plates move
in relation to each other.
The plates that make up the earth's crust are moving
at different speeds and in different directions. For example, the North American plate and the Pacific plate are
sliding past each other along the San Andreas Fault in
California. This causes many earthquakes in the area. The
South American plate and the Nazca plate are colliding;
the Nazca plate is subducting below the South American
plate. This creates volcanoes and earthquakes in the
Andes Mountains. The volcanoes that surround the
Pacific Ocean (Pacific Rim of Fire) are a result of the
collision of the Pacific Plate with several other plates
5 . "The movement of the earth's plates has been important to Canada." Explain.
ANSWER: (p. 92) The movement of the earth's plates has
shaped Canada in many ways. It has contributed to the
formation of a number of Canada's geological features. For
example, the Appalachian Mountains in the east and the
Western Cordillera in the west were formed by plates
bumping together. Plate movement also contributed to the
development of fossil fuels. Oil, gas, and coal deposits were
formed as a res ult of events that took place when
Canada's land mass was located in a tropical climate.
6. a) Write a newspaper article describing continental
drift that could have appeared when Wegener first
published his theory.
ANSWER:Your studen ts should be able to provide
several different approaches to this question. Here is
124 a sample of what you might expect:
Chapter 10: Geologic History Answers/Resource List
German Scientist Says Continents Drifting
GODHAVEN, GREENLAND—Scientist Alfred Wegener
yesterday announced his revolutionary theory of continental drift as he boarded ship to return to Germany.
He hypothesizes that about 300 million years ago, the
earth's continents were one supercontinent, which Dr.
Wegener calls Pangaea. He believes that about 200 million
years ago, the supercontinent of Pangaea started to break up,
and the pieces, or continents, drifted in different directions
to their present positions. Wegener declared that his con tinental drift theory accounts for the similarity of fossils
found on different continents. His new hypothesis, however, explains why the shapes of the continents on both
sides of the Atlantic Ocean appear to fit together like
pieces in a jigsaw puzzle.
Wegener said, "I feel confident that the correspon dence in the coastlines of the continents on both sides of
the Atlantic is proof that all the continents were once
joined together as one large land mass. The existence of
fossils and mountain ranges of the same age and structure
on opposite land masses is further proof. We know that ice
sheets once covered southern Africa, India,Australia, and
South America. How could this ice develop in places that
are so warm today? I am sure that at one time these land
masses were located very close to the South Pole. This
evidence will convince my colleagues of the truth of my
continental drift theory."
—August 12, 1913.
b) Write an editorial that either supports or rejects
his theory. Fully explain your reasons.
ANSWER: Students may write editorials that either
support or reject Wegener's theory. Here is an example
of one rejecting his theory.
Revolutionary Thinker or Raving Lunatic?
The theory that the continents were once pieces of one
large land mass that "drifted" apart was presented yesterday
by German scientist Alfred Wegener. Wegener says that
proof of this theory is that the coastlines on both sides of
the Atlantic Ocean look as if they once fitted together like
pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. He also stated that similar fossils
and mountain ranges found on both sides of the Atlantic
are also proof of his "continental drift" theory. Wegener
believes that the signs of glaciation in South America,
Africa, India, and Australia are further evidence that these
land masses were once close to Antarc tica.
We do not believe that Dr.Wegener's evidence is overwhelmingly convincing. His "jigsaw fit" of the continents
is far-fetched. Granted, there is a possible fit between South
America and Africa, but where else on the globe is this fit
obvious? A few similar rock samples from mountains on
both sides of the Atlantic and a selection of similar fossils
cannot support his theory that the earth's continents were
once one supercontinent. We suggest that it is entirely Student Book Questions, p.100
possible that two separate mountain ranges were formed of
the same rock at the same time on two different continents.
We also suggest that it is scientifically possible that the exact CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING
same animals and plants lived on each side of the Atlantic at 1. "The earth's physical landscape is the result of conflict
the same time.Wegener's theory of ice sheets in South
between forces .... " Explain what this means.
ANSWER: (pp. 93, 95) The earth's physical landscape is
America, Africa. India. and Australia is nonsense! Glaciers
partly the result of conflict between the forces that build
could simply have formed over these land masses during the
the land higher, and those that wear it down. Volcanoes,
last Ice Age. Lastly, but most importantly, can Dr. Wegener
folding, and faulting are the major forces that push the
tell us exactly how and why the continents drifted away from
land up to form mountains. Mountains, in turn, are slowly
and continuously worn down by wind, rain, running water,
one another over such huge distances% Can he explain the
ice, temperature changes, and chemical reactions. This
mechanism that caused such an incredible journey%We think
wearing down is called erosion. At different times and in
not.We urge Dr.Wegener to stick to the much more plausible
different places, one force has been stronger than the
land-bridge theory put forward by his respected scientific
other. Over millions of years, mountain ranges, plains, and
oceans developed and disappeared many times. This
conflict forms the story of the earth's geologic history.
The Editors.
Student Book Question, p. 93
How many times would the length of your life (a fifteenyear -old) fit into the earth's lifespan of 4 600 000 000
ANSWER: 4 600 000 000 divided by 15 = 306 666 666.67
Student Book Activity, p. 94
1. Using the information from Fig. 10-6, answer the
questions below.
a ) How old is the earth?
ANSWER: (p. 96) The earth is 4 600 000 000 years old,
or four billion, 600 million years old (46 billion years old).
What percentage of the earth's age does each
era represent?
ANSWER: (Fig. 10-6, p. 94)
Cenozoic ((66 - 0)/4600) x 100 = 1.4%
Mesozoic (1245 -66)/4600) x 100 = 3.9%
Paleozoic ((570 - 245)/4600) x 100 = 71%
Precambrian (14600 - 570)/4600) x 100 = 876%
What is the name of the era in which we live?
ANSWER: (p. 94) We live in the Cenozoic era. York
University Professor Skid Crease says that we should
be entering a new era of caring for the environmental health of the planet He calls this era the
2. a) Draw a line 25 cm long on a piece of paper. Divide it
into eras based on the percentages calculated in
question l b .
ANSWER: The completed time line should have
divisions at these intervals (from left to right): 0 cm to
21.9 cm (Precambrian); 21.9 cm to 23.7 cm (Paleozoic);
23.7 cm to 24.7 cm (Mesozoic); 24.7 cm to 25 cm
b) Using the chart from Fig. 10 -6, label the main
geological events which occurred in each era
along the line.
ANSWER: (p. 94) Refer your students to Fig. 10 -6 for
major ge ological events corresponding to each era.
2. a) What part of Canada was created during the
Precambrian era?
ANSWER: (p. 95) The Canadian Shield was created
during the Precambrian era.
b ) What types of rock make up this landform?
ANSWER: (p. 95) The Canadian Shield is made of
igneous, metamorphic, and some sedimentary rock.
c) How did it differ in appearance from today?
ANSWER: (p. 95) The Canadian Shield was an enor mous mountain range taller than any that exists today.
At times, the peaks were as high as 12 000 m above
sea level. Now, most parts of the Canadian Shield are
less than 500 m high and form a peneplain.
3. Where was the eroded material from the Shield
deposited and what did this material become?
ANSWER: (p. 97) The eroded material or "sediments" from
the Shield (see Fig. 10-8) was moved by rivers and
deposited in shallow seas surrounding the Shield. Over
millions of years, these sediments were compressed into
layers of sed imentary rock to form the bedrock that today
underlies part of every province.
4. What was the most important geological event of the
Paleozoic era?
ANSWER: (p. 97) The most important geologic event of the
Paleozoic era was the creation of vast layers of sedimentary
rock that contained deposits of oil, gas, and coal. These
lay ers of sedimentary rock were made of sediments laid
down under shallow seas.
(p. 98) Students may also answer the question by
stating that the most important event was the formation of
Pangaea 300 million years ago and the formation of the
Appalachian Mountains.
5. Geologists believe that Canada was located closer to the
equator during the early part of the Paleozoic era. Why
has this tropical location been important to Canada?
ANSWER: (p. 97) Organisms (marine plants and animals)
that eventually produced the great oil and gas deposits of
western Canada lived in the warm shallow seas surround ing the ancient Canadian Shield. Huge swamps grew in
the warm climate of this tropical location. The vegetation
of these swamps eventually produced the coal -bearing
rock of Nova Scotia.
Warm, shallow, tropical seas were also responsible
for the formation of the coral reefs located thousands of
metres below the surface of the land in Alberta and
Saskatchewan. They contain deposits of oil and gas (see
formed and then melted away, they dumped large
amounts of clay, silt, sand, and gravel on the lowlands
surrounding the Shield. The glaciers set the current pattern of Canada's lakes, rivers, hills, and plains.
Glaciers that moved across the face of North
America created examples of erosion and deposition:
Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia has amazing erratics;
Labrador's coastline is characterized by deep fiords;
drumlin fields surround the cities of Peterborough and
Guelph; the Great Lakes and the lakes of the Canadian
Shield have been gouged out by glaciers; southern
Ontario's glacial till deposits are excellent for
agriculture; the Rockies are renowned for their alpine
valleys and finger lakes; Kluane, the largest non-polar
icefield in the world, is filled with alpine glaciers and
cirques; and Ellesmere, Axel Heiberg, Baffin and Devon
Islands in Nunavut are covered by the remnants of iceage glaciers.
6. Based on the fossil evidence, what life forms existed
during the Paleozoic era?
ANSWER: (p. 98) Living organisms (plants and animals) in
the seas, sea organisms with shells, simple plants, trees,
fish, insects, and amphibians existed during the Paleozoic
era. Fossils of crinoids, molluscs, and trilobites are found
in rock sam ples from this era.
7. What event marks the division between the Paleozoic
and Mesozoic eras?
ANSWER: (p. 98) The division between the Paleozoic and
Mesozoic eras is marked by the extinction of many plant
and animal species. Half the fossil group of organisms
found in the rocks of the late Paleozoic era are missing in
the rocks of the early Mesozoic era.
8. During the Mesozoic era, the North American Plate
collided with the Pacific Plate. What resulted from
this collision?
ANSWER: (p. 98) The Coast Range and Rocky Mountains
resulted from this collision in the following manner: the
collision caused huge amounts of magma to rise within a
few kilometres of the surface of the North American Plate.
It cooled and solidified into a large mass of granite. This
grani te structure was later uplifted and formed the Coast
Range Mountains. Towards the end of the Mesozoic era,
tremendous tectonic forces folded the earth's surface to
begin the formation of the Rocky Mountains. Large
amounts of volcanic material and the formation of mountains between the Coast Range and the Rockies add to
the complex geology of the Western Cordillera.
9. How were (i) coal and (ii) oil and gas deposits formed
in western Canada during the Mesozoic era?
ANSWER: (p. 98-99) The climate of the land mass that is
now Canada was still warm during much of the Mesozoic
(i) When the vegetation growing in swamps died, it fell
into the water and was covered by sand and silt
(sediments). Over millions of years, layers of sediments
compressed the layers of vegetation to form coal deposits.
(ii) In the shallow seas that periodically covered the
Interior Plains, the remains of tiny sea creatures and
plants fell to the sea floor and were covered by
sediments. As the sediments piled up, they were
compressed into sedimentary rock. Bacteria, heat, and
pressure from the weight of the rock changed the plant
and animal remains into oil and gas (refer to p. 323 for
further explanation of these processes).
10. a) How many glacial periods have there been during
the last two million years?
ANSWER: (p. 99) There have been at least four periods of large-scale glacial activity during the last two
million years.
b) Describe the effects that glaciers have had on the
Canadian landscape.
ANSWER: (p. 99) The ac tions of glaciers were like giant
earth-moving machines. They scraped and gouged the
land they covered. The Appalachian Mountains and the
Canadian Shield were rounded by moving ice often
more than a kilometre in thickness. As the glaciers
11. Most geologic events happen very slowly. What are
two geologic events that happen fast enough for
people to see?
ANSWER: Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happen
quickly and suddenly enough for people to see.
12. What were the main geologic events that occurred in
the area of Canada where you live? In which era did
they occur? What evidence of these events can you
ANSWER: Answers will vary according to where students
live. If students are not familiar with the features in their
immediate area, it may be appropriate to complete this
question after studying the next chapter on landform
Extension Activity 1: Folding and Faulting,
TSP blackline master pp. 130-131
In which direction is pressure being exerted? Where
does the pressure come from?
ANSWER: The stress is being exerted towards the middle
of the land area. The stress comes from slow -moving convection currents in the hot mantle beneath the earth's crust
What happens to the earth's crust as a result of this
ANSWER: The earth's crust folds into a series of ridges.
The Rocky Mountains of the Western Cordillera and the
Appalachian Mountains are fold mountains.
How are faults formed?
ANSWER: Faults are formed when stress causes rock to
move quickly. If the rock is brittle (like most of the rock on
the earth's surface) or the movement is too fast for the rock
to bend, a fracture (crack) will develop and move ment will
occur along it, producing a fault.
Examine Stages 1 and 2. What has happened?
ANSWER: In Stage 1, stresses within the earth have caused
a fracture to occur in the rock layers (sedimentary rock is
used to demonstrate faulting because the layers
make displacement easy to see) One block is displaced
vertically in relation to the other bl ock.
Imagine that you are a geologist examining the rocks
in the diagram. How could you prove that faulting has
ANSWER: A geologist could prove that faulting has
occurred by examining the rock. The sedimentary rock
layers on either side of the fault-line have been displaced
vertically with respect to one another.
Using your own words, explain how a rift valley is
ANSWER: Tensional stress may cause two faults to
develop in the earth's crust. Under continued stress the
middle portion may drop downward in relation to the land
on either side of the two faults producing a rift valley.
surface, the cooling process is faster and the crystals are
smaller. The larger the crystals, the more coarse the
texture of the rock.
Granite is an example of an intrusive igneous rock.
3. Explain how extrusive igneous rocks are formed, describe their characteristics, and give an example.
ANSWER: Lava that cools very quickly on the earth's
surface forms extrusive igneous rock. The rock may not
contain any crystals because the cooling process is so
fast. Any crystals that do form are very small. The resulting
rock has a fine texture.
Basalt is an extrusive igneous rock.
Where in Canada are igneous rocks commonly
found? ANSWER: The Canadian Shield and the Coast
Mountains in British Columbia contain large amounts of
igneous rock.
Describe the process that forms sedimentary rock.
ANSWER: Sediments are carried into oceans where they
are deposited in horizontal layers. Over millions of years
the weight of the overlying layers compresses the sedi ments into sedimentary rock.
What parts of Canada largely contain sedimentary
rocks and what minerals are found in them?
ANSWER: The Interior Plains, the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Hudson Bay-Arctic Lowlands,
and the Rocky Mountains are composed primarily of
sedimentary rocks. These rocks also form portions of the
Apalachians and Innuitian Mountains. Sedimentary rocks
may contain coal, oil, natural gas, salt and potash.
Describe how metamorphic rocks are formed.
ANSWER: Metamorphic rocks are formed when igneous
or sedimentary rocks are subjected to heat, pressure, and
certain fluids.
• Heat allows the chemical components of the rock to
recombine more easily.
• Pressure, created at great depths (such as 10 or more
kilometres) also allows the chemical components to
recombine easily.
• Fluids containing hot gases and chemical solutions
promote the recrystallization of rocks.
Extension Activity 2: The Rock Cycle, TSP
blackline master pp. 132-134
In your notebook, complete the following chart.
Igneous/Sedimentary Rock
1. Why is the geologist's knowledge of rocks important
to some companies?
ANSWER: Mining companies and oil companies seek the
advice of geologists so they know where to search for the
mineral resources they require. Only certain types of
rocks may contain the minerals they are looking for and
the geologist can identify these types of rocks and the
rock structures that may contain the minerals. Without
this guidance, companies could waste time and money
searching for minerals in the wrong place.
2. Explain how intrusive igneous rocks are formed,
describe their characteristics, and give an example.
ANSWER: When magma slowly cools deep within the
earth, large crystals develop. If it cools closer to the
4. extinctions (n.); 5. volcanic (adj.); 6. sedimentary (add.);
7 metamorphic (adj.); 8. collision In.); 9. solidified (v); 10.
glaciation (n); glacial (adj.)
B. 1 continental; 2. erode; 3. deposit; 4. extinct;
5. Volcanic; 6. sediment; 7 Metamorphic; 8. collision;
9. solidify; 10. glacial
Student Book Activity, p. 102
Fig. 11-1 shows Canada's landform regions on a map.
1. What is a landform region? Use your own words.
ANSWER: Answers will vary. The following are examples.
• A landform region is an area of land whose surface is
shaped differently from another area of land.
• A landform region has a different topography from the
land that surrounds it. For example, two areas located
beside each other may have different heights, or they
may have different types of soil or vegetation.
• A landform region is a region with a geographical
feature that makes it stand out. For example, a
mountain landform region will stand out when you
are examining a country's geography.
2. How m any landform regions are there in Canada?
ANSWER: (p. 101) There are seven landform regions in
3. Which landform region is the largest? Which one is the
ANSWER: (p. 101) The Canadian Shield is the largest landform region, and the Great Lakes-St Lawrence Lowland is
the smallest region.
4. a) In which landform region do you live?
ANSWER: Answers will vary.
b) Describe the landforms in the region in which you
ANSWER: Answers will vary.
Metamorphic Rock
Quartz sandstone
Without looking back at your notes, draw the rock
cycle. Begin with five boxes. Label each box. Draw
and label arrows between boxes to represent the
processes involved in the rock cycle.
English as a Second Language Activity, TSP
blackline master p. 135
A. 1. continental (adj.), 2. erosion (n.); 3. deposition (n.);
Student Book Questions, p. 105
1. a) What types of rock make up the platform on
which the rest of Canada is built?
ANSWER: (p. 103) Two types of rock, igneous and
metamorphic, form most of the Shield. There are also
some sedimentary rocks.
b) What is the topography of the Shield like? ANSWER:
(pp. 102, 104) Most of the Shield is relatively flat with
rounded hills of rock that are the roots of ancient
mountains. It has rocky outcrops and the soil is very thin.
The centre of the Shield is much lower than its outer
portion. This gives the Shield the appearance of a saucer
with Hudson Bay occupying the low-lying centre.
c) What geological processes created this
Canada and the World, pp. 65-66, and in the Oxford
atlas, pp. 26. A completed map for this and subsequent
activities can be found on TSP blackline master p. 153.
topography? ANSWER: (p. 95, Fig. 10-7 in previous
chapter) The geological processes that created the
topography of the Shield were volcanism, folding, and
faulting, followed by
erosion due to wind, rain, running water, glaciers, temperature changes, and chemical reactions.
Refer to the Connecting Study: Glaciation of Canada
on Student Book pp. 118—126 for further information.
2. Why is the Canadian Shield also referred to as the
Precambrian Shield?
ANSWER: (p. 103, Marginal Note) The Canadian Shield is
also called the Precambrian Shield because its rock was
formed in the Precambrian era.
3. a) Why is the Shield called Canada's storehouse of
metallic minerals?
ANSWER: (p. 103) The Shield is called Canada's storehouse of metallic minerals because it has vast deposits
of lead, gold, nickel, copper, zinc, and other important
metals. Also, diamonds have recently been discovered
where ancient volcanoes once existed.
b) Using your own words, describe how mineral
deposits form.
ANSWER: (p. 103) Minerals were present in magma
beneath the earth's crust. As magma rose to the surface,
it forced its way into cracks and cavi ties in the rock. As
magma cooled, some minerals were deposited in the
magma itself. Other deposits were formed when
minerals, dissolved in very hot water, were forced deep
into cracks in the surround rock creating veins of
concentrated minerals.
c) Why are nickel and copper often found together?
ANSWER: (p. 103) Nickel and copper are often found
together because they have similar densities. As minerals
cooled in the earth, those that had similar densities
floated to the same level.
4. Describe the effects of glaciers on:
a) the land's surface material, such as soil, rocks, and
ANSWER: (pp. 99, 104) Today, most of the Shield is covered by a thin layer of soil, and the bedrock is visible in
many places. The glaciers removed enormous amounts
of soil, clay, rock, and gravel from the Shield, and deposited them on the lowlands surrounding the Shield.
Students may refer to the Connecting Study:
Glaciation of Canada on Student Book pp. 118—125.
b) the drainage of the Shield
ANSWER: (p. 104) The scraping and gouging action of
the glaciers created depressions in the bedrock that
filled with water to form hundreds of thousands of lakes.
The glaciers also deposited sand, gravel, and clay that
dammed rivers, or forced them to flow in different
directions. The result is a disorganized drainage system of
lakes, swamps and winding rivers.
Chapter 11: Landform C o n n e c t i o n s Answers/Resource List
5. The natural beauty, the minerals, the rivers, and the
forests are the economic backbone of the Shield. How
have these resources aided in the economic development of this region?
ANSWER: Answers will vary, but the basic points are as
• Tourists find the Shield's scenic rivers, waterfalls, lakes,
and forests ideal for recreational activities. They are
attracted to the Shield for camping, sight-seeing, fishing,
and hiking activities, and spend money on such items as
food, gas, boat rental, and accommodation. These
expenditures help the local economy.
• Mining companies also spend money in the Shield as
they set up their facilities. Many towns on the Shield,
such as Sudbury, Thompson, and Yellowknife, owe their
existence to the presence of minerals. The companies
provide jobs for many people in the region, and when
people are employed, they spend money. This drives the
• The extensive forests of the Shield are used to produce
pulp and paper, and lumber. The cutting of trees and the
production of wood and paper products create thousands
of jobs on and off the Shield.
• The rivers of the Shield are the source of watergenerated energy. Hydro-electric generating stations
located on these rivers provide jobs. People live near
their jobs, and wherever they live, they need services.
For example, banks, schools, doctors offices, movie
theatres, and grocery stores are established to meet the
needs of the inhabitants. All these activities con-tribute
to the economic development of the Shield.
6. Many products that you use are made from different
kinds of raw material that are found in the Canadian
Shield. List at least five products and the raw material
from which they are made. For example, this
book is made of paper that may come from the
trees of the Shield.
ANSWER: Answers will vary. The following are examples
of numerous possible answers.
• furniture made from lumber from the trees in the Shield
• steel girders used in the construction of my school are
made from nickel mined in the Shield
• jewelry made from gold mined in the Shield
• m aple syrup from the maples trees in the Shield
• pennies made from copper mined in the Shield
Some exceptions would include aluminum products
(bauxite is mined outside of Canada although it is
processed in Canada and its products may be manufactured
here), plywood, and some lumber (from British Columbia).
7 a) On an outline map of Canada supplied by your
teacher, draw the borders of the Canadian Shield.
ANSWER: A base map can be found on TSP blackline
master p. D1 for distribution to students.
b) On your map, locate and label the major cities
(population over 100 000) on the Shield. Consult
your atlas for this information. Save this map for
another activity later in this chapter.
ANSWER: Maps of the Shield may be found in Canada
and the World: An Atlas Resource, 2nd ed.,p. 18, p. 21
and The Canadian Oxford School Atlas, 7th ed., p. 11. A
map of the major cities in the region may be found in
Chapter 11: Landform Connections Answers/Resource List
How many major cities are there?
ANSWER: There are three major cities: ChicoutimiJonquiere, Sudbury, and Thunder Bay. Their locations can
be found on the map on TSP blackline master p. 153.
Discuss the following questions in a small group:
i. Why are vast areas of the Shield sparsely
ANSWER:To follow are examples of answers
students may come up with while in discussion
• not enough soil on the Shield to produce food
and dairy products that would support a large
• distances are too great for shipping of food-stuffs
and goods necessary for everyday life
• cost of shipping goods to people would be too
• railway and road systems are not highly
developed because of thousands of lakes and
the rocky, forested terrain
• the landscape is not conducive to the building
of large-scale cities
• climate is harsh in winter
• the only w ay to reach some areas of the Shield
is by air—an expensive way to travel
• although mineral deposits and water-based
energy sources (rivers) are found in many places
on the Shield, the logistics and costs involved in
developing some of them do not make them
economically viable
ii. Could this change in the future? Explain.
ANSWER: It is unlikely that this could change in
the future because the obstacles to development
presented by the harsh climate, the great distances,
and the incredibly rough landscape are too great to
overcome. Government incentives to industry and
people, however, could encourage greater
Student Book Questions, p.110
1. How was the bedrock of the lowlands formed?
ANSWER: (p. 105) Sediments that eroded from the Shield
were laid down in shallow seas that existed at various
times million of year ago. As the rock particles collected,
the weight of the upper layers compressed the lower layers
into sedimentary rock.
2. a) How thick is the bedrock in the Interior Plains and
why is it so thick?
ANSWER: (p. 106) The bedrock in the Interior Plains is
several thousand metres thick because there were
millions of years of deposition under the water.
b) Why are the ancient coral reefs of the Interior
Plains important today?
ANSWER: (p. 106) The reefs contain much of the oil
and gas found in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
3. a) Describe the topography of the Interior Plains as you
would see it if you were driving across the region
from west to east on theTrans-Canada Highway.
ANSWER: (p. 107) If you were driving, you would
notice that you are gradually moving downhill. Once in
a while you would notice a sharp drop as you descend
an escarpment. The landscape of the interior plains is
not truly flat but composed for the most part of rolling
hills, and deep, wide, river valleys. You would see some
lakes, and many flat fields of grain.
b) Explain the major processes responsible for what
you see.
ANSWER: (p. 107) Forces of erosion have worn away
the sedimentary rock layers of the Interior Plains at
different rates because some rock is harder than
others. Different rates of erosion have caused three
different levels of elevation that slope downward from
west to east. Each level is separated by a sharp rise
called an escarpment that juts out in the landscape.
(The Alberta Plain is separated from the Saskatchewan
Plain by an escarpment and the Saskatchewan Plain is
separated from the Manitoba Lowland by another
escarpment. Each escarpment is found where the
hardness of the bedrock changes. The Manitoba
Lowland, which has the softest bedrock, is at the
lowest elevation of the three prairie levels.)
The glaciers left deposits of gravel, sand, and till
that produced the rounded, gently rolling landscape.
When the glaciers melted, the meltwater formed a
large lake over southern Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
When the land rose, most of the meltwater drained into
the ocean, but a number of lakes remain today. The
floor of this post-glacial lake was covered by sediments
which made it very flat. Deep, fertile soil developed on
these sediments. Grain fields are now grown on the
former lake bottom which is now southern Manitoba
and Saskatchewan.
4. Parts of the southern portion of the Interior Plains are
often called Canada's "breadbasket." Why?
ANSWER: (p. 107) Grain is grown on the deep fertile soil
of the southern Interior Plains. This area is often called
Canada's "breadbasket" because so much wheat is grown
there. (Wheat is made into flour which is the main
ingredient in bread.)
5. What separates the Great Lakes Lowlands from the
St. Lawrence Lowlands? Where does this occur and
what is the appearance of this area?
ANSWER: (p. 107) A thin wedge of the Canadian Shield,
called the Frontenac is, separates the two lowlands. This
wedge of ancient igneous and metamorphic rock crosses
the St. Lawrence River near Kingston, Ontario, and extends
into the United States. This area has the appearance of the
Shield–outcrops of pink granite and metamorphic rock such
as gneiss. This is in contrast to the surrounding sedimentary
rock (white limestone) of the lowlands.
Some students who are familiar with the area will also
know that the Thousand Islands are located here. The
Canadian Shield is submerged below the St. Lawrence
River and these islands are the tops of hills that form the
Shield in this area.
6. Copy the paragraph below into your notebook.
Wherever there is an asterisk (*) insert the correct
word from this list:
sedimentary, Escarpment, rift, soft, south, faults,
erosion, glaciation, Great Lakes
ANSWER: To the south of the Canadian Shield are the
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands. Like the Interior
Plains, these lowlands are underlain by sedimentary rock.
The St. Lawrence Lowlands were created when land
between two faults collapsed creating a rift valley. The
landscape of the Great Lakes Lowlands is largely the result
of glaciation. The Great Lakes were carved out by
glaciers. The Niagara Escarpment is the biggest single
feature of the lowlands.
7. a) Describe the characteristics of the Hudson Bay
and Arctic lowlands.
ANSWER: (p. 109) The Hudson Bay Lowlands are a
very flat, low area covered by swampy forest. This
region is underlain by sedimentary rocks which rests
on top of the ancient rock of the Shield.
The Arctic Lowlands are a series of islands which
have a gently rolling landscape. The climate is harsh and
the ground remains frozen most of the year. Paleozoic
sedimentary rock is the bedrock of this region.
b) What minerals are important in the Arctic
Lowlands? How did they get there?
ANSWER: (p. 109) A form of coal called lignite, oil, and
natural gas are found in the Arctic Lowlands. They
formed in the sedimentary rock which was laid down in
the swamps and ancient seas in the Paleozoic era.
8. a) Mark the three different lowland regions on the
outline map of Canada on which you drew the
ANSWER: Students should refer to Fig. 11-1.
b) Label the lowland regions on your map.
ANSWER: The different lowland regions are the
Interior Plains, the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence
Lowlands, the Hudson Bay-Arctic Lowlands.
c) On your map, label the major cities (populations
of 100 000 and over) in each region. Save your
map for another activity later in this chapter.
ANSWER: The names and locations of these cities
can be found on the map on TSP p. 153.
The major cities in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence
Lowlands are: Quebec City,Trois-Rivieres, Montreal,
Sherbrooke, Ottawa-Hull, Oshawa, Toronto, Hamilton,
St. Catharines-Niagara, Kitchener, London, and Windsor.
The major cities in the Interior Plains are: Winnipeg,
Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, and Edmonton.
There are no major cities in the Hudson Bay-Arctic
d) How many of Canada's major cities are found in
the lowlands?
ANSWER:There are 17 major cities in the lowland
e) Compare the number of major cities in the lowlands with the number found in the Canadian
Shield earlier in this chapter. Which region has
more? Why?
ANSWER: Number of major cities in the lowland
regions: 17; Number of major cities in the Shield: 3.
There are more major cities in the lowlands than in the
Shield because in the lowland regions (except for
Hudson Bay-Arctic Lowlands), the deep soil is better for
agriculture, the climate is warmer, and the flat land is
ideal for transportation routes and the development of
large cities. The southern location
of the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence Lowlands means that
the industrial heartland of the U.S. is closer. This
proximity has affected the location of Canada's industry
and therefore its major cities.
9. Examine the photographs of each of the lowland
regions (Fig. 11-5, 11-6, and 11-9). Describe the differences you see.
ANSWER: The Interior Plains are relatively flat and
unforested. The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands have a
rolling, forested landscape. Both these lowland regions
show evidence of human habitation. The Hudson Bay
Lowlands look swampy and forested, there is no evidence
of humans or agriculture.
10. a) Name the four lakes in Manitoba and the Great
Lakes which are remnants of glacial lakes.
ANSWER: Manitoba: Lakes Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Winnipegosis, and Cedar.
Great Lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and
Ontario. There are also hundreds of smaller lakes in
addition to these major lakes.
b) Why are these lakes smaller than they were in the
glacial period? Why did the lakes not disappear
ANSWER: These lakes are smaller than they were in
the glacial period because the enormous volume of
water from the melting glaciers has drained into the
ocean. The lakes did not disappear completely because
groundwater and precipitation continue to replenish the
deep basins that were gouged out by the glaciers.
jagged because erosion has not had time to reduce
them to rounded hills. They are barren because trees
cannot grow in the extremely cold temperatures of the
Arctic. Vast areas are covered by ice and permanent
b) Why has this region not been developed as much
as other regions?
ANSWER: (p. 112) The region's remote location makes
development of its resources too difficult and costly at
this time.
4. a) How were the fiords of British Columbia created?
ANSWER: (p. 115) During the last Ice Age, glaciers
occupied many valleys on the coast of British
Columbia. The glaciers eroded the valleys below sea
level. When the ice melted, these U -shaped valleys
were flooded by the sea. They became long narrow
inlets with steep towering mountains on both sides.
b) What effect do the fiords have on land transportation
along the coast?
ANSWER: (p. 115) The fiords restrict travel on land
along the coast. It is not practical to build roads on very
steep mountainsides over long distances around the
5. Explain why the West Coast of Canada has so many
ANSWER: (p. 115)The heavier Pacific plate is sinking
below (subducting under) the lighter North American plate.
The plates are moving relative to each other at speeds of
2 cm to 10 cm per year. The continuing movement of the
two plates causes earthquakes.
Student Book Questions, pp. 116-117
6. a) Mark the highland regions on the outline map of
Canada that you used for the Shield and lowlands.
ANSWER: Students should refer to Fig. 11-1.
1. Use your own words to describe how the Appalachian
Mountains were formed.
ANSWER: (p. 111) When the North American plate
collided with the Eurasian and African plates during the
formation of Pangaea 300 million years ago (during the
Paleozoic era), layers of sedimentary rock were crumpled,
folded, and forced upward along the plate boundaries.
Volcanoes created igneous and metamorphic rock in
certain areas of the mountain range.
The Appalachians were once jagged peaks, but millions of years of erosion by wind and water have reduced
them to rolling mountains and hills. Glaciers also played a
big part in the recent erosion of the Appalachians. They
ground down the peaks, and gouged out wide valleys
between the hills and mountains.
2. Why does the Appalachian region have many excellent harbours?
ANSWER: (p. 112) During the last Ice Age, the weight of
the glaciers pressed the Appalachians down. As the land
sank, and the ice melted, the small inlets along the east
coast were flooded by the sea to create long deep bays.
Today, many of these bays provide excellent harbours.
3. a) Describe the composition and appearance of the
Innuitian Mountains.
ANSWER: (p. 112) The Innuitian Mountains are formed
of layers of sedimentary rock, some igneous, and some
metamorphic rock. They contain both metallic and nonmetallic minerals. They are high and
Chapter 11 Landform Connections Answers/Resource List
Name each region.
ANSWER: The highland regions are the Appalachian
Mountains, the Innuitian Mountains, and the Western
Locate the major cities (population 100 000 and
over) in each highland region.
• Appalachians: St. John's, Halifax, and Saint John;
• Western Cordillera: Vancouver and Victoria;
• Innuitians: no major cities
d) Compare the number of major cities in these highland regions with the number in the lowlands and
the Shield. Why does this pattern exist?
ANSWER: There are five major cities (CMAs) in the
highland regions. However, these cities are located in
river valleys or coastal lowlands within the highland
regions. This number compares with three large cities in
the Shield and 17 large cities in the Lowlands.
The highlands have few major cities because there is
very little land available for large urban centres. The lack
of flat land for settlement means that the population is
comparatively small. Most settlement occurs in small
centres scattered throughout the valleys of the region.
The agricultural land needed to provide raw materials
and food for cities is also limited in such areas.
7. Examine the photo of the Appalachians (Fig. 11-10)
and the photo of the Western Cordillera (Fig. 11-12).
Which mountains are older? How can you tell?
ANSWER: The Appalachians Mountains are older. You can
tell because they are lower in height than the mountains of
the Western Cordillera, and they have rounded, rolling hills
unlike the jagged peaks of the Western Cordillera. The
Appalachians are older than the Western Cordillera
because there has been more time for the forces of
erosion to wear them down.
8. Draw a profile of the Western Cordillera according to
the following instructions.
a) On a piece of graph paper draw a horizontal line
15 cm long. Label the left end of the line
Vancouver and the right end Calgary.
b) Draw a vertical scale on the left showing eleva tions from 0 to 3500 m.The vertical scale should
be 1 cm = 700 m.
c) Put dots at the elevations and distances provided
in Fig. 11-15. Once all the dots have been placed,
join the dots.
d) Label the following features on your profile: Rocky
Mountains, Rocky Mountain Trench, Columbia
Mountains. Interior Plateaus. Coast Mountains
ANSWER: (oo. 114-115)
In your notebook, compare the three major
divisions of the Western Cordillera using an
organizer like Fig. 11-16.
Formation Process
Rock Type
sedimentary rock
containing many
fossils and
deposits of coal
• 4000 m above
sea level
• rugged and scenic
(with sharp "horns'")
folding and faulting
caused by erosion
sedimentary rock deep valley
along a zone of faults
separating the Rocky
and the Columbia
mountains: 10 km
wide, 1600 km
long, and almost
2000 m lower than
the mountains
on either side
volcanic activity
• pressure of heavier
MOUNTAINS Pacific plate sinking
below the North
American plate
causes volcanic
• massive block of
igneous and
metamorphic rock
has been uplifted
as a result of the
subduction of the.
Pacific plate
folding and faulting
sedimentary rock
with many
containing a
wide variety
of metallic
metamorphic and
igneous rock
(lava) containing
many valuable
metallic minerals
and igneous rock
• three mountain
ranges separated
by trenches
• not as high as
Rockies, but older
• 3000 m above
sea level
• series of rugged
plateaus situated
among high hills
and low mountains
• plateaus deeply
cut by major rivers
to create deep
• 1300 to 2000 m
• farming in many
of the valleys
• Coast Mountain
Range on the
separated from
Island Mountain
Range on the
offshore islands
by a deep trough
occupied by the
Pacific Ocean
What problems might exist in this region for
farming and transportation?
ANSWER: (pp. 112, 114) The Western Cordillera is, for
the most part, too mountainous, too high, too cold, and
too dry for agriculture. Glacial and river deposits have
made excellent farmland of the many deep river
valleys of the Interior Plateaus, e.g., the Okanagan
Valley. (Since many of these valleys have very dry
climates due to rain shadow conditions, agriculture can
be carried on only with irrigation.)
The Western Cordillera's mountain ranges and
deep river valleys run in a north-south direction. This
presents an obstacle to transportation because main
travel routes across the Cordillera must run in an eastwest direction. The mountains are very high and
rugged with only a few gaps low enough to allow
highways and railways to cross over. This has restricted
the number of east-west routes through the Cordillera. A
few highways and railways have been built at great
cost, and they require constant maintenance in order
to maintain the safety of travellers. In the winter, there
is danger from avalanches, and the mountain passes
are frequently closed.
9. a) Construct an organizer in your notebook similar to
Fig. 11-17. Complete the information with the help
of an atlas.
Connecting Study Questions, p. 126
Name of Highest
Height of Highest
Rocky Mountains
Mount Robson
3954 in
Coast Mountains
Mount Waddington
4016 m
St Elias Mountains
Mount Logan
5959 m
Appalachians (Quebec)
Mont Jacques-Cartier
1268 m
1. a) How does glacial ice differ from regular ice?
ANSWER: (p. 119) Glacial ice is more dense than regular ice because it is created under great pressure (it
also moves). Most glacial ice is free from human pol lution because it was formed before industrial pollution
and acid rain.
Of these mountains, which one is the highest in
ANSWER: Mount Logan is the highest mountain in
b) How does a period of glacial activity begin?
ANSWER: (p. 119) A period of glacial activity begins
when the earth's climate cools, and the snow that falls in
the winter does not completely melt in the summer. No
one is quite sure why the earth's climate cools, but some
theories suggest that it has to do with changes in the
earth's orbit around the sun, as well as changes in the
tilt of the earth's axis It could also be due to changes in
the heat output from the sun
Relate the height of the highest and lowest of
these mountains to their age.
ANSWER: Mount Logan is the youngest, and Mont
Jacques-Cartier is the oldest.
c) What causes snow to turn to glacial ice?
ANSWER: (p. 119) Over thousands of years, snow
becomes deeper, and the tremendous weight of the
snow on top causes the bottom layers to turn to ice.
10. Review the material in this chapter and discuss the
following quotation:
"Canada is an east-west country trying to survive in a
north-south continent."
ANSWER: The purpose of this question is to help students
realize that most of North America's landform regions run in
a north-south direction—Western Cordillera, Interior Plains,
Canadian Shield, Appalachians —while the transportation
links run east-west. Students should include the following
points in their discussion:
• It is easier for people on the west coast to travel to the
western United States than to eastern Canada because
the mountain ranges of the Western Cordillera present a
natural barrier to east-west travel.
• People in various regions of Canada have more in
common with Americans living directly to the south than
they do with Canadians living to the east or west. For
example, people living in the Interior Plains have more
in common with people living in the American mid-west
than they do with people living in the Western Cordillera
or the Canadian Shield.
• The Shield presents a natural barrier to Canadians
wishing to travel from east to west. It is easier for
Canadians in the east to travel west through the United
States because they avoid the long and rugged
distances of the Shield.
• Most Canadian climate regions, e.g., Maritime climate
regions, are shared with regions in the United States as
opposed to being shared with other regions within Canada.
• Most of our transportation links and major urban centres
are in the southern part of the country, close to the U.S
border. There is more trade in a north-south direction
between Canada and the United States than there is
between the provinces.
Chapter 11: Landform Connections Answers/Resource List
d) What causes alpine and continental glaciers to
ANSWER: (pp 119-120) Alpine glaciers, which form in
mountainous regions, move down valleys from high elevations (where the zone of accumulation is located) to
low elevations under the force of gravity. Continental
glaciers, move under their own weight. The weight of
snow and ice causes the glacier to spread outward from
its centre or zone of accumulation.
2. During the last Ice Age:
a) Which parts of the earth were covered by ice
ANSWER. (p. 118) During the last Ice Age, ice sheets
covered almost all of Canada and parts of the United
States, Europe, and South America
b) What happened to ocean levels? Why?
ANSWER: (p 118) The levels of the oceans fell well
below current levels because enormous volumes of
the world's water were frozen in the ice sheets.
3. "The movement of a glacier is determined by the
balance between ice accumulation and ice melt."
Consult Fig. 11-20 and draw a series of diagrams to
explain this statement.
ANSWER: (p. 120) Emphasize that glaciers move forward
when the rate of melting is slower than the rate of accumulation, become stationary when the rate of melting is
equal to the rate of accumulation, but do not actually move
backward during retreat. They get smaller when the rate of
melting is greater than the rate of accumulation.
4. What appearance does a landscape have that was
glaciated by an alpine glacier compared to one
glaciated by a continental glacier?
ANSWER: (pp. 119-120) A landscape glaciated by an
alpine glacier is mountainous, with sharp, jagged triangular
peaks or "horns" Alpine glaciers move down valleys from
high elevations to low elevations under the force of gravity,
sharpening the upper portions of the mountains and making
them very rugged in appearance. Continental glaciers give
the landscape a smoother, more rounded appearance
because they erode higher points on the land, and fill in
lower areas with the eroded material.
5. Construct an organizer in your notebook similar to
Fig. 11 -29. Complete each column. ANSWER. (pp.
Glacial Feature
How Formed
a) striations
rocks frozen in the
ice gouged out
striations (grooves)
in the bedrock under
the glacier as it
grooves in the
bedrock running
in the same
direction as the
movement of
the ice
the path of
b) spillways
huge volumes of
flowing glacial
meltwater carved
out wide valleys
deep, wide
valleys that now
may have small
rivers called
misfit streams
now the
for small,
rivers that may
be used as transportation routes
g) eskers
h) lake plains
c) till plains
huge amounts of
clay, sand, and
gravel deposited
onto the land
by ice sheets
• a gently rolling
landscape or
plain formed of
large and small
particles of clay,
sand, gravel
mixed together
• the rock
fragments have
angular or
pointed shapes
because they
have not been
rounded by
running water
very good
for growing
crops because
of deep,
• rivers flowing
within or under
melting glaciers
laid down sand
and gravel in
the river bed
• when glacier
melted, sand and
gravel was left high
and dry in a ridge
steep-sided ridge
of sand and gravel
winding across
the countryside
source of
sand and
gravel used
for the
ancient lakes of
glacial meltwater
deposited silt on
their flat bottoms
fertile, flat plains
of silt
for agriculture
ANSWER: Fig. 11-26 Hillside, Lake Alphonse by
William Goodride Roberts
a) The painting shows a hill in the Great Lakes -St.
Lawrence Lowlands. The highest elevations are treecovered (woodlot/sugarbush) and the lower slopes
are fields.
b) Continental glaciers have "bulldozed" till into hills.
Since rock is protruding from the soil, the land is
probably part of a moraine.
c) The exposed rock and scrub vegetation indicates
that it is most likely unsuitable for growing crops.
Agricultural activity would be grazing.
ANSWER: Fig. 11-27 No Grass Grows on the Beaten
Path by William Kurelek
a) The painting gives a wonderful view of a flat,
fertile, treeless plain (Interior Plains).
b) The very flat landscape and the lack of trees
indicate a portion of the Interior Plains once
occupied by a post-glacial lake.
c) The old lake bottom is very fertile because of the silt
that was deposited under the glacial meltwater and is
now used for agriculture. The woman in the painting
is taking the cows to pasture and the fields on either
side of the path seem to contain crops (possibly
ANSWER: Fig. 11-28 The Glacier by Arthur Lismer
a) This painting presents a view of rugged mountains
with an enormous alpine glacier as the "star" of the
painting. A variety of alpine glacial features (horns,
aretes, and cirques) are visible in the back-ground.
In the foreground, the alpine glacier wends its way
down a valley (creating a U-shaped valley).
b) The alpine glacier is moving down the valley from a
high elevation to a lower one by force of gravity, and
has scraped away the valley walls. This will result in
a broad U -shaped valley. The action of the glacier
has "sharpened" the upper portion of the mountains.
c) Tourists might view this landscape from an observation point, an airplane, or while on a "snowcat"
ride. Skiers might be interested in skiing on the
giacier a conditions are suitable.
6. By observing the deposited materials, how can you
tell which materials were deposited directly by a
glacier and which materials were deposited by
glacial meltwater?
ANSWER: (pp. 122— 123) Material deposited directly by a
glacier is unsorted; that is, large and small particles are all
mixed together. The rock fragments have angular or pointed
shapes because they have not been rounded by running
water. Glaciers also deposited large rocks called erratics
that stand out as isolated boulders on the landscape today.
Materials deposited by meltwater are sorted by size
with larger rock particles in one layer and smaller rock
particles in another. The materials are smooth and round
as a result o f the action of running water.
d) moraines
ice sheets
deposited ridges
of till along
their edges
hills with thin
soil and swamps
suited for
grazing and
they are not
very good for
growing crops
e) drumlins
molded by the
movement of a
glacier— geographers think that these
hills form when
glaciers move over
previously deposited
material and
reshape it
egg-shaped hills
(as seen from
above) with a
steep side on
the wide end
and a gentle
slope on the
other that
usually occur
in clusters
called drumlin
• usually
good for
because the
soil is deep
and welldrained
• help geographers determine
path of glaciers.
steep side faces
direction from
which ice came
f) erratics
large rocks picked
up by ices sheets
and often carried
hundreds of
kilometres before
being deposited
on the land
• large rocks
resting on the land
• rocks are
often identifiable
because they are
different from the
bedrock of the
region in which
they were
tells scienfists from
which region
the glacier
moved, particularly if it is
different from
the bedrock
on which
it rests
7. Each of the paintings (Fig. 11- 25 to 11-28) depicts a
landscape that is the result of glaciation. Analyze
each painting using the following questions as a
a ) Describe the physical appearance of the landscape
the artist is portraying.
b ) Explain the glacial processes that created this
landscape. What evidence is visible to support
your explanation?
c ) What economic activities could this glaciated
landscape be used for?
ANSWER: Fig. 11 -25 White Pine by A. J. Casson
a ) There are lakes and low mountains in this painting.
The landscape is rugged, there are coniferous
trees, and the bedrock of the Shield is visible in the
shape of rocky outcrops.
b) The continental glaciers gouged out the lakes and
removed the topsoil. Although not visible in the
painting, the bedrock is probably striated. Glaciers
have helped to erode the Shield to low, rounded hills.
c) The part of the Shield shown in this painting would
be excellent for recreational activities. Fishing,
camp ing, boating, hiking, and swimming could be
carried on here in the summer, and perhaps icefishing, snowmobiling, and cross-country and
downhill skiing in the winter. Some mining and
forestry may take place in the hills in the background. Trappers may make a living from their traplines set in the lakes of the Shield, and deer- and
bear-hunting might take place here. Hydro-electric
power stations may use the water to generate
8. In Fig. 11-23, there are some glacial features that have
not been discussed. Based on your examination of the
diagrams, how were the following features formed and
what is their appearance:
a) spillway
ANSWER: A spillway was carved out of the landscape
by huge volumes of glacial meltwater. It is a deep, wide
valley with a small misfit stream running along the
b) kettle lakes
ANSWER: Kettle lakes were formed when large
chunks of ice became imbedded in glacial debris.
When these chunks of ice melted, the hole filled
with water creating a kettle lake.
c) shorelines (from glacial lakes)
ANSWER: Glacial meltwater often created a lake.
Around the edges of the lake, wave action created
shoreline features. When the lakes dried up, the
shoreline features remain on the land (see Fig. 11-7 on
Student Book p. 108 for an example of an old glacial
shoreline in the Toronto area).
Chapter 11: Landform Connections Answers/Resource List
9. a) Is the use of paintings an effective way to study
geography? Why?
ANSWER: Students may differ in their opinions about
the use of paintings. It is hoped, however, that they will
see it as another medium for learning about the world
around them.
Paintings are an effective way to study geography.
They allow viewers to see a landscape they might
never have the opportunity to visit. The artist often
forces viewers to focus on one outstanding feature of
the landscape that they may have previously taken for
granted. A painting can inspire awe, wonder, and
respect for the natural world. A painting can illustrate
the climate, the economic activities, the unique geological features, the soil and vegetation, the features
shaped by humans, and the way of life in a particular
landform or region. A marvelous painting can teach the
beauty and diversity of Canada.
On the other hand, the artist may reduce the details
to focus on a major feature. Paintings may present an
abstract view which stresses an image or emotion over
reality so that one may obtain a false impression of the
true appearance of the region.
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of
this approach compared to other methods of
presenting geographic information?
ANSWER: If students see more advantages than
disadvantages, you may wish to incorporate paintings at other places in the course. In addition, the
use of songs, poetry, novels, and short stories will
add another dimension to your course.
• You can see, in a most pleasant way, the geological
features or topography of a landform region in one
quick viewing.
• The beauty in the painting may spur you on to learn
more about the subject.
• You may make up your mind to visit the region you
have seen in the painting.
• You may be inspired to take steps to preserve the
natural beauty portrayed in the painting.
• You may feel the painter's love and respect for the
landscape because of his/her sensitive, perceptive,
interpretation of the scene.
• You may not learn the geological history of the land
form by looking at the painting.
• Although you may inspect the painting very closely,
you may not understand the processes which formed
the landscape.
•The artist's personal view of the scene may be biased
in some way, and may not present the truth about
the landscape.
English as a Second Language Activity, TSP
blackline master p. 152
1. The floor of this lake is covered by sediments. 2. Agricultural products from this region are used in Canada and
overseas. 3. The Paleozoic bedrock can be seen in several
escarpments. 4. The Niagara Escarpment was formed by
differential erosion. 5. The landscape is characterized by flat
plains with glacial hills and deep river valleys. 6. The Rocky
Mountains are formed of folded and faulted sedimentary
rocks. 7 The area is composed of metamorphic and
ground as rain, or as snow if the temperature is below
0°C. As cool air descends on the leeward slope of a
mountain, it contracts and becomes warmer. Since more
evaporation than condensation takes place, precipitation
and cloud formation decrease. The result is a dry climate
or rain shadow on the leeward slope.
Student Book Questions, pp. 139-140
1. a) Explain the difference between weather and
ANSWER: (p. 127) Weather is the day -to-day expres sions of atmospheric conditions such as temperature,
precipi tation, humidity, wind speed and direction, cloud
cover, and air pressure. Climate is the long-term pattern
of these atmospheric conditions.
b) Give three examples of how each affects our lives.
ANSWER: Answers will vary. Student answers should
include bot h positive and negative effects, as demon strated in the following examples:
Weather: 1) the wind speed and direction on the lake
was perfect for your sailing lesson nearly every day at
camp; 2) the temperature in your upstairs bedroom
was so high during y our exams in June that you had to
sleep on an uncomfortable pull -out couch in the
basement; 3) a thunderstorm over the airport prevented
you from taking your first flying lesson.
Climate: 1) a sunny climate necessitates the use of
sunscreen on a daily basis ; 2) if you live in a cold climate with a short growing season, you pay more for
vegetables because they have to be imported from a
warmer climate; 3) if you live in a foggy climate, your
town needs special street lamps that cut through the
fog at night.
2 . Examine Fig. 12 -3 and describe the effect of latitude
on climate.
ANSWER: (p. 129) Latitude (the distance from the equator)
is a key factor in determining whether a region's climate is
hot or cold. The climate is warmer in regions closer to the
equator because the curvature of the earth causes the
energy to be concentrated over a smaller area. It is colder
in regions farther north because the curvature of the earth
causes the same amount of energy to spread over a larger
3 . "Bodies of wate r have a moderating effect on land
temperatures." Explain how this is accomplished.
ANSWER: (p. 131) Bodies of water heat up and cool down
more slowly than land masses. In summer, a lake remains
cooler than the land surrounding it. Winds blowing across
the water keep the countryside cooler than an area without a
lake. In winter, the lake gives up its heat more slowly than
the land because it retains the heat, therefore winds
blowing across it will warm the surrounding countryside.
4. a) How do ocean currents affect climate?
ANSWER: (p. 132)The temperature of an ocean current
affects the temperature of air that passes over it. If the
current is cold, it cools the air of coastal areas. If the
current is warm, it heats the air. Cold air causes a harsh
climate; warm air causes a mild climate.
b) The meeting of the cold Labrador Current and the
warm Gulf Stream create special weather
conditions. What are these conditions and how do
they affect ships?
ANSWER: (p. 132) The Labrador Current cools the air
of coastal locations in Labrador and northern
Newfoundland. The Gulf Stream warms the air of
coastal locations in Nova Scotia and southern
Newfoundland. Where the air above the two currents
meets on the Grand Banks, the weather is often damp
and foggy. When visibility is low, ships must take
special precautions to avoid collisions.
5 . How do prevailing winds affect the movement of air
ANSWER: (p. 133) Prevailing winds move air masses in the
direction they blow. For example, the prevailing westerlies
move air masses from west to east.
6 . How does the polar - front jet stream affect the
movement of air masses?
ANSWER: (p. 134) The polar-front jet stream is a current of
fast-moving air that is located high in the atmosphere above
the boundary between cold, dry polar air, and warm, moist
tropical air. It changes speed and position with the
seasons. In winter, it moves southward, allowing cold Arctic
air masses to flow farther south into the United States. In
summer, it moves northward, allowing warm air masses
from the Gulf of Mexico to flow farther north into Canada's
7 . What are the two key points that help us understand
why precipitation occurs?
ANSWER: (p. 134) Precipitation occurs because 1) air cools
as it rises, and 2) as air cools, water vapour condenses
more than it evaporates.
8 . What three conditions cause air to rise?
ANSWER: (p. 135) Air rises: 1) to cross an area of high ele vation; 2) because it has absorbed heat from the earth's
surface; and 3) because there is a cooler denser air mass
flowing beneath it that forces it up.
9 . Explain what happens to the temperature and moisture
content of air as it passes over a mountain.
ANSWER: (p. 135) As air rises up the windward slope of a
mountain, the pressure on the air decreases and causes it
to expand and cool. As the air cools, the rate of water
evaporation decreases and the rate of water condensation
increases. The result is an increase in the number of water
droplets in the air. When the drops are too heavy to remain
suspended in the atmosphere, they fall to the
_Chapter 12: Climate C o n n e c t i o n s Answers/Resource List
10. a) Explain, in your own words, and with the help of
diagrams how convectional precipitation occurs.
ANSWER: (pp. 136-137) Answers will vary. However,
the following main points should be included in
student answers:
• The sun heats the ground, causing the air above it
to rise, creating updrafts (particularly by late
afternoon or evening in summer).
• The rising air expands and cools, and the water
vapour in it condenses to form tiny drops that
make up the clouds.
• As more water vapour condenses, the water
droplets become larger.
• The weight of the water droplets causes them to
fall to the ground as rain.
• As raindrops fall to the ground they cool the air and
drag some of it downward, creating downdrafts
which we experience as strong gusts of wind just
before and during the storm.
• Eventually the cooling effect of the rain on the
ground stops more updrafts from forming and the
precipitation-forming process stops.
b) Why are some convectional storms so dangerous?
ANSWER: (p. 137) Convectional storms may be dangerous because of lightning, heavy rainfall, hail (frozen
water droplets), microbursts (very powerful, localized
gusts of wind), or even tornadoes. They often cause
damage to property or crops.
11. Copy Fig. 12-16 into your notebook and complete it
using the information in Fig. 12-7.
Where Formed
continental Arctic
over land and
frozen water in
Canada's Arctic
very cold and dry
maritime Tropical
over water in
tropical regions
of the Pacific Ocean,
the Gulf of Mexico
and the Caribbean
wet and warm
maritime Polar
over water in regions
located between
55°N and 66°N
wet and cool
continental Tropical
over land in tropical
dry and hot
12. Using the information in Fig. 12-4, calculate the
temperature of air as it rises up a mountainside in
the following example:
Chapter 12: Climate Connections Answers/Resource List
a) Mount Garibaldi, north of Vancouver, is 2700 m
high. The temperature at the waterfront in
Vancouver is 24°C. What will be the temperature
of the air at the mountain top, if condensation
starts at 1200 m?
ANSWER: (p. 130)
Step 1. How far will the air rise before condensation
1200m - 0m=1200m
Step 2. How much will the temperature drop in this
distance? Rate of cooling is 1C°/100 m. Therefore,
temperature will drop
(1200/100) x 1C° = 12C°
Step 3. How far will the air mass rise after condensation begins?
2700m -1200 m=1500m
Step 4. How much will the temperature drop in this
Rate of cooling when evaporation occurs is
0.6C°/100 m.
(1500/100) x 0.6C° = 9C°
Step 5. What will the temperature be at the top of
Mount Garibaldi?
24°C - (12C° + 9C°) = 3°C
13. The Labrador Current brings icebergs southward from
Arctic regions to the waters near Newfoundland. This
area of the Atlantic Ocean is called "iceberg alley."
a) What famous marine disaster occurred in 1912 as
a result of these icebergs?
ANSWER: The "unsinkable" ocean liner Titanic sank on
its maiden voyage on April 15,1 912, after colliding with
an iceberg approximately 700 km southeast of
Newfoundland. Of the estimated 2,227 persons on
board, only 705 survived. A radio telegrapher on Signal
Hill in St. John's, Newfoundland, picked up the Titanic's
distress signals and recorded them in his notebook.
Many of the victims are buried in three cemeteries
in Halifax. The largest number of grave sites are in the
Fairview Cemetery. The Maritime Museum of the
Atlantic in Halifax has a number of artifacts and
wreckage from the Titanic. A small Titanic exhibit is
also located in Yarmouth, including the nameplate of
the Samson. This ship is believed to be the one that
ignored the distress signals from the Titanic.
b) What effect might this current have on the oil
exploration and development that is occurring
off the East Coast of Canada?
ANSWER: The icebergs carried by the Labrador
Current constitute a danger to the drilling platforms off
the east coast of Canada, to the supply ships, and to
the shuttle tankers that transport the crude oil to the
mainland. The oil exploration companies have taken
enormous care in designing their drilling plat-forms to
withstand a hit from an iceberg. See the Connecting
Study: Offshore Oil: Hibernia on Student Book pp.
337–343 for more information on how this giant oil
drilling platform has been designed to with-stand a
collision with a large iceberg.
14. A cyclonic storm is approaching the area where you
live. Using the information in Fig. 12-15 and the headings in Fig. 12-17, compare the weather conditions you
will experience as the storm passes over you.
b) Now, see where each climate station is located in
Fig. 12 -21.
warm front
Sky Cover
Precipitation Wind
At warm
changing from
cool to warm
warm to hot
mixture of
not as likely
sun and clouds
At cold
changing from
warm to cold
southerly to
After cold
clear skies
not likely
easterly to
Construct a chart similar to Fig. 12 -18 to compare the
climate characteristics of the eight climate sta tions
in Fig. 12 -20. A climate station is any place where
climate information is gathered.
a) Complete columns 1 to 5 using the information in
the climate graphs on p. 142 and in Fig. 12 -19.
of Max.
o r Maritime
a) In which climate region do you live?
b) Describe the climate of this region.
ANSWER: Answers will vary. Students will find the
information in Fig. 12 -21 helpful in formulating their
Student Book Activity , p. 140
Student Book Questions, p. 143
Toronto averages about 24 thunderstorms per year
whereas Vancouver only has about 4. Why does
Toronto experience so many more thunderstorms
than Vancouver?
ANSWER: Vancouver is subject to relief precipitation
because it is located on the Pacific coast at the base of
the Coast Range. Warm, moist air coming off the Pacific
Ocean meets the mountain barrier of the Coastal Range,
and is forced to rise. As the air rises and cools, the water
vapour condenses and falls to the ground as rain The
moderating effect of the ocean keeps the land from
heating up to extremely high temperatures.
Toronto, on the other hand, is subject to convectional
precipitation since it has a continental location in southern
Ontario. This region is subject to intense heating during
spring and summer days. As air rises and cools over the
course of a long summer day, huge storm clouds develop.
The rain falls to the ground in violent downpours. As it falls,
it cools the air, and drags it downwards, creating strong
downdrafts. The downdrafts of cool air create great gusts
of winds that are typical of summer thunderstorms.
3. a) Using the same headings as in Fig. 12 -18,
determine the values for each climate station in
Fig. 12 -22.
1229 mm
679 mm
873 mm
497 mm
140 mm
105 mm
819 mm
430 mm
267 mm
156 mm
364 mm
272 mm
615 mm
325 mm
9 9°C
1167 mm
846 mm
of Max.
or Maritime
Station A
2.1 °C
466 mm
359 mm
Station B
5 0°C
1229 mm
679 mm
b) In which climate region is each climate station
located? Explain how you reached your decision.
ANSWER: By taking three of the following four points
into consideration, students may conclude that Station
A (Edmonton) has a continental climate and is located
in the Prairie region. Station B (Moncton) has a
maritime climate and is located in the Atlantic
Maritime region. (The anomaly that exists with rega rd
to both temperature ranges being more than 25C° may
be partially explained by Moncton's inland location and
the Westerlies which bring continental weather
conditions at various times.)
A continental climate is often a cooler
climate than a maritime climate. Since Station A has
a cooler average temperature of 2.1 °C , it probably
has a continental location. Since Station B has a
warmer average temperature of 5°C, it probably has
a maritime location.
A temperature range of more than 25C°
indicates a continental climate. A temperature range
of less than 25C° indicates a maritime climate. Both
stations have a temperature range of more than
25C°. This indicates that both stations may have a
continental climate.
A location with less than 1000 mm a year,
has a continental climate; a location with more than 1000 mm
a year has a maritime climate. Since Station A
(with 466 mm) has less than 1000 mm of precipitation a year, it has a continental c limate. Since
Station B (with 1229 mm) has more than 1000 mm
of precipitation a year, it has a maritime climate.
If a location shows a higher summer
precipitation than winter maximum precipitation, it
has a continental climate. If a location shows a
higher winter maximum precipitation than summer
maximum precipitation, it has a maritime climate.
Station As maximum precipitation occurs in summer
with 359 mm vs. 107 mm in winter; it therefore has
a continental climate. Station B's maximum precipitation is in winter with 679 mm vs. 550 mm in
summer; it therefore has a maritime climate.
Students have probably deduced that Station B has a
maritime climate, and that since it has a minimum
temperature below 0°C, it is located on the east coast
(see Student Book p. 141, Fig. 12 -19, Significance #2).
There is, however, one more point to consider that will
confirm Station B's location on the east coast. If there
is a large difference between a location's summer and
winter precipitation, then the location is on the west
coast. If the difference is slight, then the lo -cation is
on the east coast. Since the difference between the
summer and winter values of Station B is slight at 109
mm (659 mm-550 mm), students may conclude that
Station B is on the east coast.
4. Examine the climate regions map (Fig. 12 -21). What
similarities and differences exist between i. the
Bpreal and the Prairie climate regions? ANS WER:
Students must refer to the climate graph (Fig. 12-20)
of the city located in each climate region shown in Fig.
12 -21. They might find it easier to note the similarities
and differences in a table like Fig. 12-18.
• a cool
away from the
effect of water
• range is
larger than
873 mm
(497 mm)
• less
1000 mm
but considerably
more than
the Prairie
• a cool
away from the
119°C- (18°C)1
• range is
larger than
364 mm
• less
1000 mm
of Max.
or M a r i t i m e
• covers
more of
area than
the Prairie
• shows
more vanability in
Summer Continental
(272 mm) • covers
less of
area than
effect of water
but con siderably
less than
the Boreal
the Boreal
• shows
more consistency in
ii. the Atlantic and Southeastern climate regions?
of Max.
• region has
some moder ating effect
of the ocean
• range is
larger than
1229 mm
• more
1000 mm
1679 mm) • coastal
gives it
• has slight
effect of
Lake Ontario
• range is
larger than
819 mm
• less
1000 mm
Summer Continental
(430 mm) • more
gives it
N. B.)
South eastern
or Maritime
If you could live in any one of Canada's
climate regions,which one would you choose? Explain
your choice. Compare your choice and reasons with two
other classmates.
ANSWER: Answer will vary. Have students use the information in Fig. 12 -20 to make their choices.
You may wish to review the following summaries of
Canada's climate regions with your students to assist
them in making a decision.
Pacific Maritime Region
This is a maritime climate, where the moderating effect of
the Pacif ic Ocean keeps most coastal locations above
freezing during winter, and cool during summer. Relief pre cipitation along the coast is very high, especially in winter
when the polar-front jet stream moves southward allowing
moist Pacific winds to reach this area. Many people find
this moderate climate attractive, and move to the west
coast to escape the harsh winters of the Canadian interior.
Cordilleran Climate Region
This area of many different climates extends from southern
British Columbia to the northern Yukon. Locations only a
few kilometres apart may have very different temperature
and precipitation patterns. West-facing windward slopes
receive a great deal of relief precipitation while leeward
slopes and interior valleys are very dry because of rains hadow conditions. Southern locations are milder than
those in the north, and areas with lower elevations are milder than those with higher elevations.
Prairie Climate Region
In the heart of the country , the Prairie region is a conti nental climate. In winter, cold, dry, polar air
blankets the land, and in summer, the air is warm and dry. This results in a wide, large annual
temperature range: winters are very cold and summers are very hot. It is quite dry in this region
because it is in the rainshadow of the Western Cordillera. Cyclonic storms bring moisture throughout
the year, but most rainfall occurs in the summer from convectional precipitation.
Boreal Climate Region
This has a continental climate, w here winters are cold and summers are warm. Throughout the year,
precipitation results from cyclonic storms. In the summer, convectional precipitation also occurs when
the land heats up.
Taiga Climate Region
The Taiga region has cold winters, which may last more than six months, and short, cool summers.
Precipitation occurs mainly in the summer from convectional precipitation. A small amount of winter
precipitation is the result of cyclonic storms.
Arctic Climate Region
The Arctic region has a very harsh climate; summer is very short, cool and in the most northerly
locations, winter lasts as long as ten months. It is really a cold desert, receiving less than 350 mm of
precipitation each year. Precipitation is low because the Arctic Ocean and other bodies of water are
frozen for most of the year, and there is very little evaporation.
Southeastern Climate Region
This area has both continental and maritime characteristics although most of the region has a continental
climate, with a wide range of temperatures. Maritime climate conditions are evident in areas near the
Great Lakes and the Atlantic
Ocean. Cyclonic precipitation occurs all year in the Southeastern climate region. The prevailing winds
bring storms from the west and storms from the south move up from the Gulf of Mexico. The slight
summer maximum is due to convectional precipitation.
Atlantic Maritime Climate Region
The Atlantic climate region has a maritime climate where the Atlantic Ocean moderates the
temperatures, so the winters are not as cold, nor the summers as hot as continental locations. The
prevailing westerlies bring cyclonic storms throughout the year. Some parts of this region receive as
much precipitation as parts of the Pacific Maritime climate region.